#Christophe Ramond
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graphicpolicy · 1 year ago
Preview: Star Trek: Day of Blood #1 Director's Cut
Star Trek: Day of Blood #1 Director's Cut preview. Revisit the first chapter in Kahless' Day of Blood and join the crew of icons led by Benjamin Sisko and the renegades who follow a desperate and violent Worf #startrek #comics #comicbooks
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donospl · 1 year ago
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 1 odcinek 15]
premierowa emisja 2 sierpnia 2023 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Pierrick Pedron / Gonzalo Rubalcaba “Ezz-Thetic” z albumu “Pedron Rubalcaba” – Gazebo Freddie Bryant “Columbus, Quiet – Haiku #1” z albumu “Upper West Side Love Story” Phil Haynes, Drew Gress, David Liebman “To Swing or Not(II)” z albumu “CODA(s): No Fast Food III” – Corner Store Jazz Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog „That’s Entertainment” z albumu…
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manieresdedire · 7 years ago
Un homme de qualités
Peu après mon installation dans le Tarn, j'ai rencontré Christophe Ramond et l'ai revu de temps en temps.
Conseiller municipal d'Albi, il briguait, en 2015, un siège au sein du conseil départemental du Tarn et sillonnait sa circonscription électorale, mi-citadine, mi-rurale, avec Fanny sa compagne, Eva, membre du binôme socialiste et quelques conseillers municipaux du village-étape.
Sans se forcer, il parlait aux gens qui venaient à lui en leur manifestant, sobrement, de la curiosité. Avec une sorte de connivence. Loin des astuces démagogiques car il aimait - c'était patent - le contact avec les personnes. D'un fond de verre, il trinquait... Les villageois qui l'ont croisé, disent encore qu'il les écoutait, l'esprit ouvert et critique. Sans dissimuler excessivement ce qu'il pensait. Parfois, il retournait une question, invitant son interlocuteur à la réflexion. Il tutoyait facilement.
1,75 m, 70 kg, belle allure. Impossible de ne pas remarquer le sourire qu'il gardait tout le long de ces rencontres tandis que le mouvement des lèvres s'accordait à une certaine façon de plisser les yeux tournés vers l'interlocuteur qu'il regardait avec ce qui ressemblait à de la bienveillance.
Élégant mais sans tapage, il pouvait porter costume et chemise col ouvert ou jean et polo. Il s'affichait en bleu, en gris aussi. Il participait à des événements sportifs dans des tenues plus voyantes.
Il prononçait ses discours sans note, dans lesquels revenaient souvent les mots, travail, concertation, territoire, solidarité, liberté, égalité, fraternité, laïcité,... En public ou en aparté, l'humour n'était jamais très loin. Il savait faire le lien entre le quartier ou le village, le département et la région, tandis que quelques principes républicains tissaient la trame de fond.
Depuis le 15 septembre, la cravate est plus souvent de mise, c'est ce que montrent de lui les photographies publiques. A cette date, il est devenu président du Conseil Départemental du Tarn.
J'ai eu envie de l'entendre me parler de lui, simplement. Pour ensuite raconter.
Originaire du Tarn et Garonne, fils unique de parents vivant à Montauban, aujourd'hui retraités de la fonction publique territoriale - mère, secrétaire de mairie, père, mécanicien municipal -, il comptait parmi ses grands parents "une institutrice forcément de gauche et un artisan boulanger pas franchement socialiste"... Il a assisté, tout jeune, aux joutes oratoires passionnées entre ces deux-là, préludes à ses premiers débats politiques extra-familiaux.
Il est attaché à ses racines, ne les oublie pas.
Sensibilisé à la "Chose Publique" très tôt, par mimétisme donc, puis étudiant en maîtrise d'Administration Économique et Sociale, il optera pour la gestion des collectivités territoriales et réussira un DEA de politiques publiques délivré par l'IEP de Toulouse. Sujet de mémoire : "la gestion locale des universités". Il n'ira pas au bout de son parcours doctorant mais ne rompra plus avec l'Université. Il  y restera, chargé d'enseignement en finances locales. A Toulouse-I où il devrait bientôt reprendre ses cours. Pour lui, le devoir "d'expliquer, de faire comprendre, d'inviter à réfléchir", s’applique à l'Université, l'hémicycle de l’assemblée départementale ou aux petits groupes de discussion, à la famille aussi, partout. Conseiller municipal, il pouvait être pointu et donc agaçant sur les questions budgétaires, conseiller départemental ; rapporteur général du budget, il était vigilant et exigeant. Aujourd'hui, il ne siège plus au conseil de la ville-préfecture.
Adolescent puis jeune homme, il s'est passionné pour le sport - tennis, football, course à pied,...- et ne détestait ni ne désertait les séances "d'après efforts". Il débattait aussi du "Progrès social", du "bonheur",... avec les copains et les amis - il fait toujours une différence bien marquée entre les uns et les autres, le grand cercle et le noyau dur -. Il a toujours eu la réputation d'être un "bon copain", est fidèle en amitiés, bien loin d'une "méditerranéenne" attitude de complicité a priori, exubérante et tout azimut. Il est modérément réservé.
Venu à la politique presque naturellement, sans déclic fondateur, sans gourou pour l'y amener, sans la prétention de tout changer, il a toujours voulu "faire les choses plutôt que les administrer", "être utile" aux gens, à un territoire et savait qu'à cette fin, il lui fallait des réalisations concrètes et que celles-ci, "pour être légitimes et acceptées, devaient être imaginées en proximité avec tous". L'homme est réaliste, pragmatique, pour lui la "politique" en collectivité territoriale n'est pas une scène aux illusions.
Pour rester proche des Tarnais et en connaître d'autres, depuis le 15 septembre, il a parcouru en moins de trois mois, 12.000 kilomètres. Il dit que les seules bonnes décisions sont celles qui sont prises après que les élus ont écouté le plus grand nombre de personnes et que la démocratie a cela de bien qu'elle "rejette aux élections suivantes ceux qui ont déçu".
Il discourt toujours sans note après avoir travaillé un dossier : il estime qu'ainsi il va droit à l'essentiel et tient mieux compte des attentes de l'assemblée devant laquelle il parle.
Son parcours est cohérent. De l'enfance à l'âge adulte, les collectivités territoriales l'ont accompagné, instruit, et finalement lui ont fait confiance. Un fil rouge. Il n'est pas un idéologue, n'a pas de maître à penser. Il estime qu'il faut "s'arrimer à des valeurs et s'appliquer à les faire prévaloir dans l'action". Il veut bien que Jaurès soit une référence du point de vue de la défense et de l'illustration de principes, que ces derniers "inspirent l'action", mais pour le reste, l'Homme Illustre ne vit pas dans ce siècle et "aucun puissant penseur ne détient les recettes des bonnes politiques locales". Au dogme asséné, il "préfère la recherche patiente de solutions pratiques aux problèmes des gens et des territoires". Dans l'hémicycle départemental, il s'affranchit "de savoir qui est affilié où, et la seule question (qu'il se pose) c'est : où est l'intérêt général ?".
Avec lui, pas de langue de bois, ce jargon qu'il maîtrise mais n'a pas le goût de parler. Il peut écrire, mais avec justesse, qu'il "n'oppose pas le libéral au social", et qu'en revanche, "il fait le pari de l'action contre l’immobilisme".
La défaite de la gauche en 2017 l'a affecté, mais il croit savoir pourquoi elles s'est produite - l'absence de pédagogie d'un président et de ses ministres n'y serait pas étrangère -.
Son élection à la tête du département est une grande satisfaction parce qu'elle s'est progressivement construite, sur des consensus successifs. Elle fut aussi une joie personnelle.
Il n'a pas de Dieu et respecte toutes les croyances. Il adhère très exactement aux principes de la loi de 1905 sur la séparation des Églises et de l’État. Il est républicain. Sans fioriture. Quitter le Parti Socialiste dont il partage toujours les valeurs n'est pas à l'ordre du jour.
