#CoBRA Commando Missing
vilaspatelvlogs · 3 years
बीजापुर मुठभेड़ के बाद कब्जे में जवान: आखिर क्या चाहते हैं नक्सली?, 22 जवानों को शहीद कर सरकार को दे रहे बातचीत का न्यौता; 6 पॉइंट में जानिए सबकुछ
बीजापुर मुठभेड़ के बाद कब्जे में जवान: आखिर क्या चाहते हैं नक्सली?, 22 जवानों को शहीद कर सरकार को दे रहे बातचीत का न्यौता; 6 पॉइंट में जानिए सबकुछ
Hindi News National Chhattisgarh Bijapur Naxal Attack Encounter । Missing CRPF Jawan Rakeshwar Singh Manhas । CoBRA Commando Missing । Twenty Two Security Personnel Were Killed Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप रायपुर21 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक नक्सलियों का दावा है कि यह हथियार और कारतूस उन लोगों ने बीजापुर में मुठभेड़ के बाद शहीद जवानों के लूटे हैं। छत्तीसगढ़ के…
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Performance Portfolio: Sylvester Stallone
The 1980s were a time full of what can best be described as ‘over-machismo’.  Actors like  Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Carl Weathers, Kurt Russell, Harrison Ford, Charles Bronson, Mel Gibson, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren took center stage in blow-out, blow-up, shoot-’em-all movies that typically ran on very little story and a lot of action, with heroes that shot, punched, or kicked their way through problems in American cinema.  Films like Commando and Die Hard ruled the box-office and pop-culture, as these hyper-action-packed popcorn flicks demonstrated to an entire generation what the 1980s version of the action hero looked like: tough, stoic, practical, muscular, usually armed, and always dangerous.
These characters: the John Matrixes, the Snake Plisskens, etc., were all instantly iconic and emblematic of this era, all coming together in competition against each other, trying to make the biggest and baddest action hero of them all in the midst of a decade that liked their stories big, and their heroes bigger.
And weirdly enough, some of the best remembered heroes in these stories weren’t played by six-foot-two-or-better muscle-men.  Some of them were played by a 5’10ish, marble-mouth actor, producer, director, and screenwriter from New York City.
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Some of them were played by Sylvester Stallone.
The name Sylvester Stallone is instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with the period of film that ran from the ‘70s through the ‘90s, commonly associated with the particular kind of macho movies described above, an icon of Hollywood acton-heroism and one of the most well-known action-heroes ever (alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger), and for good reason.  It’s certainly true that some of his characters fall into the type of action-heroes that were adored by a public that couldn’t get enough of big explosions and one-liners, there were plenty of other characters that didn’t quite fit that mold, including his two best-known and most-beloved characters of all: Rocky Balboa, the underdog boxer, and John Rambo, a brave, broken soldier coming to terms with his identity after the brutal Vietnam war.
From the 1970s to the 1990s, Stallone reigned supreme in the box office, starring in thought-provoking dramas like Rocky as well as over-the-top (pun intended) films like Cobra and Demolition Man, and while his career isn’t over by any means, it’s safe to say that his most archetypal films fall into these decades.  From First Blood to Cobra, these films display the full range of Sylvester Stallone’s skills and performances for nearly thirty years.
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And we’re going to take a look at them.
In the articles ahead, we’re going to be going through a Performance Portfolio, if you will: a selection of Sylvester Stallone’s films with an analysis, not of the movie itself, but of specifically Stallone’s performance within the individual film.  From John Rambo and Rocky Balboa to Lincoln Hawk and John Spartan, we’ll be taking a look at an overview of Stallone’s roles, movies, tropes and trends, ranging from legendary to obscure, in order to decide the answer to a few questions:
Was Stallone worthy of his place among one of the most iconic actors of that time period?  Was he a good actor, or merely muscle who lucked into a few great roles and films?  Were his films more hits than misses, or did his career form a pattern of a few lucky smashes, interspersed with less fortunate ventures?
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In the end, was Stallone a successful underdog who made it to the top?
That’s what we’re going to be looking at in the articles ahead.  Stay tuned, and thanks so much for reading.  I hope to see you in the next article.
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Goodbye Kiss
This continues my series of missed moments from the Star Wars comics that you can find here for this story I recommend reading the others first because now I’m starting to get into a bit of a running storyline. 
@otterandterrier​ continues to be a great beta and source of support and inspiration ❤️
After Vader Down which is Darth Vader (2015) #13-15 and Star Wars (2015) #13-14. The gist of the story is that Vader crash lands near a rebel base. Luke is lost in the area. Han is going after Luke and is frustrated that Leia cares so much more about killing Vader than she does about saving Luke. They apprehend Dr. Aphra (a dangerous associate of Vaders) and take her prisoner. 
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“Are you gonna tell us where these coordinates lead or is this another fun surprise?” Han asked Leia as they entered hyperspace. 
“Just going to meet up with the fleet, Han. I need to talk to Sana about another mission, she should be cleared or nearly cleared by the time we get back.”
“Sana?!” Han swiveled to look at her but she wouldn’t meet his eyes. It had been like that for a couple weeks, ever since their short but very passionate kiss aboard the Falcon. At first Leia had avoided him like the plague and he’d let her get away with it for the first few days, but it had become tiring. He wanted to see her, even if it meant fighting. 
And they did fight then, a lot. In just a couple weeks, people knew enough to turn tail if the two of them were seen in deep conversation because they knew an explosion was coming. 
“I’m going to have her help me transport Aphra to prison.” 
Luke got up from his seat slowly, not wanting to become a target in the coming argument, and took the armless Threepio with him. 
“Why would you want Sana for that? Or even trust her for that? I’ll take you.” Han pronounced the last part as if he was giving an order and Leia’s head snapped up. 
“I am giving Sana this job for your sake, Han. To pay off your debt. If I didn’t hire her for—” 
“My debt?! Are you kidding me! Sana has stolen from me plenty of times, over the years it’s evened out. She’ll get over it.”
“I also think she could be useful to the cause.”
Han snorted and gently hit a silent Chewie on the shoulder as if to say, Isn’t she crazy?, Chewie, refusing to be dragged in, remained silent in his work. 
“Listen, sweetheart, Sana is not going to be helpful to the cause. She doesn’t believe in anything or care for anyone.”
“Just like you, right? These are the kind of speeches I’m used to hearing you spout off about yourself, but now it sounds like you're worried.”
Han stood up sharply to refute her but she spoke first. “It’s nice to know you care, Han, but I think I can handle myself.”
“I never said I cared, just don’t come cryin’ to me when she stabs you in the back!”
“Fine, I won’t.”
“Yes.” Leia stomped out of the cabin before Han could think of another last word. 
He slumped down in the pilots’ seat and shook his head. 
”The two of you should talk about what’s really going on.” 
“Oh well, if it’s that easy…” Han didn’t have enough energy to throw the sarcasm behind that comment like he wanted to and instead, he sighed. 
“She’s right, kissing her was a mistake.”
Chewbacca shrugged. “Do you really believe that, Cub?”
Han just covered his eyes and slumped into his seat. She’d be the death of him. 
Han and Luke, both in a mood, sat in the mess hall next to the other Rogues who chatted on, despite their companions' dour demeanor. Luke was still struggling with leaving Vrogas Vas, and any potential info about the old Jedi Order, behind. Meanwhile Han was still irritated at Leia for her perceived apathy toward Luke and the rest of the troops in favor of catching Vader, as well as her insistence on having Sana escort her to the Sunspot prison. 
“Why are you so mad at Leia today?” Luke asked and all the pilots turned to hear the answer. 
