#Card payments taxi
icabbiuk · 2 years
Do I really need a card reader?
If you haven't requested your free card readers because you have doubts then read our blog about the benefits of having a card payment reader.
0 notes
sourtomatola · 2 months
The dark Sun's approach
Spin off for @sinclairmaxwellao3, based on their fic, "Lambs and slaughters" (the original fic is 18+, but what I wrote here isn't)
2300+ words (takes place before monty dies)
Eclipse laid reclined on his couch, pregnant with thought. In his top left half, a card was being juggled around his fingers. He stared at nothing in particular as the gently ‘fwipping’ sound of the card turning in his metal digits filled the room.
Ruin came in and hung up his coat. “Couldn’t find any signs of the dirty bugger in the club.” He reported. “Must have sent in a stand-in.” He swayed over and sat between Eclipse’s legs, taking one of his free lower hands in his own. “Have you come to a decision then?”
One final snap of the card sent it firmly in the Underboss’s fingertips as he let out a deep thoughtful sigh.
“This Pertenca piko always seems to know who needs him…” He grumbled as he looked over the card that shimmered black and gold. The words on the back read ‘Call, leave no message.’
“A cryptid in his own right.” Ruin chimed and delicately plucked the card from Eclipse’s hand. “Want me to make the call?”
“Get it over with.” Eclipse sighed.
Ruin began to hum as he followed the instructions on the card, calling and hanging up in all of 30 seconds. “Think it will take long?” He asked, looking up to the underboss.
“Theres few things Umbra is known for, but one thing he’s fairly well known for is efficiency.” Eclipse said as he played with Ruin’s hand in his.
“Then my reputation precedes me.”
The two spun around, guns instantly in their hands and aimed at the intruder in their room.
The Dark Sun model stood perfectly still as he stared at the two boredly. His optics shared the same sky blue color as Sunrise’s, but were instead surrounded by black, giving him an eerie and unsettling stare. If not for that, and the sharply cut black suit he wore, they might have mistaken him for their Sunrise. It was almost uncanny to see someone so similar. His rays were a duller color as well, but other than that, they were identical.
“Problem with Fazbear?” Umbra stated simply.
“Efficient and perceptive.” Ruin giggled as he stood up, allowing Eclipse to stand as well.
“I May live under a rock, but I don’t miss anything. I also am aware of Sunrise being in your care. I wish to see him.” Umbra said before quickly stepping out of the room.
To that, the underboss and hitman rushed after him. “Wha-hey!” Eclipse called angrily. “Ne kuraĝu tuŝi lin!!”
“I don’t intend to, I just need to see him before I can get to my work.” Umbra stated almost boredly.
A Squeak came form the hallway, catching Umbra’s attention. Sun stood, holding his hands to his chest in shock of the sight of another sun model in a fine suit. Umbra’s eyebrow twitched up, as if resisting to raise in surprise as well. They stared at one another for a moment before Umbra spoke. “Sunrise.” He gave a gently incline of his head in greeting.
“H-hi…” Sunny blinked at him. Eclipse and Ruin stood nearby, glaring at Umbra as they waited for him to make a move.
The dark sun Model walked around Sunrise, as if appraising him. “Hmm…nice dress.” He said simply. He then paused in front of Sunrise and looked him in the eyes. “Do you want Fazbear gone? Wiped form existence? To give him a free taxi ride to the river Styx?” He asked in a low menacing tone.
Sunny stood in confusion and glanced to the underboss who stood at the ready, fully expecting something to go wrong. He then looked back in to the black and blue optic’s of the other sun model.
“Yes.” He stated. “He’s…He’s done unspeakable things to me and the people I love. I don’t want to live in fear of him hurting us again.”
“Consider it done.” Umbra said and walked swiftly past him, heading straight to Eclipse, seeming to have the intention to plow right through the massive four-armed animatronic. “Have my payment ready right away.” He said before vanishing before he could run into the underboss.
Eclipse flinched from the shock of not getting bumped or shoved. He looked around, but Umbra had left no signs of even being there.
“Goodness, his magic might be greater than your fathers.” Ruin marveled. “Teleporting shouldn’t be possible here, save for the family.”
“W-who was that?” Sunny asked. He still felt a chill from the gaze of those cyan and black optics.
“Don’t worry your pretty self, Sunny. That’s for Ruin and I to worry about.” Eclipses assured.
A Sun Model Animatronic sat at the bar of a club on the far side of town. A simple black spaghetti strap dress adorned his casing as he swirled the liquor in his glass. His make up was smudged with sadness, telling a familiar story to the bartender.
“Sunrise? Is that you?”
He hand holding the glass flinched and held the glass tighter before the animatronic looked back slowly. The tall muscular gator animatronic stood over him and closed in quickly.
“M-Monty?! W-what are you doing here??” Sun squeaked and leaned away from him.
“This is my favorite bar, cher.” Monty smirked and swiftly wrapped his arm around him, making him flinch. “My my, those wouldn’t be tear streaks in your eyeliner, would it?”
Sun quickly rubbed his eyes, as if trying to hide the evidence. “No! It’s none of your business anyways. I was just leaving!” He said and tried to slip off his stool, only to have been swept off before his feet could even hit the floor. Monty held him firmly and began to carry him out.
“Don’t be like that Cher! I know just how to cheer you up. The boss has missed you a lot you know, I’m sure he’d give you the warmest welcome back!” Monty chimed as he carried Sun virtically.
“I-I can’t, I…M-my brother is nearby, I need to go get him!” He said and tried to get out of Monty’s strong arms.
“Good, then he’ll just follow us.” Monty smirked and carried him out to his car, shoving the sun animatronic in.
The ride was tense as Sun stayed huddled as far away from the gator as possible. He was then dragged into the pizzaplex. Staffbots rushed out of the gator’s way as he stormed through the halls and past the lounges.
He pounded on the door of the don. “Hey boss! Got a little surprise for you!” He laughed as he dragged Sun in and threw him to the floor. Sun had been spun slightly in the force of his fall, causing his dress to flare out. He lay on the floor a second to gain his baring’s, realizing that the slit on his dress was now wide open, exposing his legs almost completely.
He heard a satisfied hum as he looked up to see Moonrise sitting on Freddy’s desk. Behind him, with a wicked grin, was the bear himself.
Sun’s optics were set wide and fearful as he stared up at the don who has done nothing but reap from disaster and pain.
“Sunny dear! How wonderful to see you again!” Fazbear smirked.
“Freddy…” Sun breathed.
“Brother.” Moonrise sneered and hopped off the desk to walk to him. He grabbed him by the arm and yanked him to his feet. “So sweet to see you again…” He ran a finger under Sun’s eyes, making him flinch. Moonrise rubbed the smeared make-up between his fingers. “Tragedy strike at the old celestial’s home?”
“I…M…moon…” Sun said softly. “Moon’s dead…T-the star went off and…The celestial’s kicked me out. Said I was too dangerous and I killed their best weapon’s designer…” He sniffled and rubbed his eyes again.
“Sound’s like you killed him to me. Good job.” Moonrise smirked.
Sun’s face hardened into a glare for but a second before breaking down into tears. Fazbear’s brow lowered curiously before reaching a hand to him. “Come here.” Sun stood firm until Moonrise shoved him around the desk and making him face Freddy, their knee’s practically touching.
Freddy grabbed Sun’s arms and yanked him onto his lap to get a better look at him. He studied the sun animatronic’s face, as if trying to look for flaws. The only thing broken on his face was his emotion. Pain and fear enveloped his features, but deep behind it was a fighting spirit.
Freddy let go of one of his arms and reached up to gently place a claw on his shoulder and delicately pull down one of Sun’s spaghetti straps. His claw was gently, threateningly so. Gently grazing Sun’s casing, as if to say how easy it would be to dig deeper and cause real damage. Sun’s hand shot up and grabbed Freddy’s hand in protest, but otherwise didn’t fight him off.
That’s when the Don’s eyes narrowed darkly and he grabbed Sun’s arms harshly again. “My Sunrise would never behave in such a way to me, or risk getting hurt. Who are you?” He snarled.
The room went still as Monty stared in confusion. This…WAS Sun though, wasn’t it? Sun models were rarer, and how many of them would not only know Monty by name, but also wear a dress like Sunrise would?
Moonrise narrowed his eyes as well and snaped out his gun, aiming it at the Beautiful sun model.
Sun sat still, staring at Freddy before glancing at Moonrise. “Careful now Moonrise, wouldn’t want to hit your boss, would you?” He said evenly, his tone lower and darker and the scalar’s of his optic’s suddenly faded to black.
