#Cleanroom Produts Singapore
airtechpteltd · 9 months
Cleanroom: History And Why Cleanrooms Are Preferred in Sophisticated Units
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An artificially designed, developed & created, environment for the specific purpose of either research, manufacturing and in healthcare sector is categorically known as cleanroom. As the name indicates these cleanrooms are such environments in specific and known boundaries that are meticulously and accurately planned and built, so that the interior of the construction is totally free form harmful gases, bacteria and other pathogens that may interfere with the woks and activities that are intended to take place within. A clean room is made free from such hazardous elements by incorporating certain sophisticated devices and machinery, so that the inner environment is kept totally sterile. Likewise in certain manufacturing industries especially the electronic parts like integrated circuits and allied semiconductor components, it is very much necessary to maintain an absolutely clean and dust free environment which otherwise proves to be quite disastrous. A clean room not only keeps the internal area sterile but also facilitates the proper functioning and performance of the devices that are installed, as well as the ones that are being manufactured. In case of food industry it is obvious that the products that are manufactured are supposed to be for human consumption and must be manufactured with utmost care. Since even a slight bit of contamination can lead to a wide spread hazard which may be of very high magnitude. In the health care sector it is very much understood that the places of treatment to the patients must be totally clean and microbe free, which otherwise may lead to other menacing conditions. Industries that need cleanrooms, will usually decide the quality depending on what activity is being done, which will help the sector to define what ISO class is essential for the cleanroom. However, cleanrooms by and large cannot be assumed to be the same or identical in all cases. Clean rooms that are to be utilized in the production of semiconductors, integrated circuits, complex electronic components and other similar, do not need a need a sterile room especially with respect to microbes and pathogens. Whereas in a biotechnology laboratory or research centre must necessarily be free from microbes, viruses and other bacterial contamination. But in general and as a common rule, a considerably stringent regulation of airborne particulates such as dust and allied materials and surfaces of properties that are brought into the room, scholars, scientists, or other support staff who enter the room, apparatuses, substances, and equipment must be taken into consideration. Structuring and building a cleanroom and making it suitable for carrying out the desired work is usually done by experts like Airtech. Situated in Singapore, the organization, Airtech Equipment Pte Ltd, manufactures and installs exclusive and high-quality hospital door, cleanroom, biosafety level and operating room equipment. Catering to the meet the needs of sectors like health care, especially hospital ICU room, laboratory & bio-safety, Airtech Equipment Pte Ltd, leaves no stone unturned to keep up with the ever fluctuating clean air technology. In Order To Find Out More Details Hospital Equipments Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!
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airtechpteltd · 10 months
Cleanroom Airflow Mechanism, Airflow Principles And Equipment
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Maintaining a consistent airflow within the clean room is a matter of expertise and skilful installation and operation. Since the cleanrooms have to be maintained and kept under constant surveillance, for the efficient performance, it has to be equipped with the best possible device and gadgets. Cleanrooms generally have to keep up with a steady flow of particulate free air, which usually is achieved through installing HEPA or ULPA filters that work on the principles of laminar or turbulent airflow.        In general laminar airflow systems contribute to about more than 75 percentages of cleanroom air filter systems. In these systems, the main components that are employed in the construction of the filters and the hoods is commonly stainless steel, in order to prevent unwanted airborne or object particles from entering into the area. Multidirectional air flow systems use laminar air flow hoods as well as non-specific speed filters in order to keep the air flow constant in a cleanroom. Nevertheless, there are certain recommendations and limits that are set in for controlling the microbial contamination. This criterion that is set in for the control of level of microbes happens to be very stringent, especially in case of pharmaceutical clean-rooms. Clean rooms in some cases make use of ultraviolet light in order to attain disinfection of the air in a specific area. Ultraviolet devices that beam UV rays are conveniently placed in key points so that the beams scatter and disinfect the entire area by eradicating the infectious elements. Ultra violet light has been a preferred method of non-contact sterilization that is employed to achieve sterile environments, especially in hospitals and their operating rooms. Being a contactless mode of disinfection the UV drastically reduces dependence on biochemical decontaminators which at times may cause allergies and irritation. Maintaining a positive pressure in a cleanroom is another significant point, by doing so the inside air that leaks out, get out from the chamber rather than giving room to contaminated air entering. Semiconductor manufacturing units follow this aspect because; even minute extents of particulate matter in a possible leakage would spoil the whole system. Airtech is one of the leading companies in manufacturing, cleanroom equipment of high quality which complies with the global cleanroom technology. Commencing its operation in the year 1984, the company has been supplying cleanroom airflow devices and has also been actively installing and maintaining the devices for peak performances. Airtech Equipment is one of the pioneers providing value-added services like site testing, commissioning and allied services. Designed in accordance to specific client necessities it also offers customized testing facilities as well. In Order To Find Out More Details Laminar Air Flow Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!