Han, startled out of his thoughts, glowered at them, “Who says I’m mad at Her Adoredness? In fact, she’s the one who seems mad at me!” 
Luke rolled his eyes. “Whatever Han.”
“No! You know what? She left us all alone out there on Vrogas Vas so she could go all commando on her own little private mission to kill Vader. She cared more about trying to take him out than saving your ass and didn’t give a kriff how many soldiers died along the way!”
Luke’s expression turned sour in a way no one was used to seeing on him. 
“Don’t talk about Leia that way! You think she doesn’t know the name and rank of every person who died trying to get Vader? I made it out fine, and in the end she did save our asses! I don’t know what the hell has gotten into the two of you lately but stop trying to drag everyone else into it!” 
With that, Luke stood up and stalked away, presumably toward his bunk. 
Wedge looked after him, concerned, and Han waved his hand as if it was no big deal. 
“He had to leave a bunch of Jedi stuff on Vrogas Vas.”
Dubious, Wedge looked at Han and shook his head. “Maybe, but he’s got a point. You and Princess Leia are difficult to be around these days, it’s unpleasant for everyone. Some time apart will be good for you guys.”
He looked back at the exit to the mess hall and got up. “I’m gonna check on him.”
Wedge took a few steps before turning around. 
“And Han, take it easy on Leia. She has enough guilt without you adding this on top of it.”
Han just waved the pilot away and grumbled into his drink. She’d be leaving in a couple hours and the thought of it caused a strange squeeze in his chest. Maybe he could try to make it right before she left. 
“I hear you two are shipping off.” Leia nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Han’s voice. He leaned against the door to the Volt Cobra’s secondary hold, looking at her like she was the entire galaxy. His posture was casually practiced, and even though she wanted to be mad at him for startling her and for the way he was looking at her, he looked good enough to make her heart—and other places—flutter. 
When her gaze reached his grinning lips, she felt her face go warm. Damn Han Solo and his gorgeous lips. 
“What can I do for you, Han?” Leia asked, trying to sound cold. 
“Nothing, Your Highness, I just wanted to see you before you left.”
The way he said ‘I just wanted to see you’ sent a shiver up her spine but she kept on a mask of indifference. 
“Well, now you’ve seen me. You can either help us load up supplies or you can leave,” Leia said as she pretended to remember what she’d been doing before he arrived. 
“I wanted to talk to you, Leia.” 
She turned around to look at him to find he’d moved closer, looking sincere. 
“About what?” Leia felt proud of herself for keeping the tremor from her voice. He was close enough that she could smell the engine grease on him and feel the heat from his body. 
“You know exactly what about.” He moved in closer but she refused to back away, maybe didn’t want to, “That kiss.”
“I’d rather forget about that.” 
“Really? You scared?” His grin mocked her and she scowled at him.
“Of course not.”
“Then kiss me again—kiss goodbye, considering you’re going away with a treacherous smuggler to drop off a deranged prisoner at a secret prison filled with the most dangerous criminals the Alliance has to offer.”
“In your dreams.”
“Yeah, every night for two weeks.” He said it so fast and with so much sincerity, it caught Leia off guard.
Slowly, he moved his hand up to stroke her cheek. “Just be careful Princess.”
Leia nodded and neither of them moved. 
Finally, after an eternity Leia—against her better judgement—leaned forward and kissed him gently. It set her insides on fire and she grabbed hold of his vest just to stay up. His hands held her elbows, supporting her, but she could feel the same tremble running through him.
She’d lied to Han; she was scared—terrified. 
The kiss was shorter than the last and much more tame, yet somehow it touched Leia just as much. 
“See, nothing to be afraid of,” Han whispered, sounding frightened himself. 
When Leia started to open her mouth, he shook his head, “We’ll talk about it when you get back. Have a good trip, Your Highness.”
He gave her a lingering peck and corrected himself, “Leia.”
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Sexual Tyrannosaurus
A few months back, i reviewed one of my all-time favorite films; Alien. I absolutely adore Alien. Horror films don’t really work on me, at all, but Alien pulled that sh*t off effortlessly. That flick was the first movie to ever really scare me. The performances, the direction, the atmosphere, the aesthetic; It was all incredible. A few months later, i stumbled upon a film called Predator in my Grandpa’s Beta Max collection. I was curious and checked it out as he took a nap. My mind was blown. This movie was everything that Alien was not, and i loved ever second of it. How was that a thing? How can something be the opposite of what i adore, and i still adore it? I wanted to revisit that flick, like i did Alien, and see if my adoration for this movie has held up over these past few decades.
The Great
Out the box, i have to commend the dialogue in this flick, man. It’s outstanding. It’s full of those great, 80s action, one-liners that you can’t hep but love. “I ain’t got time to bleed” and “You are one, ugly, motherf*cker” are just classics. Absolute classics.
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Alan "Dutch" Schaefer is the archetype for 80s action star. You can keep all of your Commandos and Cobras and Rambos. Give me Dutch Schaefer and we are good. This was my first experience with Schwarzenegger and made me an instant fan.
Jessie Ventura was f*cking hilarious as Blain Cooper. Dude was always great on the mic, you can tell just by looking at his time in wrestling, so this character fit him perfectly. All of that macho bravado and casually sexist rhetoric is hilarious. I imagine cats nowadays would fined that character problematic, most likely this entire movie come to think about it, but I'm too old to be offended by every little thing. This movie and this character is a product of it’s time an that needs to be taken into account when giving it a viewing.
I want to give a shout out to the late, great, Kevin Peter Hall. This gentle giant plays the actual Yautja, the Jungle Hunter, and he does it without uttering a word. Every move of this beast was so animalistic, so alien, that it strikes a deep chord with the audience. I bought that this massive, reptilian, monstrosity was from another wold and so much of that has to do with Hall’s brilliant physical performance.
The rest of the cast was pretty dope, too. Sonny Landham, Bill Duke, Elpidia Carrillo, Carl Weathers, and Shane black all turn in great supporting performances. I particularly like Weathers, landham, and Duke but i need to make specific mention of Peter Cullen. That’s right, Optimus Prime, himself, is the voice you hear, when the Predator does his shrieking. That sh*t is awesome!
While we’re on the subject of vocalizations, i have to tip my hat to the sound design in this flick. My, goodness, is it great! I mean, the Predator shrieks and hisses are ridiculous but the eerie ambiance of the jungle sets the mood perfectly. The little clicks, the overlapping rampage shootings, the epic score; All of it it adds as much to this film as Schwarzenegger or Hall. This movie would not be the same without the sound effects to help carry that emotion.
Speaking of effects, this movie has some of the best. I grew up on 80s films so practical sh*t will always hold a special place in my heart. Matte paintings, miniatures, in-camera optical effects, and suits will always take precedent over computer imagery for me and The Predator has two of the best examples of this tactile film making; The cloaked Yautja and the Yautja suit, itself. Stan Winston built this thing on the fly, after scrapping the original design. The f*cker is amazing in every aspect, and very uncanny valley, which lends itself to the extraterrestrial nature of the film.
The action in this thing is some of the best the 80s have to offer. It’s over-the-top, absolutely ridiculous, and delightfully tongue-in-cheek. I love how everything is just slathered in a thick, pungent, sticky, Masculinity as toxic as it is vibrant. It’s sweaty, filthy, muscly, goodness that is unapologetic about it’s violence. Predator is absolutely reptile brain viewing, for sure. That sh*t is rare nowadays but quite prevalent way back when. I miss this type of movie sometimes.
