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theealluringstoryteller · 11 months ago
Agaisnt The World Around Us
Chapter 5: The wedding
Clara snuggled her son relishing in the warmth his body gave as she read the words off the pages of the book she found in their small library in the village. Despite him being 13 she appreciated him still wanting to read to him and cuddle him when he wanted to spend time with her or in need of comfort. Castin silently followed along with his eyes, one almost swollen shut due to the fight he got into with boys much older than him. Clara hated how her sweet boy was treated among people in their village and she tried her best to make up for it by doing everything she could at home. “And then ‘swoosh’ Perseus swooped down on his flying horse towards Andromeda determined to save the chained princess from the sea monster ‘Cetus’ ”
She continued on with the story warmly smiling as Castin cuddled a bit more closer to her, drowned in the story escaping the day that he had.
“After the mighty Demi God slayed the horrid beast he took Princess Andromeda back to her father King Cepheus and asked for her hand in marriage-" “Ughhh!” Castin groaned loudly turning his head up the shift in the story. “Awe come on Cassie! All heroes deserve love-” “But he’s in his prime! He’s gonna throw it all away for some…chick!” Castin huffs crossing his arms over his chest suddenly uninterested in the tale. The young Castin grumbled to himself about how weak Perseus was. “What man would rather settle down instead of living a life full of honor!” Frowning Clara closed the book unhappy with her son’s thought process. “Who said it wasn’t honorable to be in love?” She questioned wanting to get down to the source of his disdain! “Only girls fall in love! It’s stupid and silly!” Castin went on. “It’s not manly at all!”
Appalled Clara scoffed “who told you all of this…horse shit?” She demanded snatching his chin and turning his face towards her. His eyes now softening he shrugs his shoulders feeling bad about getting his mother upset. “They say so! It’s not the Intacian way!”
Clara sighed mentally cursing those who put such an idea into her son’s head. “Cassie,honey, don’t believe to their bullshit! They are nothing but a bunch of miserable pathetic old men who are unhappy with their lives because they couldn’t manage to get a woman even of low standards to fall in love with their miserable asses!” Clara begins motioning Castin into her arms. Scooting back into his mother’s embrace Castin remained silent knowing that now it wasn’t the best time to cut in with his warped opinions. “Let me tell you my little love, you’re going to find a woman when you grow into a man and you’re gonna be so in love with her and her you because you deserve that! You’re by far better than those low life roaches who told you that it wasn’t manly to be in love-your father loved me very much!” She tells him hugging him closely. “And this woman you’re gonna find-she’s gonna be everything you’ve ever dreamed of-”
“Maaa! I don’t dream of girls!” Castin whined at the thought. “Oh please don’t lie to your mother! I wash your clothes!”
“Ma!” Castin groaned again, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
“Oh hush!” Clara chuckled softly pinching Castin’s side.
“My boy! You’re home!” Clara cheered rushing up to her son who now towered over her. A bright smile on his face he embraced her closing his eyes in relief now that he’s home and away from the camp that had too many funky bodies and none of his mother’s delicious cooking.
“I missed ya too, ma!”
“You better! The amount of time I stay up thinking and worrying about you!” She exclaimed letting go so she could do a look over of her son.
She tsked at his lanky figure “Are they not feeding you? What you have to be an official soldier to get a decent meal plan?!” Clara continued to fuss causing Castin to smile and laugh to himself at his mother’s behavior.
“Gisela! Isn’t that the boy you’re brother-”
Castin developing keen ear picked up not to far from his home. His eyes catching sight of two girls around his age walking by huddled together as they peered over at him while whispering horribly.
“He’s cute! Maybe you should ask him out?”
“What?! What if he says no?”
Smirking Castin lifted a hand “Sup Ladies!” He greeted jerking his chin up in a nod. The two girls gasped then awkwardly laughed stopping their stroll now that there was an air of opportunity.
Frowning Clara glanced between the girls and her son. She studied the two before her eyes went from slits to calm within seconds.
“I’m sorry girls but my son here desperately needs a bath! Camp has lice!” Clara huffs looking at Castin’s hair full of disgust. “Yeah! Unfortunately that’s what happens with some soldiers in training!” She tells them shrugging her shoulders, ignoring the look her son was shooting her way. The woman shooed away the girls who held a displeased look on their faces.
