#Chrono Trigger Glenn
ksera-sera · 2 years
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Chronotober Day 30: Ending
I swapped “Ending” and “Sequel” since the idea for this prompt came to mind first.
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ascendancy-echoes · 2 years
Missing Moment: My Brother’s Friend
Town of Choras, 571 AG
It was midday when Cyrus was walking towards the commons of Choras when he heard a commotion in the nearby woods. He quickened his steps and rounded a corner on the path to see a group of young boys from town crowded around Glenn, his brother’s friend. One of them punched Glenn in the shoulder while another pushed him to the ground. They mocked Glenn for not fighting back.
“What is wrong with you?!” Cyrus shouted as he charged forward, angry and astounded that the other boys would gang up on Glenn. This wasn’t the first time he’d seen the others pick on Glenn but this was the first time he saw them get physical about it.
The other boys shouted at his arrival and scattered. They ran back towards the city commons as Cyrus sighed and helped Glenn up.
“Glenn, you need to fight back when they do that,” he sighed, dusting off Glenn’s shirt.
Glenn sniffled and said, “But it would hurt them…”
“You’re too soft, Glenn,” Cyrus asserted. “Sometimes you have to do what’s needed. Even if it hurts someone.”
Glenn frowned but nodded.
“Mind telling me why they were beating you up?” Cyrus asked.
“They were making fun of Toby,” Glenn sniffed. “Just cuz he repeats his words a lot. I told them they shouldn’t talk about him like that and… I said if they didn’t stop, I was gonna make them.”
Cyrus let out another sigh. His little brother, Tobias, had a stutter. He would repeat the starts to words and often took a while to get his thoughts said out loud. It was definitely a source of gossip in Choras.
“Glenn… Forget what I said about fighting back,” Cyrus said firmly. “Don’t let your anger get the better of you and start fights you don’t intend to finish…. The others making fun of Toby isn’t your worry.”
“You’re a good friend to him and that’s all he needs,” Cyrus smiled. “Come, you can help me in the market before I get you home. I was going to get some medicine for Toby from the apothecary.”
“Okay!” Glenn beamed, his mood improving at the prospect of helping Cyrus.
Cyrus smiled and led the way into town. In many ways, Glenn felt like another little brother to him. Their mothers were close friends so the two families often spent time together. Because of their mothers’ friendship, Glenn was Toby’s closest and currently only friend. The two were rarely separated. Only reason they weren’t playing today was due to Toby having a bad cough and being made to rest in bed. Cyrus was grateful that Glenn was there for his brother since he was getting too old to be playing childish games with his siblings.
As they walked to the apothecary, Cyrus listened to Glenn talk about all manner of things like how he had a loose tooth and his father was telling him to just pull it out but he didn’t want to because it would hurt. He also brought up how his parents weren’t happy about the prank he and Toby had pulled the week prior.
“Are Irene and Phoebe still mad?” Glenn asked as they neared the town square. “I mean, it was only one frog.”
Cyrus chuckled. “No, they got over it quickly… Phoebe even admitted in hindsight it was pretty funny. She says she’s going to get back at us so watch out.”
“However, my father was pretty displeased with me for helping you two…” he sighed. “He says that I should have discouraged you two and put a stop to your plan.”
Glenn looked up and asked Cyrus why he hadn’t stopped him and Toby. Why had he helped them catch a frog to give his sisters a bit of a scare?
Cyrus shrugged. It was hard to explain to someone as young as Glenn or Toby that being thirteen meant he should be growing up. While some aspects of adulthood sounded great like helping run the family merchant business, other aspects were harder to accept, such as setting aside childish antics. There were simply times that Cyrus still wanted to have fun for the sake of it, but those days would soon be behind him.
“I suppose I wanted to help my little brother and his best friend have a bit of fun,” Cyrus finally answered after some thought.
After getting the medicine Toby needed, Cyrus took Glenn back home. Glenn’s mother frowned at her son when she saw the scratches on his face. Before she could scold him, Cyrus placed a hand on Glenn’s shoulder and explained that Glenn had attempted to defend Toby but the other children had ganged up on Glenn prior to his arrival.
