#Chicago Cat Rehoming
kurokoros · 7 months
Well, the adoption agency denied me for *checks notes* not regularly getting my indoor only cat updated on his vaccines and rehoming the kitten I adopted because I realized very quickly that I wouldn't be able to meet his energy needs.
If this cat I applied to adopt is still with their foster family--who they've been with since August--when I leave Chicago in June, I'm going to be pissed. Shelters, maybe, just maybe, you can't get your cats adopted because of your ridiculous standards and high adoption prices.
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theorderofrodentia · 8 months
2/10/24 - Chicagoland Rescue Roundup
Well, time to kick off my revival of the Chicagoland rescue roundup! I used to do these periodically to help signal boost pets in my area that are in need of a new home.
I will not be promoting any listings created by breeders (even if they insist the breeding was accidental).
I will be putting all these cuties up for adoption/rehoming under a cut, since these posts will be quite long. If you don't have space in your home for a new friend, please reblog if you can!
Our first friend to be featured is Nugget the female syrian hamster! $210 may seem like a steep price, but it looks like she comes with quite a few supplies - I frequently cite $200 as an expected startup cost for hamsters - and the owner is allegedly flexible on the price. (Western Springs)
Next up is a cute little corn snake whose owner is getting rid of her due to restrictions where they live. I'm personally not well versed in corn snake care, but it looks like she comes with a pretty well sized habitat! (Lisle)
This is a 1 ½ year old male cat who needs to go to a home with no other cats. (Chicago)
This is a 3 year old female cat who needs to go to a home with no other cats. (Mount Prospect)
This is a male cat who is 6 years old and whose owners can no longer care for him. (Oak Lawn)
And as a final plug - I love the Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary located in Aurora, IL! It's where I got Russ the mouse, and I've donated numerous supplies to them throughout the years. They keep their website well updated with animals looking for their forever home:
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
some Modern!Harringrove headcanons:
they both move out at 18 and find an apartment together in Chicago; they plan on moving to California in a few years once they’ve saved up enough money
Billy has an iPhone X that doesn’t have a phone case and the screen is cracked (his lock screen is a selfie that Steve took of himself while drunk and Billy refuses to change it no matter how much his boyfriend pouts and complains)
Steve has the newest iPhone available (annual Christmas present from his parents) and it has both a phone case and a screen protector (his lock screen is a picture of a grimacing Billy as the Party forces him into the middle of a group hug the day he and Steve left for Chicago)
When the pandemic and lockdown hit, Steve ordered them lego sets to build together at the kitchen table of their little apartment. Billy loved it so much that Steve buys him a new set every birthday and Christmas
Billy finds stray kittens in the alley near their apartment and wants to keep one, a little black cat with green eyes that he names Sid Vicious, but Steve says they can’t keep him since they’re not allowed pets in the building
SIKE!! when he takes the kittens to the shelter for rehoming, he adopts Sid and surprises Billy when he comes back home with him. Billy may or may not have cried a little since he’s always wanted a pet but was never allowed
They sleep in the same bed but have separate blankets because Billy kicks his off during the night while Steve wraps himself up like a burrito
Their first real argument in the apartment was when they attempted to build ikea furniture together
Steve has Billy blocked on all of his social medias because he’s a menace (he unblocks him on rare occasions to look at his profile but the second Billy comments something inappropriate on his most recent post, his ass is blocked again)
Billy loves the Nespresso machine Steve bought them but he pretends he doesn’t care about it, even tho he bitches when they run out of his favourite capsules (his fav is Chiaro and Steve’s is Vanilla Éclair)
Steve loves tiktok and Billy hates it, although he does smile and huff soft laughter whenever Steve shows him some funny/stupid videos while they’re laying in bed together at night
Steve bought Billy a squishmallow as a joke but Billy keeps it in their bed and hugs it every night in his sleep
Billy has wireless over ear headphones that he uses for working out and Steve has airpods that he constantly loses
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jay4firefic · 3 years
How Buck accidentally adopted a cat... (featuring Christopher Diaz)
“What’s with the sour face?” Buck asks, dropping into a chair at the kids’ table beside Christopher. The kid in question is still picking at his half eaten barbecue long after the other firehouse children have run off to play in the big backyard.
“Harry’s dad might let him get a pet.” Christopher stabs viciously at his pasta salad with his adaptive fork, only succeeding at scattering pieces in every direction. “My dad says we can’t have a pet and I’ve been asking for ages.”
