#Chamberlain NR 439 Week 5 Reading Research Literature Assignment - Latest August 2017
ninarose1-blog · 7 years
Chamberlain NR 439 Week 5 Reading Research Literature Assignment - Latest August 2017
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  Reading Research Literature Guidelines Purpose
The student will read research literature to determine the research purpose, question, design, population, sample, limitations, data collection and analysis.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (PO4 and 8)
Points: This assignment is worth 225 points.
Due Date: Submit the completed Reading Research Literature form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5.
1. Download the research articles from the Chamberlain library.
Retrieve the following research articles:Make sure you are viewing the full text PDF. If you view the article in HTML format, you may not be able to see the tables and figures that are referenced in the questions.
Velayutham, S. G., Chandra, S. R., Bharath, S., & Shankar, R. G. (2017). Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases: A pilot study. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 39(2), 176-182. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.203132. http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=122248443&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Pals, R. S., Hansen, U. M., Johansen, C. B., Hansen, C. S., Jørgensen, M. E., Fleischer, J., & Willaing, I. (2015). Making sense of a new technology in clinical practice: A qualitative study of patient and physician perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1071-1 http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=her&AN=109884152&site=eds-live (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1. Download the Reading Research Literature form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
2. Watch the video on how to complete this assignment at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zGCzbNjK4zHr05z0. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
3. Type answers to the questions directly onto the form. Your form does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and write in complete sentences.
4. Please post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum.
5. Save the file by clicking Save as and adding your last name, e.g.,NR439_W5_Reading_Research_Literature_Form_Smith.docx.
6. Submit the completed form by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5.
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ninarose1-blog · 7 years
Chamberlain NR 439 Week 6 Research Article Critique Paper Assignment Latest 2017 August
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    Research Article Critique Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to examine, analyze, critique, and summarize an original research article. Student is to select an article from the Research Article Critique List of Articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Open the link to find a choice of articles from which you must choose ONE to complete this assignment.
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO7)
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4 and 8)
CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs 7 and 8)
The assignment is worth a total of 175 points.
Click to view and download the NR439 Research Article Critique Paper Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Due Date
You are to submit your paper by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Through this assignment, the student will:
1.    Critique a peer-reviewed study, and in your own words, describe the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each. (CO 1, CO2,)
2.    Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. Do not just quote the author's words. Paraphrase the information.(CO 4, CO5).
Guidelines to writing the Paper
1.    Tips on how to complete this assignment may be found at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zFmz5THHgzHr05z0&intk=406182077 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
2.    Download the Research Article Critique List of Articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and select ONE to analyze.
3.    Retrieve the full-text version of the article from the library. Read it thoroughly.
1.    Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader's attention.
1.    Provide a brief description of the research article to be discussed.
2.    Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to the research article reviewed and the implications that it has to evidence based nursing practice.
3.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the research question for this study in a paragraph.
1.    Describe the research in greater detail.
2.    Include your observations about this question.
3.    Discuss events or trends that could have affected this question.
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the research design of this study, and in your own words discuss the design.
1.    Discuss the research design of the study.
2.    Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the type of design and hypothesize why the author utilized the design as opposed to others.
3.    You will need to summarize the information from the article in your own words
2.    Describe the sample.
1.    Briefly describe the sample size used for this study
2.    Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate and defend your answer.
3.    Describe the number or participants and determine if the number of participants was adequate compared to the research question and the intent of the study.
4.    Are these numbers adequate? Discuss gaps in that you identified.
5.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the data collection method(s)'
1.    Who collected the data?
2.    What tools were used?
3.    What were the ethical considerations addressed and discuss gaps you identified.
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the limitations of the study.
1.    Identify the limitations within the study
2.    Describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies
3.    Comment on why limitations are important to list and discuss within a study
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the findings reported in the study.
1.    Describe the findings reported in the study
2.    Discuss whether the findings of the study answered the research question posed within the study
3.    Discuss the credibility of the findings
4.    If the findings do not support the research question posed within the study, what do you believe is the reason?
5.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Summary
1.    Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper.
2.    Include a statement about the research question and the findings.
3.    Discuss the probability of implementation into practice. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice?
4.    End with a concluding statement.
2.    Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, "How do I know this?" and then cite the source.
