#Closed loop insulin system
dr-kalyan-gurazada · 2 years
Best Diabetologist in Hyderabad - Dr Kalyan Gurazada
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Having type 1 or type 2 diabetes is a severe medical condition that requires a doctor with the appropriate knowledge and skills. The Best Diabetologist in Hyderabad will have specialties and qualifications that will help him or her to treat patients effectively. Several treatment options are available to patients. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is one of these options.
Those suffering from diabetes require the services of an expert, and one of the best endocrinologists in Hyderabad is Dr. Kalyan Gurazada. He has a lot of experience with diabetes, and he has helped many people to manage their disease.
Diabetes can be managed with diet and exercise, but the condition requires a lifetime of care. Depending on the severity of the disease, there may be other treatments.
Endocrinologists have expertise in treating endocrine disorders, and they are also experts in research. They can provide patients with advice on weight management and other health issues. They can also perform thyroid ultrasound tests.
The endocrine system is a network of glands that produce hormones that affect growth, development, and reproductive function. These glands can also be affected by diabetes, and an endocrinologist can prescribe medications to help manage the condition.
Treatment options available
Among the Best Diabetes Specialists in Hyderabad, Dr. Kalyan Gurazada has been practicing for more than two decades. He has vast experience treating diabetes and has helped thousands of patients with the condition live healthy lives. He offers comprehensive care to patients suffering from diabetes and other endocrine disorders. Moreover, Dr. Kalyan Gurazada also specializes in insulin pump therapy treatments. This treatment option is a lifesaver for many people with brittle diabetes. This technology allows patients to start and stop insulin delivery at their discretion. He also specializes in diabetic foot ulcers and diabetic retinopathy treatment.
Dr. Kalyan Gurazada is a type-1 diabetic himself. He graduated from MBBS in 2004 and went on to pursue further training in the UK. After completing his studies, he worked at the Royal Free Hospital in London, before returning to India in 2014. He has since worked as an endocrine surgeon for 18 years at Citizens Hospital in Hyderabad.
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
Using a continuous glucose monitor is a great way to track your glucose levels at the touch of a button. This is particularly useful if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. It can help reduce your need for emergency medical care by catching any problems in their earliest stages, as well as prevent dangerous lows. A continuous glucose monitor is a small device that uses a small sensor that can be placed underneath the skin. It sends this data wirelessly to a reader that attaches to your waist. The device displays your glucose levels in real-time on a small screen.
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Continuous Glucose Monitoring For Diabetes in Hyderabad - Dr. Kalyan Guruzada
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Keeping track of your blood sugar level is an essential part of managing diabetes. Keeping a close eye on it can help you keep it in the healthy range, and reduce the need for medication adjustments. A continuous glucose monitor is a great way to achieve this.
The device uses a small sensor under your skin to track your glucose level, then sends it wirelessly to a reader that's attached to your waist. The reader displays the data on a screen. You can also use your smartphone, though you'll want to check its battery life.
A CGM can be used on people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes but is particularly beneficial for those who have gestational diabetes. It can also be useful for young children since it provides more real-time information than standard blood sugar testing.
The ambulatory glucose profile, or the average of daily patterns, is a useful feature of a CGM since it gives the doctor intricate details about your blood sugar patterns. This is summarized as a graph and projected as a continuous graphical pattern throughout the day.
A sensor-based glucose monitor, such as the FreeStyle Libre Flash, has the ability to provide you with a comprehensive measurement of your glucose level. It also helps you to better manage your diabetes by keeping you within a healthy range for the entire day.
Glucose Sensors For Diabetes Near Me
Glucose sensors for diabetes are devices that are used to detect the presence of glucose in the blood and can be used to treat diabetes. Glucose sensors for diabetes are available in different shapes and sizes and are usually used for monitoring blood sugar levels. If you want to find Glucose Sensors for Diabetes Near You, there are many sites online that can help you. You should also consider using an insulin pump, which can help you manage your diabetes. These devices can be used to monitor blood sugar levels and treat diabetes, and they are effective for treating patients with Type II and Type III diabetes.
Symptoms of diabetes
Symptoms of diabetes are often subtle. It is possible to go years without noticing any symptoms, but once you do notice them, you'll have to monitor your blood glucose levels.
Blood glucose levels can vary throughout the day. This is due to the fact that the body has a certain level of insulin resistance. In people with diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to move glucose into the cells.
