#Chronological under cut! dslkjfsldf
cosmic-ships · 5 months
{ Curbside Support }
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Ship: Adam Sackler x Kaden
Words: 1,212
cw: None really.
Summary: Shitty night turned into something unforgettably sweet.
Hey, if you aren't a self shipper please dni, nothin' against ya. I have anxiety lol
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Just their luck. It was supposed to be a fun time out, it was rare that they actively decide that they're going to actually celebrate their birthday so it figures that when they do actually go through with it it all turns sideways, there's a reason why they say they're cursed all the time.
It was a warm spring evening in May, and many partygoers walked down the street, either looking for their next bar to party at or drunkenly stumbling around to find the nearest bar and grill to stuff their faces full of grease to sate their drunken state. Kaden however was sitting on the curb just outside of a small pub. They sat next to a small parking meter and sighed heavily, their cheeks stained with tears.
It was their birthday and it was complete shit. The night started out fine, got food, got drinks, sang karaoke and went back out to the bar area. Then their dumb ex showed up and ruined everything. At least tonight Kaden found out that a few of their friends aren't really as much of friends as they thought they were. Kaden and their ex had a minor tat in front of everyone and it was embarrassing.
Kaden's so-called friends kept bugging Kaden to let him hang out with them because he was "just being nice" yeah, until he got drunk and got handsy with every person who had female genitalia-
Kaden was so upset and so frustrated that they ditched their own birthday party to come out to a curb and cry. What a great birthday.
Kaden leaned over towards the parking meter, their eyes closed as their head pressed against the cool metal. They let out a loud sigh, their hands coming up to wipe away their tears. They were trying their best to ground themselves. They could sense someone else near them and cracked an eye open to see a man sitting next to them. They opened their eyes fully to better look at him. He was a handsome individual, no doubt out for a smoke break.
The man looked over, his eyes were dark and almost seemed black in the street lights, and his hair was short and a little shaggy looking. His eyes raked over Kaden's face before Kaden went back to minding their own business, their eyes closing and arms coming to cross over their chest.
"You're ugly when you cry." The man said
Kaden opened their eyes, green orbs quickly shooting over to him. "Excuse me?"
"You cry ugly."
"Wow. Nice, douchebag." Kaden glared but within a second Kaden let out a small little laugh as they shook their head, eyes once again closing.
"Ah, see that's much better. You have a pretty smile."
Kaden gave a small snort, who was this dude? "Yeah, okay- Is this how you pick up people? Emotionally distraught disasters at the side of the curb?"
"No-" He paused for a moment "They're usually emotionally distraught in a bar"
Kaden's eyes opened and they looked at him only to see him perk up, giving Kaden a little lop-sided smirk, he was kidding and Kaden let out another small laugh.
"So why are you emotionally distraught on the curbside?"
"My friends are more interested in banging my ex than hanging with me" Kaden sat up straight, their legs outstretching in front of them.
"Double ouch, it's also my birthday." Kaden sighed heavily.
"Oh, happy birthday!" He smiled.
"Drop the happy part.." Kaden hummed.
"Oh well then…birthday to you"
Kaden gave him a weird look but their lips were tugged into a small smile "You're weird.."
"Says the one crying on a curb~" He teased. "I'm Adam"
"Touche… I'm Kaden."
"So are you planning on sobbing on the curb for the rest of the night? Want to go back in?"
"Pass. I'd rather not see my friends being all--- ugh"
"I could go with you?"
"I don't want to start useless drama"
"Who said anything about drama? We'll keep to ourselves. It's your birthday and it would reeeeallly hit 'em if you walked in unphased." He gently nudged Kaden playfully with his elbow. "and with a very handsome gentleman too no less." He grinned which earned an eye roll from Kaden.
Kaden thought about it for a moment and nodded. Adam helped them to their feet and Kaden swallowed hard, they were a little nervous to go back in but then they felt Adam's arm sling around their shoulders.
"This okay?" Adam asked softly, pulling Kaden into him a little which again Kaden nodded.
For the remainder of the evening, despite their original party group being in the same spot as they were in, Kaden was actually starting to enjoy themselves. After their time at the bar was finished Adam suggested getting food, they walked together, talking about everything they could think of and joked around with each other It was weird how quick they seemed to click with one another. Adam even went as far as to go to the convenience store and come out with a candle smushed into a hostess cupcake.
"Happy Birthday, kid make a wish" He grinned.
"Seriously?" Kaden raised a brow, they were highly amused and dare they say even a little smitten by the sweet gesture.
Kaden shook their head in amusement, they closed their eyes for a moment before blowing out the candle, their eyes opening and gaze flicking up to his.
"What did you wish for?" He smiled.
"If I told you it wouldn't come true now would it?"
"I guess not but I'm nosey~"
"Fine. I wished for your number." Kaden laughed softly a hint of playfulness in their voice.
Adam grinned nearly ear to ear as he rocked back on his heels "Uh, wish granted!" he held out his hand. "Phone please"
Kaden blinked in surprise. "Adam, I was kidding."
"you don't want it?"
"yeah yeah exactly, give me your phone you weirdo" He grinned.
Adam took Kaden's phone, a small smirk tugged to his lips as he looked at the background. "spoooky"
"your background." He showed Kaden their own background. "spooky, you like weird dark woods or something?"
"the photo brings me comfort. I'm what you call a nyctophile."
"A nycto what now?" He raised a brow.
"I take extreme comfort in the dark, especially pitch black"
"weeeiiirrdddd~" He teased, his voice was light and playful. "Nah, it's cool. Here you go" He handed their phone back to them.
"I listed myself in there for you."
Kaden looked through their contacts until their eyes landed on 'Curbside Support Guy' to which Kaden snorted. "Oh my god, really!?"
"Really." Adam smiled. "So- Rating your birthday from one to ten."
"Hm.. Well, before everything went tits up it was about an eightish…then it went to like…minus ten then to an eight" Kaden giggled.
"And what about right now?" he asked, his brow raising quizically.
"Oh, ten for sure."
"Oh, I'm more fun than yours friiiiennddss~"
"Shut up.." Kaden laughed softly. "but you did help turn my birthday around so thank you."
Who would have thought such a disaster of an evening could have turned around into one that Kaden was never going to forget for the rest of their lives.
tag list: @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @dragonsmooch || @kylars-princess || @mahitosoulmate || @deathnot-e
(Lemme know if you want to be added to my tag list!)
Also this is out of order. Its this fic first > Getting together(WIP) > uncertain > Just friends(WIP) > making up(WIP) then whatever the fuck else I wanna write lmao
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