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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
Learn Chinese in Chinese stories|Chinese legends|Shennong tested hundred...
Learn Chinese in Chinese stories|Chinese legends|Shennong tested hundreds of herbs in person
You may not know Chinese medicine, but you must have heard of artemisinin for malaria. Chinese herbal medicine has a history of several thousand years , there are currently more than 12000 kinds of herbs in China .The mastery of the medicinal properties of most herbs depends on the author's trial in person .《Shennong Herbal Medicine》is the earliest theory of Chinese herbal medicine,it is written by a person called Shennong who tested hundreds herbs in person .
Yuan gu shi hou ,zai nan fang li shan fu jin sheng huo zhe yi ge jiao yan zu de bu luo
In ancient times, there was a tribe called Yan lived near the southern Lishan mountains
 Yan zu de ren men kao da lie wei sheng
People of the Yan tribe live by hunting
 Da bu dao lie wu jiu e du zi ,sheng bing le ye wu yao ke yi
People suffered from hungry if didn’t got prey ,and no medicine if got sick
 You yi tian li shan de shi dong li dan sheng le yi ge tou shang zhang zhe jiao de ying er
One day a baby with horns on its head was born in a cave of Lishan Mountain
Ying er chu sheng de shi hou ,shi dong si zhou mao chu jiu yan quan shui
When the baby was born, there were nine springs spilled out of the cave
 Hou lai zhe ge hai zi cheng le yan zu de shou ling bei zun wei yan di
Later the child became the leader of the Yan clan and was called Emperor Yan
  Yi tian yi zhi hong se de da niao xian lai yi chuan zhong zi fang dao yan di shou li
One day a big red bird put a string of seeds into the hands of Emperor Yan
 Yan di jiang zhong zi zhong dao tu li ,bu duo jiu zhang chu yi pian he miao
炎帝将种子种到土里, 不多久长出一片禾苗
Yan planted the seeds into the soil and soon some rice shoots grew
 He miao cheng shu hou yan di jiang ta zhu shu le qing ren men pin chang
When the rice shoot matured, Yan cooked it and asked people to taste
 Ren men fa xian ta ji hao chi you neng tian bao du zi
People found it is delicious and can feed the stomach
 Yu shi yan di jiang zhong zi fen song gei ren men bing jiao hui ren men geng zhong
So Yan distributed the seeds and taught people to farm
 Cong ci ren men you le liang shi chi ,zun cheng yan di wei shen nong
Since then, people have grains to eat and honored Yan as Shennong
 Dang shi ren men sheng bing le wu yao ke yi
At that time there was no medicine when people got sick
 Shen nong jue ding dao shen shan ye lin qu cai ji yao cai
神农决定到深山野林去采集药材  中草药
Shennong decided to collect medicinal materials from the wide mountains
 Yi tian shen nong fa xian yi zhong lv se de ye zi
One day Shennong found some green leaves
 Ta jiao le jiao fa xian zhe zhong ye zi neng qing chu ti nei du su
He chewed and found that the leaves could clear the toxins from body
 Shen nong gei zhe zhong ye zi qu ming wei cha
Shennong named the leaf ‘cha’ -- tea
 Mei dang shen nong chang yao zhong du hou ta dou yong cha lai jie du
When Shennong was poisoned for medicine trial ,he used the tea to detoxify
Tong guo qin zi shi chi ,shen nong fa xian le hen duo ke yi zhi bing de yao cai
Through the trial by himself, Shennong found many herbs that can treat illness
 Yi tian shen nong fa xian yi zhong huang se de xiao cao
One day Shennong found a yellow grass
 Ta zhai xia ye zi fang jin zui li
He took the leaves and put them in his mouth
 Shui zhi zhe shi you ju du de duan chang cao
That was the highly toxic gelsemium elegan
 Shen nong teng tong nan ren hun dao zai di
Shen Nong felt terrible pain and fell to the ground
 Dang ren men zhao dao ta de shi hou ,shen nong yi jing si qu le
When people found him, Shennong was dead
 Shen nong shou li jin wo zhe ta dui ge zhong zhi wu yao xing de ji lu ‘shen nong ben cao’神农手里紧握着他对各种植物药性的记录<神农本草>
Shennong held the book <Shennong Herbal Medicine >which recorded the medicinal properties of plants
 Wei le ji nian shen nong ,ren men jiang ta chang bai cao de di fang cheng wei shen nong jia
In memory of Shennong, the place where Shennong tested herbs was called Shennongjia
 Shen nong ye bei zun wei nong ye zhi shen he yao wang shen
Shennong was honored as the god of agriculture and medicine.
