#Cassandra Dimitrescu x oc
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Daniela x Maiden ---- Hunted Ch.10
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9

As the fading sunlight casts its amber glow upon the towering spires of Castle Dimitrescu, an air of anticipation swirls within its ancient halls.
Because duchess Alcina is going away for a few days on a business trip. And that leaves her daughters in charge of the castle and its inhabitants. Naturally…
Nobody can tell if that’s a good or a bad thing.
The staff is divided. One one hand, the consensus among maids and cooks alike is that Bela will have the general command and things will run more or less the same as they do with her mother. On the other… Bela’s word ranges from meaning little to meaning jack when it comes to her sisters. And that’s where the first domino threatens to fall and take all others with it.
The fact Alexia didn’t meet your eyes when you asked her what to expect for the following days is something you choose not to think about.
You are lighting the candles in one corner of the main hall when you hear the telltale thunderous steps of the Lady descend the grand staircase, followed by her daughters. You tense a little, your breath growing a tad uneven, but you continue your task diligently, a safe distance from the massive doorway not to be noticed. You catch a few of the things they say, like Alcina’s instructions on how to answer the phone if Miranda calls and what temperature the wine cellar should be kept at.
“Cassandra, Daniela, I need not remind you that we are understaffed.” she emphasizes. “I do not want to see that the maids’ number has dropped in my absence.”
“Yes, mother.” they nod in unison, with one looking like she’s agreeing for the sake of getting this over with and the other gazing up at the statuesque woman like a puppy. A puppy straight out of the most chaotic pit of hell.
“Bela, I want you to personally supervise the shipment from Duke tomorrow.” she continues, adjusting the chic fur cloak around her massive form.
“Don’t worry, mother. I will see to it that everything is in order.” the blonde replies.
You watch as Alcina’s key is slid into the lock and the heavy gates are opened with a mere light push of her gloved hands. Then, she turns to cast one last fond look upon her daughters. Despite all the oddities of this family, the things you know about them and how they came to be… this simple gesture gets to you. It hits your most vulnerable cord and the image gets burned into your brain. You will never unsee this.
“Safe travels.” Bela bids.
“We’ll miss you!” Daniela exclaims. It’s sweet, save for the fact that is not the tune she was singing yesterday, when she was jumping on her bed –and on you– going ‘yeeesssss, bless these business trips!’
The doors close behind Lady Dimitrescu.
You count exactly five beats that pass in silence.
“Slow and steady wins the race, mother!” Cassandra is the first to break character.
“Don’t worry about aaaanything~” Daniela sing-songs and at this point you have to feel at least a little sorry for Bela.
Then you remind yourself the asshole stopped your escape and nearly broke your back on a table not that long ago. Every bit of suffering she endures from her sisters these days is a well-deserved slap straight from karma. You’re already feeling the score being settled as they giggle and cackle around her and all she can do is control her breathing and bring two fingers to the bridge of her nose.
You shake your head and go about lighting the rest of the candles around.
Or, more accurately, you try to.
Because a wild buzzing later, you find yourself knocked forward as a familiar weight crashes onto your back. Daniela’s arms wrap around your neck and she practically demands a piggyback ride, painted lips hovering by your ear;
“How are you doing, Knight~?”
Yeah, you sigh. It’s going to be a rough couple of days…
On the second day, your early-evening nap is interrupted by a maid nearly breaking down your door to tell you the daughters summon you to the armory, asap. You actually have to ask for instructions as to where that even is, and your muscles grow more and more tense along the way.
The door is left open, as if whoever is inside is waiting for you. Swallowing past the lump in your throat, you strain your ears to get an idea of what is happening on the other side, until you hear the distinct sound of Rhiannon’s and Daniela’s voices. Releasing the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding the entire walk to the armory, you rap your knuckles against the open door just to be polite, then step past the threshold.
Alexia and Rhiannon are the first ones to catch your eye, standing next to Bela and Daniela respectively, while Cassandra examines the weapons mounted on the wall. You note that the sisters are dressed in their heavy winter gear, complete with scarfs and everything. Then you glance at the practical clothes the other humans in the room are wearing.
“Um. Are we… going to war?” you squint.
“I wish.” Cassandra huffs from the weapon racks.
“We’re going hunting.” Alexia replies.
“Who’s ‘we’?” your eyes widen, because you have a very bad feeling this includes you and–
“We.” Daniela beams at you, gesturing around with her finger. “The temperature is at ten degrees tonight!”
“Nine.” Bela corrects under her breath.
“Which is practically ten.” the redhead rolls her eyes dramatically.
“Think fast.” Cassandra interjects, throwing you a hunting spear so fast you basically stop it from knocking you down rather than actually catch it mid-air. Your breathing quickens again. You just can’t catch a break with this family.
She goes far easier on Rhiannon when she sends a crossbow and bolts her way. Lastly, she personally walks over to Alexia and hands her a leg sheath filled with throwing knives. The hazel-eyed beauty fastens them on like she’s done this a couple of times before. All the weapons are in excellent condition, sharpened and lethal.
“Alright, listen up.” the brunette begins, as if a captain emphasizing key mission points to her squad. “We will be traveling together at first, but we are still split into three teams. Our prey is a mutated coyote. You’ll know it when you see it by its crimson fur and two heads.” she explains. “My sisters and I can only chase it and hoard it to openings for you to kill, but we can’t land the final blow ourselves. That would be too easy. Your weapons have been selected based on your hunting experience to even the odds. Whoever’s girlfriend gets the kill wins and the victor picks our meals until mother returns.”
“Whatever you do, don’t let Daniela win.” Bela huffs under her breath, as if to herself.
“Hey, I heard that!” the youngest growls.
“Question; what happens if we don’t want to kill an innocent animal?” Rhiannon asks.
“We knew you’d say that, so we picked this coyote for a reason. So far, it has killed over a dozen sheep!” Daniela says this like it’s a tragedy. Then, she carelessly adds “Oh, and one villager. Or was it a tourist…?”
Rhiannon nods. “Sympathy is now depleted. We can go.”
You test the spear’s weight in your hand. Its balance is great, yet it’s also one of the heavier ones and sure as hell won’t be easy to throw. You’re used to hunting with a recurve bow, so this thing is definitely going to be a challenge for you. Alexia still has the hardest projectile to land, but you suppose she must have some experience, on top of being paired with the huntress of the family.
“Is there any chance that thing, like… attacks us?” Rhiannon asks Bela, who smirks.
“Try not to think about it.” she speaks, but her eyes say something closer to ‘don’t worry, I won’t let anything harm you’.
“If push comes to shove, I’ll just let Knight rescue me.” Daniela smiles dreamily. You really want to argue that it should be the other way around.
“Oh, God. How do I get into team Cassandra…?” you joke.
“Seren!” the redhead gasps, slapping your arm lightly.
“I like her!” the brunette laughs, ever at the expense of her sister.
What a crazy family, you muse, watching them interact. Whatever higher power paired the people in this castle together… it had a deep sense of humor for sure.
With a fond shake of your head, you exit the castle behind them.
The skies are filled with clouds tonight. Moonlight comes and goes in soft waves, washing over the forest cradling the village one moment and vanishing soon after.
The remnants of winter's grip linger, with patches of snow clinging desperately to the forest floor like white freckles. A canopy of trees spans far and wide before you that seems to come alive with whispers and shadows. Being here would petrify you, if you were alone.
But you’re not alone. You’re surrounded by the giggles and comments of the most problematic group that’s ever grown on you in your entire life. Unfortunately, you happen to be their subject of interest at this particular time.
