#Celestial Mischief
I want platonic autistic 4 autistic cuddles with Adam from gotg 3
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daedelweiss · 2 years
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i like how the peepaw leos are at each others’ throats while the teenage leos are just vibing 🤣
the peepaws:
Trial & Error by @apatheticrobots
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by @mutantninjamidlifecrisis
Odd Man Out by @threestripeslider
We’ll Meet Again, Soon @chiangyorange
Replica by @kathaynesart​
the gremlins:
Celestial AU by @ashwii
Bloodbath by @trubblegumm
Nothing Left to Lose by @leo-kinnie​
Mystic Mayhem by @yourloveaton​
Life Mission: Save My Brothers by me 😛
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lgbtqreads · 3 months
Most Anticipated LGBTQ+ Young Adult Fiction: July-December 2024
A Darker Mischief by Derek Milman (July 2nd) When Cal Ware wins a scholarship to an elite New England boarding school, he’s thrilled to leave his past behind. Back home in Mississippi, he was the poor, queer kid who never fit in. But at Essex Academy, he’ll be able to reinvent himself. Or so he hopes… But at Essex, Cal’s classmates only see his cheap clothes and old iPhone. They mock his accent,…
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phenioxflame · 4 months
Monkie Kid- Animal Fury Season 1 Chapter 1- Apprentice
The gray wolf sits in the darkness. She looks back to see a blue crystal clock. The clock turns once and lands on one. One blue flame is lit.
As the moon started to set on the city, the sun started to rise from behind the mountains. A cool brezze flower through Mk’s window; waking him up. He lifts himself up in his sleepy state and looks around, seeing that it was early morning.
“It’s seven? Might as well get up now.” He got up from bed and walked over to his window. He looked outside to see the moon out while the sun was still rising. “Oh cool. The moon is still out.”
Mk walks out the door and get’s in his car. He drives to the mountain.
Once he arrives at the mountain, he walks up the stairs to Monkie King’s (Sun Wukong) training dojo.
“Monkie King? Are you here?” Mk looked around and didn’t see Monkie King anywhere. “That’s strange…. He said he would be here.”
“And I am”, Sun said from behind Mk. Mk jumped and said, “Don’t do that!”
“Sorry, Sorry”, Sun said. “Ready for training?” Before Sun could take another step, he heard Mk’s bag ball to the ground. He looks back and sees Mk about to attack. “Guss that means yes.” Sun got into his fighting stance and started training in an instant. Mk and Sun continue to fight until Mk stands victorious.
“Your getting better”, Sun said, pucking himself up. He brushed off the dust and dirt from his clothes. “And your powers are getting stronger.”
“Maybe, but they’re not as powerful as you”, Mk says, giving parise to his teacher. Before Sun could say anything else, a crash could be heard from the city below.
“Not again….!”
My jumps down from building to building until he sees a huge demon roaring.
“Oh come on…. Another demon”, Mk says in annoyance. Before he could act, a shadow figure enveloped by the sun jumps down and lands on a nearby building. They look up at the demon.
“This is gonna be fun.” The gray wolf raises her arm to the side of her and summons a claw-like weapon. “Now it’s time to go back to where you belong!” She jumps up and lands on one of the demon's extra arms and runs up to its face. The demon tries to shake her off, but the gray wolf jumps onto a nearby building and looks down on the demon. She jumps down once again and claws the demon’s face. From the impact of the blow, the wolf jumps up to the same building she was on before; her feet sliding against the roof. The demon roars in pain and agony until it disappears into the shadows. Magic surrounds the wolf’s claw-like weapon and it vanishes. “And that is how it’s done.”
“Wow, Monkie King, that was–”, Before Mk could say another word, he falls back. The gray wolf, wearided out by the situation, tries to walk away, but Mk reapers in front of her and says, “That was amazing Monk– O-Oh, your not Monkie King.” The gray toned wolf blinked a few times and then chuckled.
“Clearly.” The gray wolf looks at Mk’s staff and relized that the staff belong to Monkie King. She thinks, “How does he have Sun’s staff? He must be his apprentice.” She gathered her words and said, “You must be Monkie King’s apprentice. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“You have”, Mk asks.
“Yes. You're the talk of the celestial realm as of late”, The wolf says. She starts to walk away and says, “I’ll see you around, Mk.” Mk looked back at the mountain and then back at the wolf walking away. He looks at his staff and runs up to the wolf.
“Can you teach me that move”, Mk asks, his eyes growing big like a puppy. The wolf looks down and smiles. She then looks back up at Mk and says, “I’m sorry. I can’t. You already have a teacher. You shouldn’t go behind his back.”
“Oh… well, will I see you again”, Mk asked. The wolf looked back and smiled, then said, “Maybe one day.”
“Let fate decide.”
“She what?”
“She killed the demon on her own”, Mk exsplained to Mai. “I think she was from the Celestial Realm.”
“What did she look like”, Mai asked.
“She was gray toned and she had a pendant that looked like the moon”, Mk described. “She had gold eyes too.” Sun almost dropped the scroll he was reading and looked away. He could feel a bead of sweat running down his face.
“Hey, Monkie King, do you know who she is”, Mk asked.
“I-I have no idea who she is”, Sun said, acting ignorant. “And IF she was from the celestial realm, she wouldn’t have come down here. Beings from the Celestial realm don’t travel to Earth.” As Sun went back to reading his scroll, a bright blue light caught the side of his eye. The trio looked over and saw a blue lit portal.
“What the?” Mk walks over to the portal and puts his hand through. He goes to pull his hand back out, but the force of the portal pulls him in.
“Mk!” Mie and Sun try to pull Mk out of the portal but they all get pulled in.
A portal appears in the celestial realm and Mk falls from above. He hits the ground. He rubs the back of his head and looks around.
“Is this… the celestial realm?”
“Mk?” Mk looks back to see the gray wolf looking at him from above. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s you again”, Mk says. “Am I in the celestial realm?
“You are”, the gray wolf says. “But right now, you're in the celestial forest. This is my domain.”
“I’m not here alone”, Mk says. “My friends are here too.”
“Your friends? Does that mean Monkie King is here too”, the wolf asks.
“Yes.” The wolf looks around for a moment and says, “Alright. I’ll help you find your friends. Follow me.”
Mk follows the gray wolf into the forest. Leaves the color yellow and gold fell to the ground. The yellow grass flows as the two walk.
“Do you live here”, Mk asks.
“Indeed, I do”, the wolf says. “I am this domain's protector among all things.”
“Yes. do you know what an embodiment is”, the wolf asks.
“No”, Mk answered.
“Well, an embodiment is in charge of keeping balance in three places”, the wolf continues, “The celestial realm. Earth. And the lunar realm. There are many embodiments have different respnibilities for what they are named for.”
“So what’s yours”, Mk curiously asks.
“I am the embodiment of Luck and misfourtun”, the wolf answers. She looks back and says, “We found them.” Mk looks down and runs over to Sun and Mai.
“Monkie King! Mei!”
“Thank goodness you're alright”, Sun says. “How did you fild us?”
“She helped me.” Sun looks up and sees the gray wolf looking down on him. Sun’s face turned somewhat not convinced and said, “So you came out of hiding, huh?”
“What are you talking about”, the wolf says. “I keep on the low because I don’t like to make a scene.”
“And look at what you did back on earth.”
“Mad that you didn’t kill a demon?” Mai and Mk look at each other and ask in unison, “Do you two know each other?” Sun and the wolf looked at each other for a moment.
“I will slap you, Sun”, the wolf murmured. Sun sighs and says, “She’s my sister.” Mei and Mk looked at both Sun and the wolf and said in unison and surprise, “WHAT?!”
“Yup, I’m his sister”, the wolf days.
“Little sister”, Sun clarified.
“You two don’t look related”, Mei pointed out.
“She looks more like our father and I look more like our mother”, Sun says.
“How did you even get here”, the wolf asked. “Last I checked, the only way to get up here is through the celestial gate.”
“A portal pulled us in here”, Mei said.
“Ah, I see”, the wolf said. “Those would be realm portals. They tend to pop up every now and then.”
“Can you get us home”, Mk asked.
“Well, you can’t go through the celestial gate”, the wolf said. “But there is a way to get you all back on earth. Follow me.” The wolf leads the trio to a wall. The wolf waves her hands in the shape of a moon and a portal opens. “There you go: one portal back to Earth.”
“Thank you”, Mei says. She runs over to the portal and goes through. Sun does the same.
“I guess I’ll see you soon, Mk”, the wolf said. As Mk was about to walk through the portal, he stops, turns around and asks, “What’s your name?” The gray wolf looked at Mk for a moment and smiled.
“Mischief. Mischief Wukong”, she said. Mk smiled and said while waving his arm, “I’ll see you soon, Mischief!” Mk runs through the portal while Mischief waves goodbye. Mischief, the gray wolf, looked at the wall for a moment and then walked back to her home. While she walked, a blue light whispered into her ear.
He’s the one….
Two young cheeta girls run to the front of a traditional, yet modern, chinese house supported by a platform.
“Do you think she’s here”, one of them asks.
“I don’t see her”, the other said. From the right side of the building, Mischief opens a sliding door. The twins smile and say, “Mischief”, In unison. Mischief looks over and smiles when she sees Clock Wise and Wise Clock.
“Hello you two”, she says, walking down the steps to the fence where the twins hunh off. “What brings you here?”
“We were playing in the forest, but we found something”, Clock Wise said.
“What is it”, Mischief asked.
“We don’t know”, Wise Clock answered. “But it was black, and it was covering the mushrooms and trees.”
“Black? Can you take me to where you saw it”, Mischief asked. Clock Wise and Wise Clock take Mischief’s hands and lead her into the west of the forest. Clock wise and Wise Clock point over to the tree covered in the black substance. Mischief walks over to the black covered tree and neles down on one knee. She looks at the black substance and her blood runs cold.
“Mischief? What is it?”
“Clock Wise. Wise Clock. Go home and don’y come back until I tell you it’s safe”, Mischief says. Clock Wise and Wise Clock nod their hands and run back to their home. Mischief gets up and summons her claw-like weapon. Black-like mist rolls in and stops at the infected tree. Mischief walks to the right side of the tree and yells, “Show yourself! You are in the domain of luck and misfortune!” Mischief stood in her defencave stance waiting for a attack. She narrows her eyes in agitation; her pupils becoming slits.
“So it is you. At last we meet again, Embodiment of Luck and Misfourtune.” Mischief’s hair stood as she slowly looked behind her to see a bug-like demon smiling demonicly at her. Mischief’s point-of-view goes dark.
The moon from above started to disappear from the rain clouds rolling in. Its brilliant light slowly becomes nothing but a dark shadow. Tang looked up at the sky as the rain started to come down.
“I don’t think It’s gonna stop raining”, Tang says, walking back inside.
“I don’t remember the forcast saying it would rain today”, Pigsy pointed out.
“Well, what can you do”, Mei said. She looked over at Mk, looking up at the sky. She walks over to him and asks, “Are you still thinking about Mischief?”
“I don’t know why, but when I looked at her, it looked like she was in pain”, Mk said. He looks over at Sun and asks, “How come you never told me you had a sister?”
“You never asked”, Sun said. “And Mischief doesn’t associate with anyone outside her domain.”
“Right….” Mk looked out into the rain and saw a person walking to the etrance gate. But the person wasn’t normal. They had wolf-like ears and a wolf-like tale. A thunderbolt struck through the sky and showed Mischief hurt and beaten. Mischief looks up with her gold eyes as the lightning strikes through the sky and she mouths, “Help me….” Mischief falls to the ground. Mk and the others run over and help Mischief into the sanctuary. They lay Mischief up ugenst a wall.
“Mischief, What happened”, Mk asks with concern.
“He’s back….”
“Who”, Sun asked.
“The demon king”, Mischief answered in a hurt voice. “He’s the king of all demons on Earth and hell.” Mischief lifts herself up and walks over to the opening. “The embodiment of harmony banished him to the Lunar realm.”
“How did he get out”, Tang asks.
“I don’t know”, Mischief says. “He shouldn’t have been able to escape. He’s in the celestial realm, trying to destroy it.”
“Revenge, Sun”, Mischief says in annoyance. “He wants to destroy the celestial realm for what the embodiment of Harmony did. Mk, Sun, you two are the only ones who can destroy him.” Mk looks at Sun and says, “We have to go.”
“Mk, I don’t think this is–”, Before Sun could say another word, Mk interrupted and said, “This is your home we’re talking about! Mischief can't fight The Demon King. We have to.” Sun looks at Mk and then Mischief. He could see a lost and conflicted look on her face. He knew how much Mischief dedicated her life to protect the celestial realm. It was her home. It was his home too. He wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to the celestial realm. Sun sighed and said, “Alright. Me and Mk will deal with The Demon King.”
“I can take you to the celestial realm”, Mischief says. She takes one step but holds her arm in pain. Tang and Pigsy held Mischief up to her feet. “I’m fine. I can still lead you there.”
“No, you can’t”, Sun says. “Stay here and rest. We have more than one way to get to the celestial realm.”
“I’ll go with you”, Mei says.
“Be careful”, Mischief says. Sun looks at Mischief and puts his forehead to hers.
“I promise, I’ll come back”, Sun said. He looked at Mischief one last time before creating his cloud. Mk and Mei jump on and the three of them fly to the celestial realm.
“Please be safe…”
“They’ll be fine, Mischief”, Sandy says. Mischief looks up into the sky and thinks, “I hope you're right.”
The trio fly down to the ground and look around to see the trees and ground in a darkend state. The trees were nothing more than shadow, and the ground was a dark shade of purple.
“What happened here”, Mk wondered.
“I’m not sure”, Sun responded. “But this isn’t Mischief domain anymore. It’s not supposed to be like this.” Mei looks over and sees a trail of darkness leading to the upper side of the forest.
“Looks like the dark energy is going upward”, Mei says, pointing to the upper forest.
“Then let’s not waste any time”, Mk says.
The trio make it up to the forest edge and look around. Sun and Mk’s hair stands. They look behind them and see three glowing red eyes looking at them. Mei looks back to see Sun and Mk in a worried state.
“You two alright?” Mei looked in their direction and saw a red face. The demon growed and charged up the hill.
“Run!” The trio run to the open hill. The Demon King whips one of his tales around and hits the trio back into the forest. Mei hits the ground while Sun and Mk both hit trees. Mk looks up and sees Sun in pain.
“So that useless embodiment sent you here”, The Demon King said, a demonic laughter following after. Mk lifts himself up and takes out his staff. The Demon King looks down at Mk and says, “The staff of Ra? Oh you have got to be kidding m–” Mk jumps up to The Demon King’s face and hits the top of his head. The Demon King holds his head in pain.
“What in infernos throne?!” Mk hits The Demon King back and he falls on his side. Mk goes for the finishing blow when The Demon King uses his oversized claws to pin him to the ground. “I have faced warlords, kings, and gods, and this is what I face? To think you could have been more than what you are now.”
“Mischief?” Mk gets up with what little strength he has left and looks up to see Mischief ghost-like rendition. “H-How? Are you dead?” Mischief rolls her eyes and shops the top of Mk’s head.
“I’m not dead”, Mischief exclaims. “It's an astral projection.”
“O-Oh.” Mischief looks to the left and snaps her head up to see The Demon King.
“Is that The Demon King? He wasn’t this big when I saw him”, Mischief says.
“I thought you fought him like this”, Mk said.
“No”, Mischief exsclaimed. The ground from below starts to rumble. “There’s not much time. Mk, I can give you my power for a short amount of time, but you have to make the last strike count.”
“Are you sure?”
“You're more powerful than you think. If you can master Monkie King’s power, then you can handle mine”, Mischief says, holding Mk’s hands in her own. She lets go of his hands and takes a few steps back and moves her hands in the kanji moon. “Your will becomes strength, and my will becomes your power.” Blue and silver magic flows into Mk’s being. His staff turned blue. Mk’s eyes glow a brilliant blue and he looks up at The Demon King. “Now, Finish him off!!!” The Demon King looks down in confusion and sees Mk covered in a blue mist like magic.
“What?!” Mk junmps up and punches The Demon King multiple times and pins him down to the ground.
“This ends now!!!” Mk dashes down and destroys The Demon King in one strike. The Demon King looks over to Mk in a weakened state and thinks, “So the moon has chosen their champion…..” Mk lands on the ground and holds his head. The blue and silver magic flies off of Mk and returns to Mischief’s astral form.
“You did well”, Mischief said. She looks up and sees the sky start to become a light blue. She smiles and says, “Thank you, Monkie Kid. I'll see you back on Earth.” With that said, Mischief’s astral projection fades away.
“Mk!” Mk looks back to see Sun and Mei run up to him.
“Are you two okay”, Mk asks.
“Aside from the hurting back, I think we’re good”, Sun says.
“You fought The Demon King without me”, Mei projects.
“Sorry”, Mk continued, “It was happening so fast that I didn’t really think.”
“At Least The Demon King is gone”, Sun says. “Let’s go home.”
Sun raps up the last of Mischief cuts.
“That should do it”, Sun says.
“Mischief, is there a reason you where on earth”, Mk asked.
“Yeah, I was wondering that too”, Sun says. “You never leave your domain unless it’s to see the council of balance.” Mischief looks away and sighs.
“Well, Since you did save the celestial realm, you deserve to know why I was on Earth”, Mischief says. “I didn’t come to earth to fight a demon. That day, when we met, I was looking for an apprentice.” Sun blinks a few times and says, “An apprentice? Are you sure The Demon King didn’t knock your brains loss?”
“I mean it, Sun”, Mischief says. “I was going to travel outside the city, but when I saw you, Mk, your power was far more powerful than I thought. Mk, I have chosen you to be my apprentice.”
“Hold Up!” Sun hugs Mk in a protective manner and says, “You are not taking Mk to the celestial realm! And plus, Mk already has a mentor: Me.” Mischief rolls her eyes, pushes Sun’s nose and says, “I don’t plan on taking Mk to the celestial realm, you goof. I plan on staying here on earth and at night, I will train Mk. And plus, the celestial realm has gotten a bit stale. You have room for one more?”
Mk’s hand glows a soft red from magic. Mischief’s crest appears and hovers on Mk’s back. Once the spell is done, the crest fades away.
“That’s it? Mk is your apprentice now”, Mei asks.
“Yes”, Mischief says. “He is now my apprentice. What were you expecting?”
“A light show”, Mei answers.
“ Sorry to disappoint you.”
“Are you sure you're okay with this, Monkie King”, Mk asks, holding his right hand with his left.
“I’m cool”, Sun says.
“Don’t you mean hot”, Mischief teased. She laughed and Sun chased after her.
A being covered in shadows and mist looks at several maps with multiple dates on the top left corner. A red light whispers in the beings leopard ear. The being laughs and says, “So she’s finally chosen an apprentice. This changes nothing. I will have my revenge, and the moon will pay for what she did to me.”
