#Classy Looking Nerf Herder
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 years ago
Blueberries and Cowboys: Chapter 3 (Cowboy Path)
A choose-your-own-adventure style fic. Refer to this Masterlist for previous chapters and alternate paths.
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Chapter 3: The Preparation (Cowboy Path)
Pairing: Eli x reader
Content: Light swearing, reader is an awkward pining idiot, no indication yet if your crush likes you back, but we’re just warming up here…
Length: 1.6k
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
It really would be best for you to go to the gala with Thrawn. It made sense. He was an alien and you were the only girl at the Academy willing to be seen with him. And while Eli wasn't exactly popular, you could easily count how many girls would gladly be his date to a dance. It was just that plain and simple.
So then why did you feel so... glum?
You gave yourself a once-over in the tiny mirror of your dorm. You supposed you looked nice, better than you usually did anyway. You'd managed to find a decent dress on sale, and your hair cooperated with you for once. But there was something off. You stared at yourself, looking for something, but not knowing what. Only the soft knock at the door pulled you from your pondering.
You had been excited before. Dressing up, dancing, drinking.... You'd rarely had the time for such things over the last year, and never as an official, Academy-approved event.
But now you weren't sure if you'd be able to enjoy any of it. Thrawn only occasionally spoke about it the week leading up to the event, and when he did, it was exclusively in terms of the plan. You'd helped successfully get Arden and Eva to go to the gala together as dates, and already Commander Burdick was pissed about it. But Thrawn had arranged a system for how the three of you would observe, and possibly even intervene, to ensure Burdick decided to pin his sabotage on Arden. It did not sound like a night of fun to you.
And even worse, you wouldn't be able to wallow alongside Eli, your only comrade in times of such misery. As predicted, Eli had had no trouble finding himself a date. Sadie Amiko. She was a cute, petite thing with curves, clear skin, and a dazzling smile. You knew she was in a few of your classes and got good grades. And all Eli had mentioned was she had been excited to accept his invite. And that he seemed pretty eager himself.
You were surprised, then, to see the person who'd been knocking at your door was Eli.
Surprised, and just a little bit flustered.
"Do you know how to tie a tie?" he asked with a sheepish smile, holding up a wad of navy blue satin. You gulped, trying not to let your eyes wander over him too noticeably. He was actually wearing a suit, fitted to his slim frame, and with shiny shoes and snazzy cufflinks to complete the look. The only thing he hadn't seemed to pay attention to was his hair, which was still in its usual, shaggy style. But it honestly made him look that much better. He was classy, but not fancy. Rugged, but not unkempt.
"Um," was all you could say. He looked at you expectantly, and after a moment you finally processed what he was asking for. "Oh. Um, sure, I think I can figure it out."
He heaved a sigh of relief as you let him into your dorm. Thankfully you didn't have any roommates; your old one had transferred out of the Navy halfway through the year, and no one seemed rushed to get you a new one.
Eli stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as you took the tie from him and tried to make sense of it.
"Thrawn was no help?" you asked just to fill the silence between you.
"He's been out all afternoon. Somethin' about preparing for tonight." He rolled his eyes. "And I don't think he meant it the way you and I are."
"Yeah," you said quietly, finally getting the tie around his neck and under the collar of his crisp white shirt. "He's obsessed with this plan."
"I would be, too, if my grades were on the line."
You nodded. You understood, but that didn't mean you had to like it.
Eli seemed to sense your low spirits. "You okay? I thought you'd be more excited about all this."
"I was... I am." You caught Eli's disbelieving look and sighed. "I don't know. It's just... we're not going so we can have fun. We have a mission. And Thrawn doesn't seem the type to want to dance all night. So... I guess I'm just resetting my expectations."
He gave a little laugh and for some reason you could start to feel your heart beating. That was odd. "You never know, Thrawn could surprise you and whisk you right off your feet."
You only glanced at him pointedly before continuing to fumble with the tie. You'd looped it around a couple different ways but nothing seemed right. You finally huffed and let the material fall against his chest.
"I give up. This isn't as easy as I thought it'd be. Sorry."
Eli shrugged as he pulled it from around his neck and rolled it in his hands. "Eh, it was worth a shot. I can go without it, right?"