It takes a steady hand to manage all of these egos and effects and still coalesce al of that chaotic energy into one, digestible, film. The director of this flick had to have the patience of a saint to take on such a challenge but John McTiernan nailed that sh*t. Dude has a number of hits under his belt, Die Hard and The Hunt For Red October for example, but those came after Predator. It was never a question of talent but more ability. McTiernan delivers both in spades, gifting the art form, arguably one of it’s best examples in action, ever.
The Verdict
I still love this movie. It’s absolute, 80s testosterone, He-Man, nonsense. There is no subtlety to be found in this movie whatsoever. It’s full on, Rambo-esque chaos and it’s glorious to see. Where Alien is this tight, atmospheric, exercise in panic, Predator is this garish, wide-open, deceptively horrifying, action extravaganza. The script is tight, the pacing is brisk, and the direction is focused. There isn’t much of a story to tell, it’s basically the bones of a narrative used to string together ridiculous set-pieces, but it’s one of the best, brainless, explosion riddled, blockbusters out there. The dialogue is outstanding, the one-liners come fast and furious, which is testament to the writing but the real gem here are the performances given by the main cast. These Beefaroni ass f*ckers are great, Schwarzenegger in particular.
This role is what made me pay attention to him. This role is what lead me to Terminator and Conan and Total Recall and True Lies. Even with all of that awesome under his belt, it was his Dutch that made me a fan. Predator is not a great movie but it is a fun ass time with outstanding performances, saturated in this macabre camp that infects every aspect of this production. It’s Bayhem at it’s best, vapid action overlord, executed by a director who is competent in his craft, not lost in his ego. If you’ve never seen it, definitely check it out. It’s totally worth a watch. Keep in mind, though, if you’re triggered easily, this might set you off. It’s completely 80s in tone and sensibilities. If you can’t separate that, definitely give this one a pass.
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whirlybirbs · 6 years
medic!reader and sniper!bucky first meeting please! with the prompt “let me take you out on a date”
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      ------ first meeting between the medic!reader & the howling commandos, ft. not-sold bucky and a lot of lovesick steve/peggy feels. 
      i’m glad so many of you liked this! my wwii!bucky is not so stereotypical -- a little colder, a little bit more distanced and not so womanizing. i’m excited to develop the #duckandcover ship!
“She’s good, Steve -- really good. I can’t say enough about her.”
Peggy matches his stride, fingers clutching the docket on the woman in question. Her lips, red and smirking, move quickly as she speaks outside of tent of C.P. and she hands the manila folder off with graceful ease. Her boots sink into the mud.
“And what am I supposed to do with this?” Steve asks, brows raised. He thumbs through the pages, eyes your record and your enlistment photo. The rain makes the pages curl.
You’re pretty.
Bucky’s type.
Peggy smiles, bright and dizzying and it makes Steve’s heart sing. 
“Think about it. The Commandos need a medic.”
And they did. They really did.
The growing reliance on field hospitals was getting a little pitiful, actually, and Steve’s growing concern about his men was getting out of hand -- it was well warranted, though. After all, Falsworth had managed to duck through sniper fire only last week and come out of it with only a shred of shrapnel lodged in his left ass-cheek. 
It had made for laughs, but the Howling Commandos needed someone to keep them together; stitches and morphine and bandages included.
And you. 
Phillips was impressed, Peggy was impressed -- hell, you’d made this camp your own a week in; going off book and ducking into the forest surrounding Marigny to haul wounded men back in a crumbling jeep, dodging sniper fire and German artillery in the meanwhile. The stunt had gotten you a stamp of approval, earned you an accommodation and a shiny medal and a letter from the president. 
And a reference for the Howling Commandos.
Steve finds Peggy later that week -- Operation Cobra was slowing rolling, but every inch was proving worth it, and if the boys could barrel past the Germans this fast, maybe there was hope they’d be home for Christmas.
But, after the company is looking worse for wear.
Peggy seems proud he puts in word for this new medic’s reassignment, promising she’ll be worth it.
You get your re-assignment on a Friday, and that night you’re shipped back from the front-lines to the cozy position within Marigny. You ride back with a quiet Corporal named Turner who says nothing, only waves you off with a salute after dropping you in the stirring Ally-occupied town. 
The villas are crumbling from the bombardments and warfare that’s swept through this area as part of Operation Cobra, but part of you is thankful to be back -- it’s quieter here. No mortar fire or screaming or shots in the night.
Just soldiers trying to get by.
Peggy nearly bursts at the seams when she sees you, sweeping you into a mutually respected salute and a soft squeeze of the arm. 
“Come on,” she says, “Let’s get you settled with your new company.”
The thrown-together tent that the Commandos called home was empty, save for some tossed sheets over cots and bags and stray ammo -- and you snag a cot by the end of the row that’s empty. Your bag doesn’t have much in it -- supplies and a journal and a handkerchief for your hair -- so you drop it and your helmet before following Peggy.
She’s slow walking as she talks.
“The men are in the pub, I believe,” she says, “Celebrating, no doubt.”
“Oh,” you breathe, “Pub?”
“A gutted out bank turned watering hole. The 107th like to think themselves the hosting types.”
You laugh, soft and controlled, fingers knitted into your pockets as she swings a hand out and catches the door open. 
You have to admit you feel a bit small standing next to Agent Carter.
She’s gorgeous, really, swathed in victory curls and a red lipstick and here you are, straight off the front-lines looking like hell -- your hair is bundled under head scarf, white like the medical patch burning across your shoulder. It’s not so white anymore, though. 
You toddle, shifting your weight for boot to boot -- eyes sweeping across the room. 
The not-really-a-pub grows quiet at the entrance of Peggy; no doubt a call to her rank, and she dismisses to the respective silence with a wave. 
It’s warmer in here, and the winter air doesn’t bite so hard through your uniform. The lull of a piano in the back calls to the two of you.
She weaves through the crowd, through the raucous cheers and drinking and straight to the bank of the room -- there, a gathering has started over a game of burn and turn. A group toddles around the piano, singing some off-tune hymn about ribbons and being far from home. You recognize Steve Roger’s nearly immediately; he’s draped over the back of the piano, chattering with the dark hair man in the blue jacket tittering on the keys.
Steve’s busy looking at Peggy -- openly admiring, actually -- to notice you.
The crowd erupts into laughter and whistles at the realization of Steve’s affections and Peggy’s spontaneous appearance in the wolf’s den. The Howling Commando’s are elated to see her. She has to wave them off to calm them down. 
It’s... sweet.
Peggy gestures to you with a well-manicured hand and you blink, clearing your throat before stating your name and rank fast -- smile cautious and slow.
“Your new medic, boys.”
A beat of silence.
“No shit.”
It’s the man by the piano with the dark hair and dark eyes that speaks first -- he pushes himself upwards from the bench, leaning against the grand piano with a glint of interest in his eyes. 
He shares a look with Steve. It’s guarded. They’re both thinking the same thing.
Bucky Barnes has never seen a broad in the field before.
He’s heard rumors about nurses getting shipped in after D-Day, there to clean up the mess, but... you? You seemed... very different from Peggy in all respects. 
Pretty, though -- not very delicate looking but bright-eyed and strong. 
Dum Dum Dugan is falling over himself, tripping really, to stand and shake your hand and smile. He’s laughing, a bit drunk and face twisted into a genuine grin. It’s funny, and Bucky spies Jim trying to muscle a laugh down.
“God, you look exactly like my girl back home, you know,” he says, “Jenny is her name. Sweet girl. Where you from?”
“New York, sir.”
“No shit!” Dum Dum mimics Bucky, waving to the duo, “Those boys are Brooklyn through and through, you know.”
You blink at Captain America, that poster boy, and the tall man by the piano -- when you cock your head and flash a grin, they cross their arms. “Queens.”
Steve likes you. Already. Bucky can tell.