Freddy’s eyes shot open before he shoved the animatronic off his lap. Umbra miraculously landed on his feet and stood tall, his posture immaculate and the strap still hanging off his shoulder. “Didn’t I play the part well enough? Surely Sunrise doesn’t just, LET you do such things to him?” He questioned as he grabbed the skirt of his dress and lifted it a bit, swaying it whimsically. “Though I will say, this isn’t too bad. I like how it flows.”
The click of the hammer being pulled back on Moonrise’s gun didn’t go unnoticed, but Umbra ignored it. “Don asked a question. Who are you?” The moon model snarled.
Umbra lifted his skirt slightly to do a mock curtsy. “Oh pardon me, dear don, how could I not introduce myself in such circumstances.” HE said almost sarcastically. “Most call me Dark sun, but I go by Umbra.”
A small choke from Monty came from begin them. “Whispered death??”
“Kill him!” Freddy barked.
Just as Moonrise took his shot, Umbra flipped his skirt up as he ducked, hiding him from the hitman. His hand stayed in a firm flat position as he thrust it up, aiming for the seams on Moonrise’s torso. With the force and angle of his hand, his claws easily slid under the seams and granted access to Moonrise’s battery. As soon as Umbra’s hand touched it, he grasped it in his hand and shattered it, causing Moonrise to go limp, almost dead.
Monty was rushing for his own gun but at the sight of such fast action, he hesitated. As he did, the Moon animatronic’s body was hurled at him, throwing him off more. With another flare of black fabric, Umbra was now behind him, doing a similar action that he did to Moonrise, slipping his hand under the seams of their plating and crushing their batteries. He knew it was a temporary fix. But when it was many against one, it was what was needed to neutralize threats to make them all easy to finish off later. It’s what it took to take out animatronic’s.
Freddy shot at them, not seeming to care if he hit Monty. Which Umbra made sure he did just to finish the job that was Monty.
Umbra peeked from behind the gator. “Thanks for the help killing Monty, Superstar.” He said in an unenthused voice.
“Umbra…I thought you didn’t play favorites.”  Freddy glared. “I tried to contract you last year and never heard back from you. Yet here you are, against me.”
“Yeah well, Lets just say I don’t take unsolicited calls. The fact you tried to hunt me down, PERSONALLY offended me. I just want to be left alone.” He said before lifting Monty’s corpse enough to cover him completely. Then, the lifeless body dropped, proving to no longer being a hiding spot.
Freddy turned quickly but was swiftly shoves to the ground, landing hard on his back. Umbra was now standing on his arms, keeping him down and unable to struggle. Umbra glanced at the wall of Freddy’s collection. He stared for just a second before looking back down at the bear.
“I like your eye collection. Maybe I’ll start my own.” He said before raising his hands, that dripped with Moonrise and Monty’s blood.
Eclipse entered his office in Totality, ready to start the day. He paused at the sight of a sun Model in a black dress, facing away from him as they sat on his desk. “Sunny?” He asked curiously.
Umbra turned, showing his black optics. Eclipse narrowed his eyes before they widened in shock as Umbra held up a box. “Proof of service.” He said simply as he pushed the box closer. “Call it the witches broomstick.”
Eclipse narrowed his eye sat Umbra as he watched the sun animatronic hop off the desk and wave his hand across himself. His attired changed back to his sharply trimmed suit and his face clean of make-up. He watched Eclipse stare at him before he motioned to the box. “Well?”
Eclipse opened the box and stared back at the vibrant blue eyes that sat on soft velvet to keep them from clattering together. Under the eyes, were several photos of Freddy’s office after Umbra had completed his task.
He closed the box and stepped around to his desk and held out a briefcase to Umbra. “Accepted. Thank you.”
“Thank you for keeping this short and simple.” Umbra said and took the case. “Feel free to leave me alone.” Was all he said before he vanished once again.
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lovepropaganda · 8 months
The ISC report found that in multiple instances, Santos moved funds donated to his campaign to his personal checking accounts, and used the money at luxury store Hermès, OnlyFans, Sephora, as well as for meals, parking, and to pay off his credit card bills. His FEC reports included payments for Botox, a luxury vacation in the Hamptons, taxis and hotel stays during his Las Vegas honeymoon, and spa treatments.
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s-w-h · 9 months
Bittersweet Love pt.1
Genre: angst, College/student life, slight love triangle(?)
Members included: Mingyu, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, Dino, and Vernon
Word Count:3k
SUMMARY: You end up being accepted to a study abroad program in South Korea and you meet a group of friends that ends up making your time abroad a little more interesting.
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“Y/n Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to join a study abroad program in South Korea.”
You’ve finally been accepted to study abroad after months of waiting. You’ve always wanted to try living in a new country away from home. You pack all your clothes and precious belongings while blasting “Bad Vibes Lonely” by DEAN, one of your all time favorite songs. You're so excited to be in a new area, a completely different experience from your own. 
The day finally comes and you board the plane. It’s a long and tiring flight. The more excited you got just thinking about being in South Korea the more the flight seemed to get longer and longer. You’ve been on this flight for what felt like years. Once you finally land to get off the plane you wait outside the airport for a taxi. A taxi pulls up right next to you and you hop in. You tell the driver the address of your new college. After a 30 minute ride the driver pulls up right in front of the college campus. It’s huge! The campus seemed a lot bigger than what was shown in the online brochure. A big sign outside of the main building “Welcome to the University of Seoul!” you read in big bolded letters. You couldn’t believe you were actually here, the Universe of Seoul. You look around trying to find the women’s dorm rooms. While looking for the dorms you trip and fall to the ground. You hear a slight chuckle behind you. 
“Are you okay?” you hear. 
“Yeah I’m fine, but I heard you laugh at me.” you say with a slight attitude. 
A smile still on his face he says, “You seem lost, where are you tryna go?” 
“I’m trying to find the women’s dorms but this campus is so huge I can’t seem to find anything,” you say looking around in complete awe of how truly big the campus was it seemed like a whole new world. 
“Well before I show you around a little let me introduce myself, I’m Jeonghan. It's nice to meet you.” Jeonghan says with a grin on his face, probably still laughing about how stupid you looked when you fell. He walks you to the front entrance of the women’s dorms and you thank him and walk in. You find your new room and start unpacking. You hear someone open the door and walk in behind you.
“Hey y/n!” your friend, Joy, says with a smile.
“Hi Joy, I missed you,” You replied with a friendly smile. You both talk for a little bit about your flights and getting to the university. After the talk you decided to take a break from unpacking your things and go out for a walk. You wanted to look around and explore the campus a bit. It would be hard to get used to so you wanted to get a head start. You head out to the courtyard, the center of the campus. From a distance you see a small coffee shop. 
“That café seems cute and I wouldn’t mind an iced latte right now.” you walk in and the aroma of coffee immediately hits you. As soon as you walk up and order your drink a line starts to form behind you.
“Hi, may I get a small iced vanilla latte to go please.” as you’re in the middle of your order you realize you don’t have your wallet. The cashier tells you your total but you have no way of paying. You frantically pat yourself down looking for loose cash or a card or any form of payment. The line behind you is getting longer and you start to feel more and more embarrassed. Someone walks up and stands right next to you.
“I’d like to pay for her drink please.” the guy says with an almost frustrated expression.
“Will that be all for you today sir?” says the cashier.
“No, I’d like to order an iced americano as well please.”
“Can I get a name for your order?”
“Seungkwan.” he says, pulling out his wallet to pay for both drinks.
“Thank you so much I thought I had my wallet on me before leaving. I guess I was so excited to explore my new surroundings I completely forgot to grab it.” You say in embarrassment.
“You know you have to pay me back right?” he says with a serious look on his face.
“Of course! How much was it? I can go back to my dorm and get my wallet right now.”
“Nah it’s good, just take me out for food tomorrow and all is forgiven.” you agree and exchange contact information to plan for tomorrow. You head back to your dorm and finish unpacking. The next day you head to your first class. You walk in and sit down in a random seat. You start scrolling on your phone while waiting for the professor to show up. You look up and see two people sitting beside you. You overhear them talking about one of your favorite artists.
“Are you guys talking about GSoul?” you say with an excited look on your face.
“Yeah you know GSoul?” one of them says.
“Yes! He’s one of my favorite artists. I love his voice! My favorite song is Circles. I've been having it on repeat for the past week now!”
“Broo my favorite is Can’t!” says the other one.You guys start talking on and on recommending each other new music and showing each person’s playlists. After class you invite them out to eat because it seemed like you’d finally found some people to be friends with.
“Are you guys free later?” you ask hopefully.
“Nah sorry we have something to get to but we’ll definitely talk tomorrow.” one of them says reminding you that you also have plans later that day.
“Okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” you say walking off realizing you never caught their names you guys have been talking non stop before the lecture neither one got the chance to introduce themselves. 
