#Clinical sciences Open access journals
Pharma Research: Advancing Drug Discovery and Healthcare
Pharma Research: Advancing Drug Discovery and Healthcare is a comprehensive journal that focuses on the forefront of pharmaceutical research.
Pharma research encompasses the dynamic landscape of drug discovery, development, and their applications in healthcare. This multidisciplinary platform provides a crucial space for pharmaceutical scientists, researchers, and professionals to collaborate, share groundbreaking discoveries, and drive advancements in the pharmaceutical industry. It serves as an invaluable resource for those seeking to understand, contribute to, and shape the future of pharmaceutical research and its impact on healthcare.
It encompasses the ever-evolving field of drug discovery, development, and the broader spectrum of healthcare applications. This multidisciplinary publication offers a vital platform for pharmaceutical scientists, researchers, and professionals to engage in the exchange of knowledge, sharing of innovative discoveries, and driving forward progress within the pharmaceutical industry.
It provides a platform for researchers, pharmaceutical scientists, and professionals to share insights, research findings, and advancements in areas such as drug development, pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology, and clinical applications. Journal of pharmaceuticals serves as a vital resource for staying informed about the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry and promoting knowledge exchange within the community.
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biomedres · 1 year
Selective Conventional Transarterial Chemoembolization with Oxaliplatin Increases Tumor Exposure Compared to Systemic Administration in a Rabbit Model of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
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Selective Conventional Transarterial Chemoembolization with Oxaliplatin Increases Tumor Exposure Compared to Systemic Administration in a Rabbit Model of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Purpose: To compare the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of hepatic artery infusion of oxaliplatin emulsified in Lipiodol (cTACE) versus intravenous (IV) infusion in a rabbit model of HCC. Materials and Methods: Sixteen VX2 rabbits (4 rabbits/ time of sacrifice) received an IV infusion of oxaliplatin solution (4 mg/kg). Another 18 rabbits (4 or 5 rabbits/ time of sacrifice) received a 0.3 mL infusion (0.75 mg/rabbit) of 1:2 oxaliplatin:Lipiodol® emulsion followed by Curaspon® by hepatic artery infusion, called conventional transarterial chemoembolization (cTACE). Pharmacokinetic analyses were performed on plasma or ultrafiltered plasma. Plasma and tissue samples (healthy liver, tumor, pancreas, spleen, heart, lungs, kidneys) were collected at 1h, 24h, 72h and 168h after the treatment and analysed by ICP-MS for quantification of elemental platinum (Pt) concentrations. Tumor response was quantified by ultrasound imaging and tumor necrosis was quantified by histology. Results: While plasma exposure was 11-fold lower after cTACE, mean Pt concentrations in the tumor were higher (cTACE vs IV, mean ± SD: 24.9±22.3 vs 11.3±8.7 nmol/g at 1h post-administration, 24.6±22.0 vs 5.9±0.9 nmol/g at 24h, 13.8±13.4 vs 3.9±0.8 nmol/g at 72h, 18.5±11.5 vs 2.5±0.8 nmol/g at 168h). The tumor/healthy liver ratio, the most important parameter for the proof-of-concept of tumor targeting with minimal exposure to the liver was close to 1 for the IV route whereas it exceeded 20, at all times points for cTACE treatment and reached 65 at 168h. Tumor necrosis (cTACE vs IV) was also significantly higher at 24, 72 and 168h post-administration: 92±17% vs 45±5%, 99±3% vs 47±15%, 96±8% vs 41±19%, respectively. Conclusion: cTACE using a low dose of oxaliplatin in Lipiodol water-in-oil emulsion resulted in higher Pt concentrations in the tumor, lower systemic exposure and higher tumor necrosis than a higher intravenous dose of oxaliplatin in VX2 rabbits.
For more articles in Journals on Biomedical Sciences click here bjstr
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"An international research team has found almost a million potential sources of antibiotics in the natural world.
Research published in the journal Cell by a team including Queensland University of Technology (QUT) computational biologist Associate Professor Luis Pedro Coelho has used machine learning to identify 863,498 promising antimicrobial peptides -- small molecules that can kill or inhibit the growth of infectious microbes.
The findings of the study come with a renewed global focus on combatting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as humanity contends with the growing number of superbugs resistant to current drugs.
"There is an urgent need for new methods for antibiotic discovery," Professor Coelho, a researcher at the QUT Centre for Microbiome Research, said. The centre studies the structure and function of microbial communities from around the globe.
"It is one of the top public health threats, killing 1.27 million people each year." ...
"Using artificial intelligence to understand and harness the power of the global microbiome will hopefully drive innovative research for better public health outcomes," he said.
The team verified the machine predictions by testing 100 laboratory-made peptides against clinically significant pathogens. They found 79 disrupted bacterial membranes and 63 specifically targeted antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
"Moreover, some peptides helped to eliminate infections in mice; two in particular reduced bacteria by up to four orders of magnitude," Professor Coelho said.
In a preclinical model, tested on infected mice, treatment with these peptides produced results similar to the effects of polymyxin B -- a commercially available antibiotic which is used to treat meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis and urinary tract infections.
More than 60,000 metagenomes (a collection of genomes within a specific environment), which together contained the genetic makeup of over one million organisms, were analysed to get these results. They came from sources across the globe including marine and soil environments, and human and animal guts.
The resulting AMPSphere -- a comprehensive database comprising these novel peptides -- has been published as a publicly available, open-access resource for new antibiotic discovery.
[Note: !!! Love it. Open access research databases my beloved.]"
-via Science Daily, June 5, 2024
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covid-safer-hotties · 27 days
UK researchers find Alzheimer’s-like brain changes in long COVID patients - Published Aug 30, 2024
LEXINGTON, Ky (Aug. 30, 2024) — New research from the University of Kentucky’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging shows compelling evidence that the cognitive impairments observed in long COVID patients share striking similarities with those seen in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
The study, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, highlights a potential commonality in brain disorders across these conditions that could pave the way for new avenues in research and treatment.
The study was a global effort, funded by a multitude of grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Alzheimer’s Association and international organizations. The project also brought together experts from various fields of neuroscience.
Researchers at the UK College of Medicine led the study, including Yang Jiang, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Behavioral Science; Chris Norris, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences; and Bob Sompol, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences. Their work focuses on electrophysiology, neuroinflammation, astrocytes and synaptic functions.
“This project benefited greatly from interdisciplinary collaboration,” Jiang said. “We had input from experts, associated with the Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART), across six countries, including the U.S., Turkey, Ireland, Italy, Argentina and Chile.”
Jiang and the collaborative team focused their work on understanding the “brain fog” that many COVID-19 survivors experience, even months after recovering from the virus. This fog includes memory problems, confusion and difficulty concentrating. According to Jiang, “the slowing and abnormality of intrinsic brain activity in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in Alzheimer’s and related dementias.”
