fastdiet · 1 year
📢 Cheerleading is a demanding sport that requires strength, agility, and endurance. To perform at their best, cheerleaders need to fuel their bodies with the right nutrients. That's why Cheer Athletics, one of the top cheerleading programs in the world, created the World Diet in 2012. 🥗 The Cheer Athletics World Diet is a comprehensive nutrition plan designed to optimize athletic performance. It includes a variety of foods that provide the necessary macronutrients and micronutrients for cheerleaders to excel. The diet emphasizes lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. 🏆 Since its inception, the Cheer Athletics World Diet has helped countless cheerleaders achieve their goals. It's not just about what they eat, but also how they eat. The program emphasizes the importance of regular meals, hydration, and mindful eating habits. With the World Diet, Cheer Athletics has set a new standard for nutrition in the cheerleading world.1. The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Cheerleading AthletesProper nutrition is essential for cheerleading athletes to perform at their best. 🥦 Eating a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and protein helps maintain energy levels. 🍎 Hydration is crucial for preventing cramps and staying alert. 🥩 Lean meats and dairy provide necessary nutrients for muscle growth and repair. Skipping meals or relying on junk food can lead to fatigue, injury, and poor performance. 🍔 Processed foods lack nutrients and can cause inflammation. 🍭 Sugary snacks cause blood sugar spikes and crashes. 🥤 Energy drinks can dehydrate and cause heart palpitations. Consulting with a registered dietitian can help create a personalized nutrition plan. 👩‍🍳 Meal prepping and packing snacks can ensure proper fuel during competitions. 💪 Adequate protein intake can aid in muscle recovery and prevent injury. 🍽️ Balanced meals with complex carbs can provide sustained energy. Proper nutrition is key to success in cheerleading and overall health. 2. The Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan: Overview and GuidelinesOur cheerleading team follows the Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan to stay fit and healthy. Here are the guidelines: Eat five small meals a day Consume protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks Drink plenty of water Our diet plan encourages balanced eating and portion control. It helps us maintain energy levels during practices and competitions. We also incorporate cheat meals into our plan to satisfy cravings and prevent binge eating. Moderation is key! Remember, a healthy diet is just one part of a healthy lifestyle. We also prioritize regular exercise and rest for optimal performance. 🍎🥦🍗🥑🍓🍔🍟🍩3. Key Nutrients for Optimal Performance in CheerleadingAs a cheerleader, you need to fuel your body with the right nutrients to perform at your best. Here are the key nutrients you should focus on: Protein: Helps repair and build muscle. Sources include lean meats, eggs, beans, and nuts. Carbohydrates: Provides energy for practices and performances. Choose complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Calcium: Essential for strong bones and preventing injuries. Dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods are good sources. Other important nutrients include: Vitamin D: Helps the body absorb calcium. Get it from sunlight, fatty fish, and fortified foods. Iron: Needed for oxygen transport and energy production. Red meat, beans, and leafy greens are good sources. B vitamins: Help convert food into energy. Get them from whole grains, nuts, and leafy greens. Don't forget to stay hydrated! Water is essential for proper bodily function and helps prevent cramps and fatigue. 💧4. Meal Planning and Preparation Tips for Cheerleading CompetitionsProper meal planning and preparation are crucial for cheerleading competitions. Here are some tips to help you fuel your body for optimal performance: Choose complex carbohydrates like brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes for sustained energy. Incorporate lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and tofu to aid in muscle recovery. Include healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil to support brain function and satiety. Preparation is key to avoiding last-minute stress: Prep meals and snacks in advance to save time and ensure you have healthy options on hand. Bring a cooler with pre-made meals and snacks to competitions to avoid relying on unhealthy options. Pack electrolyte-rich drinks like coconut water to stay hydrated and replenish lost minerals. Don't forget about timing: Eat a balanced meal 3-4 hours before a competition to allow for digestion. Have a small snack like a banana or granola bar 30 minutes before performing for a quick energy boost. Replenish with a protein shake or meal within 30 minutes of performing to aid in muscle recovery. Remember, nutrition plays a crucial role in your performance. Fuel your body properly to give your best performance yet! 🍎🥑🍗5. Success Stories: Athletes Who Followed the Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan Meet some of the athletes who have followed the Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan and achieved success: 🏆 Gabi Butler: Cheer Athletics World Champion and Netflix's "Cheer" star. 🏆 Mackenzie Lawrence: NCA All-Star National Champion and Worlds Silver Medalist. 🏆 Steven Legendre: Olympic gymnast and Cheer Athletics World Champion. These athletes credit the Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan for their success, which focuses on balanced meals and proper hydration. 