Blood glucose levels are elevated after a meal. This is because the liver breaks down stored glycogen into glucose. After about two hours, the blood glucose levels drop.
If the blood glucose level falls too low, you may experience a number of symptoms, including numbness, confusion, drowsiness, and seizures. In some cases, the symptoms may be mistaken for dementia.
If you experience severe symptoms of low blood sugar, you should see a doctor. Getting treatment early can save your life. A severe low can lead to coma and death.
People with diabetes often take medications to control their blood glucose levels. These medications include insulin and oral antihyperglycemic medications. It is essential to keep a detailed record of your blood glucose levels and to report them to your healthcare team.
Treatment options
Using glucose sensors to monitor your diabetes is a key component of your medical care. While the technology isn't a cure-all, it can provide useful information to help you make the right treatment decisions.
There are a variety of noninvasive devices that can be used to measure glucose. However, some may not be as accurate as others. A few have been proven to be effective. If you're considering using one, be sure to consult with your physician to determine which device is right for you.
Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are a great way to track your blood sugar throughout the day. This can improve your glycemic control and help prevent emergency medical care. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends testing your blood glucose levels at least once a day. However, some patients may need to be tested more frequently.
One of the most popular diabetes treatment options is to use insulin. Insulin controls blood glucose levels by providing basal, radial, and supplemental insulin. Aside from insulin, other medications may affect blood glucose levels.
A Continuous Glucose Monitor is the best choice for many people with diabetes. These devices can be purchased from pharmacies and the internet. Some can be inserted into your ear, while others are battery-operated.
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suzieb-fit · 7 months
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Hmm, ok. I think it's finally time to accept that I have to stay peanut free. Any format. They need to go.
Anyhoo....Not gonna cry about it. It is what it is.
A very steady day. One walk and two short, medium effort home workouts.
Upper body strength after my walk. Then full body barre before lunch.
I was going to do something later, but the motivation wasn't there, for a few different reasons.
Still waiting for my omnipod/dexcom insulin pump loop system to settle down. No progress whatsoever, it seems.
That is definitely impacting both my physical and mental energy. Not exactly helping my emotional energy either.
But I keep tiptoeing through. I won't accept any other choice.
I've stuck pretty close to my macro targets, even with an extra (totally emotionally driven) snack. Mixed nuts (the ones I'm ok with), olive oil spray and sea salt. That's now my regular breakfast from tomorrow, unless i think of something else. That extra snack obviously wasn't my breakfast, lol!
The pic is from those final peanuts this morning.
I've got to put myself back into "take each day as it comes" mode.
Other "life stuff" going on right now, too. So I'm having to acknowledge this isn't a time to push.
I'm really glad I'm halfway through my 100 mile challenge to support the MIND mental health charity.
I'm seriously lacking donations, which saddens me, but I'm looking at it as a personal achievement interest, and the knowledge that I'm doing what I can to help out and show support for an excellent cause. I've also donated money myself.
Let's see what tomorrow brings....
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techrevol · 4 months
Poor diabetes control: Latest technology may have a solution
Type 2 diabetes constitutes around 90% of diabetes in the world. While we do not have any control over Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is mostly caused due to lifestyle factors such as poor diet, low physical activity, high BMI, and environmental hazards. Most of these factors can be eliminated by proper monitoring and discipline. And that is how nowadays health experts talk about diabetes reversal or putting diabetes into remission.
Apart from medications and introducing lifestyle changes like a proper nutrient-rich diet and daily physical activity, health care experts nowadays also take the help of the latest technology to keep poorly managed diabetes in control. The aim of current research and innovation in the field of diabetes is to enhance management as well as treatment so that a potential cure for the disease is discovered.
Implantable devices
One of the latest technological aids that have helped in the management of diabetes is wearable and implantable devices. These devices help track insulin release and have emerged as one of the most helpful advancements in the management of diabetes. The wearable devices are convenient and ensure the right tracking of blood sugar levels thereby helping the patient improve his diabetic condition.
Insulin pump
Insulin pumps are small devices that keep on delivering insulin supply rapidly and continuously with the help of a catheter that is placed under the patient’s skin. This particular pump is so designed that it keeps on administering the precise dosage of insulin all through the day the way a healthy pancreas naturally delivers insulin into the body.
