#Chitra Ascendant
dionysus-venus · 1 year
Jihyo Chart Reading
Jihyo vedic birth chart is so easy to read because everything Onces know about her translates so obviously in her chart.
Libra Ascendant; lord in 4th house
Indicates Jihyo life focus is on her deepest inspired self or her private life. The 4th house represents emotions, privacy, lowest point, imagination and inspiration, and lineage or other aspects of us we were "born into" (nationality, culture, etc)
1st house is our energy and physical body. The "front gate" of our birth chart. Having it focus in the deepness of the 4th house can indicate a weak ability to preserve self against people, life dilemas or just any obstacles that prevents a person for living life (stress, closed-mindedness, skills, wealth, etc) but because the 4th house is good for grounding it's something that can get better with age
Capricorn Sun in 4th
Sun is weak in the 4th and Capricorn is one of the signs Sun feels weak in (because Sun and Saturn are natural enemies) so this means there is issues with confidence, happiness, and insight
Capricorn in 4th can indicate feeling restricted or overpowered in private life. On the reverse having Sun her can indicate an ability to gain power from restricting self or hard-work
Capricorn Sun is typically a placement that gets better with age because Jihyo's conscious may be very focused on restrictions and limits put on her by society or people with authority over her but may have learned to use restrictions as starting blocks or guidelines for greatness and power
Sun rules 11th house
Jihyo soul in this lifetime is focused on worldly success and fame. Sun is how we intrinsically desire to be (its our soul) and how we aim for honor in our lives by living up to our own standards and heart's desire. So Sun here can indicate a person getting honor and confidence from connecting with or seving society in a big way. Humanitarian vibes or society's muse
Sun being in the 4th and ruling the 11th creates a natural relationship that acts like a conjunction between Jihyo's private life, family or mother to her . Usually indicates gaining wealth or favors from family, lineage, or imagination. Can also indicate private life being very restricted or structured by society or fame
Libra Moon in 1st house
A lot of artists have Libra Moon (or sun) because there is comfort in creating beauty having Libra Moon in 1st house means jihyo focuses a lot on what she finds pleasing and giving art to share with others. Libra is also about justice and balance so Libra Moon. Which for a lot of celebrities shows up as being activists or another senario is always striving for greatness to balance out recieving great success
Moon rules 10th house
Moon ruling the 10th house means there is an emotional need to project life in the highest way to make a impact on the world. Or could mean there is a natural skill in expressing self in the public.
Moon being in the 1st and ruling the 10th creates a natural relationship between the two houses that acts as a conjunction between Jihyo's life direction, physical body, and persona and her career, public image & honor, services and contributions to society.
Usually indicates a natural inclination to "making it big"
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Chitra Ascendant (Star of Oppurtunity)
Ruled by Mars (aggression, courage, and energy)
Jihyo directs her life towards being creative in a very meticulous way. Feels inspiration (because Chitra is "demonic/body/desires" focused) but wants to master a physical manifestation of beauty (because chitra is guided by Tvasthar: architect of the universe). On top of that Chitra symbol is a beautiful painting or pearl (two beautiful things that takes time to create)
Chitra people are also said to have sudden crude moments where they will trigger or anger others through their insensitivity (I think also having the tiger as the yoni animal of Chitra indicates a sort of aggressive or intimidating nature) speaking of having tiger as yoni animal may indicates a majestic sexual appeal
(Nakshatra Lord) Mars in 12th conjunct Rahu
Gains and projects energy into fantasies, creativity and/or spirituality. Rahu influence here may indicate a materialistic obsession with these things and an intense desire to make these things a tangible thing in their life or to be complete immersed in these things
Shravana Sun (Star of Learning)
Jihyo soul aligns with the "star of learning" quite a few other celebrities have shravana on their Sun or Moon because it's ruled by Moon (emotions, devotion, and inspiration) but also resides in Capricorn giving a influence of Saturn(restriction, building stregnth, & lessons) This indicates learning to cater to the masses and Shravana symbol being "the ear" can, to some extent, mean being formed or greatly influenced by authorities of society or your culture (the deity wish of shravana is "may i stay in good favor of the public and not have any shame)
the combination of Moon and Saturn can also mean jihyo has a big influence on the masses because anything Saturn touches creates strgnth and power with time and discipline so jihyo can be seen as very powerful and event authoritarian herself
Moon in 1st
Moon is better understood as "your existence on earth" which is similar to how it is seen in western astrology but in vedic astrology there is an understanding of how much the moon actually represents a person's personality as it is the entire spectrum of a person's ability to experience emotions. Moon is often called the "emotional mind" because it's understood how you can emotionally experience the world turns into how your entire being is formed.
Moon in 1st or Moon conjunct Ascendant can indicate having your true deepest self align with your life direction. It can also mean jihyo feels a little unrest because the moon (which is passive and needs calm energy) is in the active and exposed part of her chart
Moon on 1st house gives a charming apperance
Swati Moon (Star of Independence)
Jihyo's deepest self and main being is focused a lot on freedom and adaptability.
Swati being ruled by the Wind God (Vayu) it shows up typically for swati peoplr that at a young age they could of felt very easily swayed or pushed around by the world around them (almost being as light as leaf having no power or stability) (which comes from Swati being ruled by Rahu the part of us that is susceptible to influence of society or pop culture)
The deity goal of Swati is "May I move freely in all the universes" which indicates an ability to master any environment or situation. This may come from Swati being in Libra there is an influence of Venus giving a feeling of pleasure from the influence of the world around them. Swati people get use to this "easily moved" aspect of themselves through socializing, and the "high" of romantic feelings.
Rahu in 12th with Mars
Rahu in 12th means there is an obsession with fantasy or most hidden desires. Having Mars here can add to the flame but Rahu is very fragile and really doesn't feel comfortable with Mars force. This can result in a lot of uncontrolled energy and indulging too much in desires against better judgement. Having moon in Rahu Nakshatra can indicate a little mastery over this aspect of jihyo though
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Didn't edit this so will have typos
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People with Chitra placements, do u ha e a thing for fancy utensils or glasses?
