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pumpkaaboo · 1 month ago
also there was one day recently that i went to boston and got dunkin and sat down at a public park to eat it but the wind blew my donut away. which i think is the most massachusetts thing to ever happen to me.
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winterxgardener · 8 months ago
I hope Courtney gets the opportunity to dive into her creativity in music. Come on, she's a good singer, can compose songs. More importantly, she can direct music videos. 💚
Here are some videos showcasing her talents, if you would like to watch. ⬇️
Making a Song from Scratch Challenge
Let Me Love You w/ Cloudtalk
Gravity | Smosh Karaoke
This is Me | Smosh Karaoke
Puberty: The Musical
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prankvids · 2 years ago
pranking my gf in disneyland paris
https://PrankVids.com pranking,disneyland,paris,ourfire,ourfire tiktok,outfire,our fire tik tok,chris and sharla,soup group,jaci butler,cloudtalk,pause challenge,pause challenge disneyland,pause challenge disneyland paris,pause challenge at paris disneyland,pause challenge in public,ourfire tik tok,our fire tiktok,#pausechallenge,#disneyland,#disneylandparis,comedy,pause challenge 24 hours,
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cloud-player · 11 months ago
not to be a shipper but... this is literally aventurine and veritas
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cl0udstrife · 2 years ago
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tea party!
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pumpkaaboo · 11 months ago
personally i always saw quickening as an extremely practical invention. much like @/abronzeagegod, i also saw it as briefly shifting into a different layer of reality. but if you think about it, when you're fighting beasts who are much larger than you, who have fingers the size of your entire body, maybe can breathe fire or shoot lightning... no matter how strong and agile you are, it might be physically impossible for you to dodge out of the way of certain attacks. but if you can blip out of reality for a split second, that might be all you need to survive the worst of the fire or clip through that beast's claws.
in other words, quickening is the in-universe explanation for invincibility frames.
Okay so what's the deal with the Art of the Quickening being named That? Bloodborne has a lot of birth related metaphors and such but why is Quickstepping called that???
So for anyone who doesn't know, "quickening" is an old timey term for the moment when a fetus in the womb starts to move and the mother begins to feel it. Historically, this is when it was believed the soul of a person was enshrined in the body. This term has largely fell out of fashion.
Now this isn't what it's used for in Bloodborne obviously. The Art of the Quickening means to move the Hunter quick in-and-out for rapid kills in the Olden days when speed and efficiency were the Modus Operandi of the Hunt. Several hunters use this most of which are found within the Nightmare (other than Gehrman) but idk. There's something to be said that the main Actual Named Users (Gehrman and Maria) occupy similar roles in their respect Dreams/Nightmares with relation to the Great Ones there, and how they both raise their hands in the "Make Contact" gesture upon death. Maria is abandoned (I mean, she was just a Tool really, the Main Living Failure) but the Nameless Moon Presence seems to "hear" Gehrman's call and responds according to what the Hunter has done prior to the battle (she also abandons him, but for different reasons here). Idk there's something connecting the two here and I'm metaphorically spinning my pen in my hands trying to pierce together what though.
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pumpkaaboo · 1 year ago
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takesuhigher · 1 month ago
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So, the way this usually works out, is that today is #CloudTalk and that would mean tomorrow is straight to hell.
But, I did say I was in hell. But at the same time, maybe heaven will be very bad since I’m so used to being in hell.
You want to rhyme my name.
Rhyming was last time, if you haven’t noticed.
I liked the rhymes.
I think it turned you into a white rapper boi which wasn’t the best iteration of your character.
I love rap.
Aaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap.
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cloud-player · 9 months ago
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me watching my sanity crumble for the nth time this week (it's only wednesday)
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pumpkaaboo · 2 years ago
hmm. i have some thoughts on this-while i do think it's likely that the land octopi are artificial (which i'll elaborate on later), i think their biology and evolution is actually entirely plausible in the world of elden ring.
so, it's not really implausible for a given species to be dependent on the existence of another to survive. happens all the time, in fact! bees or moths that will only pollinate certain flowers, diseases that can only affect one kind of animal, koalas' entire biology being built around eucalyptus, specialized parasites, etc. plus, the land octopus only needs human blood to reproduce, not to just survive and grow. i'd guess that a given land octopus has a very long potential lifespan and eats infrequently (given that they're probably cold-blooded, and grow to an incredibly large size, this is entirely plausible). their diet would mostly be other animals such as deer and birds, and they only need to eat humans to enter a reproductive state.
