#Chaha House
chahahouse · 9 months
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Tea cafe in pune | Chaha House by Vardhaman Group Of india
Step into the world of tea in Pune with our guide to the city's top cafes. From classic brews to unique infusions, we navigate you through a sensory journey of Pune's tea culture.
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House of the Dragon//Devdas (2002)//Devdas (1955)//Dev D (2009)//Iphenia in Tauris - Euripides (translated by Anne Carson)
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theinsomniacindian · 9 months
Indian Chaotic Academia
Wanting to wear jumpers and hoodies but changing your mind after looking at the daily temperature
Scoring 97% in English in your board exams but your spoken English makes you sound like you've never studied it in your life
Messy yet (somewhat) intelligible handwriting
A weak spot for old Bollywood songs regardless of your personal taste in music
Chipped nail polish and lots of bracelets
Wanting to study in a park or a cafe but you can't as they're too loud and busy
Adrak chaha is the solution to everything
Muting the class WhatsApp group so you can read angsty fanfiction at 3 a.m. without alerting your parents
Vada pav and samosa>>>>
Buying several highlighters but still end up using blunt pencils to mark important study material
At some point, a B is the best grade you'll ever find in your report card
Reading the Mahabharata at the back of the class in the same way you would read a modern novel ("Nooo, why did he have to die 😭")
Coming up with ideas for study charts but never actually making them
Getting a lot of holidays and vacations thanks to the amount of festivals celebrated throughout the year
"Sir that's my emotional support gel pen brand that I've been using since fifth grade"
The poem you have to learn in your regional language class is actually your favourite childhood song
Rickshaw rides are better than any other mode of transport, change my mind (you can't)
Getting the 'Slytherin house' that always comes last in every school event
Only buying books from the second-hand book stalls because they have all the good ones
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khwxbeeda · 1 year
The monsoon has set in properly, now. You have a love-hate relationship with the rains, but you admit that the season brings a sense of calm to the house.
Your Aai is humming under her breath where she sits next to the window, newspaper hiding her face from view. You tap her on the shoulder as you set down a freshly prepared cup of chaha in front of her, and she smiles at you. She takes a sip, and melts into her wickerwork chair, a soft sigh spilling from her lips. "Masta chaha kelas," she tells you, and you turn away with a pleased smile.
The rain doesn't really stop. It keeps falling, sometimes a downpour but mostly an ongoing drizzle that goes on for hours. Every time you have the chance, you step out into the garden or the balcony and stare up at the cloudy sky, trying to catch the drops on your tongue. A drop lands splat in your eye and you squeal, rubbing at your face, and the roaring laughter of your siblings echoes through the house.
The aroma of freshly made pakoras, tikhat puri and shankarpali wafts through the house and you follow it, eyes closed and nose in the air, sniffing like a dog. You Baba flicks you on the forehead, and tells you to act properly. You rub your forehead, and silently pile a plate with the food, a small grin on your lips.
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@laut-ke-buddhu-ghar-ko-aaye @blushlilyyy @yehsahihai @shanti-ashant-hai @mrunmione @bambioleo @dhuup @the-chaosbringer
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Soy un hombre honesto, con los pies en la tierra pero ambicioso. Me gusta leer páginas de economía y finanzas en los periódicos, pero odio lo que se llama tácticas de economía de burbuja y sus efectos tan devastadores sobre las personas después de una crisis económica. En ese sentido, odio a las propietarias de algunos blogs que son simplemente algunas adolescentes que están acostumbradas a hurgarse las fosas nasales y luego meterse los dedos en la boca para probar, además de no saber nada más. Sin embargo, esas mujeres actúan como expertas en educación sexual, cuando no como putas experimentadas, con un precio de 15 dólares en las calles por cada trabajo oral realizado.
Esos blogs femeninos, que desafortunadamente estaba siguiendo uno de ellos, me han estado menospreciando desde que ella me bloqueó y todavía continuamente me hablan basura detrás de mi chaqueta.
Si no me creen, vayan ahí para ver por ustedes mismos qué carajos es su blog, ridículo, burbuja hecha exagerando delirante y engañoso muy presentado @la-chaha-gris
Johnny Gonzalez
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The chaha burns your tongue but you don't mind. You enjoy the scalding feel, even. It reminds you of the times when you were sick and your Ajji or Aai or Maushi would make lavang dalchini chaha to soothe your throat.
