#Choices fan fic Ernest Sinclaire Desire & Decorum The Road to Gretna Green
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innerpostmentality · 6 years ago
The Road to Gretna Green Part 12 - Wish
All rights and many thanks are accorded to Pixelberry Studios. This takes place immediately after Part 11.  Seriously, it will be very confusing if you haven’t read the other parts. Please see my Masterlist if you wish to catch up on the series. This is the final chapter of The Road to Gretna Green. But I am planning more story with some of these characters including Ernest and Rose. Rating: M, Erotica, seriously M                     Warnings: erotica Word count: around 4300 and a bit Tagging: @ritachacha @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @speedyoperarascalparty @hellospunkiebrewster @tornbetween2loves @gardeningourmet @melodyofgraves @thequeenofcronuts @symonde
  Dominique watched Bishop Monroe read Rose’s letter. He was frowning as he handed it back to her. A soft knock on the parlor door heralded the return of the young man with the tea cart. Which he brought in and served them each a cup of tea and a biscuit before the Bishop dismissed him with a wave.  “Lady Dominique, this is most unfortunate.” He shook his head. “Have people been sent to stop this?” Dominique serenely stirred a lump of sugar into her tea and carefully set the spoon down and took a sip studying the Bishop the entire time before she answered. “You seem surprised. You know, I was at first.” She sipped the tea again.  Slowly smiling. “My complements on the tea, your Grace. This blend is lovely.” She took another sip.  The Bishop frowned at her. “This is disgraceful, my Lady. A scandal.”
  Her head whipped up and her eyes were narrowed as she speared him with her gaze. Her tone snapped at him correcting an ignorant child. “Your Grace, I did Not come here this afternoon to be chastised.” She paused mid sip deliberately, carefully setting her cup down. “If my granddaughter does not see the value in following social expectations regarding her method of honoring her promise to Mister Sinclaire there is no disgrace in that.
  I would say rather it reflects well upon her intellect that she has learned the folly of depending upon the dictates of others in the matter of her heart and future happiness. A lesson that you, sirrah held an integral part in teaching her!
  Her parents were married here, by your hand. Her conception was not the unsanctified secret tryst of callow youth. And yet she was labeled a ‘natural’ daughter. 
  You put asunder that which you claimed God had joined for what? According to my husband’s ledger your thirty pieces of silver were five hundred pounds sterling.
   But do not fret that I place blame on you alone for this. I bear my share I assure you. I was too busy keeping my eyes closed to my husband’s infidelities to stand up to him in the matter of our son’s happiness. It was not until after Rupert’s death that I knew of Vincent’s marriage to Rose’s mother. When I read his ledger I found out about the financially advantageous match that inspired him to have his son’s previous marriage annulled. Shall I show you the profit he made on the engagement with the widow Marlcaster? Shall I show you the letters he hid from his son and from me that spoke of undying love and my granddaughter? I think you do not want to see them for that allows you denial does it not? You never knew? You know. Before God you know. And we are not playing at this any longer.
 In my arrogance and ignorance I contrived to make what I thought was an advantageous alliance for Rose with Duke Richards blinding myself with his title to his base nature. I excused the evidence before my eyes caught up in a romantic fantasy. And made a deal with the devil himself. Duke Richards has no contract with Rose. She never gave him more notice than the bare minimum dictates of civility; which as it turns out was more than he deserved and far, far more than he gave her. The night of their ‘engagement’ he left bruises on her arm. She showed them to me. He is no gentleman.   I came here to get your support no matter what Duke Richards does. No matter how much money he offers your coffers I expect your support for my Granddaughters claim to Edgewater and the legitimacy of her contract and marriage to Mister Sinclaire. I have shown these gentlemen all these documents you seem disinclined to look at. And they bear witness to this conversation. I came here rather than taking this directly to the Archbishop as a courtesy to you. But I will do everything I must to ensure my Granddaughters rightful inheritance and her happiness.  Is my position clear, your Grace?” Dominique held his gaze until he nodded. Then sipped more of her tea.   They all sipped their tea in silence for several stunned minutes before the Bishop cleared his throat and spoke in a much subdued tone. “My Lady Dominique you must know that Duke Karlington will not take this well.”   She nodded. “Oh I am aware. He was ranting in my house this very morning. If he pursues this to court I will simply declare that in light of the previous contract by Rose’s father with Mister Sinclaire that I had no knowledge of at the time. And without previous consultation with Rose I overstepped the boundaries of my authority. If his Grace insists on a marriage the only one I am at liberty to speak for is myself. If he persists then I will marry him.”   Mister Konevi snorted his tea. The Bishop was taken with a fit of coughing. Mister Hartfield slapped his knee and guffawed with no pretense at even attempting to suppress his response. Dominique’s mouth was twitching as she tried to repress her own amusement. She lifted a brow and looked at each of them. “This seems quite logical to me. And frankly your Grace, I care not half a whit what Duke Karlington thinks or how he takes it. The Duke may be the cousin to Prinny, my linage goes back to the kings of Cordonia, Greece, and Spain.” 
  She finished her tea and rose walking over to the Bishop. “Your Grace I thank you for your audience. I trust I will have your support as regards my expressed wishes for the best interests of my Granddaughter. My question is bluntly, can you do this; or is this a matter which I must take to his excellency the Archbishop of Canterbury? Her gaze never wavered from his while he considered his answer.   He finally nodded. “Let me write a letter to his Excellency. I will write in support of your position. Explaining that your son, Earl Edgewater and Mister Sinclaire wished Lady Rose to have free will in her choice of husband and therefore kept their agreement secret. That having witnessed the settlement I am in accord with you in this matter that her arrangement with Mister Sinclaire holds precedence over any claim that Duke Karlington would hold on her. It is my belief that his Excellency will support you and your Granddaughter.”   Dominique nodded. “Good! I will have another cup of your lovely tea while you write your missive to the Archbishop.”   Bishop Monroe lifted his brow and frowned. “You need not tarry. I will do as I’ve told you.”   “I know you will. It’s no inconvenience. I like your tea. And as Mister Hartfield and Mister Konevi will be going to the Archbishop with the settlement papers to explain what is transpiring they may as well take your missive with them. I would not want you to have to go to an added expense and then possibly have it go astray in the post. We will wait.”   She went over to the tea service and poured herself another cup of tea then asked the gentlemen if she might freshen their cups while she was pouring.   Bishop Monroe did his best imitation of a gold fish opening his mouth as though he might protest until she lanced him again with her dark gaze that had him close his mouth and go to the writing desk in the room and compose his letter.   After a few minutes Dominique took a cup of tea over to the Bishop and read the letter he was composing over his shoulder. She smiled and handed him his tea. When he finished he handed her the letter she looked it over then handed it to Mister Hartfield to look over. He nodded and handed it to Mister Konevi who looked it over before nodding then handing it back to the Bishop. “This will be most helpful. There is only one thing missing.”   Looking distinctly annoyed the Bishop raised his brow at Mister Konevi. “And what might you require?”   “Your seal, your Grace. The authenticity would certainly be questioned without your seal on the letter.”   Dominique did not miss the clench of the Bishop’s jaw as he took the letter nodding, “Of course.” He went back to the desk and quickly dripped a bit of wax next to his signature and pressed his ring into it. Then handed it back to Mister Konevi.   He examined the letter and nodded at the Dowager Countess. “This all seems to be in order.”   She finished her tea and smiled at the Bishop. “I thank you, your Grace, for your hospitality and your assistance in this matter. I fear we must take our leave as there is much to prepare.” She rose and extended her hand to him. He bowed over it before shaking the hands of the Solicitors before they departed.
  Once they were settled in the carriage on the way back to the townhouse Dominique looked at them. “Tell me gentlemen, what think you?”   Mister Hartfield smiled, “Have you ever considered becoming a solicitor? I have seldom seen someone outside the profession cook an eel with such flair.
  But the Duke is a powerful, well connected man. I have been looking into Duke Karlington’s business on Mister Sinclaire’s behest since the unfortunate incident with Mister Sinclaire’s late wife. And while there have been numerous instances where his predatory nature has created severe misfortune for others. There hasn’t been anything that might be brought before the courts to curtail him. 
  Recently however, he has been publicly associating with one Sir Gideon Payne. That man was exiled for conspiring against the Crown. And I am most curious to see what our ambitious Duke is doing with him. That relationship could quite possibly be the key to severing his favor with the Royal family. I have hired several men, former Bow Street Horsemen to assist me in this endeavor. It is my hope that their efforts may rid us of any threat of Duke Karlington in the near future. 
  But as to the matter of Lady Edgewater and Mister Sinclaire I think the case you laid out for his Grace the Bishop will work. And unless you are the heiress to lands the Duke would be aware of I don’t think you will be forced to marry him.” He grinned.
  Mister Konevi nodded. “Karlington would not be inclined to marry Lady Rose if she were not a means to acquiring Edgewater. She is beautiful but her ‘Natural’ state would keep him from any consideration of her without her inheritance. But his history is one of vengeance for slights. So I would advise keeping trustworthy, capable men about. And being very wary of opportunities that might afford convenient tragic accidents. Double check your equipage. And I think we must try to get some trustworthy men to find the Sinclaires and accompany them home. So if you have such I think they should be assembled and sent with letters to find them.
  And Lady Dominique, I think some correspondence with the Archbishop is in order. We need to inform him of the unfortunate misunderstanding while keeping the damning ledger information in reserve. I believe holding that information back will solidify Bishop Monroe’s allegiance to our cause. I would advise the Bishop’s missive, and the settlement papers be shown to his Excellency.”
  Mister Hartfield considered a moment. “I believe Mister Konevi is wise in his advice. And we do have a serious advantage.” He grinned. “We have just such a man already keeping a close eye out for their wellbeing. A companion at arms and good friend to Mister Sinclaire, Mister Caiden Lykel. He is the gentleman Mister Sinclaire entrusted to fly before them making arrangements for their comfort and safety on their journey. If you have a trustworthy man to send, we can have him take a letter to Mister Lykel’s townhouse in Leeds. It would be the best chance to join him and help ensure they arrive back home safely.”   Dominique frowned. “Well I thought I had such but I sent Mister Harper to seek Rose in Grovershire days ago and he never returned.”   Mister Konevi cleared his throat and flushed a bit. “I expect he will return shortly.”   “What’s this?” She raised her brow at the solicitor.   “Mister Harper came to me when he did not find Lady Rose in Grovershire. Believing that your intention was to turn Lady Edgewater over to the Duke he wished to delay his return to allow her more time for escape. Once your intentions were made clear to me I have informed him. Now he is convinced that you would discharge him.”   She chuckled shaking her head. “It seems my granddaughter has inspired much loyalty and has many allies in the household. This is a good thing. You may insure Mister Harper I have seen the folly of my ways and would not give the Duke a chicken much less my granddaughter. So he is welcome to return; and if he is willing he is the best horseman and able man I have to send on such a task.”   Mister Hartfield nodded, “I will prepare a letter of introduction for Mister Harper.  And a letter for Mister Lykel advising him of the current state of developments here. If either of you would like to send missives I suggest you prepare them. The sooner we send them the better. If your Mister Harper is a skilled horseman he should be able to make Leeds in two or three days. If he can get good horses. Hopefully he will not have to wait too long to connect with Mister Lykel once he gets there.   Honestly, Lady Dominique my greatest concern at the moment is the possibility of the Duke putting a bounty on the Sinclaires with the less than savory connections he is nurturing.”
    Ernest lay there exploring the velvet softness of her breasts with trembling fingers. Kissing the crystal tear drops on her cheeks before tasting the beauty of her smile that was lighting his heart. She had taken all of him. Even in her virgin state she had welcomed him. Even now she held him, tightly, deeply with all of herself. Her arms wrapped about him, hands caressing his back. Her mouth gently suckling his lips begging him to let their tongues dance together. Her legs wrapped about him her heels pressed into his buttocks holding him seated so deeply in her glorious, heavenly channel. Her fingers gently swiped his tears from his cheeks her voice filled with concern, “Ernest? My Love are you in pain?” He sobbed and was laughing and crying and pulled her tightly to him. “Oh no my darling. I am in heaven. I feel like a blind man who suddenly sees the world and is so overwhelmed because there is no way to express such profound joy. I love you.” She smiled, and yawned nuzzling into his shoulder. “And I love you my husband.”  She was silent a moment. Then she kissed his side and relaxed against him.
A chill in the room woke him. The fire had burned down. Rose was curled against his side, relaxed in a deep slumber still wrapped around him with one arm and one leg. They were both on top of the dark blanket with no covers, cross wise in the bed. Ernest carefully, ever so gently disentangled from her and got up so he wouldn’t disturb her. He saw her move toward him as though searching for him even in her sleep and smiled.
  He stirred the fire and added more wood to bring it to life then filled the kettle and put it on to heat. Her virgin blood was smeared across his thighs and groin and he grimaced. He knew it was natural and to be expected. And still that he would ever be the cause of her pain hurt his heart. He went and found a bathing sponge in the washstand and washed himself with a little of the cold water. But as he carefully cleaned himself pressing the hood of his soldier back he found himself growing firm again remembering her shy kiss on his tip as she bathed him earlier. He grinned as he realized that he now thought of his cock as his soldier.
  “That’s my job.” The warm velvet tone of her voice stroked him.
  He looked across and saw her sitting up watching him. And he was at full attention by the time he had crossed to her. “Rose…”
  She shifted to kneel before him and pulled him down into her kiss. She teased his lips and suckled his tongue gently even as her hands wrapped around him stroking him firmly. He thrust his tongue into her mouth in imitation of her stroking moaning his need and then as he neared release he panted, “Rose I.. cannot.. hold longer. I will make a mess.”
  She felt his strain for control and impulsively leaned into him pressing her breasts around his shaft and slipping his pulsing tip into her mouth. She painted circles around the sensitive ridge of his weeping tip with her tongue even as she suckled him repeating what she had done with his tongue moments before.
  Crying her name in the extremity of his pleasure his shaking fingers tangled in her hair but not pulling her away from him. Then with a soul deep moan he was spurting what she thought of as slightly salty thick cream into her mouth. She swallowed it even as he pulled her up.
  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He was still gasping and pulling her to his chest. “Please forgive me. I could not help myself.”
  “Ernest?” She was stroking him. Kissing his face. “I don’t understand Ernest. Why are you apologizing?”
  “I, I would never ask you to… To minister to my soldier so. I never would expect.” He was flustered and blushing.
  She was shaking her head confused. “You forced me to nothing, Ernest. You did not hurt me. I was curious. Earlier this evening when I kissed you there I thought you liked it. I am not hurt or offended.” She stroked his chest kissing him. “If you do not like me to kiss you so I will not. But it pleased me to see your joy. I think you taste like salted cream. You gave me much pleasure with your mouth earlier. I wanted to see if I could pleasure you that way as well. But I would not upset you. Please don’t apologize. I love you. We are married. Surely there can be no harm in pleasuring each other?”
  “I love you Rose Sinclaire.” He held her to him kissing her deeply then kissing her hair. “You were virgin and still you teach me more of love every moment than all the other women I have ever known.” He lifted her chin to look in her eyes. “You were so right when you said that you were made for me. And I for you. I do not know how I survived so long without air.”
  He kissed her then only breaking the kiss when the hissing of the kettle and the need for air forced him to release her mouth. “Come. Let me wash you my love. Then we may put our bed together and rest properly.”
  She took his hand and let him lead her over to the fire before she giggled and blushed.
  He was pouring the hot water into some cold in the basin, and he looked at her curiously, “And what might have my lady Wife so amused?”
  “I’m happy. And was just thinking of me when I first saw your invitation to join you, and me now. That first night when I bathed in my chemise as I’d been taught since I was a child. And now frolicking with my husband even as God made Adam and Eve. Not so much as a fig leaf for modesty.” She flung her arms out and twirled. “I used to fear that you would think me low and wanton. Now I just feel free.”
