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musclemark · 2 years ago
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circle-7-2 · 9 months ago
Guys im so funny
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boxcarwild · 6 months ago
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They Made Me a Fugitive (also known as They Made Me a Criminal; U.S. title: I Became a Criminal) is a 1947 British film noir directed by Alberto Cavalcanti and starring Sally Gray and Trevor Howard. It was written by Noel Langley, based on the 1941 Jackson Budd novel A Convict Has Escaped. Cinematography was by Otto Heller.
“I loved They Made Me a Fugitive," says director Wes Anderson. "The grittiness and the style and the great, great dialogue. It’s very good, and very hard. The violence of the language is much more blunt than you’d ever expect. Trevor Howard is great".
"Another thing that intrigued me about They Made Me a Fugitive was that it always seemed like it was going to veer into pure expressionism," says Anderson. "That expressionist current of feeling combines with the location shooting and the type of story being told, the rawness of it all, to give the movie a documentary-ish flavor. It’s a strange combination. And the dialogue is so graphic and blunt. It’s not just hard-boiled, it’s kind of funny, and I think they meant it to be?”
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apis-vergilii · 2 months ago
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Well that explains a lot. 🤭
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elliotpsmoke-blog · 6 months ago
'They Made Me a Fugitive,' directed by Cavalcanti
Movie, 1947 British noir thriller, in which a possibly slightly mis-cast Trevor Howard is framed and embarks on a long, gloomy looking journey to try and clear his name for a murder he didn’t commit. The depictions of a post war gang feel a little stylised, but pretty good from a dramatic point of view, and while the whole feel is of something very studio-bound, there’s a quite compelling…
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moa-yaps · 8 months ago
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Guys can we cancel guido cavalcanti
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flexscene · 1 year ago
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Airon Muscle via TheBestFlex
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389 · 2 months ago
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Dante and Virgil in Hell (1850) William Bouguereau
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internetstuds · 1 year ago
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Airon Muscle
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manganiello · 22 days ago
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via Twitter
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circle-7-2 · 8 months ago
genuine question guys how the FUCK does lapo look like?????
im trying to draw a modern au thingie for a short vid and i drew dante (my friend told me he looks like kreekcraft) and guido (my other friend called him preppy) (i gave him a shirt with flowers)
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youvebeentold · 5 days ago
Rodrigo Cavalcanti training biceps.
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guysshowingofftheirmuscles · 11 months ago
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justmuscle4u · 3 months ago
Rodrigo Cavalcanti 🇧🇷
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dustoffstartagain · 8 months ago
Rodrigo Cavalcanti
Airon Muscle
Rodrigo Cavalcanti
Airon Muscle
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italian-lit-tournament · 3 months ago
Italian literature tournament - Third round.
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Propaganda in support of the authors is accepted, you can write it both in the tag if reblog the poll (explaining maybe that is propaganda and you want to see posted) or in the comments. Every few days it will be recollected and posted here under the cut.
First, propaganda for Ludovico Ariosto, then for Guido Cavalcanti. The quantity of material will be colossal, so just scroll down for more.
For the Ludovico Ariosto stans:
by @larmegliamori
The opposing party has brought on the big guns, I see: us Ariosto girlies, gays and they must bare our teeth and ambitions.
So, here's my two cent on why you should vote Ludovico Ariosto!
Extreme relatability: Deeply entrenched into the politics of his time (as the firstborn of ten children, of which one was disabled and other five were women), but at the same time just wanting to stay home to live of his poetry? Dare I say iconic. Perfect representation of us literature kids.
He actually managed to marry his muse, Alessandra Benucci, and did it respectfully!
Working various jobs for patron(s) he didn't particularly like? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Not to mention his most widely known work, the poem "Orlando Furioso" (The rage of Roland), has all the goos stuff us modern audiences would like! It features:
A wide, diverse cast, spanning from Ireland to India, stretching probably to the (by then) newly discovered Americas;
Fantasy elements: faeries, sorcerers, giants, orcs, the first modern iteration of the hippogryph and even a fantastical voyage to the Moon!