“You’re... You’re that nurse that saved those men a couple of weeks ago, aren’t you?”
It’s Pinky that speaks next, froth from his beer littering his upper lip. 
You seem to stiffen at the question, shrugging. Blinking at Peggy, she gives a nod of approval -- as if it was classified, half the town had heard you barking out orders in the field hospital and seen you tear out with that stolen jeep like a bat-out-of-hell. Everyone knew about it.
Not everyone approved.
Not every man approved.
“I got a shiny medal from it if you wanna see,” you chirp, “I asked for a decent pair of skivvies but the President said no.”
A beat of silence.
And then a roar of laughter that buckles your own sense of walls -- you laugh a bit as Dum Dum slaps the table and muscles Falsworth around.
“You oughta let me take you out some time,” says Jim, “Pretty girl with a medal? Doesn’t get any better than that.”
“That’s a girl worth fightin’ for, huh, Buck?”
“S’pose so,” Bucky, the one by the piano, says slowly, “So long she don’t get in the way. No room for stunts here.”
Steve nudges his friend, quelling the swell of skepticism. 
“Ignore him,” Falsworth says, adjusting his beret and standing, “Our lovely James is just in a mood because he was hoping the new medic would be someone he could boss around -- and with a repertoire like yours, miss, I doubt you’d allow something like that.”
“Maybe if he asks nicely.”
“Not likely.”
You smirk and his lips quirk enough.
“Play the piano?” you ask, head tilting.
Bucky stiffens, stepping away from the keys. “If you buy a ticket.”
“Shame,” you mutter, “Don’t have any cash -- god know the army doesn’t pay me enough anyways.”
His laugh is ducked to his chest as he shifts from foot to foot, and Steve couldn’t be happier, really -- it shows, and Peggy shares the same sentiment. 
And so the Commandos got their medic.
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indoreknnnews · 3 years
Chhattisgarh: Naxals free CRPF jawan Rakeshwar Singh Manhas abducted after Bijapur encounter; family rejoices
Chhattisgarh: Naxals free CRPF jawan Rakeshwar Singh Manhas abducted after Bijapur encounter; family rejoices
Raipur: Central Reserve Police Force’s (CRPF) Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA) jawan Rakeshwar Singh Manhas, who was kidnapped by Naxals during the Bijapur ambush on April 3, has been released by the Maoists, Chhattisgarh police said on Thursday. The CRPF personnel went missing after the April 3 gunfight between Naxals and security personnel near the Sukma-Bijapur border in…
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newsmatters · 3 years
Missing CoBRA commando's picture surfaces amid efforts for his safe release from Naxals
Missing CoBRA commando’s picture surfaces amid efforts for his safe release from Naxals
Bijapur: A photograph of Rakeshwar Singh Manhas sitting in a hut, purportedly released by the Naxals, has now surfaced on the social media platforms amid ongoing efforts for his safe release. It may be noted that CoBRA commando is believed to have been abducted by the Naxals after the fierce gun battle in the Bastar region of Chhattisgarh on April 3 in which 22 security personnel lost their…
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thenorthlines · 3 years
Chattisgarh Naxal Attack: Missing Commando’s family blocks Jammu-Akhnoor Road
Chattisgarh Naxal Attack: Missing Commando’s family blocks Jammu-Akhnoor Road
Jammu Tawi, Apr 07: The family members of CRPF man who went missing after a Naxal attack in Chattisgarh on Wednesday held a protest demonstration and blocked Jammu-Akhnoor highway, demanding the safe return of missing Jawan. The said CRPF personnel who is a Cobra Commando was part of the team that got engaged in an encounter with Maoists in Chattisgarh’s Bijapur and is missing since then. The…
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rahul4317 · 3 years
The outlawed CPI (Maoist) has claimed that CoBRA commando Rakeshwar Singh Manhas, who went missing after the April 3 ambush in Chhattisgarh's Bastar region, is in captivity of ultras, and asked the... from NDTV News - Special
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from "Caught A Commando," Claim Maoists, Want Government To Negotiate Release
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indianewsofficial · 3 years
Chhattisgarh Bijapur Naxal Attack Encounter. Missing CRPF Jawan Rakeshwar Singh Manhas. CoBRA Commando Missing. Twenty-Two security personnel Were killed | After all, what do Naxalites want ?, 22 soldiers martyred and giving talks to the government; Know everything in 6 points
Chhattisgarh Bijapur Naxal Attack Encounter. Missing CRPF Jawan Rakeshwar Singh Manhas. CoBRA Commando Missing. Twenty-Two security personnel Were killed | After all, what do Naxalites want ?, 22 soldiers martyred and giving talks to the government; Know everything in 6 points
Hindi news National Chhattisgarh Bijapur Naxal Attack Encounter. Missing CRPF Jawan Rakeshwar Singh Manhas. CoBRA Commando Missing. Twenty Two Security Personnel Were Killed Troubled with Ads? Install Dainik Bhaskar app for news without ads RaipurOne hour ago Copy link The Naxalites claim that these weapons and cartridges have been looted by the martyred soldiers after the encounter in…
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aion-rsa · 4 years
HBO Max New Releases: November 2020
There are only two months left to go in this truly hellish year and relatively new streaming service HBO Max is trying to make the best of them. While most other streamers recover from Halloween and get prepared for Christmas, HBO Max is using November 2020 to fill out its servers.
Things are pretty light not the new original series front this month with only Industry (Nov. 9) and His Dark Materials season 2 (Nov. 16) making a splash. But the streamer has a couple of notable original films to complement them. Between the World and Me, based on the book by Ta-Nehisi Coates, arrives on Nov. 21 and Melissa McCarthy comedy Superintelligence arrives on Nov. 26. That’s not even to mention two intriguing projects that don’t have dates yet: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reunion Special and The Mystery of DB Cooper.
Thankfully, the real appeal in November 2020 is all the fresh library content making its way to HBO Max. Nov. 1 sees the arrival of The Dark Knight, The Hobbit Trilogy, all the Lego Movies, and even the first episode of Rick and Morty season 4 (with more presumably to follow). Those offerings will be augmented later on by the always-entertaining Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Nov. 7.
Here is everything else coming to HBO Max in November 2020.