A few products in this category also come with additional features such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) that keeps on providing real-time data related to the levels of blood sugar in the body.
Closed-loop insulin delivery system
The latest technology-aided implantable devices like closed-loop insulin systems automate insulin delivery as per the glucose levels. Such devices have an assembly of small machines like a CGM sensor, a control algorithm that monitors blood sugar levels and accordingly delivers insulin and an insulin pump.
Some of these devices have such a high level of technology that the algorithms in them also predict future blood sugar levels by analysing past and present trends and patterns and accordingly offer personalised suggestions for adjusting insulin dosage or even the dosage of lifestyle medications.
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godstrain · 1 year
on a less meme worthy note man looping back to wesker not liking the healthcare system but still having some reliance on the heckin shot sends me because he's forced to either self administer or face the consequences of Not doing that and it's like man's backed into a corner about it and dang all of this could've been avoided if he just didn't act a whole fuckwit and oh idk maybe not infected himself in the first place??? and he knows it- he knows he's suffering and he did it to himself and he knows it isn't even remotely close to what he's done to others and so he just lets shit happen which is very unhealthy ... man needs this shit in like ... something similar to an insulin pump??? and also needs to get better coping skills and yeah of course it's hard for him to face what he did but he'll live with the physical reminders of it forever so what's the point of avoiding consequences when they're blatantly there
anyway even if he's massively depressed and uncertain of what to do with himself, he knows he can't do nothing and he can't do what he was doing before, and death would be the easy way out and in the end he wants to prove to himself that he isn't always going to be that frightened little boy who was taken from his home / that he isn't always going to be spencer's mirror- his journey of self improvement is so selfish in its reasoning, but from how he was raised it couldn't start because someone else wants him to be a better person, he has to want it for himself
and he also knows that the damage is done but he can choose to not do MORE damage and he can choose to have Morals and as time goes on he feels a little better because he's not running from consequences and whatever the outcome, he thinks it's worth it so maybe he can feel like he was also someone who could do something worthwhile in the end- and not just live as the weapon spencer wanted him to be / not to be spencer
he's slowly finding HIMSELF and that's admirable. it doesn't erase what he's done but damn it's admirable to make that change especially with how everything has gone in his life man thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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msinsights · 10 days
Artificial Pancreas Market Size, Share, Growth Insights, Top Vendors, Regions and Forecast by 2031
The Artificial Pancreas Market is characterized by a diverse range of stakeholders, including medical device manufacturers, healthcare providers, regulatory agencies, and patient advocacy groups. Collaboration among these stakeholders is essential to overcoming regulatory hurdles, ensuring patient safety, and promoting widespread adoption of artificial pancreas technology. Additionally, ongoing clinical research and trials play a crucial role in validating the safety and efficacy of artificial pancreas systems, further driving market expansion and acceptance. 
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Top Companies
Medtronic, Bigfoot Biomedical, Dexcom Inc, Tandem Diabetes Care Inc, Roche, Diabeloop SA, EoFlow, Beta Bionics Inc, Glooko Inc, Insulet Corporation.
The artificial pancreas is designed to mimic the function of the human pancreas, which regulates blood sugar levels by producing and releasing insulin. This groundbreaking technology integrates continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) with automated insulin delivery, effectively creating a closed-loop system that adjusts insulin dosage in real-time based on the individual's glucose levels. By automating this process, the artificial pancreas offers a more precise and personalized approach to diabetes management, reducing the burden of constant glucose monitoring and manual insulin administration. 
One of the key drivers fueling the growth of the Global Artificial Pancreas market is the increasing prevalence of diabetes worldwide. With diabetes emerging as a global health epidemic, there is a growing demand for innovative solutions that can help individuals better manage their condition and improve long-term outcomes. The artificial pancreas represents a significant advancement in diabetes care, offering the potential to enhance glycemic control, reduce the risk of hypoglycemia, and ultimately improve overall quality of life for patients. 
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/artificial-pancreas-market
Furthermore, advancements in sensor technology, insulin pumps, and algorithm development have paved the way for the commercialization of artificial pancreas systems. These technological innovations have enabled the creation of more sophisticated and reliable devices capable of delivering precise insulin dosages based on real-time glucose data. As a result, artificial pancreas systems have become increasingly accessible to individuals with diabetes, driving market growth and adoption worldwide. 