if we assume they are animals that evolved naturally, it would make sense to assume that human blood has some special property to it that gave the octopi who consumed it some sort of advantage-elden ring's alchemical influences make this seem quite likely. the octopi who were better equipped to survive and hunt on land would be more likely to reproduce, or perhaps would produce more successful offspring, and so over time they evolved into the land octopi we know today, who are dependent on humans for their reproduction and can survive on (wet)land for long periods of time, maybe indefinitely. in the next few million years, i'd expect to see them get even better at surviving in dry conditions. none of this seems overly out there for a fantasy setting.
however, there's one factor that makes me think that maybe they're not natural creatures, and inclines me toward the artificial creation theory outlined above: as far as i'm aware, we see next to no cultural depictions of land octopi in the game.
in real life, wolves, lions, tigers, sharks, etc. very rarely hunt humans. usually, if they do, it's either because they're desperate, or they found someone who looked like an easy mark (or, in the case of sharks, they mistook us for another animal entirely). despite this, they are all very firmly entrenched in our cultural memory as man-eaters. the big bad wolf, the movie jaws, etc. and imagery of these animals is everywhere, typically as a symbol of strength. this goes for animals that don't hunt humans but are similarly dangerous; think about how often villains are associated with spiders, or venomous snakes (hello, volcano manor). even parasites might get this treatment-it's sometimes thought that the image of the caduceus could be a reference to the medical treatment for guinea worms.
all these animals, barring maybe the guinea worm, don't need humans to survive. and yet images of and references to them are all over the place-both in real life, and in elden ring. but land octopi aren't treated the same way. if there was an animal as successful as the land octopus seems to be, that needs to hunt humans in order to reproduce... why don't we see images of it? why isn't the civilization of the erdtree presented as a way to protect yourself and your family from it? why are there countless seemingly poorly-defended settlements in wetlands where land octopi could thrive?
i think this points to the "they're constructed organisms" theory, or at least, they're artificially modified organisms. they were likely not a threat until very recently (presumably after the albinaurics), probably after the shattering, when the outpouring of long-lasting cultural works was overtaken by the immediate need to survive, and the state of near-undeath that has taken most of the populace.
as for who created them, when, and why... idk, man. my best guess was that they were a bioweapon created for the shattering that eventually escaped and established itself in its environment.
it's also possible that fromsoft just created them too late in development to put cultural references to them throughout the game, or maybe they were simply focused on other things. but these are my thoughts on them.
I'm sorry. I'm checking some materials more closely for a headcanon and...
Land octopuses eat humans in order to bear young, and theirs is the blood that runs through these ovaries. (x)
????? They need to eat humans?? To have kids??? This is so out of left field. What.
Also, the Octopus Head helm:
Has a lingering warmth reminiscent of human skin. (x)
What the hell kinda creatures are they? Weird ass octopuses that have been preying on humans long and successful enough to evolve into basing their freaking reproduction on them??
Hello? Why? And more importantly, how? Fromsoft, gimme your evolutionary biology notes about the Lands Between right now.
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saif12tele · 3 months ago
Cost-Effective Connectivity for Businesses
Transforming the Telecom Industry for a Connected Tomorrow
In today’s fast-paced, interconnected world, businesses demand more than just voice calls—they need seamless, cost-effective, and feature-rich communication solutions. Enter Mobile VoIP: the game-changer in modern business communication.
✅ Cut Costs: Say goodbye to expensive international calls and traditional phone systems. ✅ Boost Flexibility: Work from anywhere with internet connectivity. ✅ Enhance Collaboration: Enjoy features like video conferencing, unified messaging, and virtual numbers. ✅ Scale with Ease: Grow your business without worrying about infrastructure costs.
At Saif Telecommunications, we’re at the forefront of this revolution. Our Mobile VoIP solutions empower businesses to connect smarter, faster, and more affordably—helping you focus on what matters most: growth and innovation.
Did you know that the mobile VoIP market is projected to reach a staggering $327.5 billion by 2031? 😮 Such growth underscores a seismic shift in how businesses are reimagining communication in the digital age. The advantages of mobile VoIP are profound: - **Cost-effectiveness**: Slash phone bills and eliminate long-distance charges with internet-based calling. - **Advanced Features**: From voicemail transcription to video conferencing, VoIP systems are packed with functionalities unavailable in traditional systems. - **Global Reach**: Platforms like CloudTalk offer over 160 international numbers, enhancing customer engagement worldwide.
