the-art-of-aliens · 6 years
Birth of a Legend (Part 2)
The ship let out a slight groan that had Katelyn biting her lip. “Harris, escort the Druraians to the shuttle bay.” the captain ordered, voice shaking slightly. “The engines have a radiation leak. Once they’re in, report back to your station.”
“Yes sir,” she whispered, stepping back as her replacement took her place, the dim light of the bridge and hallways matching her feelings as she marched her way through the red flashing halls.
“Lieutenant Harris?” Chi’ea called as she entered the emergency meet room. “What is wrong? Why are we here?”
“There is an issue with the ship that requires all non-essential personnel to temporarily relocate to the nearest Outpost until everything is fixed.” She said, something akin to dread and panic sticking in her throat. “Two ensigns and another off-duty lieutenant will be with you to ensure everything goes ok, but I will have to report back to my station when you leave.”
“You… are not coming?” Bre’ixa’s voice was quiet and in that moment, he sounded very much like a child. It made her wonder just how old he was.
“I have a duty to the ship.” she answered quietly. “You’ll be safe with Lieutenant Wade and Ensigns Ro and Logan, I promise.”
“Very well.” Chi’ea said, standing up a bit uneasily, and Katelyn subconsciously took a step forward, dread growing. “I am fine, Lieutenant. Please, escort us to our ship.”
“We’re being boarded, Captain,” Katelyn called out as her hands darted over her station’s controls and buttons, frantically trying to scan the whole ship under the time it was saying it would take for the intruders to reach the very sealed off bridge.
“How many, where and current ETA if they are coming to the bridge?”
“So far, roughly 25, 5 groups of five on decks 3, 6, 7, 10 and 13, ETA three minutes for the group from deck 3.” she listed off. “I’ll be unable to do a complete scan if this is the case, Captain.”
“Understood. Marks, Decker, take the stairs and crawl spaces and go to the other decks for recon.” The SIC and TIC nodded, going in separate directions.
“Splitting up the Senior Staff so the codes aren’t all together. Smart, sir.” Kelly noted, sounding just as scared as she felt. She didn’t stop scanning until she could hear Raider shouts from down the hall.
“Harris,” he began.
“Already on it sir,” Katelyn interrupted, quickly wiping the info from her station.
Something told her to duck, and a half second later, there was a scorch mark where her head had just been. Blindly hitting the last key, she slid under her station and into the crawl space, giving Kelly and Evans a wide eyed look as they did the same. Where’s the captain? She thought, stomach twisting and turning.
As if to answer her, the hatches slammed shut, sealing the bridge off.
Jacobs was still in the captain’s chair.
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the-art-of-aliens · 6 years
First Contact Meeting (Part 2)
Of the six the Drura sent for First Contact, only two survived.
It was a hard blow for Katelyn, but the Captain and XO had been there, reassuring her that there was nothing she could’ve done better. Apparently Drura went into shock fast and it settled hard, so for the planet to hear that they got two out of shock and into recovery surprised them.
“How are they?” she asked as she peered through the windows into the medical bay.
“Bre’ixa’s leg is healing good, but he might have a limp for the next few months. Chi’ea’s stitches seem to be working, but I’m worried that even with antibiotics they could become infected.” Combing a hand through her loose bangs, the younger human female let out a sigh. “They’ve been wishing to speak to you.”
“Can I go in?” She asked at this, getting a nod and the door unlock code. As she stepped in, the Druraian’s ears perked up. “Hello. I understand you wished to speak to me?”
“Bre’ixa wishes to give his thanks,” the more sand colored Drura replied, nodding. Chi’ea let out a huff, their four paws twitching.
“I as well wish to express my gratitude.” They said, tone lighter, but older. “You might already know, but I am Chief Ambassador Chi’ea of Drura, and this is Prince Bre’ixa of Drura.”
“Prince?” She wanted to say in a type of awed horror. “Is he why the other ship attacked you?” She asked instead.
“Yes, but no. Our people have been at war since we discovered one another and squabled over a simple misunderstanding. The Xioxilas knew we were going to meet you in Peace Talks, just as they knew that the Prince and I would be aboard.” They replied.
“Bre’ixa doesn’t like the war,” the tawny prince mumbled.
“No one likes it Bre’ixa.” Chi’ea sighed. “You have questions about us, yes? Our culture and our species?”
“Erm, yes, if that’s alright.” At their nod, Katelyn moved to sit down beside them. “I’m Lieutenant Harris, but I’d prefer to be called Katelyn, if that’s allowed.”
Species: Drura
Lifespan: 36 Orbital Years (Roughly 230 Earth years)
Homeworld: Drunar
Language: Drunis, Standard Galatic
Government: Democratic Monarchy
Rulers: King Bre’za
Currency: Kali’cev (1 Earth Credit to 1.46 Kali’cev)
Katelyn rubbed her strained eyes as she looked over the information again. Chi’ea had been severely helpful when it came to filling out that standard First Contact form. Her main issue had been Bre’ixa, and how he only referred to himself in a 3rd person.
Pulling her hair out of the ponytail, she ran her hands through it a few times, leaning back and looking at the ceiling. “Alien culture is weird,” she finally mumbled. It had to be a culture thing; Chi’ea spoke in first person, so maybe Bre’ixa wasn’t old enough?
“I can hear you overthinking,” Wallace grumbled from her side of the room. “Go to sleep Harris. We’re working first shift bright and early and I don’t want to hear you bitching about not feeling rested.”
“Screw you.” She shot back, but powered off the tablet and lamp, sending the room into a dim darkness. As she laid down, she found she couldn’t go to sleep, not yet… Turning on her side, she saw that Laura was mirroring her, eyes reflecting the starlight from the window. “Do you think we entered another war just now?” She asked softly, fearfully, for humanity was still suffering consequences from the 3rd world war.
She could see the fight in the blonde’s eyes as she hesitated before sighing, coming to an acceptance Katelyn wished she could have. “I think we just added ourselves into another war.” she echoed, her voice quiet and broken, but not as much as Katelyn herself felt.
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