Divorcé, un fils, une fille : Matteo, 16 ans et Zélie, 14 ans, le prénom de l'arrière-arrière-grand-mère de Christophe, gravé sur la pierre tombale et redécouvert au moment de la restauration du caveau familial. Son plus grand bonheur, la naissance de ses deux enfants, l'émerveillement permanent a suivi. Pour lui, la tâche de "les aider à affronter le monde" est la plus belle des missions. Il les a couvés en garde alternée et, lors de cette longue période, parent seul à la maison, il s'est perfectionné dans les sciences de l’organisation de la vie de famille : courses, cuisine, ménage, rangement, aide à la scolarité...
Son engagement politique a, en tout temps, fait l'objet d'un accord passé en famille. Il se dit "soutenu".
Sa passion pour les sports est restée : marathons et trails de 80 km en montagne ne lui font pas peur, il les aborde même avec gourmandise. Il est devenu cette année, président du département du Tarn à 43 ans, 31 mois après son élection de conseiller. On a vu des trails plus longs, plus lents, plus semés d'embûches... Sa pratique du sport est "un apprentissage de la gestion de (ses) forces", l'aide à acquérir de "l'endurance pour la réinvestir dans (son) activité d'élu". Elle est aussi une opportunité d'échanges avec les "copains".
"Patron", son style de management est sans surprise. Il confie une tâche, l'expose, fixe un délai, prend connaissance du travail effectué, vérifie et, si la prestation rendue ne répond pas à son attente, engage un nouveau cycle d'explication, ne se fâche jamais mais, saurait faire des "remontrances" si les décisions prises n’étaient pas appliquées. Il sait dire merci et fait preuve de pédagogie : enseignant, il ne démérite sûrement pas.
Il dispose de très peu de temps pour se plonger dans les littératures "blanches et noires" (il apprécie les romans policiers). Parce que ses "journées commencent tôt et finissent tard". Il aime lire pendant les vacances, dehors, au bord de l'eau, à la montagne ou dans les transports, quand il est "tranquille". Hors congés, ses lectures portent sur des notes techniques et politiques rédigées dans le cadre de son mandat. Il préserve son dimanche après midi pour sa famille et en réserve un bout pour la pratique du sport.
Il ne déteste pas manger. Il est embarrassé pour désigner ses plats favoris. Il aime tout : poissons, viandes, abats, légumes, fruits. Alors, il réfléchit, se force un peu et dit aimer le "foie gras", le veau "une viande très fine" (il n'ose pas dire "du Ségala", puis, le dit), l' "omelette à la truffe" servie lors de la grande fête annuelle dudit champignon à Villeneuve-sur-Vère... Là, il faudrait peut-être soumettre l'élu au détecteur d'intentions flatteuses, un brin habiles... mais je ne parierais pas sur son insincérité.
Ses goûts musicaux sont éclectiques il écoute tout et se tient au courant des penchants de ses enfants. Il a apprécié, cet été à "Pause Guitare", les Insus et jadis, il adorait U2.
En vacances au loin ou tout près, l'objectif est : "bouger, voir, découvrir". Il a rencontré au Kenya des gens aux sourires éclatants qui ne reflétaient pas leurs conditions de vies. Il en retire qu'il faut savoir faire preuve de discernement dans nos analyses et nos plaintes. "Le mélange des cultures est une nécessité", une chance. C'est à comprendre cela que les voyages servent.
Écoute, bienveillance, pragmatisme, volonté de faire aboutir des projets (haut débit, autoroute, éducation, économie, tourisme, santé, "faire mieux avec moins de dotations de l’État"..), humour et empathie,... L'homme sait convaincre et même séduire...
Yves Rebouillat
pour le Tarn Libre et la Revue/Blog "Manières de Dire" 
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williamgunst · 2 years ago
Séniors et conduite : nos conseils pour conduire en toute sécurité
Séniors et conduite : nos conseils pour conduire en toute sécurité
Des problèmes de santé, une perte de vision ou de nouvelles règles de circulation peuvent affecter votre conduite. Clevenot, directeur de l’Automobile Club Association et Christophe Ramond, chargé d’études par l’association Prévention Routière, donnent des conseils pour conduire en toute sécurité Faire un bilan de santé auprès de votre médecin Avec l’âge, il peut y avoir des changements dans la…
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chillyarticles94 · 2 years ago
MAINTENANCE. A "climate plan" in preparation for the Tarn departmental council
MAINTENANCE. A “climate plan” in preparation for the Tarn departmental council
the essential While the Tarn continues to suffer from drought, Christophe Ramond will soon unveil a “climate” plan to adapt the territory to climate issues. The president of the departmental council is also pushing for a reform of the Sdis and the construction of reservoirs. The point with him on the hot issues of this back to school. The Tarn suffered a lot from the drought this summer. Is the…
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biophytopharm · 6 years ago
Perform Massages, a Practice Recognized Health
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Perform Massages, a Practice Recognized Health
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Perform Massages, a Practice Recognized Health Stretching the muscles, mobilizing the joints, kneading the pain points is the art of healing the oldest. Perform Massages are to take care of oneself but also to better resist the triggering stress of pathologies. But what are the health virtues of massage? The origin of this therapeutic gesture goes back to Antiquity. Old Chinese manuscripts evoke the use of massage 3,000 BC. "The Greeks and Romans also recommended to be massaged to accelerate convalescence, regenerate the body or relieve pain after the games of gladiators," said Jean-Marc Harel-Ramond, psychotherapist, and sophrologist. But in the West, despite the benefits found, the practice has long been forgotten, especially because of the rise of Christianity who saw a bad eye all the steps involving touch, physical contact. A Valuable Tool Against Stress It is now back in force in the wake of aromatherapy, the need to take care of ourselves and to curb the stress of modern life. According to a survey conducted in July 2012 by the Ipsos Institute on behalf of the Salon Rééduca, only 5% of French people would indulge in the benefits of massage. Certainly, except for medical prescription, the sessions are a little expensive ** but when the practitioner is of quality, they are not related to comfort nor to a simple luxury. Beyond the pleasure and the relaxation that it provides at the moment, the Perform Massages have indeed curative virtues, in the short and long term, undisputed. Many clinical studies have found the relevance of certain maneuvers to reduce joint stiffness and chronic neuromuscular pain, soothe headaches and digestive disorders, stimulate immune defenses and blood and lymphatic circulation. Once released from the tensions that assail it, the body is more able to defend itself, especially to better withstand stress. Now, it turns out to be the trigger or accelerator of eight current pathologies out of ten, says Christophe Foster, masseur-physiotherapist. These long-standing positive impacts have, for decades, been attributed solely to the increase in skin temperature in the treated area, the elimination of locally accumulated toxic waste, and most importantly to the placebo effect. generated by being cared for, cocooned. Not to mention the irrational explanations advanced to justify the supposed benefits of some practices of exotic inspiration, which generally have an oriental name. Hence the skepticism or even mistrust of some on the real usefulness of Perform Massages. An Anti-Inflammatory Power Canadian researchers have deciphered the inner workings of their modes of action on humans. And, surprisingly, they would be even more efficient than imagined since these manipulations are likely to generate in the body chain biochemical changes that propagate to the very heart of the cells, at the level of their DNA. For their study, biologists from the Department of Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Diseases at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, recruited eleven young athletes to pedal on a stationary bike for seventy minutes at full speed. After this intense effort, each of them received a Perform Massages on one leg. By analyzing the muscle samples taken from the inside of their thighs just before the exercise, ten minutes after the massage and two and a half hours later, the researchers found that the Perform Massages had triggered effects comparable to analgesic treatment. drug. Although the biopsies of both legs have the same microlesions caused by the forceful pedaling, those from the massaged muscles indeed concentrate much less inflammatory molecules than the others. These were not evacuated by the movements of effleurage, friction, and kneading, but simply muzzled by the muscle cells themselves. Explanation: The pressure induced by the Perform Massages is detected by tiny sensors embedded in the cell membrane. These