The primary storm season in India began three weeks ago. It's the Kartika mahina, and you stare out the window as the rain pounds against the glass, a cup of chaha and a plate of pakode on the table. You live in the continental part of Maharashtra, but the rains are always heavy during storm season. You can't say you don't enjoy it.
The local library has shelves upon shelves of pustaka in Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit and even the occasional English. You spend most of the storm season there, listening to the muffled rimjhim of paus as you read Ved Vyasa, Aryabhatta, Mirza Ghalib, Allama Iqbal, Kusumagraj and Pu La Deshpande.
Navratri had finished more than a week ago, but the aftermath is just as fun. Diwali is around the corner, and you can't decide whether you want to celebrate Seeta Ram returning to Ayodhya or the defeat of Narakasura by Satyabhama. The preparations begin right as Navratri finishes, and people start deep cleaning houses. You're roped into it by your Aai, and your muscles ache when you fall onto the charpai at night, but you feel accomplished.
You and your Tai sit down to paint the diwa, with natural paints that are bright and bold— laal, gulabi, keshari, hirwa, neela. It's an ongoing competition from many years ago, and both of you push and pull at each other, laughter spilling from your lips as you drag the ranga covered paintbrushes over each other's skin.
At the end, both of you watch with smiles as two diwe, one yours and one your Tai's, are placed on each side of the door.
Lights are strung up everywhere, and the overwhelming smell of mithai and chakli and udbatti float around the house. The kitchen is filled with smoke as your Ajji, Aai and Maushi toil away at making all of those things. You take a deep breath before you leave the house, wanting to take the smell with you everywhere.
Diwali is just in a few days, and you can't wait.
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Elsula rambles about their characters 1: Chaha
Full name: Chaha-ton
Description: Chaha is a young goblin born with strange magic powers. Hat too big for him, high-pitched voice and a soft spot for hugging friends, his apparent cuteness and innocence may hide some*frown eyebrows* very very smart wits. And also the fact that he probably can wipe your house by concentrating very hard. Oh, and he can spend a good hour infodumping about dragons.
Background: After a childhood lulled by the dragon legends told by his mother, our goblin discovered at the beginning of teenagehood that *wave hands and accidentally set fire to a farm*, well, you see. Despite being soft and unwilling ot hurt anyone, Chaha has been instructed by his clan's chief that his powers would be very useful in the current feud. Not willing to burn to death anyone, our young character chose to flee his clan and to discover he world by himself. Subsisting thanks to his magic, Chaha spent days and days to public library, where he read and discovered a lot about his powers and, more important, about the dragons that populate his favourite tales. One day, he saw a sign about helping the city of Breachhill to investigate about things happening in the nearby goblin fort and decided that could he give it a try. After all, maybe his powers could be put at better use?
Current situation: Powers have grown, and Chaha is not sure to have grown with them. He really tried to avoid hurting people, but sometimes it really seems to be the only way, and... there is... this feeling. The surge of might when you unleash your potential and see your foes disappear like ashes in the wind. The strength. The impunity. Chaha would never admits it in front of someone, but he cannot hide his feelings to himself anymore, and is ashamed of them. He tries to at least destroy for the greater good, to invest himself in faith, but doubts never stop to bite, and he feels young for the number of lives he has taken. On a lighter note, he has plans to found a heroes school to give to the population better persons to adress their problems than Hellknights.
Possible futures: Head of his yet-to-realise school, best friend with a psychopomp, unsuspicious archmage wandering like a common adventurer to help people and surprise bullies, maybe all of above
Game: Pathfinder 2E.