nóng yè
农业 agriculture; farming
Nóng mín
农民 peasant ,farmer
Zhōng guó de nóng mín yī bān zhǐ xiǎo nóng huò diàn nóng ,tā men kào zì jǐ hěn shǎo de tǔ dì huò gěi bié rén gēng zhòng tǔ dì móu shēng
In China ,’nong min 农民’generally refer to small-peasant or tenants , who earn a living on their own little land or farming for others
 Jǐ qiān nián lái ,zhōng guó dà duō shù rén kǒu dōu shì nóng mín .zhí dào jìn jǐ shí nián suí zhe gōng yè huà hé dà liàng nóng mín jìn chéng ,zhè zhǒng rén kǒu jié gòu cái fā shēng gǎi biàn
For thousands of years, most people in China are peasants. Until recent decades this demographic structure changed with industrialization and large numbers of peasants entering cities
 Zài zhè zhǒng shēng chǎn fāng shì shàng chǎn shēng de nóng gēng wén míng kě yǐ zuò wéi lǐ jiě zhōng guó de yí gè shì jiǎo
The Agricultural civilization produced in this mode of production can be used as a perspective to understand China
 Zhǒng  zhòng
Zhǒng zi
种子  seed;
Gēng Zhòng
耕种 plough and sow; work on the farm;
 Liáng shí
粮食 staple food; principal food
Dào gǔ
稻谷 rice (mainly in south)
Xiǎo mài
小麦 wheat (mainly in north)
Wǔ gǔ
五谷  the five cereals: rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans
Wǔ gǔ fēng dēng
五谷丰登  an abundant harvest of all crops
药 medicine; drug; chemicals
cǎo yào
草药 medicinal herb
 Zhōng guó shì cǎo yào de fā yuán dì ,mù qián zhōng guó dà yvē yǒu yī wàn èr qiān zhǒng cǎo yào
China is the birthplace of medicinal herbs. At present, there are about 12000 kinds of herbs in China.
 Zhōng yào yóu cǎo yào ,dòng wù yào ,kuàng wù yào gòu chéng,cǎo yào zhàn le dà duō shù
Traditional Chinese medicine is made up of herbs, animal medicine and mineral medicine, and herbal medicine accounts for the majority.
茶 tea plant; tea;
Chá yè
茶叶 tea; tea-leaves  
Gēn jù fā jiào chéng dù bù tóng ,chá yè fēn wéi hóng chá ,huáng chá ,bái chá ,lǜ chá děng根据发酵程度不同,茶叶分为红茶,黄茶, 白茶,绿茶等
According to the degree of fermentation, tea is divided into black tea, yellow tea,white tea, green tea, etc.
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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如果我们回顾历史,中国有1300多年科举考试的历史,这种考试制度选拔了很多人才,它成为寒门子弟向上流动最重要的通道。‘朝为田舍郎,暮登天子堂’讲的就是寒门子弟通过科举考试改变阶层的故事. 因此,中国人也形成了重视教育的观念,比如‘万般皆下品,惟有读书高’。但由于旧科举考试制度的僵化,1905年,清廷出于发展新教育、培养实用人才的需要,废除了科举制度。
If we look back , China has more than 1300 years of imperial examination history, this examination system had selected a lot of talent, It become the most important channel for poor children to move up . 'Zhāo wéi tián shě láng ,mù dēng tiān zǐ táng' is about the story of civilian population change the class through the imperial examination.Therefore, the Chinese people attached much importance to education.Such as the saying ‘Wàn bān jiē xià pǐn ,wéi yǒu dú shū gāo’ .  However, because of the rigidity of the old imperial examination system, in 1905, the Qing Dynasty abolished it because of the need to develop new education and train practical talents.
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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1nóng lì农历 The traditional Chinese calendar
农历是中国的传统历法,是农业上一种最常用的精准计算可利用时间段的方法,对传统农业生产有很大帮助。Lunar calendar is the traditional Chinese calendar.It is the most commonly used in agriculture accurate calculation of available time period method, which is of great help to traditional agricultural production.