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cl0udstrife · 18 days ago
lives in my head rent free
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mauriciocassemiro · 3 months ago
Transforme sua comunicação com a CloudTalk! ☁️📞
Está pronto para elevar o seu atendimento ao cliente a um novo patamar? Com a CloudTalk ☁️📞, você tem tudo o que precisa para uma comunicação eficiente e integrada.
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Com a CloudTalk, você não apenas otimiza suas operações, mas também proporciona uma experiência excepcional aos seus clientes. 🚀
💼 Experimente agora e transforme a forma como sua empresa se comunica: https://get.cloudtalk.io/mauriciocassemiro
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cloud-player · 10 months ago
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hamkaran · 1 year ago
در این مقاله فهرستی اختصاصی از برترین سافت فون ها و نرم افزارهای رایگان و تجاری VoIP را ارائه میدهیم . بنابراین بر اساس این بررسی عمیق ، می توانید بهترین ابزار VoIP را انتخاب کنید: نرم افزار VoIP یک برنامه کاربردی است که به شما امکان می دهد از طریق اینترنت تماس بگیرید. با استفاده از مرکز تماس تلفن ابری همکاران زیرساخت استفاده از سافت فون ها بر بستر Cloud یا ابری به راحتی برایتان فراهم می گردد. دو نوع ابزار VoIP شامل سخت افزارها و نرم افزارها هستند. برای بررسی بهترین نرم افزارهای VoIP که در بازار موجود است همراه با ویژگی های آنها آماده شوید. 1 - SolarWinds VoIP & Network Quality Manager SolarWinds یک نرم افزار نظارت بر VoIP و مدیریت کیفیت شبکه را ارائه می دهد. این نرم افزار می تواند نظارت WAN را در زمان واقعی انجام دهد و به شما در عیب یابی مشکلات کیفیت تماس VoIP کمک می کند. 2 - CloudTalk CloudTalk یک سیستم تلفن VoIP تجاری از راه دور برای تیم های فروش و خدمات مشتری در هر نقطه از جهان است. این کار به تیم فروش کمک می کند تا سریعتر شماره گیری کرده و معاملات بیشتری را با خودکار کردن فرآیند شماره گیری و همچنین تیم های خدمات مشتری ببندند تا با مدیریت تماس های بیشتر با مسیریابی هوشمند و IVR رضایت مشتری را بالا نگه دارند. CloudTalk را به ابزارهای تجاری مورد علاقه خود وصل کنید. CloudTalk با ارائه یکپارچه سازی بومی با CRM ، Helpdesk ، سبد خرید و همچنین Zapier و API ، به مشاغل کمک می کند تا داده ها را همگام نگه دارند. CloudTalk با بیش از 50 ابزار تجاری ادغام می شود. 3 - Dialpad Dialpad یک پلت فرم VoIP است که از AI یا هوش مصنوعی پشتیبانی می کند. می تواند احساسات را تجزیه و تحلیل کند ، یادداشت برداری کند و غیره. می توان آن را با چندین برنامه کاربردی ادغام کرد که به شما در مورد جلسات ، اسناد مشترک و غیره کمک می کند. راه حل های موجود با Dialpad عبارتند از سیستم تلفن تجاری ، کنفرانس ویدیویی و مرکز تماس . 4 - 3CX : راهکار سیستمی VoIP 3CX یک تلفن VoIP است. این برنامه برای سیستم عامل لینوکس و ویندوز موجود است. استقرار روی ابر با حساب Google ، Amazon یا Azure شما در دسترس است. دارای ویژگی های خود نصب و مدیریت است. برنامه تلفن همراه آن برای دستگاه های Android و iOS در دسترس است. 5 - ZoiPer :راهکار مطمئن VoIP ZoiPer نرم افزار VoIP را ارائه می دهد. از Windows ، Mac ، Linux ، iOS و Android پشتیبانی می کند. ZoiPer همچنین SDK را ارائه می دهد که بسته کامل ابزار SIP است. به شما امکان دسترسی به کتابخانه های اصلی ZoiPer را می دهد. این SDK به توسعه دهندگان در زمینه تماس صوتی و تصویری ، پیام رسانی فوری و غیره کمک می کند. 6 - 8*8 : راهکار VoIP 8*8 دارای راه حل های سیستم تلفن ابری ،VoIP ، مرکز تماس ابری و ویدئو کنفرانس است. این ویژگی برای ضبط تماس ها ، پیام های تیمی بین پلت فرم و امنیت در سطح سازمانی دارد. این به شما امکان می دهد صفحه را با کنفرانس ویدئویی HD به اشتراک بگذارید. 