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Emerging Trends in the Insulin Pump Market: 2024 Outlook
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Insulin Pump Market Outlook, Scope & Overview:
Industry reports indicate that the global insulin pump market was valued at USD 5.13 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 17.52 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.6% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Technological Advancements to Drive Growth of Global Insulin Pump Market
The adoption of insulin pump technologies will continue to influence global market revenues. Increasing prevalence of diabetes, advancements in insulin pump technologies, and growing awareness about the benefits of continuous insulin delivery systems are driving the growth of this market.
As a product segment, insulin pumps with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) integration currently hold a significant share of the global insulin pump market. This segment is anticipated to grow at a year-over-year rate of 16.6% in 2024 over 2023 and reach USD 17.52 billion in revenues by 2031. The increasing demand for more precise and convenient insulin delivery solutions is expected to drive market growth.
Get a Free Sample Report: https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/2978
Insulin Pump Solutions – Market Dynamics
Insulin pump solutions are witnessing significant growth due to their ability to provide precise and continuous insulin delivery, which improves glycemic control and reduces the burden of managing diabetes. The rise in the number of diabetes patients, advancements in pump technologies such as closed-loop systems, and the increasing preference for personalized diabetes management are key factors driving the adoption of insulin pumps worldwide. Additionally, supportive government initiatives and increasing investments in diabetes care technology are further propelling market growth.
Despite the growth potential, challenges such as high costs of insulin pumps, the need for regular maintenance and calibration, and the complexity of device usage are hindering widespread adoption. Moreover, concerns about device-related complications and the need for ongoing patient education pose additional challenges to market expansion.
Insulin Pump Solutions – Market Outlook
The proven benefits of insulin pump solutions in improving diabetes management and patient quality of life have contributed to the market's growth. Insulin pumps are expected to witness increased adoption across major markets, including North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, driven by advancements in technology and the growing prevalence of diabetes.
Global Insulin Pump Market
The rise in demand for insulin pump solutions in developed and emerging markets is expected to drive market growth over the forecast period. North America currently holds a significant market share in the global insulin pump market, with the US being a key contributor to market revenues. Europe and Asia Pacific regions are also experiencing rapid adoption of insulin pumps, supported by increasing healthcare expenditures and advancements in diabetes care technology.
Key Players in the Insulin Pump Market
Leading companies in the insulin pump market include Medtronic plc, Insulet Corporation, Tandem Diabetes Care, and Abbott Laboratories. These companies are at the forefront of developing and commercializing advanced insulin pump systems with features such as CGM integration and automated insulin delivery.
In conclusion, the global insulin pump market is poised for substantial growth over the forecast period, driven by technological advancements, increasing diabetes prevalence, and the expanding adoption of continuous insulin delivery solutions across diverse healthcare settings.
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addnoral · 2 months
Artificial Pancreas To Treat Diabetics: How Will It Help Release Insulin?
An artificial pancreas, also known as a closed-loop insulin delivery system, is a technological advancement designed to help people with diabetes manage their blood glucose levels more effectively. It works by automating the delivery of insulin based on continuous glucose monitoring. Here’s how it helps release insulin and manage diabetes: Components of an Artificial Pancreas Continuous Glucose…
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diabetesdailyblogs · 4 months
Hope in Research: Promising Breakthroughs in Diabetes Prevention and Cure
Introduction: Diabetes, a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, affects millions of people worldwide. While current treatments focus on managing symptoms and preventing complications, ongoing research holds promise for advancements in diabetes prevention and potential cures. In this article, we'll explore some of the most exciting breakthroughs in diabetes research, offering hope for a future where this pervasive disease is more effectively prevented and treated.
1. Genetic Discoveries:
Recent advancements in genetic research have uncovered key insights into the underlying causes of diabetes. Scientists have identified numerous genetic variants associated with an increased risk of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This knowledge has paved the way for personalized medicine approaches, allowing healthcare providers to tailor treatments based on an individual's genetic profile. Additionally, gene editing technologies such as CRISPR hold promise for correcting genetic mutations associated with diabetes, offering potential cures for certain forms of the disease.
2. Beta Cell Regeneration:
One of the hallmarks of diabetes is the destruction or dysfunction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. However, researchers are exploring innovative approaches to regenerate or replace these cells. Stem cell therapy, for example, holds promise for generating new beta cells that can restore insulin production in individuals with diabetes. Furthermore, scientists are investigating ways to protect existing beta cells from immune attack or stimulate their regeneration through targeted therapies.
