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tip shirsh drip drop bottle pop thont lock hips rock thamben na big snoop dogg blocke fire eseche pc disney a jinistake ai tale jhankuni dao brandir mato swad landy mato akritir candy candy candy mato mishti tader sab annanya model botaljat mayer botler mato suswadu apni yadi amar botalti pop karen tabe tader samast modelra amake ghrina karabe jakhan amar bottle pop hoy (amake jhankuni dao) pratyek mayee muktor modhye nijeke nie swapna dekhe chakachake gadir drut chalak hate chan kintu bhalo meyera hathat kare kharap meyera tara sinemar tarka hote chai bolei protiti maye mane kare ai prithibi tari jei hoke na can say super star ekhon chinta amader, amar banka may tara botalti pop karle ai modalty jolbeponchomti pass karun, ami eti abar pass curry ghure dandao lil mama, pechone pacha dhukie dao dekhun, eti ekti satya, paper bottle jhanki delay emonvabe phele din yen garam samaya taka ar takai somoy ar tumi yadi amar sathe thako, tomar sab taka amar han, han, eti mrityur jonno karun eta ki satyi ye aapni bhije gechen? (bheja, bheja)tader sab annanya model botlin
tip top drip drop vatalboard pop onth rakha kankalar shill vandha nakrib vigh snoop doug blakalai ghuri ahis pc disney sei vastuto ae vital jokari diok brendir dare sowad lendir dare akritir mitha jene kendi kendi sei saklobore aan model bottling jene mamar bottle suswadu yadi apuni more bottleto pop kare tente sei saklobore model mok ghrina karib yetia more bottleto pop hoy (mok jokari diok) protijoni chowali muktat nijar sapon dekhe ekhan chocks garir drut chalak ho'va visar kintu bhal chowaliborbea chowalibore sundarbhav kewal teonloke salassitra tarka ho'va visar vabepratijani chowali anubhav kare ye ae prithivikhan tair yiyei nahonk kia tai egraki chupar star etia chinta hoise ami, vakra saite more chowali yetia tair bottleto panchamato popposs hoy tetia i ae modelto jalai dib, mai yak ghura deon lill' mamak ghura diok, pisfulation gadh pale chaok, aito atta satya, atta popper bottle yadi apuni yak jokari yay, tente yak garam hower dare pelai diok samaya hoise taka aaru taka hoise samaya aaru yadi apuni more lagat thake, aponar saklo taka more yup, yup, aito mrityulai karak apuni titi yowato sancha nacky? (tita, tita)sei saklobore aan model botlin