“Honestly, Seren, I have to hand it to you. I never thought you’d be alive under Dani’s care for more than a week.” Bela comments.
“‘Under’ Dani’s care.” Cassandra snickers, earning a growling glare from her younger sibling. You have to admit, the brunette contests with Bela for who can be the biggest bitch at times, but you are starting to see the sexy in that.
“I can keep my teeth out of a human if I choose to, you jerk!” the redhead snaps.
“No, I mean it’s a wonder she hasn’t offed herself after dealing with you for more than a month.” Bela’s lip twitches upwards, as if she’s trying –and failing– to keep a straight face.
“She tried, remember? You stopped her.” Cassandra adds more fuel to the fire.
“I definitely remember.” you interject, eyeing Bela.
“What? I was careful not to break any of your bones.” she says.
“Oh, that was you being careful…” you grimace.
“In all honesty, if you’re here still that means she probably was.” Rhiannon adds.
“You didn’t feel what I felt, Rhiannon.” you shake your head.
“Unfortunately.” she and Alexia both say simultaneously.
You roll your eyes at them, full circle. “Maybe it sounds good on paper but there’s no way you guys would have enjoyed that.”
“You don’t know Alexia very well.” Cassandra chuckles.
The barrage of comments continues, shifting back to bullying Daniela. The sisters push and prod at each other like lion cubs, until they end up a few ways ahead of you, three dark silhouettes atop the hill your calf muscles are protesting to climb. Life must be a lot easier when you have superhuman stamina and levitate. You think.
Bela turns around and flashes to Rhiannon’s side to help her up, but Daniela and Cassandra are too busy throwing remarks at each other’s face to care about Alexia and you.
The spear in your hand feels weightier now than it did before. You stop for a moment to glance at the distance you’ve covered over your shoulder… and that is when a thought strikes you.
If I were to start running now… could I escape?
Do I even have a chance...?
You have a map of the city and its underbelly in your mind thanks to Daniela. You will no longer be running blindly. Within seconds, an entire plan forms at the forefront of your mind. With a little luck, it’s doable. You know the Dimitrescus’ shared weakness now and you know of the nitrogen conducts leading to the factory from beneath the ground. Your eyes fall to the weapon in your hand. It’s both heavy and sturdy enough to pierce through.
All you have to do… is use Daniela’s greatest vulnerability against her. All you have to do is show her how right she was to have zero faith in humanity.
Your fingers have gone white around the hunting spear.
Until Alexia’s hand comes to rest over one of your own. Torn, you look into her eyes for guidance and see her subtly shaking her head no. But she doesn’t know what it means for all of you if you stay.
You don’t have long now. The melting snow all around you is a painful reminder of that.
“Babe, hurry it up!” Cassandra’s voice calls from atop the hill. With one last lingering look, Alexia takes a step back from you, continuing her hike.
Seconds pass –or perhaps minutes– pass, yet you feel frozen in time. A faint buzzing is what brings you back to reality, and by the time you turn around, Daniela is landing soundlessly a few steps ahead of you. Her bi-tone eyes fix on yours for a tense moment.
“Knight? …All good?” she asks before she extends a hand towards you.
“Yeah.” you lie with a smile as you take it.
For the rest of the trudge through the forest, you feel numb.
The conversation around you flies right over your head and you only actively take part in it when you absolutely have to, in order to upkeep the pretense that everything is fine. But you’re not fine.
You didn’t run when you had the chance to. You just let it go.
An older you wouldn’t have missed the opportunity, no matter how slim it may have looked. But the fact remains; you hesitated. Your heart wasn’t in tune with your brain, not even close. And that disparity is what gets to you the most. Because above all the reasons why you need to go, why you want to leave, at the forefront of your mind was…
Suddenly, the Dimitrescus bristle like panthers catching the scent of blood. Sniffing the air, you see their eyes shift into a darker, primal gold. Daniela, eager and impulsive, smirks and makes to dash forward, but her sisters’ hands descending on either shoulder grab her and nail her feet to the ground before she takes off.
“One by one. Wait your turn.” Bela reminds her, voice deep with authority. Then she grabs Rhiannon’s hand and vanishes into the darkness first.
The other two are barely holding themselves back from going in, but, albeit seething with anticipation, they do wait for the first pair’s attempt. In calculated grace, the blonde leaves her partner at a vantage point and half-slides, half-flies down the slope, forcing the coyote to back, growling, into a moonlit patch of the uneven ground.
Rhiannon aims… and takes her shot.
The arrowhead flies well over a meter above the beast’s two heads, embedding itself into a tree bark. The redhead struggles to pull back the string to reload, while Bela flashes behind the coyote so it doesn’t escape. The second shot is much closer, but the creature twists to the side with uncanny agility. It’s a good thing Bela does the same.
“Nice one! That almost killed Bela!” Daniela cackles.
The prey manages to slip away into the woods and Cassandra’s seizes the opportunity to pursue. You hear only a sharp “Let’s go!” and watch as she leaps high into the trees while Alexia runs after her.
Their paths split for a moment, long enough for one to obscure herself while the other lands powerfully in front of the creature, freezing it in its tracks. The spot isn’t as ideal as Bela made it out to be light-wise, but Alexia’s coordination with Cassandra is something to marvel at. It only takes her a split second to jump out of her hiding position, casting a knife at the coyote’s neck. Unfortunately, the beast lowers itself the slightest fraction in the nick of time and the knife grazes its ear instead.
Black blood drips onto the soil.
A powerful, enraged roar escapes the beast, at a volume that leaves you stunned in your spot.
Daniela, however, grabs your hand and zooms towards the next opening. If you had eaten dinner, you’re certain it wouldn’t be sitting in your stomach for much longer.
Still, you shake yourself out of the daze and take control of the adrenaline, calculating the weight of the spear versus your own strength. Without warning, the redhead lets go of you and you immediately duck into a roll to recover from the shift in momentum. The second you’re back on your feet you draw back the spear and aim, waiting for her to back the feral animal to a place you can see. It’s not as easy as it was with her sisters. The thing is now wild from being wounded, twisting about in erratic motions.
Hold steady. You remember what your father taught you as a little girl, when he took you to your first hunting trip. Hold your breath as you line your throw… and..
The coyote jumps towards her, foaming jaws snapping. You feel something inside you click.
The next second, your spear cuts through the air, straight into the animal’s neck.
Its end is instant. Soundless. No twitching, not even a whimper. Its terrifying body simply collapses onto the dirt like no more than a ragdoll and you’re left there, staring, with your heart pounding in your ears, your muscles shaking.
Something so horrific, so deadly, felled by a single spear. Felled by you.
What an empowering thought. Suddenly, endorphins rush you and you’re lighter than you’ve been all night. You’re grinning when Daniela beams at you and leaps all over the place like an overexcited bunny, flies buzzing in every direction, poking fun at the sour expressions her siblings are wearing.
“Ha! Bow down in the face of superiority, you two!” she points.
“Don’t you mean the face of stupidity?” Bela crosses her arms.
“What was that?!” Cassandra snaps at Alexia, smacking her arm in a slap that may as well be a caress with how she measures her strength. “Getting its ear like that, were you trying to pet it from a distance?!”
“I couldn’t see shit back there!” the other woman says while rubbing her bicep. exasperated.
“Thank you, thank you Seren! We’re having liver for the next few days~” Daniela laughs in a way that lights up her entire face, gluing herself to your side.
For some strange reason, although you’ve done so much more than this together, the act makes your cheeks redden. You stare at her pretty face for a brief moment and realize that her joy is infectious. Her dimples and cleft chin and her mannerisms in general… she’s probably the cutest redhead in Romania.
