#Charles automatically moving wherever he goes
souvenir116 · 6 months
Charles following Max mindlessly and then realizing he was going to the wrong way 😸
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ttuesday · 3 years
What sports do you think the modern VDL gang would be into?
*breaks down your door* are you ready for more kinda believable while others are just bonkers answers?
Dutch would play a sport that's usually associated with being rich or upper class, something like croquet.
And he's definitely that person who watches every little move their opponent makes and if they mess up, Dutch will start shouting they've cheated according to page 87, section 12.4, paragraph 3 of the rule book and that now they automatically lose.
This is the only way Dutch ever wins
Arthur didn't want to do basketball at first, his one reason being because John wanted to do it with him.
But after a while, Arthur starts to realize that John is absolutely hopeless at basketball. So now Arthur likes doing basketball cause it means he gets to shout at John
"C'mon Marston, you call that dribbling?".
"What? JOhn, no! Don’t pass the ball to him, he ain’t on our team!”. 
Y’all already know Charles is the best archer out there
He’s always done archery through hunting but doing it as a sport is better cause the target isn’t an animal
Charles has the talent to win a lot of archery tournaments but instead he chose to spend his time setting up a local archery club and now he coaches people there
Sean thinks he is the coolest person alive when he starts doing breakdancing.
He argues with  e v e r y o n e  who questions whether it’s an actual sport, even though a lot of people only question it cause they think it’s funny how riled up he gets over it.
Anytime, anywhere, Sean will start breakdancing. You’re shopping at a supermarket? Sean’s on the floor doing a twirl. You’re at the dentist’s getting a check-up? Sean’s in the corner of the room doing the robot. You’re at your great aunt Betty’s funeral? Sean’s on the casket doing a head spin.
Javier is a parkour man. He didn’t even realize it was a sport at first, he thought that’s how everyone escapes after robbing a bank.
Wherever he goes now he’s either running up a wall or trying to scale the side of a building.
He’s really really good at it though and Javier’s won multiple championships thanks to his parkour skills.
John really thought basketball would be fun. It would help him exercise and he’d be spending some time with Arthur.
For a veryyyy long time John thought you kicked the ball in basketball, which was his first of many mistakes.
Sometimes when Arthur’s shouting at him for messing up, he’ll throw the ball to Arthur and ask him to show everyone how it’s done properly. Of course Arthur messes it up too and sulks about it for the rest of the day.
Sadie is a master at volleyball
The only problem is that no one wants to play against her ever since she knocked someone’s front teeth out with the ball
Sadie takes the sport very seriously and has no problem trying to murder her opponents with the ball.
Bill takes up fencing. He buys all the equipment, the mask and a bunch of different swords (I think they’re called something more technical in fencing but idk the name).
He kept boasting about how great he is at fencing until everyone decided to go to one of the competitions he was set to compete at.
Sure, Bill’s good with his sword... but he doesn’t follow any rules and gets kicked out after 10 minutes. Apparently going around trying to stab everyone while the soundtrack to Star Wars played in the background was ‘unacceptable behaviour’.
When security came to kick him out he waved his hand in front of their faces and said “This is not the Bill you’re looking for” but that didn’t work and he got banned. 
Lenny didn’t think he’d find an interesting sport. He gets bored easily and wanted to find something that will always stay exciting 
That’s when he stumbled on to rock climbing. There’s a lot of different variations of rock climbing so he never gets bored and he always feels great when he reaches the top.
He loves it and tries to convince everyone to try it out.
Trelawny didn’t want to play just any old sport. He wanted to do something that was refined, accomplishing and graceful.
That’s why he took up synchronized swimming.
Now Trelawny choreographs the most elegant routines and of course he’s added his birds and some magic to the routine too.
Ever since Tilly got her first skateboard she’s become obsessed with it.
She loves the feeling of gliding along on her board and practicing tricks until she gets them perfect.
Whenever she gets stressed, Tilly knows she can trust skateboarding to relax and calm her down, even if she’s just skating along the street it’s still very calming
Micah has tried it all. He tried croquet with Dutch but after allegedly breaking the rules for the fifth time, Micah had enough and stormed off.
Next he was going to try basketball but once he saw John and Arthur were already there, he just walked back out the door.
Finally after wandering for hours, he stumbled upon the sport for him. He refuses to talk to anyone about his sport and keeps it very very secretive.
Micah threatens Trelawny about ten times a day, telling him that if he tells anyone he’ll break the English man’s legs. After the threats, Micah coyly asks what next week’s swimming routine will be.