3.    Reference Page: The Reference Page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (Author, year) and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A url link alone is not an adequate reference. See the APA Guidelines in Course Resources for examples of properly formatted references.
NR 439 Articles List for Week 6 Research Article Critique
Katon, W., Russo, J., & Gavin, A. (2014). Predictors of postpartum depression. Journal of Women's Health (15409996), 23(9), 753-759.doi:10.1089/jwh.2014.4824. (7p.)
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Murfet, G. O., Allen, P., &Hingston, T. J. (2014). Maternal and neonatal health outcomes following the implementation of an innovative model of nurse practitioner-led care for diabetes in pregnancy. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(5), 1150-1163.doi:10.1111/jan.12277. (14p.)
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Stavrianopoulos, T. (2016). Impact of a nurses-led telephone Intervention program on the quality of life in patients with heart failure in a district hospital of Greece. Health Science Journal, 10(4), 1.
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
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ninarose1-blog · 7 years
Chamberlain NR 439 ALL Week Discussions – Latest August 2017
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Week 1 Discussions
Chamberlain NR 439 Week 1 August 2017
: Role of Research and the Importance of the Searchable Clinical Question
 2424 unread replies.101101 replies.
The practice of nursing is deeply rooted in nursing knowledge, and nursing knowledge is generated and disseminated through reading, using, and creating nursing research. Professional nurses rely on research findings to inform their practice decisions; they use critical thinking to apply research directly to specific patient care situations. The research process allows nurses to ask and answer questions systematically that will ensure that decisions are based on sound science and rigorous inquiry. Nursing research helps nurses in a variety of settings answer questions about patient care, education, and administration.
As you contemplate your role in the research process, read the following article.
Kumar, S. (2015). Type 1 diabetes mellitus-common cases. Indian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 19,S76–S77. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.155409. http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=102354944&site=eds-live (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Choose one case     study, and formulate one searchable, clinical question in the PICO(T)     format. There are several     potential questions that could be asked.
Identify     whether the focus of your question is assessment, etiology, treatment, or     prognosis.
Remember     to integrate references.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 2 August 2017
Discussion Week 2: Search for Literature and Levels of Evidence
4848 unread replies.116116 replies.
1. Reflect on your practice, and identify a significant nursing clinical issue or change project that you would like to search for evidence in online sources. Formulate searchable, clinical questions in the PICO(T) format for your nursing clinical issue.
2. Next, review the guidelines for the PICOT Assignment due Week 3. Use your PICOT elements to search forone report of a single, original study that has been published within the last 5 years from the CCN Library that is relevant to your nursing clinical issue.
3. Briefly describe how it is relevant to your nursing clinical issue. Remember to give a complete reference to the study.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 3 August 2017
Discussion Week 3: Research Problems, Designs, and Sample
9090 unread replies.113113 replies.
This week, we will discuss the research design and sample for your nursing clinical issue. The research design flows from the research question and outlines the plan for the study that will answer the research question. The design identifies the major components of the study. It is important to remember that there is no one best design for a research study.
1. After you review the designs, describe which research design you would expect to find when searching for evidence relevant to your own research question from Week 2. Why? Explain your answer.
2. The most common sampling method is the convenience sample; therefore, many of the studies that you find for evidence use this sampling method. What are the implications for using a convenience sample on the way you interpret and use the findings?
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 4Discussions Week 4: Ethical and Legal Issues
 Read one of the following.
Stefaniak, M., & Mazurkiewicz, B. (2017). The importance of adhering to high standards of research ethics. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 62.http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=120706824&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Feeney, S., & Freeman, N. K. (2016). Ethical issues: Responsibilities and dilemmas. YC: Young Children, 71(1), 86.http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edb&AN=114680496&site=eds-live (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Questions for first article:
1. Describe one reason for adhering to high standards in ethics.
2. What are the dangers of conflict of interest?
Questions for second article:
1. Discuss the difference between ethical responsibility and ethical dilemma.
2. Share an experience of ethical dilemma or moral distress in nursing today.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 5Discussion Week 5: Data Collection and Measurement
 7676 unread replies.102102 replies.
Access the following information. You may read the PDF online or download it.
American Nurses Association. (2014).Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA.
http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ThePracticeofProfessionalNursing/workforce/Fast-Facts-2014-Nursing-Workforce.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1. Review these facts, and describe what the results say about this sample of the nursing workforce.