“I’ll ask for their names tomorrow.”  you think while heading to your next class.
Later that day you get ready to go meet Seungkwan at the restaurant he had texted you about earlier. You take a last good look around your dorm room before leaving making sure you didn’t forget your wallet this time. You type in the address into your phone and realize it’s a short distance from your dorm building and decide to walk there instead of spending money on a taxi. You arrive at the restaurant and walk in. It’s a Korean barbecue spot, you’ve never had Korean barbecue before so you're excited. The smell of meat grilling and the loud sounds from the restaurant makes you even more excited. You head in and see Seungkwan straight ahead, but he looks to be sitting with a large group of people. You walk in, seeing everyone in clear view, it seems to be around maybe 12 other people.
“Hey it’s y/n!!!” Seungkwan shouts, slurring his words a little. It seems he’s already been drinking.
“Hey I thought I was only paying for you? What’s all this, you know I can’t afford all of that right?” You say with a concerned expression.
“Of course you're not paying for everyone, just my meal, I’ll pay for my own drinks though.”
“Okay cool,” you say, taking your seat. As you sit down you recognize some familiar faces.
“Hey you guys are from my class right?” You say with a smile, glad to be seeing someone familiar so you won’t be sitting alone awkwardly because you didn’t know anyone else at the table. 
“Oh yeah hey! We didn’t get a chance to formally introduce ourselves earlier did we?” One of them says, “I'm Vernon, nice to officially meet you!”
“And I'm Dino!”
“Nice to meet you guys I’m y/n”
Around ten minutes past and you're getting comfortable with the group. But the more comfortable you feel the more you drink. Bottle after bottle at this point you're inhaling liquor. You’ve never had soju before so you don’t really know your limits. You start to feel really hot so you decide to get some fresh air.
“Hey Seungkwan, I think I’m going to head out.” You say slurring your words and stumbling. Seungkwan was occupied talking to the rest of the group and a little tipsy at that.
“Oh okay yeah sure get home safe.” He says as you turn away and start walking toward the cashier to pay for your food and Seungkwans. As you step outside the restaurant a cool breeze hits you. You’ve been In the restaurant for a few hours now so the wind feels refreshing.
Walking on the sidewalk, cars flying past you on the road it felt like you were dreaming. Suddenly you hear footsteps behind you, you didn’t think much of it seeing as you had walked past a few people already. Maybe one of them turned around or something. But just in case you decide to speed up a little. The liquor in your system had you thinking about the worst possible situations. You speed up a little more, but so do the footsteps.
 “They aren’t going away anytime soon. At this point they’ll follow me all the way back to my dorm.”
You stop in the middle of the sidewalk, the sound of footsteps pauses. You can feel someone standing right behind you. As fast as possible you turn around to land a hit on them so you have a chance to run and call for help. But as soon as you turned around and realized who was behind you but it was too late you had already hit him. As he falls to the ground you hear the sound of glass shattering. 
“Oh my god are you okay?” You say panicked.
“I’m fine, but you broke my glasses.”
“I’m so sorry I thought you were a stalker or something I don’t know I just got freaked out.” You say trying to convince him that you truly didn’t do it on purpose. 
 “You're from the dinner though right? You look familiar or maybe I'm just drunk.”
 “Yeah I am, I decided to head home too but I saw also walking out.I just wanted to make sure you got back safe.” He says as you help him off the ground.
  “You seemed like you drank a little over your limit. I’m sorry I scared you though that wasn’t my intention.” You guide him onto a bench as best as your drunk mind can. 
“Again I’m so sorry for hitting you. I really thought you were a kidnapper or something.” “and I broke your glasses. How much were they? I'll pay for it.”  You say frankly searching your pockets and your purse any money you could find to make up for breaking his glasses. 
“It’s fine I promise I have multiple pairs of glasses at home that won’t be missed.” He says laughing it off 
“Can I at least get your name so I know who to apologize to.” You say laughing back 
“My name's Wonwoo.” He says while putting his hand out asking for a head shake 
“I’m y/n, I’m so sorry for hitting you and breaking your glasses Wonwoo.” You say lifting your hand to meet his 
“Let me walk you home and all is forgiven.” He says smiling at you 
He walks you all the way back to your dorm making sure you get in your room safe seeing as you were still stumbling a little. As you guys are walking up to the door of your room you trip and he catches you. In the same moment your room mate joy walks out. 
“y/n who’s he?” She says with a grin on her face.
“Shut up and get inside” you say, shoving her back in the room and swiftly turning around to wave Wonwoo goodbye.
“Who was he~” she says, teasing you.
“Just some dude I met after dinner wanted to walk me home. I drank a little too much.” You said rolling your eyes and getting undressed.
“Oh he was cute, maybe there could be something there?” She says teasing you again.
“No I don't, although I did think he was cute.” You say jumping into bed.
“Oh? Tell me more!” She says with a big smile.
“No, I'm tired, go to sleep.” You say while turning off the lights.
The next morning you had class normal. You say hey to Dino and Vernon and you guys talked about the same old same old. GSoul, DEAN, Giveon, and a whole bunch of different artists. After class ends and you're walking out with Vernon and Dino the professor calls you back.
“I wanted to talk to you about the most recent project assignment.” “It seems you didn’t fully understand the question I was asking. Go back, reread it and turn it back to me. I won’t deduct any points if you fix it.” He says with a straight face. He's a nice teacher  and one of your favorite professors. He just never seems to smile for some reason. 
You agree to fix the assignment and head to your next class. Later that day you see Seungkwan on your way to the library. 
“Hey y/n let me talk to you for a minute.” he says pulling you aside
“There’s someone from the dinner that I want to properly introduce you to. He says interested in you. I can’t set you guys up if you want.” he says pulling out his phone ready to give you the guys phone number 
“There was someone that i was looking at during the dinner he walked me home too, i wanted to try going on a date with him” you say thinking about Wonwoo 
“Oh really? He took you home? I don't remember him leaving early but maybe i got too drunk to remember” he said confused 
“Give me his number, I have to go work on a project before the library closes.” you say pulling out your phone in a hurry 
You get to work on trying to fix the assignment but it seems you really don’t understand how to answer the question. 
“Hey you were at the dinner right?” You hear coming from behind you.
“Did you get home alright you seemed hella drunk.” He laughs at you a little. 
“Yeah I got home fine” you say giggling.
“Is that the project from Mr. Martin's class?” He says pointing at your work.
“Yeah it is, I don't understand what it’s asking me at all.” You say in frustration.
“Let me help you, I’m Mingyu by the way.” 
You were finally able to finish your work thanks to Mingyu. As you guys are leaving the library a conversation sparks up. You guys start teasing each other back and forth. 
“His class is so easy bro maybe you're just a little slow.” He says laughing.
“Bro shut up and leave me alone. I promise it's getting harder for no reason.” You said jokingly.
 You and Mingyu laugh a little more talking about random topics. You guys eventually head your separate ways. You thanked him one last time before heading back to your dorm room. Once you get back to your dorm you remember the phone number that Seungkwan gave you and you decide to text it.
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You remember you forgot to ask Seungkwan who’s number it was, but you think who else’s number could it be? You were only with one other guy the rest of the night. Wonwoo, the one who was kind enough to take you home and forgive you for breaking his glasses. So of course you wanted to go out with him.
The weekend came faster than you expected. It's Friday night when you get another text from the number. 
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Saturday, 4 p.m you start getting dressed to meet him. Nothing fancy, just a nice shirt and some jeans, you didn't feel like doing a full face of makeup so you just put on some mascara and called it a day. You finish getting dressed early with 30 minutes to spear. You decided to go to the coffee shop early so you could get a drink while you wait on him. You walk into the coffee shop and see someone familiar. 
“Oh Mingyu? Hey! What are you doing here? Are you waiting on somebody or something?” 
“Yeah, I was waiting for you.” he said with a confused face 
“Wait what? I have plans with someone though.” you say as Mingyu reaches for his phone then pulls up the messages between who you thought was you and Wonwoo 
“Seungkwan gave me your number?” you say 
“Yeah i assumed you knew it was me that’s why i didn’t say anything” he says laughing it off 
“Well i guess it doesn't matter at this point” you think to yourself 
“If you're ready we can go now, i wanted to check out this arcade not too far from the campus. We can just walk there if you're up to it.” Mingyu says 
Thankfully you didn't wear anything special and the weather was really nice so you thought a walk would be nice. The walk from the coffee shop to the arcade really was bad. The weather was cool, not too cold, not too hot and not humid at all. It was honestly perfect, and you and Mingyu joked with each other the whole way so the walk felt even shorter. Once you guys got to the arcade it seemed to be empty, almost closed? There was no closed sign on the door though so you guys walked in. There was an employee at the front desk before entering the room with all the games. He told you guys where to put your money for game coins and you guys set off looking around the arcade for a fun game to start off with. 