He held his hands on his hips and did a playful little pose which made you laugh for the first time all day.
"Yeah, you look..." you hesitated, suddenly conscious of the fact that you found him incredibly good looking in this moment, but that you absolutely did not want to admit it. Eli was your friend. And this was just a dance. There was no reason to get sentimental about any of it. 
"You look good," you finally settled on saying, getting the words out quickly and turning around to pretend you were cleaning up your desk, so the compliment wouldn't seem like it was more than it was.
"Sure beats those wrinkly uniforms we always have to wear."
You couldn't help but look back at him over your shoulder. "Um, excuse me, but my uniforms are perfectly wrinkle-free. You know, because I actually do my laundry...."
"Oh, excuse you," he said dramatically, "but so do I. And they still look like shit."
"Must be that Wild Space curse you have," you laughed. "Forever doomed to look like a nerf herder."
"Wow, you really know how to flatter a guy, don't you."
"I said you looked good!"
"Yeah, yeah..." He didn't keep up the banter, having noticed your mirror and now self-consciously checking himself in it. Now you felt bad for the nerf-herder comment. You'd really meant it as a joke, but you couldn't exactly explain that his scruffiness actually made him attractive, not without making things really weird.
"Well, I better get goin'. I told Sadie I'd meet her there at six." He stopped fussing over his shirt and looked at you. "Comin' with?"
You shook your head, trying to ignore how casually he referred to his date, as if Sadie was someone he'd already been with for a while. "No, Thrawn said he'd come by for me. Should be soon."
"Alright," he shrugged and started heading for the door. You followed and definitely did not cast a few glances at his rear end. He paused in the doorway, looking back at you with a sincere smile. "And hey, how about I reserve a dance with you? In case Mr. Serious doesn't ask. I'll make sure you have a good time."
"Deal," you smiled back.
You let your back fall against the closed door, shutting your eyes in an attempt to steady your breathing. You couldn't believe you had acted like that. Your friend puts on a nice suit and suddenly you're into him? You're such an idiot, you told yourself.
A knock on the door made you startle out of your inner lecture. You turned to open it and found your date on the other side.
"Good evening," Thrawn said courteously, holding out a blue hand. You panicked, not realizing it was already time. Eli had really distracted you.
"Shit! Sorry, one sec!" you called over your shoulder at him as you rushed back into your room. "I need shoes!"
Thrawn was patient as he waited for you to finish getting ready and finally joined him in the hall. You didn't like feeling this frazzled. You had given yourself plenty of time to prepare just so you wouldn't have to rush and make the evening worse than it would probably be.
"Is everything alright?" Thrawn asked, naturally picking up on your mood. You avoided his discerning gaze, not wanting to encourage him to ask too many questions.
"Yeah, sorry, just lost track of time."
"I see," was all he said, thankfully. He turned to align himself next to you and held out an arm, which was clad in a very nice white suit. You briefly wondered if he had looked into these gentlemanly customs or if they were similar to Chiss culture.
You looped your hand through and lightly rested it on his arm, allowing him to lead you toward the gala.
"Eli said you disappeared this afternoon," you said, trying to find something to get your mind off the thoughts you'd had earlier. Maybe it would end up being a good thing, having this plan to focus on for the night. Maybe it wouldn't be fun, but at least it gave you something other than your suddenly confusing feelings to think about.
"I did not disappear," he said plainly, not quite understanding the figure of speech. "I was merely putting a few final details in place for the evening."
"Such as...?" You knew it was futile to ask but you tried anyway.
"You will see soon enough," he answered as predicted.
You nodded and continued the walk in silence. This would surely be an interesting evening, if nothing else.