talamih ala qatra baltengit zegat al-boub qafl al-shaffah loorkin al-sakhra cerda tetokfe aad Big Snoop Dogg elly al-katla campioter disney hez hatha al-shayya ola hatha al-ikaa tham muthall al-barandi ola shokl landy halawa muthall halavi el-helwe halavi gul minham namathej akhra tobia muthall zegaga mamas lidhitha edha kent al-boub zegaga baladi gul minham eridat lazia souf karahani andama zegaga baladi al-boub (hesni) gul fatah tahlam benfesha fe al-laulu traid an tekon essaiq sria lasiara lamoa lucken al-fatyat al-taybat fajka al-fatyat elseiat faqtah lanham lerydon an iconoa nujoom sinmaihatshar gul fatah an hatha alalem weintmi eliha baghd al-nashar amn iagaalha tukherkher fahy najma kharaqa alan al-qaleq hou nihann ، fettadi dhat munheniat hatha sighal hatha nomoudj yehaterk andama tonbathaq zjagthatmarir al-khams ، aida murra akhra estder huell lille mama ، hasselt ola al-hammar fe al-khalaf anzar ، enha haguiga ، zegaga min al-boub edha hezteh ، faqam pescate kama lieuwe kan sakhna al-waqte hou al-mal walmall hou al-waqte witha kent muay ، fekel amualek lee nim ، nim ، afilha hatte al-mut hull sahih ank tebtilis (ratab ، ratab)gul minham namathej akhra butlin
Wenk bo Drup druppel Bottels pop Lippe sluit Heupe rock Moenie ophou nie Big Snoop Dogg is terug op die blok PC Disney Skud daardie ding op hierdie maat Proe soos brandewyn Gevorm soos landi Soet soos lekkergoed lekkergoed Al hulle ander modelle bottel Soos mamma bottel lekker as jy my bottel laat spring, gaan al die modelle my haat As my bottel spring (Skud my) Elke meisie droom van haarself in pêrels wil die vinnige bestuurder van 'n blink motor wees Maar die goeie meisies skielik die slegte meisies Net omdat hulle 'n filmster wil weesElke meisie voel hierdie wêreld behoort aan haar Maak nie saak wie haar laat spin nie, sy is 'n superster Nou is die bekommernis ons, my meisie met kurwes Dit sal hierdie model laat brand as haar bottel springSlaag die vyfde, ek gee dit terug Draai om klein mamma, het gat agter gekry Sien, dit is 'n feit, 'n bottel pop As jy dit skud, laat val dit dan asof dit warm is Tyd is geld en geld is tyd En as jy by my is, is al jou geld myne Ja, ja, doen dit dood Is dit waar dat jy nat word? (Nat, nat)Al hulle ander modelle bottlin
Maja e sipërme Pika e dripit Shishet shpërthejnë Kyçja e buzëve Hips rock Mos ndalo Big Snoop Dogg është kthyer në bllok PC Disney Tunde atë gjënë në këtë rrahje. Shije si brandy Në formë landi Ëmbëlsira të ëmbla si karamele karamele Të gjitha ato modele të tjera bottling Si shishe mamash të shijshme Nëse e hedh shishen time të gjitha ato modele do të më urrejnë kur të më bjerë biberoni (Më tund) Çdo vajzë ëndërron veten në margaritarë Dëshironi të jeni shoferi i shpejtë i një makine të shndritshme Por vajzat e mira papritur vajzat e këqija Vetëm për shkak se ata duan të jenë një yll filmiEvery vajzë ndjen se kjo botë i përket asaj Pa marrë parasysh se kush e bën pastruesen e saj ajo është një super yll Tani shqetësimi jemi ne, vajza ime me kthesa Kjo do ta bëjë këtë model