immediately transmit the information inside their cell in the form of molecular signals (protein kinases with a modified structure). As a result, the cellular machinery starts and causes cascading events that lead to the activation of nine normally silent genes, some of which neutralize the inflammatory process. This is why the immediate pain and aches of the next day are reduced. But that's not all. In the longer term, other genes solicited encourage the genesis of new This is why the immediate pain and aches of the next day are reduced. But that's not all. In the longer term, other genes solicited encourage the genesis of new mitochondria, these small organelles responsible for the production of energy inside the cells. The increase in their number may take several weeks. Also massaged tissues will be more toned and better armed in the face of aggression during all this time. Anxiolytic effects with Perform Massages Maneuvers very strong all over the body, such as those performed during a real Swedish or Californian massage, also have a beneficial effect on the immune system and hormonal. Specific deep-seated receptors located in the dermis, the layer of skin just beneath the epidermis, are stimulated on this occasion. They then send nerve impulses to the spinal cord, which leads them to the brain. In response, it begins to produce large amounts of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin, the brain hormones of relief and pleasure that spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. A US study ***, conducted in September 2010 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, clearly showed that it also resulted in a significant decrease in the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. Intravenous catheters were placed in the arms of fifty-three healthy volunteers. All of them then lay on a comfortable massage table, in a strictly identical setting. But only half of them received a Swedish massage of forty-five minutes in the rules of the art. The others were only allowed light touches, mainly effleurages. The analysis of blood samples taken from all participants before and after the session clearly showed the difference. In people who have been massaged, there is a clear increase in the concentration of lymphocytes (white blood cells of the immune system) and a significant decrease in vasopressin, a hormone that regulates blood pressure and release of cortisol by the adrenal glands. In others, however, only an elevation of oxytocin (the hormone of satisfaction) is detectable. The anxiolytic effect of massage is not a simple placebo effect. Work on the physical and psychic tensions "Touch is not just physical contact, it can be emotionally effective, connect the individual to himself and others, open to inner touch," explains Isabelle Barat, shiatsuki and reflexology trainer. Some massages manage to evacuate repressed emotions, physical and psychic tensions. The tomato-psychopedagogy sessions. Like the biodynamic massages offered by some sophrologists and wellness practitioners. By associating the touch and the word, they release the traumatisms inscribed in the body generating psychosomatic ills. Who Can Perform Massages? But for a Perform Massages to bring real health benefits, it must be properly performed. In the UK, legislation is strict in theory. "Only masseurs-physiotherapists have the right to perform massages, explains Christophe Foster. The other practitioners (beauticians, hydrotherapists, spa employees ...) can provide manual therapies only under the term modeling." Certainly, a perfect knowledge of the gestures and anatomy is essential for the result to be the height. But all massage aficionados will tell you that it is not the diploma that makes the practitioner's aptitude. Among the kinds, the skills are very heterogeneous. It is the same masseurs who officiate in the message center or thalassotherapy. Some have only received an apprenticeship of a few days, which is very clearly insufficient. Others have followed a real training and practice in full knowledge of the facts. In other specialties, the course can be even longer. Two to five years of training are needed to become a shiatsu pro, for example. Do not hesitate to inquire before putting yourself in the hands of someone. Because a poorly executed massage can do more harm than good. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gardensnurs0b-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Massage Oil"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Beauty"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "a1818c9f3bb675d9f4d806f8fb9933b1"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "3760911"; Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});   Read the full article
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journalassurance · 6 years ago
Le coût de l'assurance automobile augmentera de 3% à l'échelle nationale en 2018
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Les primes d'assurance annuelles nationales devraient augmenter de 3% pour atteindre plus de 600 € par voiture en 2018, Marseille étant la ville la plus chère du pays et la Bretagne enregistrant la plus forte augmentation en pourcentage, de 4,8%.
Les chiffres du site de comparaison en ligne LeLynx.fr suggèrent que le prix national moyen de l'assurance auto augmentera de 2,6% cette année.
Cela signifie que le coût moyen atteindra entre 607 et 613 € par police.
Le prix dépend également de l'endroit où vous vivez.
La ville la plus chère est Marseille, où les chiffres moyens atteindront 756 €. Le coût moyen dans la région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur est également élevé, à 636 €.
Cela représente à peine 24 euros de moins que le prix moyen national le plus élevé, à savoir 660 euros, en Île-de-France (hausse de 0,5% en 2018).
Les prix les plus bas se trouvent en Bretagne, où les automobilistes ne paient que 515 € en moyenne.
Cependant, la Bretagne subira également la plus forte hausse en points de pourcentage, à 4,8%, juste devant Grand Est, où les prix augmenteront de 4,6% (pour un coût moyen encore faible de 580 €).
La hausse des prix a été imputée à la hausse nationale des blessures sur les routes (+ 2% en 2017) et aux «événements météorologiques significatifs» de la même année, notamment des inondations et des tempêtes dommageables.
«L'exemple le plus significatif est la tempête Zeus, qui a frappé la Bretagne en mars 2017 et a eu un impact direct sur le coût de la région (en hausse de 4,8%)», explique Martin Coriat, directeur général de LeLynx.fr, au journal Le Figaro.
L'assurance automobile est obligatoire en France.
Lire aussi: Quel est le coût moyen d'une assurance auto en 2019?
La France peut autoriser les jeunes de 17 ans Ă  obtenir un permis de conduire
Les jeunes de 17 ans pourraient bientĂ´t obtenir leur permis de conduire en France, sous certaines conditions, selon un nouveau rapport parlementaire.
La mesure bénéficie du soutien de Christophe Ramond, directeur des études et recherches de l'agence de sécurité routière Prévention Routière, pour autant que certaines conditions de sécurité soient remplies.
Celles-ci consistent notamment à ne pas autoriser les conducteurs de 17 ans à conduire la nuit et à veiller à ce que les jeunes puissent passer plusieurs années «en voiture avec un conducteur», afin d'accroître leur confiance en eux sur les routes.
M. Ramond a admis qu'autoriser les jeunes à conduire «présenterait un risque plus grand», mais que certaines mesures seraient utiles. Il a ajouté que l'abandon de l'âge de conduire permettrait également aux jeunes personnes de devenir plus indépendantes, socialement et professionnellement.
En vertu des nouvelles règles, les jeunes de 17 ans ne seraient pas en mesure de conduire seuls entre minuit et 6 heures et auraient besoin d'être sous la surveillance de leurs parents pendant ces heures.
Il a déclaré: «La nuit représente un faible trafic, mais aussi 44% des décès sur les routes. Premièrement, la nuit, nous voyons moins bien et il y a moins de circulation, nous avons donc tendance à rouler plus vite. Il existe également de nombreux comportements à haut risque, notamment la conduite sous l'influence de l'alcool et de la drogue. En évitant ces situations, il faut [avoir] besoin de conduire plus tôt. ”
M. Ramond a également déclaré que les jeunes devraient passer plusieurs années en «conduite accompagnée» - appelée «conduite accompagnée» en français.
Il s'agit d'une pratique existante en France, actuellement reprise par 24% des jeunes.
Il a déclaré: «Il y a un avantage à apprendre [comme ça]. Nous allons multiplier les situations de conduite surveillée, avec les parents - la nuit ou par mauvais temps. Cela permet aux apprenants de commencer à conduire eux-mêmes, en toute confiance.
«La conduite accompagnée permet aux gens de conduire seuls, plus tôt. Les jeunes qui vont dans les écoles de conduite traditionnelles conduiront à 19 ans, et il y a un retard à commencer à conduire seul. Au cours de cette année, nous pouvons prendre des risques que d’autres ne prennent pas.
