#Cleopatra de Nilce
virfujiwara · 4 years
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“She is full of grace Made by the hands of God She's got a gaze And it gets her what she wants”
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rickysmagicshop · 5 years
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"He is the little Timy Otul He was born in a poor area of Venice
Only his mother raised him Because his father died in an accident when he was going to buy cigarettes You see Cigarettes kill The thing is From the time he was very little, he cleaned boots to manage to overcome daily difficulties and to help his mother a little. Then an epidemic erupted And his mother got sick And she died because of the epidemic He lived but he was left alone and very sad But then he also got sick Wandering around the city and already without strength He was rescued on the verge of death by Cleo who had stayed in Italy after the parade And she takes him to a good hospital Cleo felt lonely after letting go of her passing love interest And she was very lonely even before that That child reminded her of her humble childhood And she wanted to see what their relationship would be like with time Timy's health was improving But his attitude was very cold The death of his mother had affected him very deeply Then he recovered Cleo decided to take him home And basically adopt him She tried to establish a good relationship She hired good private tutors for him She sent him to the best school she could But Timy was still indifferent And he did not seem to care One day She entered Timy's room And he kept staring at the wall With his usual inexpressive face She sat on the bed And got a gift from behind her back One with a huge bow Timy was very curious So he opened it It was a beautiful red plane Tears started coming down from Timy's eyes It was the first time he had been given a toy The first time he held a toy in his hands And one that he liked a lot Cleo asked him if she could do something to make him happy He said he missed his mother very much And that although they were poor, at least he was happy with her Cleo hugs him And she says that although the loss of his mother was a great tragedy She would have liked him to be happy And that she was happy with the time she had with him And that they did not need to forget her Because his mom would always be in his heart protecting him And that she, like him, lost a lot of important people And she fought a lot in her life Just like him She was alone And she asked him if he would like to help her to help each other to be happy So Timy agreed And for the anniversary of the death of his mother They always go together to leave her a red rose To remember her with a lot of affection Timy started to open up more to people And to change the way he deals with others He started to enjoy life more And he told Cleo that when he grows up he wants to be a pilot And he will give his plane the name of his mother "Claris" Timy became an inspiration for Cleo's work And Cleo became a mother to Timy"
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rickysmagicshop · 5 years
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“The show must go on
So they go back inside together Marco stays under the stage And Ricky goes up While looking at Marco He makes the introduction to the show and the parade And thanks his family, friends, the army and his partner Marco 🥰 Everyone applauds And the show begins Starting, obviously With Cleo With a beautiful long dress with colorful sequins , with a long tail and at the back it had peacock feathers And the parade was a success The show ended with everyone saying thank you from up the main stage And the public cheering, standing up The celebration continued on the terrace With champagne And casseroles And camel hump, with quail eggs and crocodile milk All super that super chic rich people stuff After all the guests left Each one of them went to sleep in their rooms Ah On the terrace party Marco had drank a bit more than he should have 🥴 OK The night passes by And in the morning Ricky hears music He goes out to the balcony And he sees Marco on the balcony below his Holding a stereo 📻 Playing the genghis khan song And he asks him to have breakfast together And they go have breakfast together They both ask for eggs with coffee But Marco’s coffee didn’t have milk because he had to get rid of the hangover They finish eating And now they had a free day in Milan They go for a walk They go shopping And then they go to a park And they rent a tandem bicycle  But Marco was too ashamed to say that he didn't know how to ride a bike Ricky goes ahead and takes the front seat and Marco sits on the back At the moment, Ricky was pedaling alone, but there was no problem because the road was straight Even if the bike moved from one side to the other And Marco was like, he never saw a bike before Because his parents didn't have time to teach him Until They reach a low And they stop Ricky asks Marco to take the handle of the bike while he takes out his cell phone to take a selfie And Marco loses his balance and they go down a thousand km per hour down the hill And Rikcy drops his phone Neither of them could put their feet on the pedals because they were spinning very fast They collide with a flower stand And Marco swallowed half a dozen roses And the bike kept going The ferry was just passing And almost hits them They are thinking that they will collide with a house that’s in front of them And the lady who owned the house Opens the door They get in the house And they go out the back door Like in movies Dodging everything in their path And almost crashing with everyone And create tremendous chaos Until they arrive at a park And collide with a bush And they fall into another bush They both have serious looks on their faces And they start laughing And Ricky asks Marco if he didn't know how to ride a bike And Marco blushes and says no They shake the leaves off of them And now they are going to go have some ice cream WALKING When they were having their ice cream Ricky tells Marco that he will teach him to ride a bike When they arrive at the hotel The whole crew and models Were gathered In front of a TV in the hotel lounge And they look at them and start laughing Because in the news Besides talking about the fabulous parade and the show People had recorded them riding the bike And they had made it to the social networks And they had gone viral And it came out in the news "FAST AND FURIOUS DESIGNER"
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virfujiwara · 5 years
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Dahlia flowers are beautiful, they symbolize elegance, inner strength, creativity, change, and dignity. Some others believe that they are a representation of diversity.