  He chuckled. “I think you are the Goddess of Love incarnate. No mortal cloth can be worthy to drape you in. And yet your beauty is perilous, for to witness it forever enslaves the heart and no other can ever satisfy the desire of a love so pure.”
  She smiled. “I want no other. And I am as enslaved as you my husband… I love that. Calling you my husband.”
  “Come then and let me minister to you. We must rest.” He washed her gently with the sponge kissing her navel and her breasts, her palms and fingers as he cared for her. Then wrapping her in a drying cloth before going to set the bed in order. He smiled as he found the rose from her hair between their pillows.
  “And what great plans do we have that we must rest up for?” She asked as she donned her silk and lace chemise and then handed him a night shirt before she climbed into the bed admiring him with a saucy smile.
  He grinned at her ogling his bareness showing his dimple before he slipped on the soft shirt that still smelled of sunshine.
  She lifted the covers and grinned inviting him to join her in their bed.
  “Here.” He refilled her glass of wine and handed it to her then grabbed his own before joining her in the bed. She adjusted the pillows so they might sit comfortably and he sipped the wine studying her with a soft smile. “I thought you might like to go fishing in the morning?”
  Her brow rose, “Fishing? You want to go fishing?”
  He nodded hiding his grin in his glass as he took another sip. “Oh aye. Mister Camran assured me that there is excellent fishing in the river here. I thought we might try it. There were poles I spotted by the kitchen fireplace. And you will have to get up very early to start the bread while I spade us up some worms for bait. But afterward we can walk to the river and do some fishing. Then we will have to take Buttercup back to Mister Camran. If we catch enough fish we can take the Camrans some. What think you?” He blinked as innocently as he could contrive at her.
  Sipping her wine she studied him before setting it down on the bed table and nodding. “Oh aye. I think you are right. Also if the day is fair tomorrow I think I must wash all our travel clothes so they will be fresh for our return. Mayhap we should just invite the Camrans to join us here for dinner and perhaps some cards after?”
  He set his wine down and pulled her to him with a primal growl and kissed her deeply, “I’ve another thought.”
  “I think I will not let you out of this bed on the morrow, mayhap for the entire week.” He fastened his lips to her neck and suckled a passion mark there. “I think I shall make love to you all the day and into the night.”
  “So you don’t want to fish?”
  He growled and sucked her nipple into his mouth teasing the tight peak with feather light strokes of his tongue before blowing on it and watching it pebble.
  Rose giggled and reached beneath his shirt stroking his hardness. “You do not seem to need twine.”
  He grabbed her hand and pulled it to his mouth. “No, I need no twine.” He kissed her knuckles and sighed. “Sweetheart you are new breached. And I should let you rest and heal a bit. Trust me, and let me care for you. I would not hurt you more. You give me such joy. ”
  She pouted at him, “I want you Ernest. I love our joining.”
  He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and smiling softly at her. “As do I. But I will give you a choice. If you ask I will take you again, right here, right now, it would be against all my reason that says that would not be the best for you; my soldier as you see awaits your command. But if you ask this now; then I will go fishing alone in the morning and take Buttercup back to the Camran’s that you might have some time to ease yourself and rest.” He kissed her hands again. “Rose that you took me as you did is a marvel to me. But I know I caused you pain. Let us rest this evening. I promise I cannot deny both of us long in this.”
  Curling into his side she slipped her hand beneath his night shirt and stroked his chest. “I wish that we could ever be like this. Together. No ton, Dukes, Grandmothers, burdens of property, just thinking about when we might make love again.
  Kissing her forehead he stroked the silk of her hair. “We have seven days. And I promise I will try to ensure that every year of our lives we take seven days on our anniversary to flee the tyranny of society and be together. Would that please you my love?”
  She nodded and kissed his breast.
  “There is another thing I wish you to consider. Because it will be a fortnight before we return you may want to post letters to your friends and Grandmother letting them know that you are well. If we send them tomorrow they would precede our arrival by about a week.” He tilted her face up and smiled at her. “And of course you may sign them Mistress Sinclaire.”
           ------------- End of The Road to Gretna Green ---------------- 
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innerpostmentality · 6 years ago
The Road to Gretna Green Part 5 - Fears and Questions
This is a AU Fan Fiction inspired by the Choices story Desire & Decorum
This takes place immediately after Part 4. If you wish to catch up on the series please see my Masterlist for links.
featuring the pairing of Ernest Sinclaire X Rose (MC) All rights and many thanks are given to Pixelberry Studios
Rating: M, very M     Warnings: Erotica, character injury, long post Word count: around 5325
Tagging: @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @speedyoperarascalparty @hellospunkiebrewster @tornbetween2loves @gardeningourmet @melodyofgraves  @thequeenofcronuts
     “No.” The word escaped her as she dashed into the shadows leaving Ned behind. Racing to the crumpled figure lying in the waste of the alley. Some how she knew before she ever saw his face that it was Ernest. She threw herself to her knees beside him heedless of the filth, heedless of anything but her need to help him. Gently, gently she rolled his limp body cradling his head into her lap. There was a barely audible groan from him. Her heart started beating again. “Ernest, Ernest, oh my darling, please, please…”
 Ned had very cautiously followed her and stood over them with his torch looking about. “Mmmiss ttress, wwe has tta gget hhim oout o hhere.”
“He’s hurt. You have to go get help.” She was gently feeling his head and trying to discern his injuries. There was a large lump on the back of his head but beyond that she hadn’t found anything she could tell in the darkness with just her touch.  “Nno. I I ddare nnt lleave you, Mmiss tress.” He held the torch out to her. “Hhere. Ta take th this. I I’ll gget hhim.”  Rose looked up at the young man his comely face filled with deep concern. She nodded taking the torch; and silently praying that Ned could lift Ernest. She helped Ned get Ernest into a sitting position. Ernest groaned aloud as they pulled on his arms. The youth squatted in front of Ernest straddling his legs and leaning to grasp him about the waist before leaning back pulling the larger man over his shoulder. She scrambled to her feet and tried to help as Ned stood wrapping one arm around Ernest’s waist and the other around his thighs. He was staggering under the weight but started determinedly walking back toward the inn. She walked beside him, one hand on Ernest’s back the other holding the torch having to remind herself to watch where she was walking when all her eyes wanted to do was look at Ernest.   Ned went to a different entrance to the inn than she had been to before nodding for her to open a door on the side of the building. It opened into a small dimly lit entryway with pegs on the wall for coats and a set of stairs going up on the left side while the hallway continued further into the back part of the inn.
Ned immediately, as carefully as he could lowered Ernest onto the stairs.  “Mmiss ttress Hehen ley, I I’ll gget hhelp.” He was panting from the exertion as he went down the hallway into the inn’s interior.
 Rose sat on the stairs holding Ernest. “I love you. Ernest, you must be well. I love you. Please, please be well,” she murmured the litney to him, arms wrapped around him stroking his back as best she could as she balanced him against her.
In short order she heard footsteps returning from the hall and the Innkeeper came with Ned who was holding a candle. He looked at the two of them and she saw the compassion in his eyes as he nodded. “So sorry Mistress Henley. Let’s get you up to your rooms.”
“Son, go fetch the doctor for Mister Henley.”
Ned nodded and left back through the door to the outside.
“Please forgive our inconvenience. We are most in you and your son’s debt for your assistance.” Rose was embarrassed realizing that she didn’t know his name.
“Ach, not to worry Mistress Henley. Your husband is a fine gentleman. I see tha caring. Deserves better than a run in with bully thieves n cut purses.” The large man looked over Ernest a moment then nodded at her. “I’m gonna take him up now if you’ll let go of em for a minute.” He stooped and scooped Ernest up like a babe as she released her grip on him. “Now if you go up those stairs you’ll find a door into the hallway and your rooms are just round tha corner. If you can get the doors I’d be much obliged.”
Rose hurried up before him to open the door. Just as he said when she opened the door at the top of the stairway she found herself on the opposite end of the hallway from their rooms. She realized this was a servant stairway to allow access to the rooms without navigating the busy common room. In their current state she was most grateful for Ned’s astuteness and added it to her ever growing debt list to the boy and the kind innkeeper.  She opened the door to their rooms finding it almost strange it was in the same order she had left it in so recently and yet what seemed like so long ago.
Ernest was gently settled across the foot of the bed before the innkeeper stood up nodding at her and giving her a remarkably gentle smile. “He’s young and hale. He’ll be fine. Doctor Emerson tis a right hand at caring for folks. He’ll be here soon.” He nodded at the table and the food and wine going to pick up the shepherd’s pie. “I’ll send a fresh one up. You should have hot dinner and some wine to settle you proper. I’ll send some buckets of hot water up and sponges so you can clean up.” He turned to the door as he continued speaking and she realized that at some point he was speaking to himself as much as her. “See if my missus might spare a frock for you; might be able to wash that one up.” He walked out closing the door behind him. She struggled out of her filthy redingote dropping it to the floor and going to the bed where Ernest lay insensible. She leaned over to his ear and whispered softly, “Love, please, please wake up. I love you. I need you to wake up now.” He made no stirring at her plea.
 She swept the tears from her cheek and went to light more candles about the room dissatisfied with the light. Going back to him she stroked his cheek. He was filthy and his clothes were destroyed but aside from the hen egg sized lump on the back of his head she saw no sign of injury. The thieves had stolen his hessian boots. Cut the polished buttons from his coat and vest and turned his pockets out. Angry and frustrated she was afraid to move him to get him out of the tatters of his clothes. Afraid she would hurt him more.  Wringing her hands she paced hating her helpless desperation. Finally she decided no harm could come from cleaning him up a bit so she set about pouring some water from the pitcher into the basin at the washstand. Soaking a clean cloth she wrung it out before going to gently wash his face. He groaned and she saw his eyes flutter as she stroked the cool wet cloth over his forehead. “Ernest, Love, come back to me. Please Sweetheart.” She continued to call to him and carefully pressed the cloth along his jaw cleaning the debris from the scruff of his beard.
There was a soft rap on the door and she went to answer. A handsome, hearty woman was there with a bucket of water in one hand and a day dress in the other. “Hello dear. I’m Winnifred Fitzhew.“
 “You poor dear!” Her eyes had gone wide as she took in Rose’s state. “Tha mister said your husband had a run in; and bless it that tha war is done or for sure he’d be on a boat ta fight tha Frenchies. But tush enough of that. Here.” She handed the bucket and dress to Rose. “I’ll watch over Mister Henley here while you freshen up. Ned went to bring Doc Emerson. He’s a good boy, my Ned. And Doc Emerson’s the best. Good hands and a right gentle way.”
 “Go, go dear. Don’t mind me prattling on. You need to freshen so your handsome husband doesn’t wake to you lookin’ all distressed. Here, give me that.” She took the dirty cloth from Rose’s hand. “There’s fresh cloths on the wash stand in yon room and that water is warm so you won’t catch a chill. Stir that fire up a bit. I’m just gonna clean Mister Henley up a tad more for you while we wait on the doctor.”  Rose felt numb the shock was beginning to settle on her but she took the bucket and sponge to the adjoining room. She left the door open just a little and could hear the older woman continuing to talk, asking permission to take the liberty of washing Mister Henley up a bit and assuring him that she’d taken care of many a fine young man.
Rose pulled off the filthy day dress she was wearing and washed her face and sponged herself off before slipping on the day dress that Mistress Fitzhew had brought for her. It was overlarge and a bit short but heavenly clean, smelling like sunshine and silky soft cotton. Even its minty green color felt lovely and fresh.  She returned to the other room as Mistress Fitzhew was telling Ernest about her apparently soon to be daughter in law Tessy. She barely broke the stride of her one-sided dialogue as Rose entered. Nodding, “You look lovely dear!” “Now Mister Henley you should just open your eyes and see your lovely wifey. I know she’d be a smilin’ to look in your eyes.”
 There was a knock at the door. And Rose went to answer it. Ned was there with an older gentleman with a case. “D doc ttor Em Emm Emers son. M Miss Mistress H Henley.” The older man extended his hand and Rose shook it.  “Thank you Ned.”
 “Doctor Emerson. Please come in.” She stepped back.  He looked her over as he entered, “Mistress Henley do you wish to be present while I examine your husband? I would not wish to distress you.”
 Rose looked him in the eye. “I will stay with my husband.”
He nodded. Then turned to Mistress Fitzhew. “I will need the room and some hot water and fresh cloths.”  She turned to Rose patting her arm. “The Doc will fix him right up. You’ll see. You give Ned your dirty clothes when he comes back with the water for the doctor and I’ll have them all washed and fresh for you in the morning. Hang them in the kitchen over night and they’ll dry. Though maybe you’ll be staying…”
“Winni I need to examine this young man today please.” Doctor Emerson smiled as he interrupted her.
“Ach, aye. I’ll go get your water then.” She winked at Rose as she left the room.  The doctor turned to her as the door closed. “Mistress Henley I will need to remove your husband’s garments to assess his injuries. How long has he been unresponsive?”  “He went with Mister Sweet to speak to Mister Grissom about arrangements for our travel tomorrow. That was just as the sun was setting. He told me he would not be long and I told him I would wait our supper on his return. When, when he did not return and our supper was cold I went to Mister Fitzhew to beg assistance finding him. His son, Ned accompanied me and we found him but a little down the road in an alley way such as you see. There is a large bump on the back of his head.” She pointed on her head where it was on Ernest. “He has groaned when moved. And his eyes fluttered. I I thought, hoped he might awaken when I cleaned his face a bit with a cool cloth.”
The doctor nodded and went to the bed motioning her over. “If you feel up to it you may assist me removing his clothes?”  She nodded. “Of course.”  “Good. I will turn him as we need and you can remove the garments.” She watched him as he carefully examined Ernest’s head first, feeling his scalp through his curly hair, carefully noting the lump and pressing around it with a look of great concentration. At last nodding. “The bone is sound. Though he took a nasty blow from behind.” Next he carefully felt his neck before he unwrapped his cravat then again after. “Okay, young man, we are going to sit you up now and your lady is going to take off this coat and vest.” The doctor climbed on the bed over Ernest and slid his arms under Ernest’s arms then braced him and pulled him into a sitting position. Ernest groaned as the doctor moved his arms back so that Rose could slip the coat off his shoulders. Quickly followed by his vest.  “Mistress can you hold him here? I want to check his shoulders.”  “Yes.” Rose braced herself against his back to keep him upright.  The doctor felt along the tops of both shoulders and his collar bones and frowned. “His right shoulder is out of place. The bones are sound.  You said you found him in an alley?”
 “Yes. He was out of the light of the street.”  “Likely drug there by his right arm. Have to put that back in.” He climbed on the bed. “Hold him steady.”
“I will.” She lifted his left arm over her shoulders and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Is this good?”
“Aye.” The doctor took his right arm moving it a bit, pressing one hand on the front of his shoulder and one hand behind it and then with a sudden, forceful jerk Ernest’s shoulder popped and he cried out in pain his eyes popping open as he struggled in confusion and agony. “Easy, easy, son. You’ve had a bit of a rough time but you are safe now.”
 Ernest blinked trying to make sense of his state of undress in a bed with Rose and the strange man both of them holding him, “Rose?”
“Oh Sweetheart!” She hugged him tight bursting into tears.