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harmoonix · 6 months
(Astrology Observations)
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- Aquarius Risings are good at communicating in love thanks to their Virgo/Leo axis of 7th and 8th house signs, they may also crave a lot of physical touch
- Aqua/Scorpio/Capricorn Risings can have Sirene eyes, and if you have Pluto - Asc aspects you have the same thing
- Virgo/Cancer and Taurus Risings on the other side can have doe/deer eyes shape, they really look like Bambie (the deer)
- Sun aspecting Chiron natives happens to have other people throwing their insecurities on them, like your friend feels insecure and immediately throws that energy on you
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- Chiron in the 7th house is both a curse and a blessing, sometimes you met hurt people already sometimes you're the one who hurts or heals them
- Chiron in the 12th house can show your subconscious is in pain, and can mostly be from your past life, does it happens to have a lot of deja-vu?
- Mercury in the 7th house are so good at talking and expressing their love language. I really love how comfortable they can get around people
- Mars in the 11th house sometimes creates a "love-hate relationship" between you and your friends, even conflicts can rise up
- Venus in Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) can really have an outstanding fashion style because of the uniqueness degrees of Aquarius energy
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- Mercury at 8°, 20° degrees they can literally talk about every taboo topics without any fear of judgement. Their talk is freely open to everything
- Pisces Sun/Venus/Moons/Rising can get influenced more easier than others and I can say is that because of their neptunian energy
- Jupiter Dominant natives are wise from a young age, they perceive things differently than other people. They're also very lucky in their life path
- Venus in Fire Signs loves to be chased in love. Like that's a way to show you're interested in them, sometimes they can play hard to get too
- Earth Moons are the most stable people I know both physically and mentally, their are so strong in both things but sometimes they can have a hard time to balance those things out
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- The Ethereal energy of a Virgo Moon is so naturally beautiful, they are the best supporters of people. So charming, calm and kind
- Uranus in the 2nd house can end up buying things they never expected before, for example you never expect to buy a phone you liked before
- Venus conjunct Pluto is so "Obsessed" vibes, people get so obsessed with them very easily, and you know they are damn loyal to you
- Pisces Moons & Moon in the 12th house have an energy like they are sometimes aware of what happens around them and sometimes they are not
- Neptune & Jupiter/Uranus in the 12th house are so spiritually connected with their subconscious, they can sense entities and often experience goosebumps (Spirit Signal)
- South Node in the 9th house can indicate that in a past life you gave your life for religion/God/etc.. and you need to focus more on yourself in this one especially at expressing yourself
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- Sun & Lilith aspects are the most rebellious people you'll met, but they also have a side magnetism to them that makes people to like them
- Guys imagine having a man who wants a traditional wife/spouse but you don't have any 4th house placements like 👁️👄👁️ (Traditional guys scare the sht out of me like go away)
- Sagittarius Sun/Moon/Rising/Mars natives are so wild. Like they can be the wildest people you'll met through your life and do the most craziest things with
- If you have an empty 7th house just look at its ruler everytime you want to discover more about your future spouse (specific person)
For example if you have 7H in Taurus look at your Venus. 7H in Aquarius look at both Saturn and Uranus as your 7th house rulers
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- Mars at Virgo Degrees (6°. 18°) have a good looking/attractive waist. Virgo rules upon that body part and it tells you about your attractiveness
- This is just between us but Mercury - Pluto aspects can be good at lying, if someone has prominent or strong aspects between those they are good liars
- Saturn in the 6th house natives are both productive and tired in the same way. Like you try to be productive or to work and suddenly you get tired.. damn
- I have Saturn quincunx Venus and honestly the energy it feels like having Saturn opposite Venus is just so hard sometimes to fall in love especially if you have questions about a specific person
- Asteroid Juno (3) sextile/trine/conjunct Mars are looking for a really hot, fierce, sparkling relationship like they want everything that's intense
- My asteroid Groom (5129) is at 1° (Aries Degrees family, 1°, 13°, 25°) and I read more about those degrees and I find that the spouse can have some dominant, confident, powerful, leader traits basically describing an Aries
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- 2nd house placements are always hungry or thinking about food. Especially Sun/Moon/Venus in the 2nd house are really power hungry
- Sometimes Pluto/Neptune in the 6th house can indicate problems with health and that you'll need to prioritize your health
- Moon in the 8th house can indicate that in general the women in your family could've have suffered a lot, like your mother/grandmother/grand-grand mother etc..
- Water signs in the 5th house can indicate a passion/talent towards swimming/surfing 🌊
- Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 11th house can indicate that you make friends easily or just connecting with people easily
- In the vedic chart Chitra is my Nakshatra (2nd Pada) if you have the same star in the vedic chart is like a combination between the materialistic and spiritual world and you need to find a balance in between (What I love about this is that Chitra's symbol is a shell 🐚 and I love shells with all my life)
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- Neptune in the 7th house natives can create an illusion about their partners, like creating something that is not real about them, sometimes even fake scenarios
- Gosh people with the 10th house placements really focus mostly in their lives on their career/job/career path like this is so important for them. They really want to succeed
- Venus conjunct Mars or Venus and Mars in the same house makes the native to more passionate towards the lovers in their lives, they're full of surprises
- Neptune square/opposite Moon cannot be aware of their spiritual side or aware of their intuition, but they are so powerful when they search more about it
- Lilith in Water Signs really have beautiful eyes, you will get lost in their ocean eyes 👀, just like a sirene in her natural habitat
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With all the love and peace have a good day today
🐚 Harmoonix 🐚
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the-moon-devi · 9 months
Astro Indicators Of Being Curvy
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Reminder! This can change based off of genetics, and if you have any harsh aspects from saturn to any of these planets/placements.
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🍑 Jupiter Dominance~ Individuals with Jupiter as one of their dominant planets tend to have a curvaceous appearance or a particular body part that is noticeably larger. However, this trait usually manifests in conjunction with other factors. Jupiter governs the legs, which often leads to this body part being much more prominent than others.
🍑 Moon/Venus Dominance: Both of these are feminine planets. Having 1 or both of these as your top 3 dominant planets gives the native a natural, curvy shape and womanly appearance. Moon gives you softness and bust. Moon can also bring the weight, while venus brings in the shape and curves. Moon rules boobs and venus rules the butt.
