#Chara underfell
severed-ties-uf · 5 months
Chapter Nineteen: Bracelet
Chara kneels alone in the Castle's garden with a small basket of weaving materials, making two beautiful floral bracelets out of the various magic flowers that litter the garden. For hours they sit there, hand crafting the bracelets, making sure they’re perfect. In a couple hours from now, Sans will arrive, as they had planned, and the bracelets had to be ready.
Sans sits up in his bed, looking at the clock, panic fills his eyes. “Shit! I overslept!” He says to himself, quickly getting out of bed. “We agreed to meet at the castle garden at 10:00, which was TWENTY minutes ago!”
He picks up his phone, 3 unread messages {
Chara: “Sans? Where are you?” (20 minutes ago)
Chara: “Did you oversleep?” (18 minutes ago)
Chara: “Sans?! I’m starting to get worried, we agreed to meet at this time, didn’t we?” (5 minutes ago)
“Oh, no. Oh, no. No. No.” He says, dropping the phone on the table and covering his eyes with his hands, “I'm an awful person. I let them down…” He stays silent for a moment, almost hesitant to reply.
Eventually, he picks the phone back up {
Sans: “Chara im so sorry i overslept”
Sans: “i didnt mean to i swear im so fucking sorry”
Chara: “Hey!”
Chara: “Oh, it’s okay, don’t worry about it. It’s only 20 minutes. Besides, I’m glad you got some extra sleep.”
Sans: “i know i let you down im a shit boyfriend”
Chara: “You are not! Don’t say that!”
Chara: “You made an honest mistake, and this is the first time it’s ever happened. I forgive you. It’s okay.”
Sans: “thank you”
Chara: “You’re welcome! Now, when do you think you’ll arrive?”
Sans: “gimme 5 minutes I wanna look somewhat presentable”
Chara: “Okie-dokie :D”
Sans puts the phone down, taking a sigh of relief. “I don’t deserve them.” He says to himself, chuckling. He quickly changes clothes, tosses on a jacket and puts on shoes before teleporting to the castle garden.
Sans arrives in the garden, and walks around until seeing Chara; they lock eyes.
“Sans!” Chara exclaims running up to and embracing him, “you made it!”
Sans returns the hug, placing one of his hands on the back of Chara's head. “That I did.” He says, loosening the hug, “Once again, I’m sorry for sleeping in, I-“ he stops himself.
Chara places their hand on the side of Sans' skull. “I told you, it’s okay, I’m not mad. And most importantly, you’re not a bad boyfriend.” They say softly and consolingly, kissing him on the cheek. “You know I’ll always love you, right?”
Sans, meets Chara's eyes, “I know that! I… I guess I was just being paranoid.” He responds, looking down, “And I will always love you, too, Chara. I promise.” Sans places his hand back on their head, pulling them in and planting a nip on their cheek. “I promise.” He repeats, as they both pull away from each other.
“Good!” Chara exclaims. “Come on, this way!” They say, as they grab his hand and begin to lead him to a clearing in the garden.
“Alright, after you.” Sans replies.
Once they reach the clearing, Chara sits down, motioning Sans to do the same. Chara reaches into the basket sitting between them. “I have a surprise for you!” They say.
Sans perks up, “really?” He asks, looking around, trying to peak into the basket.
“No peeking!” Chara quickly demands, holding the basket away.
Sans instantly backs up, “sorry.”
Chara giggles, “now, close your eyes and hold out your hand.” They say.
Sans does what he is told, holding his left hand out in front of him, and closing his eyes. “As you wish, sweetheart.”
Chara pulls out one of the floral bracelets, putting it on their wrist, then grabbing the other and placing it on Sans' wrist. “You can open your eyes now.” They say.
Sans opens his eyes, looking down at the matching bracelets. He lifts his arm, inspecting every last detail of the bracelet. “Wow… Chara, this looks incredible!”
Chara blushes, giggling. “Do you like it?” They ask.
“I love it, Chara. It’s beautiful.” He responds, smiling. “You’ve made floral stuff for me before, but this is on another level of intricacy and beauty.”
Chara’s face is now completely red, “thank you!” They respond. “I made one for myself as well!”
“I can see that, they both look amazing.” Sans replies.
Chara sits straight up, holding out their wrist and pointing at the flowers dawning the bracelet. “And the best part is, these are magical flowers, meaning that these bracelets will last pretty much forever as long as we take care of them.” They say, smiling. “Think of these like ends of an invisible string that tie us together, they represent a physical manifestation of our love for each other.”