Meanwhile, Bela and Cassandra share a look and a miserable sigh.
In the early hours of the morning, you’re in Daniela’s bed, keeping her company –and keeping the bed warm– until she falls asleep. The temperature wasn’t low enough to hurt her tonight, but the humidity has crept under her skin, bringing a certain level of discomfort it always takes her a while to completely shake off.
She’s nestled against you, hugging a monster teddy to her chest, her chin resting atop its head as she reads the novel lying on your lap atop the covers. You glance down upon it a few times, cautious of its contents. Thankfully, the scenes you happen to skim through are all suspense and romantic undertones. No smut. Yet.
Then she turns the page to the next chapter, titled; Soulmates.
The word catches your eye. It seems to hold her attention, as well, and she draws in a small, unnecessary breath.
“What a concept, no? Two people ideally suited to one another. Meant to be.” Daniela comments in a low voice. She seems the type of soul to be enamored by the idea, but the way she spoke the words, her aura in this moment… there is a certain weight to it all.
“I don’t know if I believe it.” But it’s much more accurate to say you don’t know if you want to. Because being your soulmate… doesn’t that automatically condemn another person to a lifetime of hurt?
“I didn’t know if I did, either. Until I saw Cassandra and Alexia together.” she replies. “There’s no other person in this world that could match my sister like she does. She just gets her, in a way not even Bela and I can, at times.”
You can’t argue with that. You’ve seen them, around the castle and especially earlier, how seamlessly they flow. Two seemingly polar opposites that connect like magnets.
“And it was instantaneous, too. Before Alexia was brought to the castle, Cassandra and I saw her at the village, on our way back from a hunt. I think she was chopping wood for her house or something. My sister stared for half a minute. I never saw her look that way at a human before.” she reminisces.
“And Bela?” you ask.
“Bela is different. Thinks differently, functions differently. No amount of beauty would ever spark her interest and make her show favoritism.” Daniela explains. “The first time she heard Rhiannon sing to the wounded in the dungeons, she told Cassandra and I not to touch the ‘songbird’, though still, it was more along the lines of owning a pet than anything else.” she says. “But the way Rhiannon protected her family later on, it shattered Bela’s defenses. She was forced to see her then and everything else was a slippery slope from there.”
Through impossible circumstances, it seems her siblings really did find their perfect matches. Hearing of how their stories unfolded, you begin to think that maybe the notion of soulmates isn’t quite so farfetched, after all. Which inadvertently makes you wonder about Daniela and yourself.
You are aware that in almost a hundred years she hasn’t felt genuine attraction towards anyone, no matter how she may have wished to experience it. She has been open about finally feeling that spark with you, and the way her body reacts to you can’t lie, but you don’t know if there’s anything deeper than that for her.
And you’re alarmed by the fact you want to know.
Your heart beats quicker and you’re certain she can hear it. The pages of the book in your lap aren’t turning anymore, but her eyes are still focused on it. You wonder what she’s thinking, what world she’s lost in inside her head and what your place there is, if one exists at all.
You wonder if she considers the two of you soulmates. Fated.
“What about us?” you question, unable to bear the weight of leaving the question unasked. Still, you voice it as casually as possible, not wanting to add to the tension already building in the air.
Daniela shifts slightly against you. “It’s scary to define us.” she speaks lightly, but the emotion locked behind the words is anything but.
“Why?” But you already know the answer; It’s because of you.
“Because whatever word comes to mind… may only be true for me.” she replies and you can’t explain why it’s like a stab to the gut.
Daniela is extremely perceptive. When she saw you hesitate tonight, you have no doubt she saw your thoughts written all over your eyes. In fact, you’re sure she has always been aware of your pressing need to leave, your plans and calculations on how to, even if the real reason why eludes her. Yet she still took you on tours around the village when you asked. She showed you all the escape routes, walked you right over the nitrogen pipelines despite knowing they could one day be used against her.
Now it’s clear to you why.
“And if I finally settle on ‘love’...” she says, voice low, “I’ll have to hold the door open for you.”
#resident evil village#fanfiction#re8#bela dimitrescu x oc#cassandra dimitrescu x oc#daniela dimitrescu x reader#creative writing#back from the war and bringing goodies~#gremlin shenanigans#and soff baby Dani at the end
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Im just imagining cassandra holding up her new kid lion king style and saying "can we keep it?" To a Lauren who's trying to figure out if insect biology might mean this is her fault
Lauren mentioned‼️ I’m so happy omg
Poor woman can’t catch a break; first life as a servant at the castle, now a child XP
You know Cassandra somehow manages to get poor Laur to the point she sees similarities between her and the kid and is like “They got this from me!”🥲!
Does anyone know if I ever cross-posted Lauren’s story to tumblr? Pls lemme know!🙌
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what the boss don't know, the boss won't mind~ (except she perfectly knows that her maid is doing something she was not hired for and her daughter is suspiciously joyful lately)
#re8 maid kaerie#alcina dimitrescu#re8 maid oc#resident evil village#resident evil 8#re8 lady dimitrescu#lady dimitrescu#oc artwork#re8 maiden#alcina dimitrescu x oc#alcina dimitrescu x reader#lady dimitrescu x oc#lady dimitrescu x reader#cassandra dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu x reader#cassandra dimitrescu x oc#ao3 fanfic#covered in roses ao3#re8 oc#lesbian#lesbians#re8 alcina#re8#pride month#wlw art#wlw#mellergayerocs
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MeCassa but they have an "intensely devoted/completely normal about their feelings" dynamic
Where Cassandra takes a long time to actually love somebody, but when she does she loves HARD. She would fight her own family for her partner. She would take on Mother Miranda bare handed if they asked her to. As loyal as a dog, and oh so deadly.
But Melony doesn't feel love that intense. She cares a lot for Cass, but she's not picking fights for her. She IS loyal as a dog but she has limits. Her love is much more subtle and she's all in all a lot more normal about her relationship.
Melony holds Cassandra on the same level she does the other people she loves, and Cassandra holds Melony above everybody else she loves. But that works for them.
#because love or whatever#mecassa#cassandra dimitrescu x oc#melony cel tradat#cassandra dimitrescu#rambles
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Whoever’s choice it was to make Miranda made of crows needs a raise🐦⬛🙏🫶🤸♀️
#mother miranda#mother miranda x reader#mother#lady dimitrescu#lady dimitrescu x reader#re8 alcina#alcina dimitrescu#resident evil village#donna beneviento#bela dimitrescu#re village#cassandra dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#sad lesbians#resident lover#resident evil#re8 oc#re8 village#re8#wlw#crows#birds#re8 fanart#resident evil 2#re7 biohazard
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Hello! I’m a new artist here! This is my first time posting on tumblr, so I might take time to get used to it a bit… (also English is not my first language btw, sorry🥹)
I love Dimitrescu daughters and others’ re8 OCs so much that I drew some of my oc x cannon arts (aka. my oc x Dimitrescu daughters) for a while. I hope you guys like it!🙇♀️
#resident evil village#re8#re8 village#bela dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#oc x canon#yumeship#artists on tumblr#tumblr artist#resident evil oc#re8 oc
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Resident evil commissions!
