#Code Lyoko Season One Sentence Starters
Code Lyoko Season One Sentence Starters
Code Lyoko was a show made in the early 2000s about a group of kids in boarding school who fight in a virtual world called Lyoko against an evil computer program called X.A.N.A. As a result of it’s unique nature, it has a lot of lines that can be taken and used in nearly every context, ranging from muses with or without powers, to muses that don’t really have any special abilities at all! As always, pronouns can be changed as needed.
"___ you've gotta get up!"
"I just had a vision!"
"I heard him!"
"I'll go and help her..."
"Come on, ___, take a look at yourself! The shape you're in, it'd be crazy..."
"Come on, have one. Candy can fix anything even a broken heart."
"Well, feeling better?"
"Hey! No, no, no, no, lie down now, ya hear? Please, you need to rest!"
"Are you sure she wasn't hit by a laser?"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired."
"Hey listen, you know, we've got more important things to do. Like eating. For example."
"I gotta go and check it out."
"Hey, do I smell fish, or cheap perfume?"
"Get together with you? Very tempting but... NOT."
"Why don't you go out with her, she's very pretty!"
"Miss _____, come to my office right now!"
"That thing wasn't there before..."
"There's something troubling you, ____..."
"___ I'm here to help you, that's part of my job."
"You think ____'s behind this?"
"Wait, who was the last one to leave the room?"
"Uh oh. We've got company!"
"You're not jealous, are you ____?"
"Let's go, if we run, it'll warm you up!"
"I don't get this at all, why did he leave us alone when he could have just as easily..."
"Stop! I created you! You have to obey me!"
"Well for your information, we're not exactly having a teaparty here!"
"Oh no, I'm out of arrows!"
"I have faith in you, ____"
"____'s right, this is serious."
"___, it's... game over for me...."
"Darn it, I'm so useless!"
"___ we found her!!"
"You always pick the wrong time, huh?"
"What's the big problem? You mess up on the test, and everyone will think youre a big moron."
"She's here! Only problem is that she's not alone!"
"___ watch out!"
"Start that rumor again, and even your dog won't recognize you!"
"You said in the letter that you had certain feelings for me, and... I wanted you to know that... that I feel the same thing for you..."
"But I never sent any letter, ___."
"We're trapped!"
"Your thing stopped, how come?!"
"...Battery's dead."
"What's wrong with your dog?!"
"Shhh... they're here."
"No, I'll never make it!!"
"What does he see in her?"
"I'm gonna beat you to the elevator!!"
"I can't seem to move my arm..."
"I was lucky, I'm okay... but not her, she's out cold..."
"I uh, I just remembered I have a slight fear of heights?"
"Just hang tight and don't look down."
"The elevator broke down, we're stuck down in the shaft."
"I think I broke my arm..."
"Up here, hurry!"
"Let's say I'm... trying to cope."
"The water's rising, and ___ can't swim with a broken arm."
"I'm too weak to go..."
"And call for help, please hurry!!"
"Okay guys, it's getting late, I've gotta head home."
"Oh, ___ say something!!"
"There's electricity everywhere, we're trying to break a window to get out."
"What is this?! I just cut all the power!"
"I'm getting contradictory signals..."
"I've gotta get out!!"
"And nano technology can't do a thing about stupidity! Poor ___ what a shame!"
"___ passed out!"
"Who are you, huh?! Leave me alone, creep!"
"Don't worry, he just wants to play hide and seek, playful little beast."
"Look, I can't remember anything but I know I have something important to do here. Tell me what it is."
"What is this place?! What are we here for?!"
"To fight of course!"
"If only I'd stayed with him last night, this wouldn't have happened..."
"I'm staying with him!!"
"That is not the right way to help him!"
"What?! You're completely out of your mind!"
"___ you mind if we don't see a lot of each other for... a month?"
"Okay, it's up to you now, bring back ____!"
"Why couldn't he have just told us the reason?!"
"And besides, you've got me, don't you?!"
"Sorry to be so familiar with you, ____."
"___, whatever you do, don't leave the building."
"Hang in there, ___, we're almost there!"
"No, not now! Concentrate! Give us just a few more seconds!"
"I can't do it, ___, I'm sorry..."
"As soon as you're finished crying, just let me know."
"Goodbye, ___. I'm proud of you. Really, I am...."
"I don't believe it, does she have a thing for me?!"
"Aw forget it, I'm not gonna defend myself to you, ciao!"
"Yeah right, ciao, that's all you can think to say?"
"It's okay, I got you..."
"Ready for a big thrill session?"
"Wrong, insurance or not, stealing's a crime!"
"Hey! Get me out of here! Get me out it here!!"
"Help me!! I don't wanna die!!"
"This is weird, I don't believe it... ___'s gone too..."
"Think about it, please! The smallest clue could prove to be a great help, you ___ are always together!"
"That is so dumb! I'll have you know that yellow is the in color this year!!"
"But I didn't say anything that time!"
"___, can you hear me?"
"Of course not, that'd be too easy."
"Soon, I won't have anymore obstacles..."
"I only hope it's not too late!"
"___, you're right, it's a trap!"
“Hey, it’s not a crime!”
“One of these days, I’m gonna find out what the __ of you are hiding!”
“If he keeps playing detective, he’s gonna find our secret passage.”
“I can’t say I’m proud of what I did, but it was for a good cause!”
“It works! It works!!”
“He knows the end is near, and he’s not going down without a fight!”
“Oh you miserable little brat!!”
“Ow my ankle!” 
“This time your paranoia’s caused an accident!”
“I deserve to get fired...”
“Anyway... I deserve to get fired...”
“Well, what do you know?”
“Who would have believed it?”
“She’s here at last...”
“Welcome to Earth...”
“Obviously, ___ you don’t know the first thing about girls. Acting frail and helpless will work every time.”
“Do you mind if I examine you?”
“Don’t tell me you understand all that...”
“It’s wonderful to be alive!”
“And it’s thanks to you that I’m here...”
“So do you have any idea of how to get rid of this miserable virus?”
“She would have slept all fay if I hadn’t shaken her a little...”
“Well, uh, a pair of prime numbers that are, uh, two numbers that are both the same!”
“Well, can one of you give us a less hairbrained answer?”
“I’ll handle him. Get going!”
“What would you do without me?”
“Okay, let’s show them what we can do!”
“Take that you miserable little monster!”
“That’s a risk we’ve got to take.”
“I’m off! I’ll be a lot more useful there!”
“I miss the real world already!” 
“Say your prayers!”
“Hey you creeps! Over here!”
“You know we would never let you go it alone...”
“Leave those kids alone!”
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