This research sheds light on the connection between the two conditions, suggesting that they may share underlying biological mechanisms. Both long COVID and Alzheimer’s disease involve neuroinflammation, the activation of brain support cells known as astrocytes and abnormal brain activity. These factors can lead to significant cognitive impairments, making it difficult for patients to think clearly or remember information.
The idea that COVID-19 could lead to Alzheimer’s-like brain changes is a significant development.
“People don’t usually connect COVID-19 with Alzheimer’s disease,” Jiang said, “but our review of emerging evidence suggests otherwise.”
The publication in Alzheimer’s & Dementia reveals that the cognitive issues caused by COVID-19 reflect similar underlying brain changes as those in dementia.
The study’s insights emphasize the importance of regular brain function check-ups for these populations, particularly through the use of affordable and accessible tools like electroencephalography (EEG).
The study not only highlights the shared traits between long COVID and Alzheimer’s, but also points to the importance of further research.
“The new insight opens avenues for future research and clinical practice, particularly in studying brain oscillations related to neural biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment in people with long COVID,” said Jiang.
One of the key findings is the role of astrocytes — support cells in the brain that have not been as thoroughly studied as neurons. The research suggests that damage or activation of these cells by COVID-19 can cause synaptic dysfunctions, leading to the abnormal brain activity observed in both conditions. This discovery is significant because it may help explain why EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Researchers believe this work could have a direct impact on patient care. They are advocating for routine EEG exams to detect early brain changes in both COVID-19 survivors and those at risk for cognitive decline.
“EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in early neurodegenerative diseases,” said Norris.
“These similarities may be due to shared issues such as brain inflammation, astrocyte activity, low oxygen levels and blood vessel damage,” said Sompol.
By detecting these changes early, health care providers could potentially identify at-risk individuals sooner and implement interventions to prevent or slow the progression of cognitive decline.
As research continues, the team is particularly interested in how EEG monitoring can predict long-term outcomes in COVID-19 patients and assess the effectiveness of treatments aimed at preventing cognitive decline.
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers P30AG072946, P01AG078116 and R56AG060608. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Link to study: alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.14089
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mineofilms · 1 year
Down is the new Up
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A bulk of this BLOG is more a summary of the former White House Press Secretary, current Fox News Contributor and host of their debate segment “Outnumbered,” Kayleigh McEnany’s comments on 6/9/2023 to a Wall Street Journal opinion piece saying gender-affirming treatments are an ‘experiment’ on kids. I will not be inserting my own opinions on top of the opinions that are already here in that summarization, but will make a statement at the end full of my opinions. This is more/less just a summary of what was discussed during that segment.
President Biden has recently reaffirmed his commitment to safeguarding gender-affirming surgeries for children, despite efforts by lawmakers to prevent such procedures. He has criticized those he perceives as, "hysterical and prejudiced people," who are promoting bills that target children, distress families, and criminalize doctors. The President firmly believes that denying children access to life-changing surgeries and puberty blockers is unjust, and he condemns extreme officials for their cruelty towards our youth and communities.
A newly published opinion piece by the Wall Street Journal that critiques the left's lack of understanding regarding gender-affirming care for children, labeling it as a human experiment that disregards the long-term risks associated with the off-label dispensing of potent hormone blockers. The author of this piece argues that the widespread diagnosis of minors with gender dysphoria borders on child abuse. The article also reveals that 68% of individuals oppose the use of puberty-blocking medications for teenagers, while 58% are against such treatments altogether.
According to Pete Hegseth, a Fox News contributor of their news segment “Outnumbered” the concept of gender-affirming care is a fabricated term that falsely implies that 13-year-olds can autonomously opt for surgery and powerful blockers. He asserts in sarcasm that this belief is akin to suggesting that 13-year-olds should be permitted to smoke cigarettes, consume alcohol, and open gambling accounts due to societal pressure. Pete also criticizes President Biden for endorsing the words of radical individuals and groups without possessing a proper understanding of the subject matter.
It should be noted here that most people that argue against Biden on this topic agree that Biden lacks a proper understanding of the subject matter at hand conceptually.
Another contributor on the segment, Cheryl Casone emphasizes the risks associated with Lupron and Advian, two drugs administered to children as part of gender-affirming care. She reveals that there have been 10,000 reports of adverse effects from these drugs, including hair thinning, fibromyalgia, and degenerative spinal disc conditions. Furthermore, she notes that some states are permitting children to undergo these treatments without parental guidance, potentially leading to lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies producing these drugs.
The last opinion came from another contributor, Dagen McDowell, where she points out that the push for children to undergo gender-affirming care is driven not by political motives but financial interests groups. Her opinion reveals that these children become multimillion-dollar patients, for life, due to the irreversible effects of surgery and medication, resulting in a lifetime of medical interventions. Dagen also highlights that countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Norway have banned the use of these drugs on minors due to their side effects and the phenomenon of social contagion.
Recently, Britain's National Health Service shut down the Tavistock clinic for diagnosing autistic and mentally ill children as transgender. Where my opinion starts… That to me is a major transgression of medicine, science, common sense, logic, breaking the promise to heal and care for the sick. As I said, the above portion of this BLOG is more a summary of this discussion during the FOX News segment “Outnumbered,” and is not of my own opinions. Now we can discuss what I think on the subject, unless where it is clearly stated otherwise. As I am labeled as, right wing, MAGA, crazy, unhinged or whatever term the Radical Extreme WOKE or EOA’s, Extreme Outrage Actors want to project onto me this day. I am sure tomorrow it will be some other label. What I actually am is an Independent/Independent thinker who will lean sometimes Right because at the moment Right is the lessor of the two evil party system we are currently in.
Extreme Outrage Actors are both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to hijack other cel groups or political ideologies to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS…’ Try to take a bad idea, that is already widely accepted as a bad idea, change some of the attributes that define the idea as bad and make that seem good and chastise others who do not follow suit. Examples of these groups would be: WOKE, incel, femcel, MGTOW, Volcel, Blackpill, Kevin/Karen, Trolls, Tweakers (Twitter Users), Binary, Non-Binary, Ally's, Cisgender, Panexual, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Hindi, Middle-Eastern, Twitch Gamers, Otakus, Anime Cosplayers, Otherkins, Antigun Groups, Neo Nazis, Environmental Activists, Scene Kids, Religion, Conspiracy Theorists, Flat Earthers, Hollow Earthers and Racists. You will notice I did not mention LGBT as these are real people, with real issues with for/against this law/that law/right/non-right. Where the others I mention are more actors, or internet subculture “cel” groups than real people with real problems.
