#Cecile Ducasse
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bettybalanco · 6 months ago
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Chocolat (1988), Claire Denis
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pacingmusings · 4 years ago
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Seen in 2021:
Chocolat (Claire Denis), 1988
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angelfireeast · 8 years ago
Favorite Shows & fandoms
A list of some of favorite shows & fandoms (just naming a few of the many I love)
The Flash:  Characters: Barry Allen, Iris West, Cisco Ranom, Harry Wells (Earth 2), Joe West, Wally West, Jesse ‘Quick’ Wells, Cecile Horton and Eobard Thawne(Fake!Harrison Wells), Cynthia, Linda Park, and so many more. Ships: Westallen, Joe/Ceclie
Black Lightning:  Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning, Anissa Pierce/Thunder, Lynn Stewart, Jennifer Pierce, Grace Choi & Gambi
Doom Patrol: Crazy Jane everyone but the Chief 
B99: Everyone Ships: Jake/Amy, Ray/Kevin
Lost in Space: Everyone (new series)
Lucifer: Almost everyone. Love Maze
One Day at a Time: Everyone
Stargirl: Beth, Rick, Yolanda Everyone including the IJA like Icicle. I love Icicle
Star Trek: Discovery: Michael Burnham, Captain Philippa Georgiou, Sylvia Tilly, Emperor Georgiou, Captain Pike, Gabriel Lorca, Paul Stamets, Hugh Culber, Sarek, Saru,  Ash Tyler. Ships: Culmets       
Star Trek: Picard
Stranger Things: Everyone but Billy
This is Us: Everyone 
The Good Place: Eleanor Shellstrop, Chidi Anagonye, Tahani Al-Jamil, Janet,  Jason Mendoza, Michael Ships: Eleanor/Chidi & Janet/Jason
The Mandalorian: Din Djarin, Baby Yoda, Cara Dune, Kuiil, Greef Karga, The Armorer
Previous Fandoms
Anne with an E: Everyone
Arrow: Characters: Laurel Lance/Black Canary, Black Siren, John Diggle, Lyla Diggle, Thea Queen.
Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legends of Korra: Characters: Aang, Katara, Toph Beifong, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, Korra, Asami Sato, Tenzin, Bumi II, Jinora Lin Beifong, Suyin Beifong, Vaatu, Zhu Li, Suki and Zaheer.
Being Human UK Characters: Mitchell, Annie, George, Nina, McNair, Tom, Hal, Alex and baby!Eve. I don’t like grown-up Eve.
Community: Everyone.
Doctor Who, Torchwood & The Sarah Jane Adventures: Characters: Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor, Sarah Jane, Jack Harkness, Clyde Langer, Rani, Luke Smith and so on. I haven’t watched 12th doctor.
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: Everyone
DC Movies: Aquaman, Birds of Prey, Shazam, Superman WW etc
Elementary: Characters: Joan Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, Captain Gregson, Kitty Winters, Lin Wen, and Jamie Moriarty (one of my favorite Sherlock Holmes adaptions)
Farscape: Characters: John Crichton, Aeryn Sun, Ka D'Argo, Chiana and Scorpius
Fringe: Characters: Walter, Peter, Olivia, Astrid, Etta, Lincoln, and Walternate (in the changed timeline)
Galavant: Characters: King Richard, Izzie, Gareth, Galavent, Madalena, Sid
Harry Potter: Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Sirius Black, Severus Snape (not as woobie hero), Draco Malfoy, The whole Weasley family, the list goes on and on.
Highlander: Characters: Methos, Joe, Duncan, Amanda, Fitz
Jane the Virgin: Characters: Jane Villanueva, Xiomara Villanueva, Petra Solano, Alba Villanueva, Rogelio De La Vega, and Michael Cordero Jr.
Jessica Jones & Daredevil: Characters: Jessica Jones, Trish Walker, Malcolm Ducasse, Jeri Hogarth, Kilgrave (as a great villain), Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Foggy Nelson, Frank Castle/Punisher, Claire Temple, James Wesley, Wilson Fisk
Luke Cage: Luke Cage, Claire Temple, Misty Knight, Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes, Shades, Mariah Dillard, Pops. Ships: Luke/Claire & Mariah/Shades  
Legend of the Seeker: Characters: Kahlan Amnell, Cara Mason, Richard Cypher & Zedd Books & tv shows totally different and I like each.
Legends of Tomorrow: Characters: Jax Jefferson Jackson, Martin Stein, Amaya Jiwe, Zari, Sara Lance, Leonard Snark, and Mick Rory, Ray Palmer & Nora Darhk
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Good Omens: everyone
Once Upon a Time: [A show I use to love] Characters: Regina Mills, Henry Mills, Lucy Mills, Ella Mills, Snow White, Rumple, Belle, Wish Hook/Officer Rogars.
