#Castella Media Group
alecpenix · 2 years
Alec Penix mentioned in Castella Media Group blog. Follow @castellamediagroup
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castellamediagroup · 2 years
Paw Strokes - Pet Portrait Paintings by artist Simon Saldarriaga in Los Angeles CA.
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pawstrokes · 2 years
Paw Strokes (Castella Media Group)
Paw Strokes mention on Castella Media Group blog.
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sungbeam · 3 years
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huang renjun x fem!reader
you and renjun are pen-pals-turned-best-friends, except, no one knows that you know each other. at the same time, both you and renjun are also trying to survive being set up with people by your own separate friend groups. turns out, maybe you both just want each other and no one else.
genre. f2l, secret friendship/relationship, rival schools, social media au
featuring. nct 00 line, itzy's yeji + lia, aespa's karina + giselle, and others!
warnings. use of a girl's photo but it's only for the outfit concept!!
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iv. doomsday — 1k words
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YOU ENTERED THE CAFÉ to the sound of a soft twinkling bell above you. The smell of cinnamon buns fresh out of the oven met your nose first, and you breathed in the aroma greedily. According to Jeno, your date was going to be here soon, and had told him to tell you to order first and pick a table.
Easy enough, you thought as you joined the line at the front counter. Your friends, Jeno, Yangyang, and Haechan had also let you know the certain things they wanted you to note about your experience, including whether or not you enjoyed the date and would want a second date, and if the person they picked was someone you were genuinely interested in. You had no idea how they picked the person—you would probably end up finding out in the report later.
Just as you moved up in line and the door bell twinkled again, you heard someone call out your name. “Yn?”
You whirled around, fully expecting to find some familiar face from the halls of NCIT. The face was definitely familiar, but one that you had previously been confined to seeing over a screen. He was shorter than you thought he would be—just around your height, actually.
“Huang Renjun,” you beamed.
He returned your smile, though the disbelief was still ingrained in his face. There was a little lick of hair that stuck out over his forehead, but it was charming, like the rest of him. “Woah, I'm—kind of starstruck right now.”
“Same here,” you laughed. “Who knew we'd finally meet each other on a blind... date.” Your voice trailed off as you connected the dots, eyes widening as you came to a realization. “Oh my god, are you my—”
Renjun’s eyes were wide, too, as he shook his head and waved his hands. “No, no, no! Don't worry. My friends sent me her picture, and you definitely aren't her.”
Relief filled your lungs and you exhaled your worries away. Pressing a hand to your chest, you joked, “Thank God. She's probably prettier, right.”
“Not really,” was his offhanded comment.
Before you could reply, he asked, “What about your date? Are they here yet?”
You shook your head and instinctively scanned the café another time. “Nope. My friends didn't tell me anything, really, that's why I thought you were who they set me up with. Now that I think about it, them knowing you wouldn't make much sense.”
“Yeah no, it wouldn't,” he agreed.
The two of you moved up in line, now standing side by side, and surveyed your order options from the menu. Renjun mentioned something about ordering a slice of castella cake and coffee, while you eyed the chocolate chip muffin in the display case. You ordered and paid separately, then went to find separate tables to sit and wait at. (After wishing each other another round of luck, of course.)
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Forty-five minutes later, you were still at your table, but your muffin and matcha latte were fully consumed. The only thing was that the seat across from you remained empty—as in, you were stood up, and you weren't in a fantastic mood as of now.
You texted your friends back, irritated that this person was wasting not only your time, but also your friends’ time and trust. This wasn't just for a social outing, this was for a grade.
Your phone screen lit up with an incoming call from Jeno, but you could already imagine the things he was about to say. “Hey Jen,” you answered back, trying to hide the disappointment and annoyance from your tone.
“I am so sorry, Yn! The guy just—” he made a groan of agitation that rivalled your own, “—he just bailed on us! I'm so sorry that you had to wait alone and that we wasted your time—”
You cut in. “Jeno, it's not your fault or Yangyang’s or Hyuck’s. Don't beat yourself up over it, okay?”
You could hear the relief in his voice. “I know, I'm just... I don't know, stressed, and I guess I'm panicking. I really don't want you to regret this and think we're taking advantage of you, Yn-ie, really.”
You couldn't help but smile a little bit at that. “I know you guys aren't, Jeno. I agreed to do this, remember?”
“Not willingly, though...”