“Maaa!” Castin cried dramatically raising his arms asking ‘why?’
“Trust me Cassie I’ve seen those girls buzzing like a hover fly in other warriors in training faces and I’ll be damned if you came home with something far worse than lice.”
Ushering her son into their house Clara began what Castin would refer to as rambling “I did you a favor! You need a girl who doesn’t get so excited over male attention! Someone who shares something you also love-like reading! Oh and she has to be sweet! You need a nice girl! To keep that heart of yours safe and full of love.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah Ma!” Castin rolls his eyes happy to be home. “I’ll be sure to marry her when I find her”
Castin stood tall at the alter his Commander suit felt like bricks anchoring him in place as his eyes were glued to the approaching figure in all white. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked making her way towards him, towards their future together, a one sided love. Ethereal is what came to mind as he saved this memory in his mind. Many years ago his mother told him and now it’s happening! He was in love! Goddess how he loved her. It plagued him! Turned every other woman into faceless humanoid creatures who could no longer sway him with their attention and empty affection.
His eyes only saw her, he only wanted her. Somehow she casted a spell and poof! He was her’s and she had no clue. That was the bittersweet part of this wedding. He was marrying the woman he loved while she was marrying the man she loathed.
Omorose barely spared him a glance as she stood emotionless at the alter beside him. Rhett shook his head throwing Castin a short look of disappointment at failing to win over the Baroness, before be started the ceremony.
“Today is one that will be marked in our new found history. Where two enemy nations set their hatred, division and differences aside to unite and become stronger together as one through the union of Intacian warrior commander Castin Hammer and Imperial Baroness of the coastal Empire Omorose Fentress. Bear witness as they commit themselves to each other and as their commitment serves as a bond between the Coastal empire and Intacia!”
A mixture of low groans and whispers creeped up once King Rhett finished the opening speech of the wedding ceremony.
In the coastal empire Weddings were a show. The richer you were, the higher or title the more elaborate your wedding is expected to be. Ballads were song, Dances were performed and the tales of both families histories were told high lighting where the union was a grand one. It was quite the cultura shock when Rhett went straight into asking
“Baroness, before the Goddess and everyone here do you take Castin to be your husband? Do you accept him as your partner and your equal for the rest of your life?”
“I do.” Her voice voided and empty as she sealed her fate, intertwining her life seconds before he did the same.
“And Castin, before the goddess and everyone here do you take the Baroness to be your wife? Do you accept her as your partner and your equal for the rest of your life?”
“Yeah…I do.” He said softly stealing a glance at her from the corner of his eyes. The empty look in her pretty honey eyes pained him to see. A consequence for him being a total ass.
“Then I king Rhett of Intacia and of the Coastal Empire bind you two together forever. Castin you may kiss your wife.” Rhett announced motioning him to step forward.
“Gladly!” Castin smirked.
Omorose mentally frowned as she was pulled into the kiss. She didn’t bother putting much effort into its Castin lead it.
While it brought Castin butterflies it brought Omorose nothing but disgust especially when he moaned into the kiss. And the sound of cheering and clapping only made her sour more.
Pushing him away she noticed the look of disappointment on her now Husband’s face.
“Hey you know you didn’t have to push me away like that towards the end.”
“You were getting carried away for something that doesn’t mean anything on a personal level.” She snipped maneuvering her dress around prepared to get far away from him as possible.
“Yeah you’re right…my bad. Kinda got carried away there.” Castin admits hoping she would be a little more kinder to him like she was with her close friends and Nina.
Rolling her eyes Omorose searched through the crowd for a familiar face she could socialize with instead of the husband she wanted to avoid.
Moving closer he asked “Look…could we at least dance?”
Throwing him a look Omorose scoffed her heeled feet carrying her and her long gown away as a frustrated Castin followed.
“Hey! Come on…look you’ve been doing this for months. I am your husband! Okay? You just can’t keep avoiding me.” He pleads wishing to reason with her.
Not bothering to entertain the thought Omorose kept walking.
Castin signed in frustration watching her go “Are you serious?!”
With her head held high Omorose was completely unaware of the power she held over Castin who suddenly felt like the rejected boy of his village once again. The feeling causing him to crave alcohol to wash away the ill feeling.
He might as well make the most of his wedding night! Nothing else was going to come if it but partying and drinking himself stupid.
