mychoize-cars-blog · 7 years
When Traveling Solo Feels Bad
While traveling around India, which is my home country, I have often met other solo travelers who share almost the same thoughts as mine. I don't mind opening up to complete strangers about my feelings, keeping aside the materialistic things, because they are harmless people. They do not know me, and I do not know them, which gives us the comfort zone of sharing intimate things and still be fearless about the other person revealing it to a friend. Nonetheless, when loneliness creeps in, I become really vulnerable. I need to talk to someone no matter what, and feeling lonely is the only thing that repels me from solo travel.
I, being a solo traveler since last three years, write about my journeys, successes, and failures. Whenever I talk to a fellow travel blogger, they also share the same thoughts that our readers should know about the best and worst things in our lives. There are times when being alone really sucks, and you are alone in a strange land without the company of a single known person. Solo vacation may not be a success for everyone, and it is okay to leave it as it is if you do not like it.  
The lessons  
No matter the number of times you have gone for a solo trip, loneliness does tiptoe in sometimes. Many things go wrong without giving a warning, and you have to deal with them no matter what. The only thing that matters, in the end, is that whether you let the challenges make or break you. I was in California last year, and I was looking around for an affordable restaurant to have dinner. When I reached a hotel, I realized that I had entered the wrong place. There was an Italian party going on with a lot of people from Italy and America. They were speaking the languages that I could not understand, but I had to finish my dinner at the earliest. As I went back to the elevator, I found that every person had someone to accompany. The sight of couples and groups alone made me feel more vulnerable than I should have.
When the elevator arrived, I felt stunned for a second when an Italian couple pushed another person and me back to grab the lift for their group of five people. The elevator was large enough to accommodate ten people, but the elderly Italian couple did not want to share the space with me! They spoke something in their language and shooed me away. It could not have got more humiliating for me, but the American couple took charge and entered the lift, ignoring the comments of others. The American man gestured me to hop in, but I said that I would wait for another lift. He did not let the rude couple bully him or his wife.
It was utterly humiliating to have been treated like that. I thought to myself that I could have shown some courage and share the elevator with the Italian couple just like that American. I loathed myself all day about not being courageous enough and letting a few strangers mistreat me. Nevertheless, I resolved that I would not let anyone stop me from traveling solo. I have taken Car Rental in Bangalore without Driver to go to Coorg, been there to the Himalayas, sat alone in a thick forest, and eaten alone at a countless number of restaurants. Nothing in my travel diaries dares to make me sit at home forever without feeling guilty of myself, so I have to take lessons from things and people to move on.
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