Sans holds out his hand, resting it on Chara's arms so that the bracelets touch. “Do you think that invisible string is the same string of fate as the one which is to each other?” He asks.
Chara meets Sans' eyes. “It very well could be.” They say, pulling him into a hug, and placing their head on his shoulder. “And when that tie is severed, you’ll always have something to remember me by… so… in a couple years whenever you’re lonely, just look down at your wrist, and remember that I’m right there with you.”
“Yeah…” Sans replies, pulling away from the hug and making eye contact, “but, let’s not think about that too much, shall we?”
Chara perks up, “You’re right, let’s talk about something else.” They say. “Is there anything you want to talk about?”
“Hmm…” Sans says to himself, before reaching into his pocket. “While we’re on the topic of gifts, here’s your gift from me.” He adds, as he pulls out two bars of chocolate, neatly wrapped together with a flower decorating them.
Chara gasps, as Sans hands it to them, “thank you!” They exclaim, inspecting the intricate wrapping and the beautiful rose on the font. “Did you wrap this yourself?” They ask.
“I wish I was that talented.” He replies chuckling nervously. “No, the shopkeeper who I usually buy chocolate from gave that to me, because she knows we’re dating.”
Chara smiles, “well, I appreciate it nonetheless!” They respond.
As Chara begins to pull out the first bar, Sans interrupts. “Chara? I have a question, if you don’t mind.”
“Ask away!”
Sans scratches the back of his skull, almost nervously. “I’m just curious, but I’ve noticed that you’re always so happy whenever I give you chocolate as a gift… despite the fact that you basically have an endless supply of chocolate thanks to his highness. So, I’m just wondering what’s so special about it when I give it to you?” He asks, looking down.
“Because it’s from you, Sans!” They reply, grabbing ahold of his hand. “The fact that it’s a gift from you—my beloved boyfriend—makes it special. Even if it was something completely inconsequential, I’d be happy, because it’s the thought that counts.” They say, holding his hand to their heart.
Sans smiles, chuckling to himself.
Chara cocks their head to the side with a confused expression, “what’s so funny?” They ask.
“Nothing, that’s… just a very you answer.” He responds, smiling adoringly, “always so cheerful and positive. Always seeing the best in everything and everyone.” He says as he cups their cheek with his hand.
Chara giggles, placing their hand on his arm. “It’s funny, because… every time I give you something, you’re always just as grateful, no matter how small.” They say, before leaning in and kissing his forehead.
“I guess you’re right,” Sans responds, “because they’re from you, they matter so much more than any other gift ever could.”
Chara smiles, leaning in and embracing him once more, “I guess we’re not all that different, huh?” They say jokingly.
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Sans responds, laughing.
Chara stands up, wiping the dirt off their trousers, “come on, let’s walk around,” they say, holding out their hand.
“Sounds good to me,” Sans responds, grabbing Chara's hand, and letting them pull him up.
Chara and Sans sit on a bench on the edges of the castle grounds overlooking the lake in Waterfall a great distance away.
Chara holds out their hand, feeling the chill air. “No matter how many times I see Waterfall, it will never stop being beautiful.” They say, looking over the edge, “sometimes I wish I could stay here all day watching it.” Chara leans into Sans, wrapping their arms around him, cuddling.
“Yeah, it really is beautiful.” He says, leaning back, and placing his arm over their shoulder.
Chara looks up to him, “I love you,” they say softly.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He replies, nipping their cheek, “and I always will.”
They stay silent for a minute, the only sounds being that of waterfall in the distance, and the soft sounds of Chara breathing.
“Sans?” Chara asks.
“I'm scared…” they respond, quietly.
Sans lets out a slow breath. “I know… I’m scared too, Sweetheart…” he whispers back, “I’m scared too…”
“Just, remember me okay?” They ask, tears streaming down their face.
Sans lowers his head, trying not to cry. “I promise.”
Chara hears something running behind them, suddenly their right shoulder is pierced by a throwing knife, as they scream out in agony.
Chara -5hp (15/25)
“Oh, shit!” Sans yells, his left eye glowing, as he grabs Chara. He quickly stops a second knife (flying from above) midair with gravity magic , and teleports himself and Chara back inside the Castle and into Chara's room.
“Ow! Ow! It hurts so much!” They yell in pain, as they try and remove the knife.
Sans tries to grab the knife as well, before he’s interrupted by the door flying open.
