#Castila is non-binary so they/them pronouns
inviouswriting · 2 years
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Star Tales - Twins - Gemini.  and Aiden - Aries.
Original story.
Content warnings - Death of characters, and necromancy talked of.
These are my ideas. So please do not take from me. Also I only post my stories to Tumblr and ao3. So if you notice them in other platforms let me know.
“Gemini has always been made up of two souls. And like the rest of us, have experienced twisted fates. Their names are Calista and Castila. Slight difference, but they mirror the story of Castor and Pollux.”
“I was present during these events, Maedryn... was the first city I was assigned to, after Salem. An event I still get scorn from by both inhabitants I come across in the underworld and Aiden.”
“They both lived in Maedryn before it burned. Maybe I should have told Aiden’s story first. Or maybe all three of them. Since they were all intertwined together.”
“The twins grew up in poverty. Stealing what they could just to get by. They were visited by Aiden. Calista is the older of her sibling. Castila does not have a specific gender. They have chosen not to disclose everything, and I don’t pry unless needed. That’s not important as their story.”
“Like anyone who wants to change their circumstances. They sought opportunities to make money themselves. From entertaining. Castila was blessed from Hermes and Apollo, while Calista had blessings from Demeter and Aphrodite.”
“Their blessings were music. They’d stand in markets to entertain where they could. Often getting chased out because when others are set in their greed. They can’t even spare a single coin for young ones.”
“They had made a mistake and stole from a visiting noble.”
“As a result of their theft, there was a new punishment instilled to those who stole, or tried to swindle others. They were to be chased through the city by a minotaur.”
“Slowly the people came to enjoy it as a blood sport. Setting the tone for beings like Vanth to slip in unnoticed.”
“When I started to walk around the alleyways, things were already grim among the slum areas. The twins continued their methods even against the warnings of others. Until they were all brought to the center for a purge. Against the minotaur and a manticore.”
“Castila did not put up much of a fight like their sister did. They accepted their death swiftly. I held their hand when they were thrown off the edge. Took away their pain.”
“Calista still wanted to live, she had dreams of leaving the city and finding another home. So she fought against the minotaur and had won. But was also stung by the manticore. So she ran through the city chased by both. Till she ended up cornered by the people and the manticore.”
“Through Demeter’s blessing she was protected from the venom in her body. However... not by the people bent on seeing blood that day. Calista began the catalyst to Maedryn burning. She managed to turn the manticore on the others after removing a talisman on it.”
“Cornered beasts tend to fight harder than when they’re on a platform. So through the chaos, Calista had circled back to Castila. Manticore venom is fatal, no matter the dose, so she was already on borrowed time and staved off the inevitable. She sat holding onto her sibling much like how I sat with Divinity.”
“I placed a hand on her back, the only comfort she had gotten in life. next to her sibling leaning on her shoulder.”
“Aries... Aiden. My insufferable companion who causes me alot of trouble.”
“He was a protector to Maedryn. He was gifted a form to change into a golden ram, at his feet fire would burn when he ran. Across water he’d pull boats, across land the flames would burn along with the sunset or rise.”
“He was blessed by Ares and Apollo.”
“Maedryn had no religious deities, it was a free will place. Aiden visited every single person in a day. There was never a day he didn’t spend with the young ones that had no homes or families.”
“There was a medicine man who came. During a plague that was bringing havoc, promising the heal them. And even.”
“Bring them back from the dead...”
“This medicine man used the name Vanth.”
“I knew who he was, but because of fate, I could not intervene, and I was not as powerful then as I am now. Still a fledgling reaper.”
“So when these “miracles” started to happen. I could do nothing but watch as the citizens were bewitched. Vanth was gaining notice fast, bringing lives back. Those with a death sight... know that the soul was not the same.”
“They were merely dolls. The spell on them would last maybe a few weeks. Depending on the body. Or the will to live of that soul. Sometimes the magic and the soul are compatible. But they still had the same effect. Slowly they’d rot.”
“Aiden was sent to deal with a hydra at this time. Otherwise Vanth would have never been allowed to set foot in Maedryn.”
“By the time Aiden arrived back, there was chaos among the inhabitants, those that participated in the rituals lost their minds. A price paid for their hand in the magic.”
“And people that were once set to rest... were walking around with vacant looks.”
“I had asked several times to Hades and Thanatos to end this city. They both told me, to watch what was happening and the Fates themselves said this had to happen.”
“Aiden had walked into the heart of the events of the manticore on a rampage. The twins with their deaths, whom he treated like his own family. The inhabitants driven insane, and the dead walking or crawling.”
“Like any person driven to despair at the state their home is. Aiden awoken with a fiery blast. When a spirit awakens, the area they’re in burns bright. They can plunge a place deep into the ground, or just burn it to ashes.”
“Aiden burned Maedryn to ashes. He had ran through the city itself as this gold ram. Leaving naught in his path unscorched.”
“Vanth had left after he had collected enough “friends” to use in his next ritual or to walk with him to the next. Devotees and those who adopted his methods and craft. So by the time Aiden came home. There was nothing to be done. I could not take a single soul out of Maedryn.”
“What ever a lich touches. Death cannot reap it. It abhors fate, and it leeches the life of other souls and creates masses. Like the ones in Purgatory, only acidic and nothing grows after they cross a plain.”
“So I stood with Aiden outside of Maedryn. Listening to him lament and curse everything in his grief.”
“It was there, that I made a promise to him, that there would not be a new circle of our kind.”
“How cruel fate was to remind me of that, when it came my turn to awaken.”
“I offered my hand to Aiden, but he did not take it. He accepted his immortal status, and wanted to see to the end of Vanth.”
“Unto... how cruel immortality can be.”
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