të digjet kur shishja e saj popsPass të pestën, unë e kaloj atë përsëri Kthehuni rreth mamasë së Lilit, e keni prapanicën pas shpine. E sheh, është një fakt, një shishe pop Nëse e tund, atëherë hidhe sikur të ishte nxehtë Koha është para dhe paraja është koha Dhe nëse je me mua, të gjitha paratë e tua janë të miat. Po, po, bëje deri në vdekje. A është e vërtetë që laget? (E lagur, e lagur)Të gjitha ato modele të tjera bottlin
ጉርሻ ወደ ላይ ጠብታ ጠብታ ጠርሙሶች ፖፕ የከንፈር መቆለፊያ የሂፕ አለት አታቋርጥ ቢግ ስኖፕ ዶግ ወደ ኋላ ተመልሷል ፒሲ ዲዝኒ ያንን ነገር ወደዚህ ምት ያናውጠዋለው እንደ ብራንዲ ጣዕም ቅርጽ እንደ landi ጣፋጭ እንደ ከረሜላ ከረሜላ ሁሉም ሌሎች ሞዴሎች bottling እንደ ማማ ጠርሙስ ጣዕሙ ጠርሙሴን ብታስቀምጡኝ ሁሉም ሞዴሎች እኔን ይጠሉኛል ጊዜ ጠርሙሴ ይፈጠራል (አራጋው ደበበ) እያንዳንዱ ልጅ ራሷን በዕንቁ ትመኛለች አንጸባራቂ መኪና ፈጣን ሾፌር መሆን ይፈልጋሉ ጥሩዎቹ ልጃገረዶች ግን መጥፎ ዎቹ ሴቶች የፊልም ተዋናይ ለመሆን ስለፈለጉ ብቻ ነው ሁሉም ልጃገረድ ይህ ዓለም የእሷ እንደሆነ ይሰማታል ማን ቢያደርጋትም ተወዳዳሪ የሌላት ኮከብ ናት አሁን ጭንቀቱ እኛ ነው የእኔ ልጅ መሽከርከሪያዎች ይህም ይህ ሞዴል አቁማዳዋ ፖፕስፓስ አምስተኛውን ሲያቃጥል, እኔ ምመለስ ወደ ኋላ የሊል ማማ ዞር, ወደ ኋላ አህያ አገኘ አየው እውነታ ነው, የፖፕ አቁማዳ ካናወጥከው እንደ ትኩስ አድርገው ጊዜ ገንዘብ እና ገንዘብ ጊዜ ነው እና ከኔ ጋር ከሆንክ ገንዘባችሁ ሁሉ የእኔ ነው እግዚኣብሐር ግደይ ግደሉ እውነት ነው የምትረጥበው? (እርጥብ፣ እርጥብ)ሁሉም ሌሎች ሞዴሎች bottlin
تلميح أعلى قطرة بالتنقيط زجاجات البوب قفل الشفاه الوركين الصخرة لا تتوقف عاد Big Snoop Dogg إلى الكتلة كمبيوتر ديزني هز هذا الشيء على هذا الإيقاع طعم مثل البراندي على شكل لاندي حلوة مثل حلوى الحلوى حلوى كل منهم نماذج أخرى تعبئة مثل زجاجة ماماز اللذيذة إذا كنت البوب زجاجة بلدي كل منهم عارضات الأزياء سوف يكرهني عندما زجاجة بلدي البوب (هزني) كل فتاة تحلم بنفسها في اللؤلؤ تريد أن تكون السائق السريع لسيارة لامعة لكن الفتيات الطيبات فجأة الفتيات السيئات فقط لأنهم يريدون أن يكونوا نجوم سينمائيةتشعر كل فتاة أن هذا العالم ينتمي إليها بغض النظر عمن يجعلها تخرخر فهي نجمة خارقة الآن القلق هو نحن ، فتاتي ذات المنحنيات هذا سيجعل هذا النموذج يحترق عندما تنبثق زجاجتهاتمرير الخامس ، أعيده مرة أخرى استدر حول ليل ماما ، حصلت على الحمار في الخلف انظر ، إنها حقيقة ، زجاجة من البوب إذا هزته ، فقم بإسقاطه كما لو كان ساخنا الوقت هو المال والمال هو الوقت وإذا كنت معي ، فكل أموالك لي نعم ، نعم ، افعلها حتى الموت هل صحيح أنك تبتل؟ (رطب ، رطب)كل منهم نماذج أخرى بوتلين
Թեյավճար վերեւ Drip կաթիլ Շշեր pop Շրթունքների կողպեք Հիպսի ժայռ Մի՛ կանգ առեք Մեծ Սնուփ Դոգը կրկին բլոկում է PC Disney Ցնցեք այդ բանը այս հարվածին Համը բրենդիի պես Լանդիի նման ձեւավորված Կոնֆետների կոնֆետների նման քաղցր Մնացած բոլոր մոդելները բոթում Ինչպես մամաների շիշը համեղ եթե դուք իմ շշը բացեք, բոլոր նրանց մոդելները ատելի կլինեն ինձ, երբ իմ շշը pop (Շաքե՛ր ինձ) Ամեն աղջիկ երազում է իրեն մարգարիտներով ցանկանում են լինել փայլող մեքենայի արագ վարորդ Բայց լավ աղջիկները ողողում են վատ աղջիկներին, Քանի որ նրանք ուզում են լինել կինոաստղEvery girl զգում է, որ այս աշխարհը իրեն է պատկանում Անկախ նրանից, թե ով է նրան պուր դարձնում, նա սուպեր աստղ է Հիմա անհանգստությունը մենք ենք, թեքություններով աղջիկս Դա կվառի այս մոդելը, երբ նրա շշը popsPass հինգերորդը, ես այն հետ եմ փոխանցում Շուռ տուր lil' mama, ետեւի մասում էշ գտա Տեսեք, փաստ է, մի շիշ պոպ Եթե թափահարում եք, ապա ցած գցեք այնպես, ինչպես տաք է Ժամանակը փողն է, իսկ փողը՝ ժամանակը Իսկ եթե դու ինձ հետ ես, քո ամբողջ փողը իմն է Յուպ, յուփ, արա մինչեւ մահ Ճի՞շտ է, որ թրջվում ես: (թաց, թաց)Մնացած բոլոր մոդելները bottlin
টিপ টপ ড্ৰিপ ড্ৰপ বটলবোৰ পপ ওঁঠ ৰখা কঁকালৰ শিল বন্ধ নকৰিব বিগ স্নুপ ডগ ব্লকলৈ ঘূৰি আহিছে পিচি ডিজনী সেই বস্তুটো এই বিটলৈ জোকাৰি দিয়ক ব্ৰেণ্ডিৰ দৰে সোৱাদ লেণ্ডিৰ দৰে আকৃতিৰ মিঠা যেনে কেণ্ডি কেণ্ডি সেই সকলোবোৰ আন মডেল বটলিং যেনে মামাৰ বটল সুস্বাদু যদি আপুনি মোৰ বটলটো পপ কৰে তেন্তে সেই সকলোবোৰ মডেলে মোক ঘৃণা কৰিব যেতিয়া মোৰ বটলটো পপ হয় (মোক জোকাৰি দিয়ক) প্ৰতিজনী ছোৱালীয়ে মুক্তাত নিজৰ সপোন দেখে এখন চকচকে গাড়ীৰ দ্ৰুত চালক হ'ব বিচাৰে কিন্তু ভাল ছোৱালীবোৰবেয়া ছোৱালীবোৰক সুন্দৰভাৱে কেৱল তেওঁলোকে চলচ্চিত্ৰ তাৰকা হ'ব বিচাৰে বাবেপ্ৰতিজনী ছোৱালীয়ে অনুভৱ কৰে যে এই পৃথিৱীখন তাইৰ যিয়েই নহওঁক কিয় তাই এগৰাকী চুপাৰ ষ্টাৰ এতিয়া চিন্তা হৈছে আমি, বক্ৰৰ সৈতে মোৰ ছোৱালী যেতিয়া তাইৰ বটলটো পঞ্চমটো পপপাছ হয় তেতিয়া ই এই মডেলটো জ্বলাই দিব, মই ইয়াক ঘূৰাই দিওঁ লিল' মামাক ঘূৰাই দিয়ক, পিছফালে গাধ পালে চাওক, এইটো এটা সত্য, এটা পপৰ বটল যদি আপুনি ইয়াক জোকাৰি যায়, তেন্তে ইয়াক গৰম হোৱাৰ দৰে পেলাই দিয়ক সময় হৈছে টকা আৰু টকা হৈছে সময় আৰু যদি আপুনি মোৰ লগত থাকে, আপোনাৰ সকলো টকা মোৰ য়ুপ, য়ুপ, এইটো মৃত্যুলৈ কৰক আপুনি তিতি যোৱাটো সঁচা নেকি? (তিতা, তিতা)সেই সকলোবোৰ আন মডেল বটলিন
İpucu üst Damla damlası Şüşələr pop Dodaqlar qıfılı Bel qayası Durmayın Böyük Snoop Dogg yenidən blokda PC Disney Bu döyməyə o şeyi silkələmək Dadı brendi kimi Landi kimi biçimli Şirniyyat şirniyyatı kimi şirin Bütün bunlar digər modelləri bottling Mamas şüşə dadlı kimi şüşəmi попик etsən bütün o modellər mənə nifrət edəcək When my bottle pop (Məni silkələ) Hər bir qız özünü mirvarilərdə xəyal edir şıq maşının sürətli sürücüsü olmaq istəyir Amma yaxşı qızlar pis qızları məhkəməyə verir Sadəcə kino ulduzu olmaq istədikləri üçünEvery qız hiss edir ki, bu dünya ona məxsusdur Onun purr kim edir olursa olsun, o super ulduz İndi narahat olan biz, döngələri olan qızım Bu, onun şüşəsi beşinci dəfə popsPass zaman bu model yandırmaq olacaq, mən onu geri keçirmək Dön lil' mama, arxadan göt aldı Bax, bu faktdır, bir şüşə pop Silkələsən, sonra da elə at ki, qızarır, Zaman puldur, pul isə vaxtdır Sən də mənimləsən, bütün pulun mənimdir, Yup, yup, bunu ölümə qədər et – Bəs islanırsınız? (nəm, nəm)Bütün bunlar digər modellər bottlin
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Chakachak by Kankana Trivedi!