Citations and references galore: from Virgil to Ovid, from old chansons de geste to Boccaccio!
Proto-feminism and gender studies: Ariosto's female characters, although often very feminine, are actively involved in their story arcs. The poem also features two warrior women, Bradamante and Marfisa, the former of which is the protagonist of her own subplot. Said subplot heavily relies on gender, may it be appearances or not. And let's not forget the famous tirade at beginning of the fifth canto, where the author berates femicide! If you're willing to open your heart to his writing, Ludovico Ariosto reveals himself to be a compelling, layered, modern author, and yet there's a levity to his writing that works like a balm. Vote for Ludovico Ariosto (even if only for the memes)!
I'd also like to add that Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, in the 70s, got a theatrical AND television adaptation that was too campy for its own good.
It featured, amongst other things:
- 1500s inspired costuming (it sure was... A choice but I'm not complaining)
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- Mechanic horses (that literally ran on rails) and hippogryph:
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- Olympia of Holland, one of the most tragic characters in all the poem, as a vamp (slay):
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(Posing with Orlando/Roland in on the left, with her lover Bireno on the right)
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The television adaptation was partly shot in the famous Baths of Caracalla, in Rome. If you want to witness this masterpiece yourself, it's on YouTube! In two parts.
Remember to always stan Zio Ludo, and vote for him! ✨
Hello everyone! For today's Ariosto Propaganda Piece, I'd like to talk about the Satire.
Those seven pieces written in terzina dantesca (because our boy Ludo knew how to pick his role models) are an interesting insight about early 1500s society and Ariosto's character and private life. They all start from an actual event in his life and enlarge towards society as a whole, often with a critical eye towards it.
The first one, destined to his brother Alessandro and a friend, starts these absolutely iconic lines:
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[Quick translation: Ruggiero, if you make me so ungrateful in the eyes of your descendants, and it bears me no advantage to have sung your worth and your mighty deeds, why should I stay here, since I don't know how to cut huns on a fork, nor how to hunt games with hawks or dogs?]
A bit of context: Ariosto's first patron, bishop Ippolito d'Este, had to move from Italy to Hungary and wanted all his court to follow him. Ariosto refused because of health and family matters, and he was threatened with the loss of all the benefits he had previously granted him. Note that Ariosto was basically a kind of personal secretary to Ippolito, carrying out different important missions for him, and even risked his life a couple times to carry them out. So it's understandable he feels disappointed at his patron's reaction... and that's why, in this more "private" writings, he complains with Ippolito's ancestor, the hero Ruggiero he had extensively wrote about in his main poem.
Honestly, a genius move. Not something you see often in poetry, is it? Another reason why you need to vote for this man ;)
For the Guido Cavalcanti stans:
Propaganda in favor of Guido Cavalcanti by @eresia-catara
May I add further propaganda for Guido: He's a noble, he disdains aristocrats, he was Florence's number one Server of Cunt, he was the city's faggot, he was heretical, he went on a random pilgrimage but interrupted it and managed to be buried in a church anyway, he had an archenemy who sent some men to murder him on said pilgrimage, he came back and tried to murder him back in plain daylight, he gave zero fucks about politics, he got exiled because he was considered a menace for the city. He SAW DANTE's poetical talent, encouraged it, shaped it, and through him the whole of italian literature. Think about it. Also they became besties until they evolved to a tormented psychosexual haunting dynamic (see break-up poem) where Dante himself actually exiled him. In the 13th century his poetry anticipates so many of the literary themes of the XXth century, going from fragmentation of the self (his is basically vivisection and dispersion of his parts), to dissociation from one's own mind and body, lack of identity, irony, desecration, his poetry is full of schizophrenic-like hallucinations, reading them is truly a trip, and yet his language is profoundly meoldic and sweet. And there's also gender-fuckery. and theater, of course, because his poems develop like a scene from a theater (adding layers to the dissociation). So really he has it all guys.