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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Many years ago, when I was a child, I heard the story of Shennongjia savage.After grown-up ,I found there is indeed a place called  "Shennongjia" , which is located in the northwest of Hubei Province, named after a person ‘Shennong’ who is the god of medicine and agriculture in China. In the mountain area of Shennongjia, the forest sea is boundless, the mountains are stacked, the valley is deep, few people tread. For many years, the local people have said that there are savage in the deep mountains : walking upright, over 2 meters tall, long hands hanging to the knees, big feet, eyes facing forward, face like human......Although scientists believe that the legend of savage is not credible, perhaps we should always have a heart of awe of nature and creation.
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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Tea in China has a history of thousands of years, no one can tell exactly where tea originated , and almost every place in China has its own characteristics tea. For example, Hangzhou West Lake Longjing, Fujian Pu'er .And tea culture has a long history in China. Gentleman like to enjoy tea in small cup ,manual workers like the tea in a large bowl .Drinking tea is to quench thirst, it is a taste enjoyment, sometimes it is a mood.
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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‘Wǔ gǔ fēng dēng五谷丰登’ is an idiom. "Wǔ gǔ 五谷" refer to the five cereals: rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans . And"rice" is the staple food in southern China ," wheat "is the staple food in the north ;" fēng dēng丰登" means "harvest, high yield ";" Wǔ gǔ fēng dēng五谷丰登" means that the main food crops have been harvested. In the past ,most Chinese rely on the land to live, so the idiom‘Wǔ gǔ fēng dēng五谷丰登’for Chinese means a good year and a good life. ‘五谷丰登’是一个成语。‘五谷’是指‘稻、黍、稷、麦、豆 ’等五种主要粮食作物,其中‘稻谷’是中国南方地区的主食,‘小麦’是北方地区的主食;‘丰登’是‘丰收,丰产’的意思;‘五谷丰登’意思是主要的粮食作物都获得了丰收。以前大多数中国人主要依靠土地生活,‘五谷丰登’意味着好年景和好生活。
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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There are many polysyllabic characters in Chinese, which may be a difficult point in Chinese learning. These polysyllabic characters have same shape, but pronounced differently in different words or sentences , although many polysyllabic characters are just with different tones. Many foreign students can speak Chinese fluently, but they often can not distinguish polysyllabic characters , which is also a reason why their Chinese does not sound authentic enough. Such as ‘种’can pronounced as ‘zhǒng’ and ‘zhòng’. Can you distinguish it clearly?
汉语中有不少多音字,这也许是汉语学习的一个难点。这些多音字字形相同,但在不同词语中发音不同,虽然很多多音字只是声调的不同. 很多外国学生汉语说得流利,但他们往往分不清多音字,这也是为什么他们的汉语听起来不够地道的一个原因。比如‘种’有两种��音‘zhǒng’和‘zhòng’.你能分清楚吗?
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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In China ,’nóng mín 农民’generally refer to small-peasant or tenants , who earn a living on their own little land or farming for others.
For thousands of years, most people in China were ’nóng mín 农民’. Until recent decades this demographic structure changed with industrialization and large numbers of ’nóng mín 农民 entering cities.The Agricultural civilization produced in this mode of production can be used as a perspective to understand China .中国的农民一般指小农或佃农,他们靠自己很少的土地或给别人耕种土地谋生。几千年来,中国大多数人口都是农民。直到近几十年随着工业化和大量农民进城,这种人口结构才发生改变。在这种生产方式上产生的农耕文明可以作为理解中国的一个视角。
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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‘yì异’means ‘ different ‘; ‘yì xiàng异象’means ‘magical vision different with usual’.
The historical legend about heroes seems like to described when they were born the nature had some magical vision .Such as Shennong who is the god of agriculture and medicine in China. It is said there suddenly appeared nine clear springs when Shennong was born in a wide cave , and Shennong had horns on his head . 历史传说对英雄人物的记载中,总是喜欢描述他们出生时自然界出现某种异象。比如中国的农业之神和药王神---神农,据说他出生在一个山洞里,在神农出生的时候,石洞周围突然冒出九眼清泉,而且神农头上长着角。
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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From west to east ,the topography of China is from high to low by three steps.Due to topographical features, most rivers flow east or east into the ocean. Most of Chinese people also lives in the richer plains of the east. Such as Peking ,Shanghai ,Nanjing ,Guangzhou ,Shenzhen etc.  