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imaginexmarvel · 6 years
Pack of Lone Wolves Part 2
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P.S: Couldn’t find a better GIF. Take it as…whatever. I just didn’t want to use the one I used last time. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
I slowly wake up to see that I’m in a metal room on a table, dressed in sweatpants and a grey female-cut wife beater. I pale and sit up.
“Easy. You’re safe.” Comes a female voice from right beside me, and hand on my chest to try and ease me back down. I don’t let her. She’s a red-headed woman in a lab coat, holding a vial of- -
“Did you take my blood?!” I snap as I stand and put the table between us. The metal floor is cool beneath my feet, but it ignore that for the moment. The woman frowns, hands up placatingly.
“Just a little. I- -”
“Where’s my dad?!” I interrupt, glaring at her. “I need to see him!” She motions behind me and I spin around to see that he’s still out cold. I feel my breath hitch. 
He should have healed by now!
“What did you- -”
“I didn’t do anything.” She assures me. “I’m not here to hurt you or your adopted father, I promise. I’m trying to help you.” I swallow, paling.
“How did you know he’s not my real father?” I ask, then another question occurs to me. “Where are we?” She smiles.
“I’ll show you once I’m done here, to answer both questions.” I frown as she grabs another vial, the thing floating over to her.
“Yo-you’re- -”
“Telepathic.” She explains, smirking. “And telekinetic. Name’s Jean Grey.” I nod.
“Sorry for snapping at you and freaking out. My name’s Autumn.”
“I know.” She replies, smiling. I smile back, then watch as she puts the vial into Dad’s arm. Unfortunately, Dad wakes up to someone taking his blood and instantly had Jean in a choke hold.
“Where’s Autumn?!” He growls. Jean is too stunned to speak.
“Dad, wait!” I call, moving to stand in front of him as Dad’s wild eyes take in the room. “I’m fine! I’m right here! She didn’t hurt me! Stop!” He lets Jean go and she collapses, choking, as he grabs my arm.
“Let’s go!” Is all he says. We leave the room only to find a metal hallway with circular doors every so often, all with an ‘X’ on them. I frown. What is this place? The door to the room we’d just left closes and we flinch, looking around. We walk down the hall and hear voices, but I’d swear it’s not from any room in the hall. More like…inside our heads. “Shit.” Dad growls. “How do we- -” We then notice a series of display cases, each with a customized black outfit, seemingly leather. I frown.
“What the frick?” I mumble. Dad and I are equally confused. I then take a breath to think. “Okay…well, wherever we are, that lady didn’t mean to hurt us. Her name is Jean.” I explain. “I woke up just before you.”
“She was trying to take my blood.” He growls, yanking the vial out of his arm and the electrodes off his chest. I nod.
“She took mine, too. But I don’t think she means harm.” Dad scoffs.
“Doubt that.”
“If she did want to hurt us, why would she still be in that room? She’d have come after us, or attacked us.” I point out. We move a little closer and Dad spots a cabinet and takes a sweatshirt he puts on, and I grab one right after him. We then make our way down a side hall.
Where’re they going? Comes a voice in my head. I flinch, looking around wildly. No one was here. Dad yanks me toward a door and out of sight of anyone who might be in the hall. I hold my breath, but no one shows themselves, which only serves to make my stomach squirm nervously. I was so confused. Where are we? What was going on?
Turns out, the door we were hiding near is an elevator. It opens suddenly and Dad pulls me out of sight of anyone inside.
But there’s no one there. I lick my lips, slowly approaching behind Dad.
Over here. The voice says. We slip into the elevator and it slides shut. Dad looks panicked for a second and I note we’re moving up. A few moments later, the elevator opens into what looks like a large house.
Cautiously, Dad goes first and we get out. Dad takes my hand and leads me into the hallway we find ourselves in.
I promise you’re safe, Autumn. Please trust me. Comes Jean’s voice in my head, but I make no outward reaction.
“It’s not just me you need to convince.” I think back as we go further into this strange house. What was going on?!
I know, and I’m sorry you and your father woke up like that, but this will all make sense soon. Try to find the Professor. Jean replies.
“Who’s that?”
A good friend of mine.