🍑 Sag/Taurus/Cancer/Libra dominant
🍑 Ceres in 1h/ conjunct Asc~ This is the asteroid of motherhood. And from what I've notice this brings women specifically a plumpness and curviness to their appearance. Their womanly body parts are more accentuated. Usually the chest area is prominent too!
Ex: Marilyn Monroe
🍑 Saggittarius Ascendants- our centaurs bring the legs. Lol. Although it doesn't always have to be the legs but it's usually something nice about that area. Sag Ascendants are ruled by the planet of expansion (jupiter) so its never surprising when I see that they are thicker than most people in their family.
🍑 purva ashada Ascendants
🍑 Cancer Ascendants- cancer all around brings womanliness, and femininity. They can sometimes embody that motherly figure of having wider hips and being thicker especially once they get older. Most the times when we see Cancer Ascendants who are slim they usually have saturn or mercurial influence on the Ascendant. Cancer can also bring the tata's.
🍑 Libra/Taurus Ascendants
🍑 7th house lord (positively aspecting) jupiter/moon
🍑 Moon in 2nd,1st,7th,4th house
🍑 Venus - Jupiter
🍒 Venus - Moon
🍒 4th house ruler aspecting Jupiter
🍒 Jupiter in 1h, 2h, 4h
🍒 Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purvabhadrapada in big 3
🍒 Jupiter aspecting sun/moon, ascendant, ascendant ruler
🍒 Mars ruled nakshatras in big 3; dhanistha,Mrigashira, Chitra
🍒 Aqaurius Moon/ Uranus - Moon; The Curious Case of Aquarius and Curviness/
It's perplexing to think about how Aquarius or even Uranus could be related to body shape. However, these celestial bodies are known for ruling trends, and in recent years, it has become fashionable to embrace curves. Women who are curvier than the norm, especially those from diverse cultural backgrounds, have become the face of uniqueness. Aquarius, the outcast of the zodiac, can bring attention to unconventional body parts on women. This can be unexpected and may occur with age, causing body image issues in some women, especially those with an Aquarius moon. This sign also brings a taboo or otherworldly appearance, which is why I believe Sarah Baartman, who was treated like an animal for her appearance, was an Aquarius moon. Women with an Aquarius moon can stand out because of their unique nature, as this sign is associated with trends. Not all Aquarius moon women are going to be curvy, but it is understandable why some plus-size models with an Aquarius influence on their moon have been celebrated for breaking beauty standards.
Ex: Barbie Ferreira, Ashley Graham, Precious Lee, and Mia Amber Davis w/ Moon conjunct Uranus
🍒 Moon aspecting Ascendant
🍒 Moon- Jupiter
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The more you have the thicker you are. It usually takes a combination of these. If you have these and still aren't considered to be thick, check and see if you have saturn or mercury impacting your ascendant or ascendant ruler.
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮
𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓞𝓾𝓽.....
𝓗𝓸𝓽 𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂
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©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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cutiepieloves131 · 5 months
Indicators of having a hourglass or pear body in Vedic
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𓆩Note𓆪: First off let me make this clear obviously genetics have a huge for this, and second I've listed certain indicators in this post is because of what I had found in most celebrity women's charts, also some of the indicators and aspects is applied in tropical too. 🤎
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Jupiter Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mars Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 1st Ruler in 4th house or aspecting 4th house
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 1st Ruler in 7th house or aspecting 7th house
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishta in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Rohini, Hasta, and Shravana in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purva Bhadrapada in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Bharani, Purva Phalguni, and Purva Ashada in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus - Jupiter
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Jupiter
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus - Mars
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Mars
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mars - Jupiter
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Venus
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Pushya in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Jupiter - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mars - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon in 4th house or aspecting 4th house Ruler
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon in 7th house or aspecting 7th house Ruler
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Jupiter in 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, and aspecting 1st house ruler
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon in 1st, 4th house, 7th house, and aspecting 1st house ruler
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cleopheanne · 5 months
Random astrology observations (very shallow but fun ig)
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- Mercury conjunct sun in a chart gives very logical/mathematical intelligence you will find that the best student in the classroom always have this conjunction, the closest is the orb, the more pronounced are these qualities.
- Venus in exaltation gives deep thinking abilities and it is perfect for philosophy, think about philosophers like Kant, Plato (allegedly), Karl Marx. Or even scientists like Albert Einstein ( Venus in revati),all influenced our modern world in an unthinkable way.
-Jupiterians remind me of the perfect rennaissance man who is all-rounded excelling in every sphere of intelligence: you will find that they really have a deep love for education: absorbing information and utilizing it in everyday of their lives.
- Ketu people are so funny, the funniest imo like they are kind of lost and dgaf about people so they are really blunt and random it's just very comical
- Mars men are popular or rather notorious: they just have an effect on girls from what I observed: Chitra and Dhanista men most of the time. I know a Chitra sun guy that winks at you everytime you cross eyes with him lol, a dhanista sun and ascendant boy that I know had girls writing their snapchats all over his backpack in high-school also he would get purchased by them like they would form circles around him it was pretty funny to see
- Purva bhadrapada men are SASSY
- Rohini women are really sensitive about their appearance and love when people are jealous of them
- Venusians have a keen eye for aesthetics
- When it comes to writing poetry: Virgo people are simply the best : Uttara phalguni, Hasta and Chitra
- Ketu women are able to see through the illusions of life: especially ketu on the ascendant, their intuition is simply always right
- Having your sun in the 11th house makes you very likable, if it is not afflicted you will have a large circle of friends, be well known in your area.
- A lot of energy in the 12th house add an air of mystery on an individual it can really scare some people off: they can be excluded from their community, can be deemed as scary or weird
- If you want a venusian to like you : be pleasant, smell good, be funny, make them eat well, give out thoughtful gifts. Venus loves sensorial stimulation
- If you want to know what life direction you should be taking, look at your d9 and d60 charts
- Pisces women are in tune with their sexualities: they can loose their virginity at a really young age and are curious about this side of life
- Ashlesha people need to be careful about what they say: they grow up in really harsh environments so they internalize this harshness and sometimes they can really projects on others and hurt with their words for nothing kind of like a snake
Anyways I think that's all I will comeback with more astrology observations on more specific subjects.
Also be mindful, you can not analyze a chart without looking at it completely so these are not to be taken at the letter close, it can always differ depending on the chart: it is simply for entertainment.