Ernest grimaced patting her. “Love, please. My, uh ribs…please…”
“Oh.” Tears were streaming down her face in her joy and relief but she quickly released her grip. “Ernest this is Doctor Emerson. He’s here to help you.”  “Mister Henley, it’s a pleasure to meet you. A real pleasure to see you awake for the introduction. Your wife has been a great assistant to me treating you. Can you tell me what you recall happened?”  Ernest blinked at Rose a minute before turning back to the doctor. He reached back to scratch his head and winced as he gingerly touched the knot on his skull. “Owww. I remember walking to the church with Rose. And then I was going to make arrangements for our travel tomorrow. And I was coming back to supper with Rose.” He shrugs and winces again. “Now I should like to examine you more Mister Henley but with you awake it’s your discretion if you wish your wife in attendance. I will need you to remove your shirt at the least, unless you feel that your lower parts are involved you may keep your trousers.” Ernest turned to Rose kissing her forehead. “What do you wish my dear? I know this eve has been stressful for you. What would comfort you most?” She took his hand. “I would stay with you. I would not have either of you uncomfortable but I came too close to losing you this eve. Please let me stay.” Ernest didn’t look at her as he got off the bed reaching out to steady himself on her shoulder as a wave of dizziness washed over him as he stood. “Ernest?” He heard the concern in her voice. “Just a little dizzy, Love. Don’t be alarmed.” “Do you hear ringing in your ears?” Doctor Emerson asked.
“A bit.” He answered wincing as he pulled at his shirt jostling his arm but not managing to free it from his trousers. Rose moved to assist him. “Let me help you dear.” He was blushing as he looked over to the doctor. Doctor Emerson smiled thinking them a lovely young couple. “You must learn to let you wife help you Mister Henley. We should secure your arm that I had to put back in place and you should use it sparingly for a week or two.” Rose gently pulled his shirt from his trousers and tears ran down her cheeks as she lifted it from him exposing his horribly bruised right side. “Oh, Ernest.”
He wiped the tears from her cheek with his left hand. “Don’t cry, Rose. I’m here and I will be well.” The doctor nodded. “Indeed Mistress Henley he’ll be fine.” He carefully felt each of Ernest’s ribs. Paying extra attention to any that had Ernest flinching in pain. Eventually he nodded stepping away. “You’re bruised but solid. You may have a headache from that knot for a week or two. You need to rest and let your good lady wife help you with dressing. No lifting. And no fisticuffs or encounters with scoundrels at least for a few weeks.” There was a knock on the door and Rose went and opened it just a crack until she saw Ned there with a bucket of steaming water with a sponge, fresh drying cloths and a clean shirt. “Mmum ssaid I’m ta ta g get yyour ssoiled t things ffor hher.” Rose let him in thanking him and taking the bucket and clean garment and cloths. Then going to gather all the soiled clothes that had been discarded about both rooms. She handed them to Ned thanking him. And seeing the young man blush with her attention. “I I’ll bbring y your sa supper sa soon as it it’s d done.” He ducked out and Rose smiled. Doctor Emerson patted Ernest’s arm gently then turned to her extending his hand and shaking hers gently. “You’re a good wife to have found him. It’s good to have met you both.”
 “How much do we owe you Doctor Emerson?” Rose asked.
“I’d ask a crown but with your help shall we call it four shillings?” He smiled.
Rose went to the table and pulled the shillings from her reticule pin money. She handed it to him curling her fingers around his hand and shaking it again. “Thank you so, so very much Doctor Emerson.” The doctor left and Rose leaned against the door looking at Ernest sitting in only his stockings and trousers tentatively moving his arms, grimacing as he tested his shoulder. She ran to him and leaned over him kissing him when he looked up. Weeping in her joy and relief. Kissing his forehead, his nose, his eyes, his mouth. “Ernest, my love, my heart. Oh Ernest.” She murmured as she continued to feather kisses on his face and softly stroke his bare bruised shoulders and neck.
 He returned her kisses finally grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips. “My love I am unfit to touch you I am so filthy. I fear I do need your help; and it would be such a shame to let that hot water go to waste.”  She went to their trunks and dug though his until she found the box with his grooming necessities. She brought it to the table for him. Next she opened the bottle of wine and poured him a glass and gave him that.
 Ernest watched her as she scooped some of the still steaming water into the basin at the wash stand then brought it over to the table. She sorted through his grooming tools taking his razor and piece of leather over to him. She picked up a piece of the soap and one of the smaller cloths and came to him. She studied his beautiful blue eyes a long moment before she stroked his cheek and kissed him softly.  “Let me wash your hair, my love.” He nodded and brought her hand to his mouth for another kiss before he closed his eyes relaxing in the chair. 
  She took the sponge and dipped it in the hot water wringing most of it out before using it to soak his curls. Then she rubbed the piece of soap in his hair and used her fingers to massage his scalp being ever so careful around the bump on his head. It was a bit of tricky business. She was using the sponge to add more water to rinse his hair at the same time she was drying it to keep it from running all over him. Being ever mindful of how sore his poor head must be. It took a bit before the water running off his head was clear. And she took another cloth and gently rubbed it over his curls to get most of the water out of them. 
Just then there was a knock on the door. She went and cracked it open and Ned was there again this time with a fresh shepherd’s pie for them. “Oh, please come in! And thank you so much. Please thank your parents as well!  Ernest, this is Ned the wonderful young man who carried you home for me and has been so very helpful this evening.”  Ernest stood blushing and extended his hand. “Ned, I owe you and your family a great deal. Please accept my apologies for my most unfortunate state of dress. That pie does smell wonderful!”
 “Pplleased ta ta mmmeet y you, Mmister Hhen lley.” Ned set the pie on the table and blushed as he shook hands with Ernest. Rose saw Ernest’s jaw tighten and knew his arm was paining him as he extended it.
 “Good evening to you Ned. Thank you so much for all your help.” She escorted him to the door then secured it for the evening as she expected no further visitors.
 When she turned again Ernest was standing right behind her and leaned down to kiss her, trapping her between his body and the door. “Rose.” Her name fell like a soft caress from his lips as he kissed her. “You cannot fathom how remarkable you are.” His hands were on her waist as he pressed himself to her. “You risked yourself and came to find me.” He kissed her throat below her ear. “Your care of me this evening. You cannot know what that is to me.”  
She moaned with her wakened desire. “I love you, Ernest. More than my life; I love you.” She found his lips with hers tasting him, teasing his tongue with hers til his moans of need joined hers. Her knees were shaking when he finally broke the kiss, breathing hard, pressing his forehead to hers, chuckling. “I would that we were wed Rose. I declare I would take you here at this door and we would still have no supper. Are you shocked?”  
She locked gazes with him boldly reaching down to find his rock-hard soldier. He gasped and she felt him twitch beneath her touch. Her voice was a deep purr as she delicately measured his length through his trousers with her fingertips from the base of his fall up and across to the tip nestled at the point of his hip bone beneath the right most button of his fall. “We should eat.”
“Aye” his voice broke as her thumb circled that button. He was holding his breath.
 Leaning forward she kissed the center of his bare chest. Sighed. Then took his left hand in hers and kissed his knuckles. Her cheeks were rosy as she smiled at him. “I love that you say such things to me. I love this closeness we have. But my question is all about the protocol, Mister Henley.” She lifted her brow and her mouth twitched with controlled amusement. “As a good wife, should I bathe you so that you can be properly garbed for dinner and risk a second cold dinner? Or should I implore you to dine with me even in your current state? Or risk confirming my total wantonness to you and encourage your desire risking a very cold dinner?”
 He laughed and grimaced as it hurt his bruised ribs. “You should definitely have us eat our dinner while it’s hot. A cold bath is probably in order for us both.” He stepped back stealing another kiss before he went to the table and sat back down taking up the glass of wine she had poured him earlier. He watched her as she poured herself a glass of the wine and then served them each a plate of the delicious shepherd’s pie before taking her seat. As they ate she told him all about the adventure of finding him and how helpful the Fitzhews were. He was smiling and chuckling as she related the vivacious kindness of Winnifred Fitzhew. He was staring. He couldn’t help himself as he watched her; completely captivated by her resilience as she smiled and shared her joy with him despite what had to be one of the most stressful days.
She realized he was staring and she grinned and cocked her head at him. “Pray tell? Am I wearing my pie?”
He reached for her hand shaking his head. “No. I just realized how truly happy you make me. Look at me Rose. I am sitting here after being attacked and robbed and I am… I am joyful. And that is the gift of your love. Do you have any idea how extraordinary you are? You take my hand and lead me from all the shadows of uncertainty and fear and have me believing in possibilities I never entertained.”
She felt the heat go to her cheeks as he praised her. And dropped her eyes for a moment before meeting his sapphire gaze still so intent upon her. “Oh Ernest, I have no great plan or courage. I just do  what seems natural to me. But your words remind me. Should we delay our departure? I know not what they stole other than your boots and buttons. If we get more buttons I can mend your vest and coat. I still have most of the pin money you gave me.” “Rose, we are fine. Here.” He took his grooming box and emptied it’s contents on the table, closed it, then pressed on the center of the decorations on either end turned it over and opened it again. A false bottom had been released and 30 gold guineas fell out. He gathered them and put them back in the base replacing the false bottom. Then put everything back in. He stood and walked over to his trunk opened the lid and showed her another secret compartment in the lid lined with more pound coins. He pulled a clean pair of buttery soft doe skin trousers and showed her a purse with more pounds already in the pocket. He took her to the bed and showed her another purse stashed beneath his pillow. “There is a similar compartment in your trunk and grooming box Rose. I also arranged to have money sent here, to Rippon, and to Gretna Green to the inns for Mister Henley. I am sorry I didn’t tell you this before. If I had remained insensible…” He shakes his head. “I was remiss. And I am sorry. Forgive me for the worry I have caused you?”  
“Heavens Ernest! I have never seen such. Did the thieves steal a great deal?” Her eyes were wide at the fortune she now realized they were traveling with.  He shook his head and chuckled. “No. I suspect I got a kick to the ribs and my buttons stolen because I had already paid Mister Grissom and only had a few pounds on my person when they attacked me. I have court shoes and they will do until we are wed or I find another pair of boots to my taste.” He pulled her to him and kissed her. “I need to marry you my darling.” He grinned down at her. “There is nothing amiss with my soldier and I was more than concerned the doctor would note his response to your gentle touch.”  She giggled. “So that is why you would not look at me.”  He nodded and blushed murmuring softly. “I have no defense, no control when it comes to you Rose.”
 Her eyes locked with his again. “Is that not what love is? Is that not proper that we were made by heaven for each other? Does a lock have defense against it’s key? Does a key have purpose without it’s lock? If I did not understand before this evening seeing you in that alley made things very clear to me.”  He kissed her then deeply with all the passion in his heart. “Help me Rose.” He kissed her again. “I need you so desperately.” He took her hand back to the button that rested over the tip of his aching member. Holding his gaze she stroked his cheek with her right hand before using both her hands to start carefully undoing the buttons of his fall.  He gasped and she felt him come free as she undid the buttons at his waist. She saw the passion and vulnerability in his gaze. “I want to see you Ernest. May I look upon you?” She felt him trembling. Heard his breath catch before he closed his eyes and nodded. She stroked his cheek. She wondered if she would ever learn how he had become so insecure about his desirability.
 Tracing her fingers down the line of his body her eyes were following, she stroked the softening scruff along his chiseled jawline, the perfect cords of his throat, feathered over his collarbones and pec’s drawing to the center of his chest dusted with silky soft hair. She saw his small nipples respond to her touch even as she continued down across his taut abdomen and his navel. He was trembling. He was holding his breath. There was a primal response in the very core of her as she beheld him for the first time fully aroused. “You’re so beautiful,” her words caressed him even as the warmth of her fingers stroked him, explored the velvety steel that twitched in her hand the creamy offering at the ruby tip.
 Her name was a plea and a prayer pulled from his heart as she gently traced his sensitive ridge. “Rose… I need.. Please let me see you my darling, please.”
 “Help me Ernest.” She let him go and pulled off the oversized day dress. Turning so he could reach the lacing of her stays. His fingers shook as he struggled to unlace her. Then she was free and letting them fall to the floor. She lifted her chemise over her head and dropped it and stood before him flushed with passion and need rather than any embarrassment. She giggled happily. “Oh we are a pair. Here in our stockings and bruises and want.”
He wrapped his left arm around her and pulled her flush against his bareness kissing her. “You aren’t frightened at all are you?”
She shook her head. “Not of you.” She kissed him. “I am terrified of ever losing you. Of being separated.” She stroked his cheeks looking in his eyes. “Tell me why you want to wait to take me until we are married, Ernest? I know you want me. You know I want you. I do not believe that jumping over a broom, speaking vows over an anvil, or signing a parchment will change what I feel for you or what you feel for me. I felt for the worst moment of my life tonight like I might have lost you. Lost you before we were ever together. Before you ever saw me. Before I ever touched you. I love you Ernest Sinclaire. I always will.”
---------------------to be continued--------------------
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innerpostmentality · 6 years ago
The Road to Gretna Green Part 4 - Grantham
A Choices AU Desire & Decorum inspired Fan Fic
All rights belong to Pixelberry Studios This takes place immediately after part 3. Please see my master list for links.
Pairing: Ernest Sinclaire X Rose (MC)
Rating: M                                   Word count: around 2900
Tags: @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @speedyoperarascalparty @hellospunkiebrewster @tornbetween2loves @gardeningourmet @melodyofgraves
  Rose stirred sleepily gradually becoming aware of her state. A strong, warm arm lay over her and along her arm, his large hand covering her hand. Spooned together her back to his chest lying on her side. His scent from the bath and faint wood smoke surrounding her. It was dark as pitch in the room. The moon had set and the fire had dwindled to ash covered embers. Night’s chill was in the air but cocooned beneath the covers they were embraced in their own warmth. 
  Thoughts drifted through her sleep haze. How strange this journey had been. Was she a complete wanton that she had no distress at all waking unmarried in the embrace of a man? No, her inner voice answered. This was Ernest. This was her husband. Their hearts were bound by higher power than the paperwork of man. Was she still a virgin? She could still feel the ache in her most private parts where his fingers had penetrated her. The memory of the night brought the blush to her cheeks even as she smiled. Ernest certainly did not seem to be offended by her forwardness in the night. 
  He rolled to his back and his fingers brushed along her arm and waist and she realized that she was completely naked. Then she remembered tossing her chemise when they were struggling with their garments in their need. 
  Freed from his embrace she eased out of the bed reaching for the chamber pot to relieve herself while the darkness still provided some privacy. She cleaned herself carefully realizing that she was indeed sore from the night’s activity. Then she was groping around in the dark trying to locate her chemise when she heard him murmur her name. She found both their discarded drying sheets but not her chemise. Ever so carefully she climbed back in the bed feeling about, trying to discern between the bed sheets, Ernest’s night shirt, and possibly her chemise. Then he turned toward her and caught her hand bringing it to his mouth before nuzzling it against his cheek scruffy from his two day beard. He curled around it possessively and sighed, relaxing again in slumber. She thought she had found her garment but most of it was under him so she tried pulling on it with her free hand; but rather than letting go of her hand and rolling over he slid his lower arm under her wrapping around her waist and pulling her body close. He snuggled into her neck at her shoulder. She was loath to disturb him. He seemed so peaceful. And truly the moment was like a dream so she kissed his curls and relaxed into his embrace drifting back to sleep. There was a sharp knock on the door and a calling to wake that roused them.  Ernest was momentarily disoriented by the gordian knot of bed linen, and woman he was entangled with. He had never in his memory slept over the night in a bed with anyone. He realized that some couples certainly did. He thought when he married that he would. None of that had been how he’d imagined. It wasn’t really his intention this night.  He smiled at the thought of the magical past night that had exceeded his best intentions in so many ways and restored his hope.
 She groaned as he shifted extracting himself enough to lean over and place a soft kiss on her forehead.  “Rose, my darling face the window a moment that I might relieve myself. We must pack so our trunks can be taken down and we can break our fast. Grantham is not as far as yesterday’s journey but the condition of the road is less certain. We need to leave as soon as we have the light.”   “Oh Ernest, Please don’t look.” She found her chemise but was somewhat mortified that she had slept without it the whole of the night.  She heard his chuckle. “You test me sorely Rose. Last night I saw you rise as Venus herself from the bath and now you bid me not chance another glance? I am but mortal, my love.”  Her cheeks were red as roses from his flattery and she was glad for the deep darkness of the room. “You, you tease me Ernest! It is too dark to see even if you were looking.”