#original character#oc x canon#resident evil#resident evil village#resident evil oc#original characters#alcina dimitrescu#lady dimitrescu#bela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#dimitrescu sisters#open commissions#commissions open
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Heisenberg dgaf
#resident evil heisenberg#karl heisenburg x reader#karl heisenberg#yandere heisenberg#re8 heisenberg#heisenberg x oc#lord heisenberg#heisenberg x reader#ethan x heisenberg#daddy heisenberg#alcina dimitrescu#re8 lords#mother miranda x y/n#mother miranda x reader#mother miranda#bela dimitrescu#bela dimitrescu x y/n#cassandra dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu x reader#daniela dimitrescu x reader#daniela dimitrescu x y/n#re8 donna#donna beneviento
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Some more RE village doodles with my oc Eden!💕💐
#resident evil village#resident evil fanart#resident evil oc#resident evil 8#alcina dimitrescu#alcina dimitriscu x reader#re8 village#re8 fanart#lady dimitrescu#bela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#house dimitrescu
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Hello, Evil Residents :)
I’d like to introduce you all to my Village OC (who was amazingly brought to visual light by my good friend @crowquillustrate on insta🖤)
OC: Datura
Named after the sacred Datura flower (Hallucinogenic and possibly deadly if ingested improperly)
Age: 27/Immortal
Physical Characteristics: 5’3, Pale skin, Long wavy brown hair, Hazel Eyes. Has a scar that travels under her eye down to her neck from a Lycan Attack.
Background: Datura grew up on a farm just outside the Village with her parents and little brother Sebastian. When she was 18 a pack of rogue Lycans destroyed her home, killing her mother and brother first. Datura was attacked but her father sacrificed himself to save her, leaving her to fend for herself.
Mother Miranda took her in for a few years before sending her over to work for Donna.
Personality: Datura is hard headed but kind hearted. She immediately bonded with Angie, who reminds her of her little brother. It takes her a while to get used to Donna though, who always seemed to hide herself away from her. Datura CAN be cruel, especially when she feels disrespected. Does she go a little overboard sometimes? Yes, yes she does.
Hobbies: Datura likes taking walks at night, despite Donna’s wishes. (She’s worried for her safety) She’s a painter, a violinist, sometimes she likes playing the piano as well but she would rather listen to Donna play instead. She picked up on scientific hobbies from her stay with Mother Miranda, and likes to experiment with tea making/making medicine for the Village folk. Hunting.
Sexuality: Datura is sapphic but doesn’t really have a preference other than Donna. Would consider her grey ace. Likes to explore new things in the bedroom but would rather spend her time watching vintage romance movies and cuddling up to her love.
Relationships: Partner, Donna obviously.
She likes spending the night at Alcina’s and has a soft spot for Cassandra. She loves hunting so she brings the Dimitrescus the finest of her catches.
Karl reminds her of her father but hates visiting his factory (bc of the Lycans) but she learns to love them eventually.
Sal loves when she visits the reservoir. She made him a special tea that stops him from throwing up and built him a brand new boat for him to go fishing in. He calls her Deetee.
Mother Miranda also has a soft spot for her (though she tries to deny it every chance she gets) Miranda didn’t give Datura the cadou because she wanted to use her as a vessel, instead she felt sorry for her and actually asked Datura for permission. She’s the reason Miranda has came to terms with Eva’s death and has learned to appreciate the four Lords as they are. She’s getting there, don’t worry.
Other: Datura is noturnal. She doesn’t need to sleep as much so she can be awake for days on end, but most active at night. Where Donna can control the pollen to cause hallucinations, Datura does so through her eyes. Sometimes when she dreams those dreams happen in real life. Prophetic. Her bite is poisonous and causes the victim to calcify, though she’s only had to use that power once. It does not work on those affected by the cadou, so Donna is immune.
She can teleport but isn’t very good at it.
(Once she tried to teleport into the village and she ended up scaring the mold out of Miranda who was in the middle of making coffee, ouch)
I plan on posting fanfic drabbles on here once I get the chance! I’d love to talk about Datura more and meet your Res8 OC’s as well, it’s good to be back in the Village 😉
Please do not share this art without proper credit to the artist, you may not use my OC as your own.
#resident evil village#donna beneviento#alcina dimitrescu#mother miranda#karl heisenberg#salvatore moreau#bela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#donna benevento x reader#Donna Beneviento x oc#angie beneviento#resident evil 8
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a shameless self-insert 🤭

based off of a dream i had loll
#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#digital artist#lady dimitrescu#resident evil village#resident evil#alcina dimitrescu#alcina dimitriscu x reader#bela dimitrescu#daniella dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#self insert#oc art
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Dimitrescu Books
Chapter 47 <<Link
They Didn't Believe Me

“After Miranda, I decided to keep any relationships private until I knew they were worth sharing with you girls. It is not until now, being with Jessica that I felt I had found anyone worthy of sharing my personal life with, sharing what means most to me in this world, the three of you!”
Cassandra shook her head. “So you kept secrets–”
“I would hardly consider keeping my affairs pre-Jessica to myself as keeping secrets,” Alcina interrupted. The matriarch set her jaw and collected what poise she had left before continuing. “But yes, I thought introducing my young and impressionable daughters to what only amounted to nothing more than–” Alcina pursed her lips, trying to choose her words carefully in front of her youngest.
Dani rolled her eyes. “ Sex , mother. Just say se–”
#alcina dimitrescu#house dimitrescu#alcina dimitrescu x oc#alcina x female reader#daniela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#bela dimitrescu#bookstore au#cafe au#fanfiction#read on ao3#ao3fic#wlw fanfic#lgbtq romance#resident evil village#resident evil village au#mother miranda#mother miranda au
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🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃
Sub! Cassandra Dimitrescu x Dom! G!P OC Lauren
[Tags : mommy kink, praise kink, humiliation, sex in public and semi-public spaces, costumes, anal, toys, orgasm play]
Lauren shows Cassandra just how exciting Halloween can be, while making her fantasy of the brunette in a costume of her choice become a reality
╰┈➤ Find more about Lauren under #oc lauren at my profile. The other parts of this series can be found here (Bela) (Daniela)
Happy Halloween everyone!🙌🎃👻
Lauren was thrilled at the idea of a Halloween party, a very welcomed break from the hard work at the castle. The moment the idea was brought up, her mind was swarmed with ideas.
Among those she fancied the idea of her girlfriend shown off in a costume worth of her, and the excuse to put the brunette into such outfits was more than enough motivation for her to fully support the suggested idea of a small Halloween celebration at the castle.
Cassandra felt differently. She did not understand the concept of such a holiday, nor did she care. Why should a random day in a random month mean anything to her, if she did things considered horror every day?
She cared not for what her girlfriend told her, only met suggestions of her family with snarls and rolling eyes.
This was about to change.
”What’s this?”, Cassandra asked, eying the black gift bag in her girlfriend’s hand. The woman merely smirked at her as she stepped closer, her free hand resting on Cassandra’s hip and making the brunette jump when her flesh was suddenly squeezed.
”A gift, silly. Haven’t you seen one before, Cassandra?”
The brunette rolled her eyes.
”What’s in the bag? Is this about that stupid party today?” Cassandra asked, her eyes fixated on the bag. She saw a small, nearly transparent bag in it, with a leathery texture. It looked like rope, almost, yet stiffer. The brunette was curious, despite her distaste for the apparent “Holiday”.
”I thought I’d get you a costume, for today. Or do you have one already?”, Lauren asked, knowing this was not the case. She was painfully hard already from just picturing her girlfriend in the outfit she had brought her.
The brunette groaned and rolled her eyes, pushing the other woman away from her. “You go to the stupid celebration if you want!”
Cassandra gasped when her arm was grabbed and she was pushed up against the wall behind her, her eyes wide and her thighs automatically pushing together when her clit ached. She so loved when her girlfriend made a display of her strength..