Here is the first chapter of Monkie Kid: Animal Fury. I kid you not, this took me a week to finish...
Summary: The journey begins as Mk Meets Mischief, the little sister of Monkie King, Sun Wukong.
The YouTube link is what I imagine to be the intro of My FanFiction.
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jabbers-wild-world · 1 year
Jabber’s Current Test Muses:
Augustus “Gus” Porter
The Collector
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nixnephili · 5 months
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Posting this on a whim
Here's a little Kitsunezai concept
I always felt like the outfit could be really cool if they could've detailed it a lot more.
When looking at the folkloric feel to Dazai's official Kitsune concept, a few things are identifiable. Here's some stuff-:
-He would be over 100, as kitsune are believed to grow more tails only after reaching that age.
-He's a Yako or Nogitune- which are the more 'morally grey' kitsune. Having a tendency to lean towards mischief and are likely to interact with humans.
-white and black coats of fur are rare, but they are present for nogitune.
In Japanese folk and mythos, kitsune can hold one of 13 powers
celestial, wind, spirit, darkness, fire, earth, river, ocean, forest, mountain, thunder, sound, and time
so they often may wear beads around their necks/ on their person to symbolize the elements
they only wear 12 out of the 13 because they exclude the one element the wearer represents.
So Dazai has 12 beads.
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sinswithpleasure · 7 months
To-Do List: Cream & Coffee
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Thank @friskyriskywhisky for this fic. Without him, I'd never write Minju.
Kinks: Public Sex, Magical Mischief, Blasphemy (really, this fic is that).
Sometimes, you forget Minju is an angel. 
She’s an angel, of course, but she’s also an angel, in every sense of the word. As in, “be not afraid” angel, as in miracles type, heaven-born angel. She embodies purity, compassion, kindness, and all that is holy and good with… well, almost every action she takes. 
Of course, you’d questioned it before: “Almost? Aren’t angels perfect?” It’s a valid question, and Minju corrects you every time you mention it: “Not perfect—blameless. Also, the rules have relaxed a bit! That’s why I’m always around you humans!”
If your next question is about what exactly Minju isn’t good and holy about, she’s had an answer for that too, with a wink and a smile: “Everyone says I’m mischievous, so it’ll only be a while before you’ll find out~.”
And find out you have—thoroughly, even. Minju seems to orbit around you a lot, and you’ve been roped into her schemes one too many times, much of which bring far too much risk for you. However, there’s no denying the satisfaction those schemes bring though—Minju makes sure you benefit too, whenever she decides to pull one of her tricks. Win-win scenarios are her bread and butter, she says, with a little swish of her hand and soft glow from her eyes, because “a few heavenly miracles don’t hurt anyone”. Far too many times she’s used it to get both you and her out of trouble, and you swear she’s way too mischievous and curious for anyone’s own good. It’s this mischief of hers that leads you to constantly remind yourself that she’s celestial, even if she doesn’t carry herself like one.
As you sip your coffee, Minju’s fork clatters against her plate, and she leans back with her signature smirk. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she’s acting up again. 
“Yah, Minsik.” Minju calls for you. “I—”
“No, whatever it is, no.” You’re quick to shut her down. “I’m not about to do whatever it is you’ve thought up.”
“I didn’t even say what it was!” Minju’s pouting now, arms crossed over her letterman jacket, looking every bit like a petulant child. “You’re no fun.”
“That’s because every scheme you put me up to involves us doing something that could get us jailed.” 
“But I always get us out, don’t I?” Minju sulks, but it morphs into a grin quickly after. “And you can’t lie to me about how good I always make you feel when I make you try anything I think up.”
The memories instantly come flowing back—Minju on your bed, Minju on her knees, Minju on your lap, Minju bent over a desk, Minju against the wall. In some of these memories, Minju is naked, and in the others, she’s clothed in varying degrees. With these thoughts in your head, your body betrays your mind—your cock begins to harden in your pants, and you shift your legs to attempt to hide your bulge, even if Minju doesn’t have it in line of sight. 
“Yeah, I can’t, but what happened to ‘just having a normal afternoon drinking coffee and eating cakes’, Minju? We can’t even have that anymore?” 
“Oh, shut up, you.” Minju’s mischievous grin only grows bigger. “You can’t lie to me, you’re getting horny just remembering what we’ve done.”
“No I’m not.” You lean back in your chair, coffee in hand, taking a sip through the straw. Even if the effort is futile, you’d do it anyway just to spite Minju. 
Minju rises from her chair, and she slowly sashays around the table. You take advantage of this moment to ogle her thighs in her jeans—her body is nothing but perfect. She bends down right in front of you, her grin now stretching from ear to ear as she notes your reactions.
“Liar. You know I can tell when humans lie.” 
Minju leans in close to whisper her proposition.
“I think we should have some fun, Minsik.”
You sigh in resignation, then take the bait. “What kind of fun, Minju?”
“Well…” The angel stands back up and winks. “I’ve never had sex in a cafe before.” 
With a wave of her wrist, white light glows from her eyes, and the world around you ripples, as if it were water. You take a moment to enjoy the visual effects on the world around you. In that time, Minju closes the distance—she straddles you and plants herself on your lap, your bulge pressing right against her body. 
“Liar.” Minju repeats, smirking. “You said you weren’t horny.” She crosses her arms as she grabs the hem of her white tee, and you watch in barely restrained lust as the angel on your lap peels her shirt off her. As the cloth rises above her head, her petite, yet perfect breasts greet your eyes as she drops her shirt on the table behind her. Once again, no bra—the angel despises underwear, having “not needed any of it for the entire time I’ve been an angel”, something which you definitely have no complaints about. Minju rests her arms over your shoulder, and she grinds down on your bulge as she softly groans in pleasure. You join her in vocalizing your pleasure, all pretenses dropped, and you hold the angel steady by her hips as you grind into her too.
“It’s great to be an angel.” Minju sighs softly and bites her lip down on a particularly hard grind. “I can just cloak anytime and enjoy having sex, and no one would know.”
“You’re so corrupted, Minju.” You shift your hands up to caress the angel’s body, and she whines in pleasure when you cup one of her breasts in your palm, soft kneads and squeezes of her flesh drawing more sounds of pleasure from her. The angel only laughs, and she denies it with a wave of her wrist. “Heh, no I’m not. I just do what I enjoy doing, and no one’s going to stop me. Not the old man next to us with his newspaper, not the lady to your left working on her financial reports, not the baristas behind me, and most of all,” Minju’s pointer finger pushes against your chest as she taps you three times, “Definitely not you.” 
The angel is right—you’re not stopping her at all. Even as the old man to your right shakes his paper to get a better grip on it, even as the businesswoman to your left takes a glance in your direction, you’re not protesting at all when Minju’s hand trails down to undo your pants and zipper. You’re still fondling Minju’s bare breasts, and the angel leans in to push her lips against yours. No one can see you—the angel’s magic ensures that. She only lets the people see what she wants them to see, and right now, she wants them to see nothing at all. 
“Mm, so hard for me, that’s good.” Minju has her hand over your bulge now, having shifted down to your lap, and she only gives you a cursory few rubs before she withdraws her hand, to your disappointment. That doesn’t last long though—the angel begins to undo your pants, and she pulls your hard, twitching shaft out from underneath your zipper. She wraps her hand around it, soft slow strokes along your length drawing soft groans from your lips, groans that she silences with a hot kiss. Her tongue meets yours in the middle, and you pull her tighter against you, eager to feel her body against yours. However, Minju pulls herself back now, her weight leaving your lap as she gets off you. 
“Shhh…” The angel giggles at the look of desperate need all over your face. “Give me just a second~.”
It happens in an instant—Minju is on your left one moment, and then in a blink of an eye, she’s on your right. The only difference between both of them is this: the Minju on your left seconds ago had her jeans still on, and the Minju on your right has them off. The angel is naked right next to you, her thighs glistening with her arousal as she straddles you again. It is at this point you notice that you’re naked too, your clothes and hers in a neatly folded pile on her chair. 
“This is cheating, Minju.”
“And who’s keeping score, Minsik?” Minju stands over you, her lips softly brushing against yours in a ghost of a kiss. “This little miracle doesn’t hurt anyone, does it? Especially if it gets us closer to having sex.” The angel lifts her legs one by one to fold them up over either of yours, almost as if to kneel right in your lap, her ankles supporting her weight with your help. Her knees are in the air next to both of your thighs. You instinctively grab Minju by the hips and ass while she balances herself, and she grins when she grabs your cock to brush it right against her labia, the moan torn from your lips exactly what she wants to hear.
“Mm, I love this part.” Minju exhales in stutters, the hot breath brushing against your lips. “The part where I drip all over the cock I’m about to fuck.”
And drip all over it she does. Minju coats your cock with a sheen of her slick, her hand helping to spread it all over with soft strokes once more. She takes a glance to see how aroused both you and her are, and the angel only giggles at your dazed expression of lust, pleasure, and anticipation when she looks back up. 
“Oh my God, Minju…”
“Hey, not in vain.” The angel jokingly chastises, as she always does. “I’ll smite you.”
“Do your worst,” is your challenge.
“That I will.” Minju lines you up with her hole, and in one stroke, she slams herself down on your cock. You moan out loud as Minju takes you to the hilt instantly. A loud whine of pleasure accompanies your moans as well, before Minju shakily breathes, “Just. Like. That.”
Just like that, she says. Just like that, you’re having sex with Minju, again, on her whim. The angel “smites” you over and over with her hips, engulfing your cock in her velvety, warm, tight cunt with every time she impales herself on your shaft. She takes to sex like a fish to water—you have no idea how, no idea why, and neither do you care or have ever cared. What you do care about right now is how she bounces herself on your cock, every stroke reaching deep into her as she fucks herself down on your length. Neither of you hide your moans as the world carries on around you—the cafe’s patrons are none the wiser about the sexual activities just inches away from them. This knowledge excites both Minju and you— as she fucks herself down on you hard, the almost-crazed joy displayed in her eyes from having such wanton public sex is mirrored in yours as well. Minju is a godsend—figuratively and literally—that has you able to do things you’ve only dreamed of in your wild fantasies, and you’re going to enjoy it for as long as you can.
“You’re hitting me right there every time, Minsik~!” Minju’s G-spot rubs against your shaft with every stroke of hers, and you thrust up in time with her as well. Your loud, vulgar exclamations of pleasure mix with Minju’s own, and the claps of her flesh against yours as well as the wet sounds of her pussy milking your cock only leave you both more and more aroused.
“Oh, fuck, Minju, fuck, you’re so tight, fuck!” The angel’s cunt massages your shaft, as if trying its best to coax your cum out of you as soon as possible. Her pussy is incredibly tight, and the pleasure you derive from it has you close to orgasm already. Minju is no better—she’s softly muttering about how close she is right next to your ear, her pussy drenching your cock and balls in her arousal, walls getting tighter and tighter as she gets close to her peak. 
“Fuck, Minsik, make me cum, make me cum together with you, make me cum all over your cock—”
From experience, you know Minju’s a talker, and her words only push you to thrust up into her harder, deeper, faster as you chase your high with her. The girl on your lap fucks herself on your cock in time with your thrusts, and both of you wrap your arms around each other however you can, pulling each other tight against the other as you hit your combined peaks simultaneously. 
“Oh, Minju, I—”
Neither of you bother holding back your moans as you orgasm together. Minju’s hips buck against your faltering thrusts, her juices flowing down all over your lap as jets of squirt drench your lower half. Even as your hips stutter, you keep fucking into Minju as well as you can—burst after burst of thick white cum shoots deep into the angel’s tight cunt, and with every thrust, you push your load deeper and deeper into her, prolonging the pleasure both of you enjoy. The carnal pleasure seems to last forever, and both of you hold each other tightly as waves after waves of it wash over your bodies. Both of you make a mess where you sit—Minju’s juices mix with your overflowing load on the chair and the floor beneath you, and the air smells of sex. You hug the angel in your embrace as your highs subside, and she pushes herself off you urgently, though the smile on her face promises she means no offense.
“Don’t get mushy on me, fucker.”
“Shut up.” You help Minju off you, and your cock twitches when you fully exit her—thick drops of cum fall from her freshly fucked hole onto your shaft, and you can’t help but groan when you see it. 
“Already wanting a round two, Minsik? We can make it happen.” Minju giggles as she reaches a hand beneath to collect your flowing excess, then raises it to lick it all off. “You always taste so nice.”
“Oh my God, shut up, Minju…” You chuckle to yourself, the corrupted angel joining you as she grabs her clothes. With a wave of her wrist, both you and her are clothed, the mess beneath you cleaned up, and you’re both right back where you started—a normal afternoon drinking coffee and eating cakes.
“This was fun, Minsik.” Minju’s eyes flash with mischief once more. “I wonder where we can do it next…”
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chknbzkt · 1 year
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And a mix of various sketches and drafts!!!
Psst down here v
Since the horrific murder of a nobleman has put many people in the kingdom’s walls off the idea of letting dragons in their midst for the time being, Sundrop’s continued employ under the king as a personal jester and informant has many under the impression that the dragon himself may have had something to do with it, and that his influence is corrupting the monarch in question.
Sundrop, however, thinks the people can believe whatever they want.
While his position gives him plenty of wiggle room to lavish himself with as much luxury as he desires, truthfully he’d much rather be outside the kingdom walls than in them. No, his heart lies with the wilds of Hyde’s Crossing’s ancient forests. His hoard isn’t even as extensive as it should be, consisting of a few plushies, puzzles, and children’s toys here and there, it’s oddly… empty?
So as much as he… appreciates the fluidity, he spends most of his time trying to keep his distance from Farqur Kingdom as often as possible. Before he has to return.
When he isn’t on his perch at the king’s beck and call, he’s running into random adventurers and the odd monster hunter left and right as he continues to peruse the wilds and stir up mischief as per usual. Most of them have been called to action as of late due to the influx of shades razing settlements to the ground when they’ve been left unchecked for far too long, rising to the challenge in the hopes of scoring money to keep themselves afloat.
There have been a few stinkers regarding interactions here and there, but making new friends is still endlessly fulfilling and entertaining on the occasion that they’ll let him get close enough to actually mingle with them proper. He’s content to share stories of his findings and across the land, landmarks, places of interest, the best places to sun oneself and the loveliest fishing spots!!! This boy loves to know people and be known!!!
He never sticks around long enough to say goodbye however. Always leaves in Farqur’s general direction in a big hurry at odd beats in the conversation. Odd fellow. And he never actually clocked where his companion was from, so the chances of them meeting again are slim…
He seems very flighty for someone so pleasant…
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starbright349 · 7 months
You Didn't Know? (Adam X Seraphim Reader)
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In the celestial realm of Heaven, where ethereal beauty and divine beings reigned, lived a Seraphim angel named (Y/N). She had the sacred duty of caring for the children who had passed away and ascended to this heavenly abode. (Y/N) was a compassionate and gentle soul, radiating a warm light that comforted the departed souls in her care.
In this divine paradise, an unexpected love story unfolded between (Y/N) and Adam, the first man created by the Almighty. Adam, despite being the progenitor of humanity, had a penchant for mischief and a reputation for being a total prick. Yet, somehow, the celestial forces intertwined their destinies, and love blossomed between the seemingly mismatched pair.
After a few hundred years of dating, the two got married in Heaven. It was a beautiful wedding, and Adam didn't have to worry about losing his third and final wife to Lucifer, since she couldn't leave Heaven.
One day. when Lucifer's Daughter, Princess Charlie Morningstar. Came into Heaven for a meeting; (Y/N), Sera, and Emily greeted her at the gates of Heaven. "Greetings daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high seraphim of Heaven. You're gifted to be here." Emily squealed and walked up to Charlie.
"Hi! I'm Emily, the other seraphim. You can call Em, Emi, E, whatever you want. I go by anything." Emily giggled nervously, she wanted to say more but (Y/N) stopped her and put her hand on Emily's shoulder. "Emily. We talked about this; we don't want to scare them off, now do we?" (Y/N) turned to Charlie. "Hello Princess. My name is (Y/N), I'm the other, other seraphim. It is our duty and pleasure to welcome you to Heaven."
(Y/N) and Emily showed Charlie and her girlfriend Vaggie around Heaven for a short while. (Y/N) even led and showed them to their room where they would be staying until the trail.
It wasn't until then that Charlie noticed her wedding ring, she found it strange since Sera, nor Emily had a ring. "(Y/N), may I ask you a question?" "Of course, Princess. Ask me anything?" (Y/N) said with a smile. "Are you married? Because I noticed that ring on your finger and none of the seraphim's have it." (Y/N) looked at her ring finger, she smiled as a wave of nostalgia hit her.
She remembered how Adam confessed his love to her, the day he proposed to (Y/N), and the day they got married. All of Heaven showed up, Adam removed his mask for that day, Sera walked (Y/N) down the aisle, Emily was her maid of honor, and God himself was the one that pronounced them husband and wife.
"Yes, I am married. My husband and I have been for about almost 100 years now." Charlie's eye lit up with joy, "Oh~. And who is this lucky guy, hm?" (Y/N) chuckled and walked to the door. "You'll see him, I'll be sitting next to him during the trail. Good luck to you both." (Y/N) said and closed the door behind her.
*A few hours later*
As the trail was about to start, Charlie and Vaggie took their seats, while (Y/N) flew and sat down next her husband Adam and his friend Lute. "Hey babe." Adam said and gave (Y/N) a kiss on her check. Charlie started to (Y/N) in shock, and all (Y/N) could give was a little smile and shrug her shoulders.
Charlie leaned to Vaggie. "I didn't know such an asshole like him HAD a wife."
After everyone was here Sera spoke "We're gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into heavenly realm by means of this 'Hazbin hotel', Princess Morningstar?", Sera said wanting Charlie to speak up.
(Y/N) looked down to Charlie, holding hands with her husband underneath the booth. "Webster's dictionary defines redemption as-" before Charlie could speak Adam interrupts her "Objection, lame and unoriginal". (Y/N) sighed at his immature behavior and let go of his hand and bumped his chest gently with her elbow.
"Sustained. No further dictionary references please." Sera asked with a kinda sad look. "Right." Charlie was flipping through her cards making Adam roll his eyes. "If you have actually evidence, then show it already." He asks, glaring at Charlie. "We have a patron right now and he's making incredible progress."
Charlie defended and (Y/N) smiled, "Really? Then tell us Princess, who is this lucky patron?", (Y/N) asked. "Angel Dust" Charlie spoke. "Oh yeah, the porn demon. Yeah, he's totally worth being redeemed". (Y/N) looked at Adam. "Adam! Language!" Adam gave (Y/N) a confused look. "What?"
(Y/N) suddenly stood up, "Well then, if you know so much…what do you think it takes to get into heaven?", she spoke. It was quiet until Sera asked if Adam was okay.