“I bet I'll whoop your ass at air hockey.” You say to Mingyu taunting him 
“Big talk for real, let's see if you can actually beat my ass though.” He says with a smile on his face. The smile almost made you blush a little. He was starting to look more and more attractive to you. You guys played for hours, from air hockey(you won the game multiple times), to those basketball shooting games, to motorcycle racing games, to even an old pacman machine the arcade had in the back of the room. After a few hours you realized how hungry you had gotten, and it was getting late. You tried looking at the time but your phone wouldn't turn on somehow it had died. “I knew i should've charged it before i left” you think to yourself 
“Mingyu, what time is it? My phone died.” you ask putting your phone back in your back pocket 
“Oh it's…” he says taking out his phone  “Wow it's already 8:30, are you hungry at all? We can leave and go to this street market around the corner I heard about.” said Mingyu 
Just imagining all the street food made your mouth water. You’ve never had Korean street food before so you were very excited. 
  “That sounds really good! I'm ready to go now to be honest” you said 
“Alright, bet go.” Said mingyu  
Getting closer and closer to the street market you could smell all the delicious food. It felt like you were getting hungrier and hungrier by the second. You wanted to try everything that was there. You spotted an older lady selling tteokbokki and you immediately started walking towards her.You and Mingyu said hello to the owner and ordered. 
“Are you guys on a date?” says the lady as she's preparing our order 
“Yes we are.” Mingyu says with a slight chuckle
As the lady hands you guys the food she says “i hope you guys have a good rest of your date.” 
You and Mingyu say thank you and head off but right before you leave you hear the lady say slightly under her breath 
“They’re so cute they’d make such a cute married couple.”
You’re not sure if Mingyu also heard it but you decide to ignore it.  You guys walk around a little while eating. It's getting late and you're getting a little tired. 
“You seem a little sleepy. I can walk you back to your dorm if you're ready to call it a night.” said Mingyu 
“Yeah I am getting a little tired.” you say shocked he even noticed 
You and Mingyu reach the campus but he insists on at least taking you to the girls dorm building. As you guys are walking through the campus you run into Wonwoo. 
“Hey y/n why are you out so late?” he says with a smile that immediately fades once he sees Mingyu standing next to you 
“I just took her out on a date, i wanted to make sure she got back to her dorm okay.” says Mingyu 
You three had a quick conversation, said your goodbyes and you walked into your building. You get to your dorm, walk in, set your things down, undress and lay down. You realize just how awkward it truly was talking to Wonwoo with Mingyu right next to you. Thinking back to it, Wonwoo almost seemed annoyed when Mingyu told him you guys were on a date. “Was he jealous?” you thought but immediately dismissed the idea. The tiredness crept in faster and faster until you eventually fell asleep.
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fwimmey · 10 months
Ok so I've known things have been bad in this country for homeless people but, getting my learners permit yesterday has given me the context necessary to put this into perspective. So bear with me this might be a long post.
Issue 1: There is no public transport in the vast majority of this country. No trains, no busses, not even taxis. The closest we get is Uber which still doesn't cover some areas. This means that to get a job you either have to live within walking distance of your job, or own a car.
Issue 2: In cities due to zoning laws business aren't allowed to be built in the same district as residential buildings, which prevents living within walking distance of your job. Most businesses don't build outside of city limits, so if you were born in a suburb or a rural area you can also rule out walking to work.
Issue 3: Minimum wage works out to about $1,625 a month. Average rent works out to about $1,320 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment. The average house costs about $410,200. Meaning if you have a roommate taking on half of the rent, after rent each month you have $965 left over. Minus roughly $400 for groceries is $565. As we've already established that you need a car to exist in this country let's subtract the average of $915 for car related expenses (gas, insurance, payments on the car because lets be honest there is no way you will be able to afford it up front) and we have suddenly run out of money.
Issue 4: let's talk about getting a license, not the car itself just the license. You will need, your social security card, your birth certificate, 2 proofs of residency, and $25. But what if you are homeless? No proof of residency, no license. Also you have to get someone to drive you there because there is no way you live within walking distance of the DMV, and as we've already established, there is no public transport. But wait there is more. I'm not sure how it works elsewhere, but in my state you have to have had your beginners permit for 3 months before you can apply. So before you can get your license repeat the previous steps 3 months in advance except it only cost $5 this time. You also have to provide your own car for the driving test which leads to a fun catch 22 in that you have to have a job to afford a car, but as we've established you have to have a car to get to your job.
Issue 5: while being homeless isn't technically illegal sleeping in your car is, as is public camping, and begging for money. Benches are being removed. Spikes are being installed under rain shelters. A large percentage of businesses won't hire people with a criminal record, and when you can be arrested for sleeping in the only shelter available to you it can become nearly impossible to get a job to escape homelessness.
Issue 6: homeless shelters are rife with abuse. Homeless people in them often face sexual harassment and abuse, racial discrimination, and sometimes theft by either other shelter residents or caretakers. Not to mention the difficulty of getting into a shelter. They can place a limit on how many personal belongings you can bring with you. They can turn you away if you have any drugs in your system. Many don't allow pets. Many don't have accommodations available for the disabled. Many don't have the facilities to deal with many mental illnesses, several of which are caused in part by being homeless.
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thedreamytrek · 12 days
Must Know Before Going to Amsterdam: Essential Tips and Insights
🔹Cycling Rules
Respect the Bike Lanes: Amsterdam is a city of cyclists. Always stick to designated bike lanes, follow traffic rules, and use hand signals.
One of the Safest Cities: Amsterdam is considered one of the safest cities in Europe. However, always be cautious of your belongings, especially in crowded areas, to avoid pickpocketing.
Public Transit Cards: Use an OV-chipkaart for all public transportation, including trams, buses, and metros.
🔹Cash and Card Usage
Card Payments Preferred: Most places in
Amsterdam accept credit and debit cards. However, it's good to carry a small amount of cash for local markets or smaller establishments.
🔹Water Safety
Drinkable Tap Water: The tap water in
Amsterdam is of high quality and safe to drink.
🔹Tipping Etiquette
Tipping Not Required: Tipping is appreciated but not mandatory in Amsterdam. A 5-10% tip for good service is sufficient.
🔹Airport Transfers
Affordable Airport Transit: To get from Schiphol it to the city center, take the train for around , which takes about 14-17 minutes. This is cheaper than a taxi, which can cost €45-55.
Apps You Need Before You Go:
1. 9292: Dutch public transport route planner.
2. GVB: Amsterdam's public transit service.
3. NS Reisplanner: Dutch railway travel app.
4. Schiphol Airport: Major Dutch international airport.
5. Buienradar: Real-time Dutch weather radar.
!! COMMENT "planner" and I'll send you my FREE sample 1-day Paris itinerary.
Discover the world hassle-free - get started with us!
FOLLOW @thedreamytrek for more
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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May 1973: My first combat mission with the F-4 over Cambodia
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 05/21/23 - 09:00 in History, War Zones
This year is a significant anniversary for me: it was 50 years ago that I flew on my first combat mission. In May 1973, I flew through Thailand and entered Cambodian airspace. At the time, there was a lot of pressure from the Khmer Rouge communists in Cambodia to take control of the country; it was our job to avoid this.
The plan was to allow South Vietnam to achieve stability after the early 1973 ceasefire with the North.
I knew I would be flying on bombing missions over Cambodia immediately. My leader told me that I could expect to fly on missions of three to four hours every day. There was an effort to get a combat flight before the end of the month, so that I could receive my "payment for dangerous service" plus $65 per month to fly in combat. Not much, even for those days. On May 28, I made my orientation flight to the combat zone, my call code was "South 40", as we flew over Thailand and briefly entered Cambodian airspace.
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In his first month in Cambodia, John E. Norvell flew 18 combat missions.
After the orientation, each combat flight would start like this. First, he checked the flight schedule published the night before the mission to be sure of the time of the "show". Then, the next day, I would take the "bluebird" bus to the squad. So, I found my interception officer and informed our ward about what we would do. Then we went to Intel (the intelligence section) for a quick summary of the threat. At this point, about two hours passed. So we went to the equipment room to wear our costumes.
Dressing up, I made sure I had my Geneva Convention card, which we would carry if we were slaughtered and taken prisoner. So I took my survival equipment and camouflaged helmet; I checked my survival radios. I removed my wedding ring and badge from my flight suit and locked them in my closet. I did this so as not to have information about myself if I was shot down, to help the enemy.