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marsprincess889 · 25 days
Part 4
I thought, why not
Editing and finishing this as I have a face mask on
Bharanis are very sensitive, in a very misunderstood way. They're often either dangerously passive and stubborn or fiercely proactive, and this comes from the fact that they can read people well, and are sensitive to the energies around them. They know the importance of sticking to their own convictions/their way. Bharani is the place where you MUST NOT be fooled into submission and gaslighting, no matter who it comes from. It's where all kinds of forces try to enforce influence on you, right when you are so aware of your true calling/desire(s). That's why this nakshatra is so prominent in the charts of great philosophers and thinkers. They are defensive and secretive, but it all comes from the necessity to protect their truth, which is their life, and everything to them. Do not mistake their defensiveness as childish defiance. They know the pain of giving up and the strength it requires to stand up to themselves.
I said this multiple times, and I'm saying at again: ketu is VERY IMPORTANT. look at your ketu nakshatra and just take it in for a sec. Its infulence is on everything. Since you can rarely attribute that infulence on a specific thing in a person, it's often overlooked, but once you start looking at ketu in charts and apply it to the native/their life, you cannot unsee it. Also, when you are being natural, when life feels effortless and when you don't think a lot, oftentimes the appearance of your ketu will come to the surface, i mean, you'll be able to see it physically. Ik I don't look like my ketu nakshatra at first glance but boy do i see it when I look in the mirror, and I like it a lot. Oftentimes, as I've noticed, people love their ketu.
Your true essence, I think, is moon+ketu(very personal and mostly private but extremely important. They color the most of your inner world), then sun+ascendant(your way of dealing with the world, also very important) and atmakaraka+amatyakaraka(your path to yourself). Your chart ruler(ruling planet of your rising sign) is kind of separate but still visible, and it colors the whole chart, but unlike ketu, it's more on the surface and more visible in the native's behavior. I'm not saying you should disregard other placements, but this is how I see them.
Some nakshatras that I think are most prone to agitation/reactiveness(in order of their appearance from Ashwini to Revati, not ranked): Ardra, Ashlesha, Chitra, Vishakha, Purva Ashadha(?), Dhanishta.
In contrast, most stoic and hard to get a reaction out of: Pushya, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha, Shatabhisha, Uttara Bhadrapada.
Ketu in Ashlesha is dangerous like I know it personally(I don't have it tho). Ketu, unless exalted and/or developed by the native(conciously or subconciously) is mostly in a state of ignorance. Ashlesha is, dare I say, the most manipulative placement, but the tragedy is that Ashlesha natives kinda need it, that's what they know. It's the torturous place of attachments and distance and forced attachments and forced distance, of abuse and healing and alertness on a deeply nervous and emotional level. Ketu, the planet of raw, dangerously powerful stored energy and experience in a place like that can be horrible, for both the native and the people around them, especially if the native is unaware of their behavior.
Uttara Phalgunis can be taken for granted by others, especially people they're close to, but those people still refuse to let the U. Phalguni native go. They're so "Sunny" and supportive that some people refuse to take them seriously. The thing with Sun nakshatras though is that they have inner strength and are in no way naive, they just have trust because they trust themselves and know and are proud of their convictions. U. Phalgunis' convictions almost always include support and loyalty to people close to them/dear to their heart, but unfortunately, not everyone can appreciate that for what it is and pass it off as naivety. Mostly it comes from people who value manipulation, which Uttara Phalgunis hate. Uttara Phalguni women/girls especially can be seen as "good girls" at first glance, or as "vanilla", but in reality, it's based on their inner strength and trust in themselves. Ik this sounds biased, that's just because it's personal and I know many examples of it, mine and others. This one's for the "good" ones.
Interesting thing I've noticed: Krittikas, despite being a Sun nakshatra, have a reputation of being "aggressive"? I would not say they're aggressive, but they can be more reactive than other sun nakshatras. Krittika starts in Aries(ram), which is ruled by the active Mars. It's yoni animal is a sheep/goat/ram(sources vary). I mean, its essence is that of fire, and its meaning is "to cut", so, they're kind of aggressive about their individuality/selectivity/. They're aggressively stoic, if that makes sense.
To expand on the point above, a great way to understand nakshatras is to view their ruling planet as what is given/what we have, and the rashi(s) that it's in as what is done with it. So, for example, if Bharani is about protecting/defending(mars/aries) beauty, life and love(Venus), Mrigashira(the Taurus part) is about beautifying/enjoying(passive venus/taurus) pursuit/defiance(Mars). You can see how different those are, especially because a planet ruling a rashi is not the same as a planet ruling a nakshatra, they manifest slightly differently.
Another great way to understand nakshatras is to learn their mythology. I am very well aware that different sources say different things, and ik it's more tiring than rewarding to go from site to site but you can take little details that are consistent and stick to them. For example, Revati's god Pushan is known as the one who guides, who nourishes, but he's the nourishing form of a Sun god. So now you see that Revati is solar in nature, rather than Saturnian(its opposite). It's all about association and how different associations relate to each other. I think this kind of approach is better than relying on other people's opinions and observations.
So, this is all I guess?
Interact pleaseeeeeeeeee 😩💕 esp reblog and comment
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hoodreader · 26 days
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I. AFROSTROLOGY: hair inspiration for black people who want to try a new hairstyle but feel stuck. including natural hair styles & texture diversity.
all of this is theoretical, especially the vedic sidereal. so please keep that mind before u gone and take the advice of tumblr user hoodreader. ur own chart still has its own personal contexts that cannot be accounted for in a random post online, haha. so i’d advise to read primarily from a tropical western lens.
while anyone can read & enjoy this post, it is made with black people (and black hair) in mind. for that reason, my explanations will be from a black perspective.
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HAIRSTYLE ONE 🌹 BIG CHOP. when u remove a large bulk of ur hair.
people big chop for a lot of reasons. for one, there’s financial costs. black hair care is expensive. and that’s because a lot of these companies are scamming us but i digress. when u have less hair, u can use less product. other reasons are cultural or spiritual. some is because certain hair types can be time consuming to work with. other reasons are because the person likes their hair short!
so whatever ur reason, cutting ur hair is a great choice for people wanting to do something daring or powerful with their appearance. read on to see my theories on big chopping.