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airtechpteltd · 1 year
Cleanroom Technological Aspects And Applications
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A clean and sanitized space is a mandatory aspect during the manufacturing of certain products especially with respect to sectors like pharmaceuticals and healthcare, electronics and semiconductor industry and so on. This prearrangement systematically done up significantly eradicates contamination and other microbial attacks, ensuring the product being manufactured well protected and free from any infection or chemical actions making the process of manufacturing safe and accurate. Going by the ideologies of building of cleanrooms, they are planned and engineered to specifically, monitor and maintain the environs of the particular location or room and limit the level of impurity caused by dust, airborne vapours and microbes, animal or plant fibers and various other biological threats.
Discussing about the technical insights in a cleanroom and the technological aspects involved in it and its construction and installation, basically a clean room is fitted with an air purification system, air curtains at the entrances, air-conditioning systems, and in some cases the locations will be fitted with sterilization devices so that the apparatus or the instruments that are to be used within the rooms are free from any sort of contamination. Likewise the applications of clean rooms although sector specific, play a vital role in various segments, and out of that the most critical ones are the sectors of life sciences and biotechnology. Food industry is one location where a cleanroom is inevitable.
In the recent years there have been a lot of additions in the sectors where automobile industry has been a significant one, since the contemporary vehicles comprises of electronic circuitry, semiconductors, processors and other allied components, they have to be obviously manufactured under extremely precise conditions, since any minute contamination by static, atmospheric moisture, room temperature will cause irreversible damage to the system as well as the end product. This apart, since the production of electronic parts, not only needs a cleanroom but also needs supporting products like coveralls, lab coats or aprons, antistatic wipes and a variety of permitted cleaning liquids and sanitizers.
In order to have cleanrooms of such high standards, the work of construction and the supply of the cleanroom equipment have to be entrusted to a well experienced and skilled organization. One such organization actively involved in this activity is the Airtech which is a prominent company that manufactures and supplies cleanroom, operating room equipment and biosafety level apparatus of international standards. Airtech Equipment started its operation in and around Singapore in the year 1984, now has emerged as a global supplier of cleanroom and bio safety equipment.
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airtechpteltd · 1 year
Cleanroom A Complex Engineered Space: Known And Unknown Facts
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In general sense a cleanroom can be considered as that area or space, which is sustains a remarkably low potency of airborne particulates such as microbes and other similar foreign particles that may otherwise cause unwelcome results in the activities intended to be carried out in that specific area. In the construction of such areas and rooms there are certain mandatory aspect that are in relevance with scientific research, high end production industries such as semiconductor manufacturing and so on. While a cleanroom is constructed with an intention to keep the area protected from simple dust particles to airborne micro-organisms and unwanted vapours, there are different methodologies that are in use for this purpose.
The first aspect that is given importance is the entrance to a cleanroom. This is the most critical factor since the entrance to any area will usually be the source of any microbial contamination. An air shower is an ideal protective measure that is installed at the entrance. These are air current supply units that are fitted with air filters and are mostly installed in the ceiling of the entrance. The swift air current acts a curtain that bars the entry of any air borne particles that may be likely to enter into the area along with the entrants of the cleanroom. Likewise the entrants to the cleanroom must be dressed up in cleanroom garments, a proper headgear and other accessories like hand gloves and so on are another piece of equipment that are necessary to maintain the level of cleanliness and avert any contamination.
On the other hand it is not just enough if the contaminants from the outside are prevented. In certain scientific and research centres, especially in biology, nuclear, certain pharmaceutical sectors and virology study centres, the materials and microbes that are used for study and exploration purposes inside the research centres or laboratories will be quite harmful if they are let outside to the environment. So in that respect it is very much necessary to ensure that the air locking system in the cleanroom is effective and secure so that hazardous elements do not escape from the interiors. So in a way the cleanroom not only must be protected from the outside contaminations but also enough care must be exercised to see that the outside environment is also preserved well.
With all these aspects that are to be kept in mind, constructing such clean rooms must be carried out by experts and qualified organizations. In this regard Airtech is one of those expert organizations with a dynamic and skilled team which carries out the job to the best extent. With sufficient experience in the sector Airtech has been rendering services in clean room construction and clean room equipment supplies to esteemed clientele, in and around Singapore. With special expertise in cleanroom equipment like clean room furniture, laminar air flow cabinet, Cleanroom door, cleanroom special materials, cleanroom lighting and much more the organizations has made a name in the clean room equipment supply segment.