2. What do you believe was the intent of the researcher who designed the survey?
3. The next process for our study is to collect data. The research design will indicate the best data to be collected. The tools that we use to collect data need to be reliable and valid. Define these terms with respect to research, and explain why they are important.
4. Consider data collection and measurement methods for your nursing clinical issue. Explain how you would collect data and what measurement methods you would use.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 6Discussion Week 6: Data Results and Analysis
 4141 unread replies.4444 replies.
After the data are collected, it is time to analyze the results!
1. Discuss one of the four basic rules for understanding results in a research study.
2. Compare clinical significance and statistical significance. Which one is more meaningful when considering applying evidence to your practice?
3. Compare descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in research. Please give an example of each type that could be collected in a study that would be done on your nursing clinical issue you identified in previous weeks.
  Chamberlain NR 439 Week 7Discussion Week 7: Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice
 8282 unread replies.9797 replies.
After the data have been analyzed, conclusions are made regarding what the findings mean. Then, this information must be shared with your healthcare team.
1. Choose one of the articles from the Week 5 RRL assignment, and discuss the findings. Would you apply the evidence found to your practice? Explain your answer.
2. Translating research into practice is the final and most important step in the research process. Review information you found your nursing clinical issue and explain ways in which you would share the research-based evidence with your peers.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 8Discussion Week 8: Where Do You Go From Here?
 8787 unread replies.100100 replies.
Improving patient outcomes is paramount to healthcare improvement today.
1. How has your thinking changed about nursing research and evidence- based practice as the result of this course?
2. Will the information you learned during this course be helpful in your nursing role today?
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ninarose1-blog · 7 years
ChamberlainNR439 Week 3 PICOT/Evidence Appraisal Assignment - Latest August 2017   PICOT Worksheet Guidelines
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Clear identification of the problem or opportunity is the first step in evidence-based nursing. This assignment offers a tool to assist in the identification of the problem, proposed intervention, and desired outcomes. Completion of the assignment will include identification of the problem or concern using the PICOT format.
 Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcome.
CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO7)
Due Date
Submit the completed PICOT Worksheet form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3.
This assignment is worth 200 points.
1. Read these guidelines including the grading rubrics below. Watch this video on how to complete the assignment at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zIAz11yLtvzHr05z0 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
2. Download the PICOT Worksheet form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
3. Consider what is the nursing problem or issue that you have uncovered. Make sure it is related to nursing, i.e., one that a nurse can solve independently. Do not select a medical problem that is dependent upon a medical professional to resolve.
4. Download an Example (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. of how to fill in the worksheet to help you complete your own form.
5. Submit the completed PICOT Worksheet form.
Example 1:
What is the PICO question?
Will influenza immunization compliancy rates increase if flu clinics are provided in a Flu PODS and immunization clinics at convenient times covering all shifts?
Define each element of the question below:
P- (Patient, population, or problem): Hospital employees and volunteers required to have the influenza immunization annually
I -(Intervention): Offer multiple Flu "PODS" and immunization clinics to hospital employees and volunteers making it convenient to receive the required immunization. Offer at a variety of times, available to all shifts
C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): Compare analytics showing employees and volunteers who received flu shot prior to 2016 when Flu PODS and immunization clinics were not offered compared to 2016 where Flu PODS and immunization clinics are offered to accommodate shifts. Track number of employees/volunteers coming at each hour time frame.
O- (Desired outcome): Increase of compliance of receiving the annual mandatory flu shot by employees and volunteers
Example 2:
What is the PICO question?
For non-diabetic patients on corticosteroid therapy, does monitoring for headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision hourly vs. no observations for signs of hyperglycemia promote improvement of pulmonary complications?
Define each element of the question below:
P- (Patient, population, or problem): Non-diabetic patients on corticosteroid therapy.
I- (Intervention): Monitoring for headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision
C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): No observations for signs of hyperglycemia
O- (Desired outcome): Improvement of pulmonary complications
T-(Time): 90 days
   Chamberlain NR 439 Week 5 Reading Research Literature Assignment - Latest August 2017
  Reading Research Literature Guidelines Purpose
The student will read research literature to determine the research purpose, question, design, population, sample, limitations, data collection and analysis.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (PO4 and 8)
Points: This assignment is worth 225 points.