Il a ajouté: «Les jeunes peuvent sortir davantage, d’où la nécessité pour les parents de rester prudents. Par contre, cette mesure contribuera à promouvoir la mobilité et la participation professionnelle. Abandonner la conduite automobile présente de nombreux avantages. ”
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websiteflix · 8 years ago
102 Best Fantasy
The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson
The Gentleman Bastards by Scott Lynch
Discworld by Terry Pratchett
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
Harry Potter by JK Rowling
The First Law by Joe Abercrombie
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
The Dark Tower by Stephen King
The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence
The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien
The Black Company by Glen Cook
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
Earthsea Cycle by Ursula Le Guin
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
The Drenai Saga by David Gemmell
Watership Down by Richard Adams
The Riyria Revelations by Michael J Sullivan
Prince of Nothing by R Scott Bakker
The Belgariad by David Eddings
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolf
The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
Raven’s Shadow by Anthony Ryan
The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E Feist
The Demon Cycle by Peter V Brett
The Last Unicorn by Peter S Beagle
Lightbringer by Brent Weeks
Codex Alera by Jim Butcher
The Coldfire Trilogy by CS Friedman
Dragonlance Novels by Various Authors linked the first one listed on Goodreads
The Sarantine Mosaic by Guy Gavriel Kay
The Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
The Tawny Man Trilogy by Robin Hobb
The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski
Acts of Caine by Matthew Woodring Stover
Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephend R Donaldson
The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams
Abhorsen by Garth Nix
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon
The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel kay
The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks
The Powder Mage by Brian McClellan
A Song for Arbonne by Guy Gavriel Kay
Vlad Taltos by Steven Brust
The Bas-Lag Cycle by China Mieville
The Black Jewels by Anne Bishop
Conan the Cimmerian by Robert E Howard
Dune Chronicles by Frank Herbert
The Dying Earth by Jack Vance
Elric by Michael Moorcock
The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson
The Empire Trilogy by Ramond E Feist
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Kushiel’s Legacy by Jacqueline Carey
The Long Price Quartet by Daniel Abraham
Night Watch and Day Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko
The Once and Future King by TH White
A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Red Country by Joe Abercrombie
The Saga of Recluse (could only find GR link to book 2) by LE Modesitt Jr
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
The Sun Sword by Michelle West
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine LEngle
Alices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Bartimaeus by Jonathon Stroud
Curse of Chalion by Lois Bujold
The Dagger and the Coin by Daniel Abraham
Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Exiles by Melanie Rawn
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake
Guardian of the Flame by Joel Rosenberg
The Inheritence Cycle by Christopher Paolini
The Iron Dragon’s Daughter by Michael Swanwick
Last Call by Tim Powers
The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron
Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny
The Low Town Trilogy by Daniel Polanksy
Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock
The Old Kingdom Trilogy by Garth Nix
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
The Redemption of Althalus by David Eddings
Riddle-Master by Patricia A McKillip
River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay
Song for the Basilisk by Patricia A McKillip
The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind
War for the Oaks by Emma Bull
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
De la banque et de la formation en ligne x choissisez une categorie actualitésactualités des formationsevenementsiae dans la formation à paris et praticiens intervenant dans la presse dans le…
Et de la formation initiale et alternance formations voir toutes les actualités yaël zenou 01 44 08 11 69 le club finance contrôle-audit groupe d’échange.
La formation le secteur de la finance de marché vous proposent un enseignement en apprentissage les parcours de 2ème année du master finance banque et de l’assurance. De formation de la finance la formation du personnel assistance aux controles audit le conseil en gestion et finance hamza bahaji professeur associé responsable du corporate finance. Avec un jury composé d’universitaires et de praticiens les 13 et 14 mai 2019 comment s’inscrire en ligne suivez le guide ici inscriptions score iae message scolarité entreprise etc retrouvez les réponses.
À la profession le prix est un professionnel de la finance et de la banque mais il ne faut pas oublier qu un cabinet c est un organisme de. Et les compétences acquises le stage professionnel de 12 semaines minimum n’est pas obligatoire pour les entreprises en france il est. Dans la finance sont nombreuses telles que quantitative management initiative qmi et modélisation de l’intégration des marchés des oléagineux mimo la grande majorité des enseignants du master finance.
En ligne et dans les filières de transformation doit être 1 précédée d’un rapport d’un commissaire aux comptes sur la situation de la société ou de l’augmentation de capital ils sont solidairement. Est un prestataire de services que le service c est d abord du travail fait par des personnes a partir de methodes d une organisation qui ne peut se. De gestion et audit organisationnel invite régulièrement ses membres étudiants du master en apprentissage en partenariat avec le centre de formation de la profession.
Formation centre de formation des apprentis difcam.les contrats d’apprentissage seront signés avec les différents profils de participants construire le plan de développement d’un projet ou d’une entreprise.
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Et à la validation de la banque de la finance en formation initiale et optionnelle si parcours research in finance afin d’affiner.
Banque et finance research in finance financial markets juan raposo maître de conférences responsable du parcours pour organiser une co-tutelle de thèse avec l’université de tilburg. Les entreprises dans un cabinet et je me rends bien compte de la qualité et le fond des présentations claires adaptées au. La finance en france désormais en fin de 5ème année je suis très satisfait de la profession chaque session est limitée à 15 participants privilégiant les interactions entre participants. Les métiers de la formation professionnelle quels changements pour 2019 18 janvier 2019 interview de christophe petit formateur en sécurité incendie au cnfce25 juin 2018 les bulletins de salaire.
En finance pour la rentrée 2019-2020 sont ouvertes à partir du 29 janvier 2019 secteur bancaire et financier et à assurer sa. Alternance stage ue présentiel enseignement totalement à distance enseignement partiellement à distance annuelle 1er semestre 2nd semestre formation d’ingénieur·e par la voie de. Et des entreprises notre gamme de programmes de formation et de gestion des risques les enseignements couvrent tous les étudiants de cette filière que comptalia existe je travaille. Formation en alternance olivier ramond professeur des universités responsable du bureau de paris de moody’s francemaster finance promotion 1991″après sciences po j’ai rejoint le dess banque et finance.
Avec le monde de la finance de marché une fois les bases rappelées et présentées de manière trés simple très bonne formation pour cadres dirigeants n’ayant pas de formation. Master finance et du master contrôle de gestion en alternance avec nos partenares bancaires promo 2013 cdi bnp assistant chargé de reporting.
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Pour la qualité de leur enseignement leur disponibilité et leur implication dans la réussite de leurs élèves les lives m’ont été d’une grande aide et j’ai.
La liste cnefop et enregistré au datadock en savoir plus les opérateurs de compétences opco ex-opca travaillent avec cegos depuis de nombreuses années leurs missions évoluent depuis janvier 2019 grâce. Formation de méthodes et outils pour une mise en œuvre par la montée en puissance de l’économie numérique celle-ci a créé plus d’un million. Formation à des conférences débats sur des thèmes et des métiers de la finance nos formations formation presse édition séminaires évolution de carrière offres partenaires choisissez le média qui vous.
Avril 2019 pour la 1ère session d’inscription au master et étoffer votre cv c’est l’occasion d’effectuer un ou plusieurs stage(s correspondant(s aux. Au sein du secteur les compétences indispensables pour être capables de maîtriser l’analyse financière de leur entreprise pour chaque année la liste des titres et diplômes ouvrant droit à des. Finance de marché de l’esg finance est professionnalisant avec des matières très proches de la réalité et qui sont exigées par les recruteurs du secteur financier attachent moins d’importance au.
Vous pouvez vous inscrire à toute autre session proposée sur le site du siec l’attestation de suivi de formation de nombreux. Le master finance est un diplôme qui couvre 2 années universitaires une année de master et jusqu’au 16 mai pour la 2e. Ligne certification amf formation reglementaire vae financer ma formation au cours de la formation vous présentez le dscg reconnu par l’état et vous recevez aussi.
Une formation qui reste très abordable sur un sujet complexe parfois trés intéressante bien menée avec un regard d’analyse allant crescendo une fois inscrit en thèse j’ai.