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rickysmagicshop · 5 years
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“The Milan parade was close And Marco was not sure about Ricky's feelings for him The most important fashion people were going to attend to this event And the gift boxes had baby kittens and Japanese avocados, all super chic Marco could not stand being worried anymore
And he went to ask Ricky about his feelings And if their relationship was serious When he opened the door He saw Ricky and Cleo standing very close He exploded and closed the door with a bang, breaking the dressing room mirror Ricky did not understand Marco's behavior So, worried, he goes to talk to Marco Marco leaves the building and goes to a garden that was on the terrace So, he does not really come out of the building He goes up the building Marco sits on a fountain And touches the water On the verge of tears Ricky is looking for him and sees him from the other side of the glass door Opens the door And Marco is surprised But he can't look at his face Ricky asks him what's wrong But Marco does not answer him and does not want to look at him because he wants to cry He feels betrayed, left behind Ricky worriedly sits next to him And tries to grab his hand But he shakes him off And does not look at him Ricky gets very sad And he could not stand feeling that Marco hates him So he cups his face in his hands and makes him look at him They both look at each other And they begin to tear up Marco confessed his jealousy over his relationship with Cleo And Ricky felt guilty that lately he was not paying attention to the poor guy And he did to Cleo, because of the parade and their reunion Not appreciating that Marco did everything, all the work for this So Ricky wipes his tears away And he says he's the most important person in his life, and he would not have gotten where he is without him. And....... Kiss Yep Also Ricky laughs And clarifies the misunderstanding Telling him that Cleo's feelings are not towards him And that she fell in love with another person And that she was very close because she wanted it to be a secret And that nobody else could listen”
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virfujiwara · 5 years
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In celebration that I finally did an actual drawing of Cleo I’m posting this simple drawing which was the first one I did of her. The Ricky AU says trans rights!
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rickysmagicshop · 5 years
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“Hmmm Looks like a Cleopatra Power: to create an army of zombies Hobby: to use eyeliner Job: Professional Cosmetologist Worked at Ricky’s hair salon So they already knew each other from before She was hired as a model when Ricky’s fashion designs came out And ngl Marco was lowkey jealous Because they had a very good relationship But he was not worried it’s his insecurities and fear of being alone again Making a delivery of clothing orders for a parade (Marco was the person in charge of the paperwork and inventory to lend Ricky a hand) and also he had to accommodate the roles of the models that were invited, or like that participated since those uniforms marked a trend around the world and they had an important parade in Milan So He was arranging the papers And, accidentally, his hand slid down the table, hit a lamp, bounced off his leg and opened Cleo’s file And he saw something that surprised him Cleo was not always known as Cleo; before, she was known as Hugo: A boy who was born in a poor family in Egypt, his parents were farmers Tired of living in misery and longing for belonging to the upper class that kid decided to rebuild his life and since he had always had a great admiration for beauty he decided to focus on that He collected flowers and herbs that helped him prepare different types of creams and makeup Soon he gained popularity among the upper class who started buying the products When he made a lot of money, so much that he could help his parents, he started thinking that he was not happy (What is it with these characters that they all have an existential void? … I do not know) So he decided to travel and rediscover life He went to The City And he got a job at a hairdresser shop There he met Ricky They got along very well And he began to understand a side he mostly ignored, and to accept it too (In that hairdresser they probably read the tarot cards for you lol) ok so she decided to change to who she really felt she was And become Cleopatra de Nilce, better known as Cleo And she went to work very happily waiting to know what Ricky would say about it all And when she arrived he was no longer there He had joined the army At some point, with this new appearance she arrived at the catwalks to stay and slay And for a long time she did not know anything about Ricky and his life Until he became famous to the world And she decided to audition as a model She thought Ricky would not recognize her And she was wrong Yes He did recognize her! And he was happy that they could work together again because they had good chemistry”
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