Toriel runs in, face filled with concern. “What happened!?” She yells, as she quickly takes ahold of Chara.
Sans looks up to her, “I don’t know! We were just sitting when suddenly someone threw a knife into them from behind us!” He responds panicked.
“Oh, no…” Toriel responds, quickly stabilizing Chara with healing magic. “Chara, you’re going to be okay, just hold still, okay?”
“Okay,” Chara squeaks out over the pain.
After twenty minutes, Toriel is able to clean up and mostly heal the wound. Holding the now unconscious Chara. “Okay, that should be good. Now all they need is some rest.” She says.
“Is there anything else I can do to help?” Sans asks, placing a hand on Chara's forehead.
Toriel places Chara in bed, and pulls the covers over them. “No, you’ve done all you can,” she says, “Thank you, so much.”
“You’re welcome,” Sans replies, as he teleports himself back home.
Author's notes:
Sorry for the long wait, y’all. But these should come out more regularly now.
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pathosketches · 1 month
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Screw you *Fells your gravity falls*
UF belongs to @/underfell
This is a REALLLLLYYY long shot but like..let me have my fun-
+ Bonus of me trying to explain my reason for this take:
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also i like underfell a lot-
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capricioussun · 4 months
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2am post jumpscare
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h-yellowfell · 3 months
Pride doodle!
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A bit late but it's here! i just had to draw these three kiddos during pride
Nonbinary trio my beloveds
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cafefiorentini · 22 days
compilation of various utdr doodles ans sketches :333
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cinnamoncinn1 · 1 month
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Storyfell Chara, but this is a man (I didn't see a single version where there was a maaaan😪)
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raccishere · 8 months
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Fresh/Geno created by CrayonQueen
HorrorTale created by Sour-Apple-Studios
Underfell created by UnderFella/Vic
Mafiafell created by Staringback
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ultrabean · 3 months
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underfell by @underfell/vic the underfella
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fishbonesart · 3 months
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i dont want to only post sans puns but also like. what else am i doing with my life right now?
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milkybnnuy · 3 months
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For me they're just little kids trying way too hard to be cool and edgy
Underfell belongs to underfell
Storyfell take/designs are mine
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severed-ties-uf · 11 months
Chapter Sixteen: Ruin(ed) Date
This takes place 6 weeks after the previous chapter, Sans and Chara had planned a date in Old Home (what it was called before the Ruins, there’s still many monsters living there as of this point).
Sans waits at their usual meeting place, right by the tree. Unlike last time, Sans decided to make himself look a little more presentable, wearing: black sweatpants, a crimson red shirt, a black leather jacket and black sneakers.
In his hands, he holds a self made flower crown; it’s not as pretty or neat as the one Chara gave to him weeks ago, but he knew Chara would appreciate it nonetheless.
After a while of waiting, Sans hears footsteps, Chara's footsteps. Perking up, he quickly hides the flower crown behind his back.
Chara walks in, making eye contact with Sans and smiling. They quickly approach him, stopping a meter away. “Hey, handsome!” They exclaim.
“Hey, beautiful.” He responds, smiling back.
Chara looks Sans over admiring his outfit. “I love your outfit, you look amazing!” They say, as a blush comes to their face. “Not to mention super handsome. Somehow even more so than usual.”
Sans chuckles, “Thank you, I really wanted to look nice for this date. I realized I was kind of being a lazy bone when it came to my ‘outfit’ on our previous dates.” He responds.
Chara giggles, placing a kiss on his cheek.
Sans smiles and blushes.
Chara smiles back.
Sans places a finger on Chara's chin. “Close your eyes. I have a gift for you.” He says.
“A gift? Okay!” Chara responds, as they close their eyes.
Sans places the flower crown on their head. “Flower you today, sweetheart?” He asks.
Chara opens their eyes, feeling the flower crown, their face displaying a huge smile. “Thank you, Sans! I love it!” They exclaim, leaning over and kissing him on the teeth. “I swear I love you a lily more every time we meet.”
“You’re welcome, Chara.” He responds. “Now, bring your tulips back over here.” He adds.
Chara giggles, as they lean in and give Sans three more kisses.
“Perfect.” Sans says, as he takes their chin with his hand and nips their cheek. Afterwards, he pulls away, and they embrace.
“I love you.” Chara says.
“I love you, too.” Sans responds, as they separate. “Alright, I think it’s about time we leaf for old home. Don’t you think?” Sans asks.
“Yeah! Let’s go.” Chara responds.
