#Carlos beyblade
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beygrade · 2 years ago
Mayblade 2023 day 18: Unpopular Characters
Character: Carlos
Title: Misrecollection
The streetlights flickered, casting an orangish glow on the street. Several people walked along the footpath of the narrow street, but Carlos' gaze lingered on the two boys in front of him- Bryan Kuznetsov from Neoborg, and of course, Kai Hiwatari. They strode in quick paces, speaking words Carlos could not hear. But if Bryan's sour expression was any indication, it seemed Carlos had caught them in a middle of an argument. As they passed him by, seeming oblivious, Carlos stepped forward, his fingers in his pocket. Adrenaline coursed through him. This was it.
"Fight me, Kai!" Carlos said.
Both of them stopped and turned around. Kai's expression was as impassive as ever, betraying no sign of recognition. Bryan, however, glanced between Carlos and Kai and frowned. "Have some class, man. You're really trying to jump us unarmed?"
"I'm not a mugger," Carlos muttered. "I want a Bey Battle against Kai."
But before Kai could respond, Bryan nodded sagely. "Oh, I get it. You're that runt from the Canadian team."
Carlos' eyes narrowed. What the hell was Bryan talking about? Carlos didn't look remotely Canadian.
Kai scoffed. "Of course he's not."
A short silence followed, and Carlos waited for some sign of recognition from Kai. Instead, Kai said to Bryan, "He's from the Renegades."
Carlos crossed his arms, unsure of whether they were playing a bad joke on him now. But the thought was absurd. This was Kai. Kai couldn't joke to save his life. Could it be possible that Kai actually didn't remember who Carlos was? No, no, he has to remember me. Either way, an introduction seemed to be in order.
"No, I'm not," he said indignantly. "I'm Carlos. I'm Japanese first of all, not Mexican. I own the best Razor Beyblade in the world, and I've won over a hundred beyblades, surpassing even King and Queen."
There, he'd given his name.
Bryan frowned again. "Doesn't ring a bell."
Kai said nothing in return, and Carlos wanted to scream. Carlos had awaited this moment for years. He'd played it out in his head a hundred times, planned what he'd say, what he'd do, how he'd humiliate Kai the way Kai had humilitated him. But now, all those thoughts were out of his head. He'd never thought that Kai may not even recognize who he was. Carlos gritted his teeth, a fresh wave of hatred washing over him. Kai had forgotten it all too easily, as though Carlos hadn't meant anything to him in the first place. Carlos shouldn't be surprised, but still, he couldn't deny it stung. He'd been with the Blade sharks so long. Had his presence really mattered so little to Kai in the end?
Carlos went on, a touch of desperation in his voice, "Come on Kai, don't you remember? You threw me out of the Blade Sharks for losing to Tyson and punched me in the face."
Five years had passed since then, but still, it felt oddly shameful to voice the words. Carlos didn't add what had struck him the most about the situation- Kai's voice, soft and cruel, telling him the very thing he'd refused to acknowledge all along. You're weak. He could've taken any jab with a grain of salt, but not the truth. But it didn't matter. Things had changed. He was stronger now, and revenge awaited him.
"That rings a bell," Kai said, his expression unreadable.
Bryan's eyes narrowed. "How bad is your memory, Kai? First you forgot the Abbey, then this guy too?"
Kai shot Bryan a murderous look in response. Carlos reached for his beyblade, but before he could launch it, Kai turned away from him, and set down in the opposite direction. As Carlos called after him, demanding a battle, Kai cast him a single, backward glance.
Kai's voice was icy. "If battled every slob who picked a fight with me, I wouldn't have the time for anything else. Get lost, Carlos."
Carlos stared after their retreating forms for a second. Kai hadn't changed at all, had he? Carlos clicked his tongue and raced after them. He'd have his battle, one way or another.
