pizza-splitter · 3 months
Sparrowmon was that *truly* necessary?
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digijosify · 1 year
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Episode Recap:
Nene (nee Loops) explains the deal with Code Crowns and so now we have a tangible means of making Shoutmon the One True King of the Digimons. The gang hops over to the Island Zone in pursuit of its Code Crown, which is also being sought by one of Tactimon's generals Neptunemon. There's a battle during which Shoutmon x2 Xroses with ChibiKamemon to win, but Neptunemon isn't out of the picture yet...
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jaymisaeki · 2 years
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More mugshot commissions!
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shoutmonishere · 3 years
And here i thought that they'd be more creative
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deramonfaqs · 4 years
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The Happy Kame
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sushy00 · 4 years
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Digimontober day 8: ChibiKamemon
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crap-and-lettuce · 8 years
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I Will Protect Him
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wild-battlebond · 4 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep10 Liveblog
Taiki becomes a knight! That’s the basic gist of this episode!
new place full of frozen corpses and Taiki hears another melody! which means a Digimon is dying somewhere.
and now he’s jumping into a frozen lake that not even Shoutmon can stand. starting to get why Akari criticizes his helping tendancies.
was ChibiKamemon even walking with the group before...?
it’s always IceDevimon. time and time again, if they need a threatening-but-not-too-threatening antagonist, they just send in IceDevimon. I wonder why?
this princess... I don’t like her design very much, for numerous reasons, but it’s cute how she acts like a cat. I also remember her acting weird towards Taiki later on...
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Taiki and Kiriha are making small talk, and Taiki mentions having had been able to literally sense Kiriha’s feelings before... man, Taiki, you can’t be both a super strategist and an empath. you gotta pick one. I guess there’s nothing wrong with an OP protagonist every now and again, though... meanwhile, Zenjirou, Balistamon, and Knightmon were spying on the two, presumably to make sure Kiriha doesn’t pull anything.
oh we’re getting the Taiki backstory now. I thought this happened later on, but honestly I prefer getting an explanation sooner than later. a long time ago, he passed by a kid that was keeled over on the sidewalk. Tiny Taiki stopped for a moment, but the kid told him that he was fine and to leave him alone. So Taiki did, but then an ambulance drove by the same way he had just came. Said ambulence picked up the keeled over kid, who got a concussion in a soccer game and wound up out of school for half a year. This is what lead to Taiki’s current vow to never turn his back on anyone who might need help. If he hadn’t left that kid alone... well, actually, since he was like 7 there probably still wasn’t much he could do, but that’s not the point. As a young kid, he felt responsible for what happened — if he had helped, maybe things would have gone better. That experience stuck with him (arguably traumatized him), and he decided to throw everything he had into helping people. like Akari often points out, this habit isn’t always healthy, but so far it’s worked out well for him.
oh wow Taiki was literally like “haha yeah it’s no big deal it’s just trauma :)”
Evolution is different than normal in this series, so MetalGreymon is made from xrossing MailBirdramon and Greymon, rather than by evolving Greymon. I find it interesting that there’s two completely different methods to reach the same result, in a sense — it also makes for a MetalGreymon that looks way different than normal. Kiriha’s team has a completely different Xros theme, which makes sense seeing how as the usual one talks about Xros Heart and this lot is most definitely not a part of the team. presumably, this is Blue Flare’s theme, like how the normal theme is Xros Heart’s theme.
then there was an ambush but because Shoutmon ate too much and stayed behind at the castle, they were able to stop the ambush and prevent the princess from being kidnapped.
ah, Taiki fainted. story-wise, it’s fitting that this happened the same day he explained his backstory. apparently, Shoutmon is soft enough to be used as a pillow to break Taiki’s fall.
Taiki’s fainted! He can’t lead the team like this, so how is Xros Heart supposed to defeat the Bagra Army’s giant penguin?!
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digimon-icons · 4 years
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THIS ZIP FILE INCLUDES: Random Digimon (98) / Beastmon (38) / Beelzebumon (67) / ChibiKamemon (26) / Cho Hakkaimon (23) / Divermon (6) / Dracomon (34) / Etemon (9) / FlameWizardmon (38) / Gizamon (11) / Ignitemon (21) / Keramon (5) / LadyDevimon (16) / Lilamon (32) / Lillymon (26) / Lopmon (12) / Lucemon (65) / Lunamon (9) / Mermaimon (18) / Mervamon (72) / Psychemon (3) / Puppetmon (37) / Spadamon (16) / Stingmon (15) / Syakomon (9) 💥 Icons are free to use, editing is highly encouraged, use with or without credit. Any likes, reblogs and links back are always appreciated. Please don’t repost and claim as your own. Support me on Ko-fi? / DOWNLOAD THE ICONS HERE
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roorreer · 5 years
I kinda just gotta get this straight
So like Xros is odd. It’s such a weird format, especially to the other seasons. and that’s not because I had to take a break for a few months because I got so upset that they were trying to Paint Lucemon as a good person, not because of that. 
