#Chronicles Of Darkness
Ok, so.
In the World Of Darkness games - both of them - vampires are paralysed if they have a stake through their hearts. And this is considered "one of their weaknesses is having a stake through their heart"
But if you ram a stake through a human's heart, they just fucking die, which I think we would all agree is a worse consequence then being temporarily paralysed.
Ergo, by any reasonable standard, it's actually humans who are vulnerable to stakes through the heart, while vampires are resistant to them.
So what the fuck?
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suminotomi · 5 months
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My oc: Fatima. I play this character in a Chronicles of Darkness campaign and I love her so much T_T She's a mage (Mastigos) and travels around the USA with her friends: Wata (another Mage) and Nathaniel (a werewolf) __________________________________
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neonjess · 24 days
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This is a new character that I have been working on, even if I’m not playing much at all. You can say she is a witch, a necromancer, who’s best friends are ghosts since she was little
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awakenedsalamander · 9 months
This is gonna be a long walk. But I’ll get there. I promise.
In a lot of Chronicles of Darkness games, there are “minor templates” for players to take for their characters. These are basically lesser types of supernatural beings— undeniably marked by magic, but not transformed by it like the main templates are. So instead of being a werewolf, you might be a Wolf-Blooded, i.e., not the monster your stronger cousins are, but still recognizably having a connection to that world.
Again, a bunch of games have these. Mage has Sleepwalkers (and Proximi), Vampire has ghouls, Geist has the Absent, Demon has stigmatics, etc.
In Changeling: The Lost, there are the Fae-Touched. We’ll get to them in a bit. First, more on Lost.
In Lost, like many stories about faeries, oaths and vows are very important. They are, in the form of magical Contracts, the source of many fae powers. Changeling have a neat ability to make any spoken promise binding, invoking the force of the Wyrd to force even minor vows to be taken seriously. And many changelings are taken by the True Fae by getting ensnared in some kind of oath.
See, if you didn’t know, Changeling: The Lost is about humans taken to the home of the True Fae, and then transformed into changelings as the True Fae torment them. The game is very much about the way trauma changes a person, and how even recovering from trauma still doesn’t bring you back to the way you were— you’re healed, but you’re not the same.
And much like trauma changes a person, it isolates them too. Lost represents this in the fiction with fetches— the faerie-forged simulacra left behind in the stolen person’s wake, acting the roles of parent, sibling, friend, and so on while the original person is actually suffering with no escape.
But the Fae-Touched won’t stand for that.
Because while Changeling: The Lost recognizes that many promises aren’t serious, that when people swear, “I’ll always be there for you,” they don’t always live up to that, it also recognizes that some promises are different.
The Fae-Touched are the mortals who remember the words they swore, and will not ignore them. They can tell, in their dreams, through the nagging impulses they get in their waking moments, that the person they promised to help needs them now more than ever. They are lead by the Wyrd into the land of faerie to live up to that promise, and they follow it gladly.
A Fae-Touched is the father who knows the smiling fetch who claims to be his daughter isn’t the real thing, and that somewhere the girl he swore to protect is in mortal danger— and so he delves into a world of dreams and nightmares to bring her back.
A Fae-Touched is the woman who fights off briar wolves in a mad, twisting forest so she can find her wife, because when she said “I will never abandon you,” she meant it.
A Fae-Touched is the young man staring down a Lord of the True Fae and refusing to yield. He and his brother went through hell together years ago when their parents died, and they promised one another then that they’d always stand by each other, and some monster in a crown can’t change that.
Not every changeling is helped by a Fae-Touched, and not all of the Fae-Touched succeed. Sometimes you have to claw your own way back home. But God, what a beautiful concept.
I know that Changeling: The Lost is very dark, and the reason I love the Fae-Touched isn’t really because they’re the light to that darkness— I think that simplifies it too much.
I like the Fae-Touched not because they take away the darkness, but because they remind me we don’t always have to face the darkness alone.