Orphan Black: Characters: Helena, Sarah Manning, Alison Hendrix, Felix, Cosima, Krystal, Rachel Duncan, Mrs. S. and Donnie Hendrix, Art Bell
Primeval: Characters: Connor Temple, Abby Maitland, Captain Becker, Jess Parker, Matt Anderson, Emily Merchant, and James Lester
Psych: Everyone.
Pushing Daisies: Everyone.
Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis & Stargate Universe: Everyone but my faves are Characters: Jack O'Neill, Sam Cater, Daniel Jackson, Teal'c, Janet Frasier, General Hammond, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Nicholas Rush, Camile Wray, Tamara Johansen, Eli Wallace, & Chloe Armstrong.
Star Trek Series/Movies: Who don’t I like is the question.
Star Wars: Finn, Rey, Poe, BB8, Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus, K-2SO, Cassian Andor, Bodhi Rook, Jyn Erso, Han Solo, Leia Organ, Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi and many more. I HATE KYLO REN/Ben
Supergirl: [A show I use to love] Characters: Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers/Supergirl, Alex Danvers, James Olsen, M’gann M’orzz, J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter, Nia Nal, Brainy, Kelly Olsen
SyFy’s Tin Man and SyFy’s Alice Characters: Wyatt Cain, Gitch, Raw, TG. Alice, Hatter/David, and Charlie. 
The Terror
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webzinefraisesucreeparis · 7 years ago
Paris Secret Le Petit Sommelier de Paris
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Paris Secret – Le Petit Sommelier de Paris  
49, avenue de Maine, XIVe  Métro Gaîté, Edgar-Quinet Fermé le dimanche 
Le paradis du Saint-Buveur À l’ombre de la tour Montparnasse, le choix est enivrant en ce restaurant à vins, 100 % bistrot parisien. Pas moins de 11 000 bouteilles attendent à l’ombre d’une cave d’être délivrées de leur bouchon de liège. La clientèle, essentiellement des habitués, n’a que l’embarras du choix avec 800 références inscrites sur la carte des vins. Le patron conseille sagement. Et pour cause, c’est le jeune Pierre Vila Palleja, sommelier ayant œuvré chez Alain Ducasse, au Ritz, au Crillon, chez Lasserre, qui a repris l’affaire familiale et qui a demandé au chef Nicolas Bouillier de concocter une carte en deux volets : d’un côté, une cuisine saisonnière et créative, de l’autre les plats classiques de bistrot, dont l’incontournable tartare de boeuf, viande fournie par la maison Metzger. Il n’y a pas d’heure pour ceux qui aiment, car, ici, le service est continu de 11 heures à 23 heures. 
Jaboulet tasting @ petit sommelier. Great time great wines ????????????????
Une publication partagée par @antoine_bac le 2 Févr. 2017 à 10h16 PST
Octopus can be so tasty, especially when you have a great white Rhône like Fonsalette. Rich, subtle, driven by a mineral bitterness #fonsalette #rayas #poulpe #octopus #petitsommelier #petitsommelierparis #lepetitsommelier #lepetitsommelierparis #lepetitsommelierdeparis #food #foodporn #foodpairing #foodstagram #wine #wineporn #winelover #winelovers #winestagram #paris #grenache #bistro
Une publication partagée par Pierre Vila Palleja (@pierre_vila_palleja) le 13 Juin 2018 à 10 :17 PDT
Paris, je t’aime. At @lepetitsommelierrestaurante going *wild* with oysters, whole turbot, pate en croute, foie-and-eel terrine, in the company of some of the finest wines in the world, ‘04 Salon, ‘09 Batard-Montrachet (that’s Grand Cru Meursault), ‘12 Echezaux from Domaine Cecile Tremblay, and 1962 Bourguiel. (Excuse me while we order more wine and dessert…) We’re at the coolest little brasserie in Montparnasse with an insane wine list called The Little Sommelier, recommended by @juliegonetmedeville, and we’re just about dead (but don’t worry, we’ve only just begun).
Une publication partagée par Jen Pelka Bililies (@jenpelka) le 12 Mai 2018 à 7 :39 PDT
Impro au top @pierre_vila_palleja @domainevaccelli
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Une publication partagée par JmSélèque – Champagne (@jmseleque) le 6 Mai 2018 à 1 :46 PDT
L’article Paris Secret Le Petit Sommelier de Paris est apparu en premier sur Fraise Sucrée Paris.
from Paris Secret Le Petit Sommelier de Paris
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garkomedia1 · 6 years ago
The 9 Best Cookbooks of the Year – Robb Report
Around these parts you’re usually going to find us talking about where we want to go eat next. Let’s leave the hard work of making delicious food to the professionals. However, part of the fun of food can be taking a dish that inspired you and making it yourself at home. And sometimes you want to know the story behind a really great meal or cuisine, because food can be a way to understand creativity and culture.