Due Date: Submit the completed Reading Research Literature form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5.
1. Download the research articles from the Chamberlain library.
Retrieve the following research articles:Make sure you are viewing the full text PDF. If you view the article in HTML format, you may not be able to see the tables and figures that are referenced in the questions.
Velayutham, S. G., Chandra, S. R., Bharath, S., & Shankar, R. G. (2017). Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases: A pilot study. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 39(2), 176-182. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.203132. http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=122248443&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Pals, R. S., Hansen, U. M., Johansen, C. B., Hansen, C. S., Jørgensen, M. E., Fleischer, J., &Willaing, I. (2015). Making sense of a new technology in clinical practice: A qualitative study of patient and physician perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1071-1 http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=her&AN=109884152&site=eds-live (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1. Download the Reading Research Literature form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
2. Watch the video on how to complete this assignment at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zGCzbNjK4zHr05z0. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
3. Type answers to the questions directly onto the form. Your form does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and write in complete sentences.
4. Please post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum.
5. Save the file by clicking Save as and adding your last name, e.g.,NR439_W5_Reading_Research_Literature_Form_Smith.docx.
6. Submit the completed form by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 6 Research Article Critique Paper Assignment Latest 2017 August
  Research Article Critique Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to examine, analyze, critique, and summarize an original research article. Student is to select an article from the Research Article Critique List of Articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Open the link to find a choice of articles from which you must choose ONE to complete this assignment.
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO7)
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4 and 8)
CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs 7 and 8)
The assignment is worth a total of 175 points.
Click to view and download the NR439 Research Article Critique Paper Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Due Date
You are to submit your paper by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Through this assignment, the student will:
1.    Critique a peer-reviewed study, and in your own words, describe the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each. (CO 1, CO2,)
2.    Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. Do not just quote the author's words. Paraphrase the information.(CO 4, CO5).
Guidelines to writing the Paper
1.    Tips on how to complete this assignment may be found at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zFmz5THHgzHr05z0&intk=406182077 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
2.    Download the Research Article Critique List of Articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and select ONE to analyze.
3.    Retrieve the full-text version of the article from the library. Read it thoroughly.
1.    Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader's attention.
1.    Provide a brief description of the research article to be discussed.
2.    Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to the research article reviewed and the implications that it has to evidence based nursing practice.
3.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the research question for this study in a paragraph.
1.    Describe the research in greater detail.
2.    Include your observations about this question.
3.    Discuss events or trends that could have affected this question.
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the research design of this study, and in your own words discuss the design.
1.    Discuss the research design of the study.
2.    Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the type of design and hypothesize why the author utilized the design as opposed to others.
3.    You will need to summarize the information from the article in your own words
2.    Describe the sample.
1.    Briefly describe the sample size used for this study
2.    Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate and defend your answer.
3.    Describe the number or participants and determine if the number of participants was adequate compared to the research question and the intent of the study.
4.    Are these numbers adequate? Discuss gaps in that you identified.
5.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the data collection method(s)'
1.    Who collected the data?
2.    What tools were used?
3.    What were the ethical considerations addressed and discuss gaps you identified.
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the limitations of the study.
1.    Identify the limitations within the study
2.    Describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies
3.    Comment on why limitations are important to list and discuss within a study
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the findings reported in the study.
1.    Describe the findings reported in the study
2.    Discuss whether the findings of the study answered the research question posed within the study
3.    Discuss the credibility of the findings
4.    If the findings do not support the research question posed within the study, what do you believe is the reason?
5.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Summary
1.    Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper.
2.    Include a statement about the research question and the findings.
3.    Discuss the probability of implementation into practice. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice?
4.    End with a concluding statement.
2.    Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, "How do I know this?" and then cite the source.
3.    Reference Page: The Reference Page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (Author, year) and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A url link alone is not an adequate reference. See the APA Guidelines in Course Resources for examples of properly formatted references.
NR 439 Articles List for Week 6 Research Article Critique
Katon, W., Russo, J., & Gavin, A. (2014). Predictors of postpartum depression. Journal of Women's Health (15409996), 23(9), 753-759.doi:10.1089/jwh.2014.4824. (7p.)
