#Charles and Vlad
madmadder · 2 years
Well I didn't know how bad I needed to discover these two.
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thewackypegasus · 2 days
i feel like vlad from charles and vlad and viago from wwdits would get along really well
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memoria-99 · 6 months
Ikemen Vampire: Guys before the plastic surgery
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sweetlittleneptune · 7 months
things MC has said at some point (pt.2)
"the fact that you died a virgin is really not that big of a surprise" (to Isaac)
"modern society is still horny for Sherlock, how do you feel about that?" (to Arthur)
"you're adorable, but you got mommy issues written on your forehead and I'm not sure I wanna get involved in that" (to Charles)
"you trigger my 'slap a bitch' mode every time you walk in the room" (to Mozart)
"you're kinda like Brad Pitt. everyone thinks you're hot and it makes you boring" (to Leonardo)
"you give wayyy too many murder ideas in your plays to be acting like this" (to Shakespeare)
"Comte, you should know how terrible your taste in men is" (to Comte)
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nuttytani · 10 months
Would you love me if I were a worm? Featuring ikemen vampire cast. (With gender neutral reader)
(a/n: when you have too much free time and need your hands to be occupied. Some random bullshit begins to form on your notes)
He finds it funny, why would you turn into a worm?
After seeing your frown tho, he says ok ok yes I will love you
Makes a disgusted face and turns you down
First of all, you won't turn into a worm. So why should he answer?
"if people can turn into vampires, why can't I turn into a worm?"
He kicks you out of his piano room
Dude has some thoughts to organise
Laughs at you and says, "what will you do if I say no?"
Pretends to forget about it but after some hours, he comes back to you
"no matter how and what you are or will turn into, I'll still love you"
"is this some sort of trick question? Well the answer is obviously yes, my love!"
Thinks deeply about it and smiles at you
"of course, I'll still love you. I think you'd make a cute worm too."
Scoffs at you and calls you an idiot
Why would you turn into a worm?
And by chance, you DID turn into one, how was he going to take care of you? There's so many worms out there in the world. What if you get lost and he gets some random worm instead and you, are lost and out in the cold, ready to be squashed by big feet.
Uno reverses you instead
Now you're trapped
Would you love him if he was a worm?
Gets sad if you don't answer quickly enough
"I am not doing this right now. If you're free, wash those potatoes instead. I'm already busy as it is"
Stays silent for a while and then sighs
"no matter what, I'd love you always and forever"
Chuckles a bit at the thought and immediately replies yes
He'd give you a good environment to live in. Some really nutritious soil and compost. Maybe a tiny rock for you to play with
"Comte, you just need to say yes... No need to.... Elaborate on what else you'd do"
"Alright. Well, would you love me if I were a worm?"
Is fascinated that you even came up with such a question
His answer is yes
But at the same time, he's coming up with scripts that include a dramatic romance between worms. For his own pleasure
Says yes immediately.
Thinks you'd look like a cute worm
Maybe he'd put roses next to your habitat or in it.
"of course! In fact, we can both be worms together! We'll be a happy worm couple"
He's actually taking the idea too seriously and goes ahead making worm habitats and gets a book on "how to raise a worm"
"I'm not sure. Though I suppose researching on a worm wouldn't be that bad"
Seeing you look unimpressed, he just chuckles while patting your head
"I'm only joking. Of course I'd love you"
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klutzyroses · 3 months
IkeVamp HCs: PDA
How do they handle PDA?
Suitors: All
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Probably the most normal about PDA.
Handholding? Yes. Hair ruffling? Of course.
The more intimate affection, such as kissing and caressing is reserved for alone time.
Maybe a few cheek kisses wouldn't hurt, an occasional loving whisper in ear at times.
He isn't too over the top with it unless he is trying to tease her.
Because really, seeing her cute blush is worth a little public sappiness. And it would come out of nowhere.
Particularly when he wants a reaction from her, he may initiate it to catch her by surprise, just to fluster her. Not too much though, because he will get embarrassed too.
But in truth, he isn't ashamed of others knowing that he loves her. He will often be found looking at her fondly when she isn't paying attention.
He'll deny he is doing it, but he can't help it. Sometimes he just needs to stop and just...caught up in how much he loves her.
Not that he would tell her that unprompted. That is his little secret for the time being.
Um...Public affection? No.
Not likely
If he is out in public with her, even getting him to hold hands would be met with some questioning.
He'd be conscious of appropriate behaviour when out and about, so amorous interactions in front of other people would be out of the question.