🍎 Balanced Meals: The diet plan includes a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. 💧 Proper Hydration: Athletes are encouraged to drink plenty of water and electrolyte-rich fluids. 🍴 Meal Planning: The plan includes meal planning and prepping to ensure athletes stay on track. Following the Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan has not only helped these athletes achieve success, but it has also improved their overall health and well-being. Whether you're a competitive athlete or simply looking to improve your health, the Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan may be worth considering. 6. Common Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid in Cheerleading Training and CompetitionProper nutrition is crucial for cheerleaders to perform at their best. Here are some common mistakes to avoid: Skipping meals: This can lead to low energy levels and poor performance. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Not drinking enough water: Dehydration can cause muscle cramps and fatigue. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day. Consuming too much sugar: This can cause a sugar crash and affect performance. Choose natural sugars from fruits instead. Not getting enough protein: Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth. Include lean protein sources in your meals. Eating too much processed food: Processed foods are often high in sodium and unhealthy fats. Choose whole foods instead. Ignoring post-workout nutrition: Proper nutrition after exercise is crucial for muscle recovery. Include a mix of carbohydrates and protein. By avoiding these common nutrition mistakes, cheerleaders can improve their performance and stay healthy. 🎉7. Adjusting the Cheer Athletics World Diet Plan for Individual Athlete NeedsAt Cheer Athletics, we understand that every athlete has unique dietary needs. Here are some tips to adjust our world diet plan to fit individual needs: Consult with a nutritionist to determine specific dietary requirements. Adjust portion sizes based on individual activity levels and body composition. Substitute foods to accommodate allergies or intolerances. Modify meal timing to fit individual schedules and training routines. 🍎🥕🥦 Remember to prioritize whole foods and nutrient-dense options for optimal performance and recovery.🍗🍠🥑 Consider incorporating supplements such as protein powder or vitamins if necessary. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Monitor weight and body composition regularly to ensure proper fueling for training and competition. Communicate any concerns or changes in dietary needs with coaches and nutritionists. 👍 By adjusting our world diet plan to fit individual needs, we can ensure that each athlete is properly fueled for success. 🏆 In conclusion, the Cheer Athletics World Diet 2012 was a game-changer for the cheerleading community. This diet plan not only helped the athletes achieve their desired physique but also improved their overall health and performance. The strict guidelines and emphasis on whole foods proved to be effective in achieving optimal results. As the cheerleading industry continues to evolve, it's important to prioritize the health and well-being of athletes. The Cheer Athletics World Diet 2012 serves as a reminder that proper nutrition is key to success in any sport. Let's hope that more teams and organizations follow in their footsteps and prioritize the health of their athletes. 🎉👏🥗 The Cheer Athletics World Diet 2012 was a success! Here's to more healthy and effective diet plans in the cheerleading community. https://fastdiet.net/cheer-athletics-world-diet-2012/?_unique_id=648712087327e
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, self harm, angst, light fluff and awesome cheerleading.
Prompt: "Did it ever occur to you that this would hurt me too?"
Summary: During cheer practice, fresh scabs are picked and Peter finds out about the readers dark secret.
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You weren't sure how much longer you could hide it. Winter was ending and it was going to be hellish hot soon, which meant long sleeves were no longer practical. With a worried breath, you pulled your sleeves over your hands and left the bathroom. Practice would start within ten minutes and you weren't ready to try the new stunt the coaches had been planning.
This week you guys were working on partner stunts, and you coincidently or completely purposefully got placed with your boyfriend. Which was amazing, save for the fact that he might spot something underneath the thin white fabric of your long sleeve practice top. "Hey Y/N," you smile and wave at one of your cheer-mates and wonder towards the field.
A shock shoots through your system as someone's arms wrap around you. "Peter." You mumble, somewhat displeased. "Yes babe?" He whispers, kissing your neck. You felt a pang of guilt. He treated you so well. He loved you so much. And you loved him too. But some part of you hated yourself, and you hadn't gotten over that yet. Dating for nearly a year and cutting for even longer. Hr didn't know and he couldn't. You'd stop eventually. But not now.
"Please don't scare me. You know I get jumpy." He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. "I'm sorry babe, I'll let you know I'm here before I wrap my arms around you next time." You smile weakly. "Thanks Pete." You turn and kiss his nose before draging him towards the other cheerleaders.