中国的地形从西往东,按三个阶梯从高到低.由于中国的地形特征, 大多数河流从西向东流向海洋.而中国大多数人口也都居住在东部比较富裕的平原地区,比如北京,上海,南京,广州,深圳等。
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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‘chang 长’ means’ long’ .Yangtze river is the longest river in China, so it is called ‘Chang 长jiang’ ( literally mean long river ).The Yangtze River originates from roof of the world-- the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it flows from the plateau to the hilly and plain from west to east. The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River refers to the three canyons in the upper reaches , where the canyons are steep, the current is fast and the scenery is beautiful. Now there is the world's largest water conservancy projects --The Three Gorges Project . 长江是中国最长的江河,因此叫长江。长江发源于世界屋脊青藏高原,自西向东从高原流向丘陵平原地区。长江三峡是指长江上游的三个峡谷地段,这里峡谷陡峭,水流湍急,风景绮丽。在长江上建有世界最大的三峡水利工程。
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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‘Huáng黄’means yellow ; ‘ Huáng hé黄河’ means ‘the yellow river’ .The Yellow River has a large amount of alluvial sediment from the Loess Plateau, and the river water is yellow, so it is called the Yellow River. It flows through the central plain area, which is the main birthplace of Chinese civilization,so the Yellow River is also known as the Mother River of China. 黄河带有大量黄土高原冲积下来的泥沙,河水呈现黄色,因此叫黄河。黄河流经的中部平原地区是华夏文明主要发源地,因此黄河又被称为中国的母亲河。
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
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‘shui huo bu rong水火不容’ is a Chinese idiom. ‘水Water ’and‘火 fire’ are two things of the opposite nature and can’t be compatible at all. Sometimes it describe the people can’t be together for hatred . In Chinese legend ,the fire god is called' Zhu Rong', the water god is called'Gong gong'. Neither of them given in for each other. In order to show strength ,the water god Gonggong damaged the Buzhou mountains, resulting in the first  flooding in the world .
‘shui huo bu rong 水火不容’ 是一个中国成语。水和火是两种性质相反的东西,根本不能相容。有时比喻 人与人之间有仇恨,不能在一起。传说中火神叫‘祝融’,水神叫‘共工’,他们俩谁也不服谁,水神共工为了表现自己的厉害,撞坏了不周山,导致人间第一次洪灾。
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
Learn Chinese in Chinese stories|Chinese legends|Nuwa mended the sky
Human always like to live by water. The Yellow River Basin in China also gave birth to the earliest Chinese culture, and China's floods seem to be quite frequent, the  five thousand years of Chinese history also was a history of water control.
In the Chinese legend, the water God Gonggong fought with the fire God Zhurong, Gonggong damaged the Buzhou mountains which supported the sky and earth, the water came out of the sky river, flooding the world. This was the first great flood. Finally, the human creator Nu WA made a multicolored divine stones out of hot fire
and mended the sky.
Pan gu kai tian hou
After Pangu created the world
 You yi zuo ju da de shan zhi cheng zhe tian he di
There was a huge mountain that supported the sky and the earth
 Ta de ming zi jiao bu zhou shan
It was called ‘Buzhou’ mountains
 Nv wa niang niang chuan zao de ren lei jiu sheng huo zai bu zhou shan xia de tu di shang
The human beings created by Nu WA live on the land beneath the Buzhou mountain
 Ta men xing fu de sheng huo zhe
They lived happily
 Ke shi you yi tian
Yet one day
 Tian shang de huo shen Zhurong he shui shen Gonggong da le qi lai
The God of fire Zhurong and God of water Gonggong fought in the sky
 ‘Bu zhou shan nai cheng tian shi zhu,ruo zao sun huai hou guo bu kan she xiang
Buzhou montains are the stones to support the sky ,consequence is unimaginable if it damaged’
 ‘Wo yao rang suo you ren dou zhi dao wo shui shen gong gong de li hai
I will let everyone know how sharp I am
 Bu zhou shan tan ta ,tian he de shui liu le xia lai