3. Immunotherapy:
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells. Immunotherapy approaches aim to modulate the immune system to prevent this destructive process. Recent studies have shown promising results with immunomodulatory drugs and therapies that target specific immune cells involved in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. These approaches not only help preserve remaining beta cell function but also hold potential for preventing the onset of the disease in at-risk individuals.
4. Artificial Pancreas Systems:
Advancements in technology have led to the development of artificial pancreas systems, also known as closed-loop systems, which automate insulin delivery based on real-time glucose monitoring. These devices combine continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) with insulin pumps, algorithms, and smart controllers to mimic the function of the pancreas more closely. Clinical trials have demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of artificial pancreas systems in improving glucose control and reducing the risk of hypoglycemia in individuals with type 1 diabetes. Continued research aims to further refine these systems and expand their use to individuals with type 2 diabetes.
5. Metabolic Surgery:
Metabolic surgery, such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, has emerged as a promising treatment option for individuals with type 2 diabetes, particularly those who are obese or have difficulty managing their blood sugar levels with conventional therapies. These procedures not only promote weight loss but also have profound effects on metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and glucose homeostasis. Research suggests that metabolic surgery can lead to long-term remission of type 2 diabetes in a significant proportion of patients, offering a potential cure for this metabolic disorder.
6. Lifestyle Interventions:
While medications and surgical procedures play a crucial role in diabetes management, lifestyle interventions remain the cornerstone of prevention and treatment. Studies have consistently shown that healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, weight management, and stress reduction can help prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes and improve outcomes for individuals with the condition. Ongoing research aims to identify the most effective lifestyle interventions and strategies for promoting long-term behavior change.
In conclusion, the field of diabetes research is brimming with hope and optimism, fueled by groundbreaking discoveries and innovative technologies. From genetic insights to immunotherapy, artificial pancreas systems to metabolic surgery, researchers are exploring a diverse array of approaches to prevent and cure diabetes. While challenges remain, including funding limitations, regulatory hurdles, and the complex nature of the disease, the progress made to date offers promise for a future where diabetes is more effectively prevented, managed, and ultimately cured. By continuing to invest in research, support innovation, and prioritize public health efforts, we can work towards a world where diabetes no longer poses a significant threat to global health and well-being.
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uniquesweetssublime · 5 months
Revolutionizing Diabetes Management: Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) in Real-Time
Living with diabetes involves a delicate balance of monitoring blood sugar levels, making informed decisions about food and insulin, and navigating the highs and lows of glucose fluctuations. Traditional methods of glucose monitoring, such as fingerstick testing, provide snapshots of blood sugar levels at specific moments in time. However, advancements in technology have ushered in a new era of diabetes management with Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems offering real-time insights into blood sugar levels. In this blog, we'll explore the transformative impact of CGM technology on diabetes management and its benefits for individuals living with the condition.
Understanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM):
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a cutting-edge technology that enables individuals with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels continuously throughout the day and night. CGM systems consist of a tiny sensor inserted under the skin, typically on the abdomen or arm, which continuously measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid. This sensor communicates wirelessly with a receiver or smartphone, providing real-time data on blood sugar trends, patterns, and fluctuations.
The Benefits of Real-Time CGM:
Improved Glucose Control: Real-time CGM empowers individuals with diabetes to make informed decisions about their lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, and insulin dosing, based on real-time glucose data. This proactive approach can lead to better glucose control, reduced risk of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), and minimized episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Early Detection of Trends: CGM technology allows users to detect trends and patterns in their blood sugar levels, such as post-meal spikes or overnight lows, that may not be apparent with traditional fingerstick testing. By identifying these trends early, individuals can take timely action to prevent blood sugar fluctuations and maintain optimal glucose levels.
Customized Alerts and Alarms: CGM systems can be programmed to provide customizable alerts and alarms for various glucose thresholds, such as high or low blood sugar levels. These alerts serve as valuable reminders for individuals to take corrective actions, such as adjusting insulin doses or consuming glucose to treat hypoglycemia, before serious complications occur.
Remote Monitoring and Sharing: Many CGM systems offer remote monitoring capabilities, allowing caregivers, family members, or healthcare providers to access real-time glucose data remotely. This feature is particularly beneficial for parents of children with diabetes or individuals who require support in managing their condition, fostering a sense of security and peace of mind.