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MARTIANS. mars in the first house, aspecting the ascendant or inner planets, aspecting saturn, aries, capricorn, or scorpio placements.
maybe mars-ruled nakshatras (mrigashira, chitra, and dhanishta.) honorary mention to krittika nakshatra especially aries rashi, granted krittika is solar.
WHY? mars rules over sharp objects and things being cut. and krittika itself is the nakshatra associated with knives. mars is associated with short hair (both by choice & by balding). and mars is the planet associated with masculinity — long hair is viewed as a feminine trait. thus… martian girls tend to be “dark feminine,” androgynous, or masculine in presentation.
mars is also the planet of the face, & i think martians tend to have “cut” faces (defined features, appearing carved.) likewise, i think the hair sometimes conceals the face and when hair is removed, u can more easily see the face.
for the martian naks… “maybe” is the operative word. in my case, i only really see chitras experimenting with their hair length. but krittikas? absolutely. aries rashi krittikas look amazing with short hair cuts. very elf-like.
SATURNIANS. saturn in the first house, saturn aspecting the ascendant. capricorn placements. saturn aspecting the inner planets.
maybe saturn-ruled nakshatras (pushya, anuradha, and uttara bhadrapada.) etc.
WHY? it honors saturn to regularly purge or energetically cleanse. this doesn’t have to be as dramatic as a big chop, but they are a form of it. our hair holds a large amount of energy.
i notice women - especially black - cling to dead, unhealthy hair b/c the fixation on length. whether the ends are splitting up the shaft, or it’s chemically / heat damaged, etc. i think that’s because black women tend to have trauma relating to hair. cutting ur hair usually frees u from that cycle of valuing urself so much on ur hair. ur more than that.
explanation from @/vindelllas. it reads, “if one suddenly removes their hair, they will likely feel the energies they so desperately crave move in that direction. to clarify, u probably have noticed how if someone is particularly struggling with their mental health, they like to cut or shave their hair.” — if u have the urge to make that step, it’s for a reason. u may crave to be “pruned” in order to control ur energy absorption.
now… for the saturn-ruled nakshatras… “maybe” is the operative word. i can’t really imagine pushyas liberally cutting their hair unless they had some martian or rahuvian influence. for anuradha, maybe to the chin or shoulders. i’m unsure about uttarabhadra.
RAHUVIANS. rahu aspecting the ascendant, or in the first house, rahu aspecting inner planets (especially saturn, venus, or moon), planets in rahu-ruled nakshatras (ardra, swati, shatabisha.) etc.
rahu is another body associated with short hair (through choice or baldness). & in my opinion, they undergo radical changes in appearance. they’re similar to martians in how they present themselves in a “dark feminine” way, or just refusing to subscribe to patriarchy.
i think the best public example of this would be doja cat, a chitra rahu conjunct her first house chitra sun & ascendant. she experienced a nodal reversal and immediately cut off her hair. then began reclaiming her kinky hair texture that was stigmatized against, to the point where she would verbalize that she hated it or she would cover it with wigs. but when she cut it off, i think it was the sign that she was beginning to undergo a transformation.
rahu is destructive and rebellious, including of beauty standards. i notice when rahuvian women first cut their hair, they sorta get addicted to the freedom from conventional femininity and they almost never let their hair grow back out again. for the rahu woman, it’s definitely a form of power reclamation.
KETUVIANS. ketu aspecting the ascendant, or in the first house, aspecting the inner planets (especially saturn, venus, or moon), planets in ketu-ruled nakshatras (ashwini, magha, mula.) etc.
ketu is the headless body, so ketuvians might sometimes cut very lowly. like, bald low.
ketuvians may cut their hair in response to something spiritual. and to be honest, i think “something spiritual” is always the motivation when someone cuts their hair. but for ketuvians, i don’t think it’s about getting powerful. i think it’s about detachment, especially for the reason that ketu is associated with long hair. cutting that off is a sign of surrender.
where the rahuvians cut their hair to obtain power, ketuvians i feel cut their hair to surrender the desire for it at all. like how monks shave.
ALTERNATIVES. i get if someone may be apprehensive about cutting their hair off. so if u aren’t sure u would want to commit to that, try layers or getting ur ends trimmed, or a short wig. i also recommend veiling (for nodals or saturnians). and yes! wearing wigs or lace fronts is a form of veiling. personally, i am against wearing human hair for ethical and spiritual reasons, & i’d advise against it unless it’s intentional.
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i think it’s worth taking into consideration that black people’s relationship to hair will not mirror what’s believed in other cultures, such as in vedic.
other cultures have an extensive history of anti blackness towards black hair, whether it’s how it naturally looks or how we choose to style it. especially in regions of the world such as south asia.
and that’s why i made this post! for a pro-black perspective on these things as to not inadvertently imply uncivilization or unruliness based on our features. black is beautiful. u are beautiful. and i hope u feel empowered by this post.
with love, hoodreader.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Hourglasses: Vedic Astrology Analysis
I've already made posts about how different planets/naks affect one's facial appearance. I thought it would be interesting to see how one's placements affect one's body as well.
This is going to be a long post so grab some popcorn and lezz gooo
This post will focus on what creates an hourglass body aka the most desirable female body type, astrologically.
Let us begin with THE hourglass lady
Marilyn Monroe
This is a woman whose name was synonymous with "hourglass" and who popularized this body type in the 1950s.
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She's Rohini Sun, Dhanishta Moon and Ashlesha Rising
2. Elizabeth Taylor
Liz was also known for her hourglass bod. While Marilyn had an "ingenue" image, Liz was a siren.