Sans teleports both of them to a spot in Old Home, right at the entrance of what would become the Ruins.
“So here we are. This was where all of the monsters once lived.” Sans says.
“Yup! It’s so exciting to be here again!” Chara exclaims. They turn around to face the exit, holding Sans' hand. “Can we go visit where I fell?” They ask.
“Of course, Sweetheart.” Sans replies, as they begin to walk towards and through the exit. Eventually they reach the flowerbed.
Chara runs up to the exact spot they fell, and crouch down—doing their best to keep their dress clean—they begin to run their hands over the flowers. “It’s always so surreal coming back here, back to where it all started. When I was given a new life.” Chara says, looking up and closing their eyes, allowing the sunlight peering through to coat their face; taking a deep breath and letting it out.
Sans looks around, taking it all in. No matter how many times he comes here, it never loses any amount of surrealism; this is where his Angel fell; this is where his Angel's fate was sealed. Things would have been so different if they hadn’t fallen down, for all he knew, Chara may have saved his life, without them, he would undoubtedly be in a far darker place. “Yeah…” Sans responds, distracted by the thoughts. He looks up, facing the sunlight.
“When I fell, there weren’t nearly as many of these flowers were here to break my fall. I hit the ground really hard, breaking both of my legs, and cutting myself bad.” Chara says, as they run their hands over their scars on their knees and legs.
“Oh.” Sans replies in shock. “You didn’t tell me about that before. That couldn’t have been pleasant.”
Chara giggles. “Trust me, it wasn’t. If it hadn’t been for Asriel finding, I would’ve been dead for sure.”
Sans doesn’t say anything, just thinking. In his mind he’s indebted to the Prince for saving his beloved Chara's life, he should probably thank him at some point.
Chara stands up, brushing whatever got on their dress off. “Alright, that’s all I wanted to do.” They say, turning around and walking up to Sans, taking his hand. “Shall we head forward?” They ask.
Sans takes one last look at the spot where Chara fell. “Yeah, let’s go. I have a spot in mind.” He responds, taking both of their hands and teleporting them to a spot overlooking Old Home.
Sans lets go of Chara's hands then takes a step back, turning towards the view.
“Wow!” Chara exclaims, giggling and walking closer to the edge. “I haven’t seen Old Home like this since-“ Chara pauses, thinking… “-Oh, yeah! Three years ago passing by with Asriel.” They add.
“Well, I’m glad I could take you here.” Sans says, looking over to them.
“Look at the view! It’s amazing.” Chara comments, looking around the cityscape, taking in everything.
Sans continues looking at Chara, smiling. “Yeah, what a gorgeous view. I can hardly take my eyes off it.”
Chara looks back to Sans, upon realizing what he meant, they blush uncontrollably. “Sans!~” they fake whine, too flustered to respond.
Sans laughs in response, also blushing. “What?” He asks innocently.
Chara suddenly embraces Sans in a deep hug, burying their head in his shoulder. “I love you so much, Sans.” They say, giggling, laying their left hand against the back of Sans' neck—their fingers laying between the spinous process.
Sans initially jumps from the sudden gesture, but quickly returns it. “I love you too.” He responds, stroking their back with his hand. “What’s with the out of nowhere hug? Not complaining at all, just curious.” He asks.
Chara parts from Sans, just enough to make stable eye contact. “Your flirt was so good, and I had to show my appreciation and reciprocation of your love.” They respond, pulling him back in. “And plus, I haven’t hugged you nearly enough today!” They add, giggling.
Sans laughs, “And I have to make sure that you never forget how much I love you,” he says.
They part, now just holding hands.
“How could I ever forget?” Chara asks, smiling cordially.
“I don’t think you ever will, but I like to remind you constantly, that way it’s never *not* on your mind.” Sans responds.
“Fair enough.” Chara comments, leaning in and kissing him, “And I guess it’s my job to do the same for you, huh?”
“Yup.” Sans replies.
Chara looks back over to the view over Old Home, turning fully to see it, letting go of Sans' left hand—while still holding the right. They’re silent for a moment.
Chara admires the view for another moment, then speaks up. “Do you ever wonder what the people think about our relationship — for those who know at least?” They ask.
“From what I can tell, most of those who know about it are completely disgusted by it, unfortunately. I’ve gotten many insults from people around me— calling me: a ‘traitor’, ‘filth’, and all kinds of other nasty things.” Sans responds, sighing.
“Oh…” Chara responds woefully, quietly sighing. “I don’t know what I expected to be honest.” They add, somberly.