“Maybe that's true,” you said, “but I want you guys to succeed and I'm not backing out. Let me know when you guys want me to go on another date. When and where, and I'll be there.”
Jeno sighed. “I don't know what to say; thank you so much.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Okay, I hope you have a good day, Yn-ie. See you at school.”
“See you, Jen.” As soon as you hung up, you slumped in your chair and stared at your outfit. What a waste of a nice outfit, you thought, before standing up to bring your dirty dishes to the station at the side of the café.
You were about to leave the café completely when you felt a presence by you at the station. Surprise flickered across your face as you saw that it was Renjun. “Hey. How's your date?”
Renjun gave you a deadpanned expression, then nodded behind him. “Gawking at the barista.”
You followed his gaze to where a pretty girl in a sweater vest and skirt sat at the counter, hair twirled around her finger, as she and the barista flirted with each other. “Dude,” you muttered lowly with raised brows.
He gave a shrug. “Yours?”
“I wouldn't know; he didn't show.”
Renjun winced at this. “Dude.”
“I'm not super bothered by it. I'm just more annoyed that he would do this to my friends.”
The look Renjun sent you was one of confusion and incredulity. His lips parted as if he was going to say something, but closed them, as if thinking better than to say it. You pretended not to see that.
Instead, you said to him, “Hey, wanna get out of here and hang out together?”
A small smile bloomed on his face. “Sure.”
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a/n: next update on thursday, march 3rd!
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taglist (italicized means i couldn't tag u 😔): @misa-misa-09 @runawayreki @lovesonghyuck @purenjuniverse @hae06 @tatakaee @blaaiissee
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castellamedia-blog · 4 years
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Mom plays Keeper of the Sun and Moon
Chapter 1
“Snake woman lunges--OH FUCK NO! I guess I’ll distract this bitch.”
“‘Are you awake?’ Bitch, do I look awake?!”
“I distracted some fucking snake with light or something.”
“Uhhhh, what the fuck is my name? OK, the cat wants me to be named Clara, we’ll go with that.”
“’What am I??’ The fuck are you?!?!? That’s rude as shit. You better not be some fucking snake.”
(about Astrid) “Compel me? Oh, fuck you. Don’t turn your back, bitch.” 
“Maybe if I play dumb, they won’t scramble my brains. I ain’t cooperating, though.”
“You can’t go fuckin’ around not knowing about snake people.”
“What is this, the cool dad agent? Fuck you, too.”
“Well, no shit, I’m not from here! A snake tried to eat me, and now I’m in the middle of this magic shit, and you all suck at it! Even Agent Cool Dad.”
(about Astrid) “I don’t have time for this dramatic-ass bitch. Only got time for one dramatic-ass bitch in my life, and I’m it.”
(About Castella) “‘Leaving no room for argument,’ bitch, there is plenty room to keep you here--Oh, now you gonna charge me tuition, I don’t even fucking think so.”
“You want me to do PAPERWORK?!?! You are out of your goddamn mind, lady!”
(About Cressida) “Anyone who wants that much power doesn’t deserve it.”
“I don’t trust Astrid.”
“Cruel, 53%--YES!” *fist pump*
“What the fuck is Nephilim? I ain’t hangin’ out with no angelic-ass motherfuckers. ‘What species are you?’ This sounds like some racist-ass shit.”
(about Yakov) “Why the fuck are the two newbies here? You got the kid who just learned about this shit and the foreign kid here.”
Chapter 2
“I ain’t eating any tentacle casserole.”
“‘Astrid is indignant on your behalf...’ OK. OK, I guess I’m team Astrid. I’m not going to the meeting. We’re going to play hooky.”
(about Magi in general) “These trick-ass bitches.”
“Ha ha, told y’all bitches I was human.”
“I don’t want to know about these weird-ass bitches--wait, no, tell me about Yakov. A wraith, what the fuck? This guy has shit gossip.”
“Let’s go gothic.”
(about random man in yellow) “Aw, Jesus, it’s a moving fucking migraine.”
Her: I want the cat’s foot shit.
Me: The creepy shit.
Her: Oh, that’s the creepy shit?
“OH, here’s this bitch Cyrus again!”
*cackling* “Bitch, if I had illegal substances, I wouldn’t tell you.”
(about Leon) “Oh, who’s this dick?”
“Oh ho ho, team Astrid on this one. This guy’s a dick.”
(about Thalia) “Her teeth are sharp? Oh, fuck.”
