#Cass & Steph came back from being erased like 7 years ago and they have yet to take away Batgirl from Babs
arabian-batboy · 2 years
I've seen some people point out that it still might be true that Tim will be getting rid of the title. The fact that he seems to be stuck in the Robin identity is again pointed out by someone in the Dark Crisis Young Justice previews, so it doesn't seem like it's going to be ignored, and the 'Robin' in the solo title could work as the title of just one arc of the run. And the idiotic solicit was written by the marketing team, apparently writers don't even approve them, so it might not be a reflection of the writers' attitude or ideas. I'm not trying to defend anyone or anything, it does look shitty, but maybe there's still hope for what we all thought would happen and Tim finally letting go of the title and finding himself and letting Damian be Robin in peace
I find that hard to believe, it may very well be a case of the writer not wanting Tim to be Robin anymore, while the editors are the ones who want him to stay as Robin, but in comics the editors always wins. So it doesn't matter to me how many foreshadowing/hints the writer will throw in about Tim leaving Robin behind if it will not actually result in anything (also this isn't anything new, Tim has been calling himself Robin for 4 years and wearing a Robin-like costume for 8 years now)
I could buy that happening if lets say, they announced a 6-12 issues long Robin book for him, that way it could be a short arc about him finally finding a new identity and after it end then they will actually give him an on-going series with the name of that new identity as its title, but giving him an on-going series called Robin tells me all I need to know, since it's extremely uncommon for comics to change their title mid-way through the story and if it really did change its name, then it will probably happen in the very far future, considering that Tim is currently being treated like the main Robin in the Batman comics.
It also has something to do with the timing of all this, DC has claimed that Damian's place in the DCU is apparently going to change forever after the events of "Batman vs Robin" and I'm really worried since the last time DC said something similar to this, they tried to take Robin away from Damian and turn him into the DCU's main villain and while I don't think they would do something as extreme as that this time, I still wouldn't put it past them to use this event to give Damian a new identity, so that their favorite Peter Pan can be Robin in peace (so if anything it will be Damian's Robin solo that will change)
If that wasn't the case and Tim's upcoming solo will actually change it's name from Robin to something else within the first 6 issues, then they will be the world's biggest trolls and they have no one to blame for the way I will be talking about Tim this year but themselves.
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