HBO Max New Releases – November 2020
12 Dates Of Christmas, HBO Max Original Series Premiere
Colin Quinn & Friends: A Parking Lot Comedy Show, HBO Max Original Special Premiere
Crazy, Not Insane, Documentary Premiere (HBO)
The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Reunion Special, HBO Max Original Special Premiere
Full Bloom, HBO Max Original Series Premiere
I Hate Suzie, HBO Max Original Series Premiere
The Mystery Of DB Cooper, Documentary Premiere (HBO)
Sesame Street, Season 51 2020
Valley Of Tears, HBO Max Original Series Premiere
Veneno, HBO Max Original Series Premiere
November 1
10,000 BC, 2008
13 Going On 30, 2004
2 Fast 2 Furious, 2003 (HBO)
Above The Rim, 1994
All Is Bright, 2013
America, America, 1964
Anchors Aweigh, 1945
Another Cinderella Story, 2008
The Arrangement, 1969
Austin Powers In Goldmember, 2002
Autumn In New York, 2000 (HBO)
Baby Doll, 1956
Battleship, 2012 (HBO)
Beasts Of The Southern Wild, 2012 (HBO)
Billy Madison, 1995 (HBO)
Blast From The Past, 1999
Blood Work, 2002
The Bridge Of San Luis Rey, 2005 (HBO)
Broadway Danny Rose, 1984 (HBO)
The Bucket List, 2007
The Children, 2009
A Christmas Carol, 1938
Chronicle, 2012 (Director’s Cut) (HBO)
City Island, 2010 (HBO)
City Slickers, 1991 (HBO)
Clash Of The Titans, 2010
Critical Care, 1997
Cruel Intentions, 1999 (HBO)
The Dancer Upstairs, 2003 (HBO)
The Dark Knight, 2008
David Copperfield, 1935
Dead Man Walking, 1995 (HBO)
Desperately Seeking Susan, 1985 (HBO)
The Devil’s Advocate, 1997
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star, 2003 (HBO)
Dolphin Tale, 2011
Dumb And Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd, 2003
The Eagle, 2011 (HBO)
East Of Eden, 1955
Eight Legged Freaks, 2002
Elf Pets: Santa’s Saint Bernard’s Save Christmas, 2018
The Enforcer, 1976
A Face In The Crowd, 1957
The Fast And The Furious, 2001 (HBO)
Femme Fatale, 2002
The Five-Year Engagement, 2012 (Extended Version) (HBO)
A Flintstone Christmas, 1977
A Flintstone Family Christmas, 1993
Free Willy, 1993
Friday The 13th, 2009
G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra, 2009
The Gauntlet, 1977
Genius, 2016 (HBO)
Get Santa, 2014
Girl In Progress, 2012
Grumpier Old Men, 1995
Grumpy Old Men, 1993
Guys And Dolls, 1955
Hacksaw Ridge, 2016 (HBO)
Happy Gilmore, 1996 (HBO)
Heidi, 2006
High Fidelity, 2000 (HBO)
High Society, 1956
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 2012
The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies, 2014
The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug, 2013
Hollidaysburg, 2014
House On Haunted Hill, 1999
Ice Age: Continental Drift, 2012 (HBO)
Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes
The Iron Giant, 1999
J. Edgar, 2011
Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday, 1993
Jason X, 2002
King Kong, 1976 (HBO)
The Last King Of Scotland, 2006 (HBO)
The Lego Batman Movie, 2017
The Lego Movie, 2014
The Lego Ninjago Movie, 2014
License To Wed, 2007
Life Stinks, 1991
Linda And The Mockingbirds, 2020 (HBO)
Little Man Tate, 1991 (HBO)
Looney Tunes: Back In Action, 2003
The Losers, 2010
Lowriders, 2017 (HBO)
Made, 2001 (HBO)
The Madness Of King George, 1994 (HBO)
Magic Mike, 2012
The Magical Wand Chase: A Sesame Street Special, 2017
Magnum Force, 1973
Malibu’s Most Wanted, 2003
The Man With The Golden Arm, 1955
The Mask, 1994
Menace II Society, 1993
Miss Julie, 2014 (HBO)
Money Talks, 1997
Mr. Nanny, 1993
Music And Lyrics, 2007
Must Love Dogs, 2005
Mystic River, 2003
National Lampoon’s Loaded Weapon 1, 1993
Needful Things, 1993
The Neverending Story, 1984
The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter, 1991
New York Minute, 2004
Nights In Rodanthe, 2008
Nothing Like The Holidays, 2008
Now And Then, 1995
Ocean’s 11, 1960
Old School, 2003
On The Town, 1949
Once Upon A Sesame Street Christmas, Special Premiere
A Perfect World, 1993
Pleasantville, 1998
The Pledge, 2001
Popstar, 2005
Practical Magic, 1998
The Prophecy, 1995 (HBO)
The Prophecy 2, 1998 (HBO)
The Prophecy 3: The Ascent, 2000 (HBO)
Prophecy 4: The Uprising, 2005 (HBO)
Prophecy 5: The Forsaken, 2005 (HBO)
Radio Days, 1987
Red Tails, 2012 (HBO)
Rick And Morty, Season Four Premiere
The Right Stuff, 1983
Rock Star, 2001
Rosewood, 1997
Rumor Has It, 2005
Salvador, 1986 (HBO)
Scoop, 2006 (HBO)
The Sea Of Grass, 1947
The Secret Garden, 1993
Sesame Street, 1969
Sesame Street: Elmo’s Playdate, Special Premiere
Sesame Street’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, Special Premiere
Sinbad Of The Seven Seas, 1989 (HBO)
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants, 2005
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 2, 2008
Smurfs Christmas Special, 1982
Some Came Running, 1958
Space Cowboys, 2000
Splendor In The Grass, 1961
Sudden Impact, 1983
Summer Catch, 2001
Swingers, 1996 (HBO)
Swordfish, 2001
A Tale Of Two Cities, 1935
Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines, 2003
Terminator Salvation, 2009
Terms Of Endearment, 1983
Thief, 1981 (HBO)
Thirteen Ghosts, 2001
Tightrope, 1984
The Time Traveler’s Wife, 2009
Tis The Season To Be Smurfy, 1987
Titans, Seasons 1 & 2
Torque, 2004
Tower Heist, 2011 (HBO)
The Town That Santa Forgot, 1993
Troll, 1986 (HBO)
Troll 2, 1990 (HBO)
True Crime, 1999
Tweety’s High-Flying Adventures, 2000
Twilight Zone: The Movie, 1983 (HBO)
Una Semana (HBO)
Unaccompanied Minors, 2006
Untamed Heart, 1993 (HBO)
Veronica Mars, 2014
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, 2011 (Extended Version) (HBO)
We Bought A Zoo, 2011 (HBO)
When You Wish Upon A Pickle: A Sesame Street Special, 2018
Wild Wild West, 1999
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton!, 2004 (HBO)
Witches Of Eastwick, The, 1987
The Wood, 1999
Wyatt Earp, 1994
Yogi Bear’s All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper, 1982
Yogi’s First Christmas, 1980
Young Justice, Seasons 1-3
Zoo Animals (HBO)
November 2
Quadrophenia, 1979
We Are Who We Are, Season Finale (HBO)
A Woman Under The Influence, 1974
November 4
Looney Tunes, 1930 – 1969
November 6
Pecado Original (Aka Original Sin) (HBO)
November 7
The Dead Don’t Die, 2019 (HBO)
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2020 Inductions
November 9
Industry HBO Max Original Premiere
Food Wars! Shokugeki No Soma, Season 5 (Subtitled) (Crunchyroll Collection)
November 11
Patria, Season Finale (HBO)
November 12
My Sesame Street Friends, 2020
November 13
De Lo Mio (HBO)
Entre Nos: LA Meets NY (HBO)
November 14
Dolittle, 2020 (HBO)
November 15
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, Season Finale (HBO)
Murder On Middle Beach, Docuseries Premiere (HBO)
November 16
His Dark Materials, Season Two Premiere (HBO)
Linda and the Mockingbirds, 2020 (HBO)
November 20
Porno Para Principiantes (Aka Porno For Newbies) (HBO)
November 21
Between the World and Me HBO Original Special Premiere
Real Time with Bill Maher, Season Finale (HBO)
Underwater, 2020 (HBO)
November 24
Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
Smurfs, Season 4, 1981
November 26
Stylish with Jenna Lyons 
Craftopia: Craft the Halls, HBO Max Special Premiere
Craftopia: Merry Craftmas!, HBO Max Special Premiere
The Flight Attendant, HBO Max Original Series Premiere
Superintelligence, HBO Max Original Film Premiere
November 27
Chateau Vato (HBO)
How To With John Wilson, Season Finale (HBO)
November 28
The Call Of The Wild, 2019 (HBO)
November 29
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The Undoing, Season Finale (HBO)
Leaving HBO Max – November 2020
November 4
Aquaman, 2018 (HBO)
November 5
Rolling Stone: Stories From The Edge, 2017 (HBO)
Signs, 2002 (HBO)
November 25
Lady Day At Emerson’s Bar & Grill, 2016 (HBO)
November 26
All Def Comedy, 2017 (HBO)
November 30
24/7: Kelly Slater, 2019 (HBO)