Integration with Insulin Pumps: Some CGM systems can be integrated with insulin pumps, forming a closed-loop system known as Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) or Artificial Pancreas System. This advanced technology automatically adjusts insulin delivery based on real-time CGM data, mimicking the function of a healthy pancreas and optimizing glucose control.
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) in real-time represents a significant advancement in diabetes management, offering individuals with the condition greater insight, flexibility, and control over their blood sugar levels. By providing continuous, real-time data on glucose trends and patterns, CGM technology empowers users to make proactive decisions, optimize insulin therapy, and ultimately lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. As CGM technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, it holds the promise of transforming the landscape of diabetes care, bringing us closer to the goal of personalized, precision medicine for all individuals living with diabetes.
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dr-kalyan-gurazada · 2 years
Best Endocrinologist Diabetes Doctor In Hyderabad | Dr Kalyan Guruzada
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If you're looking for a top Endocrinologist in Hyderabad, you've come to the right place. Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy Gurazada is a board-certified endocrinologist and a type 1 diabetic himself. He has been helping patients in the region for over 10+ years and is a trusted resource for the medical community. Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy is a Consultant Endocrinologist in Hyderabad. He completed his MBBS in 2004 and then pursued further training in diabetes in the United Kingdom. In 2014, he returned to India and has been associated with the Citizens hospital and IDEA clinics.
Dr. Kalyan Gurazada is the best endocrinologist and diabetes doctor in the city. He has been practicing for over 10 years and has earned the designation of board-certified. He has a specialization in the field of diabetes care and has a wealth of experience.
Dr. Kalyan Gurazada is a Diabetes Doctor
Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy is a Consultant Endocrinologist in Hyderabad. He completed his MBBS degree in 2004 and then underwent further training in Diabetes in the UK. He returned to India in 2014 and has since been associated with IDEA clinics and Citizens hospital in Hyderabad.
Having a passion for treating patients with diabetes, Dr. Guruzada offers comprehensive care to his patients. He offers a range of services to help his patients control their condition, including blood sugar monitoring and nutrition counseling. He also offers timely reminders for appointments and medications.
Diabetic patients often benefit from working with other health professionals, including a nutritionist and exercise specialists. They can also work with specialists in heart disease and kidney disease, as well as specialists in the eyes, feet, nerves, and mental health. It is important that both patients and their healthcare team communicate about their health concerns, and that the doctor understands any concerns they may have. By sharing information and seeking out professional help from specialists, they can avoid the complications of diabetes. Endocrinologists are experts in diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system.
There are several good options for patients who are looking for a specialist in the field of diabetes. One of the best options is Dr. Kalyan Guruzada, who has over 10+ years of experience in endocrinology. He has special interests in diabetes, thyroid, and reproductive issues. He is one of the Best Endocrinologists in Hyderabad. Citizens Hospital, Nallagandla, is a great option for those looking for a specialist in the field of endocrinology. This multi-specialty hospital in Hyderabad has state-of-the-art endocrinology treatment facilities. It is also equipped with a 3-Tesla MRI scanner for endocrine gland imaging. 
A good endocrinologist in Hyderabad will be able to provide you with the necessary treatment to help you manage your diabetes. They are also experts in research, which is helpful in improving patient understanding of endocrine disorders. They can also perform thyroid ultrasound tests to determine whether or not a thyroid nodule is cancerous.
Another good option for patients with diabetes is to visit a general practitioner who specializes in endocrinology. These doctors are specialized in diabetes care and can diagnose and treat diabetes and other related diseases. They are also good at treating hormonal disorders in children and teens.
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firstmoveronline · 6 months
Beneficial Effects of Control-IQ Automated Insulin Delivery in Basal-Bolus and Basal-Only Insulin Users With Type 2 Diabetes
The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology (Control-IQ) advanced hybrid closed-loop automated insulin delivery system was evaluated in this prospective single-arm trial. Thirty adults with type 2 diabetes using the Control-IQ system showed substantial glycemic improvement with no increase in hypoglycemia. Mean time in range (70–180 mg/dL) improved 15%, representing an increase of 3.6…
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suzieb-fit · 10 months
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Day two of following the recommendations in Mindy Pelz's "Menopause Reset" book.