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Drev Conlang (Current)
Important Sounds
Ж = zh   (Azure)
Ц = ts    (rats)
If the verb stem ends in a consonant
 Hastat = to walk
Hasti = I walk
Hastash = we walk
Hastish = you walk
Hasteesh =you all walk
Hastich = he she it walks
Hastaж = they walk 
 If the verb stem ends in a vowel
 Adjective Endings
An = adjective ending where the noun ends in a vowel (Dead gender)
Een = adjective ending where noun ends in a consonant (Living gender)
To make something  Loud - louder add the opposite ending to the end of the word
Gran = big granan= bigger Graneen = biggest
Adverb endings
Kee = added to the end of a noun 
Nevermind no gender
Word order
Subject  verb  predict   I the dog see
Adverbs go before verbs       I the dog slowly ran-towards
Adjectives go before nouns    I big dog ran-towards
Prepositions NOT postpositions  I around the big dog ran
to make a word plural just repeat the last syllable the second time   жyaka = animal жyakaka
or repeat the word from the last vowel                             dжal = drev s  dжalal = drev pl
if the word is short just double it      Lhus = tree   Lhusus = trees/ forest
Past                   da
Future              ta
Add these before the verb, if there is none present, it is assumed that you are speaking in the present
Eh or e 
Ts   ц
Zh      ж
 Current words
Jee = not ( it is not)
Ha =towards = added at the front of a motion verb
Na = away from = added towards the front of a motion verb
Neh = reverses a word. (similar to not but has to be tacked onto an adjective)
 zha = I
tsа = you
 Nee/na = he/ she / it use either living or the dead to match the noun that goes with it
Jya= we/us
tsana = you all
 Dazha = they/them
 zhаk = My/ mine
tsаk = your/ yours
Neek/nak = his hers her it its
Jyak = ours
tsanak = all yours
Dazhак = they/ theirs
Zhazhe = myself
Tsatse = yourself
Dzhal = Drev
 Dzhalzheen = soldiers/ footmen/ warrior
 Dzhalak = drevling
 Dzhalka = kit/ baby
Dzhatal = city 
Dzhtalka village
Dzhatatal = house/ home
Dzaga = body
Dinar = fire
Daeen = here/there
Daleest = ambush/ surprise
Dargranla = volcano 
Dadik = soemthing 
Dazhit = disgrace (also an insult like calling someone a bitch) 
Deeng = food
zhankeel = honor
zhyaka = animal
zheeng = war
Zhin = battle / conflict
Zhineech = battle pair/ married couple
Zhit = hate
Zheedazh = sibbling
Zhjea = sacrifice 
 Lata = rock
Lana = help 
Latinar = ash 
Latahag = armor
Luhs= tree (has the same u sound as in the name Gus)
Luhsuhs = trees / but in this case also means forest, they make no distinction
Ladinar = lava
Luhsad = branch 
Lachi = focus 
Latinash = cynder wind 
Lodgeeda = clan leader
Lodnajasta = Sentinel 
Leen = pride
 Shash = air
Sheedal = danger
Anina = Spirit
Anizhal = 
Anika = a feeling
Anicheel = day
Anitsa = eye
Ani = name
Anijee = fear
Anirana = blood
Anintal = citadel 
Atatch = skill
Aleesh = beginning 
Adon = circle
 Rana = water
Ranatatal = lake
 Tana = sky
Tanana = alien 
Tak = father
Tatal = place
Tatin = future
Tanatal = space
Tanakal = ship
Tanadar = meteor / comet ( all fiery flying objects) 
Tachal = group
Tach = clan 
Tahajeea = armor 
Tin = this/ that 
Tizhit = shame
Tinchal = today 
tsag = ball/ orb
Tsanika =belief 
Tsata = gift  
Tarik = teacher 
 Nak = mother
Nid = length
Nizad = leg
Nakt = night
Nakt- sal = dark season 
Nehchal =moon
Nehgrada = spark 
Nahatach = incompetence 
Nadzhalak = daughter
Needzhalak = son
Neenez = cloud 
Negcheel = star
Nehlata = thing
Nasash = wind
Naranatal = river
Nang = middle
Nizjahad =foot 
Chal = sun
Chahas = time
Cheel = light
Chat = word
Geeda = general
Gahan = all  (acception noun adj and adverb) 
Gaha = part
Hazad = moss
Hakanin = life
Hakasash = breath 
Had = arm
hazh = flesh
Heech = pair
Grananin = world 
Granla = mountain
Gradinar = wildfire
Jaja = end
Jahad = hand
Jial = guard
jirha = cut, wound
Jeeana = corpse 
Jeea = death 
Jeerana = dessert 
Eeda = leader
Eedacheel = (their northern star’s name) the lead star
Eeaz = a worry/ a concern 
Enadzhal = ancestry 
Etat = fur
Kat = question
Kan = nobility 
Kaneg = year
Kasa = thought
Kazna = galaxy 
Kalal = metal 
Kazga = cripple (also an insult like idiot or moron but has connotations as negative as retard (Forgive me, but that is the closest comparison) It is a very rude word. 