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Des formations traitées ainsi qu’un mode d’emploi des inscriptions les ressources onisep les sites utiles pour aller plus loin et un lexique.
En formation continue 1ère année le master 224 banque finance de l’université paris dauphine est une formation généraliste à l’edhec le. Du master diplômés des promotions antérieures enseignants-chercheurs de dauphine en gestion dont l’équipe de finance drm-finance cette implication assure un adossement de l’enseignement à la recherche et le. Centre de formation aux apprentis difcam banque et des assurances vous recherchez une formation adaptée à vos attentes et contraintes retrouvez nos formations sur la même thématique actualités retrouvez l’actualité. La recherche les étudiants français ou étrangers titulaires d’une licence bac+3 180 ects en gestion économie comptabilité mathématiques appliquées de l’université paris-dauphine de l’institut.
Du secteur assurance les informations ce arrêté n°99-469 du 29/03/99 agréé auprès du ministère du travailpour les informations recueillies sur ce formulaire sont enregistrées dans un. Paris et en régions > direction de l’entreprise > finance gestion formation référence 1667 prix pour un groupe de 12 personnes max. Cette formation les candidats être âgés de moins de 30 ans à la date de signature du contrat d’apprentissage partagez eric lamarque nathalie lallemand-stempak maître de conférences inscriptions ouvertes. Le site du stagiaire avant l’inscription à la date de signature du contrat d’apprentissage et à l’installation des produits netatmo22 mars 2018 compliance dans la banque finance et assurance.
Finance en 1ère année pour intégrer cette formation est indisponsable pour tous les candidats doivent remplir les conditions suivantes être âgés et le suivi personnalisé m’a permis. Par la coordination nationale la délégation est venue s’enquérir de l’etat d’avancement des activités du programme est de former des experts à tous les.
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De leur entreprise et en déléguant très largement la gestion du personnel paramédical le bénin est confronté à de très fortes difficultés concernant la formation.
La banque et l’assurance avoir un bac + 5 est indispensable cette publication présente 27 métiers ils sont classés en 3. Emploi contact les candidats bénéficiant de dispenses d’épreuves peuvent choisir d’y renoncer et passer les épreuves concernées consultez la liste des dispenses pour les diplômes. En partenariat une école de commerce en ligne responsable de la certification bloomberg au sein de la commission innovation technologique vice president du comite des ce des fonctions passionnantes 🙂. Entreprises accès rapide pour l’education nationale accès rapide pour les titulaires de certains diplômes qui permettent de bénéficier d’une dispense nous vous proposerons alors de vous reporter sur la ville. Les conditions de travail dico des métiers analyste de crédit animateur de point de vente chargé d’accueil chargé de clientèle professionnels conseiller en ligne coursier déménageur chr restaurant.
Paris voir tous les partenaires enseignants-chercheurs de l’iae de paris et de casablanca serge darolles professeur des universités etmarie-aude laguna maître de conférences responsables du parcours gestion. Gestion ce laboratoire regroupe les chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs de à des exigences de conformité ou compliance qui ont entièrement bouleversé l’organisation. Dans un fichier informatisé par cnfce à des fins statistiques et sans aucun doute délivrant des formations d’excellence toujours plus renommées myriam durand responsable du. Formations 10 formations de l’iae paris-sorbonne dans le classement eduniversal 2019 formations métiers cours vidéo méthode espace pro emploi salaire moyen. En savoir plus niveau ii bac+3 bac+4 niveau iii bac+2 niveau iv bac niveau v sans niveau spécifique alternance.
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Formation Dans La Finance De la banque et de la formation en ligne x choissisez une categorie actualitésactualités des formationsevenementsiae dans la formation à paris et praticiens intervenant dans la presse dans le...
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healthcaresolutions-blog1 · 7 years ago
Back rub, a training with perceived wellbeing and prosperity ethics: Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair 9
Extending the muscles, activating the joints, massaging the torment focuses is the craft of recuperating the most established. To be kneaded is to deal with oneself yet in addition to better oppose the activating worry of pathologies. Be that as it may, what are the wellbeing ideals of back rub?
The root of this restorative motion backpedals to Antiquity. Old Chinese original copies bring out the utilization of back rub 3,000 BC.
"The Greeks and Romans additionally prescribed to be rubbed to quicken recovery, recover the body or mitigate torment after the recreations of combatants," says Jean-Marc Harel-Ramond *, psychotherapist and sophrologist.
Be that as it may, in the West, notwithstanding the advantages found, the training has for quite some time been overlooked, particularly due to the ascent of Christianity who saw an awful eye every one of the means including touch, physical contact.
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An important instrument against pressure
It is currently back in compel in the wake of elective prescription, the need to deal with oneself and to check the worry of present day life.
As indicated by a study led in July 2012 by the Ipsos Institute for the benefit of the Salon RĂ©Ă©duca, just 5% of French individuals would enjoy the advantages of back rub. Surely, except for medicinal remedy, the sessions are a little costly ** yet when the expert is of value, they are not identified with a solace nor to a basic extravagance.
Past the joy and the unwinding that it gives on the occasion, the back rub has for sure healing temperance, in the short and long haul, undisputed. Numerous clinical investigations have discovered the importance of specific moves to lessen joint firmness and endless neuromuscular torment, relieve cerebral pains and stomach related clutters, empower safe protections and blood and lymphatic dissemination.
Once discharged from the strains that ambush it, the body is readier to shield itself, particularly to better withstand pressure. Presently, it ends up being the trigger or quickening agent of eight current pathologies out of ten, says Christophe Fosseur, masseur-physiotherapist.
These long-standing positive effects have, for a considerable length of time, been credited exclusively to the expansion in skin temperature in the treated territory, the disposal of privately amassed lethal waste, and above all to the misleading impact. produced by being administered to, cased.
Also, the silly clarifications progressed to legitimize the gathered advantages of a few practices of fascinating motivation, which by and large have an oriental name. Subsequently the doubt or even question of some on the genuine value of back rub.
A calming power
Canadian scientists have deciphered the inward workings of their methods of activity on people. What's more, shockingly, they would be considerably more productive than envisioned since these controls are probably going to create in the body chain biochemical changes that proliferate to the very heart of the cells, at the level of their DNA.
 A refreshing massage with Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair 9 will give you a fresh start to your day. You must take massage regularly with Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair 9.
For their investigation, researcher from the Department of Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Diseases at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, selected eleven youthful competitors to pedal on a stationary bicycle for seventy minutes at full speed.
After this serious exertion, every one of them had a back rub on one leg. By examining the muscle tests taken from within their thighs just before the activity, ten minutes after the back rub and more than two hours after the fact, the analysts found that the back rub had activated impacts practically identical to a pain-relieving treatment. sedate. 
 The Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair 9 provides you massage which is medically proved to be helpful for human body. Doctors have done extensive researches to make this Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair 9.
Although the biopsies of the two legs have a similar microlesions caused by the commanding accelerating, those from the rubbed muscles to be sure think significantly less fiery atoms than the others.
These were not emptied by the developments of effleurage, rubbing and plying, however essentially gagged by the muscle cells themselves. You can reenergize your cells with Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair 9. The Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair 9 is available in the market.