“Eh, fuck 'em. Who cares? They’re all assholes anyway.” Sans says dismissively, attempting to reassure Chara.
Chara frowns, looking down, staying silent for a couple seconds. “Yeah…” They say quietly—almost under their breath. “It’s none of their business, anyway.” They add, more confidently. “And hey, maybe one day, they’ll accept this kind of thing!” They say perking up.
“Yeah… maybe.” Sans states dryly.
They’re both silent for a moment.
Desperate to change the subject, Sans looks around for something to do, spotting a stairwell leading downward, nearby. “Hey, Chara?”
“Yeah?” Chara answers, perking up.
“Wanna go explore down there?” Sans asks, pointing towards the staircase.
“Oh, sure! That sounds fun!” Chara replies.
Sans takes the lead, still holding Chara's hand.
As they approach, they notice a sign attached to the wood railing, stopping to read it. The sign says: ‘Home Aqueduct’.
“Oh, cool! I’ve never seen this before!” Chara exclaims. “To be honest, I didn’t even know Old Home had an aqueduct.” They add, giggling.
“So water we waiting for? Let’s go see it.” Sans responds.
Chara laughs, “isn’t that what we’re currently doing?” They joke.
“I really lake your sense of humor.” Sans responds, also laughing.
They both begin to walk down the steps, flight after flight, the walls being lit by magic torches. Eventually they reach the bottom, opening to a large area—also lit by magic torches and lanterns—that contains a segment of the aqueduct.
“Wow! This place is huge!” Chara comments, running a bit forward and examining the room.
“You got that right.” Sans responds, catching up with them,
Chara walks further forward, near the edge of the aqueduct, examining it with childlike wonder. “This is so cool!” They exclaim, looking back and smiling at Sans. “Old Monster architecture is so fascinating to me.”
Sans stands next to Chara, also inspecting the aqueduct. “You’re right, this is pretty dam cool.” He says.
Suddenly they’re interrupted by a loud voice coming from behind them. “NOW!” The voice yells. Simultaneously, magic projectiles—of varying degrees—appear, hitting most of the torches, extinguishing them.
“Huh!? Who’s there?” Chara asks panicking, unable to see.
“Show yourself!” Sans yells demandingly, summoning sharpened bones and Gaster Blasters; only barely able to see.
Chara's arm is clipped by two magic snake projectiles; they yelp in pain, covering their arm where they were hit.
Chara -5 hp (15/20 remaining)
“Sweetheart!” Sans yells, firing a blaster in the rough direction of where the projectile came from. The light from beam of the blaster revealed a Parsnik in the corner of the room; the beam also grazing a torch, reigniting it.
The torch's light barely reveals the two other perpetrators: a Whimsalot floating by the entrance, and an Astigmatism standing in the other corner.
The Astigmatism summons five magic circle projectiles, sending them flying towards Sans, the Parsnik sends three more magic snakes at Chara, and the Whimsalot summons a swarm of butterflies to attack the pair.
Sans summons a wall of bones to block Astigmatism's attacks, Chara dodges the snakes, and Sans vaporizes the butterflies with a blaster before they can attack.
Sans uses blue magic to send the Parsnik flying into the opposite wall, then back, and finally to the opposite wall again (doing 20 damage each time). He then summons more blasters to help reignite some of the other torches in the room.
Parsnik -60 hp (12/72 remaining)
Parsnik yells in pain, and flees.
Astigmatism summons a massive wave of magic circle projectiles, sending them flying at Sans, meanwhile Whimsalot sends a swarm of butterflies at Chara.
Sans summons a wall of bones to protect Chara, and dodges the large bulk of projectiles sent his way; counterattacking by sending dozens of sharp magic bones back at Astigmatism.
Astigmatism -1x27 hp (37/60 -30 NGD)
Sans turns his attention back to Chara as Astigmatism flees.
Most of the butterflies sent at Chara by Whimsalot were blocked by the bones, and Chara danced around to dodge the rest, but sill managed to get hit by one.
Chara -1hp (14/20 remaining)
Having enough, Sans grabs Whimsalot with blue magic and sends it flying into the aqueduct.
Sans looks over to Chara, panting. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just a little hurt.” Chara responds.
The pair hears frantic splashing; Chara immediately runs over to the aqueduct to investigate.
There, they see Whimsalot drowning in the water, desperately trying not to drown, already having lost a lot of health. “Oh, no!” Chara yells, running over to the edge, and kneeling down. They look around for something to help, panicking.