As a heavy weight he took the nearest bottle offered to him and chugged as much as possible desperate for rejected feeling to disappear. Perhaps if he got drunk enough one of the Bar maids would start mirroring Omorose’s looks and his feelings for her even if he no longer thirsted for meaningless conquests.
At the kings table Omorose listened to Rhett go on about giving the scoundrel friend of his another chance. She didn’t see how it would matter now that she tied herself to the hound.
“Dun da da dun da da!” A drunk voice sung loudly as a guitar’s strings were abusely played.
“Of course.” She hissed seeing Castin standing on a
Table top dancing with one of the barmaids that were on the clock. He looked absolutely stupid in her eyes. An embarrassment.
Rhett cursed excusing himself to retrieve his friend before he made a bigger fool of himself.
“No!” Omorose told herself standing from her seat and swiftly leaving the party to her room. She couldn’t allow herself to stay and be humiliated by a man who seemed to lack any control or self respect.
Once in her room she kicked off her heels and made her way to her vanity. Staring at her reflection ‘Stupid! Stupid! stupid girl with a sympathizing heart for her country’s enemy! Look where that weak caring heart got you. Pathetic!’ She thought.
‘Married to a man who is known to fuck anything as long as it has a warm hole! A damn dog! Now you have to lay it a flea covered bed because you want to fix your family’s mistakes like the fool they tried beating out of you!’ Her mind continued to berate her. Her nails sunk into the flesh of her palms as she willed the horrid thoughts away. Tears gathering in her eyes as negative feels swept over her.
“You always knew you were damned to a loveless Marriage don’t act surprised now. It was practically a birthright. But you’re not going to allow that or him to define the woman you are. You’re stronger than that!” She tells herself sinking her nails further into her palms to stop herself from shedding a tear.
A shaky breath forced its way passed her lips as the feeling finally left her. Forcefully she smiled at herself in the mirror before pulling out her journal and pen.
Passing the time writing in it waiting for the party to end up staying dress in case Aurelia or Nina came looking for her.
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Nina sighed from afar watching the whole interaction go down. In the pit of her stomach she felt a sense of regret for not pushing hard enough to get Omorose not to go through with the marriage. To her it was clear it was going to end in shambles quickly.
“Let me go see about that child of mine.” She says to a random intacian man that brought her over a drink.
“Yeah! Tell her I said ‘good luck’ cause it is needed.” He laughed taking the cup she handed back
She couldn’t get through the threshold of the banquet hall before she was stopped by the King.
“Nina wait! Let Castin go to her! He needs to.”
“You don’t think he burned that bridge and pissed on its ashes enough!” She questioned raising a brow.
Defeated Rhett knew she was right and couldn’t argue. Bowing his head tiredly he said “Let him try one more time. Maybe now that she’s his wife he would finally pull his head out of his ass.”
“Goddess willing…”
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To entranced in her thoughts the sound of her bedroom door opening without her permission startled her. Within seconds her dagger she stashed on the underside of her vanity was in her hands ready for use.
Castin looked at the weapon then at her scoffing a little amused.
“Come on babe really a knife? If you were going to kill me you should’ve done it before our wedding! It’s a little too late now.”
Sneering at the man Omorose sat the weapon on the vanity and picked up her pen.
“Stop with that.”
“What? You’re my wife I can’t call you sweetheart?” He asked. His buzzed mind enjoying the attention.
“It was arranged! It’s nothing on a personal level so there’s no need for pet names.” She spat pressing her pen harder into the paper.
“Who care if it was arranged? You and I walked down the aisle that makes you my…” he trailed seeing her get upset. “Come on say it with me now” he laughs hoping to get more of a reaction out of her.
“We are one flesh serving one Queen sweetheart, get use to it.”
Closing her eyes Omorose lifted her fingers to her temples and proceeded to give herself a message.
“So are you planning on coming back down? I mean come on leaving your own wedding reception kinda early is tacky don’t you think?”
“Tacky?!” She couldn’t help but scoffed. “Yet you were embarrassing me!”
Taken back Castin screwed up his face “what?! How was I embarrassing you?”
“You’re excessive drinking.”
“Ugh it’s a wedding babygirl. People drink. It’s not that weird.”
“Encouraging drunk people to drink!”