”You told your Mother you’d be there, and me”, she stated. Cassandra was about to object, but was shushed when her cheek was cupped. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint either of us, would you?”
Lauren smirked as she noticed the light blush on Cassandra’s cheeks. She snarled at her, yet agreed to attend. “Good, I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Cassandra”, Lauren said, yet her thoughts were all over the place as she noticed just how close her hard cock was to Cassandra. The tight maid uniform barely did a thing hiding it, yet it seemed her girlfriend did not take notice of it just yet.
”So show me the bag already”, Cassandra huffed. She felt frustrated, in many ways. She stood with her arms crossed when Lauren pulled things from the bag, her eyebrow rising as she inspected the things.
When she reached for the leathery looking item, Lauren pushed her hand away. “Patience, Cassandra”
The brunette groaned, her hand reaching for it again, and it was yet again swatted away, more aggressively than before. “Must you always be such a little brat about things?”, Lauren huffed, her cock hardening further. She looked forward to making her girlfriend behave like a good girl again, a task exclusively hers.
Cassandra bit her lip when her girlfriend moved over to her again, standing behind her. She felt Lauren’s hard dick pressing against her backside. “Why don’t we get you dressed”, Lauren suggested, her lips brushing against her girlfriend’s sensitive neck. She smiled to herself as her tongue licked over the bite marks littering the woman’s neck. “We’ve still got so much time until we have to head down”, Cassandra said, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
”Oh I know”
The younger woman’s fingers easily found the zipper of Cassandra’s dress, pulling it antagonisingly slow. Cassandra squirmed in place.
When the dress was finally off, Lauren didn’t waste a moment to let her hands roam over her girlfriend’s body. The woman bit her lip and made quiet noises as her flesh was squeezed and caressed.
“You didn’t mention if you had a costume…”, she breathed out as her bra was pulled down and instead of the clothing, the strong woman cupped her breasts instead.
”You’ll see mine later, don’t you worry about that now”, Lauren cooed. “I’ve been very curious to see you in yours”, she added.
Cassandra watched eagerly as the gift bag was finally opened fully. The leathery item was revealed to be a tail, a leathery black one with a devil’s arrow at the end. Upon seeing the other end, her eyes widened.
Lauren chuckled as she held the tail plug up by the straight middle peace, the leather allowing her a tight grip on the toy. She smirked at the quiet brunette, her free hand reaching out to squeeze the woman’s face and pull her in by her chin.
”Cat got your tongue? Wont you tell Mommy what’s on your mind?”, She teased. Cassandra blushed brightly, her thighs pushed together. “It’s big”, she murmured, observing the large, metallic butt plug that belonged to the devil’s tail.
Cassandra gasped when her underwear was pulled down and the air of the room hit her most intimate parts. A throaty moan slipped past her wet lips as Lauren pushed the cold plug between her warm pussy lips, humming as she did so. “Aren’t you a wet little thing”, she hummed. The brunette bit her lip as her partner leaned in, her lips against her earlobe “You’re such a little slut, Cassandra”, she whispered.
The brunette moaned loudly when the plug was pushed inside her soaked pussy, in and out a couple of times until it was equally soaked as her cunt. “Get on the bed”
Her tone left no room for objections, and so Cassandra eagerly swarmed and got on all fours on her bed, her cunt warm and soaked for her lover, the woman’s cock on her mind. She saw the outline of it under the woman’s uniform and felt it press against her, and all she could think about was to get it inside of her and fill her. Her nipples were hard and sensitive already, her pussy aching for Lauren to fill it already.
She eyed the woman in the mirror standing at the wall of her bed, biting her lip as she saw her grab a bottle of lube and hold it over her exposed and stuck out behind. Her back arched automatically when it dripped down on her, almost ticklish, as it slid between her thick ass cheeks and was eventually smeared all over her tight asshole with Lauren’s precise fingers.
”Fuck me..!”, she moaned lowly, and jumped and gasped when her ass was slapped harshly. Dark red blood barely slipped from the cut on her ass caused by Lauren’s rings, yet the sight was more than welcome.
”What did I say about patience, you little brat? You’re not getting a thing before I allow it, baby”
Cassandra moaned when her hair was tugged. “Do we have an understanding with each other, little brat?”
She gulped. “Yes Mommy”, she moaned, her mind occupied by thoughts of the other woman’s cock deep inside of her, fucking her and bulging her stomach as she praised and degraded her all at the same time.
She shivered as the large plug was rubbed against her wet asshole, the tight hole stretching as Lauren pushed the tip in and out of her. “Please..! Mommy..”, she moaned lowly.
”What’s that, baby? Do you want more?”, Lauren cooed. She kept Cassandra’s ass cheek pushed aside with one hand, the other pushing the tip of the plug in and out. “Does my pretty slut want more? Do you want Mommy to push the big plug deep inside your ass, Cassandra?”, she cooed. The brunette felt lightheaded. She gripped the sheets so tightly, her knees already feeling weak as her ass was teased.
“Yes, Mommy”, she answered. Her ass moved slightly, as if grinding on her lover.
”Good slut. You’ll make such a pretty devil for me”, she answered. Cassandra moaned when finally more of the plug was inserted in her, groaning as the last bit stretched her ass, before gasping when it finally slipped fully inside. Her hole felt wet and warm, full with the plug. The tail felt oddly heavy on her backside, yet the plug never slipped out even when she shook her ass.
She moaned loudly when the other woman gripped the tail tightly and yanked a little, having the kneeling woman arch her back more. It felt so good and had her shiver helplessly as Lauren fucked her ass with the plug, her legs shaky and weak after mere seconds already.
”M-Mommy…!”, she moaned, her nails tearing she sheets as the warm plug kept hitting her insides. She felt it deep in her, the tail heavy even as Lauren held and yanked it.
Cassandra yelped when her hips were tugged back. She hasn’t realized she was no longer kneeling and arching her back properly and got back in the required position. “More, please!” She begged, slutty as she was, without shame.
The brunette merely moaned when her ass was slapped instead and Lauren pulled another few items from the bag. “You’ve been such a brat lately, Cassandra”, she cooed as she stepped in front of said brunette.
”I need your co-Ugh!”, Cassandra shrieked in surprise when she was slapped, then moaned as her face was gripped harshly. She knew her girlfriend was done playing friendly with her.
”Why would Mommy give you her big cock if you’ve been behaving like a bratty whore for days?”, she questions rhetorically. The brunette bit her lip to keep from moaning when her tail was adjusted to rest beside her now. She almost pouted and snarled at her girlfriend’s words, her need to get her soaked pussy filled by her girlfriend driving her nearly insane.
”Don’t you look so miserable, Cassie”, the woman mocked. Cassandra attempted to speak yet again, but merely groaned when her nipples were pinched painfully. “No, brat, you’re quiet when Mommy talks, and you’ll answer when she asks you a question. Is that understood, Cassandra?”, she demanded. Cassandra answered with a quiet “Yes, Mommy, I understand”.
”As I was saying, there’s no need to look so miserable, baby, Mommy intends to play with you for very long-“, Lauren gave the tail yet another yank, having the brunette shriek and moan, “- and very intensely.”, she added with a smirk. “However, you will not just get Mommy’s cock this time, not until I deem you’ve behaved well enough”, she explained, her eyes meeting golden ones as she had Cassandra suck her fingers clean.