He scoffed as he pulled out a golden paper from his pockets and a quill, "Give me a fucking moment, okay?", he then started writing and gave Vaggie the paper as she read it out loud, "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?", (Y/N) looked at Adam with a raised eyebrow and sat back down. He shrugged "Uh, yeah? Sure, got me here...didn't it? Right babe? Sera?", Adam ask as he looked his wife then Sera, seemingly questioning himself. Sera sighed before saying: "He was the first human soul in heaven."
In the following hours Charlie showed everyone the improvement of this soul called Angel dust. He did everything what Adam wrote on his list. He was selfless, he stopped one of his friends from stealing, and he stuck it to that awful man called Valentino, but nothing happened. Sera only sighed as she wanted to declare the trail as a failure and that we will see what brings someone to heaven when the first soul arrives. (Y/N) sat there with my head hanging.
She felt bad for Angel Dust, Charlie, and all of the other demons who wanted to try and make themselves better, especially when she looked over to Emily, who held the paper that Adam had written earlier with a sad look.
(Y/N) and Emily had always been very close, they considered each other to like sisters. Which why (Y/N) had asked her to be her maid of honor at her wedding, and if the time came, (Y/N) would be Emily's maid of honor when she would meet that special person.
Emily: But she was right, Sera. She showed us a soul can improve.
(Y/N): (Y/N) stood up again and flew next to Emily) He saw the light, Sera.
Emily: Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance.
(Y/N) Emily flew around the court room.)
(Y/N): Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Sera: It's not as simple as you think.
(Y/N) and Emily looked up and Sera and flew up to her.)
Sera: Not everything is spelled in ink.
(Sera held (Y/N) and Emily's hands.)
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera!
(Vaggie places a hand on Charlie's shoulder)
Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head.
(Charlie pulls away)
Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways turn the page, escape infernal blaze.
(Y/N) and Emily were on each side of Sera while still flying the air.)
Sera: I'm sure you wish it could be so. But there's a lot that you don't know.
(Lute interrupts Sera.)
Lute: What are we even talking' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty.
(Adam and Lute flew to Charlie, as Adam held her face.)
Lute and Adam: There's no question to be posed! He's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that Hell is forever?
(Lute and Adam, flew on top of the crystal ball)
Adam: A man only lives once; we'll see you in one month. Gotta say, I can't wait to…
(Adam flew off the crystal ball and stood Infront of Charlie,)
Sera: Adam…
(Sera's eye widened but she was interrupted by Adam.)
Adam: Come down and exterminate you.
(Y/N) and Emily's eyes widened.)
Emily and (Y/N): Wait!
Adam: Shit…
(Y/N) and Emily flew down in front of the crystal ball)
Emily: What are you saying? Let me get this straight.
(Y/N): You go down there and kill those poor souls?
Charlie: You didn't know?
Adam: Whoops
Lute: Guess the cat’s out of the bag.
Adam: What’s the big deal?
(Y/N) looked up at Sera)
(Y/N): Sera, tell us that you didn't know…
Sera: I thought, since I'm older it's my load to shoulder
Emily: No!
(Y/N) put her hand on Emily's back for comfort)
Sera: You both have to listen; it was such a hard decision.
(Sera flew down to (Y/N) and Emily)
Sera: I wanted to save you; the anguish it takes to do what was required.
(Sera held (Y/N) and Emily's hands, she had flames in her eyes. (Y/N) and Emily looked at Sera with shock for a moment, until their looks turned angry.)
(Y/N): To think that we admired you, well we don't need your condescension.
(Y/N) and Emily tore their hands away from Sera, while they both flew in the air.)
Emily: Were both not children to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretension?
(Y/N) looked at Adam, who gave a worried look, she flew Infront of him.)
Adam: Babe listen-
(Y/N): Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?
(Y/N) flew away from Adam, who had sadness in his eyes. She flew next to Charlie and Emily.)
Charlie: That's what the fuck I've been saying!
(Chalie held (Y/N) and Emily's hands. They flew on top on the crystal ball.)
Emily, Charlie & (Y/N): If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!
(Adam and Sera were trying to talk to them. But Emily and (Y/N) wouldn't listen.)
Sera: Girls
Adam: (Y/N)
Emily, Charlie & (Y/N): If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky. The rules are shades of gray, when you don't do as you say. When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Charlie: I was told not to trust in angels.
(Filled with rage that Charlie had turned his wife against him, he decided to reveal Vaggie secret.)
Adam: By her?
Lute: Ha! She should know.
Vaggie: We should go.
Charlie: No! Don't you see? We've come so close. Look at them fighting, they're at each other's throats.
Adam: Don't you act all high and mighty. Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?
Vaggie: Don't, Adam please!
Adam: What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like us?
(The Crystal ball revealed Vaggie's old look as an exorcist angel. Charlie stared at it in shock, and fell to the floor)
*End of the song*
(Y/N) looked at Adam with disgust in her eyes, Adam looked at (Y/N) but his smirk was quickly feeling off his face when he saw (Y/N) with a disappointed look.
He tried to reach out and explain, but (Y/N) stopped him and flew up next to Emily and Sera. Sera had to breath in out to collect herself, she then spoke. "I'm sorry, but the court finds there is no evidence that souls in Hell can be redeemed."
(Y/N) and Emily were disappointed, they looked at each other with worry. Adam then stated that when the extermination comes, he's coming to Charlie's Hotel first. He snaps his fingers causing Vaggie and Charlie to be sent back to Hell
"Charlie don't give up on this!" (Y/N) said from above as Emily chimed in "We will figure something out, we promise!" (Y/N) held Emily in her arms, trying to comfort her. "That was uncalled for Adam." Sera said will looking down at him. "Yeah, but did you see the looks on their fucking faces." Adam said while laughing, but it stopped when he saw (Y/N) disappointed face again.
Adam face softened for a moment, "Sorry." That was thing said until he flew up Infront of (Y/N) face while she was still comforting Emily.
"I'll see you at home tonight, right babe?" Adam said while putting his hand on (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) just pushed his hand away. "You shouldn't expect me to be home tonight... or any night for that matter." Adam wanted to try and convince (Y/N) to come home, but he knew it would be a bad idea with other seraphim's watching.
He flew away, leaving (Y/N) with Emily and Sera. It was a short silence when (Y/N) released Emily from her grasp. Emily spoke, "Extermination of human souls. Demon or not there is no reason to be doing this."
Sera spoke, as they eye of her hair and halo opened. "They were upraising, girls. It is my position as the head Seraphim to protect these souls at all costs."
Sera's eyes closed as she placed her hands on (Y/N) and Emily's shoulders. "It is your job to keep them happy and joyful and (Y/N)'s to care for the children of Heaven." "How can we fulfill our jobs when we now know that were causing so much pain to souls down in Hell. And me knowing that my husband is keeping secrets from me, his wife." (Y/N) said.
Sera quickly had answer for it. She told (Y/N) and Emily to let her about this and told them to go back to their jobs.
That night, (Y/N) made true to her word and refused to come home. Adam laid on the bed that he and (Y/N) shared, waiting for his wife to come home so he could explain himself. He never meant to keep secrets from her, he just wanted to protect her and everyone else in Heaven.
And despite his fuckboy nature, Adam really and truly loved (Y/N) and would anything for her. Even if it meant killing demons just to protect her.
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slytherinslut0 · 10 months
Chapter Twenty Nine--Info: You and Mattheo have been butting heads for months, since you were assigned as his tutor, and one day during a session full of tense bickering, he has enough.
Tags: 18+, SMUT, Masturbation, PIV, Switch!Mattheo, Dirty Talk, (slight daddy kink. Like very slight.), Spitting, Unprotected Sex, Praise Kink, Degradation Kink, Cuddling, ANGST ANGST! ALSO: FLUFF! (WHO AM I???? AM I OKAY???)
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The following weeks slipped away like sand through fingers--one, then another, and then another--until the imminent end of the term loomed large, only just a little ways off in the distance. Graduation was within reach, a tantalizing yet bittersweet prospect.
The journey to this point had been a relentless climb, fueled by your unwavering determination. The culmination of hard work brought a poignant mix of accomplishment and trepidation. The future held its mysteries, and you were poised on the edge, anxious about its impact on the present.
Because in the land of the present, you and Mattheo were as well as ever. You'd managed to maintain your intimate secrecy, with Emily and Theo as the exclusive keepers of your shared secret. Within the last few weeks, they had evolved into an indispensable support system, adept at aiding your discreet escapades and providing cover when facing friends. Theo, a master of diversion, orchestrated opportunities for you to slip into Mattheo's dorm unnoticed, while Emily reciprocated the favour.
Looking back over the past months, a bittersweet resonance reverberated through your thoughts, acknowledging the imminent conclusion of your tutoring and mentorship with Mattheo. Curiously, the lines between mentor and mentee had blurred, giving rise to the notion that, in an almost poetic turn, he had undoubtedly become a guiding force for you, instead. The intricate dance of mentorship had taken an unexpected yet meaningful twist, leading to the most beautiful and memorable outcome you could have ever fucking asked for.
And in the crisp embrace of a warm spring evening, the sun gracefully dipped below the horizon, yielding its space to the emerging twinkle of stars overhead. Amid this celestial transition, you found yourself immersed in the task of crafting a report for Dumbledore, which was due the following week. This document sought to encapsulate your entire journey as Mattheo's mentor and your insights into his progress.
Yet, as your quill traced its path across the parchment, reminiscing about the last few months, an unmistakable ache kindled within your chest, as if hollowing your lungs from the inside out. In that poignant moment, the yearning to see a specific curly haired boy eclipsed all else, a sentiment that transcended the mere act of putting pen to paper. In an impulsive surge, your quill found itself abandoned on the desk as you swiftly slipped into your shoes. A brief word to Emily, notifying her of your absence for the night, preceded your motivated exit through the door.
After a determined journey through the solitude of the castle, you reached the imposing door of the Slytherin common room and urgently rapped your knuckles against its rough surface. After a brief moment of silence, the door creaked open, revealing Draco Malfoy peering down at you with his trademark disheveled blonde hair. His sly smirk assessed you from head to toe, an expression reminiscent of a devil reveling in mischief.
Before you could utter a word, he casually remarked, "He's in his dorm," signaling the direction with a subtle tilt of his head. "Little late for a mentorship meeting, don't you think?"
"Past your bedtime, is it?" You teased, gleaming with a smirk of your own. "Apologizes if I interrupted your beauty sleep, princess."
Draco's silver eyes sparkled with a blend of amusement and feigned offense. "Do you think all of this just happens naturally, little bird? It's hard work, being me," he quipped with a sly grin, willingly engaging in the banter. "But if you're here for a late-night rendezvous, who am I to stand in the way of true love?"
A huff escaped you as you tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to conceal your amusement. Without speaking, you pressed forward, gracefully brushing past him in the direction of the dorms. Upon reaching the entrance to the dormitory hall, you cast a glance over your shoulder, eyes twinkling with emotion as they locked onto his silver gaze from across the room.
You shot him a cheeky smile. "You'd be a fool to even try."
The retort lingered in the air as you continued your journey, leaving a trail of playful tension in your wake, fully aware of the fact that what you just did might not have been your most brilliant move yet. But moving forward without hesitation, you briskly made your way to Mattheo's dorm.
The anticipation propelled you forward, and with a swift motion, you tried the doorknob. Finding it unlocked, you let yourself in without bothering to knock. As you squinted, easing the door shut behind you, your jaw fell open as the dimly lit room revealed Mattheo reclining on his bed, bathed in the soft glow that echoed the reflections of the black lake, still fully clothed--except for his cock, which was fully erect, fist wrapped around the girth as he pumped himself, soft moans leaving his throat.
Almost immediately, lava had begun to flow out from your centre and filter through your veins. Steadying yourself, you stepped forward, admittedly slightly caught off guard by the sheer rawness of the scene before you. His eyes were squeezed shut, brows furrowed and lips parted, his breathing ragged and heavy as he lost himself in the pleasure coursing through his body. Your breath hitched, cunt clenching in want, and you drew nearer, slowly feeling all of the ounces of your sanity leave your body, quickly being replaced by a possessed, powerful need.
"Matty..." you whispered, cautious not to startle him.
His eyes shot open, surprised by your sudden presence, stalling his movements for a moment as he exhaled a shaky breath. When you smiled at him, your possessed eyes glimpsing his cock throbbing within his fist, the shock in his gaze quickly faded, replaced by a look of pure, hungered lust.
"Raven..." he murmured, his head falling back as he slowly resumed his ministrations. "Here to finish me off, sweetheart?"
A shiver coursed through your body as his words hung in the air, the palpable intensity of his desire washing over you like a powerful wave. Compelled by an irresistible force, you moved closer to him, drawn like a moth to a flame, surrendering to the raw power of his need. Without a second thought, your fingers sought the hem of your sweater, swiftly peeling it up and off your body. The room filled with the hushed rustle of fabric as you kicked off your shoes and deftly maneuvered the zipper on your pants.
"I'll do more than finish you off, Matty..." you cooed, meeting his dark eyes as he watched you undress before him, his thumb swirling the bead of precum over the tip of his cock, his fingers tightening around the girth. "Were you thinking about me?"
"Mmm," he moaned, his hand slowly picking up its pace, leisurely moving up and down his shaft. "Always thinking about you, baby..."
Quakes of desire rattled your bones, and you moved closer still, now at the foot of his bed, focus switching between the black holes of his eyes and his thick, throbbing cock. As you let your pants slip from your waist and down your thighs, finding purchase on the floor at your feet, you wasted no time before crawling onto the bed next to him, bringing yourself to his side.
"Tell me," you murmured, trailing your fingers up the length of his strong thigh. "Tell me what you were thinking about, Matty..."
Mattheo shuddered under your touch, hissing in pleasure as he increased the pace of his strokes, his body writhing and twitching against his dark green sheets. You choked back a mewl, your pussy screaming in need for him as you watched the veins in his hand tense and contract, his eyes squeezed shut as his head fell back, jaw tensing.
"Your beautiful face...your perfect body..." he growled out, his voice hoarse with primal need, his throat torn with lust. "Your tight, wet little pussy, wrapped around my cock...fuck-"
A surge of intensity coursed through you, the clenching sensation echoing the burning passion that seemed to set the very walls of Mattheo's dorm room ablaze.
"Mm...you're in deep, aren't you, Matty..." you teased, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip, a playful smirk barely concealed. The words slipped from your lips like a whispered incantation, and you couldn't help but revel in the way his eyes fluttered open with a potent mix of lust and hunger. "Salazar himself couldn't rescue you from this, could he?"
"Six feet, baby..." Mattheo's words carried a reverent undertone, akin to a fervent prayer. "Can you blame me? Fucking look at you..."
"Six feet, huh?..." you purred, allowing your fingers to trail sensuously down his thigh. The ache between your legs intensified, a symphony of longing and passion propelling you into a frenzy of heat. "...not deep enough, I'm afraid."
Leaning over him, your lips hovered just above his, and a mischievous smirk danced on his lips. Shallow gasps escaped his throat as he slowed the pace on his cock yet again, as though he was edging himself, desperate to hang on, desperate to not cum on the fucking spot.
"Filthy girl..." he breathed, snuffing a groan deep in his throat. "Say the words and I'll go as deep as you fucking want, princess..."
"Not tonight, Matty," you smirked, softly pressing your lips to his, teasingly dragging your teeth along his bottom lip. "Let me take care of you for a change..."
The anticipation in the room was intoxicating, making you want to give in to every carnal urge you both had been holding back until now, the restraint between your bodies barely tethered.
"Let you take care of me?" he repeated, the challenge clear in his voice, his eyes locked onto yours as you reached over to stroke him, your hand gentle but insistent. He gasped in pleasure as you worked him, his dick throbbing, pulsing in your palm. "You think you can handle all of this?"
"All this time and you still underestimate me," you purred, clucking your tongue in feign disappointment. You swirled your thumb around the tip, painting more precum down his shaft. "Don't worry about me, Matty...just lay back and be a good boy for me."
"Shit..." he groaned, whimpering your name, thrusting up gently into your fist. "Call me that again."
"Good boy...so, so good..." you gripped him tighter, pushing the skin to the head, twisting your wrist. "You're so hard for me, so big..." a smirk pulled at your lips. "I bet you want to slide this pretty cock deep into my pussy, don't you?"
His eyes squeezed shut, a fervent nod accompanied by the grasp of his hands on the sheets beneath him as a guttural groan escaped. Enveloped in a pleasure-induced haze, he succumbed to the unyielding hunger that demanded satisfaction.
"Is that what you want?" you whispered, your voice tinged with a husky urgency, leaning in to brush his mouth. The words slipped past your lips, each syllable feeling foreign, as if your own voice carried the weight of unfamiliarity to your ears. "Do you want me to ride you hard, to feel my tight little pussy squeezing your cock?"
"Fucking hell..." he growled between kisses, his hard cock pulsating within your fist, he was close, you could tell. "...I've officially corrupted you, haven't I?"
"Damn right you have...you gave me permission to let loose, didn't you?..." you murmured, your lips falling toward his jawline, placing a trail of wet kisses along the ridge, slowing your motions on his dick. "Turned me into your filthy little whore...meant for taking your cock and swallowing your cum..."
"Oh my fuck-" he cried out in exasperation, his hands shooting to your wrists, pulling your fingers off his cock and directing you overtop of him, guiding you until you were straddling his waist. "Princess, you keep talking like that I'm going to fucking-"
Without giving him a chance to finish, you ripped your hands from his hold and brought them to his face, pulling his mouth to yours as you thrust your fingers through his messy curls. You rolled your cunt against his needy length, rocking your hips until the head of his cock met your clit--and you moaned into his mouth, his fervent fingers digging into your flesh with enough strength to make you wince, his pelvis jerking up against yours.
You slowly lifted one hand from his hair and moved it toward your underwear, shifting them to the side to reveal your wet heat. You let out a small gasp as your fingers slipped easily through your slick folds, collecting your wetness and teasing your pulsing entrance. As you continued to pleasure yourself, you broke the kiss and quickly brought your fingers up to your mouth, sensually sucking your own juices off of them as you held Mattheo's stare. His jaw tensed, eyes darkening with an intensity that held yours captive. Your gaze remained locked as you sensually swirled your tongue around your fingers, savoring every drop of desire before delicately pulling them free.
"My fucking Gods, Raven..." his body was tense with pleasure as he stared at you, his eyes ignited in a flame so hot you felt your skin sizzling. "You are so fucking hot...." he gripped your head, pulling you down closer to him, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered, "let me taste you, baby."
His hands moved over your body, exploring every inch of your curves as he kissed you deeply, his tongue seeking out yours with a desperate hunger. Moaning, you braced against his chest, rocking your pelvis, grinding down against his cock, and he held you tighter, meeting you stroke for stroke, swallowing your kiss like he needed it to breathe, tasting your juices off your tongue. 