All The President’s Men, 1976
Anastasia, 1997 (HBO)
Badlands, 1973
Batman Begins, 2005
Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead, 2007 (HBO)
Blinded By The Light, 2019 (HBO)
The Bodyguard, 1992
Bridesmaids, 2011 (Unrated Version) (HBO)
Bridget Jones’s Baby, 2016
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, 1958
Charlotte’s Web, 1973
Cheech & Chong’s Up In Smoke, 1978
Chicago, 2002
Child’s Play 2, 1990 (HBO)
Child’s Play 3, 1991 (HBO)
Commando, 1985 (Director’s Cut) (HBO)
The Conversation, 1974
The Dark Knight, 2008
Dave, 1993
Deliverance, 1972
Dog Day Afternoon, 1975
Election, 1999
Ella Enchanted, 2004
Father Of The Bride, 1950
Going The Distance, 2010
Good Boys, 2019 (HBO)
The Haunting, 1999
JFK, 1991
The Kitchen, 2019 (HBO)
Little Shop Of Horrors, 1986 (Director’s Cut) (HBO)
Malcolm X, 1992
The Mask, 1994
Marathon Man, 1976
Pearl Harbor, 2001 (Director’s Cut) (HBO)
The Pelican Brief, 1993
Roger & Me, 1989
Sky High, 2005 (HBO)
Son Of The Mask, 2005
Stuber, 2019 (HBO)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1990
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, 1991
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3, 1993
TMNT, 2007
The post HBO Max New Releases: November 2020 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Sexual Tyrannosaurus
A few months back, i reviewed one of my all-time favorite films; Alien. I absolutely adore Alien. Horror films don’t really work on me, at all, but Alien pulled that sh*t off effortlessly. That flick was the first movie to ever really scare me. The performances, the direction, the atmosphere, the aesthetic; It was all incredible. A few months later, i stumbled upon a film called Predator in my Grandpa’s Beta Max collection. I was curious and checked it out as he took a nap. My mind was blown. This movie was everything that Alien was not, and i loved ever second of it. How was that a thing? How can something be the opposite of what i adore, and i still adore it? I wanted to revisit that flick, like i did Alien, and see if my adoration for this movie has held up over these past few decades.
The Great
Out the box, i have to commend the dialogue in this flick, man. It’s outstanding. It’s full of those great, 80s action, one-liners that you can’t hep but love. “I ain’t got time to bleed” and “You are one, ugly, motherf*cker” are just classics. Absolute classics.
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Alan "Dutch" Schaefer is the archetype for 80s action star. You can keep all of your Commandos and Cobras and Rambos. Give me Dutch Schaefer and we are good. This was my first experience with Schwarzenegger and made me an instant fan.
Jessie Ventura was f*cking hilarious as Blain Cooper. Dude was always great on the mic, you can tell just by looking at his time in wrestling, so this character fit him perfectly. All of that macho bravado and casually sexist rhetoric is hilarious. I imagine cats nowadays would fined that character problematic, most likely this entire movie come to think about it, but I'm too old to be offended by every little thing. This movie and this character is a product of it’s time an that needs to be taken into account when giving it a viewing.
I want to give a shout out to the late, great, Kevin Peter Hall. This gentle giant plays the actual Yautja, the Jungle Hunter, and he does it without uttering a word. Every move of this beast was so animalistic, so alien, that it strikes a deep chord with the audience. I bought that this massive, reptilian, monstrosity was from another wold and so much of that has to do with Hall’s brilliant physical performance.
The rest of the cast was pretty dope, too. Sonny Landham, Bill Duke, Elpidia Carrillo, Carl Weathers, and Shane black all turn in great supporting performances. I particularly like Weathers, landham, and Duke but i need to make specific mention of Peter Cullen. That’s right, Optimus Prime, himself, is the voice you hear, when the Predator does his shrieking. That sh*t is awesome!
While we’re on the subject of vocalizations, i have to tip my hat to the sound design in this flick. My, goodness, is it great! I mean, the Predator shrieks and hisses are ridiculous but the eerie ambiance of the jungle sets the mood perfectly. The little clicks, the overlapping rampage shootings, the epic score; All of it it adds as much to this film as Schwarzenegger or Hall. This movie would not be the same without the sound effects to help carry that emotion.
Speaking of effects, this movie has some of the best. I grew up on 80s films so practical sh*t will always hold a special place in my heart. Matte paintings, miniatures, in-camera optical effects, and suits will always take precedent over computer imagery for me and The Predator has two of the best examples of this tactile film making; The cloaked Yautja and the Yautja suit, itself. Stan Winston built this thing on the fly, after scrapping the original design. The f*cker is amazing in every aspect, and very uncanny valley, which lends itself to the extraterrestrial nature of the film.
The action in this thing is some of the best the 80s have to offer. It’s over-the-top, absolutely ridiculous, and delightfully tongue-in-cheek. I love how everything is just slathered in a thick, pungent, sticky, Masculinity as toxic as it is vibrant. It’s sweaty, filthy, muscly, goodness that is unapologetic about it’s violence. Predator is absolutely reptile brain viewing, for sure. That sh*t is rare nowadays but quite prevalent way back when. I miss this type of movie sometimes.
It takes a steady hand to manage all of these egos and effects and still coalesce al of that chaotic energy into one, digestible, film. The director of this flick had to have the patience of a saint to take on such a challenge but John McTiernan nailed that sh*t. Dude has a number of hits under his belt, Die Hard and The Hunt For Red October for example, but those came after Predator. It was never a question of talent but more ability. McTiernan delivers both in spades, gifting the art form, arguably one of it’s best examples in action, ever.
The Verdict
I still love this movie. It’s absolute, 80s testosterone, He-Man, nonsense. There is no subtlety to be found in this movie whatsoever. It’s full on, Rambo-esque chaos and it’s glorious to see. Where Alien is this tight, atmospheric, exercise in panic, Predator is this garish, wide-open, deceptively horrifying, action extravaganza. The script is tight, the pacing is brisk, and the direction is focused. There isn’t much of a story to tell, it’s basically the bones of a narrative used to string together ridiculous set-pieces, but it’s one of the best, brainless, explosion riddled, blockbusters out there. The dialogue is outstanding, the one-liners come fast and furious, which is testament to the writing but the real gem here are the performances given by the main cast. These Beefaroni ass f*ckers are great, Schwarzenegger in particular.
This role is what made me pay attention to him. This role is what lead me to Terminator and Conan and Total Recall and True Lies. Even with all of that awesome under his belt, it was his Dutch that made me a fan. Predator is not a great movie but it is a fun ass time with outstanding performances, saturated in this macabre camp that infects every aspect of this production. It’s Bayhem at it’s best, vapid action overlord, executed by a director who is competent in his craft, not lost in his ego. If you’ve never seen it, definitely check it out. It’s totally worth a watch. Keep in mind, though, if you’re triggered easily, this might set you off. It’s completely 80s in tone and sensibilities. If you can’t separate that, definitely give this one a pass.
