#Cmentarz żydowski na Bródnie
fotowars · 1 year
Cmentarz Żydowski na Bródnie
Cmentarz Żydowski na Bródnie jest jednym z największych żydowskich cmentarzy na świecie jeśli chodzi o liczbę pochówków. Na jego terenie spoczywa 250 000 osób. (niektóre dane szacują liczbę pochówków na ok 300 000). Powstał w 1780 r. z inicjatywy Szmula Jakubowicza Zbytkowera, bogatego kupca związanego z dworem króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego. Sam Szmul Zbytkower także spoczął na…
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stillunusual · 5 years
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Bródno Jewish Cemetery Bródno Jewish Cemetery (Cmentarz żydowski na Bródnie) has an amazing history which came to a sad end as a result of the Second World War. During the German occupation of Warsaw, most of the gravestones and the surrounding wall were pillaged for use in construction, a practice that was initially continued by Poland's post-war communist authorities. However, they soon abandoned the cemetery, which became an unprotected wasteland for many years. It was finally taken over by the Nissenbaum foundation in the 1980s, by which time it had become overgrown and suffered further vandalism. Thanks to the Nissenbaum foundation an iron fence was built around the cemetery's perimeter. They also commissioned the monumental cemetery gates and built an exhibition hall in which visitors can learn about the history of the cemetery and Jewish traditions to do with death and burial. The cemetery itself is in a tragic state. It's now a woodland area with only a tiny proportion of the gravestones remaining in their original positions. Approximately three hundred thousand people are buried there, but only about 3000 gravestones are preserved to this day, most of which are piled up untidily towards the cemetery's northern end. The great majority were lost forever, although some fragments of gravestones found in other parts of Warsaw and in the river Wisła have been returned. Since 2012, the cemetery has been under the care of the Jewish community in Warsaw.
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dzismis · 7 years
Otwarto wystawę "Bejt Almin - Dom Wieczności" na Cmentarzu Żydowskim na Bródnie
Otwarto wystawę “Bejt Almin – Dom Wieczności” na Cmentarzu Żydowskim na Bródnie
Przyslala Rimma Kaul
Cmentarz Żydowski na Bródnie jeszcze 30 lat temu był zniszczony i zapomniany. To powinno być dla nas przykładem, że sytuacja, która wygląda na beznadziejną, nigdy nie jest beznadziejna – powiedział we wtorek w Warszawie Naczelny Rabin Polski Michael Schudrich.
Otwarcie ekspozycji “Bejt Almin – Dom Wieczności” w nowych pawilonach na Cmentarzu Żydowskim w Warszawie. Fot.…
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