Then I checked and carried a 38 caliber revolver, which I carried in a holster attached to my leg, gunman style. Then we all boarded what we call the "bread truck", along with other crews, to go to the aircraft parked in the buttress. Once in our "designated bird", we did the standard walk before the flight. This pre-flight was exactly as we did in Luke AFB, except that I had to check real bombs and missiles.
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F-4 Phanton Cockpit: The "cargo dumb"
Our standard charge was the 500-pound dumb bomb Mark 82, as shown in my 8 mm film clip on the left. We could charge up to 18 Mark 82s. We also had two Aim-9 Sidewinder infrared-guided missiles and two Aim-7 Sparrow radar-guided missiles.
While checking them, I looked for leaks under the Phantom. I had to be careful, because it was easy to hit my head and take a "ghost'sbite". Also hung below were the RHAW and jammer pods. The RHAW (Radar Homing and Warning) warned us if the enemy had stopped on our aircraft with SAMS (Surface to Air Missiles). Although possible, it was not a significant threat to our missions.
Once in the cockpit, I put on my G-suit and connected a recorder to our intercom that recorded our mission. Later, we would give the tape to the intelligence staff if there were any questions. Then it was the standard triggering of the radar, aligning the INS and checking the RHAW. While I was sitting there, the team leader helped me with the parachute connections and pulled the pins of my ejection seat; now, it was hot and ready to shoot. I activated the frequency for the soil control. We received authorization and taxied. Then we go down to the weaponry area adjacent to the active runway. There, the ammunition team pulled the safety pins from the bombs. Then takeoff.
The rains flooded the area around Udorn most of the year and, as we went up, I could see the storms in the distance. We are now on our way to our meeting with the refueling plane and the mission of the day.
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I wrote for home:
We bombed Cambodia - it's a funny feeling to use real bombs. The mission lasted 3 and a half hours and we had to refuel three times, a big difference from Luke. I'm getting a combat payment now. It's raining a lot; we're at the monsoons station. I had to have three special flight overalls made, two for work - green and light - and one black coverall for the party. I caught a cold at Jungle survival... there are 348 days left.
In my first month, I flew 18 combat missions.
Over time, I became introspective.
On the crew bus early in the morning, I often thought about how many men had boarded the crew bus to never come back that night. I never told anyone that I thought I could die. The mission was more important, and that was all that mattered. Maybe I wasn't alone in my feelings; all the troops that went into combat, no matter when or where, thought they could die. It was a thought that didn't last long.
I am forever connected to the veterans who served. When I flew in combat, fifty years ago, I became part of this combat fraternity. This changed my life forever.
John E. Norvell is a retired USF lieutenant colonel, a Vietnam War air combat veteran and a former assistant professor of American and Military History at the U.S. Air Force Academy. He wrote as a freelancer for the Washington Post, the Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy and History and for several newspapers throughout the US.
Via An American Family
Tags: CambodiaVietnam WarHISTORYMcDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom IIWar Zones
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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icabbiuk · 2 years
We are moving toward a cashless society, utilising contactless technology via card or mobile device to make payments. For taxi firms looking to keep up with ride-hailing giants like Uber, staying relevant to the ever-changing demands of customers, having card payment facilities in place is a must! iCabbi’s taxi card payments service, allows customers to easily pay by card or mobile device. Order your free card reader today.
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waltononthamestaxis · 4 months
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Welcome to Walton Taxis Capital Cars Walton Taxis with a team of highly experienced staff, we are able to deliver a professional and personal service to all of our clients. We are a professional chauffeur company and we are constantly improving our services and quality in order to meet the needs of our clients in Walton on Thames.
Our clients are our priority therefore, basically we have an ongoing procedure that allows our services to remain to a high consistent standard and be one of the best Taxi companies in Walton on Thames.
Contact info:
Address: 43 Danesfield close, Walton on Thames, Surrey, KT12 5EL
Phone number: 01932300311
Website URL: https://taxiswaltononthames.com/
Follow On:
Q: Can I book online? A: Yes, you can book online via https://taxiswaltononthames.com/. You can get a free online quote, select your vehicle and book online. Q: Do you accept card payments?
A: Yes! We accept all major debit or credit cards.
Q: Do you accept contactless?
A: Yes, you can pay via contactless, Apple pay, Android pay etc. Q: Can I pay by Cash?
A: Yes, we accept cash or card payments. You can pay by cash directly to the driver.
Q: Do you provide child car seat?
A: Yes, we do provide child car seats upon request. Please do mention this at the time of the booking or choose a child’s car seat if you are booking online. Also do not forget to mention child age so we can send the age-appropriate child car seat.
Q: What type of vehicle do you provide.
A: Here at Capital Cars Walton Taxis, we provide a range of vehicles that included Salon, Hatchback, Estate, MPV, XL MPV, Minibus and Disabled access vehicles.
Q: How early in advance we can book?
A: You can book up to 1 year in advance.
Q: Where are you based?
A: We are base in Walton on Thames
Q: Are you open 24/7
A: Yes, we are open 24/7 365. You can call us anytime and one of our staff members will be happy to assist you.
Q: Where do you pick up from Heathrow Airport?
A: Pick up location for Heathrow Airport is from Car Par, Level 3. You will receive a text message after your landing from the driver with the same info and his vehicle details.
Q Do you do Airport inside pick up?
A: Yes, we do Airport pick up for a little extra charge.
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the-hellhounds · 9 months
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Arriving to Busan, Hanbin didn't know how he had made it all through the plane ride without hurling his guts out from the nervous anxious feeling he had to coming back to see his best friend he had forgotten about. Much more to seeing for the first time his first son that he never knew he had.
Something he had longed for in secret since seeing how happy Haechan was when he had his own son.
Taking a taxi to a store first, he gets to buying presents for his best friend and for their son. Not knowing how old he was as it had been years since he had last seen of Jugyeong. He grabbed what any child would love, toy cars and dinosaurs.
"Do you have a son?" An elderly woman had asked Hanbin when he was checking out.
Not knowing what to answer, he smiles awkwardly and nods. "It's been years and this is my first time seeing him..."
"I mean... I never knew I had a son." He answers to the lady. "I barely found out yesterday..." not knowing if cars and dinosaurs were even the best choice anymore, Hanbin looks down sadly to the shopping basket he held.
Placing a hand on his elbow, the elderly woman smiles and tugs him away from the line. "Come. I'll help you shop for him."
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Holding bags of video games and a new console, Hanbin wasn't sure if these new expensive gifts would help him get close to his son.
"Don't think too much of it." Seoyeon, the elderly woman that had helped Hanbin shop smiles sweetly as she held her cane. "Any kid these days loves playing video games and he'll no doubt love it. As for the mother, get her some nice flowers." Taking out a card from her purse, she shakily hands it to the hell hound. "Let them know that I sent you. They'll set you up with the nicest and budget friendly bouquet ever."
Staring in disbelief as the elderly woman kept helping him, Hanbin dropped to his knees to bow respectfully to her, earning a laugh from Seoyeon. "Thank you so much. I don't know how to repay you for such help." He says as the elderly woman patted his head.
"Having a hell hound in the city is payment enough." Seoyeon says, making Hanbin freeze and look up at her. "All our guardians have disappeared over the years." She smiles sadly to him. Her eyes start to change from their soft brown to a vibrant red, that makes Hanbin stand up slowly in awe. Seoyeon revealing to him that she was a true alpha werewolf.
Pulling out a small vile from her purse, she smiles and places it in the palm of his hand, closing his fingers around it. "It helps hide the essence of a supernatural when hunters are in the area. Keep it. I have more at home." She says as Hanbin smiles. "Now go and see your best friend. I'm sure she's waiting for you."
Thanking the elderly werewolf, Hanbin pays for her taxi as he heads off to a train station to arrive at a flower shop and then head to Jugyeong's apartment.
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Holding gift bags and a bouquet in his arms, Hanbin stood in front of the door to his best friends apartment. Nervous jitters had him shifting from foot to foot as he didn't know how things would go.
What felt like seconds going by, the door opens just before he could knock. His eyes wide as he sees the brown styled hair and nicely done makeup of his best friend standing right before him.
"I knew you wouldn't knock before I opened the door." Jugyeong smiles softly as she looks up at him. He looked just the same as she remembered all those years ago, just more mature. "Come in."
Moving his feet that felt like rocks, Hanbin manages to walk in with a small bow as he heads inside, following her to the couch. "H-how... how are you?" He asks as he places down the gift bags and his suitcase. Offering her the bouquet he had gotten for her, Hanbin felt like a nervous teenager when standing in front of their crush.
"Is dying from poison a good answer?" Jugyeong answers, making Hanbin stare at her with straight look that he didn't like her joking at such a serious moment. "I'm kidding. God, you were always so serious."
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As they caught up in the years they missed out on and how he had lost his memory. Hanbin sat staring at a frame that had a baby boy smiling to his mother.