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Murfet, G. O., Allen, P., &Hingston, T. J. (2014). Maternal and neonatal health outcomes following the implementation of an innovative model of nurse practitioner-led care for diabetes in pregnancy. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(5), 1150-1163.doi:10.1111/jan.12277. (14p.)
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Stavrianopoulos, T. (2016). Impact of a nurses-led telephone Intervention program on the quality of life in patients with heart failure in a district hospital of Greece. Health Science Journal, 10(4), 1.
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
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ninarose1-blog · 7 years
Chamberlain NR 439 Week 1 August 2017
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Week 1 Discussions
: Role of Research and the Importance of the Searchable Clinical Question
 2424 unread replies.101101 replies.
The practice of nursing is deeply rooted in nursing knowledge, and nursing knowledge is generated and disseminated through reading, using, and creating nursing research. Professional nurses rely on research findings to inform their practice decisions; they use critical thinking to apply research directly to specific patient care situations. The research process allows nurses to ask and answer questions systematically that will ensure that decisions are based on sound science and rigorous inquiry. Nursing research helps nurses in a variety of settings answer questions about patient care, education, and administration.
As you contemplate your role in the research process, read the following article.
Kumar, S. (2015). Type 1 diabetes mellitus-common cases. Indian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 19,S76–S77. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.155409. http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=102354944&site=eds-live (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Choose one case     study, and formulate one searchable, clinical question in the PICO(T)     format. There are several     potential questions that could be asked.
Identify     whether the focus of your question is assessment, etiology, treatment, or     prognosis.
Remember     to integrate references.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 2 August 2017
Discussion Week 2: Search for Literature and Levels of Evidence
4848 unread replies.116116 replies.
1. Reflect on your practice, and identify a significant nursing clinical issue or change project that you would like to search for evidence in online sources. Formulate searchable, clinical questions in the PICO(T) format for your nursing clinical issue.
2. Next, review the guidelines for the PICOT Assignment due Week 3. Use your PICOT elements to search forone report of a single, original study that has been published within the last 5 years from the CCN Library that is relevant to your nursing clinical issue.
3. Briefly describe how it is relevant to your nursing clinical issue. Remember to give a complete reference to the study.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 3 August 2017
Discussion Week 3: Research Problems, Designs, and Sample
9090 unread replies.113113 replies.
This week, we will discuss the research design and sample for your nursing clinical issue. The research design flows from the research question and outlines the plan for the study that will answer the research question. The design identifies the major components of the study. It is important to remember that there is no one best design for a research study.
1. After you review the designs, describe which research design you would expect to find when searching for evidence relevant to your own research question from Week 2. Why? Explain your answer.
2. The most common sampling method is the convenience sample; therefore, many of the studies that you find for evidence use this sampling method. What are the implications for using a convenience sample on the way you interpret and use the findings?
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 4Discussions Week 4: Ethical and Legal Issues
 Read one of the following.
Stefaniak, M., &Mazurkiewicz, B. (2017). The importance of adhering to high standards of research ethics. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 62.http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=120706824&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Feeney, S., & Freeman, N. K. (2016). Ethical issues: Responsibilities and dilemmas. YC: Young Children, 71(1), 86.http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edb&AN=114680496&site=eds-live (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Questions for first article:
1. Describe one reason for adhering to high standards in ethics.
2. What are the dangers of conflict of interest?
Questions for second article:
1. Discuss the difference between ethical responsibility and ethical dilemma.
2. Share an experience of ethical dilemma or moral distress in nursing today.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 5Discussion Week 5: Data Collection and Measurement
 7676 unread replies.102102 replies.
Access the following information. You may read the PDF online or download it.
American Nurses Association. (2014).Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA.
http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ThePracticeofProfessionalNursing/workforce/Fast-Facts-2014-Nursing-Workforce.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1. Review these facts, and describe what the results say about this sample of the nursing workforce.
2. What do you believe was the intent of the researcher who designed the survey?
3. The next process for our study is to collect data. The research design will indicate the best data to be collected. The tools that we use to collect data need to be reliable and valid. Define these terms with respect to research, and explain why they are important.
4. Consider data collection and measurement methods for your nursing clinical issue. Explain how you would collect data and what measurement methods you would use.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 6Discussion Week 6: Data Results and Analysis
 4141 unread replies.4444 replies.