“Ok sure people got a little drunk but once again it’s a wedding. When else,”
“And you’re rhythmless ‘dancing’ with the rhythmless Barmaids?”
“Hmm? What about the barmaids?” He asked not sure if he heard her right. She turned giving him the ‘you heard me’ look.
“Uh come on? No! No! You know that’s not what that was.”
“A tasteless rhythmless eyesore everyone was forced to watch! Not even a single drop in that bottle could spare you a half an ounce of grace for such a badly preformed sensual dance.” Omorose went on grimacing at the thought. “Or for the poor girl who tried so hard to catch the beat but couldn’t! Disgraceful!”
‘If you’re going to disrespect me and this marriage so soon you could’ve at least looked decent while doing so.’ She thought.
“Okay! So I’m social! Not everyone is as introverted as you.”
“So go be social!” She waved towards the door.
“Nah I’m staying here with you.”
“Besides the Queen bounced after you left and that was the only thing keeping the party going soo… I think we’re done.” He says loosening his collar.
“The Queen asked about you. Ya know.” He went on helping himself to a bottle of wine gifted to her by an imperial nobleman wishing her luck and voicing his disdain for not being the Groom.
“She did?” Omorose inquired curious as to why.
“Of course! You’re the Bride and you just dipped out of nowhere.”
“So did you tell her why I left?”
“Well I told her you and I decided to call it a night early because you were so eager to have your husband on your wedding night.”
The color in Omorose’s face drained at his words and audacity. Picking up her cup of old wine she chucked it at him with so much hate behind it.
“How dare you!” She hissed.
“Oh I’m sorry? Was that not what you wanted me to tell her?” He asked raving in her anger. It was the first time she spent more than a second on him he was lapping it up.
“Oh dag my bad. I mean if you would’ve just stayed you could’ve told her yourself.”
“Asshole.” Omorose grumbled her eyes like daggers as she glared his way.
She returned to her journal her handwriting turning sloppy as she jotted down what was needed to be recorded in it.
The squeaks of the facet and water running nearly made her blood boil.
“What are you doing?” She demanded not in the mood to continue with his fuckery.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m drawing a bath.” Castin stated obviously now growing tired of his wife’s attitude.
“Why?” She bluntly pressed him.
“Because I’m covered in sweat and wine and general party juices.”
“Not here.” She states wanting him out of her space
“Uh what makes you think I can’t?”
“Because I said so.”
“So you have a messed up attitude…that means I can’t be clean.”
“I don’t give a damn what you do as long as it’s not in my room?” Omorose replied
“Correction this is our room.” He corrected picking up a bottle of Omorose’s expensive oil infused bubble bath “and if I want to take a bath in our room I can do that.”
“Our room?” She asked in disgust. The night just kept getting worse.
“I mean you’re welcome to watch.” He smirks.
“I’d rather choke on the food I didn’t get to eat tonight.”
Annoyed at the whole ordeal Omorose thought of a way to piss him off like he pissed her off even if it was childish.
Shifting her dressed she sat herself more comfortably in her vanity chair picking up the book she was reading the night prior subconsciously scheming.
‘The window’ her subconscious pointed out. Curious if it would work she looked over to not only see through window but Castin.
Despite her feelings towards him she can admit that he was physically flawless when it came to his built and the scars marking up his body only added to his appeal.
Castin felt a boost of confidence seeing her look this way. He teased earning an eye roll. Turning back into her book Omorose pushed down the slightly embarrassment that crept over her.
Relaxed in the water Castin informed his wife of the Queen wanting them to ‘promenade through the garden’ so people could see them in the next upcoming weeks. Boldly he tried to suggest spending time outside of that request but was shot down with a dry “No”
“It doesn’t matter what you were going to say. The answer would’ve still been, no.”
Curious and a little bitter Castin grilled her on why.
“I have far better plans with far better company, that won’t cause me an exhausting headache.”
“Okaaay. The personal attack was kind of unnecessary. Who do you have plans with?”
“Lord Reyes.”
“Lord Reyes? Really? The dude from the Library?” Castin huffs remembering walking in on the two smiling and giggling to each other closely over something he couldn’t understand.
In sudden jealously Castin demanded “W-what do you have to do with him?”
Tiredly Omorose mouth turned smart “And you need to know because?”