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beatlynxx · 2 years ago
Top five coolest designs for characters in Bakuten Shoot, perhaps🤔
augh ;; i'm not good w like. judging character designs or whatever so this is just me judging how kewl the characters look to me
i'll try to limit myself to one character per team to be fair .. am i doing this right i hope so
5 — hiruta
i vibe with most of the shell killers a LOT i'm very upset they were so short lived. his design is so intimidating ?? /pos
also i started watching yu-gi-oh duel monsters recently and rex's design reminded me of him and i think his design is peak too
4 — mystel
i like how his design radiates positive energy. i think his colour palette is very nice. this placement may or may not be biased. oh, and the mask goes incredibly hard
3 — matilda
i think her design is very adorable. she already has fairy energy without even saying anything. i love her goggles
2 — futsuki
i like visual kei
i like how androgynous his design is but i don't really like his hair, if it was just black and white like i imagined it or any other colour combination that doesn't clash with his clothes that fucking much he would've been first place
honorable mentions — blood, v-force hiromi, mao (both s1 and g-revolution), mariam, olivier, zeo in his psykick uniform
1 — s1 kai
every kai design goes hard but the other two have things i dislike minor or not and s1 kai just. doesn't. s1 kai hits different
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ohsointensesideshows · 8 months ago
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Beyblade Episode 2
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hellovivirose · 2 years ago
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Happy birthday @harry-nezumi !!!!
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alice-on-elm-street · 1 year ago
Okay, inspired by that last ask, I'm going to ramble about Carlos.
I love this guy. Easily one of my favorite characters in both the anime and manga. I love the growth we see in him and how he is one of the stronger beybladers without a bitbeast. Dude can hold his own. And honestly, as much as I love Kai, it was kind of cool to watch someone NOT love him. Sure, he admired him and looked to him as a leader in the beginning, but one the old Kai showed that he really didn't give a shit about any of them, he was kind of heartbroken and just became bitter towards Kai. Honestly, considering how much the fandom loves Kai, I like it when the actual characters don't. 
Also Carlos should have been in V-Force. Like, seriously. The entire season takes place in Tyson’s home town. I would have loved to see him at school, interacting with Tyson and Kenny on a casual level. And you know he and Hilary would bicker like crazy. It would also have been interesting to have him and Kai dealing with their issues now that they’re both very different people. Also just…having a blader around who DOESN’T have a bitbeast. Especially with all the artificial beasts in this season, it would have been cool to see him take one of those bladers down with pure skill, enhancing the idea that it’s not just having a bitbeast that makes you a good blader.
And then come G-Revolution, he could become a backup player similar to Kenny. We've already seen that he's quite intelligent when it comes to Beyblade mechanics from the way he customizes his own beyblade, so he could have been helping out behind the scenes. And maybe we could have had some context to his fight with Rick in the special ending of G-Revolution. Is Carlos in America? Is Rick in Japan? What is the context here? The only thing that we know they remotely have in common is their back-alley blading, but that’s it. I want to know more! 
(I may also ship it because of this single screen, don’t judge me)
More probably coming at some point, but that's all there is for now!
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dranger78official · 10 months ago
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some-user56 · 2 years ago
Digital Carlos/Makoto Hiruta drawing
*another digital drawing again* *digital art might be rare from me*
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I've drawn Carlos a lot of times
I find his design cool
Probably my fave
All his outfits are cool to me (anime and manga)
I did this from like 99% Memory and 1% reference (IDK)
Like I said in my 'I want to see more artwork of Blade sharks/Shell killers' post, I didn't expect to like him or the rest of blade sharks/Shell killers
anime appearance
also the fluff (?) on the jacket are a bit hard, Also his eyebrows are a bit hard
digital watermark
*Likes and reblogs are appreciated*
× Don't repost my artwork without my permission×
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generaldoodlebob · 1 year ago
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mfw im about to ruin the family dollar cashier’s day by eating all of the candles on aisle 4
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harry-nezumi · 2 years ago
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A Kissing Game...
Carlos and Astrée's first kiss !
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It was a rainy afternoon, it was pouring rain, and it was better to be home than out then. Astrée had been at Carlos's for a while now, she had her own room there and was reading a book when she heard a knock at the door. It was Carlos.He came to offer her to play video games on his console, she accepted but decided to finish the page of the book she was reading first.
" Would you like to play a game ? ", he said, shaking the console in his hands.
" Yeah, just let me finish this page ! ", Astrée exclaimed without taking her eyes off her book.
" Okay, I’ll wait for you in my room ", Carlos replied straight away. He started walking towards his room, leaving the little brunette alone. She had just finished her page. Astrée got up and took the time to put away her book, then followed the boy to his room. Carlos was sitting on the ground with the console in his hands. She came to join him, sitting next to him. They started to play one game, then two, and so on. The games followed one another until, suddenly, Carlos called out to her, " Astrée ? ".
She just answered, " Hm ? ", always watching the console, concentrated.