His outright avoidance, especially if Y/N initiates, would probably hurt her feelings a little, but it wouldn't be because he doesn't like her touch.
But that's the sort of behaviour he would prefer engaging in away from the prying eyes of the public.
When they're alone, small hand kisses and endearing names are usually his chosen methods.
He would never want her to feel as though he were rejecting her, which is why he would probably address it before it becomes an issue.
Once boundaries are established, its far less of a heartache when he refuses to engage in affectionate behaviour in public.
He is more lowkey about his affection in public, but definitely smooth about it.
One would think they were secret lovers, the way his touches involved brushing her hand surreptitiously, lingering on her skin and leaving it warm.
He is one of the least overt about his affection in public, hence when it happens, it's always so suave and never fails to get his Cara mia's heart racing.
Subtle warm looks, secret touches on her skin, gentle caresses moving her hair from her face.
Those little signs of fondness, brief and subtle as they may be, leave a lasting effect on his amore, even for an instant.
Where he really thrives however, is in his ability to catch her off guard with his words.
Because he is so understated with his physical affection in public, his words pack more of a punch...mostly because they are sudden.
He will drop a casual 'I love you', so easily that at first, it goes over her head, until she does a double take, almost falling over.
He would follow that up by catching her and teasing her about falling for him, causing her to get even more flustered.
A very smooth signor indeed.
He is one of the most shameless, second only to Charles.
PDA, for him, is mostly exaggerated to make a point when he is with her.
That point being, he is unavailable and so is she.
He thinks its adorable when she gets flustered over it, so that is, of course, an added bonus.
He is perfectly content announcing their relationship, declaring her to be his love and his darling aloud, to the chagrin of his admirers.
He tends to lean more towards kisses on her hands, winking at her as he does so, feeling his chest swell with pride when he sees that sweet smile on her face, her cheeks tinted a charming pink, earning themselves a quick kiss of their own.
The flirting....the flirting is nonstop, always sweet and maybe just a touch inappropriate with thinly veiled innuendo.
He may tend to overdo it at times, but really, he is just being silly intentionally for her amusement. And maybe to get that blush from her every now and again.
...Although, that is only part of the reason.
He actually loves to touch her and let her know how much he loves her, no matter who is around.
He is aware that he has...a past and sometimes, remnants of that pop up to sour her mood and make her insecure and he hates himself for that. So obviously, he is not shy to show her how much she means to him in front of others.
Theo's brand of PDA is...definitely different.
He wouldn't be hesitant to claim her in public verbally, calling her his hondje.
Make no mistake, he wouldn't be very touchy feely in front of others, but there will be no doubt that she is his.
Which is why his more physically affection is usually triggered by jealousy or protectiveness.
Sometimes, he can't resist wrapping an arm around her when he senses she is in need of comfort of some kind, be it because someone or something is making her uneasy, just to, in his own Theo kind of way, assure her that he is there.
She is safe with him and he will be damned if she felt any differently when she is out and about with him.
Sometimes, however, when nobody else is really looking, his look will soften when he meets her gaze, or puts a subtle hand on the base of her spine, usually brushing it off as 'directing' her.
Really its just an excuse to touch her, but he would have to be cornered to admit it aloud.
The sweetheart was a joy to be around, always.
He is perfectly content holding her hand when he walks with her.
He could be a little socially oblivious at times, flustering his love with rather open declarations of love...wearing a perfectly innocent look on his face.
Sometimes he will take both her hands in his and kiss them, or maybe run his fingers through her hair.
He doesn't really have a reason to give if asked, he just feels like it.
His affection is so sweet, so tender, it may usually result in adoring moments between them where the world seems to disappear and they can only stare at each other, most likely with Y/N being completely taken by his gentle charm, sparkles and flowers surrounding them before someone has to remind them that they are not alone, snapping them out of their enamored stupor.
Put that is the effect Vincent tends to have on his lover, whether other people are around or not.
He may or may not kiss her. It depends on how bold he is feeling that day. Not a deep one, just a quick kiss on her lips, short and sweet.
The more intimate stuff is for behind closed doors. He isn't one to be too inappropriate in public.
He does have the capacity to be embarrassed after all. He may be a bit sheepish if he is called out, pink cheeks and all.
He can't help it. He loves her, that's just a fact.
He's...hesitant about it. He's not necessarily averse to it, but...
Well he wouldn't see the reason for being so...overt about their relationship.
Handholding? Well alright, if she really wants to, he will hold her hand while they walk.