Watch "Awesome Hain" her new music video!
#kankanatrivedi #awesomehain #kt #trending
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Stair goes for heaven.🤣🤣 Click of newly designed #jabalpurrailwaystation . #blacksndwhitephotography #darkphotographer #mobileclick #likelikelike #lightcameraaction #light #action #justgoshoot #worldofpotrait #insta_pick_bw #chakachak #landscapephotograpy #design #smartcity #madhyapradesh #diaries #black #bhaskarraochaudhary #memorykeeping (at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYpfHRlhsoz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Soya Kofta Curry..🍲🍲
Haye Chaka Chak Chaka Chak Hai tu.. 🤤🤤
Cook Chaka Chak 😋 #SoyaKoftaCurry 🍲 with #Salonimustardoil.
Saloni Mustard Oil #Sehatbhiswaadbhi Jo Banta hai apni hi factory mein..
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Sara AliKhan looks super gorgeous in ethnic as she promotes #ChakaChak song from #AtrangiRe in a college
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Where Food Speaks, With your Palate 🍲🥘🥗🍝🍧🥂🍷🥃 • Quality Food • Refreshing Beverage
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12 murals that show street art is taking over Indian cities
Street art in India is slowly changing the way we view art from the elusive nature of art galleries to a much wider platform with a broader audience. While Street Art always existed in India, this cultural movement has only now started getting popular in India and is quickly transforming the landscapes of urban India to join other international cities like New York, Hong Kong, Berlin, and Melbourne.

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Only about a decade ago, graffiti and street art recalled the rebellious. Today, these street artists are reshaping several cultural festivals while art movements like St+ Art India are campaigning country-wide to get street art the degree of respectability it deserves. We bring you 12 such stunning street art murals that are rejuvenating Indian cities and show the swift rise of street art in India.
1. Kala Bhavan, West Bengal
Late veteran painter, professor, sculptor and muralist KG Subramanyan paints an entire façade of Kala Bhavan’s painting department building in black and white. Interestingly, the Kala Bhavan, Santiniketan was a turning point in Subramanyan’s career. He painted this building at the age of 86.
2. Unusual Usual by Do & Khatra at Makhta, Hyderabad
This mural comes after the duo observed the living style of old citizens in the area. This piece of a rickety man indeed evoked some reactions in the small neighbourhood in Hyderabad.
3. Aunt Rosy by Do and Khatra, Goa
The duo has created another mural in their signature style in Goa. Aunt Rosy is their representation of Goan culture. The inspiration again came from local living habits.
4. The Hands, Goa
Australian artist Guido Van Helten travels around the globe and creates works that are culturally relevant to the place he is working in. When in Goa, he met Theresa Wallace, an 82-year-old artisan who has been working with pottery for over 60 years. Wallace’s hands were the muse of this creation by Helten.
5. Lake Road, Kolkata
Durga Pujo brings in the best out of this city. In 2017, artists decided to take the streets as they created a kilometre long Rangoli for the festival. And it sure did take the internet by storm.
6. High Five Artisans by Sameer Kulavoor
Kulavoor sees an acute need to celebrate the handmade in this technological world. This street art is a resurgence of the homemade, artisanal and DIY lifestyle. Kulavoor believes that the act of creating with his own hands is deeply human. In India the strategic advantage of our craft skills and the need to value, preserve and nurture local culture is obvious. ‘High Five!’ celebrates this uprising!