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airtechpteltd · 1 year
Diagnostic Equipment And Its Significance In Up Keeping A Health Care Facility
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Diagnostic equipment and proper furniture are an essential aspect in the proper running and carrying out of a healthcare unit. Whether it is a fully fledged speciality unit or simple outpatient session, these rooms must typically be included by certain basic essentials. In a simple outpatient consultation room, these essentials primarily comprise of a table, chair, examination platform or table, sphygmomanometer, electrocardiograph machine, thermometer and so on. But in case of a speciality healthcare unit the essentials comprises of more sophisticated equipment like the ones that are used for a deeper and more intricate diagnosis.
The same way in a typical diagnostic laboratory along with an Imaging facility is sometimes attached to a healthcare unit making it a semi fledged unit. Such units generally must be included with analysers, microscopes, centrifuge machine and essentially a refrigerator. However, in such set-ups apart from the above mentioned, certain support equipment is also required to provision a proper critical care facility. Nevertheless this equipment, adds up to the basic essential, and are selectively placed and utilised since they are meant to be used in specific instances, like for example in a maternity and or a general surgery, facilities like a the ones that are to be used in such instances must be facilitated since they play a very significant role in such case.
Likewise, there are other more critical sectors in the healthcare sector, which calls for a wide range of equipment. A orthopaedic division of the healthcare unit essentially needs a X-ray machine for the proper analysis of cases without which the orthopedic diagnosis cannot be considered as accurate. In a cardiac department the most essential and mandatory equipment is the ECG machine. Without this one cannot properly judge and assess the cardiac functioning of the patient.
In such cases, the inability to properly assess the cardiac related instances will certainly lead to the misjudgement and may result in unpleasant medical incidents. Connected to the analytical concepts of the health care units, Haematological analysers like the cell counters and determiners are also an essential piece of equipment. These equipments give out clear and accurate readings that come in handy while ascertaining certain disease conditions based on the haematological criteria.
While there are equipment manufacturers who provide cleanroom and hospital essentials, Airtech has been a forerunner in the sector and has been supplying reputed healthcare organizations with the latest and top quality medical equipment and cleanroom equipment. Starting from simple cleanroom furniture, the organization has always been ahead of the other competitors in this sector. Airtech has been rated as atop quality hospital equipment provider and the organizations has also earned a reputation of offering the best after sales services which happens to be the most important aspect of a product supplier.
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airtechpteltd · 1 year
Clean Rooms And Their Applications in Diverse Sectors
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For most of the food and pharmaceutical manufacturing process a clean and sterile space is required, to ensure that the manufacturing of the products is carried out in a well-protected and contamination free environment, which is safe enough to yield a high-quality product. In technical sense these areas are referred to as cleanrooms or sterile rooms. These cleanrooms comprise of complex equipment that precisely regulate, observe, analyse and maintain the environment of the room according to the need and necessity. 
The basic purpose of constructing these areas is not just to limit airborne contaminants like dust and fibers, but also other biological hazards like microbial contagion, harmful chemical vapours and so on. Apart from these basic uses these are also functional in regulating temperature to the optimal levels, control humidity; regulate airflow with proper air filtration and the right pressure. Cleanrooms usually maintain air quality through the incorporation of HEPA or ULPA filters which practically works on the principle of turbulent air mechanism. Some clean rooms also incorporate ultraviolet light to ensure disinfection of the air where in the ultra violet devices are fitted in a particular are in the ceiling which helps in destroying potentially infectious elements. The main advantage of ultra violet sterilization is the decreased dependence on chemical disinfectants.
Clean rooms typically find importance in the high-tech semiconductor industries, research and life sciences laboratories. Nevertheless, there are many other sectors that make use of cleanrooms. One of the sectors that use the clean room is the electronic component manufacture; certain external and internal factors can give room to a considerable damage, caused by hot temperature, humidity etc. Cleanrooms are also considered as an important and mandatory equipment or requirement in the biotechnology industry, most importantly in advanced medical and research labs intending to manufacture new drugs and medicines. 
Likewise, agricultural research sector is one of the critical areas of usage where in researchers work on how better foods and harvest can be yielded. Environmental research labs that carry out studies on how protecting the earth, also happens to be one of the key industries where the necessity of a clean room is utmost needed.
Since the developing and maintaining of a clean room requires a high degree of expertise and experience, the installation of such clean rooms are entrusted to organizations like Airtech. Located in Singapore, having a wide range of technical expertise in the relevant field, Airtech has been offering second to none services in the designing, developing and installation of cleanrooms.