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Shatabhisha Sun, Vishaka Moon and Jyeshta Rising
3. Beyonce
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She's Purvaphalguni Sun, Vishaka Moon and Chitra Rising
4. Sofia Vergara
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She's Punarvasu Sun & Moon
5. Scarlett Johansson
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Anuradha Sun & Rising with Vishaka Moon. Mercury in Jyeshta atmakaraka
6. Salma Hayek
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She's Purvaphalguni Sun with UBP moon. Venus in Ashlesha atmakaraka
7. Christina Hendricks
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Bharani Sun, Shravana Moon, Rohini Rising with Venus in Mrigashira atmakaraka
8. Brigitte Bardot
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Hasta Sun, Rohini Moon and Jyeshta Rising with Saturn in Dhanishta atmakaraka
9. Sophia Loren
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Uttaraphalguni Sun, Dhanishta Moon (atmakaraka) and Mula rising
10. Kat Dennings
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Mrigashira Sun, Magha Moon, Mars in Uttarashada atmakaraka
11. Kelly Brook
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Anuradha Sun, Purvashada Moon and Hasta Rising. Venus in Jyeshta amatyakaraka, Mercury in Vishaka atmakaraka
12. Jessica Simpson
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Punarvasu Sun & Mercury (atmakaraka), Ardra Moon, Vishaka Rising
13. Pamela Anderson
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Ardra Sun, Aswini Moon and Mrigashira Rising
Mars in Chitra atmakaraka, Mercury in Punarvasu amatyakaraka
14. Dita Von Teese
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Hasta Sun & Mercury, Mrigashira Moon and Ketu in Punarvasu
Venus in Ashlesha atmakaraka
15. Anita Ekberg
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Hasta Sun, Venus & Ketu, Aswini Moon, Mercury in Uttaraphalguni atmakaraka and Jupiter in Ashlesha amatyakaraka
16. Jean Harlow
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Shatabhisha Sun, Revati Moon atmakaraka, Uttaraphalguni Rising and Ketu in Vishaka
17. Mae West
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Magha Sun, Ardra Moon, Krittika Rising, Venus in Punarvasu atmakaraka
18. Honey Lee
Shatabhisha Sun, Chitra Moon (amatyakaraka), Mercury in Dhanishta atmakaraka, Venus conjunct Mars in UBP
19. Kim Novak
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Dhanishta Sun & Mercury, Shravana venus, saturn and rising, Uttaraphalguni Moon & Jupiter (atmakaraka)
20. Rita Hayworth
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Chitra Sun & Mercury, UBP/PBP Moon, Krittika Rising, Jupiter in Punarvasu atmakaraka
21. Claudia Cardinale
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Aswini Sun & Mercury, Venus (atmakaraka) & Ascendant in Bharani, Moon in Swati
22. Gina Lollobrigida
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Ardra Sun, Purva Phalguni, Mrigashira Rising, Mars in Ashlesha atmakaraka
23. Jennifer Lopez
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JLo is Pushya Sun, Mercury & Rising, Vishaka Moon, Venus in Mrigashira atmakaraka
24. Jayne Mansfield
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Aswini Sun, Dhanishta Moon, Ardra Rising, Mars conjunct Ketu in Magha
25. Dahyun from Twice
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Dahyun is Rohini Sun, Ardra Moon, Mercury in Krittika atmakaraka
26. Jennie
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Jennie is Uttarashada Sun, Vishaka Moon and Ketu in Revati
27. Priyanka Chopra
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She's Punarvasu Sun & Mercury, Rohini Moon & Rising
28. Sridevi
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Sridevi was Ashlesha Sun & Rising (and Venus) with Krittika Moon
29. Katrina Kaif
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Katrina is a Punarvasu Sun (atmakaraka), Hasta Moon and Pushya Mercury & Rising with Ketu in Jyeshta
30. Tammanah
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Mula Sun, Hasta Moon, Mercury in Purvashada atmakaraka with Ketu in Ashlesha
From all the above mentioned ladies and their placements what's apparent to me is that a combination of Moon/Jupiter/Saturn/Mercury in a chart is what creates an hourglass body on a woman. Obviously you can have all these placements and have another body type because genetics also play a role <3
Moon and Jupiter are what create curves, Mercury & Saturn are what determines bone structure.
So a balance between the two is what creates a body that is voluptuous yet ideally proportionate.
So many women on this list have Mercury atmakaraka/amatyakaraka and manyyy have Ashlesha as their atmakaraka nakshatra or another Mercurial nak in their big 3. Ardra nak crops up often because it belongs to Gemini (mercury) rashi and creates small ish, delicate bone structure
Mars & Venus are secondary influences and usually prominent in the charts of taller, more voluptuous hourglasses.
Taurus rashi and Gemini rashi were the most common among these famous hourglass women
Feline yoni (cat, tiger, lion) was also popular which makes sense because these women have a very animal like magnetism. Animals in the cat family are very sexy but also dangerous. Another common yoni animal was Serpent yoni. I had previously observed that Serpent yoni was common in the charts of most sex symbols. And most of these women on this list are considered sex symbols.
I hope this was insightful <3
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veronicawildest · 2 months
Btw, If you are offended by my posts or anything I write, feel free to block me or whatever. Just don't argue in the comments, Ok?
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I converted the kundli of some politicians (Mostly among them presidents) And the patterns that came out were overwhelmingly Mars rashi and/or nakshatra.
Claire Nakti isn't joking when she said that Mars nakshatra are often into politics. (she said it at the Mars dominant men video)
(Disclaimer: The ascendant are from Astro-seek and the other ones are from Astro(dot)com birth time verification)
• John Adams (Former President of U.S) - Ashwini moon, Rahu and Mars in 1st house of Chitra nakshatra
• Joe Biden (As of writing this, Current President of U.S) - Anuradha sun , Ashwini moon and Anuradha rising
• James Buchanan (Former President of U.S) - Ashwini sun with Mars and Ketu
•George Herbert Walker Bush (Former President) - Mrigashira sun, Chitra moon
• George Walker Bush (Former President) - Chitra moon
•Barack Obama (Former President) - Dhanista rising
•Donald Trump (Former and Candidate for President) - Mrigashira sun, Jyestha moon
•Kamala Harris (Vice President and Currently Running for President) - Chitra sun, Ashwini moon with Mrigashira rising
•Ronald Reagan (Former President) - Dhanista sun, Bharani moon
•Droupadi Murmu (Current President of India) - Mrigashira sun
• Frank Walter Steinmeier (Current President of Germany) - Chitra moon
• Leni Robredo (Former Vice President of Philippines) - Ashwini sun
• BongBong Marcos ( Current President of Philippines) - Ashwini moon
• Joko Widodo (Current President of Indonesia) - Mrigashira sun
• Benigno Aquino lll ( Former President of Philippines) - Dhanista sun, Mrigashira moon, Ashwini rising
• Napoleon Bonaparte ( French General and Emperor) - Chitra rising
Final note: the sun nakshatra were prominent too in other politicians (it's either in their moon or sun) and surprisingly, Sidereal Sagittarius Rashi (doesn't matter the nakshatra)
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lola-jo · 1 year
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The full story
Nakshatra Beauty Series:
Ketu Nakshatras
Ashwini Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) Magha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) Mula Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant)
Venus Nakshatras
Bharani Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Purva Phalguni Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Purva Ashadha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon!