His hands found your chest, tugging down your bra to expose your nipples, and when the pad of his finger grazed the hardening, sensitive bud--you squeaked, breaking the kiss.
"Fuck...is that good, Matty?" You mewled, slicking your wetness along the length of his cock, feeling him pulse beneath you as he swirled his thumb over your nipple. "Or do you need another taste?"
"So fucking good, princess," he muttered, his eyes darkening with a primal hunger. "You already know I'll always need more."
A sly smirk crossed your face as you slowly traced your fingers down to your heat, sliding them back along your slit and collecting your slick juices yet again. Your eyes never left Mattheo's as you brought your fingers back up and sensually slipped them into your mouth, letting out a soft moan as you sucked them clean. With a sultry gaze, you leaned in close to him, grasping his jaw firmly.
"Open up for me, then, daddy," you whispered in his ear, your voice dripping with lust and desire. "Please..."
The sound of your own words sent shivers of excitement down your spine, and you could feel the heat building between your thighs as you teased him. Never in a million years would you have expected to say those words, and judging by Mattheo's reaction to them, neither did he. His eyes widened slightly, but he quickly composed himself, his jaw tensing with restraint as he fought off every single urge to flip you over and fuck you until you couldn't walk.
"Salazar save me..." he purred, slipping a hand into your hair, grip tightening. "As you wish."
As he parted his lips, sticking out his tongue, you leaned in closer, and with a seductive smile, you gathered your saliva and spat it into his mouth. The moment your spit connected with his tongue, you felt a surge of excitement course through your body, heightening the intensity of the moment. You weren't sure what the fuck had come over you tonight, but you were helpless to fucking stop it.
Mattheo's eyes flashed with desire as he swallowed your saliva, his tongue working to catch every last drop. It was completely, unquestionably clear that he was turned on beyond belief by your newfound confidence and boldness--unable to resist letting out a low growl of arousal in response. You grinned, pressing your lips to his in a soft, fleeting kiss.
"You're a fucking filthy little slut..." he growled, smirking as you giggled at his reaction, unable to control yourself. "So...so fucking filthy."
"Mhm," you mused through a smile, grazing your lips over his. "But I'm your filthy little slut."
A mischievous twinkle ignited in your eye as you leaned in, initiating a deep and passionate kiss. Your tongue danced with his, exploring the recesses of his mouth with fervor. The heat and passion intensified, a soft moan escaping your lips, signaling your body's eager response to his touch. His hands, once cradling your head, now roamed up and down your back, tracing every curve and inch with an exploratory hunger.
"Raven," he murmured, his voice a rasped, almost desperate plea. "As much as I'm loving this foreplay...you're driving me to the fucking edge of insanity here..."
"You always were teetering on the edge, Matty," you teased, a wicked gleam in your eyes. "I'm just here to push you over."
Smirking against his mouth, you brought a hand down, directing his cock to your throbbing entrance before finally, finally sinking down onto his thick shaft, gasping as you felt him fill you up completely. A deep, animalistic groan escaped Mattheo's lips as he felt you, tight and wet, enveloping him fully.
"Mmm, you're so fucking big, Matty..." you moaned, your voice filled with unbridled passion. "So fucking deep."
You savoured the feeling of being stretched to your limit, taking a moment to let yourself adjust to how deep and big he was before you slowly began to shift your hips, slowly began to ride him.
Mattheo's lips parted, chest reaching for air as he let you adjust, pulsing inside of you. "Mhm...all for you, my girl...fuck-all yours..."
Your movements were slow and tantalizing, your hips rolling gently as you rocked back and forth on top of him, stretching yourself open with his cock. You could feel him grow harder inside you with each passing moment, the sound of his low moans driving you wild with lust. Looking down at him, you could see the desire in his eyes, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he thrust up to meet your movements.
"Fuck-" you gasped as he rutted up into you, his movements turning more aggressive by the second. "All mine-all fucking mine..."
Mattheo's strength overwhelmed you--he slammed you from below, fucking up into you, forcing gasps and squeals from your lungs. Bliss blazed through your blood as the force of his thrusts throttled you, body quaking, breasts bouncing. His face was screwed in a twist of lust and effort, lip furled, strangled growls escaping his chest--he pumped hard, fast, pinching you in his hands as his own pleasure built.
"Fuck," he growled, "that's right--do you like that?"
"Yes...Gods-yes..." the words were as unfiltered as you were. "I love it..."
"Good--good girl." His stare devoured you while you rode him. "So beautiful..so perfect..." a hand glided up your side, cupping one of your tits. "And all mine..." he grunted, punished you with a particularly hard thrust-you yelped. "Say it."
"Yours-" you howled, a sharp gasp fleeing your chest as his rough hand pulled back and smacked your ass, his strokes deep and powerful. You could feel his hips slamming against your body, the force sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. "All yours, Matty!"
He growled, seething, teeth barred in a snarl as he smacked your ass again, sending a jolt of pain and pleasure shooting through your body. You cried out, arching your back as he urged you on with each smack.
"Don't hold back, baby," Mattheo growled, his voice filled with raw desire. "I want to hear you scream my fucking name...let them know who you fucking belong to."
With those words, he pumped into you harder and faster, his body slamming against yours so hard that the bed began to shake, headboard slamming against the wall with every thrust. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, teetering on the brink of ecstasy.
"Fuck! Mattheo!" You moaned, your voice breaking with pleasure. "Please! Don't stop Matty-fuck-"
"Fuck," he growled again. "You're so fucking tight..." his pace switched, and he rammed your cunt with brutal, deep strokes, striking your cervix with white streaks of pain. "You take my cock so fucking well baby...so fucking perfect..."
"Matty-" you gasped, quaking, clit screaming for attention. "Please-"
"Fuck-" he hissed. "My filthy fucking slut wants to cum, doesn't she?"
Without waiting a singular moment for your response, Mattheo groaned, shifting you off of him until you found yourself on your back against the soft expanse of his sheets. Like a starved animal, he wasted no time at all before he climbed back over you, peeling your legs wide, both hands gripping your thighs and pushing them back against your chest before he split you back open, cock cleaving your cunt in one deep, harsh thrust. In pleasure, you sobbed.
"Mhm...such a good girl..." he cooed, eyes dark and hungry as he shifted a hand to your head, cradling the back of your neck as he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against yours. "My perfect girl...my fucking perfect little cumslut..."
Whinging, you gasped, lost in the depth of his eyes as he fucked you harder, deeper, his hand leaving your leg and snaking down between your thighs, harshly rolling over your clit. You cried out, clenching and convulsing against him as he fucked you into the mattress, his eyes never once leaving yours, each stroke bringing new, desperate breath to your lungs as you felt him building your orgasm block by block, thrust by thrust.
"Is that what you are-shit-" Mattheo groaned, deep and low as his hand shifted to grip your jaw, pinching your cheeks together. He slicked your clit while he fucked you, the sensations warm and wet and spinning you to the height of euphoria. "Say it."
"Yes-fuck-" you practically screamed, unable to break your eyes from his, the eye contact alone nearly pushing you over the edge of bliss. "I'm yours! I'm your fucking cumslut-"
"Cum-fuck-cum for me," he ordered through barred teeth, "cum on this fucking cock..."
Like his perfectly trained pet, you obeyed, falling over the edge of ecstasy, pleasure coursing through every inch of your body as you cried out his name. Mattheo groaned, breath sputtering in his lungs, lids squeezed shut as he continued to pound into you relentlessly, his own climax fast approaching. With one final thrust, he let out a low growl and came inside you, filling you with the warmth of his release, his forehead resting against yours, your pulses pounding in pace until he had regained enough composure to push up and pull out.
As he reclined back on his bed, Mattheo drew you into an intimate embrace, enfolding you securely against his chest. Beneath your ear, his heart throbbed with a rapid tempo, and his breath, hot and laboured, danced against your skin. In a shared moment of quietude, words became superfluous. Both of you lay there, intertwined, finding solace in the cocoon of each other's arms.
In the aftermath of your intimate embrace, Mattheo's voice sliced through the tranquil stillness with genuine curiosity.
"Why did you come here tonight?" His words hung in the air, laden with a desire for understanding. "Not that I'm complaining, I'm just-"
Your smirk adorned your lips as you shifted, peering up at him. "I just missed you."
He blinked, a faint flush tinging his cheeks. His hold on you tightened, one hand delicately weaving through your hair.
"You missed me, huh?" Amusement danced in his tone, a smirk crawling across his perfect plush lips. "Poor little bird. Helpless without me."
A scoff escaped you, but the grin betrayed your playful facade. "On second thought, I take it back-"
"Nope," he interjected, his fingers gently arranging your hair behind your ear. "Too late for that, princess."
You huffed, eyelids fluttering as you reveled in the warmth of his body, nestled in his secure embrace. "Perhaps you're right...but let's not forget that you were the one jerking off while thinking-"
"Touché," he responded, his nails digging into your scalp, a playful attempt to silence you. "It's just...you know the boys will have questions tomorrow...there's  no fucking way they didn't hear us."
You captured your lip between your teeth, a moment of contemplation enveloping you as your fingers traced aimless patterns over Mattheo's chest. The room held a quiet intimacy, interrupted only by the gentle caress of your touch.
"Good," you finally responded, your voice dipped in a low timbre. "I don't really care anymore, Matty...I just...I just want to be with you."
"I know..." he cooed, his fingers tenderly weaving through your hair, fingertips massaging your scalp. "Just a couple more weeks...then we don't have to hide anymore."
His words carried both a promise and an underlying uncertainty that resonated with you. Graduation loomed on the horizon, a gateway to a future fraught with unknowns. As he spoke, a pang of apprehension gripped you. The freedom from secrecy seemed tantalizing, yet the uncertainties beyond graduation loomed like a shadow in your thoughts.
"I started writing your mentorship report for Dumbledore tonight," you softly admitted, the words carrying a whisper-like weight. The pending admission feeling like pulling teeth from your gums. "That's why I came...it, um...it made me anxious...worried."
"Worried?" he repeated, his head nuzzling against yours. "Why?"
A fragile silence lingered before you whispered, "I just don't know what's going to happen to us after this... I mean, if I get a job here and-"
"Shh, Raven..." he murmured, pulling you impossibly closer. "Doesn't matter where you are, where I am... we'll make it work."
Your heart fluttered, a mix of uncertainty and hope intertwining. "Will we?"
"We will," he assured, pulling the sheets up and over you both as if creating a cocoon of reassurance, "nothing could ever keep me from you..."
You shifted once more, your gaze rising to meet his, a newfound warmth enveloping your entire being, surpassing the comforting embrace of any blanket or the flickering glow of a fire. Your eyes locked onto him, taking in the sight before you--his lids rested gently closed, long lashes casting delicate shadows on his flushed cheeks, while his fingers continued their soothing journey through your hair.
It was a tableau of serenity, a moment where you witnessed Mattheo in a state of unparalleled contentment and relaxation, radiating a happiness you had never seen him wear so vividly.
"How can you be so sure?" you murmured, almost afraid to disrupt the tranquility that surrounded him.
"Because we've weathered it all already, and just look at us..." he responded, his smile radiating, even without opening his eyes. "Besides, where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?"
A gentle chuckle, laced with both disbelief and affection, escaped your lips. You couldn't fucking believe that this was your life, you couldn't believe that this was the same man from a few months ago.
"Are you feeling okay?..." you teased, the playful incredulity in your voice echoing the rare and serene side of him that unfolded before you. "Who are you, and what have you done with Mattheo Riddle?"
"What can I say, Raven," he murmured, the softness of his tone carrying a hint of vulnerability. "You've changed me."
You scoffed, suppressing a full-blown giggle. "I didn't change anything; you did that all yourself."
"Save the modesty, princess," he husked, a subtle edge of desire in his voice. "You could change the fucking world with your hands behind your back."
"My Gods, Mattheo..." you breathed, your entire body tingling. "If you wanted me to get on my knees for you all you had to do was ask."
With a tender smile, Mattheo shifted you onto your side, drawing you closer. He settled behind you, his face nuzzling into the curve of your neck. One arm slid gently beneath your head, cradling it, while the other wrapped around your waist in a comforting embrace. You melted into him, pushing back against his body as tight as you could.
"This will do, Raven," he murmured, his warm breath caressing your neck. "But if you keep pushing your ass against me like that, we're going to have a problem."
"Mm," you smirked, relishing the tightening grip of his hand on your waist. "Not a problem that we can't fix."
He huffed, choosing to remain silent, but you could feel his grin against your skin. A brief pause hung in the air, the room submerged in a serene stillness. Beyond the window, the black lake flickered in the moonlit night, its waves reflecting the shimmering light like liquid silver.
Breaking the quietude, Mattheo's voice, a soft murmur, rekindled the conversation. "You know," he said, his words carrying a wistful note, "the only time I ever slept well was when you were in my arms."
"Why?" you inquired, your voice a gentle prompt, as curiosity laced the quiet exchange. "Do you usually have trouble sleeping?"
"Usually," he sighed, a blend of fondness and vulnerability threading through his words. "Yet another part of me you seemed to effortlessly fix."
A brief pause enveloped you both, the stillness broken only by the rhythmic cadence of his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest against your back. As you felt him slowly surrender to the embrace of sleep, his grip on you loosening, a smile of contentment graced your lips.
"Sleep," you whispered, your voice a gentle reassurance, barely audible in the quiet room. "I'll fend off the bad dreams if they dare to approach."
“My fierce little protector.” He huffed, his voice a deep, raspy drawl. "I'm so fucking in love with you."
Your heart warmed, melting at his words. "And I'm fucking so in love with you."
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h5eavenly · 3 months
Fallen Star┃Jake Sim
seventeen- can't you see the human in my being? warning: suggestive all over other than that enjoy yn+jake bonding!! and grab some snacks cus this is a long one
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The feeling of cool water surrounding you is celestial to say the least, albeit the smell of chlorine that cuts through the small space sharply, it meshes with the fragrance of your shampoo. It’s a dizzying scent if you focus on it too much. You hum to yourself, the enervation that has been clinging to your body amidst your busy schedule for the past couple of days, slowly dissolves, becoming one with the droplets trickling down your skin.
From seemingly long and dreadful red-carpet interviews you watched Jake go through, a couple of runway shows accompanied by your messed up sleeping schedule thanks to the time difference. This relaxing time was much needed.
With the pool having an open rooftop, the moonlight seeps in, illuminating the dark, reflecting against the water as if tiny million diamonds are swimming alongside you. The sight brings a silly smile to crawl up your face. In this moment, your life doesn’t feel as tangible as the warmth spreading throughout your chest.
Your tranquil silence is heckled by the sound of a door sliding open, footsteps following. You swivel your head around, a startled expression overtaking your smile at the sight of Jake. An amused arch of an eyebrow coaxes forth his own surprise upon seeing you.
“Hey?” You speak, swimming closer to him. Your hair slicked back, your face bare of anything and a natural flush settling upon your cheeks. It’s a sight he was not prepared enough to behold stumbling from between his cold sheets.
Hence why it takes longer than essential for your words to penetrate his brain, stretching seconds for him to compose himself.
“I was wondering who the fuck is crazy enough to be swimming at 12 am. Of course it’s our precious bunny.”  He teases, a smile curling at the end of his lips as he sits on one of the lounge chairs, by the edge.
It’s unfortified, a scarce display of a sentiment that settles right atop your heart, evoking beats mellowed down to a mere hankering for him. It’s simply serendipitous despite the knowledge that you know he doesn’t mean it endearingly, not one bit. Not with the way mischief colors his grin. Yet, your cheeks obliterated with a darker flush, foolishly you could only pray it’s not visible enough for his eyes to catch it.
“I couldn’t sleep.” An all too adorable of smile spreads across your lips, Jake blames it on his lack of sleep as he eyes you wading to him, till you’re close enough to rest your arms upon the side of the pool, a sparkle matches the light emerging from the moon swims in your gaze, your sweet scent invisibly travels all the way to him.
“So, you decided to take a swim in the middle of the night?”
“Mhm.” You relax your chin in the palm of your hand “I had to call Niki as well. I haven’t talked to him ever since we landed in Paris.”
“How is he doing?” he asks, leaning back on the chair and his eyes growing half-lidded as he tips his head back, they’re growing unabashed, lowering over the length of your slender neck.
A knot forms in your stomach at the ferocity.
“He’s alright.” You breathe out, softly.
“Is it morning in Korea?” he asks, chewing on his lower lip and you, with enormous exertion will enough self-control not to let your eyes wander.
“Yeah, I think I called him in the middle of class but oh well.”
“You miss him?”
“a little bit. Is that too loser of me?”  you breath out a giggle, diffidently brushing a strand of your hair away from your face, even though it never moved out of place.
“it’s cute.” He replies, with integrity fettering his words. Your breath hitches ever so slightly, stolen by the fondness coating the air.
It’s a stillness that is unfamiliar yet welcome, twirled with the warmth of your chest and his peace of mind.
“You’re calling me cute?” he rolls his eyes playfully, a smile forcing its way on his face and your giggles turn discordant, evoking the air to sparkle with your effulgence.
“I’m saying you missing your brother is cute.”
“So, I’m not cute?” you push your lips into a pout, a strive to capture fallen praises from his mouth. He leans forward, pressing his index finger into the skin of your forehead, tipping your head back and you follow with ease, a lazy smile climbing up your lips.
“You’re annoying.” He jokes, leaning back in his chair.
“You said it so fondly I’m taking it as a compliment.”
Jake doesn’t say anything back to that, only tilts his head to the side with an enticing simper and you fall into tune with an amicable song. It’s plaited with stares brimming with desire, curls of his smile and the fluttering of your lashes. Induced with your cheeks glowing pink, your heartbeat remains abiding.
A silent movie that unfolds right amidst your eye contact.
“Why aren’t you asleep?”  you ask, a venture in tries to dissipate the tension daunting on you, you tell yourself it’s out of nowhere, yet the look in Jake’s eyes has been as transparent as ever.
Push and pull, a servant to overflowing lust.
It’s instantly deemed a failure when his silence stretches, his eyes are too busy watching you, too patently diverted with how inviting your lips look.
“I don’t know. I just couldn’t sleep for some reason.” he shrugs.
Perhaps it’s the way his pale skin almost glimmers under the moonshine that has your breath hitching. As if stars traveled for years only to disintegrate with enough force upon his first breath into the universe. Amassing atop his skin, in the flickers of shades in his eyes and in-between the black strands of his hair. Even with fatigue staining his undereye, evidence of his tossing and turning in the mess atop his head. Jake remains the most dazzling star you got the chance to behold.
Not dancing along to this all-too-familiar song of allure is impossible. You fall into step way too easily, it’s embedded with the way your own eyes cloud with desire, a bite to your lower lip as you attempt to push your breasts together with an innocent grin, induced with charm. His eyes flit down immediately, tongue darting out to wet his own lips.
“There’s gotta be a reason. Weren’t you pretty tired earlier?”