The brunette watched as two white clamps were put on her hard nipples and licked her lips as she watched her girlfriend undress. The tight shirt was torn off first and almost had Cassandra jump forwards to grope the soft breasts revealed to her, yet she merely moaned and shivered as the unusual weight of the tail held her back from swarming. “No touching yet, you greedy slut”, Lauren said firmly, her shirt and bra tossed aside as she instead worked on undoing her belt.
Cassandra squirmed when she was turned and gasped when every turn made the tail move slightly and the plug rub against her insides.
”M-Mommy No-ooh!” She gasped when she was flipped roughly and the toy pushed deep inside of her before she adjusted to the new position. She laid on her back, on top of pillows and blankets that had her slightly elevated and feel more exposed than she already did.
The brunette groaned when the clamps on her nipples started vibrating, teasing her sensitive nipples as she laid and squirmed and moaned.
Lauren eyed her greedily, her rising chest and her wet inner thighs, her soaked pussy full of her arousal and wetness that almost sparkled in the light when Lauren pulled the Dimitrescu’s pussy lips aside. Cassandra’s back was arched perfectly, the tail’s plug deep inside her and keeping her so perfectly sensitive for Lauren. She almost pitied her brat, almost.
Cassandra opened her eyes back up at when her wrists were grabbed and she felt the smooth, leathery texture of Lauren’s belt around her, tying her wrists together and preventing her to move almost entirely.
”Mommy…” she moaned breathlessly, her nipples red already, her clit aching and her pussy drooling as her soaked ass tightened around the plug so very often. Cassandra felt how soaked she was, partly from her own count and partly from the lube that had been smeared all over her sensitive privates.
She watched as Lauren gripped the tail yet again and jumped when she used the flat, arrow shaped end to slap her broadly on her bare pussy. “AH! A-Ah!”, Cassandra screamed, the pain deliciously mixing with the pleasure she got from the yanking of the tail. The plug was nestled so deep in her…
Golden eyes widened and set on Lauren hungrily when she placed herself on top of Cassandra, her cock straining against her underwear. “Ah ah, no touching, bratty girl”, Lauren cooed mockingly as Cassandra attempted to reach down, yet couldn’t with the belt keeping her arms together.
She moaned throatily as the cock rubbed up against her small and sensitive clit, her pussy so wet it easily soaked the other woman’s underwear in mere seconds, giving Cassandra the view of the woman’s cock’s outline in the white panties. It was so unfair, how she teased the Dimitrescu daughter, knowing to what a needy and slutty toy she was reduced to whenever Lauren played with her.
”A-Ah yes! Mommy! Please inside! Please Mommy!”, Cassandra begged, her hips raising as the large and hard cock kept rubbing against her sloppily wet and sensitive bundle of nerves. She gasped and whined as her tail was tugged and pushed, over and over again, the plug fucking her ass as her clit and nipples were teased ruthlessly. “Mommy I ca-a-Ah! I cant!”, she begged. She yearned to have Lauren push her cock deep inside of her, grip her hips tightly as she did and rail her hard. She felt embarrassingly close to coming for someone who’s had cock merely rubbed against her clit.
”Hm, Cassandra? Does Mommy’s pretty slut want to cum?”
The brunette could only nod her head quickly, slurred words passing her dry lips as her pussy clenched around nothingness. Her legs twitched and her knees felt like jelly. She was so close and could barely function and Lauren knew it very well.
”P-Please! Mommy! I want to!”, Cassandra begged helplessly. She shook helplessly and snarled angrily when Lauren pulled away from her, merely blowing lightly on her warm and swollen clit, a mocking smile on her lips.
”Come on, Cassie, we can’t have you cum so soon already, bratty slut.”
Cassandra groaned and snarled angrily, yet fell back in her state of submission and whimpered helplessly as her tail was pushed and tugged again, the butt wet and warm inside her asshole.
She did not realize Lauren walking off towards their closet until she was hovering over her sweaty and trembling body again, her fingers stroking over Cassandra’s neck before removing her famous choker and necklace carefully, instead replacing it with a heavy choker with a leash made of small chains attached to it. She snarled when her nose was booped mockingly, but fell quiet again when Lauren rose her eyebrow challengingly.
”That’s what I thought, brat”, she cooed.
”M-Mommy!” The brunette gasped when Lauren climbed off her and tugged the leash behind her. It was such an odd sensation to move even slightly with the tail attached to her. She whimpered helplessly as she was pulled forwards and the plug moved about inside her ass, shifting and pushing up against her inner walls as she climbed out the bed clumsily.
”Don’t you look pretty, slut”, Lauren whispered, her eyes taking in her beautifully helpless girlfriend; her messy hair and smeared black lipstick, her smooth neck and the choker, her full breasts and nipples that spotted the vibrating clamps, the tail attached to her especially arousing.
Cassandra gasped as she was tugged along again, the leather tail dragging behind her, and bit her lip when Lauren eventually sat down at the leathery sofa in her room, an addition made by Lauren which Cassandra enjoyed surprisingly much. She grinned as Lauren gave the leash a hard tug and the brunette woman fell forwards on her lap, her face and body caught easily by the servant.
”Now, isn’t this familiar”, the muscular woman teased, her hand sliding alongside Cassandra’s skin and the arch of her back, groping hips and ass cheeks shamelessly and making the woman squirm.
Cassandra squirmed helplessly, her arms tied and the hard cock she desperately wanted inside of her instead wet against her lower stomach. She moaned as her ass was smacked harshly, and whimpered as she tightened around the plug automatically.
”You like that, dirty girl?”, Lauren hummed, her voice smooth and contrasting to her harsh and fast slaps on the sadist’s ass.
”Yes! Mghmm Mommy!”, Cassandra groaned, her thighs harshly against each other. She felt so wet and dirty, needy and desperate for more.
Lauren admired as the pale skin turned first pink, then dark red, and eventually every hit made Cassandra jump and whimper.
”Please! Mommy!”, Cassandra whimpered as she was turned around yet again, her eyes on Lauren as the woman played with her soaked pussy lips.
The woman was softer than she looked, something that never failed to surprise the servant. She slid her fingers through Cassandra’s wet southern lips, collecting the arousal smeared all over her there, the wetness drooling from her. Eventually she took pity on the whining and squirming woman and pushed a single finger inside of her.
Cassandra whimpered, as expected. She yearned for more, too slutty to settle with what she was given, and whined when one of the nipple clamps was removed from her. Lauren chuckled; it left the little bud red and swollen.
”Let’s see how loud we can make you whine with this”, she teased, spreading Cassandra’s pussy lips and blowing teasingly on her soaked clit before clipping the vibrating clamp to it. The woman on her lap arched her back and groaned in pain and excitement.
“That’s it, baby. Mommy knows what a sensitive clit you’ve got”, Lauren spoke clearly, her finger thrusting in and out of the brunette woman, each time coming out more soaked than it had already been.
”Now, let’s see what a slut you can be for Mommy…”, she said, taking the tail and placing it between Cassandra’s tied hands. “Fuck your ass for Mommy, Cassandra, and maybe I will reward you”, she cooed. The woman’s legs already shook, her pussy soaked.
She didn’t waste a moment, instead started pulling and pushing the tail, fucking her ass and pumping the plug deep inside of her. Lauren laughed at the humiliating state of her slut, feeling how very hard she was.
She pushed Cassandra slightly away from her, merely enough to reach for her cock. The brunette’s mouth watered as she was turned and the cock was right in front of her pussy. Lauren merely had to push it deep inside of her…
But that didn’t happen.
Instead merely a second finger slipped inside of her and the younger woman merely stroke herself right in front of Cassandra’s hot and soaked pussy. The brunette whimpered and moaned, her ass so sensitive already.