Whimsalot -5 hp (10/20 remaining)
“Help me! Please!” The Whimsalot begs.
“Leave him, Chara.” Sans says, coldly.
Whimsalot -6 hp (4/20 remaining)
“No!” Chara yells, as they jump into the water.
Chara quickly swims over to Whimsalot, and takes ahold of him. “Here, hold on!” They say. Without questioning, Whimsalot holds on to Chara's arm, holding its head above the water.
Chara quickly begins to swim back to the shore. Once there, they climb out and help Whimsalot to get out of the water. Unable to fly and weakened, Chara holds Whimsalot carefully. “Are you okay?” They ask.
Whimsalot begins coughing up a storm and spitting out water. “Thank you. I- I owe everything to you.” He says.
“You’re welcome!” Chara responds. “Are you okay, though?” They ask.
“No, I’m chewed up real bad.” Whimsalot replies.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Chara asks.
Whimsalot pauses. “Well… there is one thing.” He says.
“Which is?” Chara asks.
Suddenly Chara is surrounded by magic butterflies. “For the Underground!” Whimsalot yells.
“NO!” Sans yells, lifting his arm and summoning sharp bones from the floor to impale Whimsalot.
Whimsalot -1x6 hp (0/20 remaining -18NGD)
Whimsalot shrieks in pain, and turns to dust.
Chara gasps and freezes as the dust coats their hands; they stand there, eyes widened, mouth open, and motionless. They quickly fall to their knees, holding their dusty hands in front of their face. Chara begins hyperventilating, “No… No. No. No.” they say, as tears fall down their face.
“Chara~” Sans begins, quietly.
“Why? Why did he attack?! He didn’t have to die! He was going to be better!” Chara cries, slowing down their breathing.
Sans walks over to Chara, and places his hand on their shoulder; he then kneels down and embraces them in a hug.
Chara quickly returns the hug, burying their face in his shoulder, sobbing. “I don’t understand! Why do they do this!?” Chara asks.
“I don’t know, Sweetheart. I don’t know.” Sans responds, rubbing Chara's back.
Chara cries for a couple minutes, not saying anything; eventually, they slow down, and pull away from Sans, sniffling.
“I love you, Chara.” Sans says.
“I love you too, Sans.” Chara responds.
Sans wipes away their tears with his thumb, “Are you okay?” He asks, adjusting their flower crown.
Chara sniffles. “Yeah… just traumatized.” They reply.
After a couple moments of silence, Chara pulls away, taking out a small pouch from their pocket. They open the pouch and begin to scoop Whimsalot's dust into the pouch. Sans helps out, using blue magic to hasten the process.
Once all the dust was in the pouch, Chara closes it, and picks up Whimsalot's ID card off the floor. “I’ll ask his highness to have this delivered to his family.” They say, holding up the pouch.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Sans responds.
Sans places his hand on Chara's chin and nips their cheek, “We should get you home, Sweetheart. Get you cleaned up and dry.” He says.
“Yeah.” Chara nods.
Sans takes Chara's hand.
Chara makes eye contact with him. “Sans, if it’s okay with you, can you sleep with me tonight? I’ll ask my parents, they’ll probably say yes. I just-“ Chara pauses, “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight without you there.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Author's notes:
Longest chapter yet, I believe.
Chara has seen death before, but seeing it so close (literally in their hands, traumatized them)
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pathosketches · 26 days
yo about your fell gravity falls au thing
this is important information
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*trips* More Gravity falls x Underfell :]
(Prev/og post)
UF belongs to @/underfell
I was honestly gonna put Frisk in the place of one of Mabel's friends, but I thought it'd be funnier/more interesting if they were soos hehe-
also, doom finger as waddles because I can-
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srselodka · 1 month
Canon Underfell and Undertale overworld sprites
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Undertale by Toby Fox
Underfell by Fella
Sprites by me
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h-yellowfell · 3 months
i declare chara temporary visible for the next 5 asks i guess
this isn't gonna be taxing on you now is it?
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Not canon to the au! just a fun way to show Chara and their interactions for a bit!
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lemm-moxx · 7 months
doodles/portraits of utmv humans (i supper-pose as a exercise for drawing faces) (Jonathan sims is not there you cannot see him, he is not there, the gay-ass avatar of the eye is not real he can't hurt you. i didn't draw him. no? no. ok, cool )
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(too tired to credit so ye-ye.yo )
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mop-bino · 5 months
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