This year there was a barrage of amazing books by some of the world’s best chefs. From talented husband-wife duos showing you how to create their best dishes at home, to a Michelin two-star chef taking you on an exploration of New Nordic cuisine, to a famed baker revealing her secrets, there was no shortage of tomes to improve your culinary knowledge. Here are the nine we loved the most.
A delightful tour of France.  Photo: courtesy Workman Publishing
Let’s Eat France, by Francois-Regis Gaudry and Friends
It’s had to really describe this book other than saying it’s a damned delight. It’s 1,250 pages of pure Francophilia, complete with maps, charts, recipes, illustrations, and stories about France and it’s gastronomy. Weighing it at nearly six pounds this coffee table book is practically big enough to replace your coffee table outright. And what we especially love is how meandering and broad the book is as you flip through. On one page you’ll find a map that details the signature cookies of each region of the country, turn a few more and there’s a recipe for flan, and then on another section you’ll see Alain Ducasse and Joël Robuchon pitted against each other to see which one had a bigger impact on French fare.
Dinner at one of San Francisco’s best restaurants.  Photo: courtesy Alanna Hale
Rich Table by Sarah and Evan Rich
Meeting while both working in the kitchen at Bouley in New York, Sarah and Evan fled the Big Apple rat race to head west in 2008. Eventually they landed in San Francisco, each finding work in different restaurants before opening Rich Table a half decade ago. Despite their fine dining backgrounds, their restaurant sought to be more casual, yet still creative. Last year they picked up a Michelin star for their “dressed-up everyday food,” that includes porcini doughnuts with raclette dipping sauce, bucatini with puntarella and chicken kin, and sprouted quinoa cakes with summer squash and chevre. Since getting a reservation at Rich Table can be so tough, perhaps buying the book will be the easiest way to enjoy the couple’s food. 
A baking guide from the quirky queen of dessert.  Photo: courtesy Clarkson Potter
All About Cake, by Christina Tosi
This book is truth in advertising. Let the quirky genius behind Milk Bar’s delicious creations show you the world of bundts cakes, sheets cakes, cake truffles, microwave mug cakes, and much more. The pages are filled with recipes that channel Tosi’s knack for finding flavors by mining nostalgia, like her Arnold Palmer sheet cake, or the bundt with a cherry cola glaze. Yet she also lets you in on the basics of her cake methods so you can create your own variations.
Spicy Black Beans.  Photo: courtesy Beatriz da Costa
Between Harlem and Heaven, by JJ Johnson and Alexander Smalls
At the Cecil and legendary jazz club Minton’s in Harlem, JJ Johnson—one of America’s best young chefs—and Alexander Smalls teamed up to serve a cuisine they called Afro-Asian. Inspired by a trip to Ghana, they saw how flavors of China and Vietnam traveled to West Africa to create a distinctive and delicious style of food. From rice to cumin to coriander, they explored the flavors they saw spanning across cultures and then incorporated it into their food. Upon returning to the States to cook in New York, they also traced how the African diaspora influenced food around America, like gumbo migrating from Senegal to South Carolina to Louisiana, taking what they learned in Africa, combining it with their personal histories, and creating a distinctive style that they explain in depth in Between Harlem and Heaven. If you don’t feel like cooking from the book, you can always go to the Henry in Manhattan to let Johnson cook for you.
Is it that serious?  Photo: courtesy of Phaidon
A Very Serious Cookbook, Fabian Von Hauske and Jeremiah Stone
From the duo who we declared two of the best young chefs in America comes their debut cookbook. On New York’s Lower East Side Von Hauske and Stone have built a burgeoning empire, starting with their Michelin-starred tasting menu restaurant Contra, expanding to the wine bar everyone loves Wildair, and now partnering with Anthony Mangieri to create the new Una Pizza Napoletana. The book is a playful look at their food, which has a minimalistic appearance that belies the craft and thought behind their delicious dishes from their pommes darphin with uni to their lavender ice cream with strawberries.
Razor clam and fresh peas  Photo: Courtesy of Gentl and Hyers
Aska, by Fredrik Berselius
Born and raised in Stockholm, Berselius first ventured to New York City in 2000 and after years of cooking, the Swede opened a pop-up restaurant called Frej that shared a space with a ramen joint. Eventually he made his New Nordic tasting menu restaurant permanent, opening the original incarnation of Aska. He would close that restaurant and for two years imagine a new one, creating a restaurant inside an 1860s warehouse on the Brooklyn side of the Williamsburg Bridge. The praise was effusive out of the gate, garnering three stars from the New York Times and two Michelin stars not long after opening. This book, Aska, is the journey of building that acclaimed restaurant and the space it resides in.