Buzhou montains collapsed ,and the water in the Sky’ river came down
 Wei le zheng jiu sheng ling wan wu
To save the people and other creatures
 Nv wa jue ding xiu bu tian dong
Nuwa decided to mend the sky
 Xiu bu tian dong zhi you yi ge ban fa
These is only one way to mend the sky
 Bi xu shou ji tian di jian de bao shi
Must collect precious stones in the universe
 Yong zhi re zhi huo lian cheng wu cai shen shi
Make a multicolored divine stone out of hot fire
 Zhi you wu cai shen shi cai neng bu tian
Only the multicolored divine stone can mend the sky
 Tian dong zhong yu xiu bu hao le
Finally the sky was mended
 Bu zhou shan que quan bu tan ta le
All the Buzhou mountains collapsed
 Tian di shi qu zhi cheng
The sky and earth lose support
 Suo you sheng ming dou wu fa zai zhe pian tu di sheng cun
All creatures can’t live on the land
 Ke shi nv wa yi jing mei you li liang qu zheng jiu ta men le
But Nuwa had no power to save them
 Wo de zhe si tiao tui ke yi zhi cheng tian he di
My four legs can support the sky and the earth
 Ke shi na xie ren lei zong shi chao chao nao nao de
But those humans are always noisy
 Zhen de zhi de qu jiu ta men ma
Is it really worth saving them
Ta men yong yuan dou shi wo de hai zi
They will always be my children
 Qiu qiu nin bang bang ta men
Please help them
 Wo zhi dao le
I see
 Qi shi wo hai shi xi huan an jing yi dian
I still like to be quiet
 Zhong yu shen ao ye ye yong ta si tiao tui de li liang
Finally the huge legendary turtle used it’ four legs
Chong xin cheng qi le tian he di
Support the sky and earth again
 Zai nan jie shu le
The disaster finally ended
 Ren lei ye kai shi le man chang de yu shui xiang chu de guo cheng
Humans has begun a long history to get along with the water
水 water
火 fire
神 god
Shuǐ shén水神water god   ;huǒ shén火神fire god
 Huáng hé
黄河  The yellow river
 Huáng hé dài yǒu dà liàng huáng tǔ gāo yuán chōng jí xià lái de ní shā ,hé shuǐ chéng xiàn huáng sè ,yīn cǐ jiào huáng hé
 The Yellow River has a large amount of alluvial sediment from the Loess Plateau, and the river water is yellow, so it is called the Yellow River.
 Huáng hé liú jīng de zhōng bù píng yuán dì qū shì huá xià wén míng zhǔ yào fā yuán dì ,yīn cǐ huáng hé yòu bèi chēng wéi mǔ qīn hé
 The Yellow River flows through the central plain area, which is the main birthplace of Chinese civilization,so the Yellow River is also known as the Mother River
 Cháng jiāng
长江 the Yangtze River
 Zhè shì zhōng guó zuì cháng de hé liú ,yīn cǐ  jiào cháng jiāng
Yangtze river is the longest river in China, so it is called the Chang jiang ( literally mean long river ).
 Zài cháng jiāng shàng jiàn yǒu sān xiá shuǐ lì gōng chéng
Three Gorges Project was on the Yangtze River
 Zhōng guó de dì xíng cóng xī wǎng dōng ,àn sān gè jiē tī cóng gāo dào dī
From west to east ,the topography of China is from high to low by three steps
 Yóu yú zhōng guó de dì xíng tè zhēng ,dà duō shù hé liú cóng xī xiàng dōng liú xiàng hǎi yáng
由于中国的地形特征, 大多数河流从西向东流向海洋
Due to topographical features, most rivers flow east or east into the ocean
 ér zhōng guó dà duō shù rén kǒu yě dōu jū zhù zài dōng bù bǐ jiào fù yù de píng yuán dì qū
Most of Chinese people also lives in the richer plains of the east
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
Learn Chinese and Chinese Culture in stories|Chinese Idiom | Brotherhood...
The Three Kingdoms is a special period in Chinese history, most of the characters of that times have distinct personalities. Shu was one of kingdoms . The founding monarch of Shu, Liu Bei, was a little guy who made and sold straw shoes for a living before. Liu Bei's success can not be separated from the great help of his two sworn brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.The idiom "Taoyuan Jieyi" tells the story of they became sworn brothers in a peach garden.