 His voice was soft. “Tis true. But, I will do as you ask and pray that you will allow me to see your beauty before too long. I love you Rose.”  “And I love you as well Ernest. I just… I do not usually sleep so.” The heat in her cheeks was giving more warmth than the remains of the fire she was certain. She slipped the chemise over her head. Before feeling around on the bed table for a candle.  “Would you believe me if I told you that I had never slept so? Over the whole of the night with another.”
 There was a softness in his voice and she knew instantly that it was true.“I believe you. But I don’t understand. You were married.”
  “Aye. All the paperwork was in order.” He came over to her pulling her into his embrace and a deep kiss. “I was married and knew nothing of love. Nothing.” A shudder ran though him and he kissed her forehead before taking the candle from her.
 “Sweetheart, make haste. I need to get you to Scotland. And to accomplish that we must be away as soon as the light will allow.”    Candles were lit and the next half hour was a frenzy of packing, and dressing. She washed her face. Rubbed her teeth with tooth powder. Brushed her hair and pinned it back. Blushed charmingly as she asked Ernest’s help with her stays and put back on what she thought of now as her traveling gown.
 Ernest found himself distracted frequently from his own morning ritual captured by the vision of her gracefully turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. When she asked his aid so sweetly it was all he could manage to assist her and settle his urges with a gentle kiss at the nape of her neck as she held her hair up. He was mesmerized and his soldier came to full attention as he watched her slide her stockings on slipping her garters up high to hold them before putting on her half boots.
  He frowned as the dawn light began to creep around the window covers. He felt his stubble, torn between his fastidious nature that demanded he shave and his desperate need for haste and more distance between them and London. If they were not already pursued this morning would surely bring it.
 “Mistress Henley could you tolerate me another day with this scruff? I’m loth to take the time to remedy it this morn. The light mocks me.”
 She giggled stepping up to him and stroking his already softening whiskers. “Oh la, Mister Henley perhaps you shall set a new fashion? Soon all the fashionable men will be sporting two day beards!”  He stroked her silky cheek and returned her smile. “Then if I am other wise meeting your standards let us away.” He stood for her to examine him a moment before she nodded.  “You are indeed. I shall have to muss you so that we look a match.” She teased.   He offered her his arm and escorted her downstairs giving instructions for their trunks to be taken to the coach that was awaiting them. He escorted her out and got her settled before going back inside to procure a couple of baskets. One for them inside the coach to break their fast and another for the coachman, postilion, and footmen. He gave instruction that they would break their fast when they changed horses before joining her in the coach. 
  Once the coach was underway Ernest rolled the window covers up so they could enjoy the morning light and the beautiful countryside they were traversing. It hadn’t rained in a few days and the hard road made for good speed but also a bit rougher, dusty, and very loud travel. They were changing teams more frequently than Rose had expected and Ernest explained that he was trying to take advantage whenever fresh teams of horses were available. 
  She couldn’t fathom how much he must be spending for this private journey in such haste but she knew it was more than a small fortune. She noted how Ernest spoke to all of the men serving them even though they were hired; he spoke to each briefly asking after their needs. He spoke to the postilion and the coachman and looked over the team of horses. He spoke to the stablemaster. Only when he was sure everyone was in good order would he signal to send them on their way.
 They arrived at the Angel Inn at Grantham well before dark. It was barely six and Ernest was pleased with their time. They would be posing again as Mister and Mistress Henley. He made the arrangements for their rooms and saw their trunks unloaded. He thanked all of the coach attendants and spoke to Mister Sweet the coachman asking if he would speak with the stablemaster on his behalf regarding their transportation needs for the next day and their journey to Doncaster. Mister Sweet seemed very honored to have such a commission offered to him. 
 At last he came back to her in the coach, smiling he offered her his arm. “My Lady, would you care to enjoy the last of the light with a bit of a stroll to ease ourselves after the journey?  I am glad for the light. Grantham is a market town so we might find some fancies to your liking.”
 She returned his smile and stroked his arm as she took it and allowed him to assist her from the coach. “You are too good to me Mister Henley.” 
  They strolled to the impressive church of St. Wulfram with its towering spire. Along the way they stopped and purchased a basket of cherries from a street vendor and Ernest purchased a beautiful shawl for her when she admired it. She blushed and impulsively rose on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.
 His blue eyes locked with hers and he brought her hand to his lips. “When we come back perhaps we may stay a day or two and visit the library and the market. The church has a chained library so filled with rare volumes it is a sight to behold. And the market is renowned. Even more so since the channel was built to further accommodate trade. It is too late now for it and the risk of being recognized too great to enjoy before our return.”
   He leaned close and whispered, “I can not wait to register and introduce you properly my Love.” 
 Her eyes dropped and her cheeks were rosy his words causing a stirring she now recognized as passion in her. Her voice was very low and she couldn’t meet his eyes for her shyness. “Will, will we have a bath again tonight?”
“Alas, no. The inn has not the staff to provide for it. But we will have buckets of warm water and sponges and cloths to remove the road from ourselves. And I will be happy to rid myself of this wool.” He scratched his scruff.  
  Blushing she murmured softly, “Would it be terribly risqué for me to confess I’ve been looking forward to this evening all day?”
 He pulled back looking at her and lifted a brow. “Mistress Henley I declare you have grown quite forward!”
Her eyes leapt to his and she saw the amusement twinkling there belying his stern tone.
He looked into her green eyes a moment and then winked at her. “Indeed, my Lady I think I must escort you to our rooms and investigate further this new boldness of yours.”   Mister Sweet approached them as they were about to enter the inn tipping his hat to them. “Master Henley I done as you bid. There be a Mister Grissom what has a coach and team o six can take you to Doncaster on the morrow. I can take you to meet em. I looked over it and it’s in good order. I nary met Mister Grissom afore this evenin’ but Mister Hascomb who I’ve met afore on several occasions is who gave me his name to inquire of.”  “Mister Sweet allow me but a moment to settle my lady wife in our room and I will rejoin you. I would be most obliged if you would introduce us. And would also like to inquire if you are available when we return if you would be willing to take us back to London?”
  Mister Sweet’s face lit up with the prospect of future employment and he extended his hand which Ernest shook. 
 “Twould be my pleasure to serve you again Master Henley.”
 Ernest took Rose up to their rooms. Once again he had secured rooms that adjoined with a connecting door. The rooms were smaller but a bit more elegantly appointed with wall paper featuring heather colored Grecian urns in one room and pale yellow rosettes in the other. The chairs had finely made if slightly worn cushions on them. And the windows were larger with actual cloth draperies.
  While Rose removed her bonnet and shawl she saw Earnest checking the windows to be certain they were secured. He checked the beds and chamber pots. Looked in each of their trunks to be certain all was as it should be before he returned to her. He took her hands in his and kissed them.
 “I shan’t be long my Love. I must meet this Mister Grissom if he is to take us tomorrow and make certain the arrangements. I will have them send our supper up.”
  She squeezed his fingers looking in his eyes and smiling. “I shall await your return. And we can have the cherries for our desert!”
  Ernest left and she found her grooming box. She pulled the pins from her hair and started brushing it. After a bit there was a knock and a maid and boy arrived and set a small table with a bottle of wine, a couple of plates and a lovely smelling dish of shepherd’s pie. She thanked them and went back to her grooming. She looked out the window for a bit noting how many streets were lit in the town as the darkness grew. Then lighting candles in the room. And finally becoming alarmed that Ernest had not returned.
 He had given her over a pound in pin money. Insisting that she have some coin of her own to spend as she fancied. As the time lengthened she fingered her reticule wondering if she couldn’t hire someone to go find him. Worrying that she would seem insecure and nagging and offend him. She frowned and paced for a bit longer before her worry for his safety had her pinning her hair back up and putting back on her redingote and going down to the common room in search of the inn keeper. The common room was busy with tradesman taking their dinner and it took a few minutes before she managed to get his attention.
 He nodded politely to her, “Mistress Henley? Is aught I can do for ye?”
 “Good man, I am concerned for my husband. He went to find a Mister Grissom regarding our travel arrangements for the morning a while ago and has not returned. He advised me that he would not be long away and our supper now has grown cold. Could you possibly spare someone to escort me or go to seek for him?”
 He nodded and whistled toward the back of the inn where the kitchen and servants quarters must be and a few minutes later a well formed young man of perhaps thirteen or fourteen came over, nodding to her and blushing slightly as he looked at her.
 “Don’t stare boy. This is Mistress Henley and she requires escort to Grissom’s stables.”
 “Mistress Henley, this is me son, Ned. He’s a good lad and will see ye safe there and back.”
She followed Ned outside and he picked one of the torches out of the sconce at the inn gate to further light their way.
He led her silently through the torch lit streets. The moon would be full but it was still too early for it to be up. As they were passing between two buildings he stopped short. He turned to her and stuttered, “Mmist tress, I ssee ssometthin ddown tthere. Pplease ddon’t sscream Mmam.”
Her heart was in her throat as she looked down the alley and saw the form lying on the ground in the shadows.
--------------------- to be continued--------------------
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innerpostmentality · 6 years ago
The Road to Gretna Green  Part 7  - Games
This is an AU Fan Fic inspired by the Choices story Desire & Decorum
All rights and many thanks are accorded to Pixelberry Studios.
This takes place immediately after Part 6. Seriously it will be very confusing if you haven’t read the other parts.  Please see my Masterlist if you wish to catch up on the series. Rating: M  Very M Erotica             Warnings: emotional trauma, long post, erotica Word count: around 4000 and a bit Tagging: @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @speedyoperarascalparty @hellospunkiebrewster @tornbetween2loves @gardeningourmet  @melodyofgraves @thequeenofcronuts @symonde
  The Dowager Countess of Edgewater paced in her room in the Edgewater London town house in great agitation. It was the morning of the third day since her granddaughter had run away. This morning she had received a letter from her. Explaining quite politely that she was honoring a previous engagement agreement with Mister Sinclaire of Ledford Park. 
  Dominique had known that Rose wasn’t disposed to Duke Richards and if she was honest with herself; which she always tried to be, she had reservations when the Duke had approached her regarding a betrothal without Rose present. But she also had seen Countess Henrietta conspiring with Bishop Monroe so the engagement to Duke Richards seemed a prayer answered.
  She knew after their carriage ride that evening when Rose had displayed her bruised arm in the entry hall that Rose was upset with her. So she hadn’t pressed it that evening. Knowing Rose’s ire with her, she wasn’t alarmed when she didn’t come down to break her fast. But she never imagined that Rose would be so wayward as to elope.
 It was when the Duke came to call for her to ride in Hyde Park and she sent Briar to call her down to join them that she got the first inkling that something was truly amiss. Briar went and returned after a few minutes and whispered to her that Rose’s monthly courses had arrived and she was indisposed. So Dominique had advised the Duke that she was indisposed for the week and he had graciously if somewhat reluctantly wished her well and left with assurances that he would return in a week to take Rose for the promised turn in the park. After he left she went up to Rose’s room to speak to her. Briar’s protests that Rose was asleep only ignited her suspicions further that Rose was in fact being rebellious rather than actually suffering her monthlies. But it really hadn’t prepared her at all for her granddaughter’s absence.
 Briar declined to reveal anything of her mistress and friend’s whereabouts. Which was aggravating at the same time it bespoke an admirable devotion to Rose. Dominique sent Briar to help in the kitchen as a scullery maid and reflect upon her choices.    Dominique paced and frowned considering her resources. When she discovered that Rose had run away she had asked their Stable Master Harper to go to Grovershire and look for Rose at her old home thinking that would be where Rose would flee to. Harper hadn’t returned yet and he was the best of their horsemen were she to send someone North to try to find Rose now that she knew that Rose and Mister Sinclaire were doubtless bound for somewhere in Scotland.
 Oh this was a disaster. She had lost too much time she knew. Visiting the Parsons and the Suttons thinking Rose might be there. Even having tea with Prince Hamid looking for some sign that Rose might be seeking sanctuary with him. Three days she had been gone. They were half way to Scotland by now. Even if she knew exactly where they were it would take another day and a half of hard riding with lots of horse changes to get to them. And then another four days at least to return by coach.  And she knew well that if Rose could be found she wouldn’t simply return and go through with the arrangement.
  She looked again at the letter Rose had written her. ‘… I must answer my heart and hold to my promise…’ Those words took her back to her youth and a summer nearly fifty years ago when a handsome young man of good prospects named Rupert stole her heart.  Her father wanted her to vie for the hand of the Prince of Cordonia but she would have none of it after she met Rupert. But Rupert was an Earl with title and holdings. Ernest Sinclaire’s legacy was trade and new money. And yes, he had Ledford Park, saved from his father’s and brother’s foolishness with guidance from Vincent. Her breath caught with the thought of her lost son. Too soon. Too young. Her beautiful boy. And then another thought, she knew that Vincent admired and loved Ernest as a son. He would support Rose’s choice. And knowing that, her decision was made.
 She set her jaw and went to her desk to draw up a note to Mister Sinclaire’s solicitor Mister Hartfield.  Dear Mister Hartfield,    I address you as solicitor for Mister Sinclaire of Ledford Park.    I have received a letter this day from my beloved granddaughter Mistress Rose of Edgewater informing me of her favor and previous acceptance of an engagement to be wed to Mister Sinclaire of Ledford Park. I was not privy to this information when Duke Richards made the request of me for her hand and as her engagement was a necessary condition of her father’s will I accepted on her behalf.
In light of new information that has come to me. And with the full knowledge that my late son, Rose’s father held Mister Sinclaire in the highest esteem I would favor their union as I am certain it would be in accord with Vincent’s wishes.  To this hopeful, happy end I would request a meeting with you as soon as possible that we may conspire to navigate these waters to our mutual benefit.  In this matter haste is essential. Sincerely, Lady Dominique of Edgewater  She sealed her note and called for Mister Woods to take it to Mister Hartfield in all haste.
 ****      ****        ****        ****         ****       ****        ****
 It was the first day on their journey that the weather turned rainy. It slowed their pace as Mister Grissom had great care for his rig and the horses. Rose kept a careful eye on Ernest pleading her needs for necessities a bit more than usual when she would note his jaw clenching. A short walk and a sip of wine would ease him and then they would continue.
 Sometime after they had crossed the river Trent and she noted he had settled into a sullen silence she leaned over and kissed him on his cheek. “Ernest, I think we should play a game.”  He lifted a brow and gave her a small smile. “Oh? And what game might we play in the coach with the rain banging like a drum?”  She took his hand stroking it. “A rhyming one to make you smile. Here I will start. Let me think.
 ‘A lovely young Lady from Leeds,
  Her carriage got stuck in the reeds,
  The coachman did ask her…’     Now you continue. ”
 He looked at her a long moment then finally smiled, “A lovely young Lady from Leeds, Her carriage got stuck in the reeds, The coachman did ask her, What caused the disaster?...” Rose grinned, “Her horse, she said had too much speed!” Ernest was smiling so she nodded. “Now you start.” “Ah, I’ve heard similar before. Though perhaps not quite as wholesome.” He lifted his brow and smirked.
‘There was a young Lady from Leeds,
 Who was trying to settle her needs,
 Her coachman implored her….’          Now to you my Sweet.” She considered for a bit wanting to surprise him. Finally with a twinkle in her eye she said,
“There was a young Lady from Leeds,
 Who was trying to settle her needs,
 Her coachman implored her,
 To favor his soldier,
 That was lauded for magnificent deeds!” Ernest burst into laughter groaning and holding his side as he laughed then pulled her in for a kiss. “Rose! Oh what mischief have I created?” He kissed her again til the jostling of the coach made him fear for their teeth. “I love you. I do not ken ever knowing such joy as I have found with you.” Lacing their fingers together she blushed. “It is good to hear your laughter, Ernest.”   Their journey in the rain was long that day and they pulled up to the inn yard at the Salutation posting inn at Doncaster well after dark. Ernest spoke with Mister Grissom thanking him and inquiring if he would be willing to take them on to Ripon. He was amiable to the additional leg of the journey on the condition they would have quarters and meals provided both there and back to Grantham afterwards. She could tell that Ernest was pleased with the agreement at the late hour that saved him having to find another coach to hire for the morning.  She asked Ernest to inquire of the inn keep if they perchance might have some Willow bark that she could brew some tea for her head.