Where are you going? The male voice repeats. They’re over there. I pale. Screw what Jean said, that did not sound good. Dad puts me behind him and we scurry backwards, but without knowing where anyone was, it was hard to avoid th- -I hear a group approaching and Dad hugs me to him and we hide behind a pillar just as a group of kids walk past, engrossed in their conversations. Once they’re past, we move quickly down the hall, making for the nearest door, ducking in and closing it softly. When we turn around, we find that we chose an occupied room. I pale.
Crud. There are about ten kids, all facing toward an older man at an ornate wooden desk. It was clear we were interrupting something. Dad automatically moves me behind him again as the silence lengthens.
“Good morning, Logan, Autumn.” The man greets. I frown. This guy sounded like that voice in my head. The man turns to the kids. “So, I’d like your definitions of weak and strong anthropic principles on my desk on Wednesday, alright?” I lick my lips. Was this a class? “That’ll be all.” The kids all file awkwardly past us and one girl goes back to get her bag, farewelling the man, and the guy calls her ‘Kitty’. She then runs literally through the door. I gasp. She’s a mutant? Showing her powers openly? The silence grows and the man holds up a Physics textbook. “Physics.” He muses with a warm smile, plopping the book back onto his desk. “I’m Charles Xavier.” He introduces, and he moves an electric wheelchair out from the desk. I blink. Oh. “Would you two like some breakfast?” My stomach betrays me, growling softly. My hand automatically goes to it.
“Where are we?” Dad growls, not letting me past him.
“Westchester, New York. You were attacked.” I scoff.
“No shit.” I grumble, moving my hand to my ribs. “I swear I still feel that tree trunk.” Mr. Xavier takes it in stride and I feel slightly guilty. After all, this guy had been nothing but warm and friendly.
“My people brought you both here for medical attention.”
“And to take our blood.” I muse sourly. Charles opens his mouth, but Logan cuts across him.
“We don’t need medical attention.”
“Yes, of course.” Charles muses wryly. I swallow, realizing who was absent; Marie.
“Where’s Rogue?” Dad asks.
“The- -the girl that was with us?” I press.
“Rogue? She’s here. She’s fine.” I narrow my eyes.
“Really?” Dad and I ask in synch. Just then, the door opens and Dad spins to see an African-American woman with long white hair and a guy with a weird visor-thing enter.
“Ah. Logan, Autumn, I’d like you to meet Ororo Munroe, also called Storm.” Charles says, motioning to the woman. “And this is Scott Summers. We call him Cyclops.” I nod.
“Hello.” I greet as Ororo does the same, smiling warmly at us.
“They saved your life.” Charles explains. I nod.
“Thanks.” Cyclops extends his hand, smiling politely, but I am the only one to shake it. Then, Jean walks in. I sheepishly wave at her. She doesn’t say anything, but offers a small smile.
“I believe you’ve already met Dr. Jean Grey.” I nod.
“Sorry about that.” I mumble. She chuckles.
“It’s alright.” She replies. This is the Professor I mentioned earlier, Autumn. She adds in my head. I swallow, still unused to hearing a voice that’s not mine in my head.
“You’re in my School for the Gifted. For mutants. You’ll be safe here from Magneto.” I frown. Dad moves subtly closer to me.
“What’s a Magneto?” Dad asks.
“A very powerful mutant who believes that there’s a war brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity. I’ve been following his activities for some time.”
“And you believe he was after us?” I ask. Charles nods.
“For reasons unknown, it does appear he was after you and your adopted father.” I roll my eyes.
“He is my father, blood or not.” Charles smiles.
“Yes, he is. Now, the man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabretooth.” That breaks whatever tension was building in the room. I snicker.
“Seriously?” I ask. “‘Sabretooth’?” Dad laughs as Charles nods.
“And you’re ‘Storm’.” He clicks his tongue, grinning like this was a joke. “And what do they call you?” He snarks. “‘Wheels’?��� I glare at him.
“Dad!” He just laughs.
“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” He muses, walking over to the door. “C’mon, Half-Pint.” He calls, but Cyclops doesn’t move. “Cyclops, huh?” Scott barely has time to nod before Dad grabs his shirt. “You wanna get outta our way?” I roll my eyes.
“That’d be easier if you let go of his shirt, Dad.” I snark. Scott looks over Dad’s shoulder at Charles like ‘are you gonna help?’.
“Logan.” Charles calls. “It’s been almost fifteen years, hasn’t it?” Dad stiffens and I frown. “Living from day to day with Autumn, once she was in the picture, barely getting by, moving from place to place. And all without memory of who or what you are.” By now, Dad almost looks like he’s entering a panic attack. I put my hand on his shoulder, easing his fingers out of Cyclop’s shirt as he whirls his head.
