#Chesh x Dabi
Hawks, Dabi, Chesh and Caden are a chaotic Polyship headcanons:
Chesh and I are QPP’s
Then every other line in the square is Romantic
Dabi is a bitch and I love him, Hawks needs a hug and Canon things never happened.
None of us know how to take care of ourselves, so we have to take turns taking care of each other
Dabi has to deal with the ADHD trio
Hawks and Chesh’s cat fight for their attention
In insert Caden has no impulse control and ends up injured despite the fact they could have avoided it all together. Chesh just sighs, Hawks freaks, and Dabi is having an aneurysm from my stupidity.
Chesh can poof anywhere and everywhere and convinces the LoV to become a runaway safe haven and more Vigilante than Villains
Dabi and Chesh have touch aversion
Hawks and I are cuddle bugs who make nests of stuffed and fluffy things
Chesh and Hawks like shiny things and collect them
I can’t touch expensive things or I have a heart attack
Dabi is Touya Dabi is a rich kid at heart
Toga and Twice are our QPP’s and come by to jam a lot because they cannot escape
Shiggy is my boyf and Best friends with Chesh and Dabi
Hawks is a living furnace and despite common misconceptions: Dabi is not and has issues with temperature regulation (as does Chesh) I am warm but have cold hands and feet
Hawks and I will flirt at work no way we won’t
It probably annoys everyone
Our inserts are 18 (and it’s an AU where 1-A is now 2-A) and Chesh could be a hero student but refuses on True Neutral principals.
Hawks learns to dance from Tokoyami and Aoyama to try and impress me
I hate spiders. I will cry. Chesh takes them outside through Poofing, Hawks uses a feather to take it outside and cuddles me, Dabi burns it.
When I want cuddles I will climb into Dabi or Hawks’ laps, if they won’t cuddle me I’ll call Toga or Twice and refuse to cuddle Dabi or Hawks for at least 24 hours
Hawks is Bi, Chesh is Ace, Dabi is Pan, I, Caden, am Abro
Caden x Hawks? FlyBi
Caden x Dabi? ArsonAndPyromaniac
Chesh doesn’t have ship names yet
But our Poly ship is MorallyAmbiguous because Two Heroes, a vigilante, and a villain
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