Next Chapter: The Party >
Blueberry Path | Thrawn x reader
Cowboy Path | Eli x reader
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templeofgeek · 7 years ago
Classy Looking Nerf Herder Returns to San Diego Comic Con as part of the Her Universe Fashion Show! Classy Looking Nerf Herder is a one woman design company started by Lynne Marie Martens. Lynn is a seamstress and costume-maker based in Los Angeles. Her expertise lies in garment construction, aging and dyeing, corsetry, draping, and an extensive knowledge of fashion history. Much of her passion for costuming has led toward creating vintage and couture style fashion pieces inspired by pop culture through her brand Classy Looking Nerf Herder. She has twice been a finalist at the Her Universe Fashion Show that is held annually at San Diego Comic Con and was featured in the New York Times. Lynne has an MFA in Costume Design from CalArts and BA in Theatre Arts and English Literature from Westmont College. Her return to the Her Universe Fashion Show at 2018’s San Diego Comic Con has as super excited!
Tell us a little about you and how you got started designing clothes? My mom taught me to sew when I was a kid. I made my own dresses for school dances in high school and college. I got started with designing costumes in the theatre department while at the same time continually being obsessed with mid-century fashion and still making clothes for myself in my spare time. Eventually all of those things merged into fashion that was inspired by my favorite characters. Classy Looking Nerf Herder is all about creating vintage and geek inspired clothing – and everything has pockets!
What are your favorite fandom for fashion? Oh man, I have to choose??? I have favorite outfits, more than a favorite fandom above all else. My top three are: the Kylo Ren maxi dress that’s inspired by a 1940s evening gown, the Moana outfit, and the 1950s Harry Potter poodle skirt (I’m Slytherin 😉🐍).
How many SDCC have you attended? Do you always make designs for the different cons you attend? I’ve gone to SDCC every year since 2013 and attend many other cons in the Southern California area all throughout the year. I always always always dress up. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not wear a cosplay or one of my designs to a con, it’s too much fun!!
How did you get involved with the Her Universe Fashion Show? I saw the event listed in the SDCC program guide and just KNEW this was exactly the world I wanted to be in. I was incredibly lucky that I was picked to be a finalist the first year I submitted a design.
Can you tell us the story behind the pieces you designed for the Her Universe Fashion Show?
TARDIS Through the Wormhole — This one is inspired by the TARDIS from Doctor Who. The opening credits for Doctor Who often depict the TARDIS traveling through space and time in a whirlwind of colors and stardust. I wanted to create that in a dress. I custom designed and printed the fabric for the corset, which features the TARDIS on a dark rainbow starry background. The tutu skirt and train has a hoop base and it made with over 80 yards of netting and tulle. There are individually addressable RGB LED strands and copper string lights throughout the skirt and train. My friend, James Strain, helped me program the lights to glow in a similar rhythm to The Sound of Drums while providing the motion effect of the Wormhole. I was featured in the New York Times for this dress. I entered it into the Masquerade at the Gallifrey One convention in 2017 and won two Best in Show awards.
Enchanted Rose — This one is inspired by the Rose in Beauty and the Beast. B&tB has been my favorite Disney movie since it was first released in 1991. Disney was a huge part of my childhood and Beauty and the Beast is a story that stands the test of time. The bodice is shaped to look like a rose bud, the skirt is made from two layers of organza which represent the glass case the Rose is kept in. There are over 2000 handmade falling rose petals with the majority of them settled in the hemline and about 300 crystals in the skirt. I custom dyed all the colors in the dress. My favorite part about this dress is the movement of the skirt. It’s very flowy and romantic. I had a lot of people after the show tell me they wanted to wear it as their wedding dress.
How long does it take you to prepare for an event like this? What is the process like for you? It can take months sometimes to prepare for the Fashion Show. I knew what my Phoenix design was going to be since August of last year, so I’ve definitely been thinking about it for a long time. Submissions for the show open and close during the month of April, which gives us designers about 2 1/2 months to prepare after we are chosen. I spent somewhere around 550 hours building my TARDIS Through the Wormhole dress and about 250 hours on my Enchanted Rose dress. Right now, I am listening to the Harry Potter audio books while I make my Phoenix dress. It’s a lovely thing to keep me company and also track how much time I spend.
