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indicartshop · 2 years ago
Buy Baby Diaper Bag with Changing Station At Best Price in New York - IndiCart
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👶🎒 Organize in style! Grab the perfect baby diaper bag with a built-in changing station at the best price in New York.
Keep your little one comfy on the go and stay prepared for any adventure!
🌐: www.indicart.io and redefine your beauty game!
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 2 years ago
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Lately, something has taken hold / of me—not hunger, not shame. It is like a flower / blooming in the injury. —Richie Hofmann
On the evening Jeremiah decides he’ll drive thirty hours to Maryland, the other half of his mattress is cold and Madonna’s on the radio. In his bedroom, he taps his cigarette on the windowsill, the ash scattering into rainy blue hour, and listens. Time goes by so slowly, she goes, her voice singed through his boombox’s broken speakers. He’s meant to replace it, though he’s meant to do a lot of things: check the mail, make a quiche, buy lightbulbs, call his sister, take up cross-stitch, recycle an olive jar, move his bed to the opposite side of his room. But time goes by so slowly, and Jeremiah would know—he’s twenty-one, yet feels he’s been alive for much, much longer.
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nurseshannansreviews · 6 years ago
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Wish I would of had this @Koukla_baby 🐨 portable diaper changing station a couple years ago when Zelah was tiny . It has such a clever design and tons of features including 4 large pockets. I also like that its made of latex free and has the comfy head cushion. 20 disposable bags are also included.This @Koukla_baby diaper 🐨 changing station/clutch lets you change your baby anywhere hygienically. #Kouklababy #sponsored #changingstation Get 20% off with my uniqie code: ETW4L5RV for a limited time before it's gone *48 hour sale on #amazon www.amazon.com/diaper-clutch/dp/B07BHNXYF4 . . . . . . . . . . ❤ #babyessentials #babyfashion #healthychoices #healthymom #naturalsolutions #productreviewer #reviews #productreview #productreviews #naturalsolutions #amazonreviewer #reviewer #amazonreviews #influencer #amazonreview #californiablogger #nurseblogger, #mombloggers #momslife http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BHNXYF4 . (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtzIY56AeQD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=to0qzh22em03
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mitchell721 · 4 years ago
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Changing stations at the beach #beach #coneyisland #coneyislandbeach #coneyislandboardwalk #bathroom #changingstation (at Coney Island Beach and Boardwalk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKj4snMrI5x/?igshid=z4bxa0zfpdo9
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hannahfairlight · 4 years ago
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Hey @genesimmons I bet you didn’t anticipate this use for your #Vault 😂 👶🏼🍼🐰 #demon #onesie #babies #changingstation https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0A_DDhcq4/?igshid=1kvhl8n8lly0w
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akaranababy · 5 years ago
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Spice up your parenting life with our colorful baby loungers! #akarananz #babylounger #snuggles #snuggle #snuggletime #tummytime #infantlounger #changingstation https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHyHjrB0AB/?igshid=beqhhry4g3d9
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mholquinn · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @brutalitees (@get_regrann) - #babymeme #babychanging #changingstation #parentmemes #parenting #babyjokes #catmemes #cats #blackcats #blackcat #familars #witchmemes #brutalitees #brutalhumour #funnyasfuck - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B7D231ggswb/?igshid=mbvvdx4b4d1y
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thecpdiary · 2 years ago
Rethinking Covid Safety Measures
It’s a while since I’ve done a more personal blog and I am struggling. Precautionary safety measures were put in place for our physical safety and with those gone, no one is safe.
Another rise in Covid cases
Perhaps it's got something to do with the fact that I am home, and coming into the winter months, cases are now rising and contrary to the UK political stance on the virus, it's never gone away and it's not going away. Like all viruses, it simply lies dormant, until it strikes and it will.
Be a little cautious and stay safe
I've always been cautious, but you can never be too cautious, when it comes to protecting yourself from the virus. It's a virus that affects the lungs and airways. I would rather take action to prevent having to deal with the virus, or at least lessen its impact by taking healthier measures, if it were to happen.
Living a virus free life should be the priority
While I appreciate getting back into our lives has been a top priority, not wanting to re-catch the virus and live with long-covid, should be our top priority.
There is nothing courageous about taking one for the team, just so that you get a life. Having to deal with a virus there is no cure for, becomes more of an existence. When it comes to the virus, we're not all equal.