“Seriously?” He gave her a pointed look. Shaking his head at her answer he decided to ask another question “oh so what is this Lord Reyes like?”
“What do you mean?” She countered dumbly.
“‘ What do you mean’ what do I mean? What do you think of him? Do you think he’s handsome?”
“As a matter of fact I do! Not that it matters since this is a fake marriage!”
Pissed off by her last sentence Castin corrects her in a low tone “This is not a fake marriage. It’s an arranged marriage.”
Seeing the displeased look and hearing him let out a breath, Omorose believed that their conversation session for the night ended.
Standing she looked over at him with her arms crossed over her chest.
“What?” He asked dejectedly.
“Can you hurry up.” She demands wanting to wash this lack luster day off.
“Relax there’s plenty of hot water. I’ll be out soon. You’ll get your turn.”
“Well make it real soon.”
“How about this the more you tell me to hurry up the longer I stay in here.”
Not happy with that she looked back at the window and made her way over to it. “What are you doing?”
Unlatching the widow she slid it open inviting the cold night air to creep in like fog.
“Are you serious?!” He raised his voice not believing she could be so childish.
“It’s freezing! Can you close that please?”
“No I’m getting a sudden flash of heat! Must be the dress…”
“So petty.” He grumbles “Fine!” Castin stood up from the water without warning.
With a cringe Omorose adverted her eyes hearing the water splash and puddle on the floor.
Sensing she still wasn’t happy Castin once again asked “what? You got what you wanted. I’m out! It’s all yours.” He motioned to the tub.
“Good now leave!”
“No I’m not leaving.” He retorts drying himself off
“You didn’t leave me I got in!” He pointed out.
“It’s different!”
“How’s it different?”
Rolling her eyes annoyed at that fact she couldn’t think of a solid answer.
“Go ahead do your thing.”
“Not around you!”
“Don’t worry sweetheart. I’m going to bed I’m not looking at you.”
Omorose stayed glued to her spot watching as he got into her bed much to her disliking. His face turned away from her and stayed that way. Taking in a gulp of air she unzipped the seamless zipper and allowed her gown to pool around her revealing the white lacey thong she wore underneath.
Worried he would turn to sneak a peak she quickly got in the tub thankful that it was a heated and filtrated model but the cold air still bit at her. Splashing at the water she wordlessly got Castin’s attention who was tired of her and her shit.
“What! What do you want now? What do you want me to bring you?”
Pointing over to her vanity Castin glanced over to see her book lying opened on the page she left off.
“Your book? Naw you shouldn’t have left it there.”
“Why not?” She pouted sinking into the water.
“Because I’m already comfortable. Besides! Didn’t you say you didn’t want me to see you?”
Grimacing at him quoting her she lets out an irritated groan.
“Just bring me the book please?”
Puffing out air Castin got up from bed “Fine. If you say so.” He shrugs crossing the room to get to her vanity. He picks up the book telling himself to not be disrespectful enough to sneak a peak.
“Can you close the window?” She requested since he was up now.
Agreeing since he too was cold Castin made the extra journey to close the window before he noticed that the fire was low in the fireplace.
“Hey that fire is getting kinda low don’t you think?” He pondered out loud. “Where do you keep the wood?”
Raising her arm she pointed towards the corner closest to the fireplace her eyes not leaving her book once it was handed to her.
Castin hurriedly tended to the fire wanting to get back to bed since his alcoholic buzz left his system completely now. He turns but the way that the moon light casted itself over his wife caught his attention and he couldn’t but to see her in all of her glory.
“My Goddess…” he gawked his mind already capturing and saving the image to his memory like a camera. “Now that’s a view worth getting outta bed for.”
Out of anger and loss of dignity Omorose kicked her leg up at a certain angle getting water all over Castin landing her into a predicament that from sour to sweet.
For the past few months, she's been working so hard to keep the wall she built up between her and Castin.
A wall she knowingly built brick by brick after each distasteful encounter she had with the army commander to protect her, her feelings, and her time. A wall that was crumbling slightly as she watched him, her newly married husband, and his hard exterior fall in front of her as he asked her
"Please just tell me why do you hate me?"