“You should relax.”
“Oh? How do you think I should relax?”
“There’s a lot of ways to relax.”
“Like what baby?”
Ah fuck. You don’t expect it and it shows in the way your eyes widen, crushed rose petals traverse across your cheeks and triumphant blooms upon his just as strong. The endearment goes straight to your core. A fire slipping down your folds.
You avert your eyes for a moment in futile attempts to collect your thoughts, to not turn into putty under his stare. He remains ruthless with his intensity, your body growing impossibly hot.
When you look back at him there’s newfound seduction coating your lips, tilting them upwards.
“I don’t know,” you start with a shrug “Maybe you’re just hungry Jake?” Your words spill like candied sweets, melting his tiredness away and rendering his senses awake. His brows raising in pleasant surprise, galvanizing him into leaning forward.
“Famished.” He answers, quickly, no sense of hesitation.
“You should eat then.”
“I should.”
You smile with your eyes before your lips, even with air tinted red with lust. A hue of brightness surrounds you. It does nothing to the way he watches you with undevoted attention as you amble out of the water. You take your time, dawdling past him to grab your towel. The minutes ticking by agonizingly slow as you dry yourself.
His eyes run wild, in their own race against his sinful cravings, trailing all over your body with no shame to hold him back, submerged with ripples of heat, it’s in the fire setting a trail form him to you ablaze. Surging up with beguiling invitation. By the slowness of your hand’s movement, it’s clear you’re holding back your cards, leading with teasing batting of your lashes, darting stares and giggles.
However, tonight Jake has no time for premeditated moves.
He already bared them all on the table.
“Come here bunny.” He says lowly, an order lacing his tone.
“Where?” you ask, faux abstinence has your eyes widening in pureness. He sees past them all, pulling on his own end of desire with a raise of brow at you. Colored with lead that makes your mouth water.
Yet he still lets a chuckle slip, overtaken by merriment. He pats his thigh silently; it is more than enough for you to follow. You trudge towards him, his eyes growing heavier with each step, darkening with a daze of lust.
As soon as you’re within distance, his hand wraps around your hip, his thumb brushing over your tattoo with tenderness that has you exhaling.
“I forgot about this little guy.” He comments, eyes fixated on your hipbone.
“You hurt his feelings.” You retort in a hushed whisper, albeit impishness, you’re closer to stifling on the mere idea of him.
Keeping his gaze interlocked with yours he leisurely inches forward, his other hand curling around your waist and tugging you towards him and you allow it with adroitness dripping from the softening of your fingers pushing through his hair. His lips part marginally, just enough for him to place an open-mouthed kiss right over your tattoo.
“Sorry.” He murmurs halfheartedly, the twitch of his lips should annoy you like it always does and yet you don’t find it in you the same way you don’t find an answer to give back.
You’re mutilated, particles that only ever come together under his diverting touches of adulation.
At your silence, he kisses it again, closing his eyes as if to savor the flavour of your skin, as if decades have managed to mesh within the negligent hours of his workdays since the last time he felt your skin on his lips. It feels closer to that when you let a whimper out, your fingers tightening in his strands as his lips slowly travel up. With bruising kisses akin to infatuation seeping into your skin, whizzing with your blood. he leaves a trail of stardust behind, seared onto your skin with electricity that will surely remain for days.
“Jake.” You moan, overtaken with debility that has him groaning.
As if a coil that snaps, a tempest of lechery he cannot hold back anymore, his hold on you consolidates, his fingers pressing into your flesh as he pulls you to straddle his lap, your arms find his neck naturally and the proximity is enough for him to wave his vanquishment haughtily
“I want you.” He whispers wantonly right atop your lips, his breath reeking of mint and your legs tremble with his honesty.
“You can have me.” you press your chest into him, lust erupts from between your words all the way down to your core.
You collide with feverish force, your lips unfurling almost promptly as his tongue invades your mouth. Your kiss turns messy and wet sinfully quick. His hands are all over your body, on your ass one minute and then your waist only to end up on your breasts, kneading them with the same yearning unfolding within you, it has you grinding down on him.
With desire coating your hands, they slip down his body with their own purpose, slipping past the constrictions of his undergarments, your palm wrapping around his shaft, he groans against your lips and the sound is enough to have your hand moving up and down languidly. It is ample for pleasure to seep into him, breaking from your kiss with a moan. A sound so melodically profaned, your own core shakes all the same.
“fuck” he whispers, resting his forehead against yours and you kneel into reverence with force, kindled with adoring eyes lingering on every expression that passes by him.
Every twist on his face, crinkle of his brows and then the way his eyes catch yours, not stumbling by a blunder but rather with intention. Akin to butterfly wings grazing the softness of petals. Entranced by their beauty and you, with one another, sweetness manages to mesh within all the fissures of ambivalence between you. He manages to stay the prettiest even with pleasure fogging his essence.
His hand encircles your wrist, halting your movements with a bite to his lower lip and you exhale, not realizing you were holding yourself back from breathing in all along.
“Let’s go to my room.” He says, voice a mere whisper with your lips almost touching, your chest heaving. As your eyes dart between his darkening orbs and his mouth, you nod.
Your appetency to feel his body against yours, and his greed for your mewls to spill into him overwhelm every other sensation with vigor, painting the inside of your mind with emptiness, induced with echoes of need for him. It all unwinds between his sheets and his hips moving against yours, with lust drunk kisses and stares that stretch way too long to be deemed appropriate for the relationship you two have.
You don’t allow yourself to dwell on it, even when Jake kisses trail from your lips to your cheeks with delicacy dusting them before he rolls off you.
After the both of you are showered, you learn on the doorframe of his bathroom, in a bathrobe and watch as Jake gets dressed in alleviated movement. He turns to face you, no usual disquiet etched onto his features. Instead, his skin glows brighter with city lights from his window.
“You wanna eat together?” you open your mouth to answer, yet before your words even manage to exist, your stomach grumbles, the sound cutting through the air forcefully.
He chuckles and your cheeks grow warm, with adorable discomfiture.
“I’m really hungry.” You smile.
“Me too.”
Jake ends up ordering room service, despite the late hour you’re guessing it’s one of the privileges you get when you’re the most famous person in Korea. With a table full of food separating you. Your chatter fills the room, with gleaming eyes and a beam on your face, your words unraveling parts of your past with funny situations and random pictures you had of your friends. Jake listens fastidiously, with seemingly uprunning attention and nods when it’s imperative.
“This was at Niki’s last birthday party. Wonie got so drunk there’s a not a silly thing that could cross your mind that he didn’t do,” you explain with a soft laugh, showing him the video, you took a few months back, falling into the warmth of nostalgia.
“Wait who’s that? Next to Ryujin.” he asks, fingers pointing at your screen.
“Oh, that’s Heeseung.”
“He looks different in everything you show me I swear.”
“Really? I feel like he looks the same.” You retort with an endearing giggle, one that has him clearing his throat as you scroll through your cameraroll “Maybe it’s the hair. He dyes it a lot.” You murmur, more to yourself as you tilt your head at the screen of your phone.
“Is he the one who gave you the alien tattoo?”
“Yes.” You groan, covering your face with your palm. It has a fond smile spreading across his face.
“What’s all that about anyways?”
“It was a stupid fucking bet.”
“Mm. tell me. I’m intrigued.”
You stare at him with dewy widened eyes, pulling your lips into a pout saturated with desires to run away. It does little to nothing to grate through his façade, it stays unwavering as he arches an eyebrow at you, scuttling gaze and you sigh. Knowing you’re cornered.
“I don’t want you to laugh at me.” You whine, a glisten takes place between your lashes, it evokes his fondness to enlarge.
“I won’t.”
“you’re already smiling,” your pout deepens, and his smile only stretches.
“Tell me.” you sigh with defeat.
“Basically, there was this guy I was obsessed with back in highschool. So, me and Heeseung made a bet that if I confessed to him in front of everyone, he’s gonna give me money.”
“How much?”
“Like 300$.”
“Damn. And the tattoo?”
“He said if I lost, he’d tattoo that stupid toy story alien on me. I thought there’s no way I’m losing so of course I agreed. Besides I had heard stuff about how the guy also likes me so I thought this should be easy.”
“Okay? What happened then?” you sigh, bracing yourself for the heat already crawling up the length of your neck with immense speed.
“I ended up confessing to the wrong guy.” You admit, looking at him through your lashes, Jake’s expression drops, crossing his arms atop his chest.
“You confessed to the wrong guy?” you nod, and he lets out an exhale of a chortle, crossing all the way to your chest and spreading just like you imagine an angel’s wings to unbosom “How?”
“They looked the same from the back. And I just went up to him and spilled the contents of my heart and you know what’s the worst thing about it?”
“It was during lunch time and in the middle of cafeteria, so everyone heard me.” you grouse, the embarrassment of the situation clambering over you all the same.
“So, you humiliated yourself and managed to get a shitty tattoo all at once?”
“Pretty much.” You answer with a chuckle.
A short silence settles, not twisted with excruciating awkwardness but rather a pleasant warmth, like the feeling of sunrays upon your skin after a dreadful cruel winter. It’s in the way Jake’s freshly clean hair falls over his eyes as he looks at you. It’s seraphic, enough to have you falling breathless, yet you don’t find the urge to run away from his gaze in you. Conjuring up enough gallantry to envelope his atoms with the affability of your smile.
His eyes dart down to your plate, a frown taking over his face at the sight of it being empty.
“Eat bunny. Who do you think I got this food for?” He berates with a tsk, adding pieces of steak onto your plate and you watch with amusement clinging to your features.
“You didn’t need to order this much.” You comment, digging into your food regardless.
“I told you I was hungry.” He replies, adding steamed vegetables onto your plate as well “Your diet is so shit. Have some veggies.”
“Excuse me? my diet is not shit- oh my god stop adding so much I can’t eat all of this Jake!” Giggles erupt from between your lips, amid bites you cover your mouth with the back of your hand.
“It is shit. All you have is sugar and coffee.” He falls back into his seat, bestowing you some mercy and leaving your plate alone.
“I have other stuff.”
He hums, resting his chin upon the heart of his palm. Watching as you indulge into your food with a smile of joy overriding your antecedent stubbornness.
“Why do you love sweets so much?” he asks after a while, after he has given you enough minutes to chew a good chunk of your plate.
“I don’t have a specific reason. It’s like my comfort amidst the chaos of life.”
Comfort. It tumbles out your mouth so easily, unrestricted by the shackles of hardship yet it reverberates with crudeness throughout the nooks of his brain, tastes pungent on his tongue. Nevertheless, it swirls in his mind with prodding questions. It translates into his gaze fogging up. Nebulous with conjectures if comfort were in the cards for him.
Surprisingly, you seem to be catching on to his telltales of running eyes and busy brain, as you pretend to pick your fork, your hand brushes against his briefly, akin to the feeling of Forget me nots on the tips of his finger. Like spring, warmth on the contrary to the coldness of his soul. It’s enough to bring him back to you. Eyes focused as they flit between your hand and your face.
“Do you have something like that?”
“Like that?”
You look out the huge window and Jake’s eyes stay on you, the marvelous city lights reflect upon your face, a sparkle manifesting in your eyes that is just as bright. As if every speck that is meant to shine only ever does so for you. it’s only evoked by the smile knitted with the rapture of existing on your face. It’s a little unjust – Jake feels, the realization that no matter what city he ends up in, no matter what roof he’s under and what kind of flavors on his tongue you’ll remain extravagant.
“Something that brings you comfort. when the world gets too loud, where do you find your silence?” You continue after a few seconds of quietness.
“I don’t think I have that.” He answers honestly.
There’s a rare vulnerability coating his words, cladding his being, it’s in the way the words fall from his lips, in the way he looks at you and it’s enough for you look back at him with similar vulnerability. The softening of your gaze does not summon his impulses to the surface. He doesn’t feel like running, instead he settles, right under Sakura petals. with a bated breath and you with a stirring heart that comes to life with emotions twinging into something much deeper than sexual attraction.
“Do you believe in hope?” you’re acutely aware of the confusion that fills his being at your question, raking through his mind for an answer that would make enough sense, deemed sane enough to give.
Please let me in you want to tell him don’t hide yourself from me you wish to speak yet you’re aware of the vow you’ve made. Of keeping yourself in check, never too far in. not this time.
“I don’t remember what hope feels like.” He starts, eyes flickering between yours and your chest tightens, not necessarily out of pity but rather as if a mirror had metalized and you’re looking at yourself. Relics of a human who has been too scratched up to recall anything else. There’s nothing as heavy as carrying around a bruised heart and more than anyone, you have memorized the weight.
“What is your hope like?” he asks, tilting his head at you with full attentiveness and your lips tilt up into a gentle smile, one that feels like soothing waves of comfort upon his heart.
“My hope is a lot of things.” You breathe out a chuckle “My hope is seeing Niki happy and healthy. My hope is seeing people’s worries flee their eyes when you help them with something or seeing the flowers I’ve been watering finally come to full bloom right under my gaze.” You trail off sheepishly, your smile growing the more words spill from your mouth “My biggest hope remains in Japan.”
“Japan?” he asks, and you nod along.
“I want to open a bakery in Japen. A cute little, small one where I sell my baked goods and I get to witness people’s smile upon their first bite.” Jake sees it all in your face and in your words – the pure euphoria that comes solely from dreaming. Not in desperate attempts to find happiness in melancholic hours of your everyday life but rather while floating away alongside the clouds, elicited by what could have been and what could be.
It is a little foolish, he finds it to be. He had long given up on looking for what cannot be tangible, what he cannot sense between the grasp of his fingers. Yet within his dark sky a singular gleaming star is born, sparkling into life and it is merely coaxed by the way you’re looking at him right now.
“That sounds magical bunny.” He comments and it’s genuine, coloring every letter yet for unascertained reasons you find yourself longing to give him touches of your magic.
Though deprived of unbridled happiness. You don’t recall moments when you got to enjoy crumbs of gaiety without worries of tomorrow or the future invading your mind. Hence dreaming, hope remains a taste of joy amidst the bitterness that comes with living and growing older.
You can’t help but grow a want to give him the same hope.
“If you could do anything you want do right now, without consequences and without worries,” you start, voice much quieter than before “what would it be?”
He is silent for a moment, his eyes drifting to the window and this time it’s you with a lingering gaze at him, overtaken by the glaze of his irises.
“I want to be able to love music like I used to.”
Aleit the months you have spent by his side, beholding the facets he likes to wear and witnessing the rare moments where it’s just him. Right at this moment, it’s just Jake and his grief. Tinted with a glacial agony that only comes from forcibly letting go of love. For them to pull your heart out from the unrelenting clutches of your hands, and yet you’re empty handed.
A glacial agony that runs through your bloodline just as deep.
“Can’t that be your hope?”
“No.” he laughs swiftly, but it’s void of emotions, not a spark of humor can be distinguished, no happiness “Music can never be my hope. Not again.”
“Why?” you ask, tentatively “Why can’t you love music the same way you did?”
Jake never gives you an answer, he isn’t unkind in any way, not vicious in any sense. He is as placid as still waters, nowhere near as wild as your heartbeat as he smiles at you, it’s benign.
can't you see the human in my being? the same one clad with agonizing torment? the one with scars that are deeper than i could ever show?
“Should we go to sleep? We have a long day tomorrow.”
Your conversation with Jake haunts your mind for much longer than you anticipated. When you lie your head on your pillow you don’t drift to sleep like you had hoped. Instead, you stay awake for a little longer while thinking about his words. They all lead you to more questions. After seeing the amount of crowd that had been waiting for him at the airport you realize he is truly Korea’s biggest celebrity so what exactly happened for him to leave Paranoia? How did he end up here with clear longing for music? What is stopping him? And why does everyone around him seem to be ignoring his clear symptoms of OCD?
Nothing makes sense to you, not him or the people you’re working with. Most importantly the ache that has nestled in your chest at the way he smiled at you stays the most confusing.
You tell yourself you should look up Paranoia, yet you end up falling asleep with your phone between the clutches of your hands.
The next morning comes with a gentle breeze swirling the streets of Paris, taking your thoughts away with the passing wind and the ache that was present last night is long perished, eluded by Jake’s mitigated face that greets you as soon as you’re downstairs. Your sleepiness long forgotten as you lock eyes. His warmth traverses through all the space you create between you as you settle two chairs away from him. Right next to Sunghoon who greets you with a fist bump.
Albeit the unfamiliarity, you find yourself smiling down at your plate.
You and Jay go through Jake’s schedule together. With him not having anything till a Prada event that is set later that evening, it feels more like an off day than anything. As the team gathers to eat breakfast Jennie tells you’re free to do whatever you want all morning.
Sunghoon and Sunoo decide to go back to sleep while Jay grumbles about promises he made with Soojin. It’s only you and Jake. Despite Jennie’s assurance to you that you could spend the day alone if you wanted to. You deemed that to be way too lonely, and boresome for you.
And so, you end up sticking to Jake’s side as he strolls through the city, with an undeniable joy woven into his features, in the steps he takes. It’s a refreshing sight to behold. Has the same joy nestling into you, overtaken and completely dismantling any negative thoughts you had. You never imagined a day to come like this one. Where you’ll able to see him so carefree, smiles find home onto his lips easier, laughs escapes him candidly.
Albeit the couple of bodyguards and a cameraman following you around - something about filming a vlog for Hype’s youtube channel – he looks the happiest you’ve ever seen him. You keep your distance, not wanting to disturb or get caught on camera on accident.
Never too far in. you remind yourself.
It’s only after you pass by a couple of bakeries that the small group of his team stops moving, therefore halting your steps as well. You, overtaken with confusion watch as slowly they separate, as if drawing a path for you and at the end Jake is standing there, waiting for you with a lopsided smile, induced with charm as he beckons you with a wave of his hand.
“Come here, bunny.”  With a racing heart, limbs traced with chagrin at everyone’s eyes on you, you walk to him.
As soon as you’re close enough, his palm envelopes yours with a tug, it is so abrupt, you don’t get enough time to settle into the feeling. Of having him this close to you outside the realms of his bedroom before he pulls you into one of the bakeries. It is so unexpected, and that is solely why your heartbeats are so loud it rings in your ear. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself, even after Jake had ordered three different kinds of pastries and urges you to try each one.
“How does it t taste?” He asks, as you’re standing outside, and his eyes are pasted onto you.
A dark flush seems to have found perennial refuge upon your cheeks, an exposure to all the clamorous beats coursing through your chest, as if your heart is about to ooze through your blush, you chew slowly on the cream cheese Danish, it feels like an explosion of flavours in your mouth. The cream cheese balances the sweetness and the berries on top give it freshness.
It has your eyes widening with an all too known gleam, excitement courses through your body and you hop your feet in place as you face him.
“It’s really yummy!” You reply with evident enthusiasm tinting your voice, awakening his own.