"So... he's..."
"He's 23, Hanbin." Jugyeong answers.
"Fuck," cursing as he had missed 23 years and the birth of his own son. Hanbin couldn't hold his tears as he broke down. "How could I forget about you?"
"It's not your fault, sweetie."
"But it is!" He says placing the frame back on the coffee table. "I could've come back sooner to visit you. To meet my son sooner..."
Bringing in Hanbin for a hug, she rubs his arm comforting. "You could go see him. He's in Jeju with his friends." She says as she gets her phone to show him the house their son had rented with his friends.
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At least he didn't buy diapers 🤣 : @badbf-cb ( lisa ♥︎ ) - @fantasyaespa ( ningning ♥︎ ) - @fallenangel-oc ( staci & alya ♥︎ × ♥︎ ) - @multihyuck ( ♥︎ ) - @witch-renjunnie ( ♥︎ ) - @raiden-oc ( 🌺 ♥︎ ) @monsterhigh-cb ( jaemin ♥︎ ) - @livealittleoc-cb ( jay & ace ★ × ♠︎ ) - @k-dislyte ( moonbyul ♥︎ ) - @beaconhillsxbot - @redroom-cb - @universe-of-superm - @ateezmystery - @frathouse-cb - @kimheebby - @league-of-assassins - @angelsxdemons-cb - @dreampodcast - @kavengers-assemble - @dc-heroes-cb [dm for + or -]
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koreaguides · 2 years
5 Essential Items For Visiting Korea
1. T Money Card 
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A T Money Card is a rechargeable card that travelers can buy to make journeys extremely convenient. It can be used to pay for all your transportation fees including buses, subway, taxis, and even as one of the method of payments at affiliated stores. 
2. Naver Map 
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This Naver Map is a navigation tool that Korean uses to search for the locations they want to go to. It shows all the best route travel durations and other information. It also shows restaurants that are nearby. You can either use the Naver website or download the app to access it as both are convenient and precise. 
3. Papago 
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Papago is a web translation app that was developed by South Kora’s largest internet company, Naver Corporation. It is popular for its artificial intelligence developments. It can translate texts and speech from a language to another. One good thing about Papago is that it’s free to use as well. 
4. Airvisual 
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South Korea is known to have hazy weather from time to time. Airvisual to provide the real time data of the air condition at your area. So basically, Airvisual will actually help during your trip to Korea as you can check the weather to see if it is hazy or not. By knowing the condition, you can also prepare a mask just in case. 
5. Kakaotalk 
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As everyone knows, Kakaotalk is a mobile messaging app which was operated by Kakao Corporation and often referred as KaTalk. It is an app that you can’t miss out on using as it is an app that almost all Korean use to message. 
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Dickhead taxi driver tried to scam us into paying multiple times by saying the payment hadn't gone through. I saw the payment approved notification on his screen the second time when he had said we needed to use a different card or pay cash because it 'still' hadn't gone through and then my sister showed him that he had charged her twice on her bank app. He eventually very begrudgingly gave my sister a (partial) cash refund after first saying that maybe she had been charged but he totes hadn't gotten the money, so he just didn't know what to do, and then pretending to refund one fare on his phone (again, I saw him close the app without pressing enter). It was only when my sister said she would have to report the charge to her bank as being fraudulent that he gave her (some) of the money back, still maintaining the whole time that he hadn't been paid and that he was essentially paying out of pocket to bring us home because we were 'trying to ruin his reputation.'
Literally have never had an experience like this with a taxi driver. Not even with a ride share driver and this guy was driving a (seemingly) registered taxi.
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rideboomindia · 11 months
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RideBoom, a leading on-demand ride-sharing service provider, has announced a new pricing structure that offers significant cost savings to its users while maintaining the high quality of its services. The new pricing structure is designed to make RideBoom the perfect solution for those who want to save money on their transportation costs.
With the new pricing structure, RideBoom can offer unbeatable prices for on-demand ride-sharing services. Customers can now enjoy a comfortable ride at an affordable price, without compromising on the quality of service. The pricing structure is simple and transparent, with no hidden fees or surge pricing.
RideBoom is committed to providing safe, reliable, and affordable transportation services to its customers. The company uses advanced technology to match drivers with riders, ensuring a seamless and efficient ride-sharing experience. The RideBoom app is easy to use, with features that allow customers to track their rides in real-time, pay securely through the app, and rate their driver at the end of the ride.
“We understand that transportation costs can be a burden for many people. That’s why we have introduced this new pricing structure to make our services more affordable and accessible to everyone,” said Harminder Malhi Known as Harry Malhi, CEO of RideBoom (https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-malhi-87671254/). “With our new pricing, customers can save money on their transportation costs and still enjoy the high-quality ride-sharing services that they have come to expect from RideBoom.”
The new pricing structure is now available to all RideBoom customers. To learn more about RideBoom and its services, visit the app store and download the app to get the fare estimate.
About RideBoom
RideBoom is a leading on-demand ride-sharing service provider, offering safe, reliable, and affordable transportation services to customers across Chandigarh, delhi, Pune, and Kolkata. The company uses advanced technology to match drivers with riders, ensuring a seamless and efficient ride-sharing experience. RideBoom is committed to providing high-quality services that meet the needs of its customers.
Reliable and Trained Drivers: Rideboom should employ reliable and well-trained drivers who have undergone background checks and possess valid licenses. This helps ensure that you have a professional driver who prioritizes safety.
Vehicle Safety Standards: Rideboom should maintain a fleet of well-maintained vehicles that meet safety standards and undergo regular inspections. This includes features like functioning seatbelts, airbags, and proper maintenance of brakes, tires, and lights.
GPS Tracking and Communication: The Rideboom app or website should provide real-time GPS tracking of the taxi, allowing you to track your ride and share the details with your friends. It should also offer a clear channel of communication between the driver and passengers for any inquiries or concerns.
Emergency Assistance: The Rideboom service should have a dedicated helpline or support system in place to handle any emergencies or unexpected situations that may arise during the journey. This ensures that you can seek assistance promptly if needed.
Driver Ratings and Reviews: Rideboom should have a system for passengers to rate and review drivers after each ride. This helps maintain accountability and encourages drivers to provide excellent service while prioritizing safety.
Cashless Payments: Offering cashless payment options, such as credit/debit card or digital wallets, can enhance convenience and security. It eliminates the need for cash transactions and provides a seamless payment experience.
Pre-Booking and Schedule Management: Rideboom should allow passengers to pre-book their rides in advance, especially during peak hours or special events. This helps ensure availability and avoids last-minute hassles.
Adequate Insurance Coverage: Rideboom should have comprehensive insurance coverage for drivers and passengers in case of any accidents or unforeseen incidents. This provides an additional layer of protection and peace of mind.
Regular Updates and Notifications: Providing timely updates and notifications regarding ride status, driver details, and estimated arrival time can help passengers plan their night out more efficiently and reduce uncertainty.
Customer Feedback and Improvement: Rideboom should actively encourage customer feedback and take it into consideration to improve their services continually. This demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction and safety.
The problem it solves
RideBoom solves the problem of transportation and delivery by providing an easy-to-use platform that connects riders with drivers and businesses with delivery partners. Where you can select the gender of the driver. It aims to provide a reliable, safe, and affordable transportation and delivery solution to individuals and businesses.
RideBoom offers competitive pricing structures, discounted fares, or promotional incentives that can help RideBoom attract customers and encourage them to try their services over existing competitors.
The RideBoom app is available in both stores and is free to download.