    The inn was fairly busy despite the lateness of the hour and Ernest told her that they were expecting a Post Coach within a few hours. The rain had settled in to a light but steady drizzle and the fires had extra coal to chase the chill and damp away.  It was the first room they had where there was no adjoining room. The inn was practically full with travelers and merchants and there was only one room available on the third floor. Mister Grissom and his men were situated on the second floor in two rooms that were much nicer than the stable but smaller and not so well furnished as the rooms on the third floor.
  Ernest escorted her to the room then excused himself to go below and arrange for their supper.  Rose busied herself sorting the clothes for the next day and laying things out on chairs before the fire to drive the dampness from them. There were two covered buckets of water and a fair-sized kettle which she filled and set on a trivet over the fire to heat. She took off her shoes and set them before the fire then got her brush and sat on the bed to brush out her hair.  Ernest returned shortly with a basket of crusty bread, cheese, a small packet of willow bark, cherries, and figs and a bottle of wine. “I fear our supper is going to be a cold one this evening, my dear. The inn keeper did have some willow bark. He said his mother used it for her teeth.”
 Rose nodded, “My mother used to make a tea with it for her head. I was hoping I could make some for you that it might ease you. I know you have been suffering this day, Ernest.”
 He set the basket down on the wash stand table then carefully removed his coat and hung it on a peg before going to her taking her face in his hands and looking deeply into her eyes. “You are so good to me, Rose.” His kiss was soft, reverent as he bent to taste the fullness of her lips. 
 She sighed into his kiss, “No more than you deserve, Beloved.” She pulled back a little and carefully stroked his hair from his forehead. “I watch you. You care for everyone. Even when you are injured and hurting you still have courtesy for all.”
She grinned at him sassily, “You know, while I was awaiting you I thought of something.” “Oh?” His dimple peaked at her as he smiled curiously at her mischievous tone. She nodded, “A handsome young man named Sinclaire…” “Oh No,” he groaned and she saw the color rise in his cheeks. Her grin deepened and she nodded, “A handsome young man named Sinclaire, Was graced with a manner so fair, The maids would all say, They were dying to play..”
 “Rose!” His voice held a warning that didn’t match the sparkle in his deep blue gaze.
 “Just to touch the gentleman’s hair!” She giggled.  “I should send you to your room for that. Alas, that would be here. Hmmm, what shall I do?” He pressed his finger to the corner of his mouth as though contemplating for a moment. “I know!” He ran his hands up and down her sides tickling her as she squirmed and giggled til she got the hiccups and batted playfully at his hands but didn’t run away.   He was laughing and groaning when he finally stopped tickling her and slipped a finger beneath her chin lifting it for a sweet kiss that turned deeper and left them both breathless staring into each other’s eyes. She blushed. He cleared his throat, finally he brought her hand to his mouth kissing her knuckles. “It’s late. We should eat.”
  She nodded and went to put the willow bark he’d procured in a cup and added some of the piping hot water to it. She smoothed her skirt. “So how much longer do you think it will take?” She heard him open the bottle of wine he’d brought. “Without mishap, we should be in Ripon tomorrow night. Appleby the next. And Gretna Green the evening after that. Three days.”  She felt him behind her as he moved her long russet tresses to the side and placed a kiss on her neck. He nuzzled her, then ever so carefully nipped her earlobe. “Three days. Rose.” His voice was low with need. His arms slipped around her waist and he held her kissing her hair for a few minutes. “Mistress Henley our supper is going to be cold.”  Turning her head she arched a brow at him then burst into laughter. “Why Mister Henley I declare I think you have been bitten by a whimsey moth.”  He turned her stroking her cheek with his thumb and then kissing her nose. “Come. Let’s have a picnic here before the fire.” He grabbed the basket and set it down having a care for his ribs and shoulder he sat on the floor and took his shoes off setting them next to hers on the hearth. Rose handed him the cup of willow bark tea and brought the wine and sat on the floor beside him. He sipped the tea and made a face. “Why does all the best medicine taste so evil?”  She laughed. “Perhaps because it has to be strong to be good?”  Ernest finished the tea then took the knife in the basket and sliced up the bread and cheese putting the cheese on a piece of the bread and offering it to her. She ate it from his fingers smiling at him, “It’s quite delicious. Here.” She fed him a bite and he licked her fingers looking in her eyes, “Indeed, Mistress Henley, utterly delicious.”  “Speak you of my fingers or the cheese?”  “Yes.” He caught her forefinger between his teeth and ran his tongue over the pad looking at her.  Heat rushed to her face and low in her belly making her squirm and drop her gaze before pulling her finger from his mouth.
“Here.” He rubbed a cherry across her lower lip.  She lifted her eyes to him as she sucked the cherry into her mouth. His eyes were focused on her lips as she savored the sweetness before carefully plucking the pit out and tossing it in the fire.     He kissed her teasing her lips with his tongue, tasting the sweetness of her flavored with the cherry. His eyes closing as desire washed through him. He was trembling beneath her touch. Two days ago she would have feared he was getting ill. Now she recognized his struggle with his passion. Recognized her own need gathering, tightening, aching for the glory they could grant each other. She stroked his jaw and breathed his name as she broke their kiss, “Ernest… Help me.” turning and lifting her hair so he could undo her buttons.   His fingers were clumsy as he struggled caught between his need to kiss the nape of her neck and the need to unbutton her. He finally managed and she lifted her arms and bent to him so he might pull her day dress over her head. Then he was at the laces of her stays. Kissing her nape and shoulders as he freed her leaving her in nothing but her white cotton chemise the firelight behind her illuminating more in silhouette. Her beauty stole his breath. 
  She turned and kissed him briefly before pulling back to untie his cravat; then her fingers were at the buttons of his vest. Carefully she helped him remove it. She stroked down his shirt her emerald gaze locking with the sapphire of his eyes silently asking permission. Not sure he had a voice he nodded. Then her fingers were at the buttons of his fall. Then the buttons beneath at his waist and he was free.
 “I want you Ernest. So much.” Tenderly she stroked his length only his shirt separating her hand from his velvet hardness. She stroked him once, then again before stopping and pulling his breeches off completely. She stood then and held her hand out to him. 
  “Rose,” voice was so low it came to her as a growl of need. He took her hand rising from the floor and let her lead him to the bed. His eyes never left her as she turned the covers down for him. “Get a cloth.” He sat on the edge of the bed watching her as she went to the wash stand and pulled a couple of washing cloths out before returning to him. “You are so beautiful. May I touch you?” She nodded her own voice lost in her desire.
  He closed his eyes and reached beneath her chemise running his hands up the back of her thighs as she stood between his legs. His hands were so warm as he stroked over her hips. His thumbs made circles around the points of her hip bones. Then trailed heat up her sides caressing each rib, exploring the silken plane of her back up to her shoulders and neck then beneath her arms. She watched him and didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until his thumbs swept the fullness of her breasts circling the tight peaks and she gasped as his attention sent molten heat to the center of her womanhood.   His eyes opened at her gasp and they were almost black with his pupils so wide only a bright rim of blue remained. “Please Rose… Please touch me.” he moaned his need.    She leaned forward licking his lips with her tongue before tasting their fullness. Her hands delved under his shirt stroking up his strong thighs feeling the tremble in his muscles. She carefully stroked his ballocks, lifting them gently, exploring how they floated in his seed sack. “Is this pleasant for you?” she broke the kiss to whispered shyly.
 “Aye. Your touch on me is heaven.”
 “Teach me, Ernest.” 
  His eyes never left hers but his hands withdrew from her. “Here, sit across my lap with your feet to my left.” He kissed her gently, slowly. “I am sorry… I cannot hold you properly.” He adjusted their clothing so that they were not bound and could be reached under with ease. “I love you Rose. I do not want to frighten you or hurt you ever. Please know that. If I do anything that displeases you… promise me that you will tell me. You must promise me.” His tone was very solemn as he searched her emerald gaze in the firelight.”
   Nodding she murmured, “I will tell you.” 
  He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to settle himself before he met her gaze again. He took her left hand with his and brought it to his mouth kissing it before putting it back under his shirt on his ballocks. “This part of my manhood is most vulnerable. It is a thing for you to know were anyone to ever try to force themselves on you. Punching a man here causes great, incapacitating pain. But your sweet caress here fills me with seed and makes my need for you even greater.”
 “Touching you like this makes me want you even more Earnest. I would never hurt you.” Her gaze was so sincere he thought his heart would burst with his love. 
 “I, I know Rose. But I want you to know you have that power should you ever need it.” He kissed her as he took her hand to his aching hardness.  She smiled and murmured, “Your soldier.” She felt it twitch as he wrapped both their hands around him. “Hello handsome.”
 Ernest couldn’t help but be pleased as she addressed his full arousal with the joyful familiarity of a beloved acquaintance. He took her finger to his tip, wet with his aching desire and ran it all around the exposed sensitive ridge then back, around then firmly down. His breath caught and she felt him throbbing in response as he showed her how to pleasure him. He moaned softly, “Rose… can I, can I touch you?”  She nodded and took his hand under her chemise, “Please…oh, Ernest.” His fingers found her slick folds, her sensitive bundle, her wet, tight passage. He kissed her as he pressed gentle circles around that most sensitive bundle. She was making a mewling purr drawn from her depths as she writhed in her need. “Please… more, Ernest, more.”  He pressed a second finger into her even as she was stroking him to the point of no return. His voice broke, “The cloth… ah” He cried out in his release even as she barely got him covered. He was trembling his hips bucking beneath her as he throbbed in her hand soaking the cloth covering him.  Her tongue was rolling against his as she panted her need for him. “Please, more, I..” She arched her back and begged for more. “I need you in me. Please.” His voice was hoarse, “Rose, Rose, please. I fear I’ll hurt you. Gently, love.” Her pearl was so swollen and she was so wet for him. He pulled his fingers out and she moaned in protest. “Here. Here, straddle me. Gently, gently. Only a little.” He was still so hard but easing. “Just the tip. Rose, look at me.” She pulled her gown off tossing it and got on her knees straddling him. He took himself firmly in hand about three inches down from his tip. And as she lowered herself onto him she cried his name in ecstasy. He filled her entrance impossibly, painfully, gloriously full and she wanted more. Needed more. “Gently. God Rose.” He thumbed circles around her pearl til he felt her stretching even more, her walls starting to flutter around his sensitive ridge. She was trying to lower herself further onto him. A wave of complete panic shook him as his past and another woman’s cries and rejection slammed into him, he rolled them both to the left on the bed shaking his head and weeping. “No. No. Rose, No. I don’t want to hurt you. I love you. Please. I would never hurt you.” The anxiety in his voice pulled her from her passion into concern. She stroked his hair looking in his eyes she realized he was weeping. “Shh, shh, I’m well. I’m well. I love you. Oh Ernest, you didn’t hurt me. You didn’t hurt me. I love you. Shh. I promise I will tell you if it is ever too much. I promise.” He pulled her to him tightly. She felt him wince as he did but he didn’t let her go. He held her kissing her head, murmuring I love yous into her hair. 
  Rubbing circles softly around his back cooing her love of him eventually she felt him relax. After a bit he murmured softly, “I’m sorry. It is not your fault Rose. I’m sorry.” She kissed him gently then got up to put all their things in order, double checking the security of the windows and doors. Making sure the fire was properly banked for the night before she returned. He had situated himself properly under the covers leaving room on his left side for her. She climbed in next to him and he pulled her into his side.
His voice was soft in the darkness of the room, “You know I came up with something as you were putting things in order.”
  “Hmmm?” She nuzzled him sighing happily.    
“My beautiful Rose so lovely and fine
I long for your kiss much sweeter than wine
I’ll take you away
To Scotland one day
And make you forever more, mine”
------------------------------to be continued-----------------------------------
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innerpostmentality · 6 years ago
The Road to Gretna Green Part 1 - Decisions
A Choices Desire and Decorum AU fan fic
All rights belong to Pixelberry
Pairing: Ernest Sinclair X MC (Rose)
Rating M   Word count: around 3100
Warning: some bullying and abuse, a little language 
Tags: @blackcatkita @hopefulmoonobject @speedyoperarascalparty @darley1101 
This is set immediately after the Dowager Countess announces Rose’s engagement to Duke Richards.
   Rose stumbled through the next half hour fighting to keep from fainting feeling like she was suffocating watching her life spin away from her. Faces, voices, music, a dog barking washed over her meaningless, deaf and blind to her despair as she stood next to the man she despised as his announced betrothed. She saw her despair mirrored across the room on her beloved’s face. Her eyes locked in panic with his for a second before he turned and was gone from her view. She tried to move when he withdrew but the Duke’s grip on her elbow bone tightened enough to bruise keeping her at his side.    Eventually her Lady Grandmother came to her side telling her it was time for them to leave. She watched her smile and simper at Duke Richards thanking him for the glorious evening, assuring him how much joy the evening had given them both. There was a strange silence that finally penetrated Rose’s haze and she realized that her grandmother was looking at her expectantly. She looked down at the small, stranger who was her grandmother. Then turned her gaze down to her arm where the Duke still held the bone before looking in his eyes. She found her voice and it came out like a line from a perfect actress on the stage, divorced from her true emotions entirely, level, soft, polite, “Thank you for your hospitality, Your Grace.” She dropped her eyes from his as he finally let go of her elbow taking her gloved hand and bringing it to his thin lips. 
   His voice iced across her nerves as he smiled at her. “Until tomorrow, Lady Rose. We must take a turn in the park. I shall see you at three in the afternoon.”
She gave the briefest bob of a curtsey “Until next we meet.” Withdrawing her hand and turning to offer her arm to her Lady Grandmother to escort her out. Her eyes searched the rooms as they passed looking for Mr. Sinclaire to no avail; he was gone and her heart with him she was sure. Odd, she thought, how one could so completely detach from pain or any feeling really. She climbed into the carriage after her grandmother and felt the jostle as they started moving. 
“…. Rose.” Her name brought her eyes to her grandmother’s and she realized that she must have missed responding. “Pardon, Lady Grandmother. My thoughts were elsewhere.” Her grandmother’s dark eyes narrowed. “It is a fine match whether you see it now or not. You will be a Duchess and untouchable. Edgewater will be secure. Countess Henrietta will never see Mr. Marlcaster proclaimed Earl. Your sons will inherit not only Edgewater but also Karlington. Think Rose!”
Rose straightened her already perfect posture and lifted her chin holding her grandmother’s gaze. “You have done, what you have done. I’m sure all in good faith. I am well aware, well aware of Duke Richards… qualities. For months you have expounded on the virtues of this match. And he has missed no moment to recommend himself. And I…”she shakes her head, “seeking your favor, trying to be dutiful and polite have sought to please you and attempted to give fair assessment to his advances.
   Only now do I see how my politeness has allowed his deceit. I have no illusion about his passion for me at this time. His unwelcomed advances at the opera, fending off his roaming hands, enduring his vulgar whispers, my virtue in the tenuous protection of the public forum. And then fleeing him on foot when he arranged for us to be private in his carriage for the journey home because I had no doubt he would have taken me against my will given such opportunity, left me no illusion that his affection, any lasting affection is more to gaining Edgewater through me than any respect for my person.