“Let me try.” He tells you, lips curling up into a grin, an underlining endearment at your reaction.
You nod eagerly, just as you’re about to cut the piece of goods in half with the assumption that he probably doesn’t want to eat from the same place your mouth has touched, his hand encircles your wrist, a phantom of gasp scurrying out your lips as he guides your hand with the Danish in it to his mouth, you’re forced to stand on your tiptoes as he takes a bite.
Your heart pulsates against your ribcage, watching him with incredulity all over your face.
Unlike you, Jake is completely nonchalant to the way he acts, instead his eyebrow only raises slightly at the taste.
“y-you don’t like it?”
“It’s okay.” He shrugs and you snort playfully, shaking your head as his grip loosens around your wrist.
“I forgot you’re like impossible to please.”
“It’s not that. I just think yours taste better.”
“Yeah, the stuff you make taste so much better.”
His words shatter through your vow with facility. Dispelling the promises you repeated to yourself as if they’re mere specks of dust. You don’t have enough of stability to focus on what fact first, the one where he admits he has been eating your baked goods that you bring to work all along or the one where he spills compliments into you as if they’re meaningless, as if their sentiment doesn’t overwhelm your being.
“Stop lying.” You whisper, eyes fixated on him.
“I never lie, you know this.” He says, effortlessly “try a different one.” He urges, pointing at the leftover pastries.
Absentmindedly you nod, with flushed cheeks and an increasing heartbeat. A heat seared with a circle around your wrist as if his hand is still around you. Despite his touches that you have felt upon your skin, in ways deeper than you’d ever admit outside the walls of his bedroom. Unwittingly your body makes room for one more sentiment to nestle into you. Not with force, but rather serene.
The same one that fills the tips of your fingers as you this time extend your hand to him, he leans down, eyes locked with yours as he takes a bite from the dessert, right over where your lipstick stained.
“This one taste better.” He hums, and you swallow around nothing, deeming yourself closer to demented with the way you keep staring at his lips.
“I like the other one more.”
“Probably because it’s sweeter.” He chuckles, swiping right at the corner of your lips with his thumb, you almost shriek with an itch to curl onto yourself “Your lipstick was a little messed up.”
“Thanks.” You mumble, inadvertently bringing your fingers to your lips right where he touched.
The following hours unfold with you two going in and out of stores. With notorious intentions like buying gifts for your friends or simply to check out something that managed to catch your attention. Jake follows with a small smile gracing his face, mainly at your overflowing exuberance as you drag him from one place to another.
“What do you think?” you ask, looking into the mirror, a light brown coat draped over you.
Jake hums, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes trail over your figure. At the lack of appease in his gaze, you face him, grinning at him and twirling around “So?” You urge, and he could only shake his head with a soft laugh, amused by the way you seem to pull it from him unequivocally.
“It’s cute bunny,”
“But I think the baby blue would suit your skin tone so much more. This brings a gloomy and serious aura to you.” He adds.
“But I wanna be serious.” You mumble, turning to the mirror with a pout adorning your face.
Jake tips his head to the side, hands in his pockets as his eyes focus on you. primarily you end up trying the baby blue one and just like he said, it suits you so much better, bringing out the colors in your eyes rather than dim them.
“I like it!” you clap your hands diligently, perked up compared to when you tried the one before.
“Get it.” He encourages and you would have nodded eagerly if not your eyes have shifted in the mirror, your attention stolen by a pair of earrings, a different type of gleam takes place onto your face, one that is never directed at yourself.
“Oh my god Niki would love these earrings!”
Jake watches as you shrug off your coat, long forgotten as you make your way to check out the jewelry that had caught your attention. Aleit disappointed he isn’t surprised; he had noticed this tendency of yours coming to the surface all day. Managing to find something worthy to buy for your friends in every store the two of you had stumbled in. anyone but yourself it seems.
Putting yourself as the last resort appears to come to you naturally, constantly at the back of your mind is your own enjoyment, finding it elsewhere and it merely exists in spending your money on other people. Truthfully it did infuriate him more than he’d ever admit. For some odd reason something akin to disillusionment curls into the bit of his stomach each time he watches you casting aside a piece you originally were enthralled with.
Abandoning yourself then leaving with the waves with no intention of coming back.
He strolls behind you leisurely, eyeing the pieces of jewelry and pauses in front of a certain necklace. A sliver chain with a bunny to be specific, it’s rather simple yet the pure design of the bunny has a small smile stretching upon his face. It’s uncanny similarity to you has him purchasing the necklace without much thought and it isn’t until he’s at the cashier paying, he realizes he foolishly followed his impulses.
Who is he to gift you something as endearing as a necklace that reminds him of you? it’s absolutely ridiculous.
“What did you get?” you ask once you’re out the store, eyeing the small bag between his hands.
“Nothing important.” He replies, averting his eyes as he attempts to hide the bag behind his legs. It’s a clear indication of running, an avoidance that you allow. Nodding to yourself.
Never too far in.
It’s only a bit later when you’re both drawn in by a crowd that you catch yourself too far in, Jake stops, with a wandering gaze pasting onto a busker, playing in the middle of people with immense enthusiasm, it’s the passion coloring his gaze and the smile stretching upon his face as if the sun has only rose today for his music to fill the streets. You’re not taken away by his tunes rather by the man standing next to you.
Involuntarily your eyes dart over Jake’s face earnestly to find answers, His eyes are softened, tinged with longing, yearning. One like missing an old friend that you have spent countless nights with, or a soul crushing longing for an old lover that you cannot longer see, touch. The ache a soldier feels for one day to come back home.
Despite the love, pain remains a constant in every single one and you see it in his gaze.
Silently you walk to place money into the busker’s hat, and he throws you a thankful grin. Jake watches you with a gentle smile, a foreign warmth engulfing his being as you walk back to him, you with a craving dripping from your fingertips, one to disassemble his intricate sorrows and him for the veneration infiltrating his bosom at how effortlessly kind you are.
“Should we go back to hotel?”
“Yeah. let’s go back.” You reply with a smile of your own, adoring your face.
The Prada event, unlike the last one, goes by fluidly with Jake’s glamour taking by the cameras and you stand close by, with a hushed secret curled into the palms of your hands. One stroke of glimmer amid the silence in your mind as you watch him. It’s akin to privilege at knowing no lens, no matter the price could ever capture his beauty the way your eyes do. like given the pleasure to behold the flutter of colorful butterfly wings for the first time, you smile faintly to yourself.
The afterparty that follows goes just as lithely, alongside the buzz in your system due to the couple of shots you took. You feel great, dancing with Sunoo and Sunghoon to the blaring music. It’s only an hour later, when a thin sheen of sweat covers your neck that you take a seat right next to Jay. Your eyes heedfully searching the place for a glimpse of your boss.
“Where’s Jake?” you finally ask, turning to face the latter.
“He went back to the hotel.” He answers, “He also told me you should enjoy yourself and don’t worry about going back early for him.”
“I forgot he doesn’t really like parties.” You comment, your fingers picking at your red latex dress. A vague disappointment blooms ever so slightly in you, tracing your veins merely driven by the fact that Jake isn’t here to see it.
“Yeah, not really his scene.” Jay answers with a breath of a chuckle.
At that you perk up, your disappointment is momentarily pushed to the side as an idea swirl in your mind. Coming to life by the questions that have haunted your mind the previous night
“I never would have thought that an ex-rockstar hates parties.” You comment, clearing your throat as you side eye him.
“He’s gone to enough parties to last a lifetime. Now he’s like an old man when it comes to late nights. He’d rather sleep early or stay home.” Jay replies with a shrug.
“Was he that wild in Paranoia?”
“I wouldn’t say wild but more like normal rockstar wild, you know?” He answers vaguely and it only feeds your confusion, filling you with even more prodding questions.
You chew on your bottom lip, contemplating on what to say next. Perhaps it was the alcohol in your system, blurring your filter into nonexistence or it was the curiosity invoked in you by your conversation last night. Or maybe it was the grief haunting Jake’s essence, as if skin draped upon his bones and he cannot seem to take it off.
“Can I talk to you about something?” you ask, and as he leans closer to you to hear you clearly, amidst the chimes of music you ponder for a second if this is the suitable place for you to obtain answers.
“Anything.” He replies right away, and you inch closer, your shoulders touching.
“Throughout my stay with Jake these past few months I’ve noticed some things.”
“Okay? Like what?”
“I’ve been with him almost every second of his everyday life and I’ve noticed that he has some serious OCD symptoms,” Jay falls into a nerve wrecking silence for you, it’s ample for the seeds of doubts in your mind to grow horrendously brisk “I’m sorry if I’m overstepping or perhaps saying something I shouldn’t. my concerns only come from worry for him.” You continue, your eyes darting over his features rapidly in search of a sign.
“It’s okay yn, I know.” he responds.
“You know?” you question, a frown taking over your face quickly.
“Yeah,” He sighs, as if it’s a secret that have finally broke into the world although it’s only you who listens, its existence hangs heavy “It’s pretty obvious if you know him well enough that he has undiagnosed OCD or something along those lines. He probably even knows it at this point.”
“At this point? If you had doubts, why didn’t you suggest he goes to therapy? Surely that would make everything easier for him.”  Your frown is only enhanced by your growing questions.
“I have. But he doesn’t want to so I’m not gonna make him.”
“But why?”
“Because he would have to talk about what he doesn’t want to relive yet. And I cannot blame him for that or take it away from him.”
But what is it that he doesn’t wish to relive? What kind of misery has been casted upon his soul for his wish to flee to remain? An inexorable desire draped with facet of darkness.
“doesn’t that make it harder for you as well?”
“yn he’s not incompetent. You’ve noticed how he deals with and alters his triggers so he’s able to function normally,” he starts, eyes pouring into yours with conviction, a strive to plug out your doubts with vigor “I’m his manager but I’ve been his best friend for years. I trust him and when he does eventually deem himself ready to see someone about it then good for him.” His lips swiftly curl up into a gentle smile as if trying to dismantle your worries “right now he’s handling it really well considering everything and we could only have his back throughout it all.”
Your words wither at the tip of your tongue, not with incentives like contentment but rather with realization that what lies in front of you is something much more tremendous than you thought. It isn’t solved by scratching the surface or a few shared words of comfort between souls. It is attempting to free your closet of skeletons but to cower in fear every time your fingers graze the doorknob. It’s to spend every breathing moment in searching for light only for night to persist, for tears to descend upon your cheeks even after swearing to find happiness in the trivial things.
It’s an anomaly, constantly growing the need to abandon your heart, merely because it bears too heavy, too much.
You understand more than anyone.
So, you stay quiet.
With an ache dragging through your limbs, you make it into your room with a sigh. You immediately throw yourself on the bed as soon as your heels are off. Yet you don’t get to settle into the softness of your sheets before a thud captures your attention. With a furrow you peak at the ground and notice a small bag that you surely didn’t buy has fallen.
You forthwith sit up recognizing it as the bag that was between the clutches of Jake’s hands earlier. your tiredness replaced with an intrigued gleam as you open the bag.
What greets you is not something you have prepared for, not with a hazy mind and surely not with a heart as fragile as yours, it trembles with the scent enveloping the box. His scent. it courses through your being with vivacity, one that has your eyes widening as a necklace with a small bunny pendant stares right back at you.
Your fingers caress the bunny softly, the same way your eyebrows drop and interchangeable from the feelings creasing your being, running alongside your blood is nothing far from adoration. It’s in the way your chest warms with magnificent vehemence. As if the sun has finally shone after years of unwavering cloudiness, sunrays sundering through and it all translates into a smile dispersing across your lips, mostly uninvited.
Taking note of the card hiding in the bag, you take it out and read it.
For whenever your hope wavers
May this bunny help liquidate all your worries.
Your lips curve up in a smile induced with the magnitude of his words, albeit they’re not long they still touch your soul with warmth, evident with the way your irises shake with your heartbeat as they trail over the words over and over again. Placing your palm upon your heart you feel it reverberate, and you let yourself sink into the feeling. Abandoning the confines of the past, of what’s morally correct and what you should do. For tonight and maybe tonight only you allow yourself to feel, for your frail heart to find purpose in such minuscule words and for Jake’ scent to invade every fiber of your being with serene.
You allow yourself to reach for your phone, your fingers scrolling through the contacts, and you call him.
Jake answers on the third ring.
“Hello?” his voice is a tad deeper on the phone, enough to have you sucking in a breath “bunny?” he calls after your silence has lasted.
“Thank you.” you whisper softly.
“For the gift. It’s so pretty Jake, I love it.” Despite the fact that he can’t see your face, he can discern your sincerity through the cadence of your voice. It is enough for him to fall silent for a couple of minutes, listening to you breathe.
“How was the party?” he finally asks, evading your previous conversation.
“Really fun!” your usual liveliness is sneaking back into your voice and it has him smiling “I’m a bit tipsy I’m gonna be honest.” You continue, throwing your head back onto the pillows with a sigh.
“Yeah, Sunghoon sent me a video of you dancing.”
“What? Oh my god!” you exclaim, burying yourself into the pillows with a whine, albeit a bit childish, strangely it doesn’t annoy him, growing accustomed to your antics.
“You got some sick moves yn.” He quips.
“I’m gonna kill Sunghoon.” You grumble, words muffled by the pillow but audible enough for him to chuckle, the sound goes straight to your tummy, breathing life into butterflies to flap their wings “I probably looked like a mess too.” You trail off, turning on your back.
“You always look beautiful.” He retorts, softly and despite giving permission for your feelings to unfold, your being isn’t ready for his first words of flattery to fall upon your ears.
It has your breath hitching audibly, a shift in the air as you squeeze your thighs together.
“Don’t let it get to your head though.” He taunts, taking note of your lingering silence.
“I won’t don’t worry. I’m not Jake Sim.”
“I’m the humblest celebrity to exist what are you on about?”
“You just called yourself a celebrity you’re not humble in any way.” You reply with a snort.
“That’s just facts.”
“Just like how you’re full of yourself is facts?” you muse, rolling onto your side and yet finding yourself squeezing your thighs together at the chuckle he lets loose.
“Since when were you allowed to tease me this much, mhm?” he replies, tone dropping lower with volume, his playfulness is still apparent, it feels closer to warning, one that is whispered before his teeth sink in to you.
“My apologizes boss.” You say, with an evident irony coloring your tone.
A tranquil silence follows, woven with your placid mind yet raving heartbeat. It’s a paradoxical state to be in, especially with how hazy your thoughts are coming out to be. It doesn’t give you room to decipher the reason behind lust climbing up your spine and taking over every coherent sentence you could mutter. It is absolutely unhinged how even the sound of his breathing reminds you of his mouth pressed against your ear as he’s buried deep inside of you.
“You should get some sleep, or you’ll probably feel like shit in the morning,” his voice cuts through your quietness with vigor albeit its lower tone, settles deeper into your being, painting the inside of your brain dark with desire.
“Probably.” You reply breathlessly, eyes dropping, heavy lidded.
“you okay?”
Snapping yourself out of a daze is a strenuous task, one that you are too fatigued for and yet you try, clearing your throat.
“Yeah, just got a lot on my mind. You’re right I should sleep.”
“What are you thinking about?” his voice no higher than a whisper, as if he also could read the contents of your mind, take a look into all the aberrant fantasies manifesting.
“Nothing. You should go to sleep as well.”
“What’s on your mind bunny?” It’s no longer a question rather an order, induced with his stern tone and it has you falling apart in all the same ways he knows, all the same ways you hate.
“You.” you admit with a whisper, as if your embarrassment will subside yet your blush remains.
“What about me baby?”
“You can’t call me that.” You whine, unwittingly burying your face into the pillow yet again, your thighs rubbing together with hopes to relief some of the heat crawling over your being
“You hate it?” he asks with a bated breath, a small victory in knowing you’re not the only one affected by this.
“no.” your voice fades out, overtaken by your heaving chest “Do you like it?”
“Jake.” You don’t mean to be as whiney, yet they spill uncontrollably.
“Tell me.” he demands, oozing with paramountcy there’s no other possible way for you not to fall into him with submission.
“..I like it.” You breathe out, your underwear drenching with your arousal unfairly fast, it has you chewing on your lower lip, your fingers trail an invisible path on your thigh.
“What were you thinking about bunny?” he asks, the same arousal flooding his being, persevering in tainting you both.
“Just you, all over me.” you reply, your words falling with hushed whispers, bated breaths.
“What do you want all over you?”
“Your hands.”
“Where do you want my hands?” his questions stay persisting, It has you squirming upon your sheets unsure if you’re looking for an escape or for his voice to seep into you. He hums when you’re too quiet, urging for your words to follow and you swallow around nothing.
“Want them inside of me.”
“Yeah? what about my mouth?” his own voice grows strained, evidence of his fingers trembling against the rails of control.
“Want it too. Want it so bad.” Your confession falls boundlessly, no time for them to straggle by your deepening blush
“I wanna taste you too. Want you to come all over my tongue.” The mewl you let out at his words is unanticipatedly sinful, enough to have him groaning. A myriad of pictures flash in your mind, each one of them has him in it, infused with deviant touches and lustful kisses.
“Are you touching yourself?” his tone is gentle, a muzzled mutter in contrast to the situation you both found yourself in, you shake your head vigorously even though he cannot see you, you aren’t sure how is it possible for something as trivial as the lilt of someone’s tone to permeate your being this diligently.
“No but I want to.” Your filter is long shattered, your desires spill with nothing holding them back now.
“Don’t” he warns, and you bite back a whimper, swallow it down with vigor “I’m coming to your room. Wait for me.” He ends with a promise, snapping you out of your dazed enjoyment.
Is your last request before your call ends. With an itch in your fingers, you hold back with an immense force you don’t know how you manage to find. That is until ten minutes pass with no sign of Jake and soon after the ten minutes turn into fifteen, you roll off your bed with a huff, mind running a little wild with worry at his absence and an underlining exasperation at your lust being unattended to.
And so, you make your way to his room, albeit the throb of tiredness still evident in your bones, you knock on his door with too much of a force to deemed discreet. You don’t get to linger for hope, one like praying you didn’t disturb anyone else. Before the door opens, a somewhat disheveled Jake comes into view. The first few buttons of his white dress shirt in unattended to, exposing the top of his chest and perhaps you spend way too many fleeting moments staring.
“Bunny- fuck” he breaths out with a draining groan.
“Is everything okay? You said you were coming but- “before your sentence could fully come out your mouth, your eyes shift, darting to the figure behind him and your expression melts off vastly unexpected.
“Jake! Come back!” Soojin yells with a whine, kicking her feet on the ground as she trashes around the bed, discernibly drunk.
“Is she okay?” you ask, eyes fliting between the two.
“She’s just drunk and a little troubled.” He explains warily, running his hand through his hair “I’m sorry about this I’ll make it up to you later, okay? I- “
“Jake!!” Soojin whine cuts into your conversation once again and your smile curl up with force “I’m coming” he retorts, turning his head at her for a moment before facing you once again “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Is there anything I could do to help?” you ask, concern etched upon your face and the sight warms his chest the tiniest bit.