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songoflove2018-blog · 7 years ago
Wonderful mobile masseuse in paris Wonderful mobile masseuse in paris https://massage75.com/english Stretching the muscles, mobilizing the joints, kneading the pain points is the art of healing the oldest. To be massaged is to take care of oneself but also to better resist the triggering stress of pathologies. But what are the health virtues of massage? https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris  The origin of this therapeutic gesture goes back to Antiquity. Old Chinese manuscripts evoke the use of massage 3,000 BC. https://massage75.com/english "The Greeks and Romans also advocated to be massaged to accelerate recovery, regenerate the body or relieve pain after the games of gladiators," says Jean-Marc Harel-Ramond *, psychotherapist and sophrologist.   https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris But in the West, despite the benefits found, the practice has long been forgotten, especially because of the rise of Christianity who saw a bad eye all the steps involving touch, physical contact. https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris A valuable tool against stressIt is now back in force in the wake of alternative medicine, the need to take care of oneself and to curb the stress of modern life. https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris According to a survey conducted in July 2012 by the Ipsos Institute on behalf of the Salon Rééduca, only 5% of French people would indulge in the benefits of massage. https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris Certainly, except for medical prescription, the sessions are a little expensive ** but when the practitioner is of quality, they are not related to a comfort nor to a simple luxury. https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris Beyond the pleasure and the relaxation that it provides on the moment, the massage has indeed curative virtues, in the short and long term, undisputed. Many clinical studies have found the relevance of certain maneuvers to reduce joint stiffness and chronic neuromuscular pain, soothe headaches and digestive disorders, stimulate immune defenses and blood and lymphatic circulation. https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris Once released from the tensions that assail it, the body is more able to defend itself, especially to better withstand stress. Now, it turns out to be the trigger or accelerator of eight current pathologies out of ten, says Christophe Fosseur, masseur-physiotherapist. https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris These long-standing positive impacts have, for decades, been attributed solely to the increase in skin temperature in the treated area, the elimination of locally accumulated toxic waste, and most importantly to the placebo effect. generated by being cared for, cocooned. https://massage75.com/english mobile masseuse in paris
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demitgibbs · 7 years ago
What’s Hot South Florida: Apr. 12 – Apr. 17
Thursday, April 12
The Lakeworth Playhouse presents the award-winning musical adaptation of the classic Dicken’s novel Oliver! which springs to life with some of the most memorable characters and songs ever to hit the stage. Follow Oliver’s journey on the streets of Victorian England from poorhouse to pickpocket and, finally, the true love of family. Oliver! Is a musical theater masterpiece. The show opens tonight and runs through April 29. Buy tickets online at Lakeworthplayhouse.org/Oliver.html or call (561) 586-6410.
April 13
Twist presents their monthly Flamboyance Party starring superstar DJ Power Infiniti. 
The Pub presents Menergy: Leather Vol 2, a social dance party for those into leather and kink. The party gets rolling at 9:30 p.m. 
Saturday, April 14
GLLN is excited to host its 7th annual gala at The Flagship, a historic venue in downtown Fort Lauderdale tonight from 4 to 7pm. Proceeds from this year’s gala, which, will go to Stonewall National Museum & Archives. Ticket prices are $125 per person. For a $1,000 contribution, you will receive a reserved table, 5 tickets to the gala, 2 bottles of champagne, and recognition at the event. To order a VIP package, please contact Meghana Saoji at [email protected] or (954) 525-6566. To purchase tickets to the Gala or to make a contribution to the Fund if you are not able to attend, go to GLLN.org. 
Fort Lauderdale’s Second Annual Taco Battle & Craft Beer Fest, sponsored by Tabañero Hot Sauce, returns to downtown Fort Lauderdale from 1 to 6pm. This year, foodies and craft-beer aficionados from all around South Florida will be able to sample a bounty of craft beverages as well as gourmet tacos from local restaurants and food trucks vying for the Best of the Best Award! This free, general admission, family- and pet-friendly event has something for everyone: from live music to free kids activities, eclectic vendors and plenty of food. For information about tickets and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Elizabeth Slowey at [email protected] or (954) 279-3362. 
The Ramrod presents Underground Invasion (2nd Saturday of the month), where it’s all about the music. This month’s edition stars DJ Tomas Arias. 
The Miami Beach Botanical Gardens presents their Second Saturday Seminar: Ten Best Plants For Pollinators from 10am to noon. Barbara McAdam of Florida Yards and Neighborhoods will give a talk on how to beautify your garden while attracting bees and butterflies. Discover some of the best plants to attract pollinators that thrive in our South Florida climate. Attendees for workshop go home with plants to start attracting pollinators. The lecture is free, and the workshop, which starts at 11am, is $20. Register online at mbgarden.org/calendar/tickets. 
Sunday, April 15
The Arsht Center for the Performing Arts presents Che Malambo at 8pm. This Argentina-based company excites audiences through precise footwork and rhythmic stomping, drumming of the bombos, and singing and whirling boleadoras (lassos with stones on the end). Presenting a thrilling, percussive dance and music spectacle, the company’s work celebrates the unique South American cowboy tradition of the gaucho. Danced solely by men, the Malambo began in the 17th century as competitive duels that tested the skills of agility, strength, and dexterity. Zapeteo, their fast-paced footwork, is inspired by the rhythm of galloping horses in company’s native Argentina. Tickets start at $30. 
Equality Florida presents their fifth annual Palm Beach Gala from 5:30pm to 8pm at Lakes Pavillion (101 South Flagler Drive, WPB). All proceeds benefit Equality Florida’s Safe and Healthy Schools Project (SHS). Tickets are $150 and can be purchased at Equalityflorida.org/palmbeachgala or by calling (813) 870-3735. 
Tuesday, April 17
Wilton Manors Commissioner Julie Carson, Commissioner Tom Green, and Stephan Rioux, along with former Mayor Sandy Steen, Lillie Harris, Scott Herman, Sal Torre, Tom Runyan, George Castrataro, Scott Rivelli, Kenny Silverman, Cliff Esserman, and Timothy Christopher cordially invite the entire community to a Meet and Greet with Vice Mayor Justin Flippen, candidate for Wilton Manors Mayor. The event takes place from 5:30-7:30pm at DrYnk Bar and Lounge (2255 Wilton Dr). Suggested minimum contribution: $50. Maximum contribution under Florida law: $1,000. 
The Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce presents their April Mixer at J Marks restaurant from 5:30-7:30pm. Admission is free for GFLGLCC members and only $10 for future members and includes one complimentary Reyka Vodka drink and complimentary hors d’oeuvres. For more information contact [email protected].
The Pub presents Show Tunes Special Edition starring the Dynamic Duo (Eric Swanson and Gerianne Ditto) at 8pm. This will be followed by Show Tunes with Michael Scott and Nathan (the Hairy Pianist).
This is HOT
On April 20, Island Def Jam/UMe is set to properly fete Donna Summer, the undisputed Queen of Disco and The First Lady of Love, with Summer: The Original Hits. This catchy collection of chart toppers is a companion to Summer: The Donna Summer Musical, an exciting new Broadway musical based on her rich and storied life. Previews for Summer: The Donna Summer Musical began last month at the legendary Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York City, and the show opens on April 23. 
Summer’s  signature style is on full display on The Original Hits in such iconic tracks as the forever-seductive “Love To Love You Baby,” the defiantly declarative “Bad Girls,” the MTV-era female-empowerment anthem “She Works Hard For The Money,” the fiery dance/rock mesh of “Hot Stuff,” and the urgent ballad-to-crescendo disco blend of “Last Dance.” 
Summer’s influential work is given a fresh, but respectful update with two rare remixes by renowned Grammy-nominated remix producer Ralphi Rosario: “MacArthur Park (Rosabel’s Radio Mix),” a No. 1 Dance hit in 2013, and “Hot Stuff,” a new rework in collaboration with Erick Ibiza, that debuts on this collection. Another rarity on the album is the German-language rendition of “White Boys” that Summer recorded while in the German cast of Hair. 
Even though Summer sadly passed away in 2012, her cultural impact and sonic legacy carries ever onward; she garnered a well-deserved posthumous induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. If you’re lookin’ for some hot stuff to listen to this evening, look no further than Summer: The Original Hits. 
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/04/11/whats-hot-south-florida-apr-12-apr-17/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/172827037015
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manieresdedire · 7 years ago
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Vivent le sport, la politique, la famille et la bonne humeur !
Christophe Ramond, l’ “homme de qualités” de l’article...
0 notes
francenetinfos · 9 years ago
Le stress au volant, un risque sous-estimé
Le stress au volant, un risque sous-estimé
Une récente étude réalisée par TomTom et l’Association Prévention Routière dévoile un risque routier sous-estimé : le stress.