Dong Han Mo nian
Towards the end of the Eastern Han dynasty
Chao ting wei ping pan zhao mu shi bing
The government recruited soldiers to fight rebellion
Zhe tian ,Liu Bei zheng kan zhao bing de gao shi
On the day, Liu Bei was looking at the sign of recruiting soldiers
Ta yu dao yi ge hei lian da ge er
He met a black-face big guy
 Zhe ge ren jiao Zhang Fei
His name is Zhang Fei
 Zhang fei hen pei fu liu bei guan yu shi ju  de jian shi
Zhang Fei admired Liu Bei’ insight about the tims
 Liu Bei zi bao jia men
Liu Bei introduced himself
 Wo jiao Liu Bei
My name is Liu Bei
 Wo zu shang shi han shi zong qin
I am a descendant of the founding emperor of the Han dynasty  
 Xian zai yi mai cao xie wei sheng
Now selling straw shoes for a living
 Ta men liang ren liao de hen tou ji
They had many common topics
 Zhang Fei qing liu bei yi qi qu he jiu
Zhang Fei invited Liu Bei to drink wine together
 Ta men lai dao yi ge jiu guan
They came to a tavern
 Zhe shi jin lai yi ge hong lian da han
Then came a red-face big guy
 Ta shi Liu Bei duo nian bu jian de yi ge peng you
He was Liu Bei’s friend who hasn’t met for many years
 Ta jiao Guan yu
His name is Guan Yu
 San ren xiang hu xin shang xiang tan sheng huan
They enjoyed each others and had many common points
 Liu Bei yao qing ta me yi qi gan yi fan shi ye
Liu Bei invited them to build up establishment
 Guan Yu he Zhang Fei biao shi yuan yi quan li zhui sui
Guan Yu Zhang Fei agreed to follow
 Ta men lai dao Zhang Fei de tao yuan
They came to Zhang Fei's peach garden
 An nian ling da xiao jie bai wei xiong di
To be sworn brothers by age
 Ta men dui tian qi shi
They sworn to the Gods
 Cong jin yi hou you fu tong xiang you nan tong dang
From now on , sharing happiness and suffering with each others
 Yi qi kai chuang shi ye
To build up establishment together
 Zai ci hou san shi fuo nian li
Over the nest 30 years
 San ren gan dan xiang zhao
They ‘ heart to heart’ to help each others
 Ke fu jian nan wan xiang
Overcoming many tough difficulties
 Gong tong kai chuang le shu guo ji ye
Created Shu Kingdom together
 Táo Yuán Jié Yì
 Xiàng chuán sān guó shí qī, liú bèi ,guān yǔ ,zhāng fēi zài táo yuán jié bài wéi xiōng dì 相传三国时期,刘备,关羽,张飞在桃园结拜为兄弟
 It is said in the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei became sworn brothers in Taoyuan ( peach garden)
 Zhè gè chéng yǔ xíng róng yǒu gòng tóng lǐ xiǎng de rén jié bài wéi xiōng dì
 The idiom is used to describe the people became  sworn brothers for a common ideal
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
Learn Chinese in Chinese stories|Chinese legends|Kuā Fù Zhuī Rì
In Chinese "Yue岳" means mountain . There are five famous mountains in China ,which are located in the north, south, east, west and middle of the land. There are many legends about the origin of the Five Mountains, the most popular is that the Five mountains were the huge stones used by a giant called Kua Fu to put the pot for cooking when he was chasing after the Sun.This video is about the legend ‘ Kuafu Zhui Ri’ and relative Chinese culture.
Kuā Fù Zhuī Rì
Kuafu’s chasing after the sun
 Yuan gu shi hou ,zai bei fang you zuo gao shan jiao cheng du zai tian shan
In ancient times, there was a high mountain in the north of China called Chengdu Zaitianshan  
 Zai tian shan shen chu sheng huo zhe yi ge ju ren bu luo
In the deep of Zaitian mountain ,there was a Giant tribe
 Ta men de shou ling jiao kua fu
Their leader was called Kuafu
 Kua fu shen qiang li zhuang ,yi zhi jian qiang
Kuafu was powerful and strong - willed
  Ta dai ling zhe zu ren guo zhe qin lao de ri zi
He led his people live a hard life
 Na shi da di huang ling ,du wu meng shou heng xing
Then the land was desolate and infested with poison beasts
 Te bie dao le wan shang tai yang xia shan le ,da di chong hui hei an