What was the reaction to your pieces like? I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the reaction is part of what keeps me going. It makes me so happy to hear from customers or clients about how beautiful and comfortable they feel in my clothes. The pieces I’ve done for the Her Universe Fashion Show certainly have a big WOW factor. There’s a thrill in hearing the audience scream in wonder or amazement over the results of your hard work and long hours. The fact that I get to share it with such a wide audience is truly an honor. Video of the TARDIS dress at the Gallifrey Masquerade:
Thanks to @babsek79 for assisting me during the #gallifreyone #masquerade. She captured the lights out moment from backstage and the audience's reaction is pure gold. It was so much fun!! #cosplay #tardis #doctorwho @doctorwho_bbca #handmade #lights #lightsout #tardisdress #allofspaceandtime #geekcouture #geekgirl #fashionablygeek #heruniverse #classylookingnerfherder
A post shared by Lynne Marie Martens (@classylookingnerfherder) on Feb 19, 2017 at 10:06pm PST
Backstage video from the Her Uni 2017 show:
Feeling nostalgic tonight. Here's a BTS video from the @heruniverse show this summer. The roar of the crowd fills my heart. @cornellable is the best model, couldn't ask for better. Yay #teamrose ❤️🌹❤️ #heruniverse #heruniversefashionshow #sdcc #cosplay #geekcouture #geekfashion #rose #beautyandthebeast #enchantedrose #untilthelastpetalfalls #classylookingnerfherder
A post shared by Lynne Marie Martens (@classylookingnerfherder) on Nov 19, 2017 at 10:07pm PST
If you can say, what do you have planned for this year? We understand if you can’t reveal it yet! I can tell you a little bit! My dress is inspired by Fawkes the Phoenix from the Harry Potter series. You might be able to catch some BTS of my process on my Instagram Stories, but the full reveal will have to wait until July 19th. I’m so excited about this one, it’s going to be beautiful. My friend and model, Kaitlin Cornuelle, will be walking the runway for me again this year and I will be wearing a dress inspired by Dumbledore to go with my Phoenix.
Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures
What is your favorite San Diego Comic Con memory?
Back to that 2013 SDCC — I was delayed in picking up my badge from my friend, which meant I was inside the convention center only 1 hour before the Sherlock panel was scheduled to start in Ballroom 20. I had heard all about the insane lines and as I walked along the hall, becoming more and more despondent that it was certainly impossible that I was going to get in, I heard someone yelling at me from the line, “HEY, you have the same shirt!” Lo and behold, I had the same Sherlock tshirt on as a guy in the line. The young woman who had yelled at me got her phone out to take a picture of us. Turns out she and I both had TARDIS phone cases. These two lovely people turned out to be Lacy and Spencer. They invited me to join their group in line and we were the last people to make it into the room! We have become good friends over the years and I feel honored that I got to attend their wedding about a year and a half ago. There are so very many moments like these that happen at conventions. The people in the geek community can be some of the kindest, most generous, and fun people to be with. That’s what truly makes or breaks a convention for me. It’s not about the merch, or the signings, or the panels so much as enjoying and celebrating the things we love with one another.
Source: Her Universe
We absolutely agree with Lynn that it’s the moments and the human connections that make conventions like San Diego Comic Con and the geek community in general such a wonderful place to be! We are so excited to see what else she has in store for us this year! If you will be attending San Diego Comic Con you can check out the Her Universe Fashion Show on July 19, 2018 6:00 PM PST at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA Harbor Ballroom. The world’s top “geek couture” fashion event, The Her Universe Fashion Show, is celebrating its 5th anniversary this year by returning to San Diego Comic-Con International with its biggest and best show yet. Host, actress, author of “It’s Your Universe” and Her Universe Founder, Ashley Eckstein, will be debuting a very special jaw-dropping gown created by 2013 fashion show winner, Andrew MacLaine.
  To find out more about Lynn and her designs you can checkout her website: http://classylookingnerfherder.com or follow her on her social media below! Check out the gallery at the bottom of the page for a peak of her other fun designs she has created! 
Here's another delicious one from @katiebe_photography. Ssshhhhhh spoilers 💋
A post shared by Lynne Marie Martens (@classylookingnerfherder) on Mar 5, 2018 at 8:18am PST
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  Classy Looking Nerf Herder Returns to San Diego Comic Con! Classy Looking Nerf Herder Returns to San Diego Comic Con as part of the Her Universe Fashion Show!