But beyond that, he would be a bit more resistant.
Kisses, hugs, the more intimate touches, he does not want others to see that.
So much so that he may even dodge any kisses she may try to give him. Y/N shouldn't take it too personally, even if it does seem as though he were rejecting her, he isn't, honest.
He would scramble to explain that he wasn't ashamed of her in anyway, because it would seem that way after a while.
His affection, however, would be more...subconscious actually.
Playing with the ends of her hair or tracing her palms, little things he wouldn't even be aware he was doing unless pointed out to him.
He's more affectionate when they're alone and it comes as more as a surprise to her, as he would be more confident about just kissing her, or taking the initiative in general, much more so when they're out and about.
Knowing how Jean is, people would assume that he would be completely against public displays of affection.
The honest truth? They would be correct in some aspects, but...
Not as much as they would think.
Its less because of his aversion to it and more because he has very little idea of how to conduct himself in public as a couple.
Being as socially clueless as he can be at times, he isn't entirely sure what is deemed appropriate and what isn't.
Its somewhat endearing to see him startle his lover by holding her hand seemingly out of nowhere.
He would probably admit that he received advice from the other residents that it was common for lovers to hold hands.
Which is the sweetest thing, but it would seem a bit...disingenuous to Y/N, as though he were doing it because he feels obligated.
But with a bit discussion over boundaries and what was deemed appropriate, a comfortable norm would definitely help him be more at ease and natural with his affection.
He would also be a bit more spontaneous, though always asking for her consent whenever he tries something different.
He moves to the beat of his own drum, so the opinion of others is...so irrelevant to this man.
When in public with his love, he tends to do whatever comes to mind, no matter how random it may be.
Take her hand count her fingers and compliment them? But of course.
Steal a sweet peck from her and tell her how pretty they looked so he just felt like it? Naturally.
At times it may feel odd, but he has his own way of being affectionate and he doesn't have much impulse control to speak of.
Not since he's had her in his life. He may not be the best at expressing himself...at all, but for better or for worse, she will know she is loved.
Even with his oddball methods of showing it.
He particularly enjoys seeing her blush, so he does go out of his way to surprise her, whether it be by staring at her for prolonged eye contact, just to tell her she is beautiful. Unprompted.
The surprise on her pretty face as her cheeks erupt into red roses brings warmth into his chest as he chuckles, unable to stop himself from caressing one of them.
Anyone watching might think he is random...and he is, but he doesn't pay any mind to that.
His brand of affection is certainly more restrained. He is a gentleman after all.
He doesn't want to do anything inappropriate in front of others, he wouldn't want to embarrass her.
But he most certainly wasn't shy about wrapping a loving arm around her waist, holding her close to him, his comforting presence washing through her.
He is proud of her and is more than happy to show her off, though only as much as she would allow.
Elegant hand kisses, gracious intertwining of fingers, little acts that are not overboard, but leave little to the imagination.
Where he does go a little overboard is when it comes time to spoil her.
She wants for nothing. Comte's cherie wants for absolutely nothing.
He will gently kiss her forehead when she expresses any concerns, because to make her shine the way she deserves makes him happy.
He worries not over what others think too much, but he is respectful and classy when in the public eye.
Emphasis on when they are in the public eye. Its a different story when they are alone.
Subtle, almost imperceptible, one would miss it if they weren't paying attention.
He is a good deal more reserved about being affectionate when in public.
Perhaps he would take to simply being closer to her, proximity wise.
He may occasionally gently place his hand on her back, usually under the guise of directing her one direction or the other.
Truth be told, one would have to have known Sebastian prior to him being in a romantic relationship to see the difference.
Only then would his more almost secretive touches, that could easily be brushed off as platonic or friendly, be seen in slightly different light.
His demeanor generally isn't all that changed, specially not in public. He really isn't overly affectionate in front of others, but those who know him would definitely be aware that he is more...touchy with her.
Again, nothing too incriminating to the untrained eye, but so long as she understands the sentiment, that's all that really matters anyway.
The romantic gestures he would gravitate towards would be more...innocent. Sweet, almost a bit childish in an endearing way.
Playing with her fingers, intertwining his between them, tucking her hair away from her lovely face.
His affection, in public, was more reminiscent of an admirer simply in awe of her.
He is devoted to her and her alone, and sometimes he may just act in the moment, bringing their linked fingers to his lips to his and pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. And of course, slip a flower or two into her hair.
He especially likes to profess his affection with words as much as actions.