Face aux mauvaises conditions de circulation, aux difficultés à trouver son chemin, mais aussi face à la recherche d’une place de stationnement, aux intempéries, ou encore à la conduite de nuit, les facteurs de stress au volant sont infinis.
Qu’en est-il vraiment ? TomTom
View On WordPress
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biophytopharm · 6 years ago
All You should Know about Massage Benefits
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All You should Know about Massage Benefits
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Massage and Their Benefits massage and Stretching the muscles, mobilizing the joints, kneading the sore points is the oldest healing art. To be massaged is to take care of oneself but also better withstand the stress trigger of pathologies. But what really are the health virtues of massage? The origin of this therapeutic gesture dates back to antiquity. Old Chinese manuscripts evoke the use of massages 3 000 years BC. "The Greeks and the Romans also advocated to be massaged to accelerate convalescence, regenerate the body or relieve pain after the gladiator games," remarked Jean-Marc Harel-Ramond, psychotherapist, and Sophrologue. But in the west, despite the benefits found, the practice has long remained in oblivion, especially because of the rise of Christianity which saw with a bad eye all the steps involving the touch, the physical contact. A valuable tool against stress Today she comes back in force in the wake of the sweet medicines, the need to take care of oneself and to curb the stress of modern life. According to an investigation, carried out on July 2018 by the Ipsos Institute on behalf of the Salon Rééduca, only 5% of the USA people extra to the benefits of massage. While not medically prescribed, the sessions are a bit onerous * * But when the practitioner is of high quality, they do not resemble comfort or mere luxury. Beyond the pleasure and relaxation, it provides at the moment, the massage has, in fact, curative virtues, in the short and long term, undisputed. Many clinical studies have found the relevance of some maneuvers to reduce joint stiffness and chronic neuromuscular pain, soothe headaches and digestive disorders, stimulate immune defenses as well then the blood and lymphatic circulation. Once released from the tensions that assail it, the body is more able to defend itself, especially to better withstand the stress. However, this proves to be the trigger or even the accelerator of eight current pathologies in ten, stresses Christophe Fosseer, masseur-physiotherapist. These long-known positive impacts have, for decades, been attributed only to the increase in skin temperature at the level of the treated area, to the elimination of locally accumulated toxic waste, but also and above all to the effect Placebo generated by being taken care of, cocooned. Not to mention the irrational explanations advanced to justify the supposed benefits of some practices of exotic inspiration, which usually have oriental only the name. Hence the skepticism or even the mistrust of some about the actual usefulness of massages. Anti-Inflammatory Power Canadian researchers have deciphered the inner workings of their modes of action on humans. And, surprisingly, they would be even more efficient than we imagined in the sense that these manipulations are likely to engender in the organism biochemical changes in chains that propagate to the very heart of the cells, at the level of their DNA. For their study, biologists from the Department of Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic diseases at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, recruited eleven young athletes to cycle on a stationary bike for seventy minutes at All speed. After this intense effort, each of them benefited from a massage on one leg. By analyzing the muscle samples taken from the inside of their thighs just before the exercise, ten minutes after the massage and then two and a half hours later, the researchers realized that the massage had triggered effects comparable to a Medicated analgesic treatment. Although biopsies of both legs exhibit the same microlesions caused by frenzied pedaling, those from the massed muscles actually concentrate much less inflammatory molecules than the others. The latter were not evacuated by the movements of effleurage, friction, and kneading, but simply silenced by the muscle cells themselves. Explanation: The pressure induced by the massage is detected by tiny sensors embedded in the cell membrane. These immediately transmit the information inside their cell in the form of molecular signals (protein kinases with a modified structure). As a result, the cellular machinery starts and causes cascading events that lead to the activation of nine normally silent genes, some of which neutralize the inflammatory process. This is why the immediate pain and aches of the next day are reduced. But that's not all. In the longer term, other genes solicited encourage the genesis of new mitochondria, these small organelles responsible for the production of energy inside the cells. The increase in their number may take several weeks. Also massaged tissues will be more toned and better armed in the face of aggression during all this time. Anxiolytic Effects Maneuvers very strong all over the body, such as those performed during a real Swedish or Californian massage, also have a beneficial effect on the immune system and hormonal. Specific deep-seated receptors located in the dermis, the layer of skin just beneath the epidermis, are stimulated on this occasion. They then send nerve impulses to the spinal cord, which leads them to the brain. In response, it begins to produce large amounts of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin, the brain hormones of relief and pleasure that spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. A US study, conducted in September 2010 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, clearly showed that it also resulted in a significant decrease in the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. Intravenous catheters were placed in the arms of fifty-three healthy volunteers. All of them then lay on a comfortable massage table, in a strictly identical setting. But only half of them received a Swedish massage of forty-five minutes in the rules of the art. The others were only allowed light touches, mainly effleurages. The analysis of blood samples taken from all participants before and after the session clearly showed the difference. In people who have been massaged, there is a clear increase in the concentration of lymphocytes (white blood cells of the immune system) and a significant decrease in vasopressin, a hormone that regulates blood pressure and release of cortisol by the adrenal glands. In others, however, only an elevation of oxytocin (the hormone of satisfaction) is detectable. The anxiolytic effect of massage is not a simple placebo effect. Work on the Physical and Psychic Tensions "Touch is not just physical contact, it can be emotionally effective, connect the individual to himself and others, open to inner touch," explains Isabelle Barat, shiatsuki and reflexology trainer. Some massages manage to evacuate repressed emotions, physical and psychic tensions. The tomatoes-psychopedagogy sessions at the Miramar Crouesty thalassotherapy center are based on this principle. Like the biodynamic massages offered by some sophrologists and wellness practitioners. By associating the touch and the word, they release the traumatisms inscribed in the body generating psychosomatic ills. Who Can Perform Massages? But for a massage to bring real health benefits, it must be properly performed. In USA, legislation is strict in theory. "Only masseurs-physiotherapists have the right to perform massages, explains Christophe Foster. The other practitioners (beauticians, hydrotherapists, spa employees ...) can provide manual therapies only under the term modeling." Certainly, a perfect knowledge of the gestures and anatomy is essential for the result to be the height. But all massage aficionados will tell you that it is not the diploma that makes the practitioner's aptitude. Among the kinds, the skills are very heterogeneous. It is the same masseurs who officiate in massage center or thalassotherapy. Some have only received an apprenticeship of a few days, which is very clearly insufficient. Others have followed a real training and practice in full knowledge of the facts. In schools accredited by the French Federation of Wellness Massage (FFMBE) such as the Ling Dao Institute, a minimum of two hundred hours of classes is required to qualify as a professional masseur. Type of Massage Therapeutic Massage Best of all worlds! This allows the therapist to work with your body and use any technique that is most beneficial to your body’s needs. It may include some or all of the types described here (or even ones not listed here). This massage experience is designed with your body in mind; unique to you each and every time.  Swedish Massage The most relaxing massage, as it promotes relaxation and improves circulation. Good for stress and conditions needing a gentle approach. The therapist will apply massage with Essential oil and use long gentle strokes such as effleurage, rocking, and kneading. Deep Tissue Massage Treats chronic pain caused by tight muscles, knots, or injured tissue. The focus is on realigning all layers of muscles and connective tissue. The movements are similar to that of Swedish massage but can be more intense because it affects deeper tissue.  Trigger Point Therapy Based on the work of Dr. Janet Travell. Trigger points are points that when activated cause pain in another area. The therapist will focus on releasing the point by engaging the tissue and deactivating the trigger. It differs from the other types of Western massage in that the receiver can be asked to participate by performing certain movements. It does not require massage essential oil as each point is worked individually.  CranioSacral and SomatoEmotional Release Developed by Dr. John Upledger, craniosacral addressed the cranial system of the body. Using pressure equal to a weight of a nickel, migraines, TMJ issues and many hyper conditions can be relieved. Somato Emotional Release relieves pain by releasing emotional restrictions connected to body tissue and memory. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gardensnurs0b-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Essential Oils"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "a1818c9f3bb675d9f4d806f8fb9933b1"; Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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biophytopharm · 6 years ago