The thing is, Ariosto feels very contemporary but Guido is the og relativist and unreliable narrator. His poetry offers NO truth whatsoever you only have a sequence of schizophrenic hallucinations and what he describes only seems like it's real but who knows, the narrator is dead, how can he even speak or if he's alive he's not because he has dissociated himself from his body and is only coldly contemplating his own murder. He's not reliable because he has lost his reason, his soul has crubled into pieces and each piece has fled his body. Also he hears voices, and feels a sadistic presence in his mind in the form of a woman watching him die. This man was too ahead of his time, he was too dramatic, too eccentric, but also too acute and sensible, he must have looked deranged and we love him for it. and deserves to be voted!
Guido Cavalcanti propaganda by @girldante
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in conclusione
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you can find my old propaganda here, but listen, while i do respect zio ludo's rizz, a vote for guido cavalcanti is a vote for gender roles reversal, death-life liminality, medieval atheism, antisocial freaks obsessed with philosphy who imagine their pens are talking to people about their owner's suffering (what is wrong with him), eye carving enjoyers (what the FUCK is wrong with him), sons who are sacrifical lambs, people who have long swinging necks like geese (allegedly???), and gay breakups involving dante alighieri. and also, well, I don't recall ariosto wearing a miku binder. twice.
in conclusion
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Guido Cavalcanti propaganda by @apis-vergilii
Here’s my Guido propaganda: @girldante and @eresia-catara have already covered the poetry reasons, and I’m here to get metatextual about the whole thing.
Simply put, this is the Weird Niche Hellsite, and Guido is the Weird Niche Hellcandidate.
We live in an era of the cynical enshittification of the internet. In a sickened sea of dying social platforms, AI slop, and every last pixel being for sale, THIS is still the webbed site where a bunch of strangers can rediscover a lesser-known medieval poet in all his angsty, gothy glory, abandon all pretense of ironic detachment or mature indifference and go absolutely apeshit over his life and work, breathlessly and deliriously creating everything from exhaustively researched essays with footnotes, to anime fan art and inexplicable photoshops. This is the place where Goncharov happened. This is the place where we stole the president’s shoelaces. This is the place where a heretical medieval Tuscan stilnovista got himself a full-on Fandom, and we are all so much the better/worse for it.
So vote for the spirit of the old internet in all its dorky glory. Vote for the joy of learning things for fun and not for school. Vote for the bizarre Florentine emo goth. A vote for Guido Cavalcanti…is a vote for all of us.
if all else fails to convince you, well, i don't recall ariosto having an historical fantasy saga centered around him where he gains clairvoyance and gets increasingly more and more manipulated by the manifestation of his generational trauma. also he gets out of his body to have epic fights with spiritual creatures.
this should be a testimony to how his cuntserving echoed through time
Propaganda by @girldante and @eresia-catara that I guess should be read together:
well. seeing as we're on topic. Was Ariosto ever described as having
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les bras d'Hercule avec des mains de nymphe by a 19th century french story? It is not made up guys, he served androgynous cunt so hard it didn't go unnoticed. Guido simply suggests fluidity.
Like. Arms like Hercules and hands like a nymph.
And Lorenzo il Magnifico also Fangirled over him in a letter to the Federico of Aragon
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he (Lorenzo il Magnifico!!) was simply begging him to read his poems, and that's because they are absolutely eatable in all their irreverent, elegant, goth glory.
Finally, Boccaccio wrote about him in his Decameron (VI,9) and, truly, can you say no to him:
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this little ballerina? look at how sad he looks!
would you look at that! Guido Cavalcanti propaganda is publicly sponsored by thee Lorenzo De' Medici himself!!!
as for the last bit, Boccaccio's novella from Decameron, where Guido calls out a bunch of idiots through a riddle that said idiots will take a bunch of time to understand and then proceeds to abandon them jumping over a grave, was cited by thee Italo Calvino in his Lezioni Americane as an example of his conception of lightness, as in the ability to lift oneself over the heaviness of the world.
In conclusion: Guido Cavalcanti is literally your fave's fave.
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