Surf and turf.  Photo: courtesy Quentin Bacon
Matty Matheson: A Cookbook, by Matty Matheson
The host of Viceland’s cooking show It’s Suppertime lives life to the fullest. At one point, too full, he’ll admit, having heart attack at just 29 years old. Now Matheson is clean and sober, but still passionate about food. In his new cookbook the charismatic chef tells the story of growing up in Eastern Canada, then cooking at restaurants in Toronto. The first half of the book is devoted to classic seafood dishes like you’d find on Prince Edward Island, while the second half is rooted in classic French bistro fare he cooked in his early jobs, and the gastropub fare he’d later serve like Vietnamese steak tartare and buffalo sweetbread sliders.
Roasted bone marrow.  Photo: courtesy Sierra Prescott
Bestia: Italian Recipes Created in the Heart of L.A., by Ori Menashe and Genevieve Gergis
The husband-and-wife team behind two of LA’s best restaurants—Bestia and Bavel—reveal the dishes that made their debut Italian restaurant such a hit. With Menashe handling the savory side he shows the pastas, pizzas, appetizers, and grilled dishes that are so bold and flavorful that jaded Angelenos were willing to get in their cars and venture to a part of Downtown LA most had probably never visited before. Gergis handles the desserts, and though she started at Bestia with no formal training, she was expert at crafting craveable creations like her chocolate budino tart or rhubarb-raspberry crostata.
A Top Chef winner’s guide to entertaining.  Photo: courtesy Clarkson Potter
Gather and Graze, by Stephanie Izard
Any of you that have dined at Top Chef-winner Stephanie Izard’s outstanding Chicago restaurant Girl & the Goat will know it can be a tough seat to secure. Since opening in the West Loop in 2010, she has expanded with a diner—Little Goat—and then a restaurant inspired by her travels through China—Duck Duck Goat, and those are pretty packed too. In Gather and Graze she lets you in on how she’s making such delicious food. “This book is a way for me to share all the dishes that have become cult favorites at my restaurants, and break them down so that you can re-create them in your own kitchen,” she writes.
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from RSSUnify feed https://hashtaghighways.com/2018/12/24/the-9-best-cookbooks-of-the-year-robb-report/
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awesomejanekellyblog-blog · 8 years ago
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05-17 NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 14: Arnaud Tronche, Alexander LaPratt, Laurent Kalkotour, Cecile Chastenet, Guilem Kerambrun, Thomas Padovani, Laetita Rouabah, Alain Ducasse, Frederic Duca, ... http://dlvr.it/P9TBWh
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awesomejanekellyblog-blog · 8 years ago
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05-06 NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 14: Arnaud Tronche, Alexander LaPratt, Laurent Kalkotour, Cecile Chastenet, Guilem Kerambrun, Thomas Padovani, Laetita Rouabah, Alain Ducasse, Frederic Duca, ... http://dlvr.it/P4Nmkm
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awesomejanekellyblog-blog · 8 years ago
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05-06 NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 14: Arnaud Tronche, Alexander LaPratt, Laurent Kalkotour, Cecile Chastenet, Guilem Kerambrun, Thomas Padovani, Laetita Rouabah, Alain Ducasse, Frederic Duca, ... http://dlvr.it/P4L70G
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awesomejanekellyblog-blog · 8 years ago
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04-16 NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 14: Arnaud Tronche, Alexander LaPratt, Laurent Kalkotour, Cecile Chastenet, Guilem Kerambrun, Thomas Padovani, Laetita Rouabah, Alain Ducasse, Frederic Duca, ... http://dlvr.it/NvM8LW
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awesomejanekellyblog-blog · 8 years ago
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02-13 NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 14: Arnaud Tronche, Alexander LaPratt, Laurent Kalkotour, Cecile Chastenet, Guilem Kerambrun, Thomas Padovani, Laetita Rouabah, Alain Ducasse, Frederic Duca, ... http://dlvr.it/NMjSCJ
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awesomejanekellyblog-blog · 8 years ago
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01-23 NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 14: Arnaud Tronche, Alexander LaPratt, Laurent Kalkotour, Cecile Chastenet, Guilem Kerambrun, Thomas Padovani, Laetita Rouabah, Alain Ducasse, Frederic Duca, ... http://dlvr.it/N9vtHg
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awesomejanekellyblog-blog · 8 years ago
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01-21 NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 14: Arnaud Tronche, Alexander LaPratt, Laurent Kalkotour, Cecile Chastenet, Guilem Kerambrun, Thomas Padovani, Laetita Rouabah, Alain Ducasse, Frederic Duca, ... http://dlvr.it/N9QqlT
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