“I’m sure your dad has a really good reason for saying you can’t get a pet.” Which for the life of him Buck can’t remember at the moment, despite the fact that he knows Eddie told him about Christopher’s crusade to get a dog just last week. He catches Eddie’s eye over the top of Christopher’s head and jerks his head in a silent come here.
“He says we don’t have time for a pet but that’s stupid.” Christopher’s fork clatters and scrapes across the plate again. “I have lots of time.”
“Well, buddy, taking care of a pet is a lot of work,” Buck says, slinging his arm around Christopher’s narrow shoulders. 
“How would you know, you don’t even have a pet.”
“Actually,” Buck pulls Christopher in a little closer and ruffles his hair, “I’ve got a cat. And she’s pretty high maintenance.”
For the first time since Buck sat down Christopher looks up at him. His furrowed brow is so clearly a scaled down version of what Buck thinks of as Eddie’s ‘what are you talking about, dumbass?’ expression that Buck nearly melts. “You don’t have a cat, Bucky. I’ve been to your house.”
“Yeah, Bucky,” Chimney sits down across from them in tandem with Eddie and steals a carrot stick off of Christopher’s plate. Eddie just watches Buck with a confused frown. “You don’t have a cat, unless something happened in the last 24 hours that you miraculously haven’t told us all about.”
“I’ve never told you about my cat?” Buck looks between three baffled expressions. He doesn’t talk about Chicago much for a variety of reasons, but he really never told them about the cat? “Huh. Well, I totally have a cat. When I moved to Los Angeles I left her in Chicago with my old roommate because,” he turns back to Christopher with a serious expression - or his best attempt at one, at least, “pets need stability and a lot of attention, and when I first moved here I wasn’t living somewhere I could give her that.”
Christopher scrunches up his nose in an adorable frown. “If she doesn’t live with you how is she still your pet?”
“I’m with the kid on this one. You’ve been in LA like three years, that’s not your cat anymore man.”
Buck steals another carrot from Christopher and throws it at Chimney, who catches it right before it can hit him between the eyes and pops it in his mouth instead. “Rude. She’s totally still my cat. I rescued her!”
“You rescued her?” Christopher’s eyes widen and yeah, Buck is starting to win him over.
“I did! I rescued her from a warehouse fire in Chicago. Here, let me…” Buck digs out his phone and starts scrolling through old Instagram posts until he gets back to 2016. When he finds the right picture he makes a triumphant noise and turns the phone toward Christopher, then Chim and Eddie. The screen is taken up by a photo of Buck, a half a decade younger and a little leaner, decked out in CFD gear, covered in soot and ash, and holding something that looks like a dirty rag. He scrolls to the next picture - a close up of the pitiful gray bundle peeking out the collar of his turnout coat that resolves into a singed and filthy cat. “See? I rescued her, she’s my cat.”
“That’s a pretty sad looking cat,” Eddie observes, and it’s truthful but Buck still squawks in protest.
“She was having a bad day, alright? She’s a beautiful lady.” He closes instagram, opens his messages and finds the most recent one from Casey. Stupid Cat still misses you, and a picture of Kelly asleep on the couch in a pool of sunlight with a black and white cat curled up on his bare chest. Buck used to spend lazy mornings in the exact same position. “See?”
He startles and nearly drops the phone when Athena lets out a low whistle and leans in over his shoulder. “Are we supposed to be looking at the cat or that man, Buckaroo?”
Both, Buck thinks, even as he scoffs at her. Christopher provides a convenient distraction by tugging on his arm and demanding to know the cat’s name, his frown replaced by a grin that could light up a Christmas tree. Crisis averted. “Uh, her name is...Cat, actually,” he laughs, rubbing at the back of his neck.
Now it’s Athena’s turn to scoff. “You named your cat Cat?”
“Well, uhm…” Buck briefly has a whole different crisis on his hands trying to figure out how to tell that story without giving too much away. “My roommate said if we named her we’d get attached and have to keep her, so he insisted on just calling her Cat until we found her a new home. And then we...never found her a new home. Kinda hard to rehome something with three and a half legs and one eye, y’know? By the time he gave up and admitted she was ours it was too late to change it.”