"Hey Y/N, hey Peter!" You hugged your friends and they hugged Peter too. "You ready to try the throw to hands extention, to lib into twist cradle." Her excitement was bubbling. Obviously she was. You shook your head with uncertainty. "Not so much." You tell her. Throw to hands was when the base (person holding up the flyer) put their hands on the flyers waist, their hands over the base's wrists and they jumped while the base threw them up where they would catch the flyer in their hands, ends of shoes just lightly over the bases shoulders. From there the base would extend the flyer up to where they would stand on one leg, the other leg bent at the knee, and arms out and slightly infront of them. Once hit and held for however long ghe couch wanted, the base would pop (gently throw the flyer out of their hands) and the flyer would twist twice before being caught by the base and a spotter or a back spot.
The idea seemed okay in theory, in practice many things could potentially go wrong. And even though you trusted Peter with your life, This seemed hard. Peter wrapped one arm around your waist. "I'm sure we'll hit it. Doesn't sound too hard." You nearly scoff. "Tell that to me when I hit fhe ground." Peter pulled You slightly closed to him. "Not a chance angel."
"Guys start warming up. We'll start in five." At the sound of that everyone filed into a circle where you started stretching, neck, shoulders, back, legs etc until all the flyers stsrted stretching their stunts, like the splits, needle and some tumbling. You weren't the best at all of those things but you were improving drastically.
"Can we warm up the throw to hands?" Peter asks. You glance at him, admiring his strong arms visible due to the grey tank top he wore, his soft brown eyes and gorgeous chocolate locks. "Yeah, let's go." He takes you away from the group and calles your friend Jaimie to spot. Peter stands behind you, knees slightly bent and hands on your waist, he'd lifted the shirt a bit to hold your skin since it had better traction than your shirt. You placed your hands over his wrists, holding them.
"Five, six, seven, eight." On that count Peter bounced you, while you jumped, pushing up off of his wrists and you pulled your tummy in, thighs tight and left your arms by your sides. Peter expertly caught you just slightly in-front of him and pulled you into place, his hands on the balls of your shoes with your heels just slightly resting on his shoulders. "Nice one guys!" Your coach praised. You beamed. This whole throw to hands thing was pretty easy.
"Can we hit lib?" Peter asks, slightly pushing you up to grab a better hold of your foot. "Yeah." You confirm. He counts again and pull tight to make his job of lifting you eaiser. He extended you above his head in one swift motion while you moved onto one leg and pulled your other leg up and pointed your toes. You shot your arms up and balanced as best you could.
Peter counted once more and you allowed yourself to be lightly popped upward, where you waited a second before twisting and pulling your arms in to be caught by Petet and Jaimie. "That was fantastic guys!" Someone shouted. You smiled as Peter and Jaimie let you down. "Nice one." Peter announced, hand up for a high five. You clapped his hand and went in for a hug.
What you didn't notice in all the excitement, was that when uou were caught, the fresh scabs on your arms had been picked off, causing the wounds underneath to bleed. "Why is there blood on your shirt, are you okay?" Jaimie pointed out and Peter looked round. "Yeah I'm fine. Y/N." Panic filled your soul. "I'm fine." You state firmly before rushing off toward the bathroom.
You heard Peter following you but didn't stop. "Y/N! Are you okay?" You shouted back: "Yes I am!" Peter caught up to you and stopped you. "What happened?" He nearly demanded. "Nothing." You insist. Peter squints. "Y/N."
"Leave it Peter." You attempt to dismiss him. "You arent normally like this... Did You." He seemed to choke up at the thought. "Did you hurt yourself."
"No." You lied through gtitted teeth. "Y/N." He said again, in a far more warning tone. You felt tears well in your eyes. "Peter." You attempt to counter his fearful attack. "Please let me see." You shook your head forcefully. "No. They're fine. They're never too deep." At that You just realized you had given yourself up. "I'm sorry." You wail finally crying and nearly collapsing. Peter catches you in his arms. "Hey. I'm sorry I didn't notice. That I didn't help." You just cried and Peter pulled you into a hug. "I know you're hurting yourself but. Did it ever occur to you this this would hurt me too?" You cried slightly harder at the sound of that. "It hurts me a lot to see you in pain." He held you tighter.
"It's going to be fine Y/N. We'll figure things out. Next time you feel anything like this please tell me." He whispers. "I I-'ll try." You stutter. "Please do. I love you Y/N. With everything I have."
"I love you too."
"Common, we'll talk more about this later okay, I have a spare long sleeved shirt in my locker you can borrow." You smile softly. "Get changed and then let's help others hit the stunt." You nod. "Thank you. For not freaking out on me. For not hating me."
"Babe, I could never hate you." He tells you flatly, a smile on his face.
"Lets see if we can do a triple twist toss hey?" You chuckle at the mention. You guys had been trying to hit that for weeks. "Let's." You agree. "Good, go get changed." At that he tosses you the key to his locker and kissed you.
