#Cathal Crotty
bisexual-panic · 3 months
I’m just going to give a little description on an event that has happened in Ireland this week because I think it’s important to share but trigger warnings for homophobia, assault and just general injustice
Two years ago Natasha O’Brien was beaten unconscious to the point where she thought she was going to die by an Irish Defence Forces soldier named Cathal Crotty and he then boasted about it on social media, saying “Two to put her down, two to put her out.” This week he has avoided any jail time due to him being described as a “professional” and “disciplined” officer and that the attack was “out of character” and (of course) because of “the consequences it would have on his life and his career”. Crotty and his friends were shouting homophobic slurs at people in O’Connell street, Dublin when Natasha O’Brien and her friend approached them to politely tell them to cut it out. He then assaulted her. She sustained broken nose, concussion, swelling and bruising during the attack. He is still currently serving in the army. SHE had to leave her job in the aftermath of the attack due to her blacking out because of the damage of the attack and panic attacks she got from fear of meeting Crotty again during one of her shifts.
He is a soldier, he is the one supposed to protect us yet he violently attacked a woman and had no problem yelling the f-slur. The judge said “In fairness to him, he has come to court and publicly admitted his wrongdoing, and he has made a public acknowledgement of his criminality,” BUT HE WILL FACE NO CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS ACTIONS OTHER THAN A €3,000 FEE!
I cannot explain to you how let down I feel by the justice system right now.I’m currently looking for a petition to link but for now I just wanted to share this because it is unfortunately not a rare occurrence but it is still shocking.
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fruskyterceol · 3 months
Let me get this straight
He beat up a woman, which she could have died yet the government didn’t do anything because HE COULD LOSE HIS JOB IN THE ARMY WHEN SHE LOST HERS
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shetheyshenanigans · 3 months
tbh if I saw someone start beating the shit out of Cathal Crotty, not only would I join in, we would be each others alibi
If we plead guilty though maybe the judge won't want to ruin our futures and we'll get off with a €3000 fine!
(for context, Cathal Crotty, an Irish soldier, was shouting homophobic slurs in the streets of Limerick in May 2022 when Natasha O'Brien, a passerby, politely asked him to stop. He then proceeded to attack her brutally and later bragged to his friends that it took "two to put her down, two to put her out".
Natasha thought she was going to die, and she ended up with a concussion so severe that she was deemed "high risk" for a BRAIN BLEED. She suffered from PTSD and eventually lost her job as a result.
Crotty's sentencing concluded yesterday and Judge Tom O'Donnell said that although Crotty had initially blamed the attack on Natasha and said she'd started it, he "must be given credit" for pleading guilty and asked Natasha if she understood "the significance" of his guilty plea because it meant she didn't have to go through the trauma of an 18 month trial, as if she hadn't already had two years of suffering.
O'Donnell then said that if he imprisoned Crotty, his army career would be over, his future would be ruined and that “In fairness to him, he has come to court and publicly admitted his wrongdoing, and he has made a public acknowledgement of his criminality."
Cathal Crotty got a three year SUSPENDED sentence and was ordered to pay €3000 compensation to Natasha O'Brien.
He is still an active member of the Irish Defence Forces, although they have said that “Any conviction in a civilian court may have implications for the retention and service of members of the Defence Forces, as stipulated in Defence Forces Regulations" and it is thought they will begin the court martial process soon.)
so yeah. Judge Tom O'Donnell and Cathal Crotty have made it known that in this country, a man can brutally attack a woman, cause her to immense suffering, cause her to lose her job, and he will still have both his own job and his own life available to him for the low price of three grand.
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when-the-cities-burn · 3 months
Man publicly beats woman, nearly to death, publicly brags about it, & then lies to blame her.
He's such a sweet guy, a good soldier, & he's so young, prison would ruin his bright future.
So he gets to walk free.
This seems to happen too often.
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thoughtlessarse · 3 months
Ireland loves its strong women, as long as they’re dead or they never lived at all. It’s the walking, talking, breathing ones who are bothersome. There is hardly an Irish person who hasn’t heard of the sexually insatiable Queen Medb, famed for stealing her neighbour’s prized bull, or of Grace O’Malley, a real-life sea pirate, or of the darling of them all, Caitlín Ní hUallacháin, the mythical personification of Ireland. Until a week ago, most people had never heard of Natasha O’Brien. The country had been going about its business contentedly thinking itself modern and progressive, unaware that a 22-year-old soldier had previously pleaded guilty in the circuit court to violently assaulting her. The 24-year-old had been walking home from her job in a Limerick pub when she happened upon Cathal Crotty yelling “faggot” at passersby on the city’s main street. When she asked him to stop, he punched her to the ground and punched her twice more until she blacked out. Then he ran away and gloated on Snapchat: “Two to put her down, two to put her out.” What happened next has thrust O’Brien into the annals of Unforgettable Irish Women. At Crotty’s sentencing hearing last week, judge Tom O’Donnell described the crime as “utterly appalling” and then fully suspended his three-year jail sentence on the grounds that the convicted man had pleaded guilty and that a custodial sentence could harm his career in the army. The matter would have ended there, except that Crotty had picked on the wrong woman. O’Brien left the courtroom and, with exceptional eloquence, declared that the system had abandoned her. Last weekend, thousands of men and women marched in protest in Ireland’s main cities to demand justice for victims of gender-based violence. The Irish Times reported on Monday that a naval officer, David O’Gorman, has remained in the service almost a year after he pleaded guilty to such a violent assault on a woman he left one of her eyes permanently displaced. Organisers of Dublin’s Pride parade withdrew the defence forces’ invitation to participate and, when O’Donnell retired on his 70th birthday on Wednesday, the traditional ritual of lawyers paying tribute to the departing judge had to be cancelled for fear of protests.
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yhwhrulz · 3 months
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His name is Cathal Crotty and everyone needs to know who he is and what he did.
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eating-sim0n · 3 months
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williamchasterson · 3 months
Ireland protests over suspended term for assault by soldier
Cathal Crotty was given a fully suspended sentence after beating a woman in a random street attack. from BBC News https://ift.tt/l1oUp8w via IFTTT
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yhwhrulz · 3 months
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