You will find these subcultures on smaller, not well known platforms like SpaceHey.com, a MySpace clone with little to no administrative monitoring where these users will harass, bully and dox other users with opposing views. Breaking their TOS and Privacy Policy with no accountability from admins for the platform. With the self-destruction of Reddit as of late you will see just as many groups/users on Discord where they do much of the same but in private chat groups, to where, who knows what/who is monitoring them and their mostly extreme and blind progressive ideologies.
The Word Self-Projection Comes to Mind…
Self-projectionist, where a person or group project their own flaws, beliefs, and support onto the person they're trashing. In other words, a person that trashes other people and the details of that trashing are things the trasher actually is, supports, believes in and attempts to paint onto the person they are trashing. They just cannot help themselves. They want others to know these things but not necessarily do they want people to know it is them… It is a way for them to find out how the general public looks at people that practice such social activities to see if they themselves could be accepted by the lot. The lot would never accept people who do this to other people. Like I said, they cannot help themselves. They are addicted to outrage and the responses that come from that outrage.
A fact, by definition, is a theory which is (unproven datasets, an educated guess without verified testing by the scientific method), that is later tested to such a level of accuracy that it cannot be said to be NOT FALSE and cannot be debated as a non-fact till there is real data to suggest the fact is not a fact. It is all about data. The whole point is these actor-cel-groups do not care if they are right or not or their data is accurate or not, but you will believe what they believe or you are a canceled, a transphobe, racist, sexist, bigot and other unsavory labels. Media and social media can and will influence us indirectly. First, it whispers in the ears of trendsetters. Then they bust the moves, spreading the beat among their crew. It's all about who you follow and them use made up titles like, “Influencer,” in the hopes they gain your support. According to the two-step flow theory, a concept in the field of communication, the majority of these trendsetters lack original thinking abilities. In today's society, where it is expected to have an opinion on everything, people tend to adopt the viewpoints of their preferred thought leaders instead of engaging in original thought and conducting thorough research themselves.
  Descendit est novum Sursum (Latin for Down is the new Up) By David-Angelo Mineo 6/16/2023 1,314 Words
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Toxicity Case Reports Journal
Toxicity Case Reports Journal publishes case reports in Toxicity journal, images in Toxicity Case Reports Journal , journal of Toxicity case reports, case reports in Toxicology journal, journal of Toxicology case reports etc. Toxicity literally means poisonous or noxious and logos refers to the underlying science that explains the adverse effects of toxicity at the organismal level. 
Toxicology is therefore a multidisciplinary field which is at the interface of Biology, Chemistry and Medicine, with a special focus on Pharmacology. The subject discusses the presence of physical, biological and chemical agents in the Biological system and the way they affect its functions. Toxicology places special emphasis on the dosage of toxic substances, the route of exposure, species, age, sex, and the environment.
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Toxicology: Case Reports Journal
Journal of Toxicology Case Reports is an Open Access journal published. The Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of toxicology. Open access publishing proposes a relatively new model for scholarly journal publishing that provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of all published articles. 
Open access allows all interested readers to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription, enabling far greater distribution of an author's work than the traditional subscription-based publishing model. The journal uses an editorial tracking system that helps in providing good quality in the review process.
Toxicity Case Reports Journal Highlights: Aflatoxins, Cardiac Toxicity, Chemical Toxicology, Developmental Toxicology, Drug Toxicity, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Heavy Metal Toxins, Industrial Hygiene Toxicology, Insecticides Toxicology, Metal Toxicology, Nano Toxicology, Pesticidal Toxicology, Renal Toxicity, Reproductive Toxicology, Skin Toxicology, Tetanus Toxin, Toxicogenomics, Toxicology Reports, Toxicology Testing.
Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology
Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology: Journal of Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal and aims to publish articles in all areas of forensic toxicology, forensic science and pharmacology. The field of forensic science has come a long way and this is particularly true in the area of forensic toxicology, which is both fascinating and important for many applications. 
Forensic toxicology is a discipline of forensic science which aids in medical or legal death investigation including disciplines such as analytical chemistry, pharmacology and clinical chemistry. Journal highlights include: Analytical Chemistry, Anthropometry, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Computer Forensics, Digital Forensics, Drug Chemistry, Drugs of abuse, Environmental Forensics Fingerprints, Forensic Criminology, Forensic Death Investigation, Forensic Dentistry, Forensic Engineering, Forensic Genetics, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Neuropsychology, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Pharmacology, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Science, Forensic Toxicology, Medical and Clinical Toxicology
Related Journals: Forensic Toxicology, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Forensic Science International, Forensic Science International: Genetics, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies
International Journal of Chemical Sciences: International Journal of Chemical Sciences is a peer reviewed Quarterly Research Journal encompassing all the branches of Chemical Sciences like Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Analytical, Biological, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Environmental, Agro and Soil Chemistry as well as Chemical Physics and Engineering etc
American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics: American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics is an open access peer reviewed and bi-monthly published research journal that publishes articles in the field of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. It is an international journal to encourage research publication to research scholars, academicians, professionals and students engaged in their respective fields.
Our mission is to advance research by working to develop and maintain competence, ethics and integrity and the highest professional standards in the specialty for the benefit of the public. The faculty seeks, through its activities, to bring about an improvement in research of the public.
American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access online journal publishing original research, reviews focusing on all aspects of drug delivery systems.
Specific topics in the journal include: The properties and design of drugs, Excipients and drug penetration enhancers, Vaccines, Nanotechnology in therapeutics, Polymers for drug delivery, Drug delivery systems including oral, nasal, pulmonary, parenteral, topical and transdermal Controlled release systems; nanoparticles, microparticles, microcapsules, liposomes. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, Biopharmaceutics, Medical devices.
Der Chemica Sinica
Der Chemica Sinica: The primary mission of the Der chemica Sinica is to become the premier source of high quality research from the whole of the world. All authors not only receive fast and comprehensive peer-review but also the article promotion to researchers working in the same field. Der chemica Sinica is peer-reviewed and is published in electronic version. 
The language of the Der chemica Sinica is English.Der chemica Sinica is an Open Access that aims to publish a complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments as original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the chemistry science and making them available online without any subscriptions to the researchers worldwide. The editors welcome articles in this multidisciplinary field of chemistry.
Chemical Informatics
Chemical Informatics: Chemical Informatics is a vast field that aims to disseminate information regarding the design, structures, creation, dissemination, analysis, visualisation and the use of chemical information. 
Chemical Informatics Journal aims to supply scientists of resources in order to provide the scientific knowledge through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality, scientific papers and other material on all topics related to Chemical information, Software and databases, Molecular modelling, Computer- aided drug design, Molecular graphics, Data mining techniques, QSAR, Use of chemical structures and their representation in chemical substance and chemical reaction databases. Journal Highlights: Models of Chemistry, Chemical Databases and Maintenance, Chemical Information, QSAR, Data Mining Techniques, Database Software
Related Journals: Journal of Cheminformatics, Journal of Molecular Modeling, Journal of Molecular Structure, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Drug Discovery Today.