Glenn’s mother sighed and thanked Cyrus as she gestured for Glenn to get into the house. Before Cyrus could depart, she asked how his brother was doing.
Cyrus wasn’t fond of small talk and never knew what to say so he kept it brief. Toby was tired from coughing but the town physician had assured everyone he’d be fine as long as he got his rest. Cyrus waved goodbye to Glenn and Glenn’s mother as he departed for home with the medicine in hand.
Later, after he gave the medicine to his mother so she could give it to Toby, Cyrus went to his brother’s room to check on him. Toby beamed to see him, although he coughed a lot before he stuttered out a greeting. Cyrus smiled and sat down at his brother’s bedside. He asked Toby how he was feeling.
“O-ok-k-kay,” Toby answered. He added that he was bored of staying in bed and that he wanted to go play with Glenn again.
Cyrus smiled and told him that Glenn missed him too and that he was lucky to have such a good friend. He thought to tell Toby about Glenn defending him but his mother entered the room with the medicine and he didn’t want to worry either of them. Glenn would likely tell Toby about it in time anyway.
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acquired-stardust · 2 months
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Chrono Trigger Super Nintendo Entertainment System 1995
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chrono-the-babe · 2 months
glenn f3 + marle c3 (in the same drawing) :)
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ponyartistbrainiac · 7 months
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A tribute to Akira Toriyama
Rest in Peace man and thanks for all the inspiration.
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foccaccia · 1 year
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repaint of this two year old art. my most favorite underrated chrono trigger duo. nobodys doing it like the cavewoman and the frog
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teacup-toady · 11 months
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Day 1: Frog
Thank you to @ksera-sera for making an awesome ChroNovember prompt list! I don’t know how many of these I’ll get done but I’ll do my best.
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avocadosfromfigaro · 1 year
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✨explorers of time✨
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glemayteoli · 1 year
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Magus didn't know why he kept staring at his eyes. Intimacy was a cruel curse, softening him to the point of stupidity. But he just couldn't look away from the golden gaze.
Glenn moved, both fast and slow, as if his mind didn't agree with the gesture of his hand. An hesitant touch, barely caressing Magus' face with the most precautions.
As if I was precious.
He knew he wasn't. But for as long as Glenn's hand brushed against his skin, he allowed himself to hope. A second, too quickly spent.
"Good night," he read on Glenn's lips as the man withdrawed his hand before turning away from him.
Magus couldn't bring himself to say it back. In the dark, he continued to stare at the broad scarred shoulders in front of him. They were tense – as they should have, he thought. Like mine. I would like...
He stopped himself there, shaken by what he mused, and finally closed his eyes. It wasn't enough.
I would like him to embrace me so bad.
There it is, a second fanart already ! I'm sorry for all of you who dislike this pairing, but I'm currently working so hard on my fanfic, I can't get enough of them x)
Another translated excerpt from "Nothing hurts better" ! I hope you'll like as much as the first one ^^
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i love making him a creacher
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cronoct · 1 year
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ascendancy-echoes · 2 years
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Given the title of Lord by King Guardia XXI, Glenn had to adjust to being a noble after a decade of being a hermit and who-knows-how-long of being a time traveling adventurer. Twenty-five years later, he’s still not completely comfortable with the expectations and status. Despite the unconventional choice to marry a common woman from Porre, Glenn's reputation as the hero of the Mystic war meant no one questioned his decision to marry Beatrix. Together, he and Beatrix had three children. Using more 'modern' names of his time period, Glenn named his eldest son Jonas in honor of Janus while Alana, his only daughter, was named for Ayla. Meanwhile, Rowan, his youngest, was named for Beatrix's late brother who had died in the war. All in all, the noble life has felt strange to Glenn who refuses to treat anyone below him. He still privately holds a sympathetic view of Mystics, wishing the two sides of the war could reconcile but he knows that bad blood runs deep and will continue to do so for centuries to come. He can only hope his descendants make amends and begin the true healing when they get the chance.
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bunkerhillbros · 6 months
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"Crono and Frog" from KAKERU.
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chrono-the-babe · 2 months
Glenn E2
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