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newsmatters · 3 years
Police seek activist’s help to free captured CoBRA commando- The New Indian Express
Police seek activist’s help to free captured CoBRA commando- The New Indian Express
Express News Service NEW DELHI:  For the first time since the intense encounter on Saturday in which 22 CRPF personnel were killed by Maoists in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar region, the ultras on Tuesday confirmed that missing CoBRA commando Rakeshwar Singh Manhas is in their captivity. In a statement, released by CPI (Maoist) spokesperson Vikalp, the ultras demanded that the government appoint a…
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List of NES Games
10 Yard Fight 1942 1943 3-D Worldrunner 720 degrees 8 Eyes A Nightmare on Elm Street Abadox The Addams Family The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Dragonstrike Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Heroes of the Lance Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Hillsfar Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Pool of Radiance Adventure Island Adventure Island II Adventure Island III Adventures in the Magic Kingdom The Adventures of Bayou Billy The Adventures of Dino Riki The Adventures of Gilligan's Island The Adventures of Lolo The Adventures of Lolo II The Adventures of Lolo III The Adventures of Rad Gravity The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Air Fortress Airwolf Al Unser Jr.s Turbo Racing Alfred Chicken Alien 3 Alien Syndrome All Pro Basketball Alpha Mission Amagon American Gladiators Anticipation Arch Rivals: A Basket Brawl! Archon Arkanoid Arkistas Ring Astyanax Athena Athletic World Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Baby Boomers Back to the Future Back to the Future II & III Bad Dudes Bad News Baseball Bad Street Brawler Ballon Fight Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach Bandit King's of Ancient China Barbie Bard's Tale Barker Bill's Trick Shooting Base Wars - Cyber Stadium Series Baseball Baseball Simulator 1.000 Baseball Stars Baseball Stars II Bases Loaded Bases Loaded II: Second Season Bases Loaded III Bases Loaded IV Batman Batman Returns Batman: Return of the Joker Battle Chess The Battle of Olympus Battle Tank Battleship Battletoads Battletoads and Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team Beetlejuice Best of the Best: Championship Karate Bigfoot Bill and Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge Bionic Commando Black Bass Blades of Steel Blaster Master Blue Marlin The Blue's Brothers Bo Jackson Baseball Bomberman Bomberman II Bonk's Adventure Boulder Dash A Boy and His Blob Bram Stoker's Dracula Break Time: The National Pool Tour Breakthru Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble: Part 2 Bucky Ohare The Bug's Bunny Birthday Blowout The Bug's Bunny Crazy Castle Bump N Jump Burai Fighter Burgertime Cabal Caesars Palace California Games Captain America and the Avengers Captain Planet Captain Skyhawk Casino Kid Casino Kid 2 Castelian Castle of Dragon Castlequest Castlevania Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Caveman Games Championship Bowling Championship Pool The Chessmaster Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers 2 Chubby Cherub Circus Caper City Connection Clash at Demonhead Classic Concentration Cliffhanger Clu Clu Land Cobra Command Cobra Triangle Code Name: Viper Color a Dinosaur Commando Conan: The Mysteries of Time Conflict Conquest of The Crystal Palace Contra Contra Force Cool World Cowboy Kid Crash N the Boy's: Street Challenge Crystalis Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine Dance Aerobics Danny SulIvans Indy Heat Darkman Darkwing Duck Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum Day Dreamin Davey Day's of Thunder Deadly Tower's Defender II Defender of the Crown Defenders of Dynatron City Deja Vu Demon Sword Desert Commander Destination Earth Star Destiny of an Emperor Dick Tracy Die Hard Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise Digger T. Rock: Legend of the Lost City Dirty Harry: The War Against Drugs Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 3 Donkey Kong Classics Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong Jr. Math Double Dare Double Dragon Double Dragon II: The Revenge Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stone Double Dribble Dr. Chaos Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Mario Dragon Fighter Dragon Power Dragon Spirit: The New Legend Dragon Warrior Dragon Warrior II Dragon Warrior III Dragon Warrior IV Dragon's Lair Duck Hunt Duck Tales Duck Tales II Dungeon Magic Dusty Diamonds All-Star Softball Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus Elevator Action Eliminator Boat Duel The Empire Strikes Back Evert and Lendl Top Player's Tennis Excitebike F-117A Stealth Fighter F-15 Strike Eagle Family Feud Faria: A World of Mystery and Danger Faxanadu Felix the Cat Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge Fester's Quest Final Fantasy Fire N Ice Fisher Price: Firehouse Rescue Fisher Price: I Can Remember Fisher Price: Perfect Fit Fist of the North Star Flight of the Intruder The Flintstones The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll Flying Warrior's Formula 1: Built to Win Frankenstein: The Monster Returns Freedom Force Friday the 13th Fun House G.I. Joe G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor Galaga Galaxy 5000 Gargoyles Quest II Gauntlet Gauntlet II Guardian Legend Gemfire Genghis Khan George Foreman's KO Boxing Ghostbusters Ghostbusters II Ghost's N Goblins Ghoul School Goal! Goal! Two Gold Medal Challenge 92 Golf Golf Grand Slam Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode The Goonies II Gotcha! Gradius The Great Waldo Search Greg Norman's Golf Power Gremlins 2: The New Batch The Guardian Legend Guerilla War Gumshoe Gun Nac Gunsmoke Gyromite Gyross Harlem Globetrotters Hatris Heavy Barrel Heavy Shreddin High Speed Hogan's Alley Hollywood Squares Home Alone Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Hook Hoop's Hudson Hawk The Hunt for Red October Hydlide Ice Climber Ice Hockey Ikari Warriors Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue Image Fight The Immortal The Incredible Crash Dummies Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Infiltrator Iron Tak Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors II Isolated Warrior "Ivan ""Iron Man"" Stewarts Super Off-Road" Jack Nicklaus Major Championship Golf Jackal Jackie Chans Action Kung Fu James Bond Jr. Jaws Jeopardy! Jeopardy! 25th Silver Anniversary Edition Jeopardy! Jr. Edition The Jetsons: Cogswells Caper Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Joe and Mac John Elways Quarterback Jordan VS. Bird: One-On-One Journey to Silius Joust The Jungle Book Jurassic Park Kabuki: Quantum Fighter Karate Champ Karate Kid Karnov Kick Master Kickle Cubicle Kid Icarus Kid Klown in Night Mayor World Kid Kool Kid Niki King's Knight King's of the Beach King's Quest V Kirby's Adventure Kiwi Kraze Klashball Knight Rider The Krion Conquest Krusty's Funhouse Kong Fu Kung Fu Heroes Laser Invasion Last Action Hero Last Ninja The Last Starfighter Lee Trevinos Fighting Golf The Legacy of the Wizard Legend of Ghost Lion The Legend of Kage The Legend of Zelda Legendary Wing's Legend's of the Diamond Lemmings Lempereur Lethal Weapon Life Force Little League Baseball: Championship Series The Little Mermaid Litle Nemo: The Dream Master Litle Ninja Brothers Little Samson Lode Runner The Lone Ranger Loopz Low G-Man Lunar Pool M.C. Kids M.U.L.E. M.U.S.C.L.E. Mach Rider Mad Max The Mafat Conspiracy: Golgo 13 II Magic Dart's Magic Johnson's Fast Break Magic of Scheherazade Magician Magmax Major League Baseball Maniac Mansion Mappyland Marble Madness Mario Bros.. Mario is Missing Mario's Time Machine Marvels X-Men Mechanized Attack Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Mendel Palace Metal Gear Metal Mech Metal Storm Metroid Michael Andrettis World Grand Prix Mickey Mousecapades Mickey's Adventures in Numberland Mickey's Safari in Letterland Might and Magic: Secret of the Innner Sanctum Mighty Bomb Jack Mighty Final Fight Millipede Milon's Secret Castle Mission Cobra Mission: Impossible Monopoly Monster in My Pocket Monster Party Monster Truck Rally Motor City Patrol Ms. Pac Man Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival The Mutant Virus Mystery Quest Narc NES Open Tournament Golf NES Play Action Football NFL Football Nigel Mansells World Championship Racing Nightshade Ninja Crusader Ninja Gaiden Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom Ninja Kid Nintendo World Cup Soccer Nobunagas Ambition Nobunagas Ambition II North and South Operation Wolf Orb-3D Othelo Overlord P.O.W.: Prisoners of War Pac Man Pac-Mania Palamedes Panic Restaurant Paper Boy Paper Boy 2 