Especially at night when the sun goes down and the earth become dark
 Du she meng shou chu lai xi ji ren lei
The vipers and beasts attacked humans
 Kua fu de bu luo yin ci si le hen duo ren
In Kuafu’ tribe, many people lost lives
 Kua fu fei chang nan guo
Kua fu felt very sad
 Ta yao qu zhuo zhu tai yang
He wanted to catch the Sun
 Rang da jia guo shang zhi you guang ming mei you hei an de ri zi
Let the people live a life with light and without darkness
 Yu shi dang tai yang gang gang sheng qi de shi hou
So when the sun had just risen
Kua fu gao bie le zu ren qu zhui gan tai yang
Kuafu said goodbye to his people and went after the sun
 Tai yang zai kong zhong fei kuai de yi dong
The Sun moved fast in the sky
 Kua fu zai di shang pin ming de zhui gan
Kua fu run after it on the earth at top speed
 Ta yve guo yi zuo zuo da shan
He crossed many mountains
 Kua guo yi tiao tiao he liu
crossed many mountains
 Kun le jiu da ge dun
When sleepy just taken a nap
 E le jiu chi dian ye guo chong ji
When hungry just eaten some wide fruits
You shi kua fu ye zhu dian fan
Sometimes Kuafu cooked something
 Ju shuo xian zai de wu yve jiu shi kua fan dang nian jia guo zhu fan yong de ju shi
It is said that the Five Mountains  were the huge stones used by Kua Fu to put the pot when cooked
 Kua fu li tai yang yve lai yve jin
Kua fu was getting closer to the Sun
 Ta jue de yve lai yve ke
He felt more and more thirsty
 Kua fu xiang qi le zu ren hai zai ku nan zhong
Kua fu remembered his people were still suffering
 Ta jue ding ji xu zhui gan tai yang
He decided to keep chasing the sun
 Jing guo jiu tian jiu ye kua fu zhong yu zhui shang le tai yang
After nine days and nine nights, Kuafu finally caught up with the sun
 Kua fu xiang qu zhuo zhu tai yang
Kua fu wanted to catch the Sun
 Ke shi tai yang tai zhi re le
But the Sun is too hot
 Rang kua fu you ke you lei
Make Kua fu too thirsty and too tired
 Kua fu gan le wei he he huang he shui hai bu jie ke
Kua fu drank all the Weihe River and Yellow River water but still felt thirsty  喝完了
 Ta jue ding qu bei fang da ze he shui
He want to go to Daze in the north and drink water
 Zai qu da ze de lu shang kua fu yong yuan de dao xia le
On the way to Daze, my father fell down forever
 Lin si de shi hou kua fu qian gua zhe zi ji de zu ren
When he died, he missed his people
 Ta fen li jiang shou zhong de mu zhang tou xiang lai shi de fang xiang
He strove to throw his stick to the direction of his hometown
 Hou lai zai mu zhang diao luo de di fang sheng zhang chu le da pian tao lin
Later at the place where the stick fell down growing large peach forests
追chase after; run after; trace;
E. g. kuā fù zhuī rì 夸父追日Kuafu is chasing after the Sun
饿 hungry
E.g.Kuā fù jué de è le夸父觉得饿了 Kua fu felt hungry
困 sleepy
E. g. Kuā fù kùn le jiù dǎ gè dǔn 夸父困了就打个盹
Kua fu felt sleepy and took a nap
热 hot
E. g. tài yáng tài zhì rè le 太阳太炙热了 The Sun is too hot
Kuā fù jué de tài rè le夸父觉得太热了 Kua fu felt too hot
渴 thirsty
Kǒu kě 口渴
 Yvè lái yvè
越来越 more and more
E.g. Kuā fù jué de yvè lái yvè kě le 夸父觉得越来越渴了 Kua fu felt more and more thirsty
岳 high mountain
 Wǔ yvè
the Five Mountains (Taishan Mountain 泰山 in Shandong, Hengshan Mountain 衡山 in Hunan, Huashan Mountain 华山 in Shanxi, Hengshan Mountain 恒山 in Shanxi and Songshan Mountain 嵩山 in Henan)
 Jù shuō xiàn zài de wǔ yvè jiù shì kuā fù dāng nián jià guō zhǔ fàn yòng de jù shí
It is said that the Five Mountains  were the huge stones used by Kua Fu to put the pot when cooking
 Yvè fù
岳 父 wife's father
 Kě néng shì biǎo shì yī zhǒng zūn jìng ,zhōng guó rén xǐ huān chēng zhàng rén wéi’yvè fù ‘ huò ‘lǎo tài shān ‘ .可能是表示一种尊敬,中国人喜欢称丈人为‘岳父’或‘老泰山’
May be a sign of respect, the Chinese like to call the father-in-law's ‘ yve fu’  or ‘ lao tai shan ‘ .  
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