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emayuku · 4 months ago
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My Happy Marriage Receives Autumn Visual
Yen Press describes the plot as:
​Born talentless to a noble family famous for their supernatural abilities, Miro Saimori is forced into an existence of servitude by his abusive stepfather. When Miro finally comes of marriageable age, though, his hopes of being whisked away to a better life crumble after he discovers his fiancée’s identity: Kiyomi Kudou, a commander apparently so cold and cruel that her previous would-be bridegrooms all fled within three days of their engagements. With no home to return to, Miro resigns himself to his fate—and soon finds that his pale and beautiful wife-to-be is anything but the monster he expected. As they slowly open their hearts to each other, both realize the other may be their chance at finding true love and happiness.
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im-a-dragon-cawcaw · 8 months ago
Somebody dropped they pronoun
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barefootboysblog · 1 year ago
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Call me cinderello photos artistic by cinderellofeet in Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cinderellofeet?igsh=amZ6c2dhbjZoODh0
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henleblanc · 2 years ago
ㅤ ㅤ      ㅤ ㅤ         ㅤ ㅤ                       this is an closed starter
Dentre os diversos lugares da academia, existia um que Henri evitava pelo simples fato de que poderia morrer se colocasse os pés lá dentro, e o lugar era a estufa. O grande problema é que qualquer pessoa que soubesse sobre três informações sobre o filho de Gaston, saberiam disso e poderiam usar de uma forma negativa, de tal forma que, alguns desafios sempre surgiam no meio de discussões e brigas que envolviam o filho do vilão só pela implicância mesmo. E as vezes ele só estava sendo enganado mesmo, como foi o caso daquele bilhete colocado na porta do seu dormitório no meio da madrugada, que apesar da letra não ser nem um pouco parecida com a de seu melhor amigo, naturalmente, Henri decidiu ir até lá para descobrir do que se tratava. Claro, não passou da porta, ficou ali olhando pelos vidros para ver se conseguia ver a sombra de seu amigo, até que uma outra silhueta surgiu ali. “Lucien?” Perguntou quando avistou o que parecia ser a silhueta do Cinderello. “Primeiro, o que diabos está fazendo aqui? Porque a pessoa que escreveu esse bilhete não foi você e muito menos o Raven” Disse ao mostrar o papel para ele, não teriam muito tempo porque logo em seguida, Henri presenciou uma luz não muito longe dali, lhe obrigando a puxar o outro pelo pulso e, assim, se esconderem ali, ainda que não fosse uma boa ideia continuarem do lado de fora. "Isso é tão desconfortável... Não se atreva..." Sussurrou para o outro sobre qualquer possibilidade de se enfiarem dentro daquela casinha de vidro venenosa.
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dorothydalmati1 · 1 month ago
Dash Kappei Episode 32: Kappei Fairy Tale! The Cinderello Story
Written by Akiyoshi Sakai
Storyboard by Aritoki Sugiyama
Directed by Yutaka Kagawa
Animation directed by Shizuo Kawai & Masami Abe
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lottagraves · 9 months ago
i think i want a glass packer, it would give me an edge and add a lot of danger to my mundane life
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f0xd13-blog · 1 year ago
Of course I'm rooting for my primo but I feel so conflicted because of the cinderello story that could be told
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latinizar · 6 years ago
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William Levy - Grabaciones de Cinderello (Deciembre/2015)
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emayuku · 10 months ago
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Cinderello https://www.scribd.com/document/501125523/Cinderello
‘“You? Go to the ball?” said Cinderello’s stepfather. “You must be joking! You belong in the kitchen.”’ But Cinderello’s Fairy Godfather has other ideas, and with a wave of his wand, the magic begins… Told in simple, lively language and bright, comical artwork, this fresh, funny Soul Eater retelling of a favourite fairy tale is a pure delight.
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johannandreu-blog · 8 years ago
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“A Modern Cinderello”
You can buy this illustration on my online shop : www.curioos.com/johannandreu
I hardly participate in Gay pride. But since I settled down in Madrid i have been feeling this revolutionary act stronger each year. This is my way to celebrate how different we are. With a little bit of magic. Because in World Pride we celebrate that another world is possible.
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garfildhp · 7 years ago
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"Ganhamos Uma Hora Com Esse Horário De Verão... Corre Que Dá Tempo..." #BoaNoite #BuenasNoches #GoodNight #Principes #Gays #OGatoBorralheiro #NãoPrecisamosDePrincesas #PríncipesPodemAmarOutrosPríncipes #Boys #LikeBoys #Cinderello #ContosDeFadas #BeijeSeuGaroto #Kiss #LevanteACabeça #SaiamDosArmários #TenhaOrgulhoDeSiMesmo #VocêNãoÉUmaAberração #VocêÉÚnico #VocêNasceuAssim #YouBornThisWayBaby #Time #Liberdade #Liberdad #Freedom (em Panelas, Pernambuco, Brazil)
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silverteresa · 2 years ago
Morandi - scopa inseparabili💗
Gianni Cinderello
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toes-r-us · 3 years ago
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I have a new buddy on instagram I would like you to meet. This is @loafersprince yep he likes/🧡s loafers, and the story of Cinderello (that is the story with the glass shoe, but with a hot dude!)