“Shut up!” He snaps at Charles, eyes wide and a little wild, but his voice was shaky.
“Give me a chance.” Charles offers softly, as if speaking to a frightened child. “I may be able to help you find some answers.”
“How did you know?” Dad asks softly, eyes still wild.
You’re not the only one with gifts. My eyes go wide. Of course! Jean said she’s telepathic and Charles must be, too! He’s the one talking to us in our heads! Finally, Dad seems to relax a little, smirking just a tiny bit.
“What is this place?” He asks.
“A school.” Charles replies.
“Is everyone here…”
“A mutant?” Charles finishes. I nod. “Yes.” He replies, driving the wheelchair out to the hall. “Anonymity is a mutant’s first defense against the world’s hostility.” Charles explains, and as we pass a window, we watch a snippet of a basketball game in which one boy teleports around the court, and everyone takes in stride, chiding him playfully about ‘no powers!’. It was amazing! “To the public,” Charles goes on, “we’re merely a school for gifted youngsters. Cyclops, Storm, and Jean were some of my first students. I protected them, taught them to control their powers, and, in time, teach others to do the same.”
“This place is really something else.” I muse breathily, looking around. “Is this a house?” Charles chuckles.
“Yes. My family’s mansion, finally put to good use.” I grin.
“Wow.” I was totally loving the idea of a mutant school. Living with a guy like my dad, we were moving around a lot, barely keeping enough money to get by in our tiny little trailer. I didn’t regret sneaking into Dad’s trailer that night, but I do wish we’d known about this place a lot sooner.
“Most of the students are runaways, frightened, alone, not unlike yourself, that day nine years ago, Autumn.” I swallow. It was a little unnerving, the way Charles casually threw out stuff he learned from your head. “Some have gifts so extreme, they become a danger to themselves and everyone around them.” Charles continues, seemingly unaware of my discomfort. “Like your friend, Rogue. Incapable of physical human contact, probably for the rest of her life.” I bite my lip. Poor girl. That must be horrible. “And yet, here she is, with others her own age, learning, being accepted, not feared.” And there she was, watching a boy make a fireball in his hand and then watching another boy freeze it as Storm began class. Storm turns as the iceball is dropped, shattering on the floor. She says something, then turns back to the board she was writing on. We move on down the hall and finally enter a kitchen. There, leftover breakfast is still sitting out. We sit at the table and Charles moves the wheelchair to the head of it. I grab a sausage/egg/biscuit sandwich and eat it. Dad grabs one, too.
“What’ll happen to her?” Dad asks, chewing a large bite.
“Well, that’s up to her. Rejoin the world as an educated woman, or stay on to teach others and become what the children have affectionately dubbed ‘an X-man’.”
“And those are the only options here?” I ask.
“No. She could, if she chose, leave at any time and pursue her own life.” Charles replies. “I never force the students to stay. It is entirely their choice.” I nod.
“Now, the school is merely our public face. The lower levels, however, are an entirely different matter.” He takes us down in the elevator we’d come up in and we explore the rooms we’d gone past when we first awoke here.
“Whoa…” I breathe, looking at a massive jet-like plane, painted black and looking extremely powerful.  
“Yes. We call it the Blackbird.”
“Cute.” Dad muses wryly.
“When I was a boy, I discovered I had the ability to control people’s minds, to make them think or do whatever I wanted. When I was seventeen, I met a young man named Erik Lehnsherr.” It was clear that the memory was a fond one, judging by the smile on Charles’ face. “He, too, had an unusual power. He could create magnetic fields and control metal. Believing that humanity would never accept us, he…he grew angry and vengeful. He became Magneto.” I blink as Charles drops the smile. Oh, wow. Poor Charles. He has to fight his friend all the time.
“And now he’s after Dad?” I ask, licking my lips.
“It appears that way.” Charles replies. “I am sorry, Autumn, but we can offer protection. For both of you.” Dad chuckles as we go back to the elevator and out to the grounds, where we are shown to a stable.
“Thanks, bub, but I can handle myself.” I frown.
“Dad, you have a metal skeleton.” I point out. “There’s a slight problem with you going up against him.” Charles nods.
“Precisely, Autumn.” He agrees. “There are powerful mutants out there, Logan.” He says, “And many that do not share my respect for mankind. If no one is equipped to oppose them, humanity’s days could be over.” Dad still seems to not entirely want to stay here, if that slight frown is anything to go by.