Kahchat = to break 
Ranasash = storm
Rantana = rain
Ranad = drink 
Ralata = soil 
Rekaz = knowledge 
Sal = season
Sakasa = mind
Shanajeea = sickness 
Stadik = anything 
Hakasat = to breathe 
 Hastat = to walk
Hasinsat = to run
Hajat = to come
Hakastat = to exit
Hazhnat = to bother someone/ annoy
 zheengat = to fight
zhinat = to strike/hit
Zhitat = to hate
zhalat = to have
zhegingat =to want
Zhjeanat = to sacrifice 
 Cheeyat =to speak/say
Chezenat = to choke 
Chatahaat = to work 
Chazat = to make 
Cheekat = to like
 Jastat = to see
Jajat = to end
Jastanat = to predict
Jakazat = to recognize 
Jedanat = to trade/ exchange 
Jeeajat = to stop
Jeeanat = die
Jeenhalat = to exile 
Jezhinat = to block 
Jekat = to look 
Jiahat = to guard
Jishat = to secure/ to lock 
Jirat = to pull
Jirhaat = to be wounded/ injured/ hurt
Adonhajat = to wonder
 Ajat = to go in general
Anikat = to feel
Anijeeat = to be afraid of / to fear
Aninat = to live
Anintalat = to worship 
Anidonat = to wake up
Ardanat = to open 
Aleeshat = to begin
Nadanat = to fall 
Najat = to go away from/  to leave
nahasinsat= to run towards/ charge
 Najastat= to watch
Natahaat = to take
Natrekat = to learn
Neevant = to answer 
Neehahajat = to drift
Nitsat = to happen/ occur
Nizat = to stand
 Darat = to do
Dalistat = to surprise / ambush
Daeenat = to stay 
Deengat = to eat
Dichanat = to thank
Dakat = to be ready/ prepared
Kahlat = to continue
Kahyaat = to happen
kahchat = to break
Kuhlat = to curse 
Kasat = to think
Katat = to ask a question / to question 
Kalsan = difficult 
Tadat =to be
Tatazat = to be happy 
Tanat = to fly 
Tahaat = to give
Tahajeeat = to hold 
Tarikat = to teach 
Tehat =can
Tsahastat = to enter
Tsanikat = to believe
Tsajat = to show
Tsadeengat = to cook
Tizhital = to be ashamed
Shkahrat = to prepare
Shazat = to use
Shanajeeat = to be sick/ to get sick 
Sdarat = to try 
Sesanat = to be sorry 
Gingat = to need
Gadat = to find
Geeniat = to return 
Geedanat = to lead
Rekazat = to know
Rantanat = to rain
Ranalat = to melt
Ranadat = to drink 
Lachidat = to focus 
Luhtat = to remember 
Lanat = to help 
Leenat = to be proud 
Eedat = to be in charge of
Eeazat = to worry 
Eeneenat = to understand
 tsakan = which
Tizhitan = shameful 
Atatchan = skillful 
 Nidan = long
Nehgran = small
Nehdinanian = cold
Nehalan = without
Nantan = new
Neyahan = old
Neahasan = slow
Naktan = dark 
Dadan = falling
Deengan = hungry 
Ditan = so 
Daklan = amazing 
Nwadan = hard
Jenantan = old
Jeean = dying 
Jashajan = similar/ same/ resembling/ like
Yahan = good/well
Yahanan = better
Yaheen = best/ great
Yigan = every
Dinanian = hot
Dichan = thankful 
Dalistan = surprising 
Gran = big
Granan= bigger
Geenian = returning
Gingan = needy 
Tacheen = many
Tatazan = happy
Tsanikan = believable 
Tanan = flying 
Ladan = very 
Latan = rocky
Hasan = fast
Hijan = colorful / beautiful 
Ranitanan = rainy 
Ranan = watery 
Ranadan = drinkable 
Chalan = Sunny 
Adan = easy
Ardan = open
Aninan = living
Kalatan = hard (as in a texture: hard stone)
Kanan = noble
Kaan = only
Kuhlan = cursed
Kahchan = broken
Kazgan = crippled 
Sheedan = dangerous
Eeazan = worried
Eeneenan = understandable 
Etatan = furry/ hairy 
shanajan = sick 
Shazan = useful 
Stadan = any
Zhankeelan = honorable
Hija = color
Hajtan = blue
Dinhijan = red
Dihijan = purple 
Dichijan = orange
Jeehijan = black 
Luhijan = green
Chalijan = yellow
Naijan = white
Nadijan = pink
Latijan = grey 
Halujan = turquoise 
 Atatchtee = skillfully
Neahasandee = slowly
Nehatatchtee = poorly 
  La = on
Lad = about
Lariz = on top of
Ladka = beside 
Dat = before (has a meaning in time, not temporal) before we go. not he stood before me
Dana = above 
dal= up
S = with
K = to 
Hak = from 
Hakniz = below 
Ts = in 
Adonha = around
Riz = upwho
Niz = down 
Keed = before (temporal meaning) 
Tsil = inside
Time words
Tasahas = during 
Neeka = never 
Zhakaz = ago
Gahas = forever