After the data are collected, it is time to analyze the results!
1. Discuss one of the four basic rules for understanding results in a research study.
2. Compare clinical significance and statistical significance. Which one is more meaningful when considering applying evidence to your practice?
3. Compare descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in research. Please give an example of each type that could be collected in a study that would be done on your nursing clinical issue you identified in previous weeks.
  Chamberlain NR 439 Week 7Discussion Week 7: Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice
 8282 unread replies.9797 replies.
After the data have been analyzed, conclusions are made regarding what the findings mean. Then, this information must be shared with your healthcare team.
1. Choose one of the articles from the Week 5 RRL assignment, and discuss the findings. Would you apply the evidence found to your practice? Explain your answer.
2. Translating research into practice is the final and most important step in the research process. Review information you found your nursing clinical issue and explain ways in which you would share the research-based evidence with your peers.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 8Discussion Week 8: Where Do You Go From Here?
 8787 unread replies.100100 replies.
Improving patient outcomes is paramount to healthcare improvement today.
1. How has your thinking changed about nursing research and evidence- based practice as the result of this course?
2. Will the information you learned during this course be helpful in your nursing role today?
   ChamberlainNR439 Week 3 PICOT/Evidence Appraisal Assignment - Latest August 2017   PICOT Worksheet Guidelines
Clear identification of the problem or opportunity is the first step in evidence-based nursing. This assignment offers a tool to assist in the identification of the problem, proposed intervention, and desired outcomes. Completion of the assignment will include identification of the problem or concern using the PICOT format.
 Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcome.
CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO7)
Due Date
Submit the completed PICOT Worksheet form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3.
This assignment is worth 200 points.
1. Read these guidelines including the grading rubrics below. Watch this video on how to complete the assignment at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zIAz11yLtvzHr05z0 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
2. Download the PICOT Worksheet form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
3. Consider what is the nursing problem or issue that you have uncovered. Make sure it is related to nursing, i.e., one that a nurse can solve independently. Do not select a medical problem that is dependent upon a medical professional to resolve.
4. Download an Example (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. of how to fill in the worksheet to help you complete your own form.
5. Submit the completed PICOT Worksheet form.
Example 1:
What is the PICO question?
Will influenza immunization compliancy rates increase if flu clinics are provided in a Flu PODS and immunization clinics at convenient times covering all shifts?
Define each element of the question below:
P- (Patient, population, or problem): Hospital employees and volunteers required to have the influenza immunization annually
I -(Intervention): Offer multiple Flu "PODS" and immunization clinics to hospital employees and volunteers making it convenient to receive the required immunization. Offer at a variety of times, available to all shifts
C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): Compare analytics showing employees and volunteers who received flu shot prior to 2016 when Flu PODS and immunization clinics were not offered compared to 2016 where Flu PODS and immunization clinics are offered to accommodate shifts. Track number of employees/volunteers coming at each hour time frame.
O- (Desired outcome): Increase of compliance of receiving the annual mandatory flu shot by employees and volunteers
Example 2:
What is the PICO question?
For non-diabetic patients on corticosteroid therapy, does monitoring for headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision hourly vs. no observations for signs of hyperglycemia promote improvement of pulmonary complications?
Define each element of the question below:
P- (Patient, population, or problem): Non-diabetic patients on corticosteroid therapy.
I- (Intervention): Monitoring for headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision
C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): No observations for signs of hyperglycemia
O- (Desired outcome): Improvement of pulmonary complications
T-(Time): 90 days
   Chamberlain NR 439 Week 5 Reading Research Literature Assignment - Latest August 2017
  Reading Research Literature Guidelines Purpose
The student will read research literature to determine the research purpose, question, design, population, sample, limitations, data collection and analysis.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (PO4 and 8)
Points: This assignment is worth 225 points.
Due Date: Submit the completed Reading Research Literature form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5.
1. Download the research articles from the Chamberlain library.
Retrieve the following research articles:Make sure you are viewing the full text PDF. If you view the article in HTML format, you may not be able to see the tables and figures that are referenced in the questions.