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johnny-horror · 1 year
Unpredicted vacation (+18)
You receive an link from many of your daddies. It says [open]. You open the link. It says with bright red [read me] and below the title is a small one line text [do what it says and go now without explanation, no thinking, you know that is how your brain works]. You download the file in anticipation. Open it with hesitant desire and the first page is a A4 form plane ticket which leaves exactly in 4 hours. The second page is a taxi payment from your home to the airport, that you need to show. As you see the taxi payment a car horn echoes from the street. You gaze outside the window and the taxi driver steps out and notices you and invites you to come. Without thinking you go down to the front door as the taxi driver rings your door. You grabbed a bag of some few necessities, but leave without a moments notice without a thought and a wish. The way to the airport flew by unnoticed...because the taxi driver chatted and gave you sweets and a cider during the drive as a request by order as if an entire bar was at your disposal, but cheerfully he escorted you to your plain and said – Have a fun adventure... You a bit tipsy entered the plane without knowing which country you will be flying, but you didn`t care...you opened the excel again and the third one is also a taxi payment and it gives you a blank collar that will have a name tag for you that you will wear. When you reached the airport you walk the hallways somewhat sober and you see the airport worker that recognizes your name tag. He sees your eyes and waves and you walk towards him and showing the payment he nod and doesn`t speak, but friendly welcomes in expectance of you. He only gives you a big close hug...invading your personal space almost making it uncomfortable, but it is heartfelt and warm as if you`ve entered a parallel world. After that he generously hands you a box and a card. Leads you to a taxi with very few words – Follow me and open what i`ve given you in the taxi while riding to your final destination. It is a small introduction gift...As you step inside the car, you open the box and it gives off a sweet dizzying scent...of euphoria... You notice the box full, with cute clothes, a fancier leather choker and a few more sweet drinks of cider, wine and champagne. At that moment, the taxi driver hands you a glass and says – Drink as much as you like...And get comfortable he requested, it will be a 3 hours ride...He will be waiting for you at the destination. And the taxi driver turns around with starving eyes almost – I do suggest you try on the clothes he has prepared for you. As you try the clothes and takes sips of the drinks while on the highway. You look at the labels and your gaze blurs trying to see and it feels like the world is twisting and turning... You hear the world around and it tingles your every sense so much that you close your eyes and push your hands against your ears. The night lights blazing across the window...You almost slump sleepily against the chair in a daze, but the taxi driver gazes at you from time to time keeping you in check...and talks, yet you barely hear what he says. He suddenly stops and steps outside and he opens the back door and you almost fall out, yet he holds you and pushes you inward, but your head lays over the seat... While smirking he says in front of you leaning in from of you – Well, he drugged you hard...but I want some fun as well... He zipps open his flier and pulls out his dick...you laying on your back look as his dick approaches and is hanging above your head...Your jaw is limp open...He helps you open your mouth and slides his dick a bit on your tongue and spits on his dick and your face and he comments – Need a bit of lube. You reach out your hands and he grabs them holding them strongly. As his dick slides over your tongue, he thrusts down your throat. At first you seem shocked, but the euphoria and relaxation of booze and drugs feels like a tingle. The pulse off his dick sliding down your throat almost in a flash, you feel him pumping cum down your throat, coating it in a thin layer and pulling out and even again cumming on your face. In a happy gist he stands up and sits you down, kissing you on the lips as he whispers – thank you that will be all for now. He helps you get cleaned up and dressed properly and gives you a bit more to drink...He smiles and says – Okay, lets drive further, we will be there soon. And your true adventure will begin. You kinda got your mobility back but you gazing around the car still opened another bottle and drank it with almost animal like hunger as it poured over your lips and chin, you licked your lips almost feeling hypersensitive, trembles, your mind in jumbles, you almost feel like hyperventilating and the world seems like rushing. And suddenly the car stops and as the doors opens. Daddy with ease pulls you out in his arms. You confused still hanging on the wine bottle mutter – I had grape juicy. He smiles and pulls you in close and carries you inside the home. The rooms are dark, yet he leads you with confidence into a dark secluded rooms with no windows. He sets you down onto the bed. You`re eyes adjust to the dark and you notice silluets of red glow...He aggressively comes in close and whispers – Good girl, you followed all my orders except the last one. In confusion you clumsily open the excel file and show with a bit confusion, but there are only 3 pages...Did you read the small print in yellow at the bottom of page three? 
You squint but with no effort and try to focus on it and daddy says at that moment pushing his fingers through your hair – Read it out loud word for word. You brighten the screen and slowly read as daddy is above you with eyes gazing almost like a wild animal full of desire. You read in obediance – I want you to...Fuck me...in all my holes...
At that moment his lips grasps at your lips. His tongue pressing your mouth wide open, sucking on your tongue...His hands grasping at your head pushing you down more and more. He gives you a breath and whispers almost like a growl – This is your consent...as his hands slides between your legs without restraint... And you weakly murmur – uhuhh...mmm...his fingers playing and grasp upon your thigs and your pussy lips...they playfully get under your underwear and he smirks more and more feeling you out. He uses his other hand grasping a bottle and pulls out the cork and drinks a mouthful. 
He leans in and kisses you feeding the wine pouring it in your mouth as his fingers slide inside you...feeling stretching and clenching you murmur, yet the moan is frail and cute...You drink the whole mouthful he gave you in two takes...and it hits you hard...your hands shyly slide down and you pull off your panties and turning away murmur – stop playing with me...rape me you perv... And he grasps at your neck strangling and choking you. you pull your legs up and push against his crotch...He tightens his grasp and whispers – Ain`t you the pervert wanting to be used?
You murmur in confusion – yee, but...you invited me here...mmm...At that moment his dick thrust deeply inside...it slid with ease like it was meant and awaited. He in surprise – ohh, my...how well moist you are and even tight...Slowly moving straith, then in angles from one side to another...Making you twitch, feeling you out and hearing moans – ummm, you are stretching me...
In confidence he replies – But it feels good? In shame – yes...At that moment he thrusts deeper, he pulls in closer and thrusts even deeper letting his dick grind against your insides...stretching and pulsating even more overstimulated. You  almost scream beggingly - breed me, daddy...fill me... He gazes in almost animal like frenzy, while pumping his hips inside you...and suddenly he gives deep slow pushes into you and at the third time he thrusts deeper and moans like an animal gazing in your eyes. Without disgrace and sight with glee filling you full of sperm and your mind just snaps into static. He smirks in confidence – First time...He pulls out and pushing in feels sperm gushing out and leaking over your asshole. trembles makes your legs weak and squishy...Shaking and gazes wondering on what is truly happening. He crosses your legs and pushes in close, pushing in even deeper hitting your womb, that hurts, but inner instinct begs for even more...And you feel even more his dick pulsating and grinding your insides. You try to control yourself and your desire, but you moan and speak without speaking – more...more...more...as each thrust fills you full with sperm...And he in confidence drinks wine and feeds you more...pouring it all over you as he kisses and thrusts more...And suddenly he leans in and whispers in almost sadistic tone – You will return home in two weeks...I am making you everything you`ve dreamed and even worse. My little doll....
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traveltourguide · 1 year
Essential Travel Information for Visiting the Dubai in 2023
Before embarking on your journey to this vibrant city, it’s essential to gather some valuable information that will enhance your experience and ensure a smooth visit. This guide aims to provide you with the necessary knowledge about Dubai’s culture, visa requirements, local customs, weather, transportation, attractions, and safety tips. By familiarizing yourself with these aspects, you’ll be better prepared to make the most of your time in Dubai.
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I. Culture and Etiquette :
Islamic culture: Dubai follows Islamic traditions and customs, and it’s crucial to respect local traditions and sensitivities.
Dress code: Modest clothing is expected in public places, especially when visiting religious sites or government buildings. Beachwear is acceptable at beaches and pools.
Ramadan: If your visit coincides with the holy month of Ramadan, be aware of the cultural practices and the impact it may have on dining, entertainment, and dress code.
Greetings and gestures: Handshakes are common, but it’s polite to greet people of the opposite sex with a nod or a slight bow. Public displays of affection should be avoided.
Religious sites: When visiting mosques or other religious sites, dress modestly and follow the guidelines provided by the place of worship.
II. Visa Requirements :
Visa types: Check the visa requirements based on your nationality and the purpose and duration of your visit. Common types include tourist visas, transit visas, and employment visas.
Visa application: Apply for a visa well in advance through the appropriate channels, such as the UAE embassy or an authorized visa processing center.
Visa validity: Ensure that your visa covers the entire duration of your stay in Dubai. Overstaying can result in fines or other legal issues.
Passport validity: Your passport should have a minimum validity of six months from the date of entry into Dubai.
III. Weather and Best Time to Visit :
Climate: Dubai has a desert climate with scorching summers and mild winters. Summers can be extremely hot, with temperatures often exceeding 40°C (104°F).
Best time to visit: The ideal time to visit Dubai is during the cooler months between November and April when temperatures are more pleasant for outdoor activities.
Peak tourist season: Dubai experiences a surge in tourism during the winter months, particularly around December and January. Book accommodation and attractions in advance during this period.
Ramadan considerations: Visiting during Ramadan can provide a unique cultural experience, but it’s essential to be mindful of the altered schedules and restrictions on dining and entertainment.
IV. Transportation and Getting Around :
Dubai International Airport: Dubai’s main airport is one of the busiest in the world and offers excellent connectivity to various destinations. Familiarize yourself with the airport facilities and transportation options.
Public transportation: Dubai has an extensive public transportation network, including the Dubai Metro, buses, and water taxis (abras). The Nol card is a convenient payment option for using public transport.
Taxis and ride-hailing services: Taxis are readily available in Dubai and can be hailed on the street or booked through ride-hailing apps like Uber and Careem. Ensure the meter is used or negotiate a fare in advance.