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babyblexu · 5 years
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Ready and...
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Cheer Athletics Brands, LLC v. PB Entertainment Group, Inc. and John Atchley aka Kurt Wheeler
The owners of Cheer Athletics, Inc C.A. Brands have sued the firm PB Entertainment Group, Inc, and others that they hired to save the Statewide Cheerleading company, from hemorrhaging money. Surprisingly Cheer Athletics had hundreds of their members that CA had allowed to grow to past-due balances dating further than 2016.
 PB Entertainment President, John Atchley sat down with us to talk about the business of helping businesses:
“If I remember correctly, amounts totaled over $300,000 in their Plano location alone. My firm helped and worked with the owners directly: Jody Melton, Brad Habermel and Angela Rogers, to resolve the gyms past-due receivables in Plano Texas.  
We are not surprised by this filing but are very disappointed in the owners’ filing of this case because I thought we were all friends, one: over 20 years' friendship with Brad Habermel. This became obviously a wrong assumption as they failed to actually talk about any real issues, instead they have been making false claims and demands to athletes in an email to stop all contact and all payments with PBE. 
Why would you endanger these kids, their parents, these families and leave them in financial danger or ruin? This just proves to me what I have known from the beginning: The owners are amazing cheerleaders, they are just in my opinion, bad business people, who don’t know how to treat even their own athletes, only caring about money  We will prove this to the court and much more.”
Mr. Atchley believes the breakdown of their agreement started when the owners panicked, not knowing solutions to problems developing in the new franchises. After 4+ years they still hadn’t learned how receivables work, which is where PBE had rescued the business.
“Brad, Jody and Angela believe they're above everyone because they make almost a Million Dollars a month in receivables, in Plano Texas alone. We look forward to teaching them: money does not buy you class. They (owners) are just people. You need to learn respect for others.
Further, we are also looking at filing a counterclaim and have not determined what will be asking the court for damages. Thank you sir I will keep you in the loop.” Thank you. 
                                Thank you, 
                               All you need to know radio 
 Full disclosure: Mr. Atchley owns All you need to know radio, so he had one our associates do this post. “ 
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hollachrdnc · 6 years
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#HOLLA'! proud and congrats to @ca_aliyah_cheers and her teammates from #AristoCats #Cheerathletics #cheerchamps #unstoppable #hollacheeranddancemagazine ⭐⭐🥇⭐⭐ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bte0RPhn9bI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u66uf6zhlgbz
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drunk-paradox · 6 years
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If you laugh a lot, when you get older your wrinkles will be in the right place 😁. Can’t wait for PCA nationals round 2, we’re coming for 1st place 😈🎉🤸🏾‍♀️. . . . . #pca #nationals #cheer #red #redlips #cheerleading #bigsmile #whiteteeth #cheerleader #cheerathletics #blackgirlscheer #🎀 #🌱 (at Powerade Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVrRqtHx4g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ibht2zjvblga
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allegeek · 2 years
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Aí galerinha dos anos 80. Aquele filme que marcou gerações. Lançou moda e sem contar a famosa trilha sonora. Quem ai nunca dançou naqueles bailinhos de garagem ao embalo da famosa música take my breath away. Muito ansioso para ver a continuação desse filme amanhã. . . . . . . . #topgun #f #tomcruise #missionimpossible #topgunmaverick #cheer #seniorelite #cheerleading #maverick #aviation #tglc #smoed #cheerathletics #tomcat #tomcruiseforever #tomcruisefan #tomcruisemovie #tomcruisestyle #topgunmovie #cheerextreme #usnavy #s #ladyjags #military #tomcruiseedit #ethanhunt #californiaallstars #worlds #tomcruiselover #jackreacher (em QG Do Alle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdyp08AOgav/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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showbizly · 2 years
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See Jon Hamm as “Vice” in Top Gun “Maverick” starring Tom Cruise #topgun #f #tomcruise #missionimpossible #topgunmaverick #seniorelite #cheer #cheerleading #maverick #aviation #smoed #tomcat #tglc #cheerathletics #tomcruiseforever #tomcruisefan #usnavy #tomcruisemovie #tomcruisestyle #topgunmovie #cheerextreme #s #military #tomcruiseedit #ladyjags #worlds #californiaallstars #ethanhunt #tomcruiselover #jackreacher https://www.instagram.com/p/CdYbVnoLlGE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leveljackets · 3 years