Journal of Medical Toxicology and Clinical Forensic Medicine
Journal of Medical Toxicology and Clinical Forensic Medicine: Journal of Medical Toxicology and Clinical Forensic Medicine is a Scholarly Open Access scientific journal which deals with both toxicology and Forensic medicine. Medical Toxicology is nothing but a medical subspecialty concentrating on the analysis, supervision and prevention of harming and additional adversative health issues due to medicines, work-related and ecological contaminants, and organic causes. 
Clinical Forensic Medicine (CFM) is a health field which deals with the collaboration of clinical medicine and the law. It is also involved in the examination of healthcare doctors who are believed to be impaired or may be a possible risk to the public for other reasons. Journal Highlights includes: Forensic Analysis, Forensic Pathology, Toxicology, Forensic Technologies, Forensic Science, Clinical Forensic Analysis, DNA FingerPrinting, Crime investigation, Toxicity Analysis, Jurisdiction
Related Journals: Forensic Nursing, Autopsy, Nanotoxicology, Forensic Science, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Science International, International Journal of Legal Medicine, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Legal Medicine, Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology; Environmental Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology, Journal of Applied Toxicology, The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine.
Journal of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Diseases
Journal of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Diseases: Heavy Metal Toxicity refers to an overexposure to lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium or other high density or metallic element that causes irritation or damage to the body. 
Heavy metals can be found naturally in the environment, in homes, or at the workplace. Sudden severe exposures as well as moderate exposures over time can cause toxicity. Depending on the exposure, metals can increase cancer risk, impair production of red and white blood cells, causes Nausea, Vomiting, Rice-water diarrhoea, Encephalopathy, MODS, LoQTS, Painful neuropathy, Blue vomitus, GI irritation/ Haemorrhage, Hemolysis, MODS (ingested); MFF (inhaled), Vomiting, GI Haemorrhage, Cardiac depression, Metabolic acidosis, Very high doses: Haemorrhage, Bone marrow Suppression, Pulmonary Edema, Hepatorenal necrosis.The main aim of this journal is to provide the quality of data on Heavy Metal Toxicity and related diseases due to severe exposure to Heavy Metals.
Related Journals: The New England Journal of Medicine, Blood Transfusion, Medicine and Healthcare Journal, Iron Chelation Therapy Journal, Blood Journal, Scientific World Journal, Global Journal of Medical Research, Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs Journal, Journal of Experimental Botany, Iranian Journal of Toxicology, Journal of Heavy Metals Toxicity and the Environment, International Journal of Toxicology Heavy Metal Poisoning and Cardiovascular Disease, Heavy metal poisoning from Ayurvedic medicines.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript by using Online Manuscript Submission Portal:https://www.literaturepublishers.org/submit.html
For more information on Literature Publishers - Toxicity Case Reports Journal visit our site:- https://www.literaturepublishers.org/event/Toxicity-Case-Reports-Journal.html
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ijcimr · 2 years
International Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Reviews
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International Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Reviews (ISSN 2771-6309) is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to publishing clinical images, Case Reports, Researches, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Short communications etc, from all sectors of science and medicine. The goal of this magazine is to disseminate information about new discoveries and treatments in science and medicine and accepts topics such as surgery, histology and cytology, oncology, dentistry, immunology, diagnostic method, clinical case, transplantation, ophthalmology, forensic science and all medicine-related fields.
International Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Reviews is open access journal, a peer reviewed journal with a large intellectual impact. Before publishing a manuscript, it goes through a rigorous editorial review procedure. The authors are encouraged to provide the manuscripts in accordance with the guidelines. The work can be submitted online using an online submission system. The manuscripts are peer-reviewed before being verified by the editors' panels. Finally, in order to preserve the highest quality of the information in this journal, only the quality contents are published.
For more details: https://ijcimr.org/ 
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editorbjpmr · 8 days
Publish With BJPMR: Submit Your Manuscript Today!
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The **British Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (BJPMR)** is a premier academic publishing platform that stands at the forefront of advancing research in the pharmaceutical and medical sciences. This blog post outlines the benefits of submitting your manuscript to BJPMR, detailing how the journal supports researchers and contributes to the scientific community.
### BJPMR: Leading Academic Publishing Platform
BJPMR is renowned as a leading academic publishing platform dedicated to the pharmaceutical and medical research sectors. Its reputation for rigorous peer review and commitment to publishing high-impact research makes it an ideal venue for your manuscript. By submitting to BJPMR, you ensure your research is disseminated through a respected journal known for its academic excellence.
### Advance Pharmaceutical, Medical Sciences
Publishing with BJPMR contributes directly to the advancement of pharmaceutical and medical sciences. The journal prioritizes research that drives innovations in drug development, medical treatments, and healthcare practices. By sharing your work with BJPMR, you become part of a community focused on pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and improving patient outcomes.
### Distinguished Conduit For Researchers
BJPMR serves as a distinguished conduit for researchers seeking to share their findings with a global audience. The journal provides a platform for scientists, practitioners, and academics to present their research to a wide and diverse audience. This exposure enhances the visibility of your work and establishes your reputation within the scientific community.
### High-Quality, Diverse Research Publications
The journal is known for its high-quality and diverse research publications. BJPMR covers a broad range of topics within pharmaceutical and medical sciences, including clinical research, drug efficacy studies, pharmacology, and healthcare management. This diversity ensures that a wide array of research is represented, providing comprehensive insights into various aspects of the field.
### Champion Of Open-Access Principle
BJPMR champions the open-access principle, making research freely available to the global academic community. This approach facilitates the widespread dissemination of knowledge, allowing researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to access your findings without financial barriers. Open access enhances the impact and reach of your research, promoting greater engagement and citation.
### Encourages Collaboration, Accelerates Discovery
The journal fosters collaboration among researchers, accelerating scientific discovery and innovation. By publishing with BJPMR, you join a network of experts dedicated to advancing knowledge through collaborative efforts. The journal’s emphasis on teamwork and shared research helps drive progress and brings new discoveries to light more quickly.
### Covers Wide Spectrum Of Topics
BJPMR covers a wide spectrum of topics within the pharmaceutical and medical research fields. From novel drug formulations and clinical trial results to public health policies and medical education, the journal encompasses various subjects. This broad coverage ensures that research from diverse areas of the field is published and accessible to a global audience.
### Promotes Medical Education, Understanding
Publishing in BJPMR also promotes medical education and understanding. The journal’s content is valuable for educators, students, and professionals, contributing to the enhancement of medical curricula and ongoing education. By sharing your research, you support the development of knowledge and expertise in the medical and pharmaceutical sciences.