Her heart softened just a bit at his cracked exterior but she hid it behind her voice as she spoke "So the embarrassing me with the lingerie gift you gave me the time you ever met me slips your mind-"
Castin opened his mouth to speak but the fierce glare made the words he wanted to say faltered into sounds "I- sorry no! Go on." He apologized
"I've tried to get to know you Castin but each attempt showed me what type of man you are. A dipso, egotistical rake who hangs around degenerates who think and acts the same way! The way you automatically viewed me as an object you could have the pleasure of fucking! Why wouldn't I hate you?" Omorose wailed tearing her watery eyes away from Castin's crestfallen face.
The young wife hid her face back in her book shakily admitting
"Too many people-Men and women view me the same way...it's degrading to know that instead of acknowledging everything I've done, all that I have accomplished they-" Omorose bit her lip, pushing back the sob that almost slipped.
"I'm very well aware of the fact that people want me in their beds. It's hard not to notice Castin! I promised myself at the age of 15 that I would wait and fall in love with someone who wanted me entirely and not just for my body but I failed! I failed myself when I agreed to marry you for the sake of the new kingdom. And now I'm stuck being the trophy wife to a man that saw me as a glorified sex doll the first time he ever saw me! That's why I hate you."
Her words and the sound of her voice cracking broke Castin's heart. The last thing he wanted was to hurt the woman he was in love with and moving forward he would be damned if he knowingly did so.
Castin took a deep breath. Every word his wife whimpered out processing in his mind. "I-I'm really sorry." He apologized the words he wanted to say, the things he wanted to confessed jumbled in him.
"Can I just um... can I ju-just think for a second? Thanks." He asked catching a glimpse of Omorose's pretty honey-colored eyes gloss over with vulnerable tears that gathered at her water line.
He finally got his answer and it left him speechless, seeing her push back her tears over it left him aching.
He was among a group of people that Omorose loathed but had to silently deal with instead of the people she felt at peace with and that tore him apart inside.
"Look. That's not me! Okay. Ev-everything you said…that isn't me." He started
Omorose scoffed pulling her knees closer to her chest "That is not you? The man you've been since I met you isn't you?!" She rolled her eyes causing a single stream to fall down her face.
"No, no I-I know I-I know I have a reputation! Okay?
Th-th-the brawling, the drinking, and just…generally being a rake but, that's not me! Okay?" He stressed hoping she was listening to him and was actually taking his honest confession to heart. "That's not the man I want to be" he paused searching for a reaction but received none. "Look I-I know I may not be explaining this well but," Castin's trailed off staring at the book cover held in Omorose's delicate hands. The ring on her finger shone under the dimmed light, the same one he placed there only a few hours ago catching his eye.
'Rhett is right.seems like he's always right. Castin thought, thinking back to the advice Rhett gave him before ordering him up to his new room in the palace.
"Drop the manly Intacian act. Be yourself Castin!
That is exactly what won me the Queen's heart, and it can be the same for you."
Taking another deep breath Castin prepared to drop the one thing he felt protected behind, the wall that shielded him these past years, all in hopes that Omorose his wife saw him in a different light.
"You know I really did read that book. When I was a kid...I wasn't just-trying to have something to say…okay? I-I really like that stuff." He awkwardly stated.
Omorose peaked over her book after listening to Castin struggle with his words and it made his heart skip a beat.
"Look I don't know how to explain it alright. I just feel like there's me everyone else sees and then there's the me that's really.me and the me that everyone else sees I hate it okay? I'm not that guy!" He admits feeling a wave of mixed emotions wash over him.
"Then why do you act like that? Why pretend to be someone you hate?" Omorose questions putting the book down entirely. Wanting to understand why someone would torture themselves like that.
"Because I-... I-I don't know. I was different when I was I-I was like you and then being a warrior in Intacia i-it's it's just different. You have to be strong and respected. You have to fit in." He explained feeling slightly smaller under her stare.
"Look! It's all really confusing to me... but every time I look at you it's clear. The man that I want to be is the exact type of man you would fall in love with. You remind me of everything I really care about of-of who I was back then- n-no no of the man I know I still am.
I-I just need your help."
Omorose felt her eyes soften at the stuttered admission, the honesty in his voice and the look in his eyes shined a new light over him. She cast her gaze to the ceiling contemplating whether she could forgive him and let go of her grudge she had against or not.
"I-Look, I know I screwed up. I'm used to charming people to get my way and I tried to do it with you with all the gestures and all the flirting and I'm sorry.
