#Catch Lotor getting an all-new very handsome wardrobe
Lotura Week 2023 Day 6 - Wardrobe Updates Welcome
All-Season Armor
“Surely, you jest,” Allura said, a hand on her hip as she giggled. She wore a long ball gown of deep blue and white, her neck glimmering with diamonds. “Is this your only outfit?”
Lotor raised his chin, his face flushed as he straightened his spine. “What is wrong with armor?”
She paced around him, running her finger along the line of his broad shoulders. “Well, my husband, this is armor for war and survival. We have been invited as guests to a great dinner hosted by the Alliance, in which we must still present with power and prestige, but not threateningly so.”
He huffed at her. “I do not intend to duel with any allies.”
“I know, I know.” Allura giggled. “But I’m quite sure I’m the only one who has ever seen you without armor.”
“You suggest I attend naked?”
“Oh, no. Not at all!” She patted his chest, her fingers a soft tap against his armor as she added, voice low, “I do like to keep you to myself.”
“I should hope so,” he said, preening.
“But notwithstanding that, I fear the universe is beginning to question if you know how to wear anything else.”
Lotor did not respond for a time, instead glancing off to the side in the silence. His claws ticked against his armored thigh. “You know how I am.”
Her fingers slipped from his chest to grab onto his hand and squeeze it. “I do know,” she said, voice softening. “I know it’s hard to stop wearing armor after so much war.”
He glanced down at their intertwined hands and squeezed her fingers back, an emotion coming over him. “You are the only one I trust not to attack when I do not wear armor.”
Allura pulled him into an embrace, wrapping her arms around him. He embraced her in return, careful of his claws as he stroked his fingers along the diamonds sparkling in her white curls.  
They fell quiet, the grand flagship warping through space with a deep, merry hum.
“You know,” Allura said, tilting up her chin to rest it on his chest plate. “I learned from Keith the other day that the humans make a weapon-proof cloth, called Kevlar. Perhaps we can travel there before the next dinner and have a royal tunic made for you, but out of material that can bend swords.”
His ears flicked, his pupils widening in interest. “Kev…lar?”
“Yes, dear husband.”
His fingers ticked against the soft silk of her dress. “In that case, my wife, clothe me in this…Kev-lar, and I shall wear whatever fashion you deem appropriate. Preferably, in dark colors.”  
Allura’s face split in a great smile, glowing. She pulled away, reaching for a datapad. “Oh, how exciting,” she squealed. “At last, we can match.”
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