#Christian cage x yn
bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
Sugar daddy Christian Cage X fem reader
Sugar daddy Christian Cage headcannons
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
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Christian Cage is such a sweetheart
He would spoil you with expensive gifts
He would buy you whatever you like
Christian would give you a monthly alowance to buy whatever you like under one condition. You have to send him a sexy picture in the outfits you buy
He would take you for lunch dates and take you to the most expensive restaurants
With you money is no expense
Christian would take you on expensive vacations
He would worship your body and treat you like gold
He would show you off like his most prized possession
He could never say no to you
He would make passonite love to you all day every day
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sydsaint · 6 months
Could you please do a Nick Wayne x reader where he is dating Christian Cage's Daughter? She's a wrestler too and he's just such a sweet heart to her. She's part of a Christian group but is the good one who tries to get them to act right and everyone loves her!❤️
My sweet baby boy. You can act evil all you want. But we know the truth. <3
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Summary: The reader is Nick's girlfriend and Christian's eldest daughter. Nick sits at commentary gushing to Excalibur and Taz about how talented the reader is while she's in a match.
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"You all ready to head out, babe?" Nick eagerly lingers by the locker room door, waiting for you.
"Yep, I'm good." You do one last quick check in the mirror before nodding. "I don't know why you're so eager to get out there, Nick." You giggle. "I'm the one wrestling, remember?"
Nick laughs and opens the door for you. "What? I'm not allowed to be a supportive boyfriend?' He teases you. "I like going out there and talking you up to the commentary team." He beams.
"I'm sure that Taz and Excalibur will be thrilled to have you." You laugh and head out to the ring with Nick.
You do your entrance and Nick stays off to the back so you've got the spotlight. His eyes sparkle with love and adoration as he watches you hop up on the apron and pose before getting into the ring.
Once you're safe in the ring, Nick heads over to the commentary table and takes a seat next to Taz in an empty chair.
"Oh." Taz glances at Nick before reaching for the extra headset on the table. "It looks like Nick will be joining us here on commentary for YN's match." He announces as he hands Nick the headset. "Nick. Welcome, kid."
"Thanks, Taz." Nick takes the headset and slips it on. "Are you guys ready to see YN pick up this win against Trish Adora?" He asks the table.
Excalibur snickers at Nick's enthusiasm. "We'll see about that." He grins under his mask.
The bell rings and match begins. You work on some new moves that your dad has been practicing with you and Nick. The new move set is different from what Trish is expecting from you so you get the advantage for most of the match.
"Did you guys see that moonsalt?" Nick asks the table when you try out your new top-rope maneuver. "Thing of beauty wasn't it?" He grins out to the ring.
"Very well executed move from YN, yes." Excalibur agrees with Nick. "And now it looks like she's going for the Killswitch." He adds as you move to finish Trish off.
You hit your fathers infamous finisher with poise and grace before hiking up Trish's leg against her chest and pinning her for the win. The bell rings and Nick brings out of his seat in excitement.
"Yeah!" Nick cheers. "That's my girlfriend!" He beams, staring into the ring at you like you're the only person in the world.
Taz and Excalibur both chuckle to themselves as Nick drops his headset on the table and sprints into the ring to greet you. He gets into the ring at your side and lifts your arm in victory.
"Yeah! Nice going, babe." Nick praises you. "That moonsalt looked so good! Your dad is going to be so stoked that you managed to perfect it!" He hugs your side once your arm is down.
You laugh at Nick's high energy and hug him back before you both hop out of the ring and head backstage to the locker rooms.
When you get back to the locker room, Christian is back from wherever he wandered off to. "YN, hey sweetie." Cage greets you. "How did your match against Trish go?" He asks you.
"YN was great!" Nick beats you to the punch. "She even hit that moonsalt that we've been working on." He adds eagerly.
"Yeah?" Christian turns toward you. "How'd it feel coming down?" He asks you. "You get dizzy? Or jam up your knee's on the landing at all?"
You shake your head and reach for a towel to wipe away some of the sweat accumulating on your face and neck. "No dizziness." You report. "And the landing was clean." You assure Christian.
"Good." Cage nods with a pleased smile. "I'm going to need everyone in a bit when Adam is planning to be out in the ring. YN, do you want to come along this time?" He asks you.
"And be mean to my favorite uncle for no reason?" You set a judgmental hand on your hip. "No thanks dad. I'm just going to grab a quick shower while everyone is gone." You nod toward the adjoined washroom.
A small twinge of annoyance crosses Christian's face but he shakes it off. You might not be as ruthless as your father when it comes to being in the ring. But you're still his kid. And besides. When it comes to violence and debauchery, Christian has Nick now.
"Suit yourself, sweetie." Christian shrugs. "Come on then, Nick. Let's head out." He nods to the door.
Nick nods and walks over to you. "I'll be back in a bit, babe." He kisses your cheek. "We'll go grab a late dinner after the show." He adds.
"Alright." You nod and happily accept Nick's kiss. "Be safe." You warn him. "And hey, don't be to hard on poor Uncle Adam, okay?" You add.
"I'll do my best." Nick whispers to you so Christian can't hear him. "Love you."
You grin and nod. "Love you too, Nicky." You lightly tease him with a grin.
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