Softly whispered words of adoration will often make their way to her, wrapping her in their warmth, even if he isn't actually touching her.
He isn't entirely conscious of how others perceive this, nor does he care all that much. Sometimes he just wants to bask in his love for her, take a moment to be grateful for her and show her that gratitude in full.
His brand of public affection often sent the message that Y/N was his very close assistant than his lover.
Its not often that it happens to be honest.
In contrast to his oddball sire Vlad and the overly affectionate Charles, he is much muted and covert about being affectionate.
He is quite blunt about it as well, if he is asked, probably by the children he tends to care for, if Y/N is his girlfriend.
He will just say yes, with a completely straight face and leave it at that.
Though the children themselves will be confused, as their fairly naive ideas of grand displays of love will be very much absent when they observe Faust and Y/N.
He would only indulge them by going to kiss her forehead if they didn't stop pestering him about it.
He just doesn't see the appeal of behaving in public how he behaved in private.
Only she needs to see his more vulnerable, genuine side. She's the only one who deserves to.
If left unchecked, he could and would get carried away.
He would not care who is there, he can't keep his hands to himself.
Normally, he sticks to hand holding and cuddling.
But sometimes he'll sneak his hand on her thigh, maybe starts kissing her with reckless abandon.
He has no qualms about sneaking his hand up her dress while does and if she doesn't stop it, they may just start getting a bit wild.
Clothes might start dropping if Charles is left to do as he pleases. Its not so much out of lack of care of what others think, he isn't even thinking about, its more because he just wants to bury her in his love and drown in hers, no matter where and when.
And the mouth on him sometimes...
He is shameless about flirting with her too, oscillating between sugary heartfelt confessions of adoration and more...daring, lascivious declarations.
None of which are discreet.
In the slightest.
He doesn't.
The man doesn't do like that.
Frankly, if someone was told explicitly that Galileo and Y/N were a couple, they wouldn't know it by looking at them.
Maybe the most affection seen from him would be standing close to her. Maybe if his guard is down, his face may soften when looking at her. But that's it. Nobody is seeing more than that.
Many people from the outside would question the perceived coldness of the relationship.
The couple would often seem more like acquaintances than lovers.
She would probably be touching him more than he is touching her to be honest.
But in private...that is not the case.
He prefers to keep his more tender side for her and her alone.
When it's just the two of them, he would indulge her with gentle caresses and tender words.
He is very different with her when it's just them, versus when they are out in public.
Drake doesn't care a great deal about what others think. He does what he wants when he wants to.
He doesn't behave that differently with her in public than he does in private.
Sure, he wouldn't jump her for risky trysts in the open, not unless she was up for it, but he wouldn't balk over kissing her in front of others. He doesn't do it often but he wouldn't be against it.
His boldness goes as far her timidity allows, really.
He's not so much into hand holding as much as he likes giving her head pats, caressing her face and giving her hugs and forehead kisses.
Especially headpats and forehead kisses.
He wouldn't go overboard but needless to say, he is rather affectionate in public. Unabashedly so.
He also flirts and teases rather openly, if only to see her flustered. Whispering in her ear, cornering her against surfaces, he does not care who sees. If called out, he will simply laugh it off.
He cares more about doting on his fawn than anybody else and their opinions anyway.
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natimiles · 5 months
Out of Context Ikevamp
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yanderepuck · 6 months
Handing flaming hot cheetos to everyone in the mansion to see who survives
Napoleon: he can have a handful and he's fine. He's eating one of the small .99 cent bags
Mozart: mainly doesn't think it tastes good, but also holding back a cough
Leonardo: he's dowing the entire bag without realizing it. I feel like he'd dip them in something but I have no clue what
Vincent: tearing up a little. He likes some spice but he likes a flavorful spice. Hell eat a few more though just to be sure
Theo: straight up doesn't like them. He wasn't expecting them to actually have a kick either
Arthur: he's holding back a choke and tears as best he can. Please give him milk
Isaac: is choking and crying. Boy is gasping and can't handle it. Stereotypical British boy
Jean: immediately sip it out. Hates it. Don't you dare give him that again. He's now searching for milk
Dazai: also eating the bag shamelessly
Shakespeare: he's so confused by chips to begin with that now making them hot is overwhelming him. British boy number 3 is down. Doesn't like how it stains his fingers
Comte: what do you think? Man is eating so much cheese and bread to get that spice out of his mouth. He's handling it worse than Jean and Isaac.