“I’ll make a deal with you, Logan.” Charles proposes suddenly. We’ve circled back to the kitchen. “Give me twenty four hours to find out what Magneto wants with you, and possibly Autumn, and I give you my word that I will use all my power to help you piece together what you lost, and what you’re looking for.”
“They’re kinda the same thing, Chuck.” Dad replies.
Charles smiles. “Either way, I will respect your decision, the both of you.” I grin.
“Thanks, Mr. Xavier.” I reply genuinely.
“‘Professor Xavier, if you please, dear, or Professor X.” Charles corrects gently. “Now,” Charles announces, “I have a class to teach and you two have talking to do. I’ll leave you two alone with food and food for thought.” I wave him off as he wheels out of the room.
There are several beats of silence.
“This is the closest we’ve ever come to answers.” I muse. “It’s not like we’ve made much headway on our own.”
“Yeah, but I’m not sure I want anyone snooping around in my head.” He grumbles. I shrug.
“Then live with the not-knowing.” I point out. “Dad, if it were purely up to me, there’d be no debate. This could be a really good thing for you. You’ve been trying to remember on your own and it’s not working. I think Professor X can help you, but, ultimately, it is your decision.”
“Well, I like gettin’ yer input, Squirt.” I smile at the variety of nicknames he’s taken to calling me over the years. Half-pint, Squirt, Kiddo, Kid, Pup, just to name a few. It’d taken him a while to use them, but they meant a lot once he started.
“And I like that you involve me.” I reply.
“So, we’re in agreement, then? We’ll take Professor X’s deal?” Dad asks, holding up a hand like we were gonna arm-wrestle. I gripped his hand tight.
“We’re in agreement.” I reply. It was our ritual whenever we needed to come to a decision together. We’d sit down and talk about it, then grasp hands once we’d reached a verdict.
Just then, there’s a knock on the door. “Excuse me?” Jean calls as she opens the door.
“Come in.” I call back.
“I was wondering if I could continue those tests, Mr. Howlett.” Dad shrugs.
“Logan’s fine, Jean, and, uh, sure. Let’s go.” I roll my eyes. Dad’s got a lovesick smile on his face and his pupils dilated.
Oh, boy.
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Stronger Together part 2 [Logan/Daughter!OC] [Undecided future Canon/OC pairing]
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P.S: Couldn’t find a better GIF. Take it as...whatever. I just didn’t want to use the one I used last time. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
I slowly wake up to see that I’m in a metal room on a table, dressed in sweatpants and a grey female-cut wife beater. I pale and sit up.
“Easy. You’re safe.” Comes a female voice from right beside me, and hand on my chest to try and ease me back down. I don’t let her. She’s a red-headed woman in a lab coat, holding a vial of- -
“Did you take my blood?!” I snap as I stand and put the table between us. The metal floor is cool beneath my feet, but it ignore that for the moment. The woman frowns, hands up placatingly.
“Just a little. I- -”
“Where’s my dad?!” I interrupt, glaring at her. “I need to see him!” She motions behind me and I spin around to see that he’s still out cold. I feel my breath hitch. 
He should have healed by now!
“What did you- -”
“I didn’t do anything.” She assures me. “I’m not here to hurt you or your adopted father, I promise. I’m trying to help you.” I swallow, paling.
“How did you know he’s not my real father?” I ask, then another question occurs to me. “Where are we?” She smiles.
“I’ll show you once I’m done here, to answer both questions.” I frown as she grabs another vial, the thing floating over to her.
“Yo-you’re- -”
“Telepathic.” She explains, smirking. “And telekinetic. Name’s Jean Grey.” I nod.
“Sorry for snapping at you and freaking out. My name’s Autumn.”
“I know.” She replies, smiling. I smile back, then watch as she puts the vial into Dad’s arm. Unfortunately, Dad wakes up to someone taking his blood and instantly had Jean in a choke hold.
“Where’s Autumn?!” He growls. Jean is too stunned to speak.
“Dad, wait!” I call, moving to stand in front of him as Dad’s wild eyes take in the room. “I’m fine! I’m right here! She didn’t hurt me! Stop!” He lets Jean go and she collapses, choking, as he grabs my arm.