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### FAQs
**1. How can I submit my manuscript to BJPMR?**
To submit your manuscript to BJPMR, visit the journal’s website and navigate to the submission portal. Follow the provided guidelines for manuscript formatting and documentation. Upload your manuscript file and complete the required submission forms. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email, and the editorial team will initiate the review process.
**2. What types of research does BJPMR accept?**
BJPMR accepts a variety of research types, including original research articles, reviews, case studies, and short communications. The journal focuses on pharmaceutical and medical sciences, covering topics such as drug development, clinical research, pharmacology, and healthcare management. Ensure your research aligns with BJPMR’s scope for successful publication.
**3. What are the advantages of publishing with BJPMR?**
Publishing with BJPMR offers numerous advantages, including increased visibility, credibility, and academic recognition. The journal’s broad readership and high standards of publication ensure that your research reaches a global audience and makes a significant impact. Additionally, BJPMR’s open-access model enhances the dissemination and accessibility of your work.
**4. How does BJPMR’s open-access model benefit researchers?**
BJPMR’s open-access model benefits researchers by making published research freely available to everyone. This approach removes access barriers, allowing your work to be read and cited by a wider audience, including researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Open access enhances the visibility and impact of your research, promoting greater engagement and citation.
**5. How can I ensure my research is impactful through BJPMR?**
To ensure your research is impactful through BJPMR, focus on producing high-quality, original work that addresses significant questions within the pharmaceutical and medical sciences. Adhere to the journal’s submission guidelines, engage with its academic network, and actively promote your published research. This approach will maximize the reach and influence of your findings.
### Conclusion
**BJPMR** invites you to submit your manuscript and join a leading academic publishing platform dedicated to advancing pharmaceutical and medical research. By publishing with BJPMR, you contribute to scientific progress, enhance your visibility, and become part of a global network of researchers. **Submit your manuscript to BJPMR today and make a significant impact in the field of pharmaceutical and medical sciences.**
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editorbjbmr · 22 days
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Submit Your Manuscript To BJBMR Today And Start Your Journey!
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# Submit Your Manuscript to BJBMR Today and Start Your Journey
The British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) is a prestigious international journal that welcomes manuscript submissions from researchers across the globe. With a focus on high-quality, impactful research, BJBMR offers a platform for disseminating innovative biomedical research findings to a global audience. In this article, we’ll explore why you should consider submitting your manuscript to BJBMR, the benefits of publishing in the journal, and how it can enhance your academic career.
### Enhance Your Work with BJBMR
BJBMR is dedicated to advancing the field of biomedical research by providing a space for researchers to publish their cutting-edge work. By submitting to BJBMR, researchers can enhance their work through constructive feedback and rigorous peer review. The journal not only accepts high-quality original research but also invites review articles, clinical studies, and case reports. This range of content allows researchers to showcase their findings, making it an ideal platform for sharing innovative ideas with the global biomedical community.
### Get Recognized — Submit to BJBMR
Publishing in BJBMR offers researchers the opportunity to gain recognition in the scientific community. BJBMR’s commitment to publishing significant contributions to biomedical research ensures that the work of its authors receives the attention it deserves. With a rigorous selection process and high standards for publication, research published in BJBMR is recognized for its quality and impact. Submitting your manuscript to BJBMR can open doors to new collaborations, grant opportunities, and further recognition within your field.
### BJBMR Appreciates Significant Research Contributions
BJBMR values contributions that push the boundaries of biomedical research. The journal is committed to publishing research that addresses critical health challenges and provides new insights into biomedical science. Whether you are conducting research in genetics, molecular biology, or clinical medicine, BJBMR appreciates significant research contributions that advance the field. The journal’s editorial team is made up of experts in various areas of biomedical research, ensuring that your work is reviewed by knowledgeable professionals who understand the significance of your findings.
### Access a Global Audience via BJBMR
One of the key advantages of publishing in BJBMR is the access it provides to a global audience. BJBMR has an extensive readership that spans multiple countries, making it an ideal platform for researchers looking to reach an international audience. By publishing your research in BJBMR, you can ensure that your work is seen by scientists, clinicians, and policymakers around the world. This global reach not only enhances the visibility of your research but also increases the likelihood of your work being cited and referenced by other researchers.
### Benefit from BJBMR’s Expert Review
BJBMR’s peer-review process is one of the journal’s key strengths. Submitting your manuscript to BJBMR means that your work will be reviewed by experts in your field who provide valuable feedback to improve the quality and impact of your research. The journal’s rigorous peer-review process ensures that only high-quality research is published, enhancing the credibility and reliability of the work. This expert review process not only strengthens your research but also adds to your reputation as a researcher, as your work will have been vetted by leading scientists in your field.
### Present Your Research to BJBMR
Presenting your research to BJBMR is an opportunity to showcase your findings to a global audience and contribute to the advancement of biomedical science. Whether your research focuses on basic science, translational research, or clinical applications, BJBMR offers a platform for you to share your work with the world. The journal’s broad scope ensures that it covers a wide range of topics within biomedical research, making it an ideal venue for researchers from diverse fields to present their findings.
### Boost Your Research Visibility with BJBMR
Visibility is crucial for any researcher looking to make an impact in their field. By publishing in BJBMR, you can significantly boost the visibility of your research. The journal’s wide distribution and international readership ensure that your work reaches a broad audience, increasing the chances of it being cited and referenced by other researchers. Additionally, BJBMR’s presence on digital platforms and databases enhances the discoverability of your research, making it easier for others to find and build upon your work.
### Publish with BJBMR for Recognition
Publishing with BJBMR is a surefire way to gain recognition for your research. The journal is well-regarded in the biomedical research community for its commitment to publishing high-quality, impactful work. By having your research published in BJBMR, you join a community of esteemed researchers whose work has been recognized for its contributions to the field. This recognition can be a significant boost to your academic career, helping you secure funding, collaborations, and further publication opportunities.
## Unique FAQs
Here are five unique FAQs tailored to highlight the global reach and accessibility of research published in the British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR):
**Q1: How does BJBMR ensure that my research reaches a global audience?**
BJBMR is committed to disseminating high-quality biomedical research to a global audience. The journal is indexed in multiple international databases, ensuring that research published in BJBMR is accessible to scientists, clinicians, and policymakers worldwide. This broad visibility increases the likelihood of your work being discovered, read, and cited by others in the field. By publishing in BJBMR, your research reaches beyond local and regional boundaries, contributing to global biomedical knowledge and fostering international collaboration.
**Q2: What impact can publishing in BJBMR have on the visibility of my research?**
Publishing in BJBMR significantly enhances the visibility of your research due to the journal’s international readership. BJBMR’s presence in global databases and its wide distribution network make your work accessible to a diverse audience of scientists, clinicians, and policymakers. This increased visibility raises the chances of your research being cited by others, which can improve your academic reputation and influence in the field. The journal’s commitment to publishing impactful research ensures that your work is seen by those who can apply and build upon it.