Sebastian: doesn't mind them but is really only eating a smaller bag not a big family sized bag. But he might if he's distracted enough and that's the bag he had
Vlad: handling it better than you thought. Is also enjoying a small bag of them.
Faust: made a weird face when he first tried them. Not because it was too spicy. But because he thought they tasted bad. Took him a while to get the taste out
Charles: had to eat a few to figure out if he liked them or hated them. He's still not sure so every time you offer him one he will take it and go through all those stages again
Drake: British boy number 4 is actually handling it well. He likes the flavor because well...he's been on a boat for too long and just wants flavor. He's not eating a big bag but he doesn't want the small bag
Galileo: choking. He didn't enjoy that at all. He tells you it's because they taste bad but that tear at the corner of his eye tells you it's the spice
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cloudcountry · 9 months
SUMMARY: little things the ikevamp suitors love about you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: this is kinda to get me back in the writing groove again. i thought this was really cute as i was writing it hehe
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napoleon adores your voice, the sweet sound of it carrying in the wind as you cheer him on when he spars. your voice goes higher when you talk to jupiter and lower when you talk to the kids he teaches, and although he’ll never tell you he notices these things, it’ll be evident when you look over at the teasing smirk on his face.
mozart adores the contrast between your klutziness and your grace, he’s caught you swaying to his music when you clean before, now that you two often find yourself sharing the same space. his eyes wander to you as he plays under the guise of making sure you don't slip on the sleek floors and injure yourself...but really, he is enraptured by you.
leonardo adores your lips, even more so when they’re on his own. ever the flirt, he makes sure your lips are always turned upwards in a bashful smile, the one that makes the corners of your eyes crinkle and your cheeks warm up. he touches your cheeks, brushing his fingers along your skin before kissing you, leaving you both smiling.
arthur adores your eyes, the way they’re always trained on him, the way he can see himself reflected in yours and just knows you see yourself in his. he loves how soft they look as they gaze upon him, a hopeless man, a sinner, a weak and helpless person that couldn’t save the ones he wanted to save most. you can still look at him, and that's all he could ever ask from you.
isaac adores your neck and the way it looks when you wear necklaces and different collared shirts and different hairstyles. he finds himself flustered at the thought of pressing his lips to where your neck meets your shoulder, sprinkling the skin with his kisses and dusting it with soft whispers for the both of you to cherish.
vincent adores your smile and the way it makes him happy, too. he loves that you never shy away from your feelings and you aren’t scared of his. you smile when he expresses what he wants, as if him craving and needing and wanting makes you happy, and oh if that’s what it takes to see you beam like you’ll love him forever, vincent will embrace every part of him.
theo loves your arms and how they work hard every day, only to wrap around him at the end of it all. it melts his heart when your head finds itself over his heartbeat, listening to his pulse as you shut your eyes. he’s never felt more weak in the knees in his life. you’ve ruined him, but he doesn’t care just so long as you keep holding him and working hard at his side.
dazai adores your waist and all of the uses it has. he loves kneading the flesh he finds there, making you squeal because those spots may be a bit ticklish. he finds himself placing a hand there as he walks with you, holding you close to his side, just close enough to catch your scent. it’s cheesy when he grabs your waist to lift you into the air, swinging you around in an impromptu dance, but his heart melts with love for you when your hands find themselves over his, keeping him latched onto you.
jean adores how you wake up in the morning, all sleepy and confused. every little noise you make makes his heart skip a beat, and so he captures every single one and places them in the corner of his mind labeled with your name for safekeeping. maybe then, even when you’re gone, he’ll still be able to know you. the heart that pounds so vehemently for you nearly pops out of his chest when you throw an arm over him and snuggle into his chest, a delicate smile on your face.
will adores how you smell when you come out of the shower, all freshened up. the fragrances of all the products you two picked out together waft throughout the villa, and will doesn’t find himself minding that he can smell you everywhere. after all, you’ve left your mark on this place, and furthermore, his heart.
comte adores you for staying by his side, even though he knows it’s hard. he’s been so painfully lonely for most of his life, and even now he doesn’t feel he fits anywhere. but you come along and take him into your arms, gently collecting all of his broken pieces, and you bring him back together with your embrace. this. this is where he belongs. he is certain of it.
sebastian adores your laughter and the way you seem to infect the mansion with it. he hears it ringing in his ears even when you aren’t around, the sweet sound carrying through his memories as he busies himself with chores and thoughts of you. it isn’t easy running an entire mansion, but with you by his side, bumping him with your hip as the two of you wash dishes, he couldn’t be happier.