Renting a car: Renting a car is a popular option for exploring Dubai and the surrounding areas. Familiarize yourself with local driving laws, obtain the necessary permits, and consider parking availability.
Traffic and peak hours: Dubai experiences heavy traffic, especially during peak hours. Plan your journeys accordingly and allow extra time for travel.
Dubai Metro: The Dubai Metro is a reliable and efficient way to get around the city. Familiarize yourself with the metro routes, timings, and fare structure.
V. Popular Attractions and Activities :
Burj Khalifa: The tallest building in the world, offering stunning views of Dubai from its observation decks.
Palm Jumeirah: An iconic man-made island featuring luxurious resorts, restaurants, and entertainment options.
Dubai Mall: One of the largest malls globally, housing numerous retail outlets, entertainment attractions, and the famous Dubai Aquarium.
Jumeirah Mosque: A beautiful mosque that offers guided tours to non-Muslim visitors, providing insights into Islamic culture.
Desert safari: Experience the thrill of dune bashing, camel riding, and traditional Arabian entertainment in the desert.
Dubai Marina: A vibrant waterfront area with stunning architecture, fine dining, and leisure activities.
Souks: Visit the traditional markets, such as the Gold Souk and Spice Souk, to immerse yourself in the local shopping culture.
Dubai Creek: Explore the historic heart of Dubai through a traditional boat ride (abra) along the creek.
Dubai Museum: Located in the Al Fahidi Fort, the museum showcases Dubai’s heritage and history.
Theme parks: Dubai is home to various theme parks, including IMG Worlds of Adventure, Dubai Parks and Resorts, and Aquaventure Waterpark.
VI. Safety and General Tips
Local laws and regulations: Familiarize yourself with the laws of Dubai and ensure you adhere to them, especially regarding public behavior, alcohol consumption, and photography.
Health and safety: Ensure you have adequate travel insurance and take necessary precautions, such as staying hydrated, using sunscreen, and following hygiene practices.
Currency and payment: The local currency is the UAE Dirham (AED). Credit cards are widely accepted, but it’s advisable to carry cash for smaller establishments and street vendors.
Language: Arabic is the official language, but English is widely spoken, particularly in tourist areas.
Photography: Respect people’s privacy and avoid taking photographs of government buildings, military installations, and locals without their permission.
Respect for the UAE flag: Treat the UAE flag with respect, as any form of disrespect is considered an offense.
Respect for Ramadan: During Ramadan, avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours out of respect for those who are fasting.
Emergency contacts: Save important contact numbers, including your embassy or consulate, local police, and emergency services, in case of any unforeseen circumstances.
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Conclusion : Dubai offers a captivating blend of tradition and modernity, and by equipping yourself with knowledge about the local culture, visa requirements, transportation options, attractions, and safety tips, you can make the most of your visit. Respect for local customs, adherence to laws and regulations, and a spirit of curiosity and adventure will ensure an unforgettable experience in this vibrant city. Prepare well, embrace the unique experiences Dubai offers, and enjoy your time exploring the wonders of this cosmopolitan destination.
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Your Go-To Taxi Service Near me at the Best Price
SoloCabs: Your Go-To Taxi Service Near me at the Best Price
SoloCabs is the name you can trust. Offering a convenient and efficient transportation solution, SoloCabs ensures that you can travel comfortably and safely without breaking the bank. With their commitment to providing the best prices in the industry, SoloCabs has quickly become a go-to choice for people looking for taxi services near them.
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We will delve into the key features and benefits of SoloCabs, explaining why they are the top choice for anyone in need of reliable transportation services.
A Wide Range of Services SoloCabs offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of their customers. Whether you need a quick ride to the airport, a city tour, or a comfortable transportation option for your daily commute, SoloCabs has got you covered.
Their fleet of well-maintained vehicles includes sedans, SUVs, and vans, ensuring that they can accommodate individuals as well as groups of various sizes. With SoloCabs, you can enjoy the convenience of on-demand service or book in advance, making it easy to plan your journeys according to your schedule.
Best Price Guarantee SoloCabs takes pride in offering competitive and affordable prices to their customers. They understand that cost is a crucial factor when choosing a taxi service near me, and they strive to provide the best value for your money.
SoloCabs, you can expect transparent pricing and no hidden charges. Their fare structure is designed to be fair and reasonable, ensuring that you receive a competitive price without compromising on quality.
To ensure the best prices, SoloCabs employs advanced pricing algorithms that take into account factors such as distance, time of day, and traffic conditions.
This approach allows them to optimize routes and minimize costs, passing on the savings to their customers. Whether you need a short trip or a long-distance journey, SoloCabs guarantees that you'll receive the best possible price for your transportation needs.
Convenience and Accessibility SoloCabs understands the importance of convenience and accessibility for their customers. They have developed a user-friendly mobile application and website that allows you to book a taxi with just a few taps or clicks.
The app provides real-time updates on the estimated time of arrival, driver details, and trip status, ensuring that you can stay informed throughout your journey.
Furthermore, SoloCabs offers multiple payment options, including cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile wallets, making it easy and convenient for you to settle your fare.
Their commitment to customer satisfaction, SoloCabs strives to provide a seamless and hassle-free experience from the moment you book your ride until you reach your destination.
Professional and Reliable Drivers At SoloCabs, customer safety and satisfaction are of utmost importance. That's why they carefully select and train their drivers to ensure professionalism, reliability, and adherence to safety standards. SoloCabs drivers are experienced, licensed, and undergo background checks to ensure your peace of mind during your journey.
SoloCabs drivers are known for their punctuality and friendly demeanor. They prioritize customer comfort and safety, making your ride a pleasant and stress-free experience. Whether you need assistance with your luggage or have any specific requests, SoloCabs drivers are dedicated to providing exceptional service and going the extra mile to meet your needs.
When you need a taxi service near me at the best price, SoloCabs is the perfect choice. With their wide range of services, commitment to affordability, convenience, and professional drivers, SoloCabs stands out as a reliable and cost-effective transportation solution. Whether you're a daily commuter or a traveler exploring a new city,
SoloCabs ensures that your transportation needs are met with efficiency and comfort. Download their user-friendly app or visit their website today to experience the convenience and affordability of SoloCabs for yourself.
SoloCabs! With SoloCabs, you can enjoy reliable transportation at the best prices in town. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and cost-effectiveness sets us apart from the competition.
SoloCabs understands the importance of having a reliable mode of transportation when you need it the most. Whether you're heading to the airport, exploring the city, or simply running errands, our taxi service is designed to cater to your needs. We operate in various locations, ensuring that we're always taxi service near me, ready to provide efficient and hassle-free rides.
What sets SoloCabs apart is our dedication to affordability. We believe that quality transportation should be accessible to everyone, without breaking the bank. We have carefully structured our pricing to offer the best rates in the industry. When you choose SoloCabs, you can enjoy competitive fares without compromising on comfort or service quality.
Booking a taxi with SoloCabs is a breeze. We have developed a user-friendly mobile app and website that allow you to book your ride in just a few clicks. Simply enter your pickup and drop-off locations, select the type of vehicle that suits your needs, and choose your preferred payment method. Our advanced booking system ensures that your taxi arrives promptly, saving you time and ensuring a stress-free experience.
SoloCabs takes pride in its fleet of well-maintained vehicles. We understand the importance of safety and comfort, which is why we regularly inspect and service our cars. Our drivers are professional and experienced, ensuring that you reach your destination safely and efficiently. They are well-versed in the local areas and can navigate through traffic, taking the most convenient routes to get you to your destination on time.
We believe in transparency, which is why we provide upfront pricing with no hidden charges. With SoloCabs, you can rest assured that the price you see during the booking process is the price you'll pay at the end of your trip. We also offer multiple payment options, including cash, credit/debit cards, and digital wallets, for your convenience.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority at SoloCabs. We strive to go above and beyond to ensure that your taxi experience exceeds your expectations. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have. We value your feedback and continuously work towards improving our services based on your suggestions.
SoloCabs is not just about providing taxi services near me.
We are also committed to reducing our carbon footprint. We have implemented eco-friendly practices within our operations, including using fuel-efficient vehicles and encouraging carpooling options. By choosing SoloCabs, you're making an environmentally conscious choice without compromising on quality.
So, why settle for expensive and unreliable taxi services when you can have the best of both worlds with SoloCabs? We offer affordable fares, prompt service, well-maintained vehicles, and a seamless booking process. Wherever you need to go, SoloCabs is here to provide you with a comfortable and cost-effective ride.
Book your next taxi with SoloCabs and experience the convenience and affordability that sets us apart from the rest. Discover why countless customers choose us as their preferred taxi service near me. Visit our website or download our app today and let us take you wherever you need to go at the best price possible.
Visit Website. https://www.solocabs.com/
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