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corellian-smuggler · 7 years ago
Things I love about Princess Leia
1. Cinnamon bun hair 2. ANGELIC GORGEOUS MAJESTIC CROWN OF BRAIDS IN A HALO AROUND HER HEAD SO PRETTY 3. Smol but will wreck you 4. Insults people like a literal weenie because she's too classy (aka too much of a goodie two shoes depending on who you ask) to swear so instead she says things like "why you stuck up half witted scruffy looking nerf herder" like wtf I love her omg 5. "you're right I'm not going to fight the Empire single handedly by myself" "EXCEPT THAT I AM" 6. Tries so hard to not be in love with the nerd king Han Solo and fails so hard literally sitting there clutching at her little vulnerable heart like WE ARE NOT DOING THIS WE ARE NOT DOING THIS WE'RE NOT oh honey I feel for you girl nice try 7. "IT'S A TRAP!!!!!!!!!!" 8. Will sass anyone at any moment 10/10 will outwit you all 9. "That boy is our last hope" "no there is another" 10. Literally tears Han to pieces the second she meets him such that he questions every morally gray action he's ever taken in his entire life 11. Takes no shit ever 12. A spy soldier politician princess fighting for galactic freedom and democracy literally I cannot 13. Angry denial shouting to disguise unbearable angsty love and literally she is fooling NO ONE 14. Never gives up 15. Closes her eyes when she shoots like a true pro 16. "I AM NOT A COMMITTEE!!!!!" 17. Strangles the drug lord who objectifies and enslaves her with the chain around her own neck 18. Vader, Emperor, Stormtroopers: strong and unwavering and brave Harmless mynock: *screams for Han and runs away* 19. "Someone who loves you." 20. Everyone: oh no where is Leia she could be dead we are so worried!!!!!!!! Leia: why ewoks thank you for this lovely new dress yes I'll put it on right now :) 21. "I am not in love with Han I just think he's a natural leader and a big help to the rebellion and probably the most cunning and most courageous and most handsome man in the entire galaxy and if he left I'd be devastated and shattered for OFFICIAL ALLIANCE REASONS" 22. Literally every single thing she's ever said or done ever I love her so much
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cansomething-blog · 7 years ago
It's been quiet over in Geekland with Classy Looking Nerf Herder because I've been on holiday in Scotland! Nothing like a wedding ceilidh (kay-lee) to make you feel like a native...or perhaps a very clumsy one #scotland #scottishadventures #ceilidh #wedding (at Dalduff Farm)
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templeofgeek · 5 years ago
This week on the Temple of Geek Podcast, our host Monica, speaks to Amanda Hunt, the owner of Lorien Bridal Boutique. If you’re a geeky bride who is looking for a shopping experience that speaks to your geek heart, Lorien Bridal is the place for you!
Amanda Hunt- Owner of Lorien Bridal Boutique
The Temple of Geek Podcast has been around since 2012 and is hosted by a variety of geeks. Here we cover all manner of geek and pop culture news and events.
You can listen to the Temple of Geek Podcast directly on this page or stream it on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcast / iHeart Radio / Stitcher  Spotify and where ever else you stream your podcast.
A Dream Come True For a Geeky Bride
Lorien Bridal Boutique in Glendale, CA
Despite geek culture becoming more and more mainstream in the last few years, there’s never enough spaces for geeks to feel like they can be unconditionally themselves. Amanda has created a magical and whimsical safe space for geeky brides to feel understood and accepted. She has done this while also creating an environment that isn’t overwhelmingly geeky.
Lorien Bridal Boutique
It’s a place that traditional non-geek brides may enter and still find lovely. It’s also a place where family members (cough cough mother-of-the-bride) won’t feel overwhelmed by the geek culture. The nods to fandoms are subtle but obvious enough that a geeky bride will feel at home.
Lord of The Rings Inspired Dressing Area
Walking into Lorien Bridal is like walking around an enchanted forest. Each area is inspired by a different mythical forest. There are plenty of nods to Lord of the Rings. As you walk into the shop a floor mat that reads “Speak Friend and Enter” greets you. The cardholder at the register is Tree Beard and even the name of the boutique is inspired by Lord of The Rings culture.