7. Viacom18 paints a Mural near office spaces
As part of its CSR activity, Viacom18 took it upon itself to help keep Mumbai ‘Chakachak.’ To start with, it painted a mural near its office with visual artist Rob to create one of the biggest canvases in Mumbai. The mural depicts garbage with messages like ‘Being Green is Staying Green’ and a pollution-free city. It features cartoon characters Motu Patlu, Milkha Singh and Priyanka Chopra as Mary Kom knocks out all the trash from the city.
8. Dutch artist Daan Botlek’s ‘men’, Bangalore
Dutch artist Daan Botlek transformed Palace Road using some clever street art. The series of blue and white figures only made sense when the mural was fully ready.
9. Shahpur Jat, Delhi
Street Art began in Delhi began with illustrations in this small neighbourhood. A walk through the street of colours has a message for all
Also Read: Easy Guide To Choose A Color Palette For Your Space
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Are bhaang ka rang jamaa ho chakachak....
Phir lo paan chabaaa
Are aisan jhatka....lage jiya pe
Punar janam hoi jaaaan. HAAAA.
O khaike paan Banaras wala........
Khuli jaaye band aqal ka tala
O khaike paan Banaras wala
Khuli jaaye band aqal ka tala
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Last of the Chakachak Cheeku archives 🌸 You can read the entire story on @pbstoryweaver’s website ✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/CB2z2XspC5U/?igshid=e4zxdxtaxdzt
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Sometimes I try to be remain more closer to nature that gives me enormous inner peace. #closeshot #light #camera #action #lightcameraaction #naturephotography #bhaskarraochaudhary #perfectshot #bnw_captures #contrastphotography #globepeople #peaceofmind #mobile_clicks #artofinstagram #instagrammer #like_comment #creativedesign #justgoshoot #worldofpotrait #insta_pick_bw #chakachak (at India) https://www.instagram.com/cbrsrk/p/CYnBk-DKRYl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Also awarded 5-star garbage-free city rating
Noida, December: We all aspire to live in the cleanest possible surroundings, but seldom take ownership for it. Noida, a part of the NCR that has been emerging as a well-planned global city for both residents and businesses, set an example for all the rapidly developing cities with its miraculous display of grit, determination and responsibility. The city recently bagged the Cleanest Medium City (population of 3-10 Lakh) in Swachh Survekshan 2021, an annual survey of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation in India.
“Noida deserves rank 1 in the list of cleanest cities, and I hope all the NGOs will work even harder to make it happen. Big thanks to HCLF’s Clean Noida project for establishing Noida’s Integrated Command Control Centre. HCLF has a huge role in helping us to sensitise villages and making sure that this movement reaches the rural areas of Noida,��� said Ms Ritu Maheshwari, Chief, Noida Authority, as she thanked and congratulated all the partners working for this movement. The high rank achieved in Swachh Survekshan Survey 2021, is a miraculous victory as in 2018 the city was at 384th position and is the 4th cleanest in the country now.
This has been a result of months of organised and structured efforts by the foundation. On-ground campaigns and door-to-door awareness surveys were conducted to drive behavioral change in citizens. Cleanliness staff was trained regularly on how to segregate waste and best practices to manage solid waste. HCLF not only trained the staff and residents through campaigns, it also distributed litter bins, collection carts and was involved in city beautification activities through wall art and graffiti.
“The Clean Noida Project works with over 90 RWAs across the city. The residents of these sectors are grateful for the initiatives and knowledge imparted by the foundation. It takes years to drive a behavioral change. Clean Noida has been working rigorously since 2018 to ensure Noida emerges as a clean city. Our aim is to look at development, hygiene and ensure people live in peace and harmony,” said Mr Laxmi Narayin, President, RWA, Sector 19.