vlad adores how you love vampires just as much as he loves humans. you have always tried to get him to bridge the gap with comte and trust humans again, and although it's not easy he sees your efforts and he loves you for it. you’re strange for not fearing him, for staying by his side throughout all he has done, but he’s glad for it.
faust adores how you’re so honest. you set boundaries and mean them, you tell people off when they’re encroaching on your space, and you make sure the environment you foster around yourself is as lovely as it can be. it makes him smug, knowing you’re so capable and he’s the one that gets to call you his. 
charles adores your fingertips and the way they map out his body, pressing into his scalp to soothe him and trailing down his back when he wants a hug. you’re always so gentle with him, treating him like he’s precious like he’s loved, and he knows he can never get enough of it. you’re so sweet, indulging him like this. he will never be able to stop loving you.
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mixmioart · 2 years
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🦇Hunting tactics🦇
There’s a deep schism in the vampire community on whether MCR’s music is useful or if it’s just weird and gross.
Also this comic was made very late in the night with zero brainpower. It just. Happened :[
Webtoons !!
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moonstruckmelancholic · 9 months
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Bless you Charles for thinking this evil genius was about to say something nice not macabre
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worlds-smallestviolin · 9 months
MC is feeling depressed:
Napoleon: Have you tried sleeping it off?
Mozart: Uh, can you do that someplace else?
Leonardo: *follows MC everywhere* Have you cheered up yet?
Arthur: Well, you know what always helps me? 😏✊️👈💢🤕
Theo: Walk it off.
Vincent: *saw MC being sad* *got sad himself* *MC ended up comforting him*
Isaac: I don't know what you want me to do. Here's an apple.
Dazai: You should go to the beach. It won't cure your depression, but it will make it tropical.
Jean: Try holy water.
Sebastian: *flicks her forehead* * ineffective* I can't help you.
Shakespeare: So... How about you play a main part in my next play?
Comte: Get in, loser! We're going shopping!
Charles: Well, you know what always he... 💢🤕 MC: I am not having sex with you.
Faust: I have a perfect solution. Try these mushrooms 🍄 😈
Vlad: Oh, you just miss your grandma? Well, here. *vampire grandma enters the room*
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memoria-99 · 2 months
Fights in the halls IkeVamp ver.
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sweetlittleneptune · 5 months
"You speak French??"
The translations were made by me, as I'm a native French speaker! tho, if you have any issues/questions/see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out!
The fact that you never admitted to speaking French to the residents of the mansion was a simple lie of omission. You didn’t think it was that important at first, and then you also noticed how much of an advantage that was. This meant you could spy on some of residents without much trouble at all. Sadly, the charade couldn’t last forever.
He had a habit of rambling in French to himself. Random thoughts, most of them unimportant and simple little reminders to do something later. But every once in a while, he would mumble something that caught your attention, and you’d have to hold in your laughter. He had to stop though, once he realized you understood what he was saying and was absolutely humiliated.
It had been a rough day, and the man was frustrated. Between the bickering kids and the eccentric residents, he was practically boiling. That was reason enough to be mumbling insults and such.
“C’est juste des cons. Pas capable de se la fermer, tous inutiles.”
(They’re just idiots. Can’t shut up, useless.)
And it came out before you could even think about it. You just had to.
“Quand même, c'est un peu méchant M. Napoléon. Mais je l’admets… ils sont un peu lourds.”
(Well, that’s a bit rude Mr. Napoleon. But I’ve got to admit… they are a bit annoying)
The look on his face was absolutely priceless. Surprise, confusion, worry, all of it. Napoleon opened his mouth once, then closed it. he reopened it again and closed it once more. Third time’s the charm they say…
“Since when…?”
“Ah, that’s my little secret. Just don’t tell the other, will you?”
Suspicion crossed his face.
“You know, it’s a great advantage to have. Would be a shame to lose it.”
“You’re a devil Nunuche, but a smart one I’ll admit.”
And with a chuckle he left the room
You intended to tell him at first. When he started bringing you to all those dinners, galas, and parties for the aristocrats of the city. You wanted to speak with him and the other attendants. But as soon as they heard the accent in your “bonsoir”, they switched to English, and you rolled with it for some reason. Now it had been months, and you felt it would be weird to start speaking French now.
You were used to being ignored in conversations too. None of it was on purpose and you couldn’t take it personally when Comte was such a popular man to begin with! What you weren’t used to, though, was being disrespected right in your face as if you weren’t there.