“Let’s go!” Is all he says. We leave the room only to find a metal hallway with circular doors every so often, all with an ‘X’ on them. I frown. What is this place? The door to the room we’d just left closes and we flinch, looking around. We walk down the hall and hear voices, but I’d swear it’s not from any room in the hall. More like...inside our heads. “Shit.” Dad growls. “How do we- -” We then notice a series of display cases, each with a customized black outfit, seemingly leather. I frown.
“What the frick?” I mumble. Dad and I are equally confused. I then take a breath to think. “Okay...well, wherever we are, that lady didn’t mean to hurt us. Her name is Jean.” I explain. “I woke up just before you.”
“She was trying to take my blood.” He growls, yanking the vial out of his arm and the electrodes off his chest. I nod.
“She took mine, too. But I don’t think she means harm.” Dad scoffs.
“Doubt that.”
“If she did want to hurt us, why would she still be in that room? She’d have come after us, or attacked us.” I point out. We move a little closer and Dad spots a cabinet and takes a sweatshirt he puts on, and I grab one right after him. We then make our way down a side hall.
Where’re they going? Comes a voice in my head. I flinch, looking around wildly. No one was here. Dad yanks me toward a door and out of sight of anyone who might be in the hall. I hold my breath, but no one shows themselves, which only serves to make my stomach squirm nervously. I was so confused. Where are we? What was going on?
Turns out, the door we were hiding near is an elevator. It opens suddenly and Dad pulls me out of sight of anyone inside.
But there’s no one there. I lick my lips, slowly approaching behind Dad.
Over here. The voice says. We slip into the elevator and it slides shut. Dad looks panicked for a second and I note we’re moving up. A few moments later, the elevator opens into what looks like a large house.
Cautiously, Dad goes first and we get out. Dad takes my hand and leads me into the hallway we find ourselves in.
I promise you’re safe, Autumn. Please trust me. Comes Jean’s voice in my head, but I make no outward reaction.
“It’s not just me you need to convince.” I think back as we go further into this strange house. What was going on?!
I know, and I’m sorry you and your father woke up like that, but this will all make sense soon. Try to find the Professor. Jean replies.
“Who’s that?”
A good friend of mine.
Where are you going? The male voice repeats. They’re over there. I pale. Screw what Jean said, that did not sound good. Dad puts me behind him and we scurry backwards, but without knowing where anyone was, it was hard to avoid th- -I hear a group approaching and Dad hugs me to him and we hide behind a pillar just as a group of kids walk past, engrossed in their conversations. Once they’re past, we move quickly down the hall, making for the nearest door, ducking in and closing it softly. When we turn around, we find that we chose an occupied room. I pale.
Crud. There are about ten kids, all facing toward an older man at an ornate wooden desk. It was clear we were interrupting something. Dad automatically moves me behind him again as the silence lengthens.
“Good morning, Logan, Autumn.” The man greets. I frown. This guy sounded like that voice in my head. The man turns to the kids. “So, I’d like your definitions of weak and strong anthropic principles on my desk on Wednesday, alright?” I lick my lips. Was this a class? “That’ll be all.” The kids all file awkwardly past us and one girl goes back to get her bag, farewelling the man, and the guy calls her ‘Kitty’. She then runs literally through the door. I gasp. She’s a mutant? Showing her powers openly? The silence grows and the man holds up a Physics textbook. “Physics.” He muses with a warm smile, plopping the book back onto his desk. “I’m Charles Xavier.” He introduces, and he moves an electric wheelchair out from the desk. I blink. Oh. “Would you two like some breakfast?” My stomach betrays me, growling softly. My hand automatically goes to it.
“Where are we?” Dad growls, not letting me past him.
“Westchester, New York. You were attacked.” I scoff.
“No shit.” I grumble, moving my hand to my ribs. “I swear I still feel that tree trunk.” Mr. Xavier takes it in stride and I feel slightly guilty. After all, this guy had been nothing but warm and friendly.
“My people brought you both here for medical attention.”
“And to take our blood.” I muse sourly. Charles opens his mouth, but Logan cuts across him.
“We don’t need medical attention.”
“Yes, of course.” Charles muses wryly. I swallow, realizing who was absent; Marie.
“Where’s Rogue?” Dad asks.
“The- -the girl that was with us?” I press.
“Rogue? She’s here. She’s fine.” I narrow my eyes.
“Really?” Dad and I ask in synch. Just then, the door opens and Dad spins to see an African-American woman with long white hair and a guy with a weird visor-thing enter.
“Ah. Logan, Autumn, I’d like you to meet Ororo Munroe, also called Storm.” Charles says, motioning to the woman. “And this is Scott Summers. We call him Cyclops.” I nod.
