#Cause currently therapy is off limits for me 😔 it’s so tragic lol
mushroominaforest · 12 days
Time for some frustrated rambles lol sorry 😅
(Under the cut so anyone who sees this can just scroll past if they don’t want to listen to me yap lmao)
Having a reputation as a whiny crybaby sucks so much 😭 I swear I haven’t complained about being in pain to my parents when it’s not actually that bad since I was like eight, but it’s this whole stupid boy who cried wolf thing and UGH it’s so frustrating!!!
I fractured my arm a few months ago and when I came home and I was like “hey mom my arm rlly hurts I think I did something to it” I just got the usual suck it up it’ll be fine in the morning response, so I was like okay fine, whatever, it isn’t that bad and then like a week later my tennis coach made me get an x-ray and it was fractured lmao
like dude I was walking around with my arm dangling at my side for about six days, pretending that it didn’t hurt and after all that I actually had a valid reason to be in pain??? I didn’t need to steal a bunch of Tylenol and hide the bandage I’d wrapped my arm to try and brace it??? (Look, idk how that works but i could tell something was up and I mean doctors normally put those sort of injuries in casts, right? I tried my best lol) like dude it’s so annoying
You whine about being tired one too many times as a five year old and then suddenly no matter how bruised and swollen your arm is ppl think you’re just making it up for attention it drives me crazy lmao
(Sorry for the frustrated rambles, I’ve just finally found somewhere safe to vent where someone isn’t gonna find it (I hope) and turns out I have a lot more to say then I expected lmao)
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