**Q3: How can BJBMR help increase the citation of my research?**
BJBMR helps increase the citation of your research by making it accessible to a broad international audience. The journal’s global reach ensures that your work is visible to key figures in the biomedical research community, including scientists, clinicians, and policymakers. By publishing in BJBMR, your research is more likely to be discovered and referenced by other researchers working in related fields, thus increasing your citation count. Additionally, BJBMR’s inclusion in major research databases ensures that your work is easily searchable and accessible to a wide audience.
**Q4: How does BJBMR contribute to the global dissemination of biomedical research?**
BJBMR plays a pivotal role in the global dissemination of biomedical research by providing an open platform for researchers to share their findings with the international scientific community. The journal’s global accessibility means that your research can reach stakeholders in various regions, including academia, industry, and government. By facilitating the worldwide distribution of biomedical knowledge, BJBMR ensures that important discoveries can be applied to global health challenges, increasing the impact and relevance of your research on a broader scale.
**Q5: Why is BJBMR an ideal journal for researchers seeking to influence global health policies?**
BJBMR is an ideal journal for researchers aiming to influence global health policies because it reaches a wide audience that includes not only scientists but also clinicians and policymakers. By publishing in BJBMR, your research is made accessible to those who shape health policies at both national and international levels. This visibility increases the chances of your findings informing policy decisions, contributing to public health strategies, and making a tangible impact on healthcare practices around the world.
## Conclusion
Submitting your manuscript to the British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) is a valuable opportunity to enhance your research visibility, gain recognition, and contribute to the global advancement of biomedical science. BJBMR’s rigorous peer-review process, international readership, and commitment to publishing high-quality research make it an ideal platform for researchers seeking to make an impact in their field. By publishing in BJBMR, you join a global community of researchers dedicated to advancing health and science. Start your journey today by submitting your manuscript to BJBMR and take the next step in your academic career.
### Please Subscribe to BJBMR’s YouTube Channel
In addition to its written publications, BJBMR offers valuable resources through its YouTube channel. By subscribing to BJBMR’s YouTube channel, you can access interviews with leading researchers, presentations on the latest biomedical research, and educational content that can help you stay informed about developments in the field. The YouTube channel is an excellent complement to the journal, providing additional insights and information that can enhance your understanding of biomedical research. Subscribe today to stay connected with the BJBMR community and expand your knowledge.
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COVID-19 “A Novel Great Imitator” and Its Cause-Effect Relationship on the Skin- Crimson Publishers
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COVID-19 “A Novel Great Imitator” and Its Cause-Effect Relationship on the Skin- Crimson Publishers
The emergence of the new coronavirus in December 2019, the main actor in the current COVID-19 pandemic and type 2 acute respiratory distress syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), initially allowed elucidating the particular respiratory symptoms of the disease that regularly it culminated in severe respiratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation and caused death in a considerable percentage of those infected. Over time, other symptoms were recognized, including the appearance of skin lesions. Initial reports of skin manifestations were documented by Italian dermatologists, probably because Italy was the first European country to be severely affected by the pandemic. The general clinical presentation, course, and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children differ from that in adults. In studies carried out during the first wave of the pandemic, it was observed that from 20.4% to 45% of patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection had presented skin manifestations, the maculopapular rash being the most frequently described. Subsequently, other studies classified the types of eruption attributable to the disease and related them to the stages and severity of the infection [1-2].
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academicstrive · 1 month
Exploring Innovations in Biomedical Sciences
AcademicStrive #CSRBS #BiomedicalSceience #OpenAccess #ResearchArticle
Launched by Academic Strive, the Journal of Biomedical Science is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal with the mission to foster the successful development of knowledge in the biomedical discipline. This interdisciplinary journal is an indispensable instrument for those researchers who have been working in human and animal health, with the biological and clinical aspects of health and disease being particularly highlighted. Through an extensive discussion about the topics like biochemical functions, physiological processes, anatomical and histological structures, epidemiology, and pharmacology, the journal guarantees the readers as well as the scientists the overall understanding of biomedical science.
The study presented in the journal recently demonstrates how human and animal studies are combined to gain the most efficient understanding of health. One example is, comparative research of physiological and biochemical processes among different species, which reveal the mechanisms of disease and thus, the identification of energy sources and treatment alternatives. By establishing that the animal model is analogous in many aspects, scientists are now in a position to design new drugs that either disappear side effects or reduce them. This not only development of new therapies which are more efficacious and less side effective but also the acceleration of biomedical research is achieved by this approach.
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Academic Strive is an advocate for open-access research and is making the publication of science open for all talents. The Journal of Biomedical Science accepts a variety of submissions, such as research articles, case reports, review articles, short communication, mini-reviews, and editorials, which make it possible for the researchers from all around the world to express their thoughts on the field of science and technology. Through the open access option of this journal, the knowledge generated in biomedical science will be disseminated to a larger audience and the results from various collaborations will faster than ever before turn into a reality. For more information, visit Academic Strive.
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biomedres · 1 year
Tai Chi, Qigong and the Treatment of Arthritis
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Tai Chi, Qigong and the Treatment of Arthritis in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Tai chi, also referred to as taiji or taijiquan, is considered both a martial art and a series of low impact exercises. It is also a tool in the toolbox of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been in existence for hundreds of years, although its philosophical roots go back thousands of years to Confucianism and Taoism [1]. There are five main styles of tai chi. Chen style is the oldest style and originated in the Chen village in China [2]. The second oldest style, and also the most popular style, is the Yang style [3]. Sun style [4] is the newest style of tai chi and has only been in existence for about 100 years. It is known for its high stances, which are especially suited for older people who have balance issues. Wu and Wu Hao [5] are the other main styles of tai chi, which contain elements of both the Yang and Chen styles. Although the styles all differ in some respects, they have more commonalities than differences. Qigong [pronounced chee gong] is also a set of low impact, gentle exercises that have been in existence for thousands of years [6] and is also considered a tool in the TCM toolbox. Some practitioners consider qigong to be a subset of tai chi. Much has been written about qigong and qigong exercises [7-131]. The Chinese Health Qigong Association has produced nine DVDs that provide instruction on some of the more popular qigong exercise sets [132-140]. Several organizations have been formed to study various aspects of qigong [141-175].
For more articles in Journals on Biomedical Sciences click here bjstr
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superbhandarihospital · 2 months
Pursue Excellence with Andrology Fellowship Training in India at BIMAST
In the dynamic and ever-evolving field of medical science, specialization is key to standing out and providing exceptional care. For medical professionals aiming to specialize in men's health and reproductive medicine, andrology fellowship training in india offers a pathway to expertise and distinction. BIMAST (Bhandari Institute of Minimal Access Surgery Training) in India provides a comprehensive Andrology fellowship program designed to equip physicians with the knowledge and skills required to excel in this vital medical domain. 