Moon Nakshatras
Rohini Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Hasta Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) Shravana Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon!
Sun Nakshatras
Krittika Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Uttara Phalgunī Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Uttara Ashadha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon!
Mars Nakshatras
Mrigashīrsha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Chitra Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Dhanishta Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon!
Rahu Nakshatras
Ardra Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Swati Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Shatabhisha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant)
Jupiter Nakshatras
Punarvasu Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Vishakha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Purva Bhadrapada Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon!
Saturn Nashatras
Pushya Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Anuradha (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Uttara Bhadrapada Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon!
Mercury Nakshatras
Ashlesha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Jyeshtha Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon! Revati Chandra (Moon) / Lagna (Ascendant) - Coming Soon!
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rabiosantologia · 1 year
→ Volume 1
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cardboardheartss · 4 months
Nara Smith D1 Chart Analysis + Astrocatoraphy
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Firstly Nara is a Sharavana Nakshatra/Moon native. Which actually explains why she is soo beautiful! Mainly her eyes, her eyes are the 1st thing you could possibly notice about Nara along with her cute bunny smile too!
Nara has her Dhanishtha Uranus, Shravana Neptune, Shravana Moon and obviously a Shravana Ascendant. Nara has a capricorn (Vedic) stellium which actually makes sense because her bone strucutre is really prominent and her body type is lean. Saturn aslo rules the skin too and Nara has openly spoken about her skin condition eczema (twinnie lol).
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Naras Uranus is sextile her Jyeshtha Chiron (11H), this could mean Nara has had unfortunate problems with friendships and this had probably made her transform to better/worse, and worse in a sense of her building her guard up and being more careful on picking friends. This 11H placement could possibly also represent the immense hate she receives on social media but she is able to control herself and not let her emotions get to her.
Nara has a 2H lilith in Shatabhisha at 10 degrees, and that is a Capricorn degree! Nara loves her money to be quite honest, and remeber Capricorn is ruled by saturn, saturn is the time/age lord. Nara married Lucky Blue Smith, who is 3 years older than her. Her Purva Phalguni Venus is in her 8H, which represents peoples finances and it is common for SOME but NOT ALL 8H venus to marry into money.
Nara’s Venus is also sextile her Swati MC (10H), this makes because when she uploads her video she always dresses up to the T! Her outfits look like they cost a lot of money, and also the cutlery and plating she uses seem to have quite expensive pricing.
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Nara’s Chitra Mercury in the 10H at 3 degrees (cancer degree) made me giggle lol! Nara is also known for speaking in a really soft and soothing voice! The 10H represents fame and what things one could be known for based off the planets and Nara has her Mercury, the sign of communication. Andd i am certain we all have seen the “Nara Smith Style” trend going on, and people literally mimic her voice and her actions too!
Now for her 6H placements! Overall, the 6H represents diets, routines, work andd hygiene. Nara has her Ardra Jupiter and Rahu in this cusp! SHE WAS BORN TO DO THIS!! Firstly one thing we obviously have to point out is… have you not noticed how clean and well edited Nara’s videos are?
+another thing i would like to point out is how Gemini rules over Mercury, and her Mercury is in her 10H, andd people on social media mimic the same voice tone and actions she does in her videos.
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She is percise, and i blame that on her Hasta (Virgo) Sun lol! Nara uploads videos EVERYDAY and she is cooking, which can mean it is in fact her daily routine at times though… i mean a fan posted a picture of her standing in line at Shake Shack lol! Her Jupiter, planet of luck, she will obviously gain a lot from this and she really is good at what she does… it almost seems natural if you ask me!
Nara has her Hasta Sun in the 9H. One thing i would have to point out is her possible or proven devotion to her religions. Her Sun is squaring her Jupiter, and we all had seen the discourse about her religion and that had unfortunately led her to get a hate train, and it some how made her lose support as well.
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Damn! She has another Capricorn degree in her Sun, with the Saturn degree there, it could represent that people who mess with her do in fact get their karma, and people did. Majority of users on social media are in full support of Nara now!
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Nara’s Purva Ashadha Mars at 16 degrees (Cancer degree) is in her 12H, with that Water + Fire sign combination in MARS… i would avoid angering Nara because she could possibly get really scary. Her Maternal ancestors are there for 1000% and trust they will also go ham on you too if you mess with their baby lol. Now for Mula Ketu in this 12H as well, this could Nara really extroverted/introverted around those closest to her.
Nara also has her Ketu trine Venus, and this could mean that she has a lot of luck in terms of gaining an intrest in occult practices/astrology OR she could already have an intrest in it and is not overly sharing it with the public.
Overall, Nara is one extremely down-to-earth women. She knows how to create a business and is also a great mom, and she was born to be one too! thanks to her lucky Rohini POF and Vertex!
For Naras Astrocatoraphy lines, she has the Chiron line passing right through her home country Germany! In her Tropical natal chart, Nara has a Sagittarius 11H Chiron, which once again points out how Nara could have grown up being excluded for being half-black or coming from an interracial relationship andd as well as being an African too!
Her Saturn line, which in her Natal chart is in the 5H in Gemini could also mean this delayed her opportunity of finding friends or this could also show that she had trouble learning the language quickly but she eventually got the hang of it!
Nara has her Moon line passing through South Africa, in her Natal Chart its 1H Aquarius Moon at 9 degrees (Sagittarius) . This could mean she feels quite detacthed or not South African enough because she had to emigrate when she was younger! but i hope she knows we support her fully over her this side lol! <3
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Welp! Thats it for Nara Smith for nowww!
Thank you for reading!