  Shall I show you the bruises he has left on my arm from this evening? In public? His tender mercies are sadly lacking and I’ve found no gentleman there for all my seeking.” There was a pause in the darkness of the carriage before her grandmother spoke gently, “Child.. I know you are innocent and a man’s ignited passions would be frightening for you..”
Rose held up her hand cutting her grandmother off. “No. Do not excuse him to me. I beg you. Leave me with the illusion that you at least care for me and what you did was done in ignorance of his true nature.”   A gentle jolt of the carriage as it halted before the townhouse forestalled any further discourse on the matter. Rose watched as her grandmother took the footman’s hand descending before her and allowed him to escort her to the door before she followed. Briar was in the entry hallway and greeted her with an uncharacteristically serious look. She raised her brow at Briar, “Briar, I’m quite fatigued. I would like to take a little tea in my room before I retire.” Rose turned to her grandmother and gave her a small curtsey. “Good night Lady Grandmother.” Her grandmother reached out gently touching her cheek. “I do care. And I am very proud of you dear.” Rose studied her eyes and then carefully removed her opera length gloves so that her bruised hand and elbow was exposed. She saw her grandmother’s eyes go wide and heard her sharp inhale before she turned to go to her room. She sat at her dresser a moment looking at her reflection in the glass before carefully taking the Edgewater tiara off and setting it aside. She murmured quietly to herself, “I will never give him Edgewater, never.” With that resolve she went to her writing desk and pulled a sheet of fine paper and her quill out.
Dear Mister Konevi,  I am certain that fortune smiled brightly on me this eve when I employed you as my solicitor. Though I had no notion at the time how essential and immediate my need for your service would be.  This evening as you witnessed, my Lady Grandmother the dowager countess of Edgewater announced my engagement to his grace Duke Richards. This was done without my consent or advisement. I am aware that having five months until my 21’st birthday and my Lady Grandmother being my only living relative she was acting within her rights and in what she believed was my best interests being well aware of the terms of my dear departed father’s will.  Her action without consultation has placed me in a most untenable position. You see prior to her announcement I was already engaged to Mister Sinclaire of Ledford Park. Had I been given quarter to speak with her prior to her premature announcement much distress could have been avoided.   Briar’s soft knock at her door interrupted her letter as she bid her enter. “Oh milady! Mister Woods gave me this for you.” Briar set the tea tray down and hands her a folded note with no seal. “I’m so, so sorry for your plight. The Countess was screeching at Mr. Marlcaster about the necessity of him securing Miss Holloway now that you are engaged to Duke Richards. Sweet Heavens what a mess. Poor Edmund. And you bound to that hideous man.” Briar gasped as she spotted the bruise on Rose’s arm. “Oh your poor arm! Let me get some arnica for it!”
Rose unfolded the note as Briar nervously prattled on. The script was bold and masculine,
   Beloved, I write in extreme haste. If your desire is aligned with mine I beseech you join me on my journey to the north. I do not ask this lightly I will not deceive you. You risk Edgewater if you join me. You will always have my regard and deepest affection whatever your decision. But you must know that you are the only jewel my heart desires. I will await you in your stables til the sunrise. Rose refolded the note and closed her eyes taking a deep breath then slowly smiled. “Briar, I must change.” Briar looked up from where she was preparing a wrap for Rose’s bruised arm. “Oh! Of course! Let me help you!” With practiced efficiency she helped her out of the beautiful gown and laid it aside. “Shall I wrap it to return to Mr. Sinclaire?” she asked as she turned back to help Rose with her stays only to see that Rose had gone to her closet and was pulling a pale blue day dress out. “Milady?” Rose heard the confusion in her friend’s voice and turned to look at her. “Oh Briar. Prior to the calamity of Lady Grandmother’s matchmaking this evening Mister Sinclaire made me an offer and I accepted. The note was from him. He waits for me. And I must go. And no one must know where we are other than Mister Konevi. I engaged him as my solicitor this evening before I knew what would transpire. I must finish my letter to him. And then I will need to get to the stables without being seen.”
  Briar let out a soft squeal and wrapped her arms around Rose hugging her tightly. “I’m so happy for you! Oh Lady Rose! Your father would be so pleased. I know he thought very well of Mister Sinclaire.” Rose slipped her blue gown on and went to finish her letter to Mister Konevi as Briar poured her tea.  …I have just received a note from my betrothed Mister Sinclaire inviting me to join him on a journey to the North. It is my intent to accompany him and honor my promise to him.
 I learned tonight that Bishop Monroe under pressure from my grandfather annulled the marriage he performed uniting my parents before I was born. This evening I overheard Countess Henrietta attempting to persuade Bishop Monroe to deny my father’s will in return for a donation to the parsonage. Had I not confronted him I have no confidence that he would have upheld my father’s will.
 Under these trying circumstances I do not know what of my interests in Edgewater will be salvageable but I put my faith in you to represent me to the best possible of outcomes.
 In good faith,
Lady Rose of Edgewater
She signed it and sealed it before handing it to Briar and taking the tea. “I need you to make sure this gets to Mr. Konevi and none other.” She finished her tea in two large swallows before girding her skirts and changing to half boots. She hugged Briar then. “I shall miss you. I do not know when we will see each other again. It is my hope that my Lady Grandmother will keep you safe. But if you cannot remain with her please go to Ledford Park. I am certain you will be welcomed there until we return. And now sweet friend, for the second time this evening I fear I must ask you to help lower me out of this window.” Rose grinned and wiped the tears from Briar’s cheeks before taking up her bed sheets to assist her descent.
 The grounds of the townhouse were eerily quiet but the moon was high and bright as she silently made her way toward the stable yard; but as she approached the door a cloaked figure stepped from the shadows and held out a hand. She took his hand and he drew her to him holding her a long moment, surrounding her in his warmth and comforting scent before leaning to kiss her softly. He said not a word but took her hand leading her down the street and around a corner to a large elegantly appointed travelling coach. He opened the door and handed her in allowing her to settle before following her into the dark interior. He knocked twice on the forward wall after another moment and she felt them start to move.
“Ernest?” her voice was a whisper in the darkness.
  “Yes, my Beloved.” His voice came to her soothing and deep.
“It’s so dark.”
  “The windows are covered. The moonlight is good this night but we must go very slowly until dawn. I have brought several torch bearers to light our way for this evening. We will change horses at dawn and have a very long day in the coach. We will be pursued and it is vital that we get as much distance from here before they realize that we are gone.”
“Ernest, could, could you sit by me, please?”
   She felt him settle carefully beside her gently touching her to find the space to sit so he didn’t sit on her. “Rose, if you wish to rest you are welcome to lean on me.”
  He felt her feather light touch on his arm as she sought his hand in the dark and intertwined her fingers with his. “When I saw you leave I was so afraid….”
  “Here.” He brought her hand to his mouth for a kiss before letting it go and shifting. She realized that he was removing his over coat before he sat back and put his arm around her shoulders. “I am sorry that I had to leave like that. But I wanted to afford you this option and to do that I knew I needed to make some arrangements. Please believe me when I tell you it pained me to leave without being able to tell you what I was about.”
  “I tried to tell my Lady Grandmother about our engagement but she gave me no chance.”
  He pulled her gently against his side and took her near hand with his free hand. “Ah Love, I know this is not what we envisioned when we spoke in the garden. And I vow I will try to find a way back to those dreams for us. You are so brave, Rose. Thank you for trusting me. I would that I could have met your mother. She must have been a remarkable woman to have raised such a jewel.”
 “I know she would have liked you.” She yawned. And he felt her shift a bit.
 His voice was very serious. “My Love I do not want to frighten you and I need you to listen and be very honest with me. “He sighed and brought her hand to his lips again before continuing. “I do not know how knowledgeable you are about the intimacies of marriage. I know the edict of society is for ladies of rank to be sheltered. My first… Nay, I will not bring any of that past here. What I know is that we are going to be in close quarters, in carriages, and rooms together for more than a fortnight before we return and have proper attendants. It is certain that privacies will be breeched. I do not want to offend or frighten you my darling.”
 Her voice was soft but he could hear her smile in it. “You do not frighten me Ernest. Mother tried to raise me as sheltered as she could at least from any intimacies of men and women. So I know that I am very ignorant of many things. But I am most willing to learn. Especially all those things that would please you that you might teach me. And it is hard for me to imagine something more joyous than a fortnight in your private company. Unless perhaps it is the rest of my life in your company.” She giggled in the dark before squeezing his hand. “I must confess that when I have dreamed of a time, alone, in the dark with you there was always rather more kissing than conversation involved.”
 She heard him suck in his breath and clear his throat and suspected that she might have made him blush. He shifted turning toward her as he let go of her hand and brought his hand to her cheek, exploring her cheekbone with his thumb before drawing his forefinger along her jaw. His thumb traced over her lips a moment before he brought his mouth to hers. “Rose” he breathed her name into her mouth then his tongue traced her lips. He pulled back slightly, kissed her nose and rested his forehead against hers. “I promise you when we are wed I will kiss you to your hearts content. And do not mistake my hesitation. I want you in every way, quite desperately actually. But we will be man and wife before I claim your innocence. Before then I ask your patience. Let us learn each other this week. Ask me those questions society forbids and I will answer.”
 “I don’t understand. You say that you want me. And I am willing Ernest. I’m not afraid. Why should you not kiss me when we both desire it?”
 He’s silent for a moment then chuckles. “Call it the frailty of man. Have you ever stood at an assembly so long that you started to ache?”
 She nodded, “Yes.”
 “So it is with,” he paused trying to think of a non-vulgar way to describe his cock, “that which makes me a man. It is like a little soldier and he stands tall and proud with his desire for you. But after too long standing with no relief he begins to ache. I ache. I cannot hold you, and kiss you endlessly without enduring his discomfort.”
Her voice was barely a whisper as she considered his revelation. “Does, does he stand even now?”
He thought it was a good thing that it was so dark in the coach or she would see the heat in his cheeks as this conversation further aroused his ‘little soldier’. “Oh aye, Love.”
“Oh… I did not mean to hurt you. I would never cause you pain” He heard the distress in her voice and brought her mouth back to his kissing her with passion that had him moan softly into her mouth with his need. She pulled away. “I don’t want you to hurt.”
 He sighed. “I explain poorly Love. It is an ache that I welcome.”
 “Is there no relief?” Her sincerity warmed his heart but was no aid at all for his condition.
 “None but the marriage bed would the church approve.”
 “Humph. After this evening I am thinking perhaps the churches ‘approval’ has more to do with lining the churches pockets than anything godly.” She huffed.
 He chuckled, “Rose, my darling, you may be right but it is something you must not speak beyond me.”
 “I know. My point is I do not care what the church sanctions when it comes to your comfort.” She squeezes his hand. “How can I help you Love?”
 …………………..To Be Continued…………………….
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innerpostmentality · 6 years ago
The Road to Gretna Green Part Three - First night
A Choices AU Desire & Decorum Fan Fic
All rights belong to Pixelberry Studios
This take place immediately after Part 2. Please see my Master list for the link.
 Pairing Ernest Sinclair X (MC) Rose
Rating: Mature 18+       Word Count: 6100 words
Warning: Erotica, Long post, not for work!
Tags: @darley1101 @blackcatkita @hopefulmoonobject @speedyoperarascalparty @hellospunkiebrewster @tornbetween2loves @gardeningourmet    He turned from the window at the knock on the door. His footmen bearing the chests entered and set them both at the foot of the bed. Opening the one he arranged for Rose he pulled a redingote and bonnet out then set about artfully arranging it into a packet he could inconspicuously carry back out to the coach for her to don before he escorted her in.  He dashed down the stairs and knocked on the carriage door before he joined her handing her the packet as he sat across from her.  She had pulled the covers down over the windows and greeted him with a huge smile in the dim light.   “Oh Ernest! You are so thoughtful!” she exclaimed unrolling the coat revealing the bonnet, she  straightened the bonnet a bit before putting it on. He held the redingote for her as she slipped her arms in and then stood as best she could in the coach to arrange it.   “My Darling, the Innkeeper here believes us to be Mister and Mistress Henley. In case there are any inquiries I would like our precise whereabouts to remain as uncertain as possible for the time being. There are too many people in the common room for my taste so we will have our supper in our rooms.”  Rose grinned and offered him her hand. “But of course Mister Henley.”
 He helped her from the coach and led her into the inn. Pausing only to let the innkeeper know that they would be ready for their supper as soon as possible before leading her through the crowded common room and up the stairs to their block of rooms.  He opened the door to his room and paused, looking at Rose for a long moment before he picked her up and carried her through the doorway.
She giggled in his arms and felt her cheeks go hot as he set her down. Impetuously she rose on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth to his in a sweet kiss.
 She had no idea of the fire her kiss kindled in him. “Rose…” He groaned her name pulling her to him returning her kiss, his passion igniting before he could damp it. He was trembling as he stepped back then took her hands placing kisses in both palms, closing his eyes struggling to master himself.
 She stood there flushed with her desire for him and studied him seeing plainly the strain in his face, resolving then and there that she was going to help him. She knew he was stubborn. She also trusted him with her life. Her heart was his already freely given to him alone. What she didn’t know was exactly how to go about seducing him out of his mad idea of waiting until they were wed. She didn’t want him to think her brazen. But her fingers itched to touch him and feel his touch in return. And his presence ignited a hunger in her that had her wanting to leap beyond any boundaries of propriety dictating their separation.  A bit of a plan began to form. She knew their supper was to be delivered soon so she would have a little time to think on this.  His eyes opened at last his pupils blown with his desire as he looked at her flushed face. 
 “Ernest?” She smiled and nuzzled her cheek to the back of his hand. He looked dazed and dropped her hands.  She pulled the tie of her bonnet and removed it then started unbuttoning her redingote as she started slipping out of it she heard his breath catch.
 “I, I have to go see about a coach.” He blurted and dashed out the door. Leaving her more than slightly perplexed.
  Rose hung the redingote on a peg on the wall then turned and inspected the room. It was of fair size though not as large as her bedchamber at Edgewater. There were two doors. One that led to the hallway and a second that connected to another room similarly appointed with a bed, writing desk, and a couple of chairs. There were clean chamber pots in both rooms under the beds. The sheets seemed fresh and the beds well made. The fireplaces in each room were lit but well banked for later in the evening when the room would get chill in the night.
 She looked at the two trunks at the foot of the bed in the first room and opening one found it full of Ernest’s clothes and a box with shaving and grooming provisions. She closed her eyes gently stroking the fine weave of a night shirt for a moment before closing that trunk and moving to the next.
 There she found what she sought. A couple of lovely soft day gowns, a couple of pairs of silk stockings, a couple of chemises, a spencer, and a straw bonnet and shawl. Beneath she found a box with a hand mirror, brush, hair pins, a bit of lemon scented soap, and tooth powder. She pulled the brush out and closed the trunk smiling at how thoughtful her beloved had been for her comfort.
  Before the day light failed entirely she realized she should write her Lady Grandmother so she opened the writing desk and happily found paper and quills. So she set about writing her letter to her grandmother.
Dear Lady Grandmother,   Please forgive the worry I may have caused you. I know that you were looking out for my interest and Edgewater’s. I only regret that I had no chance to tell you that I had already accepted Mister Sinclair’s proposal prior to your arrangement with the Duke. I mean no disrespect and hold you always in the deepest regards I must answer my heart and hold to my promise. I pray for your understanding and forgiveness for any discomfiture I have caused you. With all affection, Your loving granddaughter,
Lady Rose of Edgewater Digging in the desk she found a small wax candle to seal her letter with just as there was a call at the door that their dinner had arrived.
  Ernest fled the room. Taking the stairs two at a time as though the hounds were on his heals. It was true he needed to secure a coach for the morrow. But more immediately he had to relieve himself.