Sometimes, when you think there’s no point going on, when you think it will just be the pain and the fear again and again and again… it’s not true. Because sometimes, maybe even more often than we think, there’s someone out there who knows you need help. And they ready themselves, they set out into the darkness, saying only,
“This is gonna be a long walk. But I’ll get there. I promise.”
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vexwerewolf · 2 years
Tabletop Roleplaying Systems as DHMIS Stills
Promethean: The Created
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Vampire: The Requiem
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Hunter: The Vigil
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Shadow of the Demon Lord
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Monster of the Week
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Dungeons & Dragons 5E/D&D One
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Call of Cthulhu
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Eclipse Phase
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Delta Green
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Mage: The Awakening
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Don't Rest Your Head
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Cyberpunk RED
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Literally Any Warhammer 40K TTRPG
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Transformers RPG
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romeofantome · 1 month
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I can't stop now (can you do the things you dream about - it's too late)
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cyberturbine · 7 months
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vampire!E.C. x mage!Goodsir
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just-sg-art · 1 month
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New Chronicles of Darkness OC. Her name is Lyra and she's a Fairest Changeling.
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Created by myself
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years
One of my favorite Chronicles of Darkness/World Of Darkness Implications is as followed:
There is a vampire clan called “Nosferatu”.
In the WOD, they’re millennia old. In COD, they’ve existed at least since Classical Greece. They’re very old, is my point.
While the etymology is unclear, most people think that “ Nosferatu “ was never actually a Romanian word for vampires- it was at best misused and at worst made up by Bram Stoker and popularized by the movie. As such, “Nosferatu” to mean “vampire” only started in the last few hundred years.
Conclusion: At one point this clan watched “Nosferatu” and liked it so much they renamed their entire clan after it on the spot. This happened less then 200 years ago and most vampires are still confused by what’s going on.
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doli-nemae · 10 months
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And Judy with Ipad bc he asked to google if it's going to rain tomorrow
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guildwuff2 · 6 months
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s'more changeling!mu doodles
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Have you played GEIST : The Sin-Eaters ?
By White Wolf
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Everyone has a regret when they die. You realize you didn’t leave behind a legacy, maybe there was something you didn’t want to let go, maybe it occurred to you that you wasted your life. At the very moment of death, something deep inside cries out with this regret, begging to be saved and something answers. A Geist is a powerful ghost, forever changed by drinking from a river of death. It finds your last moments and answers for your cry at a second chance. It strikes a Bargain. If you decline, you will die then and there with all your regrets. If you accept, you let the Geist resurrect you with its ghostly powers under the condition the Geist shares your body. You have accepted.
You are alive once again. Your skin is a healthy glow, you still need to eat and breathe. You think you used to, speak like you used to. Biologically, you are alive once more. Spiritually, you are deader than a doorknob. You have been bound to a Geist who is what is literally keeping you alive. You’re no longer a human, you are now a Sin-Eater. You are counted amongst the dead now, you see ghosts wandering the world and haunting their attachments. You see how ghosts form their societies to escape the oppressive stranglehold of the underworld and its chthonic gods.
As a Sin-Eater you have developed strange new powers alongside your Geist. With these powers and the keys formed by the deaths of ghosts to unlock the gates of the underworld and explore and fight back the Underworld all the while helping both the dead and the living. Form a Krewe, a quasi religious group of Sin-Eaters, humans and even other ghosts that have come together with the same goals. You are bound to both the living and the dead, you are the what stands between life and death.
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awakenedsalamander · 9 months
By the way it’s crazy to me that there’s an online culture that seems to promote a strong niche market for stories about trauma, myth and fantasy, and the wonders and perils of personal identity, AND YET Changeling: The Lost isn’t a smash hit.
Like obviously it’s one of the more popular Chronicles of Darkness games but it should take the world by storm. It’s not even my favorite and I think it should be the most popular, just cause the premise is that appealing.
(If you’re wondering, yes, my blog is largely gonna consist of me being like “Aren’t CofD games good?” for awhile, it’s the mood I’m in.)
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Official desktop backgrounds from the old White Wolf website.
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