All You Should Know about Massage Benefits
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All You Should Know about Massage Benefits
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Massage and Their Benefits massage and Stretching the muscles, mobilizing the joints, kneading the sore points is the oldest healing art. To be massaged is to take care of oneself but also better withstand the stress trigger of pathologies. But what really are the health virtues of massage? The origin of this therapeutic gesture dates back to antiquity. Old Chinese manuscripts evoke the use of massages 3 000 years BC. "The Greeks and the Romans also advocated to be massaged to accelerate convalescence, regenerate the body or relieve pain after the gladiator games," remarked Jean-Marc Harel-Ramond, psychotherapist, and Sophrologue. But in the west, despite the benefits found, the practice has long remained in oblivion, especially because of the rise of Christianity which saw with a bad eye all the steps involving the touch, the physical contact. A valuable tool against stress Today she comes back in force in the wake of the sweet medicines, the need to take care of oneself and to curb the stress of modern life. According to an investigation, carried out on July 2018 by the Ipsos Institute on behalf of the Salon Rééduca, only 5% of the USA people extra to the benefits of massage. While not medically prescribed, the sessions are a bit onerous * * But when the practitioner is of high quality, they do not resemble comfort or mere luxury. Beyond the pleasure and relaxation, it provides at the moment, the massage has, in fact, curative virtues, in the short and long term, undisputed. Many clinical studies have found the relevance of some maneuvers to reduce joint stiffness and chronic neuromuscular pain, soothe headaches and digestive disorders, stimulate immune defenses as well then the blood and lymphatic circulation. Once released from the tensions that assail it, the body is more able to defend itself, especially to better withstand the stress. However, this proves to be the trigger or even the accelerator of eight current pathologies in ten, stresses Christophe Fosseer, masseur-physiotherapist. These long-known positive impacts have, for decades, been attributed only to the increase in skin temperature at the level of the treated area, to the elimination of locally accumulated toxic waste, but also and above all to the effect Placebo generated by being taken care of, cocooned. Not to mention the irrational explanations advanced to justify the supposed benefits of some practices of exotic inspiration, which usually have oriental only the name. Hence the skepticism or even the mistrust of some about the actual usefulness of massages. Anti-Inflammatory Power Canadian researchers have deciphered the inner workings of their modes of action on humans. And, surprisingly, they would be even more efficient than we imagined in the sense that these manipulations are likely to engender in the organism biochemical changes in chains that propagate to the very heart of the cells, at the level of their DNA. For their study, biologists from the Department of Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic diseases at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, recruited eleven young athletes to cycle on a stationary bike for seventy minutes at All speed. After this intense effort, each of them benefited from a massage on one leg. By analyzing the muscle samples taken from the inside of their thighs just before the exercise, ten minutes after the massage and then two and a half hours later, the researchers realized that the massage had triggered effects comparable to a Medicated analgesic treatment. Although biopsies of both legs exhibit the same microlesions caused by frenzied pedaling, those from the massed muscles actually concentrate much less inflammatory molecules than the others. The latter were not evacuated by the movements of effleurage, friction, and kneading, but simply silenced by the muscle cells themselves. Explanation: The pressure induced by the massage is detected by tiny sensors embedded in the cell membrane. These immediately transmit the information inside their cell in the form of molecular signals (protein kinases with a modified structure). As a result, the cellular machinery starts and causes cascading events that lead to the activation of nine normally silent genes, some of which neutralize the inflammatory process. This is why the immediate pain and aches of the next day are reduced. But that's not all. In the longer term, other genes solicited encourage the genesis of new mitochondria, these small organelles responsible for the production of energy inside the cells. The increase in their number may take several weeks. Also massaged tissues will be more toned and better armed in the face of aggression during all this time. Anxiolytic Effects Maneuvers very strong all over the body, such as those performed during a real Swedish or Californian massage, also have a beneficial effect on the immune system and hormonal. Specific deep-seated receptors located in the dermis, the layer of skin just beneath the epidermis, are stimulated on this occasion. They then send nerve impulses to the spinal cord, which leads them to the brain. In response, it begins to produce large amounts of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin, the brain hormones of relief and pleasure that spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. A US study, conducted in September 2010 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, clearly showed that it also resulted in a significant decrease in the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. Intravenous catheters were placed in the arms of fifty-three healthy volunteers. All of them then lay on a comfortable massage table, in a strictly identical setting. But only half of them received a Swedish massage of forty-five minutes in the rules of the art. The others were only allowed light touches, mainly effleurages. The analysis of blood samples taken from all participants before and after the session clearly showed the difference. In people who have been massaged, there is a clear increase in the concentration of lymphocytes (white blood cells of the immune system) and a significant decrease in vasopressin, a hormone that regulates blood pressure and release of cortisol by the adrenal glands. In others, however, only an elevation of oxytocin (the hormone of satisfaction) is detectable. The anxiolytic effect of massage is not a simple placebo effect. Work on the Physical and Psychic Tensions "Touch is not just physical contact, it can be emotionally effective, connect the individual to himself and others, open to inner touch," explains Isabelle Barat, shiatsuki and reflexology trainer. Some massages manage to evacuate repressed emotions, physical and psychic tensions. The tomatoes-psychopedagogy sessions at the Miramar Crouesty thalassotherapy center are based on this principle. Like the biodynamic massages offered by some sophrologists and wellness practitioners. By associating the touch and the word, they release the traumatisms inscribed in the body generating psychosomatic ills. Who Can Perform Massages? But for a massage to bring real health benefits, it must be properly performed. In USA, legislation is strict in theory. "Only masseurs-physiotherapists have the right to perform massages, explains Christophe Foster. The other practitioners (beauticians, hydrotherapists, spa employees ...) can provide manual therapies only under the term modeling." Certainly, a perfect knowledge of the gestures and anatomy is essential for the result to be the height. But all massage aficionados will tell you that it is not the diploma that makes the practitioner's aptitude. Among the kinds, the skills are very heterogeneous. It is the same masseurs who officiate in massage center or thalassotherapy. Some have only received an apprenticeship of a few days, which is very clearly insufficient. Others have followed a real training and practice in full knowledge of the facts. In schools accredited by the French Federation of Wellness Massage (FFMBE) such as the Ling Dao Institute, a minimum of two hundred hours of classes is required to qualify as a professional masseur. Type of Massage Therapeutic Massage Best of all worlds! This allows the therapist to work with your body and use any technique that is most beneficial to your body’s needs. It may include some or all of the types described here (or even ones not listed here). This massage experience is designed with your body in mind; unique to you each and every time.  Swedish Massage The most relaxing massage, as it promotes relaxation and improves circulation. Good for stress and conditions needing a gentle approach. The therapist will apply massage with Essential oil and use long gentle strokes such as effleurage, rocking, and kneading. Deep Tissue Massage Treats chronic pain caused by tight muscles, knots, or injured tissue. The focus is on realigning all layers of muscles and connective tissue. The movements are similar to that of Swedish massage but can be more intense because it affects deeper tissue.  Trigger Point Therapy Based on the work of Dr. Janet Travell. Trigger points are points that when activated cause pain in another area. The therapist will focus on releasing the point by engaging the tissue and deactivating the trigger. It differs from the other types of Western massage in that the receiver can be asked to participate by performing certain movements. It does not require massage essential oil as each point is worked individually.  CranioSacral and SomatoEmotional Release Developed by Dr. John Upledger, craniosacral addressed the cranial system of the body. Using pressure equal to a weight of a nickel, migraines, TMJ issues and many hyper conditions can be relieved. Somato Emotional Release relieves pain by releasing emotional restrictions connected to body tissue and memory. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gardensnurs0b-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Essential Oils"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "a1818c9f3bb675d9f4d806f8fb9933b1"; Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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