“Not really. It’s something between me and her so you don’t have to worry about it.” He explains.
Between me and her.
It’s unjust, how hastily a couple of words can founderwith your confidence with so little effort, for them to dispel every emotion that was flowing through your veins and an abyss to comes to life in the middle of your chest instead. Your star unceremoniously plugged out from between the grasp of your fingers only for you to recognize it was never your star to begin with, your sky is not yours either, it is one everyone was looking at all along, inscribed with the same longing twirling in your eyes.
Your paralyzing idiocy remains a part of you and your insecurity stares right back at you with derision, how stupid to ever think of yourself worthy enough of anything ever fluorescing scarcely for you.
“I’m sorry bunny. I promise to make it up to you.” he pledges, and your eyes soften despite the heaviness weighing your heart.
“it’s okay. I’ll leave you to it then.” Just as you’re about to turn around to leave, Jake’s palm envelopes yours, halting your movement and you look at him in question.
“Can you please keep this a secret from Jay as well? I don’t want him to know about this.” His words twist the knife deeper into your heart, a puddle of your misery lies beneath your feet.
“I get it. It’s between you two I won’t tell anyone.” Your smile is strained, and your nails dig into his palm unwittingly.
You return to your bed heavier than you left. Heeseung’s comfort from a couple of weeks ago swirls around your mind and you manage to find solace in them. Albeit momentarily it’s ample for you to doze off, head plagued with thoughts of Jake and Soojin. As your interest has seemed to grow immensely in him during this trip you can’t help but let your thoughts wander. Evoked by what kind of past the two must have. You can’t help but feel like Jake has some sort of affection towards her, one that he cannot seem to let go of. An old flame that you always end up crawling back to although the burns adoring your skin.
The next morning comes with a minor ache forming in your head, not too bothersome and it slowly wears off as you shower and get ready for your day, it’s only when you’re in the middle of your make-up that a knock on your room door halts your routine. Surprise sneaking into your expression when you open it, and Jake is standing there. You invite him in after he greets you and he ends up sitting on your bed as you finish the last bit of your make-up. Eyes dark as they assess your body appreciatively, watching with devoted concentration as you apply your lip-gloss on.
“Can you help me?” you ask coyly, catching his eyes in the reflection of the mirror, your bunny necklace between your fingers.
“Of course.” Jake replies instantly, voice doused in emotions as he walks towards you.
“How’s Soojin?” you ask once he’s close enough, handing him the necklace.
“She’s all good now don’t worry.” He answers, although his tone is massively void, clearly uninterested.
you move your hair to the side and out of the way, his fingertips delicately brush over the skin of your neck, causing shivers to erupt upon your skin as he gently clasps the necklace, you could sense something unfurling in the depths of your stomach. You feel his chest against your back, every inhale, exhale vibrates through your being all the same. You lock gazes in the mirror, and you wither away, akin to dried autumn leaves, easily crushed by the force of his eyes as he slowly leans down, placing feather light kisses on the nape of your neck.
“Did you guys figure out whatever it was between you and her?” you breath out, tilting your neck further to grant him better access, his hands sneaking to your waist as he pulls you flush against him.
“Mhm.” His kisses turn unforgiving, melting your thoughts.
“W-what is it that you guys were talking about anyways?” your curiosity in unrelenting, pushing at the roof of your mouth with force.
“I don’t wanna talk about Soojin right now bunny. It’s nothing of importance.” He grumbles against your skin, dousing you in arousal as his lips trail up, kissing behind your ears and you shiver “I promised to make it up to you remember?” he whispers against the shell of your ears and you shiver, your palms tracing the veins on his arms.
“Yeah,” you reply breathlessly.
Evidently your doubts leave momentarily, overtaken by the pleasure he inflicts on you, and it all translates into you two both giggling over breakfast, throwing teasing remarks at each other and unaware of the way Sunoo and Sunghoon are staring at you both with evident bewilderment etched onto their face.
“What the fuck?” Sunghoon speaks, tone laced with shock as his eyes flit between you two “Is Jake fucking chuckling?”
“Pussy is really one magical thing.” Sunoo murmurs, shaking his head with now disgust climbing over his face.
“Amen.” Sunghoon replies with a snort.
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→ taglist : @slutforsjy @wonwoos-wineparty @nxzz-skz @piripurora
@vousty @realrintaro @slut4hee @chartrucewhore @iveivory
@hearteyesforseungsung @jooniesbears-blog @hee4lifer @babrieeee
@mandoscyare @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @softieluvsyou @seunghancore
@chaewonshoney @beommii
@fuxktaekook @antonsgirlfriend @nessas-archive @lukeys-giggle
@arikazu @pochamocharoll @chlodavids @jakeyverse @belovedsthings
@vveebee @duhgurl @niniissus @dreamiestay
@hmusunoo @lhspeachie @illvding @not-very-slay-of-you @luvrseung
@tanisha2060 @enhabun @sngleehee
(bold cant be tagged)
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prismatica-the-strange · 10 months
Drabblecember | Day 2: Baking Together | Celestial Mischief
Warnings: 18+, none
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"Hand me the powdered sugar?" Celeste asks.
She holds out her hand expectantly as she whips the cream cheese.
"Oh no," Stephen chuckles, "I'm making the frosting. You never make it sweet enough."
"Just cause I don't put the whole bag in?'
He grins and bumps her to the side with his hip, "Why don't you go check on the gingerbread? It should be almost done."
She bumps him back when he tries to pour the frosting sugar into the bowl, making him spill some.
She pretends not to hear him and pulls the gingerbread from the oven, "Cupcakes should be cool soon, you almost done with that?"
She turns back to him once she sets the hot pan down, only to get a puff of powdered sugar to the face.
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mammons-lover · 1 month
Continuation of this, It's an Au where the brothers don’t fall into devildom, but they fall into the human realm and land on Mc’s house.
Sorry for the late post; I typically or at least try to post between 3-5pm, but I am in college at the time, so it is a bit difficult, but I hope you enjoy!
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After everything calmed down, the brothers settled into your home. As you fetched some clothes for the man named Satan, you began to assess the situation. You couldn’t help but notice that these men didn’t look exactly human, with wings on their backs and clothing that seemed far too rich and otherworldly to be anything you’d find on Earth. “Oh shit,” you muttered to yourself, panicking. “Did I just let creepy cosplayers into my home?”
You walked back to the living room, where the brothers were sitting around, trying to make sense of their new surroundings. Handing the clothes to Satan, you pointed him toward the bathroom. Then, turning to the rest of them, you asked, “So... who are you people?”
Lucifer was the first to respond. “We’re from the Celestial Realm. These are my brothers Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor and I’m Lucifer.”
“Waaaait,” you said, your eyes narrowing in disbelief. “You guys are angels? What about the guy in the bathroom?!”
“He's a... that is our other brother, Satan,” Lucifer replied calmly.
“No way. I don’t believe you guys,” you retorted, crossing your arms.
Asmodeus, chimed in, “Babe, we literally fell through your roof from the sky! How much proof do you need?”
You sighed, realizing that they had a point. “I guess that’s true. Speaking of falling, though, how are you going to pay for the damages?”
Mammon grinned, his usual mischief glinting in his eyes. “With a very meaningful ‘I’m sorry.’”
You shot him a withering look. “I don’t accept your apology. If you have no money, you need to get out of my house.”
Before you could follow through with your threat, Beelzebub, who had remained unusually quiet, suddenly spoke up. “Okay, but before you kick us out, do you have any food?”
Your irritation flared again. “I’m not giving you anything for free! These damages are going to cost me an arm and a leg in this society!”
Leviathan’s eyes went wide in horror. “Are they gonna cut up your body?!”
“They’re not gonna actually take my limbs,” you explained, exasperated. “It’s just a figure of speech.”
After the conversation, you sent the brothers out of the house and began the daunting task of cleaning up. As you worked, you glanced out the window and saw them sitting on the curb, embroiled in what looked like a heated argument. The dispute ended abruptly when it started to rain, quickly turning into a downpour. You watched as the brothers scrambled together, trying futilely to use their clothes to cover their heads.
You felt a pang of guilt. Sure, they had caused a lot of damage, but they didn’t seem to know where they were, and they clearly had no place to stay. Sighing, you grabbed an umbrella and walked over to them. “Come inside,” you said, unable to leave them out in the storm.
Drenched and looking pitiful, they followed you back into the house. Once inside, you laid out some ground rules. “First, my room is off-limits. Second, you need to find jobs to pay for my ceiling.”
The brothers quickly agreed, and you immediately put them to work, instructing them to grab pots and towels to catch the water leaking through the holes in the roof. After the impromptu cleanup, everyone was exhausted and ready for bed. However, you soon realized that with your one-bedroom house, and all possible sleeping areas flooded, space was going to be an issue. Reluctantly, you allowed them to stay in your room, but they had to cram themselves onto the floor, which quickly turned into a disaster.
“Beel, move over!” Leviathan grumbled.
“I can’t, there’s no space!” Beelzebub replied, sounding equally frustrated.
“Mammon, get off me! Why are you all over me today?!” Asmodeus complained, sitting up in annoyance.
“I’m not trying to be on ya, but new guy over here keeps scooching over!” Mammon shot back, glaring at Satan.
Satan, clearly irritated, snapped, “Lucifer is all in my space! What else am I supposed to do? And my name is Satan!”
“Whatever, new guy,” Mammon muttered. Then he turned to you with a grin. “Hey MC, you think I can get up there with you?”
“Absolutely not,” you replied, not missing a beat. “I don’t know what kind of creeps you are, but you should be happy you’re even in here!”
Asmodeus, ever the instigator, added, “It’s not our fault your house was here, you know?”
“Do you think I care?” you shot back. “You still landed on my home! You know I can still kick you out, right?”
Lucifer finally intervened, his voice calm but firm. “Enough. Everyone let’s just rest. I know we’re all tired.”
Everyone agreed, and eventually, they all fell asleep. The next morning, you found them scattered around your room, some watching TV while others peered over your shoulder as you scrolled through job listings on your phone.
“Does anyone here have job experience?” you asked, not expecting much.
Beelzebub was the first to respond. “Does guarding the gates in the Celestial Realm count?”
“We can make that sound more realistic and say you worked security,” you said, typing it into the job application. “Asmodeus, you next.”
Asmodeus thought for a moment before replying, “I never had to work, but I did make basic-looking people into, well, kinda attractive people.”
“Okay, so we can say you’re a cosmetic stylist,” you suggested.
One by one, you went through the rest of the brothers, assigning Leviathan and Mammon to a café, Satan as a library assistant, Lucifer as a personal assistant at Dia Corp, and Belphegor staying home to help with the cleanup.
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A week passed, and things had started to fall into a tentative routine. After you helped the brothers secure jobs, they began to scrape together whatever money they could, pooling it to buy temporary plastic sheets to cover the gaping holes in your ceiling. It wasn’t a perfect fix, but it kept the rain out and made the place feel a little more livable.
Mornings in your home had taken on a surprising rhythm. Belphegor, despite his usual lethargy, had taken on the role of making breakfast. He’d wake up early—well, early for him—throw together something edible, and pack lunches for everyone before promptly passing out around the house. You never knew where you’d find him napping sometimes on the couch, other times in the laundry machine, once even curled up in the bathtub.
Meanwhile, the rest of the brothers would head off to work. Lucifer had quickly established himself at Dia Corp, where he’d met the enigmatic CEO, Diavolo, and his right-hand man, Barbatos. Though it was just a simple personal assistant job on paper, it was clear there was something more going on behind the scenes. Diavolo seemed to take an unusual interest in Lucifer, and their meetings often stretched well into the evening. Despite this, Lucifer managed to maintain his usual composure, even if he occasionally came home looking a little more exhausted than usual.
Mammon and Leviathan, on the other hand, had found themselves working at a local café. To say it was an adjustment would be an understatement. Mammon, with his natural charm—or what he thought was charm—had taken to flirting with every customer who walked through the door for a bigger tip, which often lead to awkward misunderstandings that left the poor baristas scrambling to keep up with his lies. Leviathan, for his part, had somehow ended up in charge of the cash register, a task that seemed simple enough until he realized it involved actual human interaction. The first few days were a disaster, with Levi stammering through orders and fumbling with the register until one particularly patient customer had to help him count the change.
But slowly, they were getting the hang of it. Mammon had started focusing his energy on upselling desserts rather than flirting (though he still couldn’t help himself sometimes), and Levi had found a rhythm with the regulars who didn’t mind his awkwardness. They even managed to avoid breaking anything—mostly.
As for Asmodeus, he had landed a job at a local salon, where he quickly became the most sought-after stylist. His flair for fashion and beauty made him an instant hit, and his days were filled with makeovers, gossip, and the occasional dramatic outburst when someone dared to question his artistic vision.
Beelzebub’s job at a security firm suited him perfectly. The work was straightforward, and he could focus on the task at hand without too much interaction, which suited his easygoing nature. The best part? The job came with plenty of food perks. He often returned home with snacks, much to his and everyone else’s delight.
Even Satan had found his place, working as a library assistant. The quiet atmosphere and endless shelves of books were a haven for him, though he couldn’t resist adding a few more books to your already overflowing collection at home.
Despite the rocky start, you couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of attachment to this group of misfit angels-turned-fallen angels. They had somehow managed to turn your life upside down, but in doing so, they had brought an unexpected sense of camaraderie and even comfort to your once-quiet home.
(I can see asmo as an 80's hair stylist clacking his gum in your ear and telling you how horribly the last person did your hair dye)
(Side note: I am sorry if my writing seems a little strange or like it is written in the third person; this is the first time I have really included Mc in my writing. Also, sorry if this was a bit long!)
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nina-ya · 9 months
Ways That Luffy Wordlessly Says "I Love You"
Luffy Zoro Sanji Law Kid Shanks Pairing: Luffy x reader CW: Mild spoilers for marineford. Mentions of nightmares and trauma. WC: 905
Luffy's laughter echoes across the sunny beach as he sprints towards you, his sandals kicking up puffs of sand behind him. The vibrant flower in his hand seems to glow against the backdrop of the sky. His eyes gleam with affection as he reaches you, a wide grin etched on his face.
Breathless from his run, Luffy extends the flower towards you. "Look what I found!" he exclaims, his excitement contagious. The petals radiate with hues of red, pink, and orange.
Before you can even reach for it, Luffy playfully snatches the flower away from your grasp a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He tucks the vibrant bloom behind your ear. A triumphant smile graces his lips as he steps back to admire his handiwork.
"There!" he declares, his tone brimming with pride. "Now you look even more pretty!" 
The flower is going to go immediately into a drawer that is overflowing with memories that you've collected over your time with Luffy. Each item tells a unique story of the moments when Luffy's eyes landed on something special and he thought of you. The collection is as varied as it is sentimental, ranging from vibrant flowers and polished stones to delicate seashells. It's a drawer filled not just with objects, but with the tangible testaments of Luffy's affection. You know Luffy loves you when he thinks of you in everything he sees.
- - - You wake up to the sound of Luffy stumbling through your shared room, the moon casting a soft glow through the window as the only source of light. Catching Luffy's gaze as the moonlight reflects in his eyes, he grins upon realizing you're awake. He shuffles over to the bed, mounts it with a carefree bounce, and then scooches closer to you with a plate filled with an assortment of treats in his hands.
Popping one of the sweet treats into his mouth, he hums in delight, savoring the flavor. His eyes light up with mischief as he extends the plate toward you, holding out another treat. "I thought of you," he says with a playful laugh. "These are amazing! You've gotta try one." His excitement is contagious as he places the sweet into your mouth.
You sigh in satisfaction as the flavors hit your tongue. "Luffy, these are incredible! Where did you get them?" you ask, genuinely curious.
His grin widens, and he scratches the back of his head. "Oh, you know, Sanji made them. I saw him making them earlier so I just took them. Thought you might like 'em too!" Luffy's honesty and enthusiasm are endearing, and you can't help but laugh at the idea of Sanji in the morning, realizing that these treats had disappeared.
In the quiet moments that follow, Luffy's hazel eyes meet yours with warmth and affection. As you lean in to steal a quick kiss, you can taste the sweets on his lips and you pull back with a soft laugh as you pop another sweet into your mouth. You know Luffy loves you when he shares his food with you. - - -
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Luffy excitedly pulled you towards the head of the Sunny. With a firm grip on your hand, he guided you onto the ship's head, ensuring you wouldn't slip. Nestled on the Sunny's figurehead, you found yourself comfortably seated on Luffy's lap, wrapped in his protective embrace.
With the star-studded sky overhead, the two of you gazed upward, getting lost in the celestial display. Luffy's arms held you close, creating a sense of warmth and security. In this serene moment, the night sky became the topic of your imaginations. With bright smiles on your faces, you took turns pointing out constellations and sharing the stories you saw in the stars.
This routine turned into a nightly ritual, a special moment between you and Luffy. When the fatigue finally caught up with you, you started to drift into sleep, lulled by the gentle rocking of the ship. Luffy continued to hold you protectively, ensuring your comfort and safety.
Even as you slept, Luffy's watchful eyes never wavered. His fingers brushed through your hair with a tender touch, his gaze fixed on you with a deep sense of infatuation. This nightly ritual had become one of the things he looked forward to most at the end of each day. You know Luffy loves you when he protects you in your sleep. - - - You were always the first to be there when Luffy awoke from his trauma-induced nightmares, a comforting presence to pull him from the clutches of haunting dreams. Gently, you held him close, offering solace as he wrestled with the memories that lingered in his sleep. Your touch provided a grounding force as you reassured him, reminding him that the nightmares were just in his head, not the harsh reality he faced.
Wiping away his tears, you whispered words of comfort and your hands moved in a calming rhythm across his back  to help soothe the wounds inflicted by the vivid recollections of his past. In those vulnerable moments, you were the one he sought to anchor him.
Luffy trusted you with the raw, painful details of his nightmares—especially the haunting memories involving Ace. As he shared the depths of his despair, you listened, understanding the weight he carried. You became the safe haven he needed when the thoughts threatened to overwhelm him. You know Luffy loves you when he opens up to you.
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freakspectors · 1 year
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A Fyodor Dostoyevsky | BSD x Female Reader Smut Fanfic.
warnings ; smut , roleplay , dacryphilia , sex toys, pussy slapping , pwp/plot what plot , religious themes , cunnilingus , mean fyodor :( , reader is implied to be chubby , reader's role is an angel , fedya is just ... fedya , not proofread , etc .
author's note ; HIHI!!! day two and i was already almost behind.. i've been writing all day to get this done , and i still couldn't finish it all in time so I left it on a cliffhanger. i swear, i'll give you all the part two of this some other time .. but for now , take this. enjoy !
p.s - this is the longest fic on my acc as of currently. ily fyodor ...
heluvakinktober 2023 m.list .