Introduction to BIMAST
BIMAST is renowned as one of the premier medical training institutes in India, dedicated to providing world-class education and hands-on training in various medical specialties. With state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and a commitment to excellence, BIMAST has established itself as a leader in medical education. The Andrology fellowship training at BIMAST is meticulously crafted to offer an in-depth understanding of male reproductive health, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience.
Why Choose BIMAST for Andrology Fellowship Training?
Choosing the right institution for fellowship training is crucial for your career development. Here’s why BIMAST stands out:
Expert Faculty: BIMAST boasts a team of highly experienced and respected medical professionals who are experts in the field of Andrology. Their guidance and mentorship are invaluable for trainees.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The fellowship program covers all aspects of Andrology, including male infertility, erectile dysfunction, hormonal therapy, and advanced surgical techniques.
Hands-On Training: BIMAST emphasizes practical learning, offering extensive hands-on training in state-of-the-art laboratories and surgical suites to ensure you gain real-world experience.
Advanced Facilities: The institute is equipped with cutting-edge technology and facilities, providing an ideal environment for learning and research.
Accreditation and Recognition: BIMAST’s fellowship programs are well-recognized and accredited, ensuring that your training is respected and valued globally.
Program Highlights
The Andrology fellowship training program at BIMAST is designed to be both rigorous and rewarding. Key highlights include:
In-Depth Theoretical Knowledge: Comprehensive lectures and seminars cover the latest advancements and research in Andrology, ensuring that you are well-versed in contemporary practices.
Clinical Experience: Work alongside seasoned professionals in clinical settings to observe and participate in patient care, gaining practical insights and skills.
Advanced Surgical Training: Learn and master advanced surgical techniques under the supervision of expert surgeons, enhancing your proficiency and confidence.
Research Opportunities: Engage in meaningful research projects that contribute to the field of Andrology, with opportunities to publish your findings in reputable medical journals.
Interdisciplinary Approach: Collaborate with specialists from various fields, broadening your understanding and approach to male reproductive health.
Benefits of Andrology Fellowship at BIMAST
Embarking on an Andrology fellowship at BIMAST offers numerous benefits:
Career Advancement: Specializing in Andrology opens up diverse career opportunities in hospitals, clinics, and academic institutions.
Professional Growth: Gain expertise and recognition in a specialized field, enhancing your professional credibility and marketability.
Patient Impact: Provide advanced care and treatment to patients with male reproductive health issues, making a significant impact on their lives.
Global Opportunities: The fellowship’s accreditation and recognition ensure that your qualifications are respected worldwide, opening doors to international career opportunities.
How to Apply
Embark on a rewarding journey towards specialization in Andrology by applying to BIMAST’s fellowship program. Visit BIMAST for detailed information on the application process, eligibility criteria, and program details. Take the first step towards becoming a leader in men's health and reproductive medicine.
Andrology fellowship training at BIMAST offers a unique opportunity to specialize in a critical field of medicine, with access to top-tier education, hands-on training, and expert mentorship. Elevate your medical career and make a profound impact on men's health with the comprehensive fellowship program at BIMAST. Visit BIMAST today to learn more and start your journey towards excellence in Andrology.
For more info click here:- best medical training institute
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argroup6 · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Study MBBS in Madhya Pradesh
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Madhya Pradesh, found in the heart of India, is developing as a favourable goal for aspiring medical students. With its peaceful scenes and wealthy social legacy, Madhya Pradesh offers a conducive environment for pursuing a career in medicine. This web journal points to a comprehensive overview of Study MBBS in Madhya Pradesh, including best colleges, admission process, and key experiences.
Why Choose Madhya Pradesh for MBBS?
Reputed Medical Colleges: Madhya Pradesh has a few regarded medical colleges, such as Gandhi Medical College in Bhopal, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College in Jabalpur, and MGM Medical College in Indore. These educators are known for their quality education and state-of-the-art offices.
Quality Education: Medical colleges in Madhya Pradesh offer a strong educational module that combines theoretical information with viable preparation. Students benefit from present day research facilities, well-equipped clinics, and experienced staff individuals.
Affordable Education: Compared to many other states, pursuing MBBS in Madhya Pradesh is cost-effective. Government colleges offer subsidised educational cost expenses, making medical instruction open to students from differing foundations.
Social Lavishness: Examining in Madhya Pradesh uncovered students to a dynamic social milieu. From verifiable landmarks to conventional celebrations, the state gives an interesting mix of academic rigour and social inundation.
Admission Process for MBBS in Madhya Pradesh
The admission process for MBBS in Madhya Pradesh takes after a standardised procedure:
Eligibility Criteria: Students must have completed their 10+2 education with Material science, Chemistry, and Science as obligatory subjects. They must moreover qualify the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) with a competitive score.
NEET Examination: NEET is the essential entrance exam for admission to MBBS programs in Madhya Pradesh. Students need to accomplish a great rank in NEET to be qualified for counselling.
Counselling Process: After the NEET results are declared, the Directorate of Medical Education (DME), Madhya Pradesh, conducts centralised counselling. Amid counselling, students can select their preferred colleges based on their NEET rank and accessibility of seats.
Document Verification: Candidates got to yield their NEET scorecard, academic certificates, house verification, and other important reports for verification amid the counselling handle.
Best Medical Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Let's explore a few of the top medical colleges in Madhya Pradesh famous for their MBBS programs:
Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal: Built up in 1955, Gandhi Medical College is one of the most seasoned medical colleges in Madhya Pradesh known for its academic excellence and research facilities.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur: Established in 1955, this college offers comprehensive medical education with a centre on clinical preparation and community wellbeing.
MGM Medical College, Indore: Partnered with Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, MGM MedicalCollege gives quality medical education and state-of-the-art healthcare offices.
People's College of Medical Sciences & Research Middle, Bhopal: Known for its cutting edge foundation and experienced staff, this college offers a conducive environment for learning and research.
Cost of MBBS Education in Madhya Pradesh
The cost of studying MBBS in Madhya Pradesh shifts depending on whether you select government or private colleges. Government colleges have relatively lower educational cost expenses extending from INR 50,000 to INR 1,00,000 per year, while private colleges may charge between INR 5,00,000 to INR 20,00,000 per year.
Studying MBBS in Madhya Pradesh offers a one of a kind mix of academic excellence, social lavishness, and reasonableness. With top-notch therapeutic colleges, advanced offices, and a strong educational environment, Madhya Pradesh stands as a promising choice for aspiring specialists. By planning well for NEET and exploring the affirmation handle tirelessly, students can set out on a satisfying journey towards a successful medical career in the heart of India.