  He had never in all his years had his passions so inflamed. He had never had anyone look at him with that focus of passionate desire and pure love that Rose gave him every time their eyes met. He strode through the common room and out the door heading toward the stables but stepped into the darkness between the buildings walking deep into the shadows before leaning against the building. He fumbled with the fastenings on his over tight trousers fingers clumsy with his need to release himself where he was tucked into the waistband. It was the best he could manage to conceal his embarrassing state. Finally he managed to pull his long shirt to free himself. He was holding his shirt clear with one hand while he grasped himself firmly with the other shutting his eyes and thinking of her as he stroked himself. It was quick. So quick and strong as her sincere soft plea, ‘Let me help you..’ rang through his memory. He stood there gasping as he spurted forcefully down the alley. A few moments and he was relieved if far from satisfied. He put himself back in order. He smoothed himself making certain he was in properly tucked in and buttoned then ran his hand through his thick curls shaking his head. For a man of twenty and five and married before, this raging, consuming passion was all new to him.
He headed to the stable to look for Mister Majors and arrange for a coach, team and footman for the early morning. He looked at the stable horses. Introduced himself as Mister Henley to the graying Mister Majors before returning to the inn. He stopped at the bar to ask for them to start setting the bath in his wife’s room and learned that their dinner had been delivered.
Taking a deep breath he checked himself again before knocking gently and entering. His breath caught as she smiled at him from where she sat on the bed brushing out her long auburn curls. A table had been set and candles lit. The room was filled with the mouth-watering scent of the hearty stew served with a bowl of hard biscuits with butter. His stomach rumbled its demand and he blushed at his body’s clamoring. Then he returned her smile and went to pull the chair out for her.  “Ah, my Beauty is everything to your satisfaction?” As she took her seat he leaned over and kissed her neck just below her ear. “Your beauty takes my breath my Darling.” 
  She turned her face to his blushing, as his kiss sent heat to her core. Smiling up at him she noted he seemed more at ease since his return. She reached for his hand and nodded. “Now that you are here I am content.” She kissed his knuckles looking into the deep blue of his eyes a moment before she dropped her gaze and turned to dish bowls of the stew for each of them. He found his seat across from her. She worked to make her tone as casual as possible with her senses rioting from his attention. “I took your advice. I wrote a note to my Lady Grandmother. I think I should like to send it for her to receive the day after the morrow.” She took a biscuit cutting it and spreading butter on it before offering him half.
 Her hair was a shining halo in the candlelight. Her fingers a soft silken touch against his as he took the biscuit from her. He knew that it had been a grueling journey and yet he heard no complaint from her. “Have you looked in yon room?” He asked nodding at the door to the other apartment.  “Oh aye. It was unlocked so I thought it was permitted. It’s a lovely room.” She took a bite of the stew and sighed happily. “The stew is very good. Pork and some rabbit in there with the potatoes and carrots I think.”
 He smiled watching her enjoying the stew and tried some himself. It was a decent stew and quite pleasurable to sit still, sharing this with her. “The stew is quite good. Though it pales in comparison to your company, my dear.”
 She laughed, grinning at him. “Oh la, now I know you tease me. I recall quite well waking disheveled and drooling like a teething infant on your vest this morning. Such excellent company I am.” She lifted a brow and used a napkin to delicately dab her mouth. “Truly Ernest you are very good to me. I know you have taken much thought to my comfort and it is no small thing to me that you should show your regard so.”
There was noise in the other room and her eyes widened as she turned to the door. “There is someone over there!” “Don’t be alarmed, Love. It is a little surprise I’ve arranged.” His cheeks flushed as he contemplated that if she was agreeable this would certainly be a most pleasurable test of his resolve. He dropped his eyes to his stew and took another bite to cover his discomfiture.  She watched his face and saw his blush and her heart swelled with her love for him. “You are the very best of men, Mister Henley. And I am the most fortunate of women to be your wife.”  His eyes flew to hers and he saw such open joy in the green depths he felt she was somehow healing his soul. In that moment he understood the impulse that had him carry her across the threshold. He wasn’t certain exactly when it had happened. Whether it was in the garden when she accepted his proposal, or when she came to him and took his hand last night, or perhaps when she in all her innocence wanted to help his discomfort even flying in the face of all the strictures of the church; whenever it had happened he knew now with his head as well as his heart that she was his true wife. Society’s ceremonies would only put record to that which already was. There would be no more relieving himself in the dark. He was hers even such as he was.   A soft knock on their door interrupted the moment and he rose to answer it. One of the lads from the stables told him that the bath was ready before tugging his forelock and departing. Ernest went to the trunks and pulled the grooming boxes out then turned to her with a grin. “Give me a few moments my Love to be certain your surprise is ready.”
   She smiled and finished her stew. He seemed to be responding well to the subtilty of domestic informality she had decided on for her seduction. The ruse of their disguise as a married couple was perfect for her purpose. She wasn’t sure what happened when he fled the room before supper but there was a marked difference in him when he returned. She knew he was a bit of a perfectionist and obsessive about caring for her. Perhaps he just needed to have everything in order to be able to relax.  He returned then smiling and extending his hand to her gazing in her eyes. Taking his hand she stood and he escorted her into the other room.  Candles were lit around the room and he had stirred the fire and added a bit of wood to chase the evening chill out. There at the foot of the bed was a wooden hip bath lined with linen cloths and filled with warm water a fresh scent of lemon and mint wafted from the water.  She gasped and turned to him tears in her eyes. “This, oh Ernest it’s so beautiful. You are giving heaven to me!” She kissed him and he returned her kiss for a moment before he pulled back and rubbed her upper arms. “Um, Ernest..” she blushed and asked him very softly, “would you help me?”    His heart lifted with her request. He had been trying to find the right words to offer, hoping, and dreading her answer. “Of course, Mistress Henley it would be my pleasure my beautiful wife.”  Her heart turned over and she turned her back to him lifting her hair. He placed a kiss at her exposed nape then undid her buttons on the back of her gown. She turned and bent over facing him so he could pull it over her head. He went to her toiletry box and pulled some hair pins out. She was watching him as he laid her dress carefully on the bed then pulled some hair pins out before turning back to her. She could see the flush of his cheeks and knew the heat was in hers as well. She rolled her hair on top of her head then took the pins from him one by one to secure it. Turning her back to him again her voice was sweet and soft, “Ernest, could you help me with my stays, please?” She felt his fingers trembling as he unlaced her.
He placed another kiss on her neck beneath her ear when he was finished. And breathed into her ear, “You are my heaven, Rose.”
  She turned to face him and reached between her breasts with one hand before pulling her stays away and showing him his watch that he had given her that she had put beneath her breast held in place by her stays. She held it out to him. “Will you hold this for me?”  His eyes locked with hers as he took the watch still warm from the heat of her body and brought her hands to his mouth.  She smiled and then laid her stays on the bed by her dress before unlacing her half boots and sliding off her stockings. She stepped into the tub sighing blissfully. She turned and caught him staring. “Love, could you bring me a fresh chemise?”
He turned and went into the other room. She slipped her soiled chemise over her head and sunk into the warm water. Closing her eyes a moment and letting the warm water soothe and refresh her.  He knocked and called softly to her before coming in the room with a fresh cotton chemise. “Rose? I brought you a bit of soap if you like. There is a sheet for you to dry with. Is there aught else you need?”  She opened her eyes looking over at him standing with his eyes averted. “Only you, Ernest.” She smiled and reached for the soap he was holding. “Thank you, my love. I promise to be fast so you can enjoy this lovely bath if you wish.”  He walked over to the door before he lifted his eyes to hers. “Enjoy your bath Rose. My greatest pleasure is watching you happy.” He went into the other room and finished his stew then moved the small table and dishes out of the room. He closed the door to the hall and locked it before he went down to the common room and procured a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. When he returned he opened the bottle and poured himself a sip. It was a pleasant summer wine, not too sweet but he could taste notes of apple in it.  He sipped and paced the room his mind calculating the journey ahead. If the weather held and there were no mishaps in four days they would be wed. Then he heard her. She was signing and his heart swelled at the beauty and joy in her voice.
The glossy sparkle on the board,
Thy wine is ruby bright,
The reign of pleasure is restor’d,
Of ease and fond delight.
The day is gone, the night’s our own,
Then let us feast the soul;
If any care or pain remain,
Why drown it in the bowl.
This world they say’s a world of woe,
That I do deny: Can sorrow from the goblet flow?
Or pain from beauty’s eye?
The wise are fools, with all their rules,
When they would joys control:
If life’s a pain, I say again,
Let’s drown it in the bowl.
That time flies fast the poets sing;
Then surly it is wise,
In rosy wine to dip his wings,
And seize him as he flies,
This night is Ours; then strew with flowers
The moments as they roll:
If any pain or care remain,
Why drown it in the bowl.
He wasn’t sure when he went to the door and opened it drawn by her siren’s song. He only knew his life was blessed as he beheld her beauty in the candle light rising from the bath, wrapping the drying sheet around her and picking up the chemise he had brought for her. She turned and saw him watching her. He saw the blush color her throat and cheeks. Her breath caught and her eyes dropped for just a moment before he saw her straighten her back and lift her eyes to him again. Her smile was shy and her voice soft. “It, It’s still warm. If you would like.” She watched him close his eyes and his jaw clenched. He opened his eyes and strode across the room to her sweeping her up in his arms in the drying sheet. She dropped her chemise as he lifted her putting her arm around his neck. He carried her into his room and laid her on his bed and kissed her soundly coaxing her mouth open with his tongue and stroking her tongue with his. A deep, primal groan was drawn from him before he stepped back panting. He went to the other room and returned with her chemise a moment later. He sat on the edge of the bed and put the garment in her hands and held them. His voice deep and hoarse with need. “Sweet innocent, I know you do not understand this.” He shook his head. “I do not, how could you? I have no defense with you Rose. None. I could not bear… could not bear to ever frighten or hurt you. There is a beast in me that would take you. Rages to claim you as mine. Now.” He shook his head and stood going to the desk and getting the wine he poured for her taking it back to her.  “I love you Rose. Never doubt that. I’m going to find that bath now.” He turned and strode back into the other room.  She smacked the bed in frustration, then got up dropping the drying sheet and slipping into the soft cotton chemise. She stared at the door separating them and bit her bottom lip weighing whether she should invade his privacy. There was a war going on in Ernest Sinclaire that she didn’t fully understand. It was clear to her that he was afraid that somehow he would offend her, frighten her, hurt her in some way. And she suspected that it was somehow connected to his experience with his first wife. She sighed resolved that this was not a battle he would face alone. Going over to his chest she opened it looking for a reason to go to him. She found a downy soft cotton sleep shirt it smelled fresh of the forest and limes when she held it to her face and smiled then turned and went to the door. She knocked softly then called his name.  “Oh! A moment.” She heard a splash. “Come.”
 “Be easy Love. I, I thought you might be in need of a fresh shirt.” She opened the door keeping her eyes averted though she saw that he had pulled his drying sheet over the entire bath up to his neck.  “Aye…”he cleared his throat. “I am covered. Though not in proper state.” Rose lifted her eyes to him then and took in fully his state. She could see the wet lumps where his knees were bent and lifted the sheet and the wetness where it clung to his upper chest and he held it to his neck. She gave him a saucy grin. “Mister Henley I do declare you need a bigger tub!” They both laughed then and all trace of embarrassment between them dissolved.  She laid the shirt on the bed and then turned to him. Stepping close, he looked up at her eyes wide as she leaned down and kissed the top of his curly wet hair. “Is there aught else I can get you?”  “Oh, Aye.” He let go of the sheet and reached up tilting his head back and pulling her head down to kiss her lips. He let her go after a moment. “I’m far from done with you Mistress Henley. Though I needs remove myself somehow from this undersized pickling pot least I turn into a prune. A happy, clean, prune, mind you. None the less not a proper state to attend you. Now go. I’ll be but a moment.”  He watched her as she went to the other room. And he couldn’t keep the grin from his face. When the door shut he stood up from the tepid water and stepped out holding the drying sheet around his tall frame and standing before the fire as he dried himself. He donned the shirt she had brought him then folded the drying sheet in half and secured it around his waist not trusting the length of the shirt to be even close to preserving his modesty. He snorted at the thought. If he were a betting man he wouldn’t give a half pence on his little soldier not being at full attention all night. As if taking that bet his cock twitched. Shaking his head he retrieved their clothing taking them and her engagement watch to the other room.  Rose was back in the bed where he had put her, under the covers but sitting up with the covers over her lap holding her wine glass that he noted was half empty. He hung their clothing on the pegs and secured both the doors. He opened the window just a fraction before he went and got his glass of wine and the bottle. She watched him as he came to her and filled her glass then set the bottle down on the small table by the bed next to the watch he had given her. He went around the room putting out the candles. Then over to the fire place and tended it putting the screen in place. And finally he came to the bed and put out the last candle leaving the room in deep shadow. He shifted and she wasn’t sure exactly what he did before he climbed into the bed next to her. His voice came to her in the dark. “Is this well with you, Rose?” She nodded and realized he might not be able to see that and found her voice, “Oh yes Ernest.” His hand found her hair stroking her head gently. Then tracing down her cheek, her neck, her shoulder, her arm, til he found her hand and brought it to his lips kissing it and whispering to her. “You give me such joy Rose. I am yours. Truly as much this night as I will be for the rest of my life. I realized that this evening. And I am afraid. Afraid of disappointing you. Afraid of frightening you.”
“Ernest it’s not possible…” he pressed his finger over her lips. “I love that you think that. I only know what I have known. But you make me believe. So here. You have my heart now take my hand and I will take yours. This night let us explore each other. I will not touch you without your leave. And you may discover any of me that you wish. I only ask that you be honest with me.” “Ernest I want you to touch me, and kiss me. But I don’t want to hurt you. Am I terribly wanton? I want to be a proper wife for you. More than anything. I love you so much Ernest.” She pulled his hand to her mouth kissing it. “I know you want to wait. I just don’t know why. I am already yours you know. I would not have come to you. I would not have said I would marry you if I did not love you.”   His breath caught at her words. “I do not have the experience you may think, Rose. I am not such a creature so subjugate to carnality as many of the men I know. I have not sought out the company of women to ease myself upon. I very much want to touch you, and kiss you, and join with you in every way. And I am wary of the intensity of the desire you awake in me.” He felt the bed shift and realized she was turning to face him. Then she took his hand and laid it between her breasts over her heart where he could feel it pounding in her chest. 
 “Ernest do you know what I have always done when I was afraid?” She took her other hand and reached out to lay her hand on his chest and felt his heart pounding even as hers was.  “What?” was his whispered response.  “I have done what ever it was I was afraid of. It is the only way I know to conquer it. So I played with frogs when one was put in my desk. And I jumped in the creek.. that one may not have been the best idea. It was cold and mother was furious. And I went in the dark corner, and I crawled under my bed to find the monster. I did those things and my fear went away. I want you to trust me now. I want you to show me what you fear most. Put my hand where you are most concerned it will be.”
It took a minute and she could not see his eyes close in the darkness but he took her hand beneath his night shirt and put it on his erection. He felt her soft fingers explore his length traveling so gently over his towering velvety hardness. He gasped as she traced the burgeoning tip smoothing the pearly drop of his passion that had leaked down and around the sensitive ridge. “This is your soldier you told me of?” His voice was a breathy gasp, “Aye” “Are you well Ernest?” Her fingers were like an angel’s kiss so soft yet sending hot, needy fire deep into his body as she drew them down from the most sensitive part at the base of his tip down the long column to his seed sac tight with his need, ever gently holding him, stroking one nut then the other with her thumb. He managed to moan “Aye, Rose.” Her hand went around him though his girth was far too large for her fingers to meet. Her voice was like silk, “Teach me Ernest. Teach me how to pleasure you. How to help you. I still don’t understand what you are afraid of.” He groaned deep and wrapped his hands over hers. His voice was broken with his need. “I am too large, Rose. I will hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t abide the thought of you ever being afraid and she felt his shaft pulsing in her hand growing even harder. 