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shiyo · 4 years ago
Disney Princess Challenge #08 - Interlude: Diamonds are Forever
SHIYO IN THE AREA bringing a short interlude between Cinderello and Tian’s arcs! I’d like to apologize in advance for the tragic episode...
In a light-hearted note, Elena's marriage to Marcus was nullified. Sleepy and Drizell can date now...! But if they will stay together or not, YOU READERS shall decide!
Several years after Princess Charming's tragic ending, Snow White decided to hire a lawyer to contest the validity of her marriage to Mr. Tremaine. The reason of this was the sudden reveal of her testament by her family, which stated the seven dwarfs AND the Tremaine siblings would receive a shared inheritance.
In Snow White's point of view, Elena has been manipulated into marriage by an absolute gold-digger -- who murdered her less than two years later, and with whom she didn't have any children with --, therefore, the Tremaine siblings shouldn't be allowed to get a part of the inheritance! And the only way to stop them from taking advantage of Elena's money would be invalidating her union with the also deceased Mr. Tremaine.
The judge agreed, thus removing all ties between Charming's biological family and her stepsons. Anastasius and Drizell weren't upset with the court's decision, though, as they despised what their father did with Cinderello's mother.
While Anastasius avoided interacting with Cinderello due to the awkwardness caused by being married to Princess Regent Wilhelmina, Drizell decided to turn the page and befriend his former stepbrother. Cinderello took the opportunity as an excuse to teach him the way of knitting!
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Drizell also got closer to the other dwarfs, especially Sleepy. The two shared a special connection that soon resulted in sparks flying (perhaps the Lazy trait? lmao). At first they were a bit uncertain of the possibility of romance... But as the judge stated before, Tremaines and Dwarfs were not stepsiblings anymore as their parents' short marriage has been totally nullified post-mortem.
The Wicked Stepfather -- that sadistic gold-digger murderer -- was gone for good! He'd never come back to haunt them. Very well aware of this, Drizell and Sleepy FINALLY decided to go in a date.
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Meanwhile, Cinderello's life was going extremely good. No marital problems, no hardships in life anymore, just pleasure and happiness!
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Not to mention the amount of time he could spend bonding with his family. He, his father and Tian could go fishing every once in a while!
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Speaking of which, Tian grew up! Like his father, he also got the Foodie trait.
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And every day that passed, he became more and more handsome!
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But one fateful night... Princess Henrietta was sent in a mission to spy on a pharmaceutical company working on bio-organic weapons. According to rumors, their mutagens were capable of mutating animals and plants into horrifying monsters. most of those words I got from Resident Evil's wikipedia page lmao
After fighting hordes of monsters, Henrietta was able to destroy the corporation’s stock of bio-organic weapons with a bomb... But, unfortunately, one monster escaped the explosion. And it... Well, you know, it was a Cowplant. You know what Cowplants do when they're hungry.
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Henrietta’s teammate managed to kill the monster, but it was too late for the Spy Princess. She was gone.
Honestly, I hate when one of my sim dies. Especially when they have a family. It'd be so painful for their loved ones if it was real life... BUT, we need to follow the rules of this genderbent challenge, so let's keep moving!
Receiving the news was super hard for Cinderello and Tian. Looking at Henrietta’s ashes and realizing she wouldn’t be with them anymore was the worst feeling they ever experienced.
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Oh, and... With Henrietta, their only source of income was also GONE. Due to this, they said goodbye to their fancy house and moved to a very simple place in the middle of a forest.
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Cinderello and his son would have to overcome the grief together, and survive the drastic change of life.
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Cinderello’s arc is over now. Let’s cheer up Tian on the fantastic journey he’d face following those tragic events!
Cheats were used for storytelling purposes, specifically bb.showhiddenobjects and the hidden Shift commands that grow up a Cowplant faster.
• By the time of this post, all dwarfs already became Young Adults. In the order of birth!
• Anastasius had a son with Wilhelmina. We won’t hear anything about him on Tian’s arc, though! Maybe on Briar Rose’s interlude? Can you guess which role he will have on the Sleeping Beauty arc? ^w^
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thediaryofshanajeanne · 4 years ago
🌟Our dear cinderello with his old broom does not have to wear for the big royal party😢...
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but... Oh! The beautiful fairy godmother Diana Dors came to help him!😊
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💫She with her magic wand "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" she turned our beloved cinderello into...
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👑A charming prince😍! Now for the big night!
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💎From cinderello with his broom ... to a true prince charming!
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👑Adam Ant more than a prince charming is the king of my heart!❤
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latinizar · 8 years ago
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William Levy - Backstage Cinderello Movie (November/2015)
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