Velayutham, S. G., Chandra, S. R., Bharath, S., & Shankar, R. G. (2017). Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases: A pilot study. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 39(2), 176-182. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.203132. http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=122248443&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Pals, R. S., Hansen, U. M., Johansen, C. B., Hansen, C. S., Jørgensen, M. E., Fleischer, J., &Willaing, I. (2015). Making sense of a new technology in clinical practice: A qualitative study of patient and physician perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1071-1 http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=her&AN=109884152&site=eds-live (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1. Download the Reading Research Literature form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
2. Watch the video on how to complete this assignment at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zGCzbNjK4zHr05z0. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
3. Type answers to the questions directly onto the form. Your form does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and write in complete sentences.
4. Please post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum.
5. Save the file by clicking Save as and adding your last name, e.g.,NR439_W5_Reading_Research_Literature_Form_Smith.docx.
6. Submit the completed form by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5.
 Chamberlain NR 439 Week 6 Research Article Critique Paper Assignment Latest 2017 August
  Research Article Critique Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to examine, analyze, critique, and summarize an original research article. Student is to select an article from the Research Article Critique List of Articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Open the link to find a choice of articles from which you must choose ONE to complete this assignment.
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO7)
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 and 8)
CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4 and 8)
CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs 7 and 8)
The assignment is worth a total of 175 points.
Click to view and download the NR439 Research Article Critique Paper Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Due Date
You are to submit your paper by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Through this assignment, the student will:
1.    Critique a peer-reviewed study, and in your own words, describe the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each. (CO 1, CO2,)
2.    Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. Do not just quote the author's words. Paraphrase the information.(CO 4, CO5).
Guidelines to writing the Paper
1.    Tips on how to complete this assignment may be found at http://www.brainshark.com/devry/vu?pi=zFmz5THHgzHr05z0&intk=406182077 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
2.    Download the Research Article Critique List of Articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and select ONE to analyze.
3.    Retrieve the full-text version of the article from the library. Read it thoroughly.
1.    Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader's attention.
1.    Provide a brief description of the research article to be discussed.
2.    Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to the research article reviewed and the implications that it has to evidence based nursing practice.
3.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the research question for this study in a paragraph.
1.    Describe the research in greater detail.
2.    Include your observations about this question.
3.    Discuss events or trends that could have affected this question.
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the research design of this study, and in your own words discuss the design.
1.    Discuss the research design of the study.
2.    Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the type of design and hypothesize why the author utilized the design as opposed to others.
3.    You will need to summarize the information from the article in your own words
2.    Describe the sample.
1.    Briefly describe the sample size used for this study
2.    Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate and defend your answer.
3.    Describe the number or participants and determine if the number of participants was adequate compared to the research question and the intent of the study.
4.    Are these numbers adequate? Discuss gaps in that you identified.
5.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the data collection method(s)'
1.    Who collected the data?
2.    What tools were used?
3.    What were the ethical considerations addressed and discuss gaps you identified.
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the limitations of the study.
1.    Identify the limitations within the study
2.    Describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies
3.    Comment on why limitations are important to list and discuss within a study
4.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Describe the findings reported in the study.
1.    Describe the findings reported in the study
2.    Discuss whether the findings of the study answered the research question posed within the study
3.    Discuss the credibility of the findings
4.    If the findings do not support the research question posed within the study, what do you believe is the reason?
5.    You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
1.    Summary
1.    Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper.
2.    Include a statement about the research question and the findings.
3.    Discuss the probability of implementation into practice. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice?
4.    End with a concluding statement.
2.    Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, "How do I know this?" and then cite the source.
3.    Reference Page: The Reference Page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (Author, year) and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A url link alone is not an adequate reference. See the APA Guidelines in Course Resources for examples of properly formatted references.
NR 439 Articles List for Week 6 Research Article Critique
Katon, W., Russo, J., & Gavin, A. (2014). Predictors of postpartum depression. Journal of Women's Health (15409996), 23(9), 753-759.doi:10.1089/jwh.2014.4824. (7p.)
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Murfet, G. O., Allen, P., &Hingston, T. J. (2014). Maternal and neonatal health outcomes following the implementation of an innovative model of nurse practitioner-led care for diabetes in pregnancy. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(5), 1150-1163.doi:10.1111/jan.12277. (14p.)
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Stavrianopoulos, T. (2016). Impact of a nurses-led telephone Intervention program on the quality of life in patients with heart failure in a district hospital of Greece. Health Science Journal, 10(4), 1.
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
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