She leaned in and kissed his mouth slowly. “Well, your soldier may be mighty but he is not so large as a baby. So I think we will get on well enough.” She was glad he couldn’t see her blush and she giggled a little. “He seems to like me.” “Help me Ernest. Teach me how to coax him to ease so you are not hurting.”
He was desperately afraid he was going to wake up and his need was upon him so strong he was gasping, “Get a cloth!”
She was very confused, “A cloth?”
“Ach, aye… hurry.”
She let go of him and reached to the floor where she had dropped her drying sheet earlier pulling it up. Even as she felt him struggling pulling down the bed clothes and pulling his shirt away while holding himself hard. “Cover it. I can’t hold..” he gasped as she covered his tip. Then he took her hand and wrapped it around his throbbing shaft pumping it rapidly as he writhed and groaned and a moment later cried out her name, his back arched and she felt the strong pulsing of his member even as the cloth she held to him grew wet with his seed. Finally she felt him relax. His soldier easing. He pulled her against him and kissed her whispering “Thank you, oh my sweet Rose. Thank you. Are you well? You are so brave. I love you.” “Are, are you well Ernest? That seemed so very… intense for you.” Her warm hand was on his taut stomach rubbing gentle circles on it to sooth him.
He smiled in the dark kissing her again. “Yes. I am very well. And it was most intense. Intense as my love for you.” He held her close for a long moment before his voice came to her soft with shyness, “Rose… I have read that it is possible… That is, that women can also have such release. If, if you are willing, I would like to try to share such pleasure with you. Though I would not wish ever to offend you or over tax you with such.”
Rose kissed him deeply sighing in his mouth. “I do not feel over taxed. I am most eager to share everything with you my Love.” “Will you permit me to touch you? I think it must be necessary for this.” His voice was laced with concern.
 She chuckled softly, “Aye my Love I should like for you to touch me very much indeed. Ernest, I am disinclined to be missish with you after taking such liberties with your person.”
 He rolled to his back pulling her on top of him, his hands travelled her back first down over her chemise to her pertly rounded bottom which he squeezed in his large hands while kissing her. “You must tell me what pleases you Sweetheart.”
 “I like your hands on me. They are so warm and strong.” She sighed her pleasure as he lifted her chemise delving under it up her sides and finally running his fingers over her breasts, rolling the pads of his thumbs over her nipples feeling them grow hard even as he was growing firmer again beneath her. She sighed softly, “Ernest will you, will you kiss them?”
He groaned adjusting in the bed and leaning to kiss and tongue one nipple and then the other. His voice was hoarse, “Like so? Or more as a child suckles?”
 She found it hard to choose or find her voice but managed. “Both?. I know not. It is.. I feel it in different places.”
She was making little purring noises and his soldier was swelling again. He adjusted himself. And asked, “Where do you feel it Rose?” Then he sucked strongly on the tip of one breast and she groaned aloud. 
She took his hand and pushed it down between them. “I feel… it in my lady purse. Oh!” She gasped as he stroked between her slick folds with his index finger.
He gasped as she did murmuring, “Rose… may I? I want to show you how we will join when we are wed. Is it too soon?” 
He felt her shake her head. “It cannot be too soon. I want you so much, Ernest. Please.” 
He suckled her other nipple and she moaned and he slipped his finger into her wet tight passage. She cried out and he immediately withdrew his finger. “I’m sorry, Oh Rose.”
“No.. Ernest it was wonderful. Please, please, I need you more. Don’t stop.” She panted and grasped his head pulling him to her breast again.
Taking the hint he laved her breast. And stroked her folds discovering her swollen nub which she moaned softly “oh, yess” as he rubbed her very gently before once again slipping his finger down her slick folds and into her wet tight passage. She moaned and grabbed his hand pressing him into her even more.
She felt tight and still needed more. And she knew his finger was very small compared to his soldier. And then there was beautiful tension building in her unlike anything she had known other than in dreams. She also was very aware of him growing hard beneath her. She wanted, needed him.  “More..  Rub me.. Please Ernest... I need you.” 
 He was afraid he would hurt her but she was mewling, panting, begging him for more. Her passion was a revelation for him. “Rose, I want to try…” He lifted his shirt exposing himself and pulled up her chemise.
She realized what he was doing and pulled her chemise off tossing it aside. Then positioning herself so his hardness was pressed against her most sensitive nub. She moaned her need as she moved against him. “I want you in me Ernest.”
 “Not yet.” He pulled her up higher pressing his swollen tip against her aching nub and reaching around her pressing one and then carefully a second finger into her wet passage. He rocked his hips against her keeping his fingers pressed deep. He tried to keep his focus on her even as his own need was growing more urgent. He knew her passage was stretching his fingers moved smoothly now going even deeper. Then he felt her walls fluttering, tightening and she gasped arching her back crying out his name in her joy. She collapsed against his chest kissing him, whispering how much she loved him.
 He held her bareness tightly to him and there was peace in his heart that he’d never known before.
----------------To be continued----------------- 
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innerpostmentality · 6 years ago
The Road to Gretna Green Part 6 - Sore Vexation
This is an AU Fan Fic inspired by the Choices story Desire & Decorum
All rights and many thanks are accorded to Pixelberry Studios.
This takes place immediately after Part 5. Please see my Masterlist if you wish to catch up on the series.
Rating: M   Warnings: reference to injury, erotica Word count: around 2500
Tagging: @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @speedyoperarascalparty @hellospunkiebrewster @tornbetween2loves @gardeningourmet @melodyofgraves @thequeenofcronuts
Ernest closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. He stood holding her against him just breathing in silence for a long moment. The whole journey with her replaying through his head as he sought the words to answer her at last he opened his eyes and pulled back to look into her verdant gaze. “Rose…” He smiled softly and drew his thumb across her lower lip. His voice was soft and deep, “I would not take that which you can only give once without giving you my name first.” He leaned in kissing her tenderly then pressed her head to his chest where she could hear his heart hammering. “I already feel a scoundrel for taking your innocence.” She looked up at him, “You took nothing that was not freely offered Ernest.”  He kissed her again shaking his head. “Rose I have pressed intimacies on you. More than what could not be avoided. I have done so with purpose. I think… I hope that it will benefit us both in our future together. I do not want you afraid of me. I love your curiosity, your honesty, your bravery. You are teaching me as well you know.”  Her fingers danced through the soft hair dusting the center of his chest as she lifted her brow in curiosity at him. “Mister Henley what could I possibly teach you?”  “How to please you for one.” He released her from his embrace and took her hand from his chest kissing her fingers.  “Now you are dodging, Mister Henley. I will let you. But I want you to know that I know it.” She grinned sassily at him.  He had the grace to blush. “Aye. Come, minx and let us bathe each other as best we may. I still feel as though I’m wearing the alley and am done with this beard.” Going to the washstand he pulled some of the drying cloths and a sheet out then went to the fire place and stirred the fire to life adding some wood. He motioned her over and knelt down to remove her shoes and stockings.
 She braced herself carefully on his left shoulder noting his occasional wince as he would reach with his right. Running her fingers through his still damp curls she watched him as he ministered to her in silence. Gently washing her feet and then standing before her holding the damp sponge close to the fire to take the worst of the chill before sponging from her throat back down her body.
 His eyes met hers and he murmured softly “May I?” waiting her nod before he washed her breasts and her most intimate parts. Only when he was done planting a tender kiss on her navel.
It was surreal for her standing in the fire light being washed by Ernest. This aching intimacy between them caught between desire and his determined resolve. The unwavering attention of his soldier constant proof of his desire. She was fascinated by it and concerned at the same time. A frown was creasing her brow when he stood up.
He stroked the furrow gently then lifted her chin to look in her eyes. “What’s wrong my beauty?”
She blushed and dropped her gaze then looked up at him again her voice a mere whisper, “I worry for you, Ernest.” “I know I look a fright. But all will heal. Do not fret for me, my love.” He kissed her softly then handed her the sponge. “Would you help me wash this grime away?” She nodded and rinsed the sponge out then followed his example pulling off his stockings and washing his feet, before rinsing the sponge again and holding it before the fire to take the chill before stroking him with it. If her sponging had chilled her at all, her assistance with his bath was heating her from her womb out. “May, may I wash your, um, man parts?” She didn’t look up at him her face was aflame with her desire.
Had she looked she would have seen the heat in his face that matched hers perfectly. As it was she noted his hoarse whisper, “I am yours Rose. Any, any of me that you wish, that does not offend you, you may have the care of.” She rinsed the sponge again and warmed it a bit more before very gently stroking it along his aching hardness. The coolness did nothing to offset his raging need for her. And when she carefully sponged all around his ballocks and bum. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth over the moan he couldn’t contain.
 “Ernest? I would not hurt you.”
  Shaking his head he took the sponge from her and brought her hands up to kiss. “I know. You do not hurt me, Rose. This eve with all that has happened I think we are both very over taxed. I love you beyond all. And this shoulder is vexing me greatly. I want to hold you, carry you, and more.” He shook his head, “I am sore vexed.” He sighed bowing his head into his hands. Rose looked at her poor bruised beloved for a long moment. And then gently took the sponge from him. Grabbed a drying sheet and wrapped it around him drying him with tender care. She led him back over to the chair and sorted through his grooming kit finding a small vial of oil and piece of soap which she set on the table next to his razor and leather strop. “Would you like me to shave you, Ernest?” His eyes went a little wide, “Have you ever shaved anyone before, Rose?” She went over and poured a bit of the water from the pitcher into the basin before she carried it to the table. Then she went and dried herself off before she slipped on a clean chemise from her trunk. “Oh aye. There was an old man when I was growing up that my mother helped. He taught me how to shave him and would give me ha pennies for a shave. His hands were crippled when it would get cold.” She smiled at him and took him the clean shirt that Ned had brought taking the drying cloth from him before slipping it over his head then carefully helping him get his arms threaded into it. “Now you, Mister Henley, I think I have to charge you more.” She teased and looked in his eyes and ran her fingers through his scruff. “I think I must insist on kisses.” He smiled and shook his head. “Mistress Henley you are a bad banker. Paying your client for your service?” Giggling and blushing she kissed him sweetly before stropping his razor then lathering the soap in her hand and adding a few drops of oil to the lather before rubbing it into his beard. She nodded at him then held his skin on his cheek taut before making deft, sure strokes with the razor. Swishing the blade clean in the basin between each stroke. Ernest was struggling caught between amusement and passion as she made shaving faces at him puckering and pulling her mouth the way she wanted him to mimic as she shaved him. The fact that he was more at ease with her shaving him than he was with some of the barbers he’d visited over the years amazed him. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back so she could shave his throat. Her certain touch a comfort to him as the last of his beard was removed. She washed the remnants of the oil and soap from his face with a clean wet cloth and then stroked his baby smooth face before leaning to kiss him.  He looked in her eyes and held her hand. “Thank you, my sweet Love.” She smiled, “Come Ernest. Let’s to bed. This day has plagued both of us enough.” She led him to the bed and helped pull the covers over him and settle him before she went about repacking his grooming box and making certain everything was in order. His head was pounding. His shoulder a dull ache. His ribs reminding him of their abuse with every breath. And there as he watched her put out the candles, check the windows and door, and ensure the fire was properly banked for the night there was such joy in his heart he thought he may have never known happiness before. She came to him when her tasks were done and sat on the edge of the bed next to him stroking his curls. “I love you Ernest Sinclaire. In sickness and in health. I will love, honor, obey, and keep you, forsaking all others, keeping only unto you for all my days.” She kissed his forehead then each eyelid and finally, whisper softly his mouth. “Sleep my love. Sleep and heal.” She rose then and he heard the door open between their rooms though she didn’t shut it. He heard her moving about the other room before silence descended. Exhaustion weighed on him but sleep eluded him. Every discomfort magnified in the quiet. Mostly his busy thoughts taunted him. It was sensible for her to retire to the other room for both their comfort he reasoned. But he wanted her here, next to him. He missed her warmth, her soft breath against his side, the weight of her form against him. It was irrational. He told himself this. He’d slept in his own bed with no company since he was out of baby frocks. He wanted to turn but his shoulder pained him when he tried it. A few more minutes and he sat up grimacing and left the bed. He walked to her room. “Rose.?” He called quietly to her. Her voice was only a whisper in the dark, “hmmm, Ernest?” “I, I know it is… unseemly, but I would very much like to stay with you.” He heard the bed clothes rustling in the dark then she was there taking his left hand and leading him to her bed. “Let me be on your left side, Ernest.” She situated him then climbed in and snuggled against his side. “You must tell me if I cause you any discomfort.” He pulled her to him and sighed deeply, finally truly relaxing with her warmth next to him. Somehow with the silk of her hair beneath his fingers his pains eased and sleep settled gently on him.
 They awoke to knocking on the door of the adjoining room and Ned calling, “M mister Gg Grissom is b below.” Ernest sat up and groaned in pain before he called out. “Please ask Mister Grissom to break his fast. My lady and I will join him shortly.” Rose got to her knees behind him and planted a kiss on his injured shoulder and the somewhat reduced but still noticeable bump on his head before murmuring, “I love you, Ernest.” and crawling out of the bed. She reached below and pulled out the chamber pot and handed it to him then went to the other room to find the chamber pot beneath his bed for herself.  After she had relieved herself she soaked a clean cloth from the wash stand in the cold water remaining in the bucket and wrung it out. “Ernest, may I rejoin you?”  “A moment more, please.” He called back.  She set the wet cloth on the bucket and went to his trunk pulling stockings, a pair of shoes, doe skin breaches, a summery green vest and chestnut coat, and fresh neck cloth out.  There was a frustrated growl, shuffling, and another groan from the other room and she grabbed the pile of his clothes and the wet cloth from the bucket up and went to him. He was standing before the banked fire holding his right arm frowning, grimacing she realized with his eyes closed. “I am an invalid. I am so sorry Rose.”  “You are injured, Ernest. Here.” She took his left hand and coaxed him to the chair. She wiped his face with the cool cloth and then his neck and he sighed in pleasure and she saw his brow ease. She smiled in his blue eyes intent upon her and kissed him gently. “Let me help you, Love. You will feel better after we break our fast and you move about a bit. I brought you some clothes. I just hope that Mistress Fitzhew was right in her reckoning and our clothes are dry. Otherwise we will have a damp bundle to carry with us in the coach.”  He grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth to plant a hard kiss on it, closing his eyes. “Thank you, Rose.” 
She met his intense blue gaze and stroked his cheek. Then set about helping him dress with the decisive efficiency that he had come to both admire and wonder at since his injury. Her elegant grace and confident determination as she set about dressing him and dressing herself mesmerized him. Still she came to him with a shy blush asking his assistance tying her stays at her back leaving him completely bemused and enchanted. She was so counter to his past experience with women it truly puzzled him.  “Mister Henley, you are staring.” She grinned.  “Aye. A beauteous Amazon queen is caring for me. She has captured my heart and I am quite enchanted.”  She blushed, “That silver tongue of yours makes me want to kiss you.”  His eyes were dark, his pupils wide as he showed his dimple to her with his grin. “Then we are in accord. I want very much to kiss you.”  Her blush grew deeper but she shook her head. “It won’t do. And you know it. You will be in a state and I will be in a state not acceptable to meet Mister Grissom who already awaits us. Oh, Ernest…”  He smirked, “Now you dissemble. You know well the state of my soldier. Come, kiss me Rose.”
She flew to him sealing her mouth to his in fiery passion. His hand held the back of her head as their tongues danced together til their need for air broke them apart, panting, murmuring each the other’s name. He let her go after a moment. Pressing his forehead to hers. “Mistress Henley I need your true assessment. Am I fit for company?” “Mister Henley, you are a most naughty man. I fear I will have to punish you severely this evening for your naughtiness.” He lifted a brow and kissed her hand. “I shall look forward to it my dear.”
  ----------------To Be Continued------------------
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