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Like & Follow us for more jacket
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workoutgirlshub · 4 years
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• @hot.girls.workout 🏃🏽‍♀️✨♥ 👉Follow @hot.girls.workout for more motivation! 👌🏻 ⠀⠀ #athleticsawesome #stabilitytraining #trainingvideos #strenghtandconditioning #workoutideas #alphaleteathletics #cheerathletics #athleticsvines #tracknation #athletelife #athleteslife #speedandagility #triplejump #femalefitness #fitgirlforlife #gymgirlmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CHPWAG_F-sH/?igshid=1u7oyhxmlneye
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valuablesport · 4 years
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Valuable Industries Customized Sportswear Manufacturing Company... #cheerpractice #scorpion #fit #cheering #cheerleading #cheerathletics #toetouch #cheerstagram #love #flexible #instacheerleader #box #backtuck #sport #stunting #cheerclassic #tumbling #scale #cheerislife #stunt #cheerperfection #cheerleader #cheerpassion #cheersport #jump #instacheer #stretch #cheer #valuableindustries https://www.instagram.com/p/CGU-uUfjKDX/?igshid=1ii59n6t6jiuv
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showbizly · 2 years
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Tom Cruise inside the San Diego Civic Theatre for the Global Premiere of Top Gun “Maverick” (San Diego, California, USA). #topgun #f #tomcruise #missionimpossible #topgunmaverick #seniorelite #cheer #cheerleading #maverick #aviation #smoed #tomcat #tglc #cheerathletics #tomcruiseforever #tomcruisefan #usnavy #tomcruisemovie #tomcruisestyle #topgunmovie #cheerextreme #s #military #tomcruiseedit #ladyjags #worlds #californiaallstars #ethanhunt #tomcruiselover #jackreacher https://www.instagram.com/p/CdWHUHopW_n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dsp-joshdavis · 7 years
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Had so much fun today with my two friends! Big props to Presley braving the cold so we could do our shoot. @presleyelise @emma_barclay11 @rebelathleticcheer @cheer.rebels @rebel_vpofdesign @rebellevelfeatures #publishedphotographer #photographer #photography #cinematographer #cinematography #directorofphotography #cameraoperator #freelancephotographer #freelance #freelancevideographer #deepshadowspictures #actress #actor #acting #models #modeling #rebeldreambag #rebelagainstbullying #rebel #rebellevel #winninginrebel #cheerathletics #cheer #cheerleader (at Rockwall, Texas)
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phamic · 4 years
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Too Much . . . . . . . . . . . . @phamicart #tumbling #cheerleader #box #toetouch #stretch #cheerperfection #cheerpassion #cheersport #flexible #instacheerleader #cheerathletics #jump #cheerclassic #love #cheerstagram #cheerleading #fit #sport #stunting #backtuck #stunt #cheerpractice #cheer #cheering #scorpion #instacheer #scale #cheerislife #yellow (at Meow Wolf Santa Fe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAD3XjAnItU/?igshid=1c4ac617t6wdz
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sports-vixens · 5 years
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#Repost @topgunloverz ・・・ She looks so good in the Uni tho 😤 ~ Lea • follow @topgunloverz for more! • #topgun005 #cheergames #topguncheer #topgunallstars #cheerfails #cheer #cheerleading #cheerstunts #worlds2018 #worlds2019 #hithitpull #blops #slayed #ladyjags #tglc #smoed #californiaallstars #gymnastics #cheerathletics #ssx #seniorelite #topgun #fail #notafail #champs #tumble#explore#explorepage https://www.instagram.com/p/B1egxw9gBdf/?igshid=1jisxm8ypux9a
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kaleem31 · 4 years
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Same girl same boy only different keto diet system:- Did you know? If you want loss weight lbs in the First week alone with keto lifestyle. You can click the link in our bio to get everything you need for keto diet success. Just imagine..... 1 months for now you will have successfully completed the keto challenge. Not only will you feel a huge sense of accomplishment, you will. 1. Be lighter and thinner (it's not uncommon to lose 20+ lbs!) 2. Have more energy than you have felt in year. 3. Be sleeping better and feeling more rested when you wake up. Notice improvement in your skin and hair. Probably best of all you will have momentum to keep going with your new keto lifestyle.....you will able to start strong and finish 💪 Strong. (Click our bio link) Start now. . . . . . . #cheerleading #cheerathletics #scale #cheerleader #cheerperfection #tumbling #cheerstagram #cheerclassic #toetouch #backtuck #cheerpassion #flexible #scorpion #cheerpractice #love #cheer #cheersport #stunt #jump #stunting #fit #prilaga #instacheerleader #instacheer #cheering #cheerislife #stretch #box #sport (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_3TSBXgTTR/?igshid=19pd9fwl2p2z0
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