”Faster, cassie”, Lauren demanded. She wanted to cum to the humiliating image of her tough girlfriend being nothing but a needy slut for her.
And her wish was granted, as the longer she stroked herself the wetter and needier Cassandra became, and in turn she fucked her ass harder and harder. She almost came twice from the teasing clamp on her clit, twice cursing and whimpering when Lauren simply removed it until her orgasm seemed out of reach again, until the poor woman whimpered and begged for an orgasm already, her holes soaked and her nipples and clit so sore and aching, especially as the clamp was back on the little bundle of nerves. Lauren did not give in.
Cassandra shrieked as she was turned again and made to open her mouth, yet growled angrily when she was not allowed to take her lover into her mouth. She moaned when hot cum was shot in her mouth nonetheless and dripped over her sofa as she swallowed all eagerly.
”Now then,”, Lauren spoke breathlessly. She stood up with the chained leash in her hand, tugging her trembling and sensitive brat along. The brunette’s legs were weak and her pussy and ass wet, so much she had even feared the large plug would slip out. But it didn’t, and it kept her asshole pressured as the heavy tail hung and trailed behind her.
”Bring Mommy the other things from the bag, Cassandra”, she demanded, loosening her grip on the leash to allow the woman to walk. Cassandra shivered and whimpered as she did so, legs like jelly and hands tied, pussy and ass soaked in her own wetnesses. She managed to grip the bag and moaned as she leaned down to reach in and the plug rubbed against her walls.
As she looked down again, she had pulled out a set of devil horns. She groaned angrily as they were out on her, adding to her outfit. The next item she had filled her with excitement. A large, realistic looking dildo with an odd wire looking cord attached to it. She brought it to Lauren and blushed as it was taken from her tied hands.
Now, it was by no means easy to make the brunette woman submit. Yet Lauren managed at every opportunity, knowing just how to handle her lover and play her cards against her: she knew taming Cassandra meant there was no space for failure. A single crack, a single peek at insecurity or hesitation could be exploited by the brat.
Cassandra watched as things were swiped from the table and the realistic toy was set down on it instead. It latched onto the surface of the desk. “Straddle it, baby”
She whimpered, yet walked towards the table, eager to feel her pussy full at last. Like a true gentlewoman, Lauren helped the other woman on the table, smirking as she moaned and whimpered as she attempted to sit with the tail’s plug pushing in her. “Now Cassie, Mommy told you to straddle it. Let me see it sink in your little pussy”
The brunette moaned as she did just that, gasping and whimpering as her soaked pussy easily had the toy slide deep inside of her. She groaned once it was fully inside.
”Good girl”
Her asshole and pussy clenched around the toys.
”Ride it, baby”
She felt degraded and humiliated, and so horny as Lauren sat down at the desk’s chair, watching her brat as she rode the dildo and moaned helplessly. Her legs shook easily and she blushed as her lover watched her grind on the toy like a needy slut.
The horns sitting on her head were adjusted and her leash was yanked. She felt truly like such a slut and loved every moment of it.
”Now hurry up my sweet baby, fuck your pretty pussy with the big toy. We’ll need to head downstairs soon”, Lauren cooed. She stood, her chest close to Cassandra as she spoke in her ear, hands resting and cupping the brunette’s full and vibrating boobs.
”Maybe Mommy will let you cum if you get there before we must prepare to head down”
The brunette’s eyes widened in excitement.
”Y-Yes Mommy!”
She whimpered and moaned as she fucked herself faster, more and more, the tail and dildo making a mess of her holes, the vibrating clamps getting her so close in only a matter of minutes.
”M-Mommy!”, Cassandra breathed out, moaning as she was so close.
Lauren chuckled at her, cupping her cheek. “Cum, my good girl”, she cooed.
Cassandra did not have to be told twice. She rode fast and eagerly and arched her back, she was so close.
Her eyes opened and frustrated tears almost spilled down her cheeks as the vibrating stopped and Lauren held her in place, preventing her any more friction of the toys.
”M-Mo-mmy?”, she breathed out miserably, whimpering.
Lauren chuckled sadistically, looking at her broken slut. She pushed her lips against Cassandra’s, her tongue dominating hers. “It seems we must prepare to head down, Cassandra”
The brunette whimpered and groaned, yet her eyes followed her partner’s hands as she moved along the cord of the toy and to a small, oval looking thing attached to it. “What’s that?”, Cassandra asked curiously. She had never seen such an odd thing on a dildo before.
Alas, when Lauren squeezed it and the dildo inside of her grew in size, Cassandra shrieked and squirmed. She attempted to lift herself off the toy, yet her knees and legs felt too weak to support this cause.
”Now now, Cassandra. Didn’t you say you wanted to be wet and full? Very well, we’ll make sure you don’t only become filled, but stay that way until Mommy decides otherwise”
The brunette moaned and shivered as she felt fluid spurt from the toy, warm and wet almost like cum, until it filled her nicely. Her eyes could barely keep open, she felt so sensitive and horny.
Another push of the oval looking thing- the toy expanded again and had Cassandra shriek helplessly.
She gasped when it grew more and more, stretching her soaked pussy as it went.
”Did I not teach you to mind your words, you spoiled little brat?”, Lauren scolded, mercilessly pumping the cock until it was inflated to the maximum and kept the woman’s cunt sealed. Cassandra’s hips squirmed helplessly, yet no more wetness slipped from her pussy.
”Good girl, Cassie”, she praised.
Cassandra gasped when she was lifted off the table and caught by Lauren when she nearly fell over. “Let’s get you dressed in your costume now, baby. We can’t have you show up dressed as a naked slut, Cassandra”
She took a breath as the heavy collar was removed from her and eyed Lauren as she brought black panties and scissors.
Gasping, she saw the woman cut a small hole in them, which she used to push the tail through the panties. Cassandra’s eyes were wide.
”It stays on?!” She gasped in surprise. She whimpered as the oval add on of the toy was pushed between her pussy lips and the panties were pulled up. One still saw the slight outline of the toy, but only barely so.
”Of course, my tempting devil”, Lauren cooed. Cassandra gasped when the clamp was removed from her nipple, yet the one on her clit remained. “M-Mommy?!”
Next the woman pulled a black corset from the bag. Cassandra shivered, memories of Lauren teasing her by cutting off her breath with corsets or by wrapping her hand around her neck.
She shivered when the item was put on her and tightened, leaving her barely room to breathe, just the way the masochist liked it.
”Good girl”, Lauren praised her. Cassandra clenched around the toys inside of her.
To finish up her look, it seemed, Lauren pulled out leather pants. Cassandra squirmed. Again, a hole was cut in them, it was almost a pity, and they were put on the squirming brunette. “Good girl”, the woman repeated.
Cassandra whined helplessly as she was put in her normal heels, somehow expected to walk despite the toys rubbing inside of her and the clit clamp that might turn on any moment.
She snarled when she was pushed on the bed yet again and whined when both toys seemed to push almost deeper into her.
Eagerly the brunette watched the other woman get dressed too, and rolled her eyes and scoffed as she noticed the outfit. An angel. Typical.