A lack of precautionary measures in school
Parents with children school age are still talking about the lack of precautionary measures in school, if anything they’re talking about it more now, we’re coming into the winter months.
The realities of a disability and the fact that the UK government doesn’t care to change its stance is continuing to make my life difficult. And with divided opinions, it looks like those like me who are high risk are on our own.
Changing our stance of those precautionary measures
But facts stay facts, and we would all do well to change our thinking. The science hasn’t changed. By wearing masks, you reduce new cases, reduce reinfection for yourselves and keep those who are vulnerable and high risk, safe.
Increase in cases
Not to means more increases of the virus in the winter months, with potential new variants. With precautionary measures you protect yourself, people in closed public spaces, families with small children, extended family members, patients in hospitals and in residential care homes and that reduces Covid-19.
Why are we not doing more to want to reduce the virus, to live in a world that is free of virus, disease. What is wrong with us?
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site http://www.thecpdiary.com
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 2 years ago
ppl in the house and I’m too intimidated to walk to my room so I’m throwing Jeremiah excerpts like bread ends to ducks:
It’s October in 2005 which means it’s cold in Maryland and still warm in Las Vegas. Jeremiah’s been watching the weather channel more frequently lately as a form of pure entertainment which seems like a strange thing to do, probably because it is but also more likely because the weatherman’s got a Colgate smile and hair like Keanu Reeves’ in My Own Private Idaho. He’s named after a flower or something of the like—Prim, Basil, Aster, Sage. Really, Jeremiah should know because he’s invested enough to know the man has a subtle lisp and a birthmark above his right eyebrow, but maybe the problem is that he’s paying too much attention to the man’s subtle lisp and birthmark. Still, he finds himself thinking of the man when he sits on the balcony with a mug of Ovaltine, the weather channel muffled through the closed door. When did he decide to become a weatherman? And is the job rewarding?
Sometimes the reality that he’s dreaming about a weatherman who doesn’t know he exists hits him so hard he goes back inside and turns the TV off right away
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nosleepatall · 5 years ago
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I so need to do this Hail Satan sacrificial altar changing station after the quarantine is over! Gotta carry a Fat Sharpie with me just for this 🙄😝 #hailsatan #altar #sacrificialaltar #changingstations #changingaltars #satansaltar #nosleepatall https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NGXr7HTuF/?igshid=1h8xw90o2o9uf
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tatakidsdesign · 8 years ago
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Scout, New changing station by @xoinmyroom . #changingstation #wood #designforkids #kidsdesign
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johnykoh5 · 7 years ago
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#royal #changingstation …#enchanted #catchingup #summer2017 #seniortrip #disneyworld #waltdisneyworld #magickingdom #orlando #florida #iphone6splus
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nickthehat · 8 years ago
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Unfortunate baby-changing station graphic choice at the Washington Convention Center. #washingtonconvetioncenter #eccc #changingstation #bathroom #unfortunategraphics
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scienzaremoteteachings · 3 years ago
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States of Matter and Changing States Digital & Interactive Choice Board with Heating Water Curve
#choiceboards #choiceboardsforteachers #chemistrychoiceboard #statesofmatter #changingstatesofmatter #changingstates #heatingwatercurve #graphschemistry #graphinginchem #watercurve #chemistryinteractivegame #chemgames #chemistryresources #chemistryisfun #teacherlesson #teachersoftpt #teacherpayteacheraddict #teacherpayteachers #teachersofinstagram #teachchemistry #teachwithtech #techyteacher #tptresources #tptinspiredteaching #tptteachingresources #tptscienceresources #tptdigitalresources
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love-martin-universe · 6 years ago
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Gray white and pastel yellow nursery #changingstation #graynursery https://ift.tt/2zCnKTf
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angiengweychyi-blog · 7 years ago
YES, Did the Fire Walk 👊🏻 Just Do it anyway! We stormed across a bed of burning hot coals, amazing experience!!! Is all about “changing the state”, and make it happen. Thanks for the guidance, Tony . . . . #AnthonyRobbinsUPW #ChangingState #AngieWeyChyi #TonyRobbins #FireWalk #UPW #Fear #2018 #SingaporeExpo #SuccessResources (at Singapore EXPO Convention and Exhibition Centre)
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