Well, a couple of them for now.
Circadian rhythm helpers.
No caffeine for two hours, and sitting in the light of the rising sun.
Plus what I already do anyway, a morning workout.
Upper body strength. Always a preferred start to my day.
Back to normal life after a couple of iffy ones.
My diabetic appointment went well yesterday. My new consultant is actually wonderful. Love the guy! And not just because he's ok'd me to go on the "closed loop" treatment system.
That's where my CGM (glucose monitor) and insulin pump link up and take the thought and effort out of my background insulin delivery.
A game changer, hopefully.
It's potentially a long wait, but I'm in the queue. What a relief! And a weight off my poor, cortisol drained brain, lol.
Speaking of which, I'm booked in for a blood test in afew weeks to check several things including those cortisol levels.
But back to today. I'm going to make it a good one 😁
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marketresearch99 · 9 months
Navigating Diabetes Care: Evolving Insights into Insulin Delivery Devices
In the realm of healthcare, innovation continues to play a pivotal role in transforming the management and treatment of chronic conditions. The Insulin Delivery Devices Market stands as a beacon of progress, revolutionizing diabetes care and enhancing the quality of life for millions worldwide. As we venture into 2023, this market witnesses remarkable advancements, ushering in a new era of personalized and efficient insulin delivery solutions.
Diabetes Management Revolutionized
Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions globally, requires meticulous management and regular insulin administration. The Insulin Delivery Devices Market has been instrumental in offering a diverse array of solutions, making the administration of insulin more convenient, precise, and less invasive for individuals managing diabetes.
Beyond Conventional Injections
Traditionally, insulin administration involved syringes or pens, requiring multiple daily injections. However, the landscape has evolved significantly with the advent of advanced insulin delivery devices. Innovations such as insulin pumps, patch pumps, and smart insulin pens have revolutionized diabetes management, offering more accurate dosing, ease of use, and enhanced control over insulin delivery.
Personalization and Technological Integration
One of the key trends shaping the Insulin Delivery Devices Market in 2023 is the integration of technology into these devices. Smart insulin pens equipped with Bluetooth connectivity and smartphone applications allow for seamless tracking of insulin doses, blood glucose levels, and personalized treatment plans. These devices enable individuals to monitor their condition more effectively and share data with healthcare providers for better management.
Furthermore, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems integrated with insulin pumps provide real-time glucose readings, enabling precise insulin dosing adjustments based on individual needs, thereby optimizing glycemic control and minimizing the risk of complications.
Enhancing Patient Experience
The emphasis on improving the user experience has been a driving force behind the development of insulin delivery devices. Manufacturers focus on ergonomics, ease of use, and discreetness, empowering individuals with diabetes to integrate insulin administration seamlessly into their daily lives. Smaller, more discreet devices with intuitive interfaces have significantly enhanced the comfort and convenience of insulin delivery.
For More Info@ https://www.gmiresearch.com/report/global-insulin-delivery-devices-market-syringe-pen-pump-injector/
Future Prospects and Innovation Trajectory
Looking ahead, the Insulin Delivery Devices Market is poised for continued growth and innovation. Research and development efforts are focused on creating closed-loop systems (artificial pancreas) that autonomously regulate insulin delivery based on real-time glucose monitoring, promising a future of automated and precise diabetes management.
Additionally, advancements in materials, such as biocompatible coatings and microneedle technology, aim to further minimize discomfort and improve the efficacy of insulin delivery, ensuring a more patient-centric approach to diabetes care.
The Insulin Delivery Devices Market of 2023 represents a transformative era in diabetes care, characterized by technological integration, personalized solutions, and a relentless pursuit of enhancing patient outcomes. As innovation continues to drive the development of more efficient, user-friendly, and technologically advanced devices, individuals living with diabetes can look forward to a future where managing their condition becomes increasingly seamless and empowering.