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argroupofedu5 · 5 months
Disclosing the Medical Journey: Seeking after MBBS in Rajasthan
Are you yearning to end up a specialist and trying to find a put to kickstart your medical travel? See no assistance than the socially wealthy and instructively dynamic state of Rajasthan. Settled in the midst of the brilliant sands and magnificent forts, Rajasthan offers plenty of openings for understudies aspiring to pursue MBBS instruction. In this web journal post, we are going to set out on a trip to investigate MBBS in Rajasthan, including the educational scene, expenses, and the leading medical universities and colleges the state has got to offer.
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MBBS in Rajasthan: A See into Fabulousness
Rajasthan, with its wealthy social legacy and authentic importance, has been making critical strides within the field of medical instruction. The state has a range of government and private medical colleges and colleges that offer comprehensive MBBS programs. Examining MBBS in Rajasthan not only gives students a chance to get quality instruction but also exposes them to assorted clinical encounters and research openings.
Study MBBS in Rajasthan: Unlocking the Doors of Opportunity
Rajasthan offers a perfect environment for pursuing MBBS instruction, with its well-established medical education and experienced workforce individuals. The state's medical colleges emphasise a holistic approach to instruction, combining theoretical knowledge with practical preparation. Students have the opportunity to pick up hands-on involvement through clinical rotations in various departments of affiliated healing centres.
Additionally, Rajasthan's social differences and dynamic climate give a one of a kind background for scholarly and individual development. Understudies have the chance to inundate themselves within the wealthy culture of Rajasthan whereas seeking after their restorative instruction, making their learning experience all the more enhancing and satisfying.
MBBS Fees in Rajasthan: Affordability and Accessibility
One of the foremost engaging viewpoints of studying MBBS in Rajasthan is the reasonableness of instruction. Compared to many other states in India, the fetch of medical instruction in Rajasthan is moderately lower, making it available to students from assorted socio-economic foundations. Government medical colleges, in specific, offer subsidised educational cost fees, making them an appealing alternative for numerous students.
Additionally, grants, grants, and monetary help programs are accessible to qualified understudies, encouraging facilitating the monetary burden of medical instruction. With a run of money related help choices accessible, students can seek after their dreams of getting to be specialists without having to worry excessively almost the taken a toll.
Best Medical University in Rajasthan: Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS)
Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) stands out as a guide of brilliance in restorative instruction within the state. Set up in 2005, RUHS is committed to advancing healthcare through education, research, and development. The university offers a wide run of undergraduate and postgraduate medical programs, including the MBBS course.
RUHS boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, well-equipped research facilities, and a faculty comprising experienced teachers and medical experts. The university's comprehensive curriculum is planned to get students ready for the challenges of present day healthcare,ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to excel in their medical careers.
Colleges Offering MBBS in Rajasthan
In addition to Rajasthan College of Wellbeing Sciences, a few other medical colleges within the state are eminent for their scholastic fabulousness and clinical training opportunities. A few of the eminent colleges offering MBBS in Rajasthan incorporate:
Pacific Medical College and Healing centre, Udaipur
Jodhpur Medical College and Healing centre, Jodhpur
Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner
Geetanjali Medical College and Healing centre, Udaipur
Each of these colleges has its one of a kind qualities and specialties, giving understudies with an assorted run of choices to select from based on their inclinations and career objectives.
Conclusion: Set out on Your Medical Travel in Rajasthan
Setting out on a journey to seek after MBBS in Rajasthan opens doors to a world of openings and conceivable outcomes. With its reasonable expenses, top-tier education like Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, and wealthy clinical exposure, Rajasthan gives an ideal setting for understudies to seek after their medical desires and carve out fruitful careers in healthcare. So why hold up? Seize the opportunity and set out on your medical travel in Rajasthan today!
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class2college · 6 months
MBBS in Haryana: Options and Courses
Haryana, known for its rich cultural heritage and rapid development, has emerged as an important centre for medical education in India. Pursuing an MBBS in Haryana not only provides excellent educational opportunities but also gives students a chance to get exposure to diverse clinical experiences. In this blog, we will discuss various aspects of studying MBBS in Haryana including famous medical colleges, admission processes, curriculum, and career prospects.
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Renowned Medical Colleges
Haryana boasts several prestigious medical colleges that are recognized for their quality education and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Institutions like Pt. B.D. Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS) in Rohtak, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College in Agroha, and Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Institute of Medical Sciences in Karnal are among the top choices for aspiring medical students. These colleges offer comprehensive MBBS programs facilitated by experienced faculty members and modern teaching methodologies.
Admission Procedures
Admission to MBBS In Haryana is primarily through entrance examinations conducted at both the state and national levels. The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is the common entrance exam for MBBS aspirants across India. Additionally, Haryana conducts its state-level counselling process for admissions to medical colleges based on NEET scores. Candidates need to fulfil the eligibility criteria and secure a competitive rank in NEET to secure admission to their desired medical college in Haryana.
Curriculum and Academic Excellence
The MBBS curriculum in Haryana medical colleges is designed to impart comprehensive medical education and practical training. The coursework includes fundamental subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, and Forensic Medicine, among others. Additionally, students undergo clinical rotations in various departments to gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating patients under the guidance of experienced medical professionals. The emphasis on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills equips students to excel in their medical careers.
Clinical Exposure and Research Opportunities
One of the significant advantages of studying MBBS In Haryana is the ample clinical exposure available to students. Medical colleges collaborate with affiliated hospitals where students actively participate in clinical rounds, patient care, and surgical procedures under supervision. Moreover, these institutions encourage students to engage in research activities, presenting papers at conferences, and publishing in scientific journals. Such opportunities foster critical thinking, and innovation, and contribute to the advancement of medical science.
Infrastructure and Facilities
Haryana medical colleges prioritize providing a conducive learning environment with modern infrastructure and facilities. Well-equipped laboratories, libraries stocked with medical literature, advanced research centres, simulation labs, and spacious lecture halls are integral components of these institutions. Additionally, the medical colleges have tie-ups with multispecialty hospitals, ensuring access to the latest medical technologies and patient care facilities for students’ practical training.
Career Prospects and Beyond
Completing an MBBS from a reputed medical college in Haryana opens up a plethora of career opportunities for graduates. They can pursue postgraduate studies in various specialities like Surgery, Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Orthopedics, etc., or opt for diploma courses in specialized fields. Furthermore, graduates can explore opportunities in government hospitals, private healthcare sectors, research organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and academia. The demand for skilled healthcare professionals continues to grow, offering promising prospects for MBBS graduates in Haryana.
Studying MBBS In Haryana offers a transformative educational experience coupled with extensive clinical exposure and research opportunities. With renowned medical colleges, robust academic curricula, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and promising career prospects, Haryana stands out as a preferred destination for aspiring medical professionals. Aspiring students keen on pursuing a career in medicine can embark on their journey in Haryana, laying a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling medical career ahead.
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