The first comment had been something along the lines of “you finally found someone to give you a son!”
Your husband was quick to answer that he had chosen you because you were you. It had nothing to do with kids.
The second almost made you open your mouth. But it was no use. Comte made very sure to let him know he was crossing a limit and ended the conversation there.
“Some people lack manners, it seems. No use wasting more time on this unimportant discussion.”
You simply nodded and followed.
But then you wanted a little treat to eat, and the buffet was on the other side of the room. So, you left Comte for a moment to grab something. Sadly, the same man from earlier was there, chatting away with someone you didn’t know. As soon as he saw you, you knew something unpleasant would happen.
“Elle n’est rien de bien spécial, mais j’imagine qu’elle doit être particulièrement bonne au lit si le Comte de Saint-Germain a décidé qu’elle était bonne à marier. »
(she’s nothing special, but I guess she’s particularly good in bed if the Count of Saint-Germain has decided to make her his wife.)
You pondered for a moment if you should even grace him with an answer. It wouldn’t do any good, you knew that. But if the man had the galls to say it, he surely could listen to your answer, no?
“Monsieur, j’apprécierais sincèrement que vous vous absteniez de m’insulter en ma présence. Et puis, ce sont de riches paroles, venant de l’homme dont la femme est reconnue pour avoir plusieurs amants. Au moins, l’un de nous sait satisfaire son partenaire… "
(Sir, I would appreciate if you could hold back from insulting me in my presence. And this is rich, coming from the man whose wife is known to have several lovers. At least, one of us can satisfy their spouse…)
Red rose to the man’s face.
“Eh bien, je crois que le message est clair! 
(Well, I think the message is clear!)
Comte’s voice made you jump in your place. You hadn’t heard him coming at all! You turned to look at him with shyness in your eyes, a bit worried he would scowl you for your action. But all he did was look at you with pride.
As you left though, he did ask where you learned to speak French.
“A while back, in my world.”
That night you were staying up late to clean up after one of Leonardo’s raids of the library. It was rotten work for sure, but someone had to do it and Sebastian was finishing up polishing of the silverware. So here you were, going through piles of books left on tables.
Time passed and after a while of not hearing any noise, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to sit down and read for a few minutes. There was a book that had caught your attention while cleaning up. It was a little book of French fables. Some of which you remembered reading back in school when you were young. Slowly, the stories caught your attention for good and the world around you faded.
That’s when Jean entered the room, in the hopes of finding some peace and some books to help him learn to write and read. Still hooked on your little island of nostalgia, you didn’t hear him at all. And him, not wanting to bother you, stayed in his little corner of the library.
An hour must have passed before your eyes left the pages of the book. But when you did, you were surprised to find you weren’t alone anymore. And you felt a bit cheap about being caught slacking on your job.
“I didn’t hear you come in, Jean. What are you doing here?”
“I’m trying to read this book. But it’s hard, I don’t understand much…”
The poor man was trying to read “Les Misérables”, of course he was having a hard time understanding what all those fancy words meant! You held your chuckle in and handed him your fable book.
“You might find this one easier to read. You picked a rather daunting book to try to learn.”
“Oh but… you know I speak French mademoiselle. Your book-” You smiled.
“Take a look at the cover. What does it say?”
It took him a minute to decipher the sounds and the words, but he managed to read the title out:
“Les fables de La Fontaine.” Jean paused. “It’s in French…”
“Yes, it is.”
“You can read French?” there was curiosity in his eyes.
“Oui, mais pas que. Je le parle aussi.”
(Yes, but that’s not all. I can speak it too.)
“Je ne savais pas. Vous ne l’avez jamais dit.”
(I didn’t know. You never told us)
“It’s my little secret,” you answered with a smirk. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should finish cleaning Leo’s mess.”
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Ask no Question, hear no lie (dp x dc)
"This better be good," Renee started as she slid into the diner booth in front of her best friend. "I had to cancel a date for this."
"Kate?" Charlie said with that placid expression that just begged for a punch. "Or are you two broken up again."
"Charlie if you don’t start talking right now, I’m walking right back out," she warned 
"Still broken up then," Charlie said as he nodded sagely.
Renee took a deep breath before releasing it slowly. She would not shoot her best friend, she told herself. No matter how annoying he was. "Just tell me what I’m here for."
Charlie leaned forward and Renee mirrored him unconsciously. "I’ve been investigating some shady arms deals recently."
"Do arm deals even register in Hub City?"