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liebermintz · 10 months
a peculiar comorbidity, part three
And to close this off, I want healthcare providers to do a few things. There are going to be a lot more cases like me. There are people out there who are fucking struggling. In fact, I'm sure most of the diabetes-related suicides out there were from late-in-life diabetics with an autism comorbidity. this shit isn't easy to deal with, especially when your comforts are now lethal. and it's not like you can just say "well, don't do it." do you have any idea how super-ingrained these comforts, these stims, these safe foods are to an autistic person? they run deep. and they run deep even when you're a kid. it's the main reason why applied behavior analysis is straight-up considered psychological torture in the autistic community - people suggest that just to rip an autistic person away from bad actions, only to realize way too late they're making them miserable. and right now, I'm going through one hell of an ABA session, only that it's my fucking pancreas that's playing pretend-psychiatrist. combine that with the "gotta keep you alive no matter what" mindset of every type 1 resource, endocrinologists, diabetes educators, and PCPs and you have yourself a system that is designed to kill neurodivergent late-in-life diabetics in a short amount of time. in a way, it's genocide. you're getting rid of one group of people in order to not have to deal with them down the line. in another way, it's a form of eugenics since it's designed to weed out the undesirables from the health pool, so they can take their time delaying closed artificial pancreas loops, fool-proof insertion kits that can't be ripped out during sleep or strenuous activity, 10/20-minute-peak insulins with two-hour total lifespan, seven-day patch pumps, stuff that doesn't exactly benefit a neurotypical diabetic at the moment since they're easily adaptable (plus there's this dogged "can't teach an old dog new tricks" mindset you see a lot in diabetic circles) but benefits a neurodivergent diabetic who has way more to worry about than high and low blood sugars. the healthcare industry doesn't give a shit about me. in fact, i'm pretty sure it wants me to die either by my own hand or by theirs.
but here I am, asshole. and here's my final demand: I want Tzield to be approved for honeymooning patients NOW.
I want late-in-life diabetics (priority going to those with neurodivergences) to automatically be added to pancreas and islet cell transplant lists upon diagnosis. you will see significantly less suicides, less deaths, less eugenics, less murder, less mistakes, less meltdowns, less burnout - if you let them on those lists and not just relegated those to life-long diabetics whose organs are starting to crap out on them.
I want all next-gen ultra-rapid-acting insulins to be released now. again, they're just Humalog with more shit.
I want insulin to be totally free. Forever.
I want, upon diagnosis, all diabetics to receive lifelong healthcare from the government, even after remission and surgical intervention. In fact, I want all healthcare to be free.
I want all clinicals for stem-cell effective-cures to widen their criteria to include cases like mine that are way more susceptible to early-onset DKA and euglycemic DKA. those are as lethal as severe hypoglycemic events, but you just wanna blame DKA on not having enough insulin in your system. that way, you can see if stuff like VX-880 and VX-264 have an Awakenings effect (works for a bit before it stops working) or if manages to stick around for longer. I want all clinicals for immunotherapies to have their ages expanded to 35.
And I want Beyond Type 1 to publish all three of my posts - uncensored - on their website if they ever run into it. No edits save for some basic proofreading.
Anything else is genocide.
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diabetichelpforyou · 1 year
Understanding Type 1 Diabetes and Exploring Treatment Options
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by the immune system mistakenly attacking and destroying insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This results in little to no insulin production, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Unlike type 2 diabetes, which is often associated with lifestyle factors, type 1 diabetes is primarily genetic and typically diagnosed in childhood or adolescence.
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Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes:
Excessive thirst and hunger
Frequent urination
Unexplained weight loss
Fatigue and irritability
Blurred vision
Treatment Options:
1. Insulin Therapy:
Multiple Daily Injections (MDI): This involves administering insulin through multiple injections throughout the day.
Insulin Pump: A small device worn on the body delivers a continuous supply of insulin, and the user can also administer extra doses as needed.
2. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM):
CGM devices track blood sugar levels in real-time, providing valuable data for insulin adjustments.
3. Carbohydrate Counting:
Learning to estimate the amount of carbohydrates in meals helps in dosing insulin accurately.
4. Artificial Pancreas (Closed-Loop System):
This system combines an insulin pump and CGM to automatically adjust insulin delivery based on blood sugar levels.
5. Meal Planning and Exercise:
Balancing carbohydrate intake with insulin and engaging in regular exercise helps regulate blood sugar levels.
6. Pancreas or Islet Cell Transplant:
In some cases, a pancreas transplant or islet cell transplant may be considered, but these are complex procedures with significant risks.
7. Research on Immunotherapy:
Ongoing research explores immunotherapies that aim to modulate the immune response to prevent further destruction of insulin-producing cells.
Can you cure Type -1 Diabetes, if you wanna find it out then check out the full article below:
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