Ee = and
J = but
Tasan = also (irregular) 
Dit = so
  Question words
 Tsaee = why
Tuhn = when 
 Gda = where
Lod = who 
 Nin = what
Dach = how
Others b/c I am not a linguist
 Nahang-ta = because
 Je = no
Yid = yes
Dee = would
Teeya = for ( the benefit of a person or animate object)
Laza = for (used with anything inanimate) 
Deri = re 
Ena = pre
Kayad = should 
Huka = than 
Juhkee = then 
Ene = if
Jej = too 
Ka = one
Hee = two 
Heeka = three
 Important Phrases
Ts zhin = goodbye (Direct translation is, in battle deriving from I will see you in battle
Nezanin = of course
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hoteljobber · 2 years
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Chaha House (Cafe) Address - S.T. Stand Road, Nalasopara West, Palghar, Mumbai (Contact Hoteljobber.com for More Information) #jobrequirements #hoteljobs #hotelstaff #restaurantjobs #resortjobs #waiterskit #workgobiz (at Mumbai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRihUih400/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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youthsloadedmedia · 3 years
Former Speaker, Benjamin Chaha Is Dead
Former Speaker, Benjamin Chaha Is Dead
The former speaker who has been sick for a while died on Wednesday afternoon. The Speaker of House of Representatives in the Second Republic, Benjamin Chaha, has passed on. The former speaker who has been sick for a while died on Wednesday afternoon. Born in 1940, Chaha was elected to the House of Representatives on the platform of the defunct National Party of Nigeria in the 1983 general…
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chahahouse · 9 months
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Best Tea Franchise in Pune | Chaha House by Vardhaman Group of india.
Start your own business with Best tea franchise opportunities in Maharashtra. Low Investment, maximum return, In House Product Manufacturing with 24*7 support.
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anishtdevblog · 5 years
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Chaha House Masala chai . . . Yaar nazar nahi aata, Gharbaar nazar nahi aata, Chai ke nashe me ye saara sansaar nazar nahi aata . . . Follow @av.food.hunters @chahahouse.official (at Chira-Bazar,mumbai) https://www.instagram.com/p/B96q6amFBYc/?igshid=1kkyxiaeqsif4
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thelovesyndrome · 5 years
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Ek wo daur tha jab Maine kabhi kisi ka sath ni chaha.. hamesha Akele rhna psnd kiya.. Ek ye daur hai jisme koi mera Saath ni chahta. Ab ni hota Akelapan Gawara, har Pal Nashaz gujarta hai. Kash ke wo ho paati Meri, jo kabhi na ho payega. Aye Khuda km se km itna kr ke Usse Mulaqaat kra, kya pta uske Chehre ki Noor badal de meri Dastoor. Akela hu yaro.. sach much bahut Akela. Marta kya na Karta. So de diya Party maine khud ko .. Yaado mei Talash kr ra hu Apni na ho pane wali Misses ko, Sunte hue Club Techno House kr ra hu Salsa aur Disco, Call me at 8294457711 sath chahye mera Jisko. #MeOnSale https://www.instagram.com/lifelongstorm/p/BxXWpJAAe8M/?igshid=1243ixwgidjcr
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oooh is it Holi tomorrow? :DD can you give us some ideas or headcanons about James celebrating Holi with his parents/Sirius/Harry? <33
Honestly, depending on a few factors, everyone celebrates Holi on a different day (the traditions for Holi are different depending on the sect of Hinduism and region of celebration as well). Also, North Indian होली and Maharashtrian होळी (search up the differences in pronunciation, it's a bit hard to describe) are two completely different religious holidays. The Hindi होली (ho-lee) is equivalent to the Marathi "ranga panchami" (ranga- colour, panchami- fifth day of a lunar cycle). As far as I know, the Marathi होळी doesn't have an equivalent.