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You sit on a lavish bed in a dimly lit bedroom, the lights bright just enough to see your unpigmented lingerie underneath the thin, translucent satin nightgown you wore. The undergarments had intricate weavings, each pattern having meticulous designs with folded white wings sewn into them. To top it off, a headband-bound spring hung up the pastel yellow halo on your head; completing the ‘angel’ look that Fyodor worked so hard to put together for you.
As if your thoughts had cued him in, the sound of a door creaking open filled the otherwise silent room; a chuckle belonging to no one but the man you loved ringing in your ears. Clutching the fabric of the comforter, you watch as the demon shuts and locks your only exit, turning to you with a smile of mischief.
“My, what a sight for sore eyes,” he says, strolling towards your nervous figure. “Such a magnificent, holy woman. Might I ask why you’ve fallen from the heavens to speak with me?”
Fyodor crawls onto the bed and places his hands on your shoulders. He was as cold as a glacier, anemia working everything but wonders on his lankier frame. You, however, were plump. You felt warmer than a fireplace with personality that could light up an entire room. ‘A star brought down from the celestials’, Fyodor would say. 
“Are you here to tell me how I’m far from free of sin? Or perhaps..” the Russian murmured, his accent rolling off of his tongue deliciously, “you’re here for conversion.”
Fyodor runs his hands down your body, stopping as he reaches your plush thighs. After giving them a light squeeze, the rat brings his left hand up to your chin, turning your head to face him. “Which is it, моя любовь? Do you wish to spread the ‘lord’s’ faith, or listen to mine?”
 You quickly exhale, regaining your composure. “I can’t even fathom the idea of a simple man being able to strip me of the lord’s hands. I’m intrigued, mortal. Do tell.”
“Excellent,” the Rat mumbles, gently kissing your soft lips. He handled your body as if you were a glass figure that he was instructed to handle with care. Fyodor’s icy hands caressed your skin, leaving goosebumps with every touch.
Toying with the hem of the nightgown, Fyodor stares up at you with feigned innocent eyes. “Oh, great one, may I please witness your purity in its entirety?”
“Yes. You have proven yourself worthy, my child.”
“Thank you. I will not put your acts of kindness in vain,” Fyodor mumbled. The Russian leisurely raises your garment over your head, stripping you down to the lingerie you wore. He felt his mouth water at the mere sight of your body, taking in every curve and crevice of your form. “Ты великолепна, любовь моя. I could simply devour you.”
And devour you he did. Fyodor crashed his lips onto yours, his kisses quick and feverish as if he was being timed. Not pulling away from you, the Rat maneuvers himself on top of your curvy figure, laying you down. His lips trail down your body, starting from your cheek and briskly moving down south. Fyodor stops at your lower abdomen, gently kissing your navel.
“Oh, how I wish to spill my seed into you. Perhaps our child would be pure, much unlike all of mankind,” the Demon whispered, resuming his journey down your body. Sighing in content, Fyodor stared at your damp, sticky panties, the fabric clinging to your pussy. “Мой ангел, perhaps you aren’t as innocent as you so claim. Такой мокрый без причины.”
You stifle a moan as Fyodor runs a finger down your clothed cunt, planting sloppy, open mouth kisses on your inner thighs. Once he reaches your dripping core, he smiles, then turns to kiss up the other limb. Desperacy boils within you, pathetic whines becoming flat out wimpish as he takes his sweet time, nipping and licking at the soft flesh. 
“Patience, Dear. Patience,” the Russian says, chastising you. You couldn’t seem to tell, though, His voice was too sweet to decipher his intentions — something you despised about him. “Is a man not allowed to eat before he drinks?”
“Yes, wise one, of course,” you whimper, biting your lower lip to calm yourself down, “but please, get to your preaching.”
“Right away, O great one.”
Not a moment after, Fyodor licks a long stripe up your clothed pussy, his tongue flat on your clit. Your body jolts, hips involuntarily bucking towards his face. Chuckling, Fyodor peels your panties to the side, spreading you open with his middle and index fingers.
“You see, мой дорогой, in my eyes, not one soul is free of sin. Not even one as holy as yours,” he says matter-of-factly. Fyodor slowly flicks his tongue up and down your hole, just the tip of the appendage slipping inside of you. His pace was agonizing. There was so much you wanted to do to get him to speed up; but you couldn’t act out of character. Who knew what punishment would await you?
“Whatever do you mean, mortal?” you ask through clenched teeth, watching as he ate you out, “such a snide remark shall have you exiled from the eyes of God. I recommend you explain yourself.”
“Need I explain? My statement will remain true, Darling. I plan on proving it to you like..” He trails off, landing one last sluggish stripe up your cunt, stopping right where your clit was. His laugh was impish, a smile full of ill intent pairing with it. He planned to wreck you.
His lips immediately latched onto your clit, sucking the button of flesh and yanking a noisy moan from your throat; halo bobbing as you threw your head back. Fyodor’s eyes never seemed to leave you; watching each move your body made because of his tongue.
“Если бы ты только мог увидеть себя…” the Demon slurred. Lewd, sticky slurps emitted from between your legs, slick and saliva briskly coating your thighs and Fyodor’s pale face. The sound of the headboard punching on the wall partially brought you out of your daze, staring back down at Fyodor to see him humping the mattress at a tempo matching the strokes of his tongue.
His mouth disappeared from your clit, only for his rough fingers to replace it. They rub and flick the nub with fervor, yet it’s far from overdone. It’s fast enough to give you immense pleasure; to send you over the edge. If Fyodor was kind, he would’ve let you cum on his fingers — but what’s the use in discussing the “If”s? He’s not. He lives up to his alias, he truly is a monster.
“That’s more than enough, don’t you think, милый?” Fyodor asks. He shoots you a smile, pulling himself away from your body entirely. You shake your head no, pleas and cries of continuation falling from your lips. The Russian’s grin flattens into a stoic, upset expression, and before you know it, a harsh slap is landed on your cunt. Sobs of pain and pleasure escape your throat, your voice hitching. “Keep in character, кукла.”
You choke on tears, a lump forming in your throat. Fyodor brings two digits to your vagina, running them between your folds as if easing out the sting. The kind gesture was a simple facade, as his arm rears back and smacks you right on your sensitive clit. You yelp, hurrying with your pained reply, “Y-Yes.. Indeed. Please, move on with f-further ministries..” 
“So hungry for more.. Is the conversion working, малыш?” the Monster chuckled, getting off of your shared bed to open the drawer of his nightstand. A long, purple dildo rests in his palm as he shuts the dresser and sits behind you. He kisses your tear stained left cheek, a small token of reassurance. 
Fyodor pulls you closer to his chest, hands wandering across your body. He gives you a few seconds to recover, then slides his thumb through the band of your underwear, inaudibly asking — no; telling you to raise your hips so he could yank them down.
Of course, you oblige. Fyodor hums, placing the soaked garment to the side for.. ‘later use’. The raven haired man brings the dildo to your tight, wet pussy, running it down your slit. “You’re simply too precious for me, a sinner, to fuck in such a grotesque manner. Won’t you let me drag you down to reality and make you absolutely braindead on this simple object?”
You gulp, wiping your tears from your hot cheeks. “Yes, yes you may. S-Show me how it feels to sin..”
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@ HELUVAKU 2023 . do not share or repost .
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semisolidmind · 10 months
i know it's all about the lion's den AU rn and as usual I am FEASTING on the content (excuse the crumbs) but there's an idea that won't leave me alone-
what if Peaches was not human, but an immortal from the beginning? How much would change? I know the whole appeal of these AUs - I mean, that's why I love them and I absolutely love this lil corner of the fandom. but I've been kinda diving into the whole immortality biz in Chinese myths for my oc, so now I'm curious.
Peaches could be someone cultivating and practicing Xian (i hope I'm using that right) for years, or consumed pills/elixir of immortality somehow, or a demon who is oddly very kind and empathetic - would the bois still love her just as much? How different is the dynamic now even if Peaches retains her core personality traits?
love your work! and hydrate before ya diedrate
ive been thinking about this, and i kinda like the idea of immortal reader being an attendant of the heavenly peach orchard.
not super high up the ladder, but not at the bottom either. her powers are limited to helping plants grow just a little bit, creating temporary barriers, and being able to float the way all celestials can. the higher-ups figure that since no one is bold or stupid enough to steal from heaven, they don’t need any extra security in the immortal peach groves.
you can take a guess as to how reader meets the monkeys.
they show up to the orchards, ready to fight their way to the peaches, but instead of some overpowered celestial soldiers guarding the orchard, it's....one immortal maiden. just the one. but she doesn't seem all that powerful, soooooo...
...maybe she'd agree to let them take a few without too much trouble?
the monkey bros go the "oh don't mind us we're just a couple of cute lil monkeys, here to cause adorable and harmless mischief" route in their approach to getting reader to let her gaurd down.
they approach her while she takes a break from pruning some dead branches. she's understandably surprised and suspicious about these two seemingly normal monkeys who've snuck in, but... they are pretty cute. and tame; they let her pet them and give them scritches. perhaps they're one of the heavenly official's pets. reader supposes that they can stay for a while.
wukong and macaque play their parts, get reader's guard down, and steal a couple dozen peaches each. reader notices, but there's not much she can do beyond shooing the monkeys out with a broom (and her soft heart barely allows her to do that). she knows that if she reports it, those cute lil monkeys will be hunted down and killed.
she supposes she could put in a request for higher walls around the grove, or more barriers (she still wonders how the boys managed to get through the first ones), but with how slowly things get done in the bureaucracy...it'd be a very, very long time until it was even brought up in court.
besides, even then....they're monkeys. animals. she won't place blame on them for being what they are. those little cuties probably had no idea that the immortal peaches were any different from the ones on earth.
she could never stay mad at their adorable lil faces anyways.
reader, despite what you might think, has a pretty laid back job. once all her chores for the day have been completed (those magic trees don't really need much beyond the essentials to do their thing), she has a good amount of free time to sit and, you guessed it—read.
macaque (because of course, he has to be the first one to fall in every au) decides, on a bored whim, to go visit that nice attendant they stole from not too long ago. perhaps he'll collect some intel while he's up there.
he finds her after a bit of searching. reader sits in a secluded corner of the grove, leisurely turning pages and enjoying the shade. macaque, still disguised, sidles up to her. reader notices, seeming surprised to see him before her face morphs into... a rather adorable pout. perhaps she thinks she's being intimidating.
'damn, no wonder the bureaucracy didn't think they needed any more security,' macaque thinks sarcastically. such a fearsome maiden they've chosen to guard the immortal peaches.
while reader takes a minute to admonish him about stealing, it isn't long before she sighs and gives up on her lecture in favor of scratching him gently behind his ears. he churrs low in his chest. her whole demeanor is as soft and sweet as the peaches she guards (her hands as well, he notes, pressing into them).
macaque laughs internally. a fearsome maiden, indeed.
macaque manages to wiggle his way into reader's lap, pulling her attention from her book. she knows she should be trying to scare him off, but...just—just look at him! he's so cute, and she's too pulled in by how cute he is to notice the oddly powerful aura he seems to exude (far too powerful to be a normal monkey). he enjoys her touch for a while longer before he hears the far-off call of his annoying brother, wondering where he is. he bumps his head into reader's hand by way of goodbye before running off to shadow away more secretively.
reader watches him go, sighing. she really should shoo him away next time.
macaque keeps coming back. and reader continues to be unable to kick him out.
with very few visitors and no one else to talk to, reader begins to tell him everything that she overhears during the day; the officials don't think anyone is listening when they air out their gossip as they walk by the orchard. she doesn’t know it, but she’s saving macaque the energy of using his powers to gather this intel on his own.
the six-eared demon makes a habit of showing up to the grove to laze around with his favorite maiden and listen to her read, using “spying” as the excuse he gives his brother for why he's been running off so often. reader seems to have accepted that he won't be leaving her alone any time soon, and he takes full advantage. macaque comes to think of reader and the secluded corner of the grove as his own little peice of heaven.
of course, sooner or later, wukong joins in. he's a bit angry that macaque didn't just say he was visiting the peach orchard and it's attendant; he wouldn't have minded, he would've come with! macaque doesn't bother trying to explain that he didn't want to share.
but share he does, seeing as wukong greedily takes all the attention from reader he can get. the monkey king finds himself enamored with the maiden who's hands and heart are as soft as the fruits she tends to. he won't admit it (it may hurt his carefully crafted "ruthless demon king" image if he did), but wukong is a cuddle bug when it comes to reader. everything about her is just so soft, and she's so kind, and she always smells like peaches—he could spend hours laying on her chest as she reads.
he just feels so...peaceful, with her.
the boys are entangled in reader's life, visiting whenever they can and butting into whatever she happens to be doing. they see her day to day happiness (brief conversations with the lower maids she's friends with), and her struggles (the two monkeys bore witness to the officials taking their anger out on reader over something trivial, their rage towards heaven growing stronger). the two grow more and more attached to her as time goes on.
and so they begin to work a small abduction into the grander scheme of their plan.
sooner or later, the monkey warlords properly raid heaven. they and their demon army storm the jade palace, murdering servants, footsoldiers, and as many officials as they can. the monkey king and the six-eared macaque lead a massacre so bloody it stains the palace walls red. wukong especially holds back none of his rage, getting caught up in his hatred for heaven and zealously continuing to shed as much celestial blood as he can.
during a lull in the chaos, macaque, covered in vicera, makes his way to the immortal peach grove. with the battle coming to a close and the demon forces being driven back, now is as good a time as ever to snatch up a special “peach” for himself and his brother.
he finds said peach preoccupied with a gallant attempt at protecting herself and a few lower maids from a demon soldier, using a series of barriers. the soldier breaks the barriers almost as fast as reader can make them, rapidly pushing her and her companions into a corner. reader puts up a brave fight, but she's a celestial attendant, not a celestial warrior.
macaque calls out to the soldier, halting their attack and telling them to regroup with the others and prepare to move out. the soldier complies, crassly assuring the women that they’re about to be nothing more than bloody pulp on the garden wall. no one has ever gone against the shadow general of the demon army and lived.
macaque waits until the soldier is out of sight before leisurely approaching the still quivering group of maids and their determined, but exhausted looking guard. reader tenses as he steps closer. she feels a horrible sense of dread crawl down her spine when she gets a good look at him.
the dark fur, the shape of the mask marking on his face...reader feels tears start to bead at the corners of her eyes.
this entire time, she'd been petting and coddling the six-eared macaque. the second in command of the dreaded demon army has been sitting right in front of her and she had no idea. reader can barely keep her breathing steady.
and if this is her dark-furred companion, then the lighter-furred one must be…oh stars.
…she let the monkey king in.
she practically threw open the doors for him. she didn’t report them when she should have, she knew there was something strange about them but she was so sure they were just normal animals—oh stars above, if the jade emperor ever discovered this, she’d be executed.
but…but reader steels herself. she can deal with that later. her friends are counting on her.
now, she’s certainly not expecting the blood-covered demon general across from her to be open to bargaining (he could just kill all of them now, but reader gets the feeling he wouldn't be merciful enough to end it quickly). and he knows exactly what leverage he has over her, she can see it in the smug look on his face.
but she tries anyways.
“let them go, please,” she begs breathlessly, arms shaking from the strain of maintaining her magic. the least she can do is buy her friends a moment more. “do whatever you want with me, but they are blameless.”
macaque chuckles, the sound reverberating lowly between the trees. whatever he wants, huh? oh, sweet peach. she should know better than to give him so much leeway.
“that is tempting. if that’s the case, then perhaps you’ll go with me willingly,” he muses, tail swaying slowly. his fangs glint dangerously when he smirks.
“don’t fight, and no harm will come to them. that, and your secret will be safe with me. honest."
reader doesn’t believe him. she can’t, but she and her friends are so low priority that calling for help would be useless. if the demon army has been as effective as the screaming would lead her to believe, the celestial host has much bigger problems than rescuing a gardener and some lowly maidservants. and with the chance that she’ll be seen through and blamed for every gory death that's happened beyond the walls of the peach groves...
she doesn’t have a choice.
reader slowly, cautiously lowers her barriers, despite the worried cries of the maids behind her. they cower closer together as reader takes a slow step closer to macaque.
with a flick of his wrist, reader is struck by a sleeping spell so potent she falls into macaque's waiting arms like a lead weight. the demon gathers his beloved into his hold with a gentleness that doesn't fit his gory visage.
he sinks into a shadow, leaving the maids to clutch each other and cry at the loss of reader and the near loss of their own lives.
reader wakes up days later in the royal bedchambers of the stone palace. she startles at seeing the monkey king and the six-eared macaque laying on either side of her, stripped to just a loose pair of pants each. she herself has been changed to a comfortable silk robe, her own clothing nowhere to be seen.
reader feels a cold sludge in her gut. she scrambles out of the pillow pit, kicking a few into the face of one of her captors as she goes. she checks herself over, looking for bite marks, claw marks, anything to indicate the two demons sharing a bed with her had violated her in any way. she looks, and breathes a heavy sigh.
she finds nothing.
"we figured we'd wait until you were awake to start marking territory," the tired, yet still somehow smug voice of the monkey king chimes from behind her. reader turns to see the demon leveling an amorous look her way. his gold and crimson eyes burn like fire in the low light.
reader ignores him in favor of falling to her knees and burying her face in her hands. now that she has a moment to think, her failure has decided to take centerstage; she was the one who let the monkey king into the jade palace, she let him steal the immortal peaches, she's the one who carelessly shared all the gossip that told them when the best time to attack would be, she's to blame for all the lives lost—
"hey. y'know we would've raided heaven even if we hadn't met you, right? it's not your fault," macaque says, propping his head in his hand to look at her. he doesn't have the decency to hide how he's sizing her up, poison purple eyes glowing whilst tracing her curves. reader shrinks into herself a bit more.
"yep. don't feel too bad, peaches. i was never gonna spare any of those bureaucrats in the first place," wukong adds. "and besides, none of those guys cared about you anyway, so why feel bad?"
reader sobs, pressing her hands to her eyes. she knows. she knows how callous the officials could be, but that doesn't mean they deserved to die. it doesn't mean the servants and foot soldiers who were only following orders deserved their fates.
she hears movement, then feels a set of strong, furred arms wrap around her. wukong rests his head on her shoulder. he nuzzles his nose against her neck. she feels his warm breath and the glance of deadly sharp fangs when he speaks.
"they didn't deserve the mercy you seem to think they did."
wukong places a seal on reader's powers. what little defense she had against them is gone with the placement of a brand-like marking in between her shoulder blades (and a few more along her shoulders made with his teeth).
reader can't do anything. wukong won't let her leave, and even if she could, the heavenly court will have her executed if she goes back. so, she remains on the monkey king's mountain.
she didn't think she'd share a fate with the precious fruit she'd failed to protect.
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