The city has also received a 5-star garbage-free city rating, a higher achievement from having received a 3-star garbage-free city rating in 2020. They have adopted about 8 villages as part of their Chakachak Village initiative. The workers have worked relentlessly to ensure these areas are converted into model villages. The village homes have their own composting pits and are being trained to convert into zero waste villages.
There have been celebratory events in marketplaces, villages and RWAs to keep the awareness going. Cleanliness is equal to Godliness – the adage comes alive as you see the Clean Noida team in action. One can only hope the whole country takes an inspiration from their exemplary work.
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Music Maestro A R Rahman once again sets fire with Rait Zara Si
Music Maestro A R Rahman once again sets fire with Rait Zara Si
Soon after the release of Chakachak from Atrangi Re’s album, the masses have been eagerly waiting for more music from the film. Chakachak is already making the audience dance on its beat. It is also Sara Ali Khan’s first-ever solo dance performance and she has been crowned as ‘Chakachak Girl’. Rait Zara Si is another soulful music piece, which was released as a teaser by the producers, ahead of…

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Atrangi Re: Sara Ali Khan arrives at Gurdwara with mother Amrita Singh, dances with Madhuri on the song 'Chakachak'
Atrangi Re: Sara Ali Khan arrives at Gurdwara with mother Amrita Singh, dances with Madhuri on the song ‘Chakachak’
Image Source: INSTAGRAM / SARAALIKHAN95 Sara Ali Khan and Amrita Singh Highlights Sara Ali Khan paid obeisance at the Gurdwara with mother Amrita Singh. Sara Ali Khan dances with Madhuri Dixit on the new song ‘Chaka Chak’ from ‘Atrangi Re’. Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan is very much looking forward to her upcoming film ‘Atrangi Re’. The actress has started promoting this film directed by…

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#amrita singh#Atrangi Re#atrangi re chaka chak song#atrangi re promotion#Bollywood#Bollywood Hindi News#Chaka Chak Song#cinema#Delhi Gurdwara#enertainment#Entertainment#film atrangi re promotion#Gurdwara Bangla Sahib#gurudwara bangla sahib#madhuri dixit#Sara Ali Khan
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Sara ali khan shares a dance video with ananya panday this year chak song from atrangi re - Entertainment News India - Ananya Pandey dances with Sara Ali Khan on 'Chakachak' song, says fan
Sara ali khan shares a dance video with ananya panday this year chak song from atrangi re – Entertainment News India – Ananya Pandey dances with Sara Ali Khan on ‘Chakachak’ song, says fan
Bollywood film Sara Ali Khan ‘Atrangi Re’ has been released on a recent screening. Her caravan is loved. His song ‘Year of the Year’ has just been released. With the arrival of the song, it has risen to the lips of the people and its dance steps are being followed. Now Sara Ali Khan shared a video in which she danced to the song ‘Year Chak’ with Ananya Panday. At the end of the video, Ananya…
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So happy to share my first project with @pratham.books , now up on their @pbstoryweaver website ☺️🌿🌸 —————————————————————— Chakachak Cheeku is delightful little story-poem in Hindi by @lovleenmisra , also translated into Kannada and English. Shoutout to @sheenadeviahaha for roping me in and Aditi Dilip for being a such a lovely art director to work with! https://www.instagram.com/p/B_eMmj4Js90/?igshid=1o9gdfqiz3ywm
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'Atrangi Re' 'Chaka Chak', Song is Grooving Big Time on Social media
'Atrangi Re' 'Chaka Chak', Song is Grooving Big Time on Social media @SaraAliKhan groovy number is the talk of the town #AtrangiRe #ChakaChak #SaraAliKhan #Dhanush #DisneyPlusHotstar
Sara Ali Khan’s Chaka Chak song from the upcoming film Atrangi Re is making big waves on social media as soon as soon as it was released today. Sara Ali Khan shows off her dance skills at Dhanush’s character’s engagement in the song. Atrangi Re is directed by Aanand L Rai and stars Akshay Kumar in the prominent role. Watch Sara Ali Khan Rock the dancing floor on THE NEW SONG CHAKA CHAK On…

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