He had tried for weeks, surfing baby name websites on his phone over breakfast or while lounging around the house and calling her by anything that caught his interest. At the end of the day he was always still calling for Cat, though, and Kelly had never stopped adding Stupid as a prefix. 
“Looks like your roommate ended up getting pretty attached himself,” Chim observes as Buck flips to a different picture - a selfie of a grumpy-looking Kelly with bedhead, holding a mug to his lips while Cat balances precariously on his bare shoulders.
“Does that man own any shirts?” Athena asks. 
Buck elects to ignore her and answer Chimney. “Severide will never admit it, but he loves the Stupid Cat. I was gonna go back for her once I got settled, but…” He shrugs. He wasn’t ready to face Kelly without the distance provided by a phone line at first, and then it had just seemed cruel to separate them. He had always meant to return to Chicago, to 51 and home, someday anyway. That someday had just started getting further and further away once he got attached to everyone at the 118. “She’s got a pretty cushy life in Chicago, and lots of people to take care of her. Here it would just be me, and like I said,” he looks down at Christopher again, “pets are a lot of work. It wouldn’t be fair to her.”
“Can I meet her someday?” Chris asks, because he always knows just how to pull on Buck’s heartstrings. 
“I don’t know, buddy. Maybe someday. For now I’ll see if K-” he catches himself, smooths it into, “Casey and Severide can send me some videos to show you. How does that sound?”
“Okayyyyy,” Christopher agrees with a put upon sigh. 
A few minutes later he finally gets up and joins the rest of the kids at play, and Buck has to uncurl himself from the uncomfortably small chair. Eddie bumps their shoulders together while Buck is still trying to shake feeling back into his feet. “Good distraction, but you realize he’s gonna be asking you for pictures all the time now, right?”
Buck shrugs and jostles Eddie in return. “That’s fine, I’ve got plenty.”
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petrehomingnetwork · 6 years
Tuxedo Tabby Cat For Adoption in Chicago Illinois
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Meet Jerry, DSH Tuxedo Tabby Cat For Adoption in Chicago IL
Jerry is a Brown tabby Male DSH Tuxedo Tabby Cat for adoption to a very loving home in or near Chicago IL. This very special boy is 3 years old and weighs 12 lbs. This stunning Tuxedo Tabby Cat is being placed for adoption by owner for the following reason: My work schedule has changed and I travel frequently for work for long stretches of time. I have someone come visit Jerry daily during this time but it is expensive and I feel bad for him. There is a $35 adoption/rehoming fee. Supplies and veterinary records will be included. Questions about Jerry? Please contact our Chicago cat rehoming team today. Call or Text our JERRY ADOPTION HOTLINE 24/7 at (773) 830-3820
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  All About Jerry - Tabby Tuxedo Cat For Adoption in Chicago IL
Name of Pet: Jerry Location: Chicago, IL, 60642 Type of Pet: Cat Breed of Pet: Domestic Shorthair Tabby Tuxedo Sex of Pet: Male Age of Pet: 3.5 Spayed/Neutered?: Yes Health Problems: H Behavior Issues: Had 13 teeth extracted. May need to go on a soft diet. Up To Date on Vaccinations: No Gets along with cats: Yes Gets along with dogs: Unknown Good with Children?: Yes House Broken or Litter Trained?: Yes Crate Trained?: Accessories Included: Supply of dry food and treats, toys including laser pointer, his favorite bed, and full size crate for transportation. Jerry's Personality 1. Jerry is very loving. He'll frequently sit on my lap and fall asleep while I'm watching TV 2. Jerry loves to play with his laser pointer and feather toys 3. Jerry enjoys sleeping in the sun 4. Jerry has beautiful patterning on his coat. Concentric circles on his sides and cute white socks and bib 5. Jerry is very gentle even around new people and has never once been aggressive toward anyone Jerry's Current Home Environment Small 1 bedroom apartment. I used to have another cat and Jerry got along with him fine. No other pets at the moment. Jerry's Current Family: I live alone in my apartment with Jerry. Jerry's Favorite Toys, Foods, Activities? Jerry absolutely loves to play with a laser pointer or any feather toy on a string. Enjoys stalking the feather toy around corners and then pouncing. Loves to take long naps, especially in the sun. Enjoys sleeping at the foot of the bed at night. Eats dry food and thoroughly enjoys treats. Cute Jerry Story: Jerry seems to know when I'm sad, and will come cuddle with me in bed or on the couch and start purring which is very comforting and soothing. Why is Jerry Being Rehomed? My work schedule has changed and I travel frequently for work for long stretches of time. I have someone come visit Jerry daily during this time but it is expensive and I feel bad for him. Jerry's Perfect Adoptive Home Will Be: A loving owner/family who treats him well and enjoys his company.