Lauren laughed as she noticed Cassandra’s reaction. “No need to pout, baby”, she teased. Cassandra whined when her hand was taken and she was sat on Lauren’s lap. Both women were merely distracted yet again as the tail rubbed against Lauren’s cock. “Let’s see here, you’ve made such a mess of your pretty face, Cassie”, Lauren cooed, wiping the smeared makeup and instead replacing it with new one. Cassandra sat surprisingly still as the woman did her makeup, smearing black lipstick along her lips before pressing a kiss to the tattoo on her forehead. “Let’s head down, Baby”
Mere minutes into the celebration Cassandra had realized just how badly she wished they could have simply stayed in her room. Daniela had mushed about the cute “couple outfit” Lauren and her wore, Bela was too busy to even realise her younger sister was there. It would seem, Cassandra thought with slight disgust, they both suffered the same fate under their clothing, as Bela practically stuck to Donna’s side and would barely walk, instead kept her thighs pressed tightly together. Cassandra had no such luck. Lauren had simply pushed her into the room, kissing her and demanding of her to mingle as she got them drinks.
An hour into the celebration or so, Cassandra had realised how badly she needed release. She felt full and needy, her clit teased so much it had her jump when Lauren merely brushed her finger against it through the clothing.
Not unlike her sister and her lover, Cassandra too at least found herself on Lauren. She angrily shooed Daniela away whenever she wished to talk, instead whimpering in Lauren’s ear about how needy she was, how she nearly came when Daniela thought it fun to pull on the tail, not knowing it was attached to Cassandra and instead foolishly believing it was a part of the leather pants. Her younger sister didn’t quite understand why Cassandra yelled at her for this, only rolling her eyes and mumbling something about her sister’s bad moods.
”Mommy please”, Cassandra begged, straddling Lauren’s lap. Her hands were on the woman’s cock, subtly rubbing it though her white angel robe. Cassandra couldn’t help but rub her pussy over the woman’s thigh. It felt so good, her poor clit teased almost brutally in the past hour.
“Now, baby, we’ve barely been here. We can’t leave after just an hour. Everyone else is still here”, Lauren cooed. She was correct, too. Alcina was eager hosting the event, yet had her watchful eye all over. Daniela was dancing eagerly with servants, all evening, drinking and kissing only to be scolded by her protective Mother, whereas Bela and Donna had not left yet either. The blonde woman, dressed ironically as a maid, barely left the side of her lover, dressed as a vampire. Lauren chuckled at the pair and partly scolded herself for not thinking of the outfit. Then again, she was sure Cassandra would have her head for trying to put her into the costume of a fair maiden seduced by her. The image of innocence did not at all fit her dear lover either, not that Lauren would change so.
She too felt like she had enough of the party already, yet enjoyed seeing her brunette squirm about and stroke her cock for her. She grabbed Cassandra’s hands when Alcina’s watchful eye turned to them. “Be a good girl and get me a glass of wine, won’t you?” She asked instead, still after months slightly fearful of the watchful eye of an overprotective, and most of all deadly, Mother.
Cassandra groaned, not at all feeling like moving, but did so nonetheless, needing a glass herself in an attempt to calm herself.
Their plan to wait for someone else to first leave the celebration was failing, as the couple realized, for Alcina and Daniela had no intention of leaving, and the many attending maids had no choice but to stay until dismissed. Furthermore, it seemed as though it was Bela’s idea too to wait for the first couple to leave.
Cassandra was sick of waiting. Her panties were soaked through despite the dildo in her, her clit and ass was sensitive enough to nearly make her cum if she merely bumped into something or someone.
Lauren watched anxiously as her girlfriend excused them from the party and politely thanked Alcina as she was pulled off, chuckling to herself when merely moments after they excited the room she heard Bela call for the countess too, no doubt ready to retreat to her bedroom with her partner as well.
”Easy, Cassie”, she gasped when she was pushed against the door as soon as they were back in their room and the door shut, Cassandra’s hands groping and squeezing, her legs on either side of her thigh as she rutted against it in almost primal fashion.
”You-“, Cassandra moaned, “have been”, Lauren moaned as hands cupped and squeezed her large cock. “Teasing me”, Cassandra whimpered as her hands shook too much to pull down the zipper of the leather pants, instead settled for grinding her clothes pussy against Lauren. “All damn day.”, she finished.
Cassandra moaned as her hair was gripped and she was pushed towards the bed, the collar picked up again and put on her. “That’s right, my pretty slut”, Lauren panted. She eagerly ripped open the zipper and tugged the pants off her lover, “I think it’s time Mommy took what she wanted all day”
Cassandra moaned as the collar’s leash was tied to the railing of the bed, keeping her head in place and keeping her leaned forwards on all four. She felt so needy and wet.
”Let’s see…”, Lauren panted, shredding her own clothing off and freeing her already red swollen and leaking cock.
She pulled down Cassandra’s underwear roughly and deflated the dildo, pulling the soaked item out and tossing it aside. No time was wasted as Lauren instead thrust inside her soaked lover, laughing as she felt the warm insides of her pussy. She laughed loudly as her poor lover came from merely the penetration, tearing the clit clamp from her and tossing it to the discarded item.
”Mhmm, has my beautiful girl missed me?”, she teased. Cassandra moaned, nodding and gasping for breath as she came. “Don’t you think we’ll be done anytime soon, baby”
The brunette fly woman gasped when her hips were grabbed tightly and Lauren thrust deep inside, over and over again, her wet cock easily sliding deep inside of her. “P-Please!”
She felt lightheaded already, at last cumming after a night of seemingly endless teasing, and she bit her lip in anticipation, eager for what was yet to come her way that Halloween night.
#cassandra dimitrescu#bela dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#oc lauren#cassandra x lauren#cross posted on ao3#lesbian
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Resident Evil Royalty AU
I can’t get this out of my head, so I’m jotting my thoughts down here for this au.
Miranda is heir to a fictional 1950s Romania (or some kingdom of a similar likeness)
She rises to the status of Empress far earlier than she anticipated due to the deaths of her parents. I’m thinking she’s been the reigning power since she was abt 18-19 yrs old
Due to societal pressure, Miranda ends up getting married to a man right after her coronation.
At some point, she has Eva, but loses both her and her husband in an accident.
Alcina Dimitrescu is a Duchess and noble in Miranda’s court
Donna is a Baroness and noble in Miranda’s court
The age gap between Miranda & Fraser is shortened to only 2 years, with Miranda being older
Fraser is the daughter of the favored headmaid in the palace. Both her mother and father die while she’s quite young, leaving her to be taken care of by the other palace staff.
Fraser and Miranda meet when they are children, but because of circumstances they lose contact for many years. In present day, Miranda (31 yrs old) is grief stricken and doesn’t remember who Fraser is after all these years. She comes to realize it later
Fraser remembers it all
Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela are absolute terrors to the noble court
Angie is Donna’s niece in this AU
Again Mia & Miranda are exes
With Mia being the palace doctor
Miranda is widely known for ruling her territory with an iron fist
As of present day, Miranda’s courtiers are trying to convince her to get remarried
#mother miranda#re8#mother miranda x reader#resident evil village#oc: fraser whitaker#re8 alcina#re8 donna#donna beneviento#alcina dimitrescu#bela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#re8 mother miranda#re8 miranda#royalty au#i’m already starting work on this btw#i keep adding more onto my plate#but they just mean so much to me#can you tell i’m hyperfixating
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Forget any Mecassa lore, this is their meet cute now.
Cassandra be like "That maid is so cute, I cannot allow my family to kill her! I'M GOING TO KILL HER!"
(Based of this)

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The similarities have been on my mind stg
#lady dimitrescu#resident evil village#mother miranda#donna beneviento#bela dimitrescu#wlw#re village#sad lesbians#daniela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#re8 alcina#alcina dimitrescu#lady dimitrescu x reader#re8 oc#re8 village#alcina dimitriscu x reader#ouat#maleficent#regina mills#evil queen#middle aged actresses#middle aged women#women#maleficent x evilqueen
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