7- Skype اسکایپ وب به شما کمک می کند تا از هر کجا با افراد ارتباط برقرار کنید. می توانید با تلفن های همراه و تلفن ثابت تماس بگیرید. این امکان را برای ارسال پیام های متنی در هر زمان و هر مکان فراهم می کند. این رمزگذاری سرتاسری را ارائه می دهد تا به شما کمک کند مکالمات حساس خود را خصوصی نگه دارید. اسکایپ را می توان در تلفن VoIP ، دسکتاپ و تبلت استفاده کرد. همچنین از الکسا و ایکس باکس پشتیبانی می کند. دارای نرخ تماس مقرون به صرفه بین المللی است. 8 - Ekiga Ekiga یک ابزار رایگان و منبع باز است که دارای قابلیت هایی برای Softphone ، ویدیو کنفرانس و پیام رسان فوری است. از سیستم عامل های ویندوز و لینوکس پشتیبانی می کند. این رابط کاربری گرافیکی دارد ، بنابراین استفاده از آن آسان تر خواهد بود. می توانید بصورت رایگان تماس صوتی و تصویری برقرار کنید. 9 - Jitsi Jitsi مجموعه ای از پروژه های منبع باز VoIP است که عملکردهای ویدیو کنفرانس برای وب و تلفن همراه را در اختیار شما قرار می دهد. مفاهیم پیشرفته مسیریابی ویدئو مانند شبیه سازی ، تخمین پهنای باند ، برنامه نویسی مقیاس پذیر و غیره توسط Jitsi پشتیبانی می شود. 10 - MicroSIP MicroSIP یک نرم افزار SIP است. این سیستم عامل ویندوز را پشتیبانی می کند. بر اساس PJSIP است. تماسهای حضوری با این ابزار منبع باز رایگان خواهد بود. تماس ها از طریق پروتکل باز SIP انجام می شود. نرم افزار های VoIP توسط مشاغل به دلیل عملکرد و قابلیت توسعه پذیری گسترده ( Scale Up) مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرند.
این خدمات با هزینه کم و بازدهی بالا در سیستم تلفن ابری همکاران در دسترس هستند. با راه اندازی مرکز تماس تلفن ابری شما به راحتی می توانید بدون درگیری با پیچیدگی های فنی تماس های مطمئن داشته باشید. علاوه بر این با قابلیت تلفن گویا و ضبط مکالمات می توانید تجارت خود را توسعه دهید. لطفا جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر اینجا را کلیک بفرمایید.
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valuebound · 2 years ago
Driving Business Growth: Seamlessly Integrating Call AI with Leading Dialers and CRMs
MindTickle is a leading provider of sales readiness solutions. The company's products and services help sales teams improve their performance by providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed.
One of MindTickle's most popular products is Call AI, a platform that uses artificial intelligence to provide real-time coaching to sales representatives. Call AI analyzes sales calls and provides reps with feedback on their performance, including tips on how to improve their messaging, close more deals, and build stronger relationships with customers.
In order to provide an unparalleled customer experience, Mindtickle faced the challenge of seamlessly integrating Call AI with leading dialers such as Aircall, Twilio, CloudTalk, Dialpad, RingCentral, Salesloft, and Genesys, as well as CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive. This integration was crucial to enable sales representatives to effortlessly access their call data and coaching recommendations, while also allowing Mindtickle to offer a comprehensive view of the sales process, empowering organizations to drive success.
MindTickle partnered with Valuebound, a leader in integration services, to seamlessly integrate Call AI with industry-leading dialers and CRMs. Leveraging their extensive knowledge of the dialer and CRM markets, Valuebound swiftly and efficiently integrated Call AI with the most popular platforms. Their expertise ensured a seamless and optimized integration, allowing MindTickle to provide customers with a streamlined and powerful sales readiness solution. 
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