“I guess so. Ignore shit ‘til it goes away.”
Chapter 3
Me: You straight up went from hating Astrid to pissing everyone off on her behalf.
Her: Whatev.
(about paperwork) “Ah, shit. I’m not filling this out.”
*tries to leave campus* “Ah, shit, that crazy old bat caught me?”
“I’m not interested in Yakov. Ghost boy is hella weird.” 
“Only people I like are Thalia and Astrid. And Yakov just a tiny bit.”
“Wait, wtf, did something just attack me again? Kick it in the face.”
“Now the fuckin’ police show up--spectators?? None of you motherfuckers helped a bunch of teenagers getting their asses kicked?”
(on train) “I’ll talk to Thalia. Leon’s a dick and Kol’s weird.”
(about Jaime) “That’s that mofo who showed up after the dogs attacked. Imma do some amateur sleuthing. (Me: he wears sunglasses, like, all the time) So he’s Cory Hart.”
Chapter 4
Me: Please don’t be mean to Kol. He’s an orphan.
Her: Ugh, fine, but this is the only time I let you influence my decision not to tell someone to fuck off. 
(about the professors) “Oh, god.”
(about Ebner) “Oh, this guy sounds like a dick.”
“I’m going to learn magic so I can fuck up those dogs.”
(about Cyrus) “I think he needs to take a shit and calm down.”
“Who the fuck is Altair? (”You’ve ticked him off, like, 3 times already.”) Have I?”
“Haha! I’m human, brand-new, and I have to help the supernatural with his homework!”
“Either be the ass-kicker or the kicked ass.”
Chapter 5
(about starbursts) “Magic disco balls.”
“We’re grouped by suite? Oh, we’re fucked already.”
*sadly* “I just killed a gnome? Why didn’t you tell me this could happen?”
*snorts* “Punch it. *pause* Oh, shit. I got hurt.”
(about Seraphina) “You aren’t allowed to apologize on my behalf. You are on notice to never apologize for my ass because I am not sorry.”
“Care to explain, Leon, you fuckin’ trick-ass bitch.”
(about book thief) “They killed that motherfucker for stealing their Sweet Valley High collection? Was it the vintage cover? Seems like overkill otherwise.”
Chapter 6
“Ahh, snakes!”
(about father) “’You’re late.’ Dude, that’s the first thing you say to me after I disappear mysteriously for months? Seriously? Dad, you’re a douchebag.”
(staying back from fair) “It’s sleuth time.”
“Does this keeper shit have anything to do with the name of the game?”
Chapter 8
“Prepare for the oral presentation, because even if I flunk the exam, I don’t want to look like a dumbass in front of the rest of the class.”
(about Leon) “I’m going to intervene because even if I don’t like him, I don’t want to see him get attacked by some asshole sneaking into his dreams.”
“Nothing’s secure if someone wants it...Except for me in this fucking school.”
“Good sleuthing means lying well.”
“Motherfucker. Another goddamn hellhound.”
Chapter 9
“Got a chocolate egg...fire truffles...and that’s it. LOL.”
(about Cressida) “What a trick-ass bitch.”
“Why would you give Seraphina something on fire on the anniversary of the day her family was killed by fire? How insensitive can you get?”
“Ah man, now I’m hungry.”
“Child murder is wrong. Everything else is relative.”
“Oh, good, Cressida left.”
(about ice skating) “Oh, Leon hates this so much. I’m so glad I made this choice.”
Me: You don’t want to enter the tournament?
Her: I draw pictures, Hannah.
(about Leon) “Aww, poor baby didn’t get what you wanted.”
(about Cyrus) “I think it’s him. He’s the weak link.”
“No way in hell am I going to wear an outfit from Leon.”
“Yeah, be downcast, Kol, you weirdo.”
“I’m just generally unpleasant to everyone.”
(about dragon made of shadows) “Oh, I’m definitely about to punch this in the face.”
Chapter 10
“Oh, Leon, I don’t think anyone in this group actually likes you. We literally had a group laugh at you and decided to make it a tradition.”
(about Jarrod and Thalia) “I’ve found my people.”
“Oh, good, we’re at a seedy motel.”
“My stats still say I’m not cruel. This is a personal failing.”
“Why can’t I see the door? (”It’s Ebner.”) Ah, this motherfucker.”
(about Cressida) “Why am I talking to this bitch? Oh, right, ‘cuz she has the gossip.”