“Hello.” I greet as Ororo does the same, smiling warmly at us.
“They saved your life.” Charles explains. I nod.
“Thanks.” Cyclops extends his hand, smiling politely, but I am the only one to shake it. Then, Jean walks in. I sheepishly wave at her. She doesn’t say anything, but offers a small smile.
“I believe you’ve already met Dr. Jean Grey.” I nod.
“Sorry about that.” I mumble. She chuckles.
“It’s alright.” She replies. This is the Professor I mentioned earlier, Autumn. She adds in my head. I swallow, still unused to hearing a voice that’s not mine in my head.
“You’re in my School for the Gifted. For mutants. You’ll be safe here from Magneto.” I frown. Dad moves subtly closer to me.
“What’s a Magneto?” Dad asks.
“A very powerful mutant who believes that there’s a war brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity. I’ve been following his activities for some time.”
“And you believe he was after us?” I ask. Charles nods.
“For reasons unknown, it does appear he was after you and your adopted father.” I roll my eyes.
“He is my father, blood or not.” Charles smiles.
“Yes, he is. Now, the man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabretooth.” That breaks whatever tension was building in the room. I snicker.
“Seriously?” I ask. “‘Sabretooth’?” Dad laughs as Charles nods.
“And you’re ‘Storm’.” He clicks his tongue, grinning like this was a joke. “And what do they call you?” He snarks. “‘Wheels’?” I glare at him.
“Dad!” He just laughs.
“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” He muses, walking over to the door. “C’mon, Half-Pint.” He calls, but Cyclops doesn’t move. “Cyclops, huh?” Scott barely has time to nod before Dad grabs his shirt. “You wanna get outta our way?” I roll my eyes.
“That’d be easier if you let go of his shirt, Dad.” I snark. Scott looks over Dad’s shoulder at Charles like ‘are you gonna help?’.
“Logan.” Charles calls. “It’s been almost fifteen years, hasn’t it?” Dad stiffens and I frown. “Living from day to day with Autumn, once she was in the picture, barely getting by, moving from place to place. And all without memory of who or what you are.” By now, Dad almost looks like he’s entering a panic attack. I put my hand on his shoulder, easing his fingers out of Cyclop’s shirt as he whirls his head.
“Shut up!” He snaps at Charles, eyes wide and a little wild, but his voice was shaky.
“Give me a chance.” Charles offers softly, as if speaking to a frightened child. “I may be able to help you find some answers.”
“How did you know?” Dad asks softly, eyes still wild.
You’re not the only one with gifts. My eyes go wide. Of course! Jean said she’s telepathic and Charles must be, too! He’s the one talking to us in our heads! Finally, Dad seems to relax a little, smirking just a tiny bit.
“What is this place?” He asks.
“A school.” Charles replies.
“Is everyone here…”
“A mutant?” Charles finishes. I nod. “Yes.” He replies, driving the wheelchair out to the hall. “Anonymity is a mutant’s first defense against the world’s hostility.” Charles explains, and as we pass a window, we watch a snippet of a basketball game in which one boy teleports around the court, and everyone takes in stride, chiding him playfully about ‘no powers!’. It was amazing! “To the public,” Charles goes on, “we’re merely a school for gifted youngsters. Cyclops, Storm, and Jean were some of my first students. I protected them, taught them to control their powers, and, in time, teach others to do the same.”
“This place is really something else.” I muse breathily, looking around. “Is this a house?” Charles chuckles.
“Yes. My family’s mansion, finally put to good use.” I grin.
“Wow.” I was totally loving the idea of a mutant school. Living with a guy like my dad, we were moving around a lot, barely keeping enough money to get by in our tiny little trailer. I didn’t regret sneaking into Dad’s trailer that night, but I do wish we’d known about this place a lot sooner.
“Most of the students are runaways, frightened, alone, not unlike yourself, that day nine years ago, Autumn.” I swallow. It was a little unnerving, the way Charles casually threw out stuff he learned from your head. “Some have gifts so extreme, they become a danger to themselves and everyone around them.” Charles continues, seemingly unaware of my discomfort. “Like your friend, Rogue. Incapable of physical human contact, probably for the rest of her life.” I bite my lip. Poor girl. That must be horrible. “And yet, here she is, with others her own age, learning, being accepted, not feared.” And there she was, watching a boy make a fireball in his hand and then watching another boy freeze it as Storm began class. Storm turns as the iceball is dropped, shattering on the floor. She says something, then turns back to the board she was writing on. We move on down the hall and finally enter a kitchen. There, leftover breakfast is still sitting out. We sit at the table and Charles moves the wheelchair to the head of it. I grab a sausage/egg/biscuit sandwich and eat it. Dad grabs one, too.