That's not who I want to be anymore." Castin said following her gaze
"Hey look at me. I want to change." He says looking into her eyes once she looked back at him.
"For you. I just need you to show me how. Just please give me a chance." Castin begged, moving closer to Omorose who's heart speed up as her husband leaned in to kiss her.
The Baroness has never been in such an intimate moment before, she guarded herself well before getting married and now without any experience or idea of what to do in that moment besides kissing him, she felt even more vulnerable. And when he whispered that he wanted more against her plump lips she felt a flutter in her tummy. A mixture of excitement and anxiety as her smothered voice asked "sex" between kisses.
"No! No! I don't mean like that. I mean-" he broke into a light-felt chuckle " No I do want you like that. I really do but, I-I don't just want to you physically okay? I-I love you an-and before we do anything I need to know that you're really into trying to make Because if you're not and this is just some heat of the moment thing for you then I-I can't cause it's not just that for me and I don't think it ever will be... so please don't go through with this and then hurt my feelings later."
Omorose could feel it in her heart that she forgave him right then and there in his vulnerable state, asking her not to hurt his feelings and string him along. Something she would ask something she would say.
"Are you for real about this? Am I your husband or just some warrior the Queen forced you to marry-"
Omorose stepped out of her character, reaching up to grab Castin's face to kiss him. It surprised him for a second, feeling her soft lips on his. Though a bold action he could still tell that it was a shy gesture.
"You and me," Castin said pulling away and placing a kiss on Omorose's forehead. "Let's just start over?"
He smiled softly going in for a kiss
"Okay." Omorose softly agreed.
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theealluringstoryteller · 11 months ago
It was Castin's 28th birthday he was granted a week long vacation by Rhett so he would have to spend what should be a happy day on his campaign against the imperial rebels.
Excited to spend his birthday with him Omorose ordered a personal cake that was heart shaped with "Happy Birthday, My Love."
Once the first light of morning peeked through their window she managed to get out of Castin's strong grip with "I have to use the bathroom,"
Just as she was done using the toilet,taking off her night gown, freshening up, and throwing on a rob a soft knock was heard. Quickly before they knocked again and woke the sleeping birthday boy Omorose hurriedly left the bathroom and crossed over the room to their bedroom door. Peeking over her shoulder she made sure her sleeping husband was doing just that...sleeping. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth seeing his body still lying there limply on his back, a position he turned to once she was out of his arms.
Turning back to the door she opened it to reveal one of the butlers holding up the personal cake she ordered out of his box and on a silver platter.
"Thank you." She whispered opening the door more so she hand take the platter out of his hand. The butler nodded peering into the room and seeing his other boss dead asleep. Smirking he left to go back to his daily tasks.
Closing the door Omorose began to put her plan into action. She made her way over to the upholstered bench in front of their bed sitting the platter down just for a second just so so she could strip out of her robe, leaving herself completely bare. Taking the platter back into her hands she climbed up onto the bench walking on to the bed care to not make the bed move to much. She would be upset if she woke him to early. It was hard being sneaky to a warrior Commander. She knew that and Castin knew that which is why he stayed still and kept his eyes closed. He knew something was up when she didn't come back to bed right away but, he was willing to play along. He bit back his smile and wondered what could she possibly be giving him in bed.
Finally Omorose straddles her husband's waist knowing that would 'wake' him. With a striking grin she held the silver platter that sat the cake right below her breast giving Castin a lovely view to set his eyes on.
"Alright what surpris-ohhh shit! Is this real?!" He asked voice rising in pitch towards the end of his sentence. Shamelessly Castin laid  there gawking at his wife's soft round breast and the cake right below it.
"Happy birthday, baby!" She cheered giggling at Castin's disbelief as she steadied her hands so the cake wouldn't drop on their sheets. His hands finding her waist to steady her from his sudden movements.
"Wait! You're completely naked! No clothes just cake?!" Castin continued, trailing his hands down from her waist to her hips finding no article of clothing but bare smooth skin under his rough finger tips.
"Well I wanted to surprise the birthday boy!" Omorose cooed leaning down to give her husband a kiss. Her body pressing into the cake coating her breasts in the vanilla buttercream frosting just like she planned.
(What man didn't want to have birthday sex? And what man wouldn't want their gorgeous wife to wake them up in completely nothing only for a few seconds later wearing nothing but sweet delicious frosting just for them to lick off?)