(about Yakov and Seraphina) “Oh, they cut me. I will remember this shit.”
Chapter 11
“Did I get cruelty for the mouse? It was a school activity. Not like I dissected it.”
“Oh, great. Math.”
(upon seeing the name Alexa in the Constellation project) “Imma fuck them up.”
Her: Romantic pursuits?
Me: None of the guys like you anyway. 
Her: *cackling*
Chapter 12
“How does this shit not leak when I work at a media outlet? (”You’d have to leak it.”) And do you know what that would do for my career?”
(about Leon) “Don’t steal fries or pancakes, you’ll get fucked up.”
My brother: What do you teach at a magic college?
Me: Calculus.
Him: I guess you always need calculus. 
Mom: *disgusted face*
“Jaime tried to pull compulsion out on me.”
“I was adopted, what?!”
Her: If I’m half elemental, why don’t I have powers? I should have fucking powers!
Me: You chose not to have any.
Her: Oh, yeah, that’s right.
“We lost Kol. How did that happen? How did nobody notice--we’re walking through a dark scary forest, and nobody noticed this motherfucker just bounced?”
“Anti-magic cuffs? I’m human, bitches. Won’t work on me! Imma draw a picture!”
“Wait, I’m here to do a ritual? Fuck y’all.”
(Jaime dies) *shrugs* “Dude kinda deserved it.”
“Wait, is Kol dead for realsies? (”No.”) Oh, OK.”
Chapter 13
“Seraphina just has these powerful ass artifacts on her bed? Girl, I hope you invested in some good locks!”
(about more hellhounds) “Ohhh shit. Punching time.”
“What are my punching stats?”
“I’m like a test tube baby.”
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bangtan · 7 years
BTS Takes on L.A. With Vogue—And It’s “Hella Lit”
“Whoa, is that Raf?” asks J-Hope—the main dancer of BTS—striding into a chintzy suite in Downtown L.A. decorated with mustard-colored couches and heading straight for the racks of tapered jeans and Western tops in the middle. “It must be expensive,” he murmurs, running his hands over the grosgrain stripes, then calls out to his bandmates as they enter: “Guys, it’s Calvin Klein!” The hotel’s 10th floor has been completely closed off for this week in November to accommodate the seven-member K-pop act on their first major run of U.S. press: James Corden, then Jimmy Kimmel, a historic performance at the AMAs (the first Korean group to do so), and Ellen DeGeneres, with a slew of interviews squeezed in between. On their penultimate day, they hit another milestone, becoming the first K-pop band to book a full-fledged shoot with Vogue, who proposed a fun and carefree tour of the city they had taken by storm. One by one, they file into the room—Jungkook, the youngest, is so striking in person, an audible hush falls when he enters, startling him slightly. He heads straight for the makeup chair to wait for his touch-up, singing softly to himself to pass the time. Other members make a beeline for the pile of snacks on the sideboard: cup ramen and boxes of Pocky, crunchy Cheetos and Fritos, cans of Coke, slices of castella cake, iced Americanos, and thick “body conditioning” shakes in teal sports bottles, individually labeled and lined up with military precision. Raf’s Spring 2018 denim (later shot on the Kardashian-Jenners) is duly admired, then the boys slip out to get dressed in private and return for group inspection. They are extremely particular about clothes: “They are perfectionists,” a staff member proudly notes five times that day. Hems are cuffed and uncuffed and repinned until they hit the ankle just so; Jungkook fusses with a belt to perfect the fit, while Jimin and Suga compare silver chain earrings, left long to brush their collars. Jin walks in promptly, shrugs on a pair of cornflower blue cowboy boots, and sticks a wedge of castella in his mouth. Some 45 minutes later, the boys pile onto one mustard couch and happily recount the highlights from the past seven days—meeting Post Malone at the AMAs, airport Panda Express—and move onto their favorite bit of American slang. “Teach us something!” RM, formerly Rap Monster, the leader, asks. One editor proposes “lituation,” a portmanteau of “lit” and “situation.” Their eyes glow, as though they’ve been given a shiny new toy. “Lituation! That’s hella lit.” And so it was. By now, everything there is to know about BTS has come out in interviews. BTS stands for Bangtan Sonyeondan, or Bulletproof Boy Scouts; last summer, as their U.S. visibility grew, they added the meaning Beyond the Scene. The seven-member boy band debuted in 2013 through Big Hit Entertainment, a Seoul-based entertainment company that has been a smaller player. Initially, their music took more from rap and hip-hop. In 2015, they shifted direction and began to attract international attention with high-energy dance tracks (“Dope”) and EDM torch songs (“Save Me”), but Big Hit remained focused on Asia (This editor attempted to shoot the band that summer, but was