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
Gandolf’s staff rests against a mirror in one of the dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
dressing areas of Lorien Bridal
View from the store entrance of Lorien Bridal
Harry Potter Inspired Dressing Area
The Gown Chooses the Bride! This Harry Potter inspired area has a rabbit Patronus, wands, owls, and trunks.  There are even nods to Snape and Lily. The gorgeous Hogwarts inspired mirror is breathtaking. Can you just imagine standing in front of that mirror in your dream wedding gown? I hope you bring a lot of tissues with you!
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Disney Inspired Dressing Area
Are you going for that Disney Princess vibe? Well, this dressing area will make you feel like Royalty! The love for gowns, Disney, and dreams coming true is too real! There is a feeling of whimsy present throughout the shop, but this corner is absolutely magical!
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Star Wars Dressing Area
The Force is Strong with this bridal boutique. In what is arguably the most obviously geek corner of the store, Lorien Bridal welcomes you to an Endor inspired dressing area. We can not get over the lightsaber inspired hanging lights and the adorable pillows. I can’t imagine what more a geeky bride could want.  Will you choose a dress from the dark or light side?
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
A Little Bit Narnia
No space is wasted in this Bridal Boutique. Amanda has designed clever and fun areas to indulge all sorts of fandoms! This is the perfect shop for a book worm, geeky bride, or fantasy enthusiast.
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
The British Invasion
As you open the front door, a Gallifreyan welcome sign by Adventures in Staceland is the first thing you see. To the rear of the store is a Doctor Who inspired Bathroom and a Sherlock Holmes inspired storage room. There is even a Game Of Thrones inspired door stop! Stop! You’re killing us with all the geek nods! But also, please don’t stop, we love it!
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
Lorien Bridal Boutique
The Gowns
Lorien Bridal carries a variety of traditional brands in Bridal. You can come in and try on gowns by designers Maggie Sottero, Allure, and even the very whimsical Willowby by  Watters. But what makes Lorian Bridal Boutique truly special is the exclusive dresses from Geek Couture designers Lynne Marie Martens of Classy Looking Nerf Herder and Nephi Garcia of Designer Daddy. These two geek couture designers are creating gowns that truly speak to your geek heart!
Lorien Bridal
Lorien Bridal
Lorien Bridal
Lorien Bridal
Lorien Bridal
Lorien Bridal
Lorien Bridal
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Planning my next class! I’m wondering if you guys are interested in learning how to make a gown like this! P.S. this is a wedding dress! Give me a thumbs up 👍🏼 if you want me to teach this!!! (This is just fabrics and appliqué draped on a mannequin) . #designerdaddy #sewingclass #fashion #weddingdress #wedding
A post shared by Nephi Garcia (@designerdaddy_) on Jul 14, 2020 at 4:09pm PDT
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It’s Thursday. Missing Comic Con and the Her Universe Fashion Show like something fierce. Here’s a #tbt of my previous geek couture looks that walked the @heruniverse runway. Thank you @cornellable for always being by my side with this crazy journey 🥰 And here’s to hoping that we can return to crowds and hugs and that runway again! #heruniverse #hufs #heruniversefashionshow #geekcouture #enchantedrose #beautyandthebeast #fawkesthephoenix #tardis #doctorwho #geekfashion #classylookingnerfherder
A post shared by Lynne Marie Martens (@classylookingnerfherder) on Jul 23, 2020 at 7:22pm PDT
Shopping for Bridal During a Pandemic
Lorien Bridal
In this episode of the podcast, Amanda tells us her inspiring story of how she made her geek dreams into a reality. She discusses the challenges she’s faced having to open her boutique in the middle of a pandemic. She has gone out of her way to make this experience as safe as possible for herself and her brides.
For more information on Lorien Bridal Boutique: 
Email: [email protected] Call: 818-484-8774
Follow Lorien Bridal on Social Media: 
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Lorien opens in just under 3 weeks!!! Can’t believe it. There’s still so much to do but it’s coming along! Don’t wait to make an appointment! Send an email to [email protected] or message us here on Instagram to request an appointment! Have questions about the shop? Look though our FAQ highlight, send us an email or Insta message and we’ll answer it for you the best we can! Phone number and website coming soon! Hope everyone is staying safe! Can’t wait to meet you all! #inspiredwedding #dreamwedding #fantasywedding #nerdwedding #nerdweddings #nerdsgetmarried #nerdsgettingmarried #wedding #inspiration #geekwedding #nerdybride #geekybride #nerdbride #geekbride #bridalgown #weddinggown #weddingdress #weddingplanning #whimsicalwedding #nerdbrethren #lorienbridal #smallbusiness #glendaleca #openingsoon #excited Thanks to @stinging.fly for helping us with the logo design!