Pulling away she faked her disappointment at finding the icing to his cake ruined and smeared all over her breast.
"I'm sorry!" She apologized with a frown.
Castin didn't hear her apology though, his mind to occupied at the mouth watering site in front of him and his blood rushing to his cock.
"Come here!" He demanded taking the platter out of her hands and placing it on his bedside table with quickness.
An excited squeal leaving the Baroness as Castin rolled them over with in seconds.
Hungrily his tongue found his supple treat. Licking the icing off her soft skin until practically none remained, his mouth switching to suck in one of her nipples, his teeth lightly grazing it just to hear Omorose moan and gasp. Eager to get closer he spread her legs opened with ease due to her being more than willing to have him have his way with her.
Feeling the weight of her husband's cock on her stomach and it leaking precum on to her skin made her cunt ache for him more. She couldn't help but to moan and feel herself become wetter by the second. The wet and soft suckling sounds of her husband's mouth and the stimulation he was giving her were enough to make her heart pound in her ears.
And then butterflies erupted in her tummy as he began kissing down her stomach spreading her legs wider.
"N-no." She stuttered out pushing forward to stop him from going further.
"No? I thought it's law that the birthday boy gets whatever he wants on his birthday." Castin stated raising an eyebrow. Cake frosting smeared on his nose, the corner of his lip and chin.
"You do!" Exclaimed Omorose who fell back onto the soft sheets due to Castin tugging her by her hips.
Scoffing at his wife's audacity to try and stop him from smothering himself between her thighs "Alright then-"
"But it's your birthday! I should be the one pleasuring you."
Inches away from her glistening folds Castin looked up at her with amusement "You want to pleasure me, sweetheart?"
Nodding Omorose propped her self up on her elbows "yeah! I've been practicing." She admitted a bit shy. He smiled at her sudden cute demeanor due to her confession.
Hearing this Castin raised both eyebrows surprised.
"Oh really?" He asked even more amused and curious.
"You're going to make me beg?" She pouts up at him while giving him the 'eyes' that always aided her in getting what she wanted.
"Fuck..." Castin cursed in a breathless whisper. 'I don't know what I did to deserve this but thank you, Goddess!' Castin thought getting up.
"Naw! I'm not going to make you beg, sweetheart." He tells her as he begins to message his hard on.
"Good!" She smiles getting off the bed to stand in front of him.
"This day is about you!" She stated just as she was about to drop to her knees.
"Wait!" Castin interrupted stopping her by grabbing her by her upper arms. He laughs recounting their second encounter that Rhett set up.
"Remember when you got so upset at me when I suggested we skip the wedding and just fuck?" He asked his laughed turning hysterical when Omorose rolled her eyes and nodded.
"And now look at you! Wanting to get on your knees to suck my cock. I'm a bad influence!" He jokingly tsked at himself.
"Well to be quite honest with you this side of me was already in me before I met you! It's just I never had someone I loved and trusted to explore it with until now."
"Is that so?"
Nodding Omorose replaced Castin's hand with her's, stroking him teasingly while lowering herself.
"Little ole me was just waiting hopelessly for her husband to come along so she could play out all the nasty little fantasies she written in her secret diary!" She stated in a dramatic half jokingly manner.
"I'm gonna have to find that diary."
Omorose bites back her laughter as she looked up at him with a bit of mischief.
"It's on my book shelf."
Her soft lips kissing along the base and the tip, brought Castin curious eyes that wondered along her large selection of books back on to her. Feeling his eyes on her she teasingly gave kitten licks to his sensitive tip while making eye contact.
"Oh you're going to be a tease! On my birthday? Dirty girl!"Castin who didn't dare look away groans out.
And to prove that she had in fact been practicing Omorose began inching his cock into her mouth relaxing her throat and not stopping until she's gagging on majority of it. Something she wasn't able to do the last time he allowed her to do this.
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theealluringstoryteller · 11 months ago
I reuploaded the short that I deleted and made a questionnaire for!
I hope you guys like it
Also chapter 5 is out!
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theealluringstoryteller · 11 months ago
So for everyone voting yes should I re upload the CastinxOmorose little piece I had posted?
It’s short but it involves cake frosting 🫣
(Posting things like this is always nerve wrecking! Goodness!)
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