n4lentertainmentltd · 6 years
Date Night Discussions Between President Carter and Bey... Gorgeous and Carter... The Link Up...
“I’m good too.” Carter replied as he leaned back in the booth, fat, full, and happy.
“Something else to drink sir?” The waiter asked.
“Water please, for me and the lady.”
“Yes sir!” The waiter replied as he headed to the kitchen area.
“Shall we dance?” He asked Gorgeous as he rose to his feet.
Gorgeous told Carter he couldn’t dance, but she knew she was into Carter the moment he showed off his dougie at Freshman Orientation. The way he rocked his hips, rubbed the top of his head, and dipped drove her crazy from day one. She teased him about dancing only to politely get him to show her his grown-up moves.
He did not disappoint. The DJ played “Step In the Name of Love” and Carter immediately began to Chicago Two-Step (with a Dallas twist of course). He grabbed her right hand as he watched her feet to make sure she was in tune with him. Once he saw she was on the same page, they glid seamlessly across the dance floor.
Carter knew Gorgeous was no stranger to the dance floor. At their Freshman Orientation, he remembered the stiff boner he received when the bounce music began to play. That boner though was nothing compared to her answers during the “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up” discussion portion.
“I want to be the President, after law school, but I’ll settle for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court if that doesn’t work out.”
He couldn’t help but love her both inside and out. He was a Poli. Sci. Major, he wanted to do everything she wanted to do, except go to law school. In OakCliff lawyers were good for two things 1) locking people up or 2) taking pleas to help the prosecutors and judges lock people up. Carter wanted to be in politics, but he didn’t want to be apart of politics.
Once they’d finished dancing and worked up a good sweat, they returned to the table to the check that awaited them. Carter jetted for his wallet in his back left pocket, Gorgeous grabbed his elbow.
“No. This one’s on me.”
“What? A girl can’t buy a guy a nice dinner anymore?”
“You can, but not tonight.” He answered defensively.
She pouted.
“You can get the next one?” He replied as he dropped his blue Chase Visa card on the check.
“So there will be a second date?” She asked.
“Definitely!” He said as he handed the check to the waiter waiting nearby.
Once they got to the door, Carter stopped and looked back at the front-desk.
“Let’s not let the fun end here.” He said.
“Beg pardon?” Gorgeous asked.
“Let’s get a suite and see where the night takes us.”
“Uhhh... No.”
“I said no. This is our first date Carter, I’m not like those other girls you’ve seduced in the past.” She said innocently. “I sir, am a lady.”
“A lady in a red thong and matching bra?” He asked quietly.
“Hey! Those are called ‘underwear’ for a reason. So keep those jeepers creepers in their sockets. Let’s go, Carter.” She said as she stared at the door handle so he could get the message.
“Better luck next time.” Daisy mouthed to him from the front desk.
“Yes... Ma’am.” Carter replied coolly.
They arrived at Gorgeous’ place around 1 AM. Everyone in the complex was either having a kickback or out at the club. No one was in sight.
“Did you have fun tonight?” Carter asked as they approached her apartment door.
“I had a blast! I always enjoy my time with you Carter.” She responded sweetly. “But, you not getting this cow, or milk...”
“I understand, at least, give me a kiss.” Carter asked as he leaned on the door frame.
She placed the key in and turned the handle.
“I was this close to doing it.” She said as she made the “this close to doing it” motion with her thumb and forefinger. “But you asked, so, no... Goodnight.” She said as she walked in quickly and closed the door behind her, and in Carter’s face.
She leaned her back against the door and smiled to herself. Her heart was racing. She began to regret her decision. She looked through the peephole and could see Carter standing there with his hands in his pocket and his face staring at the cement.
She snatched the door open.
“I was kidding...”
She grabbed him by the collar.
Pulled his face close to hers.
They passionately made out at the threshold, for what seemed like eons.
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