“What’ll happen to her?” Dad asks, chewing a large bite.
“Well, that’s up to her. Rejoin the world as an educated woman, or stay on to teach others and become what the children have affectionately dubbed ‘an X-man’.”
“And those are the only options here?” I ask.
“No. She could, if she chose, leave at any time and pursue her own life.” Charles replies. “I never force the students to stay. It is entirely their choice.” I nod.
“Now, the school is merely our public face. The lower levels, however, are an entirely different matter.” He takes us down in the elevator we’d come up in and we explore the rooms we’d gone past when we first awoke here.
“Whoa…” I breathe, looking at a massive jet-like plane, painted black and looking extremely powerful.  
“Yes. We call it the Blackbird.”
“Cute.” Dad muses wryly.
“When I was a boy, I discovered I had the ability to control people’s minds, to make them think or do whatever I wanted. When I was seventeen, I met a young man named Erik Lehnsherr.” It was clear that the memory was a fond one, judging by the smile on Charles’ face. “He, too, had an unusual power. He could create magnetic fields and control metal. Believing that humanity would never accept us, he...he grew angry and vengeful. He became Magneto.” I blink as Charles drops the smile. Oh, wow. Poor Charles. He has to fight his friend all the time.
“And now he’s after Dad?” I ask, licking my lips.
“It appears that way.” Charles replies. “I am sorry, Autumn, but we can offer protection. For both of you.” Dad chuckles as we go back to the elevator and out to the grounds, where we are shown to a stable.
“Thanks, bub, but I can handle myself.” I frown.
“Dad, you have a metal skeleton.” I point out. “There’s a slight problem with you going up against him.” Charles nods.
“Precisely, Autumn.” He agrees. “There are powerful mutants out there, Logan.” He says, “And many that do not share my respect for mankind. If no one is equipped to oppose them, humanity’s days could be over.” Dad still seems to not entirely want to stay here, if that slight frown is anything to go by.
“I’ll make a deal with you, Logan.” Charles proposes suddenly. We’ve circled back to the kitchen. “Give me twenty four hours to find out what Magneto wants with you, and possibly Autumn, and I give you my word that I will use all my power to help you piece together what you lost, and what you’re looking for.”
“They’re kinda the same thing, Chuck.” Dad replies.
Charles smiles. “Either way, I will respect your decision, the both of you.” I grin.
“Thanks, Mr. Xavier.” I reply genuinely.
“‘Professor Xavier, if you please, dear, or Professor X.” Charles corrects gently. “Now,” Charles announces, “I have a class to teach and you two have talking to do. I’ll leave you two alone with food and food for thought.” I wave him off as he wheels out of the room.
There are several beats of silence.
“This is the closest we’ve ever come to answers.” I muse. “It’s not like we’ve made much headway on our own.”
“Yeah, but I’m not sure I want anyone snooping around in my head.” He grumbles. I shrug.
“Then live with the not-knowing.” I point out. “Dad, if it were purely up to me, there’d be no debate. This could be a really good thing for you. You’ve been trying to remember on your own and it’s not working. I think Professor X can help you, but, ultimately, it is your decision.”
“Well, I like gettin’ yer input, Squirt.” I smile at the variety of nicknames he’s taken to calling me over the years. Half-pint, Squirt, Kiddo, Kid, Pup, just to name a few. It’d taken him a while to use them, but they meant a lot once he started.
“And I like that you involve me.” I reply.
“So, we’re in agreement, then? We’ll take Professor X’s deal?” Dad asks, holding up a hand like we were gonna arm-wrestle. I gripped his hand tight.
“We’re in agreement.” I reply. It was our ritual whenever we needed to come to a decision together. We’d sit down and talk about it, then grasp hands once we’d reached a verdict.
Just then, there’s a knock on the door. “Excuse me?” Jean calls as she opens the door.
“Come in.” I call back.
“I was wondering if I could continue those tests, Mr. Howlett.” Dad shrugs.
“Logan’s fine, Jean, and, uh, sure. Let’s go.” I roll my eyes. Dad’s got a lovesick smile on his face and his pupils dilated.
Oh, boy.
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