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airtechpteltd · 3 years
Laboratory Equipment Supplier in Singapore
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Airtech is an innovative Singapore based hospital solutions Services and healthcare equipment suppliers that offer all type of hospital equipments, Clean Partition Equipments, Hand washer and Dryer and Laboratory/Bio safety equipments with affordable cost and effective quality.
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airtechpteltd · 3 years
Clean Room Hand Washer And Dryer Supplier
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Airtech offers health care products such as clean partition and hand washer and dryer. Its hand washer and dryer are specially catered for clean rooms which meet the strictest cleanliness standards of today’s clean rooms. In the wash basin compartment, there is a sensor that uses a beam of light to detect when the hands are placed in it. This will activate the device and switch on the water for around seven seconds.
After the washing process is completed, the drying process will be started and the dryer dries the hands using clean air that is passed through high efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filters. This drying stage takes around fifteen seconds. Its hand washer and dryer also incorporate a manual button to extend extra time to dry the hands in the event that the default fifteen seconds are insufficient to dry the hands fully.
Its hand washer and dryer occupy a relatively small space of 600 mm in width, 455 mm in depth and 1750mm in height. Its main exterior is made of steel metal that is coated with a plastic surface in powder form while the washing basin is made of porcelain. The HEPA filter is able to remove 99.99 percent of air particles with a size of 0.3 microns.
Airtech provides three distinct models, namely the Clean Hand Washer, the AHD series, and the Hand Dryer series. The Clean Hand Washer specializes only in washing hands while the Hand Dryer series specializes in drying hands. The AHD series incorporate both a hand washer and dryer combined in one device.
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airtechpteltd · 3 years
Hospital Passbox Products Supplier
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Pass box is a kind of facility, which is located in the partition walls of clean room or adjoining walls to the cleanroom. Its function shall be a buffer area for transferring goods between inside and outside of clean room so that to prevent any disturbance of airflow and air pressure in clean room, which caused by the door opening for goods transferring i.e. it is installed on the wall between two rooms to minimize contamination during transportation of materials.
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airtechpteltd · 4 years
Hospital Passbox Services in Singapore
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Pass box is a kind of facility, which is located in the partition walls of clean room or adjoining walls to the cleanroom. Its function shall be a buffer area for transferring goods between inside and outside of clean room so that to prevent any disturbance of airflow and air pressure in clean room, which caused by the door opening for goods transferring i.e. it is installed on the wall between two rooms to minimize contamination during transportation of materials.
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airtechpteltd · 4 years
Hospital Cleanroom Partition Wall Systems
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Airtech Equipment Pte Ltd is a specialist in developing products that help in providing a cleanroom environment which is rare to get naturally. A clean construction must be established by following the steps of avoidance, isolation, containment, cleaning, prevention and verification. Avoidance is the most desirable but difficult to achieve as it is not possible to avoid contamination totally.
Isolation means keeping the contaminants away from the critical environment. Maintenance of lowest possible construction in the cleanroom area can lead to containment. Cleaning involves the removing of contamination from the surfaces of cleanroom environment. Prevention involves not letting the outside contamination enter the cleanroom area. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the contamination control leads to verification.
In the healthcare field, Airtech has developed products like clean partition and hand washer & dryer in order to achieve the clean room environment. The clean partition system is specially designed for hospital, biotech, pharmaceutical and industrial environments. They are an innovative and effective way of achieving the cleanroom environment.
Clean partitions are panel systems that function mainly to minimize bacterial particulates and effectively prevent pollution and infection by controlling the pressure, temperature, humidity and air current speed. This is essentially required for operation rooms, burn patient rooms, X-ray rooms, aseptic rooms and delivery rooms of hospitals. They come with easy wall installation system.
It is 60mm thick and 890mm wide. Clean partition is a multi-purpose fan filter unit that can be used to create many kinds of clean air equipment like clean booth, clean bench, clean stocker, fume hood etc.This clean partition wall system is used mainly to prevent infection in the cleanroom. Its applications are wide spread in dental rooms; body inspection room or operation front room. Thee partitions can be quarantine, wall type or ceiling type.
In Order To Find Out More Details Cleanroom Partition Wall Systems Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!
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airtechpteltd · 4 years
Hospital Passbox Products Supplier
Pass box is a kind of facility, which is located in the partition walls of clean room or adjoining walls to the cleanroom. Its function shall be a buffer area for transferring goods between inside and outside of clean room so that to prevent any disturbance of airflow and air pressure in clean room, which caused by the door opening for goods transferring i.e. it is installed on the wall between two rooms to minimize contamination during transportation of materials.