rebuffed). Everything changed last May at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards, when BTS flew to Las Vegas to accept Top Social Artist in silk Saint Laurent suits and the subsequent flurry on Twitter (the band’s preferred social media platform) made the rest of the world take note. From there, the attention snowballed, and by the time they had scheduled their flights to the West Coast, the press and fans were ready to pounce—on their arrival at LAX, they were greeted by a crush of shrieking girls and boys, who strained against the line of security guards in yellow shirts that had formed a human wall to protect them. The L.A. trip was the sort of pop cultural milestone not seen since the Beatles arrived in New York (or One Direction arrived, well, anywhere), but of different magnitude. For countless Asian-Americans, it has meant everything to see seven Koreans celebrated on a global scale. Back home, Koreans are astonished to see a group of their own go so far (unusually, BTS exploded overseas first, only winning their first daesang, or major Korean music award, in 2016). The boys know it too—over the course of our day with them, they spend a great deal of their time blissfully awestruck by the attention. “It’s still hard to believe it’s happening,” Jin says. “It’s like a dream.” It is 3:45 p.m. and the boys have finally boarded the party bus (how else to travel L.A. with a small entourage?). The final head count: seven K-pop stars, three Vogue editors, a four-man video crew, one manager, one body guard, one translator, one makeup artist, an assistant, and the driver. The rest of the team (three additional bodyguards, two hair stylists and a makeup assistant, more managers, and two publicists) follow in gleaming black Escalades. The bus is lined with leather seats and armed with flashing colored lights and a silver pole at its center. There are snacks here, too: bottles of Coke kept on ice, passed around by the boys, yogurt-covered pretzels, Kind bars, and a bag of nacho cheese Doritos, which Jimin grabs gleefully (“These are my favorite!”). “This is the kind of place where you have a party?” Jin asks, eyeing the pole with some suspicion. Once it is explained that the party bus takes you from club to club (“so the party never stops”), the group is stunned (“Wow, Americans . . . ”). Agreeably, J-Hope plugs his phone into the sound system to play a selection of their favorite songs: “Havana,” “Dirty Pop.” Let loose for the first time in days, with the stress of the AMAs behind them, they seem full of pent-up energy. The bass shakes the walls, and V picks up two discarded Coke bottle caps and pops them in his eyes, grinning and shimmying wildly to peals of laughter. Jin and RM take turns slinking and bouncing around the pole in a dramatic fashion, until every member of the team and crew is laughing, too. Why is BTS so popular? They are far from the first South Korean artist to make a splash in the U.S.—SNSD with their viral hit “Gee,” Rain, who famously defeated Stephen Colbert for Time’s top influencer in 2007 (as voted by fans)—but the attention around them feels different. It comes down to timing: at the right moment, they found a fiercely loyal group of fans called Army, who fell hard, grew fast, and delivered their boys to international stardom. Yet there’s also the current media landscape to consider. It is why the Billboard Music Awards marked a turning point—the media saw the potential for page views, and the exponential rise in coverage that has followed has at times, to Army’s dismay, felt disingenuous. Take James Corden, for example, who drew some ire for pandering to fans. Worse still were those American interviewers who had done no research and asked often patronizing, uninformed questions—“Do you dance?” when they’re known for it. It has been tough for Army to watch wafer-thin interviews, conducted by people who barely know (certainly don’t care) about their boys, only the attention they might bring; in many ways, they have been treated as an Asian novelty. Yet the fashion world appears eager to embrace them on more balanced terms, something the boys like quite a lot. They wore Anthony Vaccarello’s Saint Laurent for both U.S. red carpet appearances; they spend a lot of time worrying over watches and earrings and documenting their daily looks. On the party bus, they take careful bites of their mustard-topped hot dogs, careful not to spill a drop. They’re big fans of brands like Gucci, WTAPS, and Calvin (and Raf, for the matter), though in Korea, the price of CK is quite steep due to import fees. “What about a group discount: 30-pack of Calvin shirts for $30, how’s that?” Jungkook proposes, laughing. “Cut us a deal?” Last fall, BTS was accosted by a cameraman outside a famous hot dog stand near Hollywood. The footage went viral and rumors quickly