The traditions I'm going by are my family traditions— the Marathi traditions of my region— so i hope you enjoy. Let's goooo!
Oh yeah, this is before Harry turns eleven and goes to Hogwarts.
The day of होळी signifies the first day of spring in Maharashtra. Every year, the members of the Black-Potter family start the day by watching the sunrise together with cups of spicy chaha (marathi for chai).
The day is pretty much the usual, except for food. James cooks up a storm in the kitchen, making all the pancha pakwaan (pancha- five, pakwaan- dishes) with puran poli (a sweet flatbread), three different vegetables, rice, amti (somewhat like daal, either drunk from the bowl or poured over rice), and a traditional dessert. They invite the Weasleys, the Marauders and the Longbottoms over, and have a veritable feast for lunch and dinner. A very chaotic affair, but the Black-Potters love it.
All three of them absolutely adore panchamrut (pancha- five, amrut- nectar of the Gods. It's made of five ingredients- milk, ghee, sugar, curd, honey). Once James is done with his pooja and the naividya (the first morsel/sip of any food/drink is always offered to the Gods), the three of them pounce on the drink with all the vigour of someone who hasn't had anything to eat for days.
As the evening draws closer, Harry, the Weasley kids, Neville, and Lily and Remus out to the woods that surround the house and collect dried wood for. Meanwhile, James, Sirius and Peter gather the panchamrut and a bite each of the pancha pakwaan, and ready the porch for lighting a safe fire with the help of the Molly, Arthur, Augusta, Alice and Frank.
Just as the sun sets, the bonfire is lit, and the blaze reaches high into the sky within minutes, helped along by magic. Everyone sits around it in a circle, closing their eyes and praying— the fire signifies the destruction of the bad energy of the previous year and the purification of the soul for a better new year. Holi is the first day of spring, a mark of new beginnings, a symbol of clean slates and fresh starts. The Holi fire is where you throw all your baggage of the last year so it burns till it is gone, to prepare yourself for the upcoming year.
The pancha pakwaan and panchamrut are poured into the fire to loud cheers from the children, and then the real festivities begin. Everyone walks around the fire in a circle, howling at the top of their lungs. The sounds are slightly terrifying, especially when the darkness really sets in and the only light is the massive bonfire, but Harry loves the ferality of the entire thing. It's primal, the way the war cries rise up with the fire, echoing throughout the massive grounds of Potter Manor like the echoes of screaming ghosts.
Sometimes, Harry, Ginny and the Weasley twins start war dances instead of the howling. Those times, Bill and Charlie eagerly join in along with James, Lily and Alice, and the hard and fast thumping of their feet on the packed mud porch makes it seem like an earthquake is cracking the ground open.
Other times, they write their mistakes, insecurities, bad thoughts and regrets of the past year onto slips of paper and throw them into the fire, to signify the new start. Last year does not matter anymore; it is done and you cannot change it. You can have a new beginning, though, and Harry vows every year that he will be a better person.
James loves these times, where everyone he cares about is close to him and glowing with happiness. Holi is his favourite festival, because it is the day he and Sirius kissed for the first time. It is the day he remembers with fondness— childhood years spent with his parents and grandparents and cousins in a crowded wada (kind of like a palace but the size varies from anywhere between four bedrooms to like 70), sneaking panchamrut from under his mother's nose, dancing Garba around the fire with his Gujju friends in India, the day the Potter family first moved to Britain right before his 11th birthday. People expect his favourite festival to be Diwali or Ganpati Chaturthi because they are loud and huge and phenomenal celebrations, but his favourite is this— all his favourite people in the same place with the same happy smile and the same traditions that he loved when he had blood family.