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airtechpteltd · 4 years
Hospital Passbox Manufacturer in Singapore
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In order to solve the problem of contamination when any materials are required to be transferred into facilities such as clean rooms, Airtech comes out with a solution of using a pass box. Clean rooms are usually designed such that the need for personnel to enter and exit is minimized to reduce contamination. A pass box reduces the need for personnel to transfer items through the door.
The pass box is usually installed on the walls of the clean room to act as a temporary storage area to transfer any materials into or out of the clean room. The pass box has a mechanism to prevent operators from opening both of the doors at the same time. This helps to prevent the integrity of the clean room from being compromised. The pass box has a phone for operators on opposite sides to speak to each other when the items are to be transferred in or out of the clean room.
The doors on the pass box are transparent which allow personnel to have a clear view of the internal enclosure. The clean auto pass box is built with the concept of what a normal pass box can do and provide automation of items to be transported from one room to another. The clean auto pass box is a system that comprises of two automatic sliding doors at each end, high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filter, fan and a roller conveyor. It is particularly useful in scenarios where high volume and frequency are required. This automation improves efficiency in terms of time and manpower.
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airtechpteltd · 4 years
Hospital Hermetic Doors Supplier
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Airtech provides a wide range of airtight doors which are also known as hermetic doors. A hermetic seal determines the quality of airtightness. Any equipment that is airtight means that no water vapour or any other gases is allowed to penetrate through it. The hermetic word comes from one of the Greek god called Hermes. Airtech’s airtight doors have a certified hermetic sealing of class 4 and class 5 and has a certificate for maximum achievable air permeability.
The hermetic doors are used in the medical sectors such as hospitals and clinics. They are commonly found in operating theatre, isolation room, isolation ward, accident and emergency department, X ray theatre, intensive care unit, and computerised tomography (CT) scan. In the cleanroom and semi-conductor sectors, these hermetic doors can be found in the clean room, production area as well as the changing area.
In the pharmaceutical sector, these hermetic doors are found in the production area, changing area and transfer area. In the laboratory sectors, these hermetic doors are found in biosafety laboratories, research laboratories, school laboratories, and microbiological laboratories.Airtech’s doors are fire rated that is able to provide resistance to fire based on the rating.Airtech’s doors are lead lined to provide shielding from harmful radiation rays.
Airtech’s doors are available as sliding doors or swing doors and as hermetic or non-hermetic. Automatic and manual doors are also available.These offer any possible combinations that are required for any type of environment. When these hermetic doors are used in hospital operating theatres, it aids in the prevention of cross contamination by protecting personnel, patients, supplies and equipment from potential sources of cross contamination.
The number of wound infections resulting from the operations is also reduced. The hermetic doors are useful in clean room environments where air pressure control and hygiene is listed as one of the most important criteria to be met. In a biocontainment laboratory of biosafety level 2 and above, one of the requirements is to access the premises via a hermetically sealed disinfection door.
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airtechpteltd · 4 years
Hospital Surgical Room Ceiling Supplier
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An operating theater is a facility within a hospital where surgical operations are carried out in a sterile environment. Historically, the term ""operating theatre" referred to a non-sterile, tiered theater or amphitheater in which students and other spectators could watch surgeons perform surgery. Contemporary operating rooms are devoid of a theatre setting, making the term "operating theater" a misnomer for the modern facility.
The operating room is a room in a hospital that is used by medical surgeons to conduct surgical operations. It is also called the operating theater. The first criteria of an operating room are that it must have a sterile environment. The second criteria are that it must have adequate lighting so that the room is brightly lit. The third criteria are that the temperature in the operating room must be cool and air conditioned to help prevent infection.
Airtech is able to cater for high availability of maintenance and servicing operations. If the client has any special requirements, Airtech has the expertise and experienced staff to meet them.In an ordinary ventilated operating room, there is a high risk of contamination that may occur from the wound resulted by the surgical procedure. This arises from the direct contact of the wound.
In an operating room with ordinary ventilation systems, most of the cases of bacterial contamination of the wound are from airborne. Airtech has a special ventilating system which is able to create and maintain an ultra clean area that is free from peripheral entrainment of contaminated air. When used in the operating room, the ultra clean air protects the operating table and the surrounding surgical area around it from possible contamination.
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airtechpteltd · 4 years
Hospital Cleanroom Air Shower
Air Shower is installed at the entrance of clean room in order to remove any dust from the garment of worker and also plays the role of an air lock room by double door system. Pulse Jet Air Shower AIRTECH has revolutionized the air shower with its exclusive Pulse Jet, patent pending No. 081907,638.
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