A post shared by Lorien Bridal Boutique (@lorienbridal) on Jun 10, 2020 at 1:41pm PDT
About Our Host:
Monica is the current host of the Temple of Geek Podcast. She is a cosplay photographer and content creator for Temple of Geek. You can check out some of her work here: https://templeofgeek.com/author/monica/  
Photos of Lorien Bridal taken by Monica
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Tee Public Shop
Lorien Bridal Boutique is a Geeky Bride's Dream Come True #wedding #geekchic This week on the Temple of Geek Podcast, our host Monica, speaks to Amanda Hunt, the owner of…
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templeofgeek · 7 years ago
The Her Universe Fashion Show celebrated its 5th anniversary at San Diego Comic-Con International. We have collected a gallery of all of the 24 designs that walked the runway at the show! The 5th annual Her Universe Fashion Show took place on Thursday, July 19th at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Diego. Host, actress, author of “It’s Your Universe” and Her Universe Founder, Ashley Eckstein, debuted a special gown created by 2013 fashion show winner, Andrew MacLaine. The gown was inspired by the Nightmare Before Christmas and was made with over 400 Funko Pop heads.
2013 Winner Andrew McClain
Presented by Her Universe, Hot Topic and Loungefly in partnership with BoxLunch, Cartoon Network, SINGER® Sewing Company and Zenni Optical this year’s event presented a group of 24 aspiring designers who will created original “geek couture” for the event. Three winners were awarded the opportunity to design a fashion collection with Her Universe and Loungefly for leading pop-culture retailer Hot Topic – a judges’ winner, audience choice winner and, for the first time, a SINGER® Sewing Company winner chosen for excellent sewing and construction. Past year’s winners have created designs for some of Hot Topic’s most popular and best-selling collections.
The guest judges for the Her Universe 2018 Fashion Show were Cindy Levitt, Senior Vice President of Licensing for Hot Topic, Todd Keller, Merchandising Manager for Loungefly, Joanna Fogt-Sohn, Senior Creative Director for Licensing and Merchandising at Cartoon Network, Olivia Mears, SINGER® Sewing Ambassador, Jane Francisco, Editor-In-Chief of Good Housekeeping and 2017 Her Universe Fashion Show winners Rose Ivy, Grace Duval and Lindsay Orndorff .
See more from the Fashion at San Diego Comic Con! 
Jodie Whittaker Surprises Fans at the Her Universe Fashion Show
The Fashion at San Diego Comic Con
Clone Wars Saved!
ABOUT HER UNIVERSE Her Universe was launched in 2010 by actress, entrepreneur and author of “It’s Your Universe,” Ashley Eckstein. Her Universe markets to female sci-fi and fantasy fans by developing and producing collections of female-centered apparel and accessories for top franchises including Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, Doctor Who, DC Comics and Studio Ghibli. In 2018, Eckstein launched Our Universe, fashion for men and boys with the mission to offer fashion for all. You can learn more about Her Universe and Our Universe and purchase the current line of apparel and accessories by going to http://www.heruniverse.com and by following Eckstein & Her Universe online @HerUniverse on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Her Universe is a stand-alone subsidiary of Hot Topic, Inc.
ABOUT HOT TOPIC Hot Topic, headquartered in City of Industry, CA, was the first retailer to make alternative apparel and accessories available at malls across the country. Today, Hot Topic is the fandom haven for guys and girls obsessed with music and all things pop culture. Founded in 1989, Hot Topic operates 693 stores in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico and an online store at http://www.hottopic.com. For more information, visit hottopic.com and follow @hottopic on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and Snapchat.