He turned, the brunette having, even though she was playing video games, one eye on him, and so she did the same, resulting in them being face-to-face. The boy then took the face of the young girl between his two hands, he looked at her straight in the eyes, and she held his gaze despite the difficulty she was experiencing.
" Close your eyes… ", he whispered, his face now very close to Astrée's.
" Why ? ", she replied.
" Don't ask questions and close your eyes. ", His tone had become more authoritative. In response, she just let out a sigh and closed her eyes. He had been planning it for a while now, he couldn't back down, and he consumed the last centimeters that took him away from the one he loved. At first, he kissed her with uncertainty and softness, but then he became more confident and the kiss became deeper. Astrée surprisingly let himself go, and as soon as he was out of breath, they separated. Astrée remained in shock, she hadn't expected that. It wasn't until her eyes went to the console that she came to her senses, she had just lost ! While she had won nearly every game, she was winning this one, and he had decided to kiss her at that time !? She was unable to quell her anger and quickly returned to her room. She was reluctant to show her anger towards the boy, as he was not worthy of her attention at this moment. As for Carlos, he was satisfied. He had a girlfriend now, had his first kiss, and most importantly, he had won the game.
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teabiscs · 9 months ago
Makoto X Suzuka:
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This one of those team ships. Well sorta. Post-Team ships. “End Game” ship in a sense
Nothing remotely happens the entire time on the bladesharks. Team eventually disbands after years.They're getting older, university is imminent. 
Makoto and Suzuka end up going to university close by while the other two go further away and live on campus. Now that its just the two of them they spend a LOT of time together. At campus and Suzuka’s house.
Carlos, a casual femboy enjoyer
Idk insert the typical BL manga storyline where they get super close. And then they play fight, tickle and kiss. Then the whole “Im not gay.” and “Neither am i.”drama,
Definitely a down low type of relationship. They don’t tell the other blade sharks when they visit home for holidays and breaks and all hang out. It’s a breath of relief when the night ends and they can walk home together and chill at Suzuka’s bc his parents are never home. Collapsing on top of each other because when they’re together they’re always up against each other. 
from my tablet notes (deranged ship edition):
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some of these are like actual ships. some of them are one sided and some are just really silly. feel free to ask me about any of these.
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darkened-storm · 10 months ago
Mayblade Day 1: Lights
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The stadium lights were blinding when she stepped out onto the stadium floor amidst the cheers and excited shouts of the crowd. She looked down at her right hand. Her midnight blue HMS beyblade sparkled, showing off the brand new attack ring Kenny had installed in the locker rooms only minutes earlier. He had promised her it would be good enough to stand up to Carlos. She desperately hoped he was right. In the centre of the beyblade, the emblem of the dragon shone brightly. Vaguely, she heard the referee’s announcement, calling the competitors to the dish. She took a breath, and then she stepped forward as the crowd around her erupted into cheers of excitement and anticipation. This is it, the anxious voice inside her head told her. It was time to prove to the world what she could do. Her teammates were already assembled and waiting for her. It had been Kai’s decision to change the line up at the last minute - with a draw and a loss behind them, her captain knew they were backed into a corner. Now her teammates were counting on her to keep them in the game. As she approached the bench, Max and Tyson each patted her on the back and shared words of encouragement. Ray gave her arm a gently squeeze as Becky pressed her launcher and ripcord into her hands. “You can do this,” she said, her voice full of determination and confidence in her cousin’s abilities. She glanced in Kai’s direction and her captain nodded wordlessly before her coach pulled her aside. Hiro placed his hands on her shoulders. “Remember Steph,” he told her. “Your beyblade is like an extension of yourself. Believe that it’s good enough to defeat Carlos. Believe that you are good enough to beat him.” He squeezed her shoulders gently. “You won’t lose.” She nodded her head. “Okay, coach.” She didn’t look to the stands as she approached the dish - she knew he would be there watching her. Slowly, she ascended the steps to the area, her anticipation building as she climbed higher, higher until she could see across the field to her opponent. The announcer’s voice echoed through the stadium. "And the hopes of the entire team rest on the shoulders of their Vice Captain. If they don’t win this round, the Bladebreakers will lose the match and their chance at the Championship title." She clipped Seraphina securely into her launcher, the rip cord held tight in her hands. Across from her, Carlos stood ready, his beyblade held over the dish, a menacing look on his face. “Beybladers at the ready,” Jazzman told them. Steph took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She felt the spirit of the bitbeast inside her beyblade gently brush against her consciousness, reassuring her that she was not in this fight alone and when she opened her eyes again, she could no longer the sounds of the crowd or the jeers from the Bladesharks’ bench. This was her moment. She took her stance, beyblade and launcher poised over the stadium and waited for Jazzman’s count. Three. Two. One … Let it Rip!