Peter Pan and the Pirates Phantom Fighter Pictionary Pinball Pinball Quest Pinbot Pipe Dream Pirates! Platoon Popeye Power Blade Power Blade 2 Power Punch II Predator Prince of Persia Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom Pro Sport Hockey Pro Wrestling (Mike Tyson's) Punch-Out The Punisher Puss N Boot's: Peros Great Adventure Pzznic Q*Bert Qix R.C. Pro-Am Racing R.C. Pro-Am II Racket Attack Rad Racer Rad Racer II Raid on Bungeling Bay Rainbow Islands Rally Bike Rambo Rampage Rampart Remote Control The Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Renegade Rescue: The Embassy Mission Ring King River City Ransom Roadblasters Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Robocop Robocop 2 Robocop 3 Robo Warriors Rock N Bal Rocket Ranger The Rocketeer Rockin Kats Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Rollerball Rollerblade Racer Rollergames Romance of the Three Kingdon's Romance of the Three Kingdon's II Roundball: 2 on 2 Challenge Rush N Attack Rygar S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Aattack Tea Secret Scout Secret Storm Section Z Seicross Sesame Street: 123 Sesame Street: ABC Sesame Street: ABC/123 Sesame Street: Big Bird's Hide and Speak Sesame Street: Countdown Shadow of the Ninja Shadowgate Shatterhand Shingen the Ruler Shooting Range Short Order/Eggsplode Side Pocket Silent Service Silkworm Silver Surfer The Simpsons: Bart VS. The Space Mutants The Simpsons: Bart VS. The World Simpsons: Bartman Meet's Radioactive Man Skate or Die Skate or Die 2 Ski or Die Skulls and Crossbones Sky Kid Sky Shark Slalom Smash T.V. Snake Rattle N Roll Snakes Revenge: Metal Gear II Snoopy's Silly Sport's Spectacular Snow Brother's Soccer Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warship Solomon's Key Solstice Space Shuttle Project Spelunker Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six Spot Spy Hunter Spy VS. Spy Sqoon Stack Up Stadium Events Stanley and the Search for Dr. Livingston Star Force Star Soldier Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Voyager Star Wars Starship Hector Star Tropics Stealth ATF Stinger Street Cop Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight Strider Super C Super Cars Super Dodge Ball Super Glove Ball Super Jeopardy! Super Mario Bros. 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skriaki · 7 years
Great moments in gaming: The End  (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
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Boss fights are a bit of a Marmite topic, and for good reason: it’s much easier to throw together a generic final encounter than to design a fight that challenges the player’s skills without being cheap and frustrating. How funny, then, that one of my all-time favourite boss fights has almost none of the features of a typical boss fight.
The End is a hundred-year-old man, veteran of both World Wars, and inexplicably powered by sunlight. He’s known as the father of modern sniping, to the point where he doesn’t even need a spotter, although his faithful parrot may technically count. He has little in the way of discernible character or motivation, but when ordered to confront Naked Snake before he can reach the Soviet base housing a nuclear superweapon, The End seems to see it as a worthy challenge.
Metal Gear as a whole is a franchise built around stealth, Snake Eater especially, but it also tends to throw sneaking out the window the moment a boss makes their flamboyant entrance. This doesn’t mean they aren’t well-made, but it can feel jarring to be thrown into a gunfight after successfully sneaking past ten guards without any of them so much as catching a whiff of Snake’s aftershave. In contrast, The End is the only boss in the game to feature absolutely no music, takes place across three sizeable areas with no linear path to follow, and outright punishes any attempt at going loud. It’s just you, the forest, and a master sniper waiting for you to move to quickly or make too much noise, with very little window of escape if he starts to line up a shot.
There are so many ways that this sequence could have gone wrong. Years later, for instance, MGS5’s attempt at doing something similar would turn out to be a poor imitation because Quiet seems to be playing by a different set of rules as you. In contrast, there’s a wonderful sense of fairness when you fight The End; you’re both hard to see and capable of swift damage-dealing when the opportunity arises, and The End’s keen sense of hearing is balanced against your own ability to listen in with a microphone. The skills you use to hunt down The End are the same skills you’ve probably honed throughout the game up until this point, whereas most other bosses rely on the clunky run-and-gun mechanics that the game clearly wasn’t built around. The other bosses feature a degree of stealth, but only when fighting The End is it absolutely mandatory.
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And it’s a sequence loaded with surprises and little Hideo Kojima touches, too. Did you know that you can capture and eat The End’s parrot, for instance? Or that one of the best tactics is to wait until he falls asleep then follow his snores? Knocking him out rather than killing him will also get you a special camo pattern that restores your stamina so long as you sit in direct sunlight. And most astoundingly of all, there are two separate and easily missed ways to skip the fight entirely. You can either shoot The End in his wheelchair after a cutscene a few hours earlier, or you can start his fight as you’re meant to, speed the system clock ahead two weeks, then load the game up to see a cutscene in which The End has died of old age waiting for you to get back. This is easily as much a case of mad genius as the famous fight with Psycho Mantis, but it’s better because The End is a genuinely fun opponent rather than just a medium for some amusing technical tricks.
The only letdown with The End is that other than an interesting backstory and some bizarre abilities, he doesn’t really have much character or connection to the plot outside of being one of the Cobra Unit commandos. That pales in comparison to Snake’s relationship with the Boss, where the two clash several times throughout the story before a great final battle that serves to highlight how much Snake has gone through by the time he’s ready to take on his old mentor. The End is a memorable figure but more so for his mechanical presence than any writing prowess, which is a missed opportunity for the Cobra Unit as a whole.
Also, it has to be said that much of the joy of outsmarting The End is taken away if you use the thermal goggles, which highlight not only the old man but also his footprints and any nearby items. This problem with the thermal goggles can be said of the entire game, but The End suffers in particular because the thrill of having to track him with just your eyes and ears is lost if you can just have his exact position illuminated as soon as you enter the level. My experience taught me that the thermal goggles are useful as a tool to learn how to play the game on your first playthrough, but after that I strongly recommend not using the; having to scan the grass with your binoculars and listen out for the telltale crunch of soldiers’ footsteps is about as immersed as I’ve ever been in a game, and The End serves as the logical extreme of that experience.
Metal Gear Solid 3 is one of my favourite games, and The End is one of my favourite bosses, precisely because he challenges traditional notions of what even constitutes a boss. Even in a game with several iconic moments, The End is still one of the main things I associate Snake Eater with and is still worth analysing more than a decade later.
And if you enjoyed this post, I have many other similarly fabulous game articles you might find pleasurable.  
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biggoonie · 7 years
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G.I. JOE #8— Cover A: Aaron Conley
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Aaron Conley (c) It’s the battle you’ve been waiting for! No, not G.I. Joe versus Cobra… it’s Snake Eyes versus Quick Kick! When Snake Eyes steps out of bounds, only Quick Kick stands in the way of the ninja commando. Who is the team’s true martial arts champion? Well, you’ve gotta read to find out! FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE #8— Cover B: Giannis Milonogiannis
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a & c) FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE #8— Cover C: Tom Whalen
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Tom Whalen (c) FC • 32 pages • $3.99 Don’t miss the Snake Eyes cover by Mondo artist Tom Whalen, part of our Tom Whalen Cover Month! Variant cover by Santipérez!
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