ABOUT LOUNGEFLY Founded in 1998, Loungefly is a designer of a variety of licensed pop culture fashion handbags, small leather goods and accessories. Acquired by Funko, Inc. (Nasdaq:FNKO), a leading pop culture consumer products company in June 2017, it has become a design driven lifestyle accessory brand. Constantly striving to be innovative and aiming to inspire. Based in Southern California, Loungefly is available in specialty stores, boutiques and department stores nation-wide. Loungefly designs and sells a wide selection of unique licensed bags, and accessories including Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Sanrio and Pokémon. Learn more at http://www.loungefly.com.
ABOUT CARTOON NETWORK Cartoon Network is Turner’s global entertainment brand and the #1 animation network in the U.S., offering the best in original content for kids and families with such hits as, Adventure Time, The Powerpuff Girls, Steven Universe, We Bare Bearsand The Amazing World of Gumball. Seen in 192 countries and over 400 million homes, Cartoon Network is known for being a leader in innovation with its approach to engaging and inspiring kids at the intersection of creativity and technology. Its pro-social initiative, Stop Bullying: Speak Up is an acknowledged and often used resource for kids and adults looking for tools that can assist in dealing with the ongoing issue of bullying.
Cartoon Network is part of Turner, a WarnerMedia company, a global entertainment, sports and news company that creates premium content and delivers exceptional experiences to fans whenever and wherever they consume content. These efforts are fueled by data-driven insights and industry-leading technology. Turner owns and operates some of the most valuable brands in the world, including Adult Swim, Bleacher Report, Boomerang, Cartoon Network, CNN, ELEAGUE, FilmStruck, Great Big Story, HLN, iStreamPlanet, Super Deluxe, TBS,Turner Classic Movies (TCM), TNT, truTV and Turner Sports.
About SINGER® Sewing Company Since 1851, the name Singer has been synonymous with sewing. We are thrilled to carry the spirit of creativity and innovative design into the Cosplay and costuming community where we strive to inspire and delight artists of every level. From the sewing expert to the sewing-curious, we can provide the tools to bring your creations to life. Visit singer.com and follow SINGER Sewing Company on all major social media platforms to learn more.
ABOUT BOXLUNCH BoxLunch is a specialty retailer offering a curated collection of licensed pop culture merchandise. With every $10 spent across the retailers’ themed product offering of apparel, accessories, home goods, gift and novelty, and collectibles BoxLunch will provide a meal* to a person in need through its philanthropic partnerships. To join the movement and help in the fight against hunger visit BoxLunch in-store or online at http://www.boxlunch.com to learn more on how you can get involved in your local community. BoxLunch is headquartered in CA and currently operates over 100 stores throughout the US. For more information, please visit http://www.boxlunch.comand follow @boxlunchgifts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
*For every $10 spent, BoxLunch will donate at least one meal to Feeding America. $1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding America® on behalf of local member food banks. BoxLunch guarantees a minimum of 5,000,000 meals (monetary equivalent of $500,000) to Feeding America and member food banks February 1, 2018-January 31, 2019. Meal claim valid as of 7/1/17 and subject to change.
#GETSOMEGIVEBACK @boxlunchgifts
ABOUT ZENNI Zenni Optical pioneered the online eyewear business in 2003 to make premium eyewear affordable and accessible to everyone. Based in Marin County, California, Zenni offers men, women, and children the freedom to express their personal style and individuality through high-quality prescription glasses and sunglasses. With its curated collections and thousands of frames, Zenni has sold more than 20 million pairs of glasses since its founding. For more information, visit http://www.zenni.com or connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.
ABOUT SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL Comic-Con International: San Diego is a nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular art forms, primarily through the presentation of conventions and events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture. For more information on this year’s San Diego Comic Con go to http://www.comic-con.org/cci
All 24 Designs From The 2018 Her Universe Fashion Show The Her Universe Fashion Show celebrated its 5th anniversary at San Diego Comic-Con International. We have collected a gallery of all of the 24 designs that walked the runway at the show!
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cansomething-blog · 8 years ago
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To me, this is the pure definition of a Classy Looking Nerf Herder. Elegant and joyful geekery. 😎🤓😛 Hanging with Chewie at Disneyland wearing my Bespin Leia cloak. (at Disneyland)
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