"They do when it’s a new supplier with tech powered by an all-new power source," Charlie said as he started tapping on the table and Renee leaned back to contemplate the information.
"Who’s the new player?" She asked
"I don’t know," he answered, pondering. "But I've heard Leblanc has insisted on a face to face meeting."
"When?" Renee asked.
"Tonight," Charlie said with a smirk. "You up for it, partner?"
She sighed. "A little forewarning would’ve been nice."
"Please," he tilted his head, amused. "I’m sure you packed everything you need for this and more."
"Still," Renee said though they both knew he was right.
A few hours later, they were laying in wait on the rooftop overlaying a dark, grimy alley that smelled vaguely of urine even so high up. They were both in their Question apparel, only the face mask being left off. 
"It’s been two hours already," Renee grumbled as she looked through the binoculars she’d brought. "Either your guy is late or the tip was bad."
"One would think you’d be more patient on stakeouts considering," Charlie piped up.
"One would be wrong," Renee answered as she turned to glare at the man who looked as unruffled as ever, the bastard. Then he perked up.
"Shhh," Charlie said and she turned back towards their query. 
Out of the shadows were coming a group of men looking armed and mean. 
"Leblanc & goons," Charlie said quietly and Renee looked down, as the guys spread out on one side of the Alley. They settled in place for a few minutes before settling down. It was calm again, but there was now a tension in the air.
Then, from the other end of the Alley walked in a lone man dressed in a black suit with a red bolo tie, his gray hair tied in a ponytail. 
"Gentlemen," he started affably. "What a pleasure it is to meet you at last."
"Masters," Leblanc answered. "You showed up."
"I’m a man of my word," the newly-dubbed-Masters said with a cold smile. "Am I to assume you are as well?"
"You’ll get your money once I get my shipment," the arms dealer answered.
"You have it," Masters answered glibly. 
Leblanc gave him a look and Masters smiled.
The arms dealer took out a phone and talked quietly in it for a few seconds before he snapped it close and turned towards Masters again.
"Would you look at that," Leblanc then said, "you really are a man of your word."
"As I said," the suited salt-and-pepper man deferred as he shrugged.
"Pity for you, I’m not," the arms dealer said with a smile, and Renee tensed but even as the goons raised their guns, Masters only sighed.
"What a shame," he said and then snapped his fingers. "Boys," he barked sharply. 
From the ground emerged a handful of giant neon green vultures wearing… were those fez hats?
Renee wasn’t the only one taken aback, as the goons stood gobsmacked for a second, and it was a second too long. As a group, the vultures all dove for the gun-toting goons and in a few seconds it was over.
Masters alone stood in the alley littered with still bodies. 
"I hate when my plans fall through," he muttered as he nudged one of the bodies laying on the floor. Then he continued, his voice pitched louder, "Make sure none of them remember about tonight."
One of the vulture straightened. "Will do, Boss."
"And get the ecto-guns back to the mansion," Masters added. 
The same vulture did a little salute before turning towards the other birds. "You heard the Boss, get to work!"
All the vultures scattered, with half of them flying off and the other half diving for the downed men, as they dove through them - no, Renee thought, it was more like they dove into them.
There were a few moments of stillness before all the birds flew right back out and then away to rejoin their flock.
"Where have the honest crooks gone," the man bemoaned to himself once he was alone once again, walking out of the alleyway. "This industry has gone to the dogs…"
As he disappeared from view, he was soon too far for Renee to catch his mutters and silence fell again.
After a few minutes, once she was sure they were alone, she turned to Charlie, with slightly wide eyes. "What the hell was that?"
"That," he answered with a gleam in his eyes, "is an excellent question."
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ana-thedaydreamer · 8 months
Ikemen Vampire - High School AU - Student Card Version
Vampire Academy - School Year 2019 - Arc 2 and 3 suitors
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Drama club & Literature Club member: Dazai Osamu - Fav Subject: Literature
Drama club president: William Shakespeare - Fav Subject: Literature
Student Council President: Abel, Comte Saint Germain - Fav subject: non particularly
Student Council Assistant: Akihito Satou - Fav subject: History
Chemistry club member: Johann Georg Faust - Fav subject: Chemistry
Drama club member & school medical clinic assistant: Charles, also a part-time model - fav subject: non particularly
President of Academy Displicinary Committee: Vlad - fav subject: Biology
New transferred student: Drake & Galileo - Fav subject: Geography (Drake), Science (Galileo)
Here are their student cards 😆
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