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How To Adopt This Gregarious 3 Year Old Male Tabby Tuxedo Cat
If you are interested in adopting this special Tuxedo Tabby  Cat For Adoption in Chicago IL, please fill out our online meeting request below. Once received and reviewed, our staff will ask the pets owner to reach out to you and arrange a for you to meet this sweet tabby tuxedo cat for adoption in Chicago. Questions about Jerry? Please contact our Chicago cat rehoming team today. Call or Text our JERRY ADOPTION HOTLINE 24/7 at (773) 830-3820
Jerry - Tabby Tuxedo Cat For Adoption in Chicago IL
Jerry is a Brown Tabby Tuxedo Cat for adoption in Chicago IL, near Cicero, IL Oak Park, IL Berwyn, IL Forest Park, IL River Forest, IL Elmwood Park, IL Lincolnwood, IL Lyons, IL Maywood, IL River Grove, IL Summit, IL Evergreen Park, IL Evanston, IL Norridge, IL Melrose Park, IL Fort Dearborn Addition, IL Park Row, IL Burnham Place, IL Harbor Square, IL Cityfront Center, IL Film Row, IL Conleys Patch, IL Cityfront Place, IL Duncans Addition, IL Streeterville, IL Kinzies Addition, IL Shantytown, IL McCormickville, IL Swede Town, IL Killgubbin, IL Central Station, IL Carpenters Addition, IL Wolcotts and Bushnells Additions, IL Adopt this very sweet Brown tabby tuxedo cat in Chicago IL today. Read the full article
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a1savannahs · 6 years
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Hello Friends! We need your help!!!!! 😿😿 These two beautiful girls are needing a new home as soon as possible. They are 12 years old and we would like to keep them together, their mom is no longer able to keep them and they are in the Chicago area. . . . Please help us out. Tag a friend that you may think would be interested! . . . #adoptme #rehoming #cat #catsofinstagram #pets #petsofinstagram #savannahcat #savannahcatsofinstagram #catlover #catloversclub (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHiPtinf59/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ml7atwfxjmte
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Persian Kitten: ADORABLE! (from breeder) (Chicago) $950
Name: Dunkel Gender: Male Age: 14 weeks Rehoming Fee: $950 I purchased this cat from a breeder and sadly, have to let him go due to a move overseas. I am devastated but want to find him a new cat mom (or dad) in the next couple of weeks! He's up ... from Craigslist https://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/for/d/persian-kitten-adorable-from/6666573429.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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tealosaurus-nyx · 7 years
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Chicagoland friends! @Regrann from @chicagocatrescue - Let's help re-home this senior girl! Meet Blanca 15-16 years. Blanca's elderly caregiver has passed away and a family member is trying to rehome her as she cannot have pets in her building. As we know shelter life is exceptionally tough for seniors if a shelter even has capacity. If you can open your home to this lovely senior gal contact [email protected]. #adoptasenior #chicago #cat #rescue - #regrann http://ift.tt/2vG5Dv0
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tealosaurus-nyx · 7 years
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Chicagoland friends! @Regrann from @chicagocatrescue - Let's help re-home this senior girl! Meet Blanca, 15-16 years. Blanca's elderly caregiver has passed away and a family member is trying to rehome her as she cannot have pets in her building. As we know, shelter life is exceptionally tough for seniors, if a shelter even has capacity. If you can open your home to this lovely senior gal, contact [email protected]. #adoptasenior #chicago #cat #rescue - #regrann http://ift.tt/2vQipHP
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tealosaurus-nyx · 7 years
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Chicagoland friends! @Regrann from @chicagocatrescue - Let's help re-home this senior girl! Meet Blanca, 15-16 years. Blanca's elderly caregiver has passed away and a family member is trying to rehome her as she cannot have pets in her building. As we know, shelter life is exceptionally tough for seniors, if a shelter even has capacity. If you can open your home to this lovely senior gal, contact [email protected]. #adoptasenior #chicago #cat #rescue - #regrann http://ift.tt/2vQipHP
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