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jose92gt · 11 months ago
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Beyblade X 27
Interesante capítulo el de esta semana, uno entiende algo la presión que lleva Takumi por la empresa que lo maneja profesional y tenga esa arrogancia, siendo así ha llegado hasta ahí en lo profesional, Bird pese a perder una vez más (parece el San Marino del fútbol) esta vez se le admira las agallas que tiene y confrontarle por primera vez, Takumi hizo Oleadas ante varios rivales no lograba esa satisfacción y pensando en retirarse del Bey, pero para su sorpresa Burn compra la empresa la que trabaja Takumi y mencionandole que puede ahora disfrutar del Bey
En este festival varios cambian de equipos Bird tendrá dos profesionales a su lado Carlos y Meiko
Burn contara con Cho y alguien misterioso
Takumi, Kadover y Zonamos
Multi, Yuni y Toguro por último
Ekusu, King y Taisho
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fanchik-ua · 7 months ago
| Something about yourself...
Hello. My name is Turley and this is my first post in this program.
(Turley is not my real name, but you can call me that)
I am 20 years old and I live in Ukraine.
I am an art artist. People may not like my art, but I draw it purely for myself.
Most of them are art of my OС. I named my account as one of them.
Honestly, I love many fandoms and there are countless of them.
If suddenly someone is interested and someone wants to talk with me about a common fandom, then here is a list for you.
MARVEL ( Cloak and Dagger, Kaine | Scarlet Spider, Hobie Brown | Spider Punk, Venom, Doctor Strange)
Beyblade Burst
Transformers (Prime, Animated, RID, Films)
Lady Bug and Super Cat
Sonic (Boom, X, Prime)
Angel friends
American Dragon: Jake Long
Once Upon A Time
Gravity Falls
Forester (Ukrainian short film )
TMNT (Films, 2012 )
Death Note
Death Note. Another Note: The Case of the Los Angeles Killer B.B.
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Maze Runner
Also, like everyone, I have my favorite characters and I have 27 of them 😅
Tyrone Johnson | Cloak
Kaine Parker | Scarlet Spider
Free De La Hoya
Hobie Brown
Optimus Prime
Shadow the Hedgehog
Luka Couffaine | Viperion
Carlos De Vil
Jake Long
Peter Pan
Bill Cipher
Doctor Strange
Jeff the Killer
L Lawliet
Jack Sparrow
Beyond Birthday
Robby Valentino
I hope that you and I have common favorite characters)
If you want to talk to me, feel free to ask me, I will be glad to hear from you 😁🤗
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starry-dream-moonlight · 1 year ago
some beyblade angst :,D
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Some context:
Aliza had a uncle (not Carlos-) who was a blader and taught her how to use a bey at a young age, however her uncle was suffering from something but they didn’t know since he never told them,
so when Aliza want to show him her launch he was gone, however they told her that he moved somewhere for some medical reasons (which was a lie, cause he was dead) only leaving his final gift to her which was Sakura, Aliza’s own bey
It was only after years later (some time after she form her bey club) did she find out the truth her mom told her (who was one of those against lying to her back then,) which cause her to yelled at her mom, and ran off, only to come across the same spot that she used to practice as a kid at..
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alice-on-elm-street · 1 year ago
I remember you making a post about wanting to talk about Beyblade's Carlos.
Did anybody ever respond to that?
Sadly no 😭
I love him so much, he's actually a cool character who plays an even bigger role in the manga and I wish that was reflected in the anime. It would have been awesome to see him in V-Force (especially since the entire series takes place in Tyson's home town) and G-Revolution (it made me so happy when he showed up in the end credits).
Side note, very surprised someone actually remembered that post lol
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johannepetereric · 1 year ago
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And in Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse
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Kai did Bakugan, Tsubasa from Beyblade (plot twist!)(…yeah, I can kinda hear it), Mean Girls, Queer as Folk,
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The Boys, American Gods.
Max did Berenstein Bears from 2002
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And was apparently a 12-year-old bby when he started Beyblade
And Kenny’s VA was like 10 or 11
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Ray’s VA was a bby in Magic School Bus and 20s as Ray.
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Tyson’s VA was a healthy 16
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