spread that the band had canceled a “meet and greet” for no reason. Of course, the truth is that there never was a meet and greet, but a private photo shoot with this magazine: the owner signs a standard agreement, part of which stipulates the event is closed to the public. Later, the stand’s Twitter account posts the exact time at which the band would be arriving and encourages fans to come. The bus pulls up to see at least three camera crews, including ABC News and TMZ, and a crowd of fans waiting; the shoot is no longer possible. To stick to schedule, the team is forced to move a few blocks away to continue. Eventually, a few cameramen find the new location; one particularly aggressive man begins screaming about his rights to a bodyguard (the guard, not understanding English, is quite literally unmoved). Shooting is forced to wrap, and the boys step back onto the bus. “You’re going to lose all your American fans before you even get here,” he screams after them. “What’d he say?” they ask back onboard. They seem on edge, though mostly confused by the panicked affair. The hair and makeup team rush forward to dab herbal oil behind their necks and offer soothing shoulder rubs. Once his remarks are translated, however, the tension lessens and they laugh. “Tell him thank you for worrying about us!” J-Hope says, smiling. “Yeah, thank you so much!” Even the Big Hit team, though openly displeased, seem privately thrilled. “The paparazzi were here!” one says in passing. “That means we’ve really made it, huh.” Flash back to 2014 when BTS came to L.A. to film a reality TV series, American Hustle Life, where they learned about hip-hop culture. In one memorable passage, the boys are sent out on the street to approach random girls and invite them to star in their music video with little success. Now, it’s security teams and TMZ. A happier scene unfolds at Dave and Buster’s, the adult arcade games chain, where the boys are given an unlimited points card and set free. On a weeknight the floor is quiet, just a handful of families with small kids killing time; not much notice is paid to the handsome group in the back. Jungkook and Jin race to the DDR machine and face off, their patent cowboy boots darting frantically across the mat. Suga and Jimin reach for a first-person shooting game, while J-Hope and RM start throwing baskets. Across the way, V draws the attention of a small kid—”Mom, they were on TV last night!”—and takes a selfie with him, before turning his attention to a machine where you toss palm-sized footballs through different hoops. “Wait, this is really hard!” he says, calling to Jimin to take a turn (Jimin effortlessly throws a few into the correct slots). Their energy is infectious—and seemingly limitless. After shooting has wrapped, and they have politely bowed to the entire crew, the seven boys board their Escalades and promptly return to the hotel. They walk to their separate rooms, change into fresh clothes, and continue an interview that had been interrupted that afternoon. The next morning, bright and early, they appear on Ellen, then head straight to LAX and back to Seoul to begin rehearsals for the end of the year award shows, practicing late into the night. No doubt they are tired, but still, they smile and keep at it. Perhaps the beauty lies on that basic level: just seven young boys, enjoying the ride.
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Photography and Time! Past vs Present vs Future
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George Eastman, the founder of Kodak
In the past, Kodak, a photography firm, produced the first camera in 1900’s called ‘Brownie’ and it was popularly used after Second World War. I think it was an opportunity for Kodak to be successful in the business as Dr Michael Prichard said the Royal Photographic Society “The Brownie democratised photography simply through the sheer volume of sales’. (BBC 4; Photography)
However, it was also an opportunity for the customers, for the first time to take photos of people and special moments and able to see the moments again and again.
For example, a photographer Mary McCartney said
‘I have a set of prints I carry around in my wallet of my kids, my husband and my parents. I look at those rather than writing a diary: they’re very evocative and textural and emotional, and take you back to specific moments.’ (McCartney. M: 2013, The Guardian)
I believe that photos that are close to you are very precious because they are easy to remember the moments of your past time and to remember it is cyclical.
Since then, Kodak has been producing different cameras, prints and films for all kinds of people, especially for people who are interested in films and photography. With other photography and digital camera/technology business growth such as Nikon, Sony, Cannon. Polaroid, Lumix and Apple.