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astroesque · 1 year
Chitra and Vishakha Women: Striking Energy (Tigress Beauty)
I’ve noticed that Chitra and Vishakha women are some of the most striking and fierce women out there. Not only do they possess an intense physical attractiveness, they also have a very fiery and strong personality. It is difficult to control these women and make them appease to others. They are very independent and do not submit to others just like that. On the other hand, these women are very loyal and kind to the people they care for. However, if they do not like you, they will not hesitate to make it obvious and put you in your place. I’ve seen this trait particularly with Chitra women/people most but some Vishakhas possess this quality too. As for their physical appearance, these women have an intense beauty and are very distinct in appearance. Their look is very striking and unforgettable. It’s easy to recognize these women in a crowd because it’s rare anyone will actually look like them. Like a tigress, their look can be intimidating and fierce. They can have large/prominent eyes that can feel as if they are looking right through you. Their hair is also very healthy and well done. Similar to how tigresses have a beautiful coat and striking eyes. One example of this “tigress beauty” is Kate Upton who has Chitra moon and ascendant. She also modeled with a tiger cub for Harper’s Bazaar.
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Another example of this beauty type is Katy Perry who has Moon and Ascendant in Vishakha. She made a music video, “Roar” which is about a tiger. She also wore a tigress costume on X-factor.
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venussaidso · 1 year
Hasta Moon Hasta Moon
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Hasta Sun Hasta Moon
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Hasta Sun Hasta Sun
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Hasta Moon Hasta Sun
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Hasta ASC Hasta Moon
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Hasta Moon Hasta Moon
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As you can see, the appearance of Hasta men is different from Hasta women's. Hasta women have more slimmer, ethereal, fairy-like features and a petite frame. While Hasta men will look like Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon.
Hasta men have a mixture of soft and sharp features. Their face is never as defined or fierce like Chitra men. It's important to try to distinguish the two. Chitra men always seem more intimidating, especially the look they give. Then you consider their animal yoni, and think of the tiger's glare.
Chitra Moon Chitra Sun
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Hasta men will always have a softer gaze (and jaw, cheekbones) than Chitra men. Even if there's a close chance of them looking alike, Chitras always have a more stronger/captivating stare.
Chitra Moon Chitra Moon
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Hasta Moon women are sometimes more easier to tell apart from Chitra Moon women because Chitra women always look far more like their tiger yoni.
Chitra Moon Chitra Moon
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But just like how some Hasta men can look/be mistakened for Chitra and vice versa, the same can happen to Hasta women & Chitra women. I found examples of two women who I thought were one nakshatra but instead another.
(The left I thought she was Chitra, on the right I thought she was Hasta.)
Hasta Sun Chitra Moon
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I looked again and noticed that the woman on the left really does have the small, up-turned nose and an ethereal, youthful feel about her - like other Hasta women. I looked long enough to realize that she had a "fairy"-like beauty about her. And the woman on the right, her features aren't traditionally Chitra but far more Purva Ashada which is her Sun placement. And that's okay. Sometimes your Sun placement nakshatra or Ascendent nakshatra shows more on your face than the lunar mansion.
Hasta being ruled by Savitar, the Sun God, already tells the solar qualities within natives who have this lunar mansion. Hasta natives generally tend to steal the spotlight (Hasta Moon Harry Styles from One Direction) or they surpass their peers greatly (Hasta Moon Ariana Grande being the only megastar from Nickelodeon).
So, Hasta nakshatra people are very much alike Leos with being brightest, but they're crafty and very knowledgeable. They love learning, exploring, organizing, naturally attaining multiple skills that sometimes have nothing to do with each other.
They probably have amazing hands, I'd guess they'd love playing the piano if they're not total swift pickpockets. They're involved in various activities or choose to stay in work (art, sports) that involves a lot of repetition/practice.
They notice details that others don't, they may even have an interest in interior design, fashion or anything to do with colour coordination.
Because of the Hasta being co-ruled by the Moon, they tend to be emotionally in tune and have deep intuition. And because Hasta is primarily ruled by Mercury, they can be so good at mental gymnastics (they love wittiness and can develop a sharp sense of humour. Hasta is quite like Revati, in such a way that they like orchestrating pranks). Like their crafty side can make them extremely deceitful, cunning thieves (think of Hasta natives Zoe Kravitz & Anne Hathaway as Catwoman) and they also may be energy vampires.
Nakshatras that happen to suit Hasta: Mrigashira, Swati, Chitra, Revati, Uttara Bhadrapada, Pushya, Uttara Ashada, Purva Ashada, Shravana, Anuradha.
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whatsupbomb · 2 years
🍇 Nakshatra Observations 🍇
Check your Lagna (Ascendant) nakshatra. Some observations might fit to your Sun nakshatra
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Purva Bhadrapada (lion)
They want to get justice when others try to ruin something in their life
Many people think Purva Bhadrapadas are the reason of their failures
They're very ethical and strict about rules
They tend to have heart attacks when they feel injustice
Sense of family heals their hearts
Purva Phalguni (female rat)
They have victim mentality because they hate using their brains to work hard
They will even pretend to have mental disorders or addictions not to work harder
They want others to feel sorry for their unexistent disabilities
They tend to manipulate people with their fool act when in reality they undertstand everything
Uttara Ashadha (male meerkat)
They are a family person
They take responsibility for the ones they care about
They seek deep connections with the people they like
They want to feel included in the groups of people, but oftenly they don't get accepted because of how passionate they are about working together
Chitra (tigeress)
They are very kinky, but pretend to be super classy
They hate overserious and overbusy people
It's important for them to have some fun after working hard
They want to help those who feel left out by everyone
Kinda want to adopt everyone they care about
Krittika (female goat)
Very religious or just occult
They worship idols they choose
They get attached to unexistent entities they create in their own head
It's hard for them to communicate their feelings
They're disillusional about how others view them
They don't realise what other people feel for them until they lose these people
Dhanishtha (lioness)
They're always fighting for others
They feel trapped in their own insecurities
They're scared to lose people they care about
They hide their connections with people
They demand the right treatment
Hasta (female bull)
They hate people who are better then them
They always think that everyone wants to steal their partner
They tend to interrupt personal spaces
They think that everything and everyone belongs to them
Very bad friends because they will always be jealous of everyone not realising that people have their own problems
Bharani (male elephant)
They're very helpful and give good advices
They want to be useful and meaningful
They're always ready to save their friends from danger
They have good intuition towards those who want to ruin their life
They are very loved as kids by everyone
Their parents are very protective of them
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