The digital world is separated into zones which each kinda act like their own world. It used to all be like one but separated for either reasons I either wasn’t paying attention to or it hasn’t been explained yet in how far I am (ep 24). Each zone (they fucking named him Mikey in the dub????) has a code crown that isn’t fully clear to me but it means there's power over that zone for whoever has it.
There’s no real evolution like the other series, they just smash digimon together to be stronger and it doesn’t seem like the levels (Child/rookie, Adult/Champion) even matter. They get their own name unless like they cross with Shoutmon bc fuck u, u become shoutmon x(insert number here)
The human characters kinda suck but there’s a lot of good in this, the animation seems pretty decent and the music is super gooood. It’s a bit formulaic in the beginning but it seems to move past that from what I’ve seen. why the fuck did they make chibikamemon, why not just have him be kamemon was chibikamemon actually a thing before the show or did they just not have the budget for actual kamemon and shoved him in. And I guess I’ll see how the rest of the series turns out.
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digimonlines · 8 years
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Chibikamemon to Jumbogamemon
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shoutmonishere · 3 years
I love this brand of Sparrowmon
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But please stop scaring the kids (and Dondokomon) whom somehow got wound up in this war
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xroswarsscreenshots · 8 years
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wild-battlebond · 4 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep6 Liveblog
Team Xros Heart are still in the Island Zone, and need to save Archelomon from the enemy before they can leave! Not out of obligation, mind you, but just because saving Archelomon is the right thing to do.
wtf this isn’t an island. it’s a canyon.
why does it seem like Nene just hovers around Taiki and Kiriha to spread gossip about them? well I guess that’s fitting since she leads the intelligence-gathering ninja monitor Digimon (Monitamon?).
the enemy ‘mon (I don’t remember this one’s name. I’m barely remembering any Digimon names right now, lol) is threatening to kill Archelomon if Taiki doesn’t hand over the Code Crown and DigiMemories. seeing how as Taiki can’t turn his back on those in need, methinks he’ll figure out a way to both save Archelomon and keep the Code Crown.
nnnnope he’s gonna hand it over. that works too.
but then Kiriha showed up and now he doesn’t have to! Taiki still hates his vibes. also, I’m really wondering how everyone else can travel between zones with ease while Taiki and the others need a Code Crown. I know there’ll eventually be an explanation...
so now that some of the enemies have been cleared out, Taiki has a bit more wiggle room to cook up a strategy with. he’s using another DigiMemory though! I guess five really wasn’t a lot, seeing how as he’s going through them like candy.
I think it’s quite cool how Zenjirou also gets to fight via the Starmon sword — even though he lacks Digimon, he can still hold his own. (it’d also be cool if Akari could do the same, though...)
now Dorulumon is here because his vacation kept getting interrupted so now X3 can be used. and this’ll wind up giving way to X4, based in the episode title.
oh that’s right, X4 is literally just when the Starmon sword is added. I always thought that was lame, since the Starmon sword is more of an augmentation rather than a proper fusion component.
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completely normal kind of spear to have
Taiki’s plan to get around the King’s Spear’s homing system is to have Shoutmon X4 use the evil guy (still idk his name 😔) as a barrier so he’ll get hit instead! clever! is it a little weird to say that Taiki would make a good Pokémon Trainer? just because of his ability to come up with a solid battle strategy and how he pays close attention to the battlefield and uses the terrain to his advantage.
wait, Kiriha isn’t here...? presumably he’s just flying around on MailBirdramon, but without that it almost seems like he drowned...
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Akari really likes food, huh?
dance party time :)
yep Kiriha flew away on Mailbirdramon. he still really wants to recruit Taiki.
oh his name was Neptunemon. too bad that information is no longer useful.
now ChibiKamemon is a part of Xros Hearts! and Taiki wants Dorulumon to join but that’s not happening yet.
The Island Zone is safe and Xros Hearts has full possesion of the Code Crown, so now it’s time to go to a volcanic place and fight a weird volcano orb Digimon!
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wolfmons · 9 years
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digi-egg · 10 years
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