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anissapierce · 6 months ago
Lotta ppl in the replies n reblogs of tht post dumb as shit both in defense n against the edgy cartoon hell vs heaven show ....
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f0xd13-blog · 11 months ago
because no nobody forgot that israel is a country for only 75 years and that we isa christinian not jewish
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the-acid-pear · 2 months ago
Coming back to this post to give further context bc i don't think everyone is as into the niche ass information i tend to have at hand but this is about Roko's Basilisk which i keep insisting, its just how people treat christinianity. It's not even new look at Dante's Inferno where in heaven there were people found that weren't christian but it was explained they did good in life so when they died God showed up and took them to heaven; just like in this paradox if you just don't Know about this there's no reason for the otherwise benevolent ai to torture you forever. They quite literally just made evangelism for nerds.
That cognito hazard of the robot that punishes you if you don't start helping to build it is so stupid we already have Christianity idiot.
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cheryltoni-archive · 4 years ago
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@jenwritesandstuff-blog @usuin08 @dejamellorarbb @rannaymorenacantora @tnucnuc @themanycouples19 @jeremypadilla @bxee @teamswishandflick @grangears @mysticbonkhoundbasketball-blog @hellofriendlly @kristeenstewaart @secretspy0404 @nyu-is-away @eternoaficionado @hold-back-your-tears-this-time @rubyredwolves @tara-58 @lucifermorningstars @christinian @multifandomassassin @camisklaus @scanlenseliza @lorainess @sinlosiete @buddhablessyou @justthatsworld @peachboyx @doloresabcrnathy 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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reikiajakoiranruohoja · 4 years ago
Read up on Heaven’s Gate, the Anthill Kids, Order of the Solar Temple and whatever Adolfo Constanzo had going on. Cults come in all flavours and at the end of the day TARGET people who need to find -something- to fit into. Also, just to be VERY clear, most cults are built upon Christinianity.
broke: midsommar is a girl power movie
woke: midsommar is a horror movie about a manipulative cult
bespoke: midsommar is a litmus test to tell how easily you could be indoctrinated into a cult and if your first thought after watching it is that it was a girl power movie you’re very susceptible to cult tactics and you should be aware of that
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armeniaitn · 4 years ago
Funeral Notice: Gevork (Christinian) Gasparian
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/society/funeral-notice-gevork-christinian-gasparian-67329-29-12-2020/
Funeral Notice: Gevork (Christinian) Gasparian
Gevork Christinian
It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of our beloved father, grandfather and relative Gevork (Christinian) Gasparian, who passed away on Wednesday, December 23, 2020.
Funeral services followed by interment will be held on Monday, January 4, 2021, 11 a.m. at Grand View Memorial Park, 1341 Glenwood Rd., Glendale, CA 91201.
He is survived by his: Son and daughter-in-law, Hakop and Maral (Injeyan) Gasparian and daughter, Lala Daughter, Gohar and Hrayr Tamrazyan and daughter, Lilit Granddaughter, Angela and Arthur Badalian
And all relatives and friends.
Read original article here.
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ievosspalvotospievos-blog · 8 years ago
Dažnai su aplinkiniais tenka kalbėti apie maistą. Ką jie valgo, ką mėgsta ir ko jie tiesiog negali valgyti. Tai tik dar vienas įrodymas, kad esame unikalūs. Šiuo metu esu tokios  nuomonės, kad kiekvieno žmogaus mityba yra individuali. Pabandysiu pagrįsti savo teiginį.
                     Pirmiausia, pradėsiu nuo savęs. Esu iš tų žmonių, kurie gali gyventi be mėsos. Visada norėjau pajausti, ką reiškia jos atsisakyti. Ir pabandžiau. Nevalgiau  mėsos mėnesį laiko. Kas buvo? Buvo gerai. Buvo daug energijos ir geros nuotaikos. Savijauta pagerėjo. Klausia manęs: ar nesilpna? Ar gerai jautiesi? Žinoma! Juk viską reikia daryti su protu. Mėsą pakeičiau į daug baltymų ir geležies turinčius produktus. Nieko drastiško nedariau. Viskas iš lėto, kad organizmui nebūtų staigių ir racionalių pokyčių . Taigi, atėjo ketvirtas mėnuo ir štai aš vis dar peskovegetarė. Jaučiuosi žvalesnė, švaresnė ir gyvesnė!
