#Chica's parents favour monty a bit though too so it evens out lmao
monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
Been thinking. In those AUs where all the animatronics are biological beings, like the various Jurassic Bark ones, there's probably a moment where everyone meets either Roxy or Monty's parents and just think "ah. Yeah that makes sense."
Cause in my AUs, Roxy is usually adopted by Bonnie's family (rabbits) and Monty is sometimes adopted by Foxy's family (foxes) at decently young ages. They've definitely picked up traits that aren't common among wolves and gators and I bet that's confused so many of them.
Like, Roxy will occasionally stomp her feet to communicate, and do these little bunny hops when she's running on her fours sometimes. It's a little strange for a wolf, but they're all weirdos in their own ways so they don't think too hard on it. They then meet Bonnie and her parents and suddenly everything makes sense.
Monty will growl sometimes and snap his teeth to communicate sometimes, and will spring dive from his fours, nose first into a sandpit whenever there's one around. Yeah they all have their quirks, it's no big deal. They meet Foxy and his parents and suddenly it all clicks into place.
The wolf got a lil bit of bunny in her and the gator got a lil bit of fox in him :)
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