Now in the 21st century, photography is growing, and cameras and smartphones are cheap and affordable, I feel that everyone is a photographer especially who owns a smartphone. This is the reason because of access to Instagram. Instagram is a very popular social network for sharing photos around the world with hashtags and the like button. Base on my experience with Instagram, It used to be photos of everyday life and photos of people doing normal things. Now with the popularity and inspiration of professional photographers and celebrities posting very good photos on Instagram with thousands of likes. We (normal people) want to do the same and take excellent photos. The only reason we want to take very good photos is how many likes we get.  Here is a short video from Ditch the Label from Youtube about making a photo good on social media but not for the right reason:
Back in 1900’s, it was all about sharing photos to the close ones and has a real meaning for the photos you take. For them, it was intimate and believable. However what is amusing is that we have a technology now that can archive and save memories forever such as Facebook timeline and Apple's iPhoto
 People's behaviour can be changed by photography nowadays, especially where people take pictures of festivals/concerts. I experienced when I saw Mumford and Sons concert at Hyde Park. I sometimes missed some of their live performance but I want to take memories of the performance and ability to share it on Facebook and Instagram and also to be part of the community, Mumford and Sons fan group.
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 I took this photo of Mumford and Sons playing at Hyde Park (British Summer Time Festival)
Effectively they are showing the rest of the "fan community" that "I was there". They are also offering the first record of the event, beating the traditional media. (Castella, T,:2012, BBC News Magazine)
Photographs can really help you for a proof that I was there. I was at the Mumford and Sons concert.  Visual is powerful in all time.
  Smartphones are now getting very good quality of camera with up to 12 megapixels. Especially for the new iPhone 8 and X with some features with the camera of new portrait lighting mode. There’s more coming up in the future of photography. There’s VR (virtual reality) photography with realistic images and drones taking photos from bird view, also with the popularity of Go Pro Cameras. Cameras companies are changing and making new innovations:
“Camera technology is going to continue to change,” Wendle said. “We’ll see who comes out with the next version of a camera that people really love -– I’m not sure who it will be, maybe it will be a traditional camera maker, maybe it won’t be. But I think cameras will continue to evolve, and we’re already seeing some of that now.  (Shu, L:2016, Digital Trends)
They are really making new photographic technology. Nikon produced a 360 digital camera, Cannon also produced a VR with 8k. I feel that the future of photography is going be very attached to humans, and it could be part of our daily life.  It’s going to be a revolution for photographers to take amazing captions and share the captures that are unique and wonderful.
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castellamediagroup · 19 days
Social Media Influencers Music Promotion
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About Castella Media Group
Castella Media Group is a prominent digital marketing agency dedicated to promoting music through social media influencers. Specializing in TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts, the agency connects musicians with influencers to maximize their reach and engagement. They work with a variety of music genres, including hip hop, country, EDM, pop, alternative rock, and R&B. Operating mainly in the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom, Castella Media Group assists artists in navigating the digital landscape of music marketing.
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TikTok Influencer Music Promotion
Through its TikTok Influencer Music Promotion service, Castella Media Group enables musicians to harness the power of TikTok’s vast audience. By partnering with influencers who actively engage their followers, artists can easily submit music to TikTok influencers, who create engaging content featuring their songs. This service enhances the visibility of the music while promoting genuine interactions, as TikTok creators generate unique videos that resonate with their audience. Regardless of their stage in the music career, artists can pay TikTokers to use their songs, thus increasing their market presence.
Instagram Influencer Music Promotion
In addition to TikTok, Castella Media Group provides Instagram Influencer Music Promotion, where artists can collaborate with Instagram Reels influencers. This service allows musicians to showcase their tracks in an engaging format tailored for Instagram users. The agency curates a selection of influencers aligned with each artist’s genre and target demographic, ensuring that the music reaches the appropriate audience. By utilizing captivating Reels, influencers can effectively promote the artist’s music, driving traffic and engagement to their platforms. This approach is ideal for artists looking to expand their reach through influencer marketing.
YouTube Shorts Influencer Music Promotion
YouTube Shorts Influencer Music Promotion is another key offering from Castella Media Group. By partnering with influencers who excel in creating engaging short videos, artists can promote their music effectively. This service allows musicians to connect with a wider audience through engaging content featuring their songs. The agency helps artists navigate the YouTube Shorts landscape, ensuring their music is presented in a way that captivates viewers. The viral potential of Shorts makes this service an essential tool in any artist’s marketing strategy.
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Types of Influencers They Work With
Castella Media Group collaborates with a diverse range of influencers to optimize music promotion efforts. The agency engages both micro and macro influencers, whose followings can range from 100 to over 1 million. These influencers are real individuals who post engaging content regularly on their social media channels, fostering authentic interactions for the music they promote. Castella Media Group meticulously vets each influencer, ensuring they align with client objectives. By not partnering with bots, the agency emphasizes genuine engagement, creating meaningful connections between artists and audiences. Their influencer network includes hip hop music influencers, country music influencers, EDM influencers, pop music influencers, alternative rock influencers, and R&B influencers, ensuring a comprehensive approach across genres.