                     Kitas žingsnis buvo toks, kad atsisakiau gliuteno turinčių produktų. Kodėl? Virškinimo sutrikimai ir nuolatiniai spuogeliai ant veido privedė prie įtarimo, kad netoleruoju šio baltymo. Pradėjau bandymą su savimi ir dabar simptomai nyksta.
                     Mano patarimas – įsiklausyti savęs, ko nori mūsų kūnas. Kiekvieno asmens organizmas yra individualus, nevienodai toleruoja skirtingą maistą. Kokį maistą valgydami jaučiatės laimingesni, aktyvesni ir žvalesni? Manasis “nenorėjo” mėsos ir kviečių, o ko nenori jūsų? To ir atsisakykite.
                     O kaip pastebėti organizmo priešinimąsi maistui? Spuogeliai ant odos, sutikęs virškinimas, rinitas ir kiti simptomai – tai gali būti alergijos, netoleravimo vienam ar kitam maito produktui požymiai.
                     2014 metų straipsnyje „Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Guidelines: diagnosisand management of food allergy“ radau įdomios informacijos. Autoriai rašo, kad alergija maistui gali pasireikšti šiais simptomais:
·         Odos problemos (dilgėlinė, angioneurozine edema, atopinis dermatitas);
·         Virškinamojo trakto problemos ( vėmimas, vidurių pūtimas, pilvo skausmas, viduriavimas, vidurių užkietėjimas);
·         Kvėpavimo sistemos problemos (čiaudulys, kosulys, dusimas, rinitas ar astma);
·         Kardiovaskulinis kolapsas.
                     Taip pat jie pristato metodus, kurie gali padėti išvengti šių nemalonių simptomų. Dažniausiai alergija pasireiškia dėl kokio nors baltymo, o nesenai atrasta, kad alergija būna ir dėl angliavandenių. Esant ūminei alerginei reakcijai – žinoma, vartojami antihistamininiai vaistai. Chroninės alergijos atveju, kai alergija ne taip stipriai pasireiškia, geriausias būdas – tai vengimas to produkto, kuriam esame alergiški. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad atsisakant alergeno ilgam laikui, sukuriama tolerancija. Po tam tikro laiko vėl galima į mitybos racioną įtraukti šį nepageidaujamą produktą.
Daugiau informacijos -> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.12429/epdf
 Alergija ar netoleravimas?
Dažnai šie du terminai painiojami. Čikagos medicinos universiteto profesorius Christinian Nordgvist apra��ė skirtumus:
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phycorb · 7 years ago
Except white people/christinians as a collective did all that, and nowadays we live in and benefit from a society that was shaped through that, and then some people go and point fingers at other cultures and act as if they are inferior.
western ppl talking about the poor conditions of women’s rights and lgbt rights in africa, asia, the middle east and south america is so frustrating and stupid bc U LITERALLY DID THAT!!!!! most laws prohibiting same sex relationships etc or laws restricting women were imposed on these regions by western imperialism. although the situation has changed in the west, the countries that suffered under western presence still largely hold on to the old western legislature. India is an example, where lgbt ppl are still struggling to undo the laws imposed on them by the british, Japan is an example, as they only prohibited same sex relations for 7 years in order to become part of the international community. westerners influenced and messed up countries with such progressive cultures and now dare point the finger at those ‘backwards savages’. the only inhumane thing u are looking at is hundreds of cultures destroyed to fit western culture.
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strongintruth · 11 years ago
This is for everyone who think mission trips are the only way to help people.
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keyko-zen · 7 years ago
I totally agree !
And it's really rewarding when you find common grounds ! Even more when it looks like something that couldn't go together. Or even on the way people thinks about their gods/pray.
Christinianity is a really interresting field of study. But every religion is :O
@keyko-zen (I think it was YOU I meant to send this to! I tagged the wrong person. XP )
#I really do enjoy religion talk tbh#Im reading all your posts and thank you for asking questions#cause sometimes we’re afraid to come out as rude#like my family is animist polytheists#so I don’t really get everything about Christianity#even if I find it interresting#i even worked on a protestant church#so thanks ! 
I’m glad it’s helpful! I’ve met a lot of people who lash out when you ask and I know some of my posts may seem like I was a little braced but Im so used to the people around where I live being downright angry when you ask and even insulted if they find out you’re not of the same faith. I know I got a few rather unsavoury asks but I didn’t want to post them because that wasn’t what it was about. And I feel like all faiths are fascinating and very interesting and it’s so nice and refreshing to be able to ask without having to brace yourself for impact as it were. XD I’m glad this is helpful to you like it was for me~ 
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