Holi is a festival for families and loved ones, and the Black-Potters have a lot of love to go around. Family isn't defined by blood, after all.
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chaipecharcha · 4 years
साथिया तेरे बीना Sathiya Tere Bina Lyrics by Jyotica Tangri, Kartik Kush
Sathiya Tere Bina Lyrics in Hindi, English. The song is sung by Jyotica Tangri, Kartik Kush. The latest song features Manjul Khattar, Rista Basenet while the music is given by Puneet Avasthi. The lyrics for the song Sathiya Tere Bina are written by Sanjeev Pandey.
Song Details
Singers – Kartik Kush & Jyotica Tangri
Music Director – Puneet Avasthi
Lyricist – Sanjeev Pandey
Music Programmed by The Purple Dot
Cast – Manjul Khattar & Rista Basenet
Production House – Kanchanjanga Cine Creations
Producer Name – Tikam Sharma
Director – Samrat Shakya
Sathiya Tere Bina Lyrics – Jyotica Tangri, Kartik Kush
Aisi na baarish huyi thi kabhi Ehsaas aisa na aaya kabhi Tumko bhula ke jeena pade Aisa na humne chaha kabhi Aisa na humne chaha kabhi
Sathiya tere bina Meri raatein aur din kahan Tujhe sochun tujhe maagun Mera khuda mera jahan
Tu jo mere paas hai Saari duniya main bhula doon Tere mere darmiyan Raahon mein palkein bichha doon
Dhadkanein bhi aise badhti nahi Saansein tere bina chalti nahi Rahungi sath tere Tu rahe paas mere Na honge faasle yeh vaada kiya
Aisi na baatein huyi thi kabhi Ehsaas aisa na aaya kabhi Tere bina yoon jeena pade Aisa na humne chaha kabhi Aisa na humne chaha kabhi
Mahiya tere bina Meri raatein aur din kahan Tujhe sochun tujhe maagun Mera khuda mera jahan
Music Video of the song Sathiya Tere Bina by Jyotica Tangri
Sathiya Tere Bina Lyrics in Hindi – Jyotica Tangri, Kartik Kush
साथिया बिन तेरे दिल माने न क्या कहूं क्या करून कुछ जाने न साथिया बिन तेरे दिल माने न क्या कहूं क्या करून कुछ जाने न ये तेरा दीवाना है कितना बेगाना है और कोई चेहरा पहचान न साथिया बिन तेरे दिल माने न क्या कहूं क्या करून कुछ जाने न ये तेरा दीवाना है कितना बेगाना है और कोई चेहरा पहचान न साथिया बिन तेरे दिल माने न क्या कहूं क्या करून कुछ जाने न
जबसे हुई है तुझसे मोहब्बत तेरे सिवा कोई भता नहीं है जबसे हुई है तुझसे मोहब्बत तेरे सिवा कोई भता नहीं है हाल बुरा है मेरा भी हमदम कोई मुझे समझाता नहीं है क्या कहूँ कैसे बेचैन हो गया जो तुझे देखा मेरा चैन खो गया तूने भी बताया न मैंने भी सुनाया न बन गयी मोहबत की नयी दास्ताँ साथिया बिन तेरे दिल माने न क्या कहूं क्या करून कुछ जाने न
बातों पे तेरी करके भरोषा जाने वफ़ा मैं बाहों में आयी बातों पे तेरी करके भरोषा जाने वफ़ा मैं बाहों में आयी इक पल जैसे एक युग बीते अब तो सही न जाये जुदाई दूर न होंगे हम राह प्यार में पल गुजरूंगा तेरे इंतज़ार में रात हो सवेरा हो संग तेरा मेरा हो मिलके बनाये हसि आशिया साथिया बिन तेरे दिल माने न क्या कहूं क्या करून कुछ जाने न साथिया बिन तेरे दिल माने न क्या कहूं क्या करून कुछ जाने न
The full Lyrics of the song Sathiya Tere Bina by Jyotica Tangri in Hindi, English. If you find any mistakes, please contact us, we will make the necessary rectifications. If you like, please do comment, like & share. Follow Us on our Social Networking Pages. Thanks! 🙂
source https://chai-pe-charcha.com/sathiya-tere-bina-lyrics-jyotica-tangri/
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