Starting a Campaign
For artists looking to elevate their music promotion efforts, starting a campaign with Castella Media Group is simple. Campaigns begin at an accessible $100, giving clients complete control over their budget. With no automatic renewals, each campaign operates independently, allowing artists to tailor their spending to their needs. Interested parties can visit the agency’s website to learn more about how to leverage social media influencers for music promotion.
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castellamediagroup · 1 month
Dive into the world of TikTok sound creation with our comprehensive guide on Castella Media Group's blog. Learn how to make your own sounds, from uploading custom audio to creating music that captures TikTok's viral potential. Whether you're a musician looking to expand your reach or a creator aiming to enhance your videos, this post has all the tips you need. Check it out now on our website: Castella Media Group.
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castellamediagroup · 1 month
Become a Music Influencer
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Are you a social media enthusiast with a solid following? Turn your passion into pay by promoting music as an influencer with Castella Media Group! Dive into the world of music promotion, share fresh tunes with your followers, and get compensated for your creativity. Sign up now at castellamedia.com/influencer and start your journey as a music influencer today!
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castellamediagroup · 1 month
Music Artists Who Master Social Media
NEW BLOG POST: Explore our selection of artists who truly shine on social media. Their distinct visual flair and captivating content engage audiences around the world, providing perfect inspiration for enhancing your social media strategy. Dive into our blog to discover how you can elevate your online presence by learning from the best!
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castellamediagroup · 2 months
TikTok Music Promotion, promote Music on TikTok
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castellamediagroup · 7 months
Promote Song Cover and Remix on YouTube
For all you cover artists and remix wizards out there, Castella Media Group is launching something special. Our new service is dedicated to promoting your covers and remixes, targeting listeners who are fans of the original songs. It’s a great way to get your music in front of an audience that’s already inclined to love it. Whether you’re reimagining classics or putting a fresh spin on today’s hits, find out how we can help at https://castellamedia.com/promote-your-song-cover-and-remix/. Let's make your music impossible to ignore.
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castellamediagroup · 7 months
Music Video Promotion on TV Screens
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Hey Tumblr fam,
Guess what? The game has totally changed for indie musicians looking to get their music videos out there. Remember the days when MTV was the holy grail of music video success? Well, Castella Media Group is bringing those vibes back, but with a twist that’s super accessible for artists like us.
Now, getting your music video onto TV screens isn't some far-off dream that requires you to be part of the label elite. It’s real, and it’s happening. Castella Media Group has this rad service that slots your music videos into the lineup on TVs across bars, retail spaces, and gyms. It’s like sneakily inserting your track into people’s daily lives, but in places they actually chill.
Why is this so cool? Because unlike the endless void of online scrolling, a TV in a public spot actually grabs people's attention. It’s there, in the background of their gym session or their coffee shop hangout, and suddenly your video pops up. You’re not just another tab; you’re part of the atmosphere, and that’s where the magic happens.
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Plus, there’s something undeniably cool about seeing your video play in public. It’s a nod to the old-school way of doing things but without the gatekeeping. And when your video rolls next to big-name artists, it doesn’t just feel like you’ve made it; it sparks curiosity and conversation. That’s the kind of organic discovery you can’t buy.
So, if you’re tired of the same old promotion routes and looking for something that packs a punch, Castella Media Group’s Music Video Promotion might just be your ticket. It’s about making an impact where people least expect it but will most appreciate it. Dive into the new era of music video promos with us, and let’s make some waves together.
Catch you on the flip side, Castella Media Group
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castellamediagroup · 8 months
The Perils of Spotify Playlist Promotions
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The quest for visibility on Spotify can be a double-edged sword for emerging artists. While playlist promotions promise to elevate one's music to wider audiences, the risk of falling prey to scams or being unfairly targeted by Spotify's anti-fraud algorithms looms large. In our latest article, we delve into the intricate dynamics of Spotify playlist promotions, offering clarity and guidance on how to approach this vital aspect of music marketing. From understanding the impact of DistroKid's email warnings to discerning legitimate ad placement services from scams, our blog provides essential insights for any artist navigating Spotify's complex promotional terrain. Read the insightful analysis here:
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