#Car Body Repair London
whiterose-motors · 7 months
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san96van · 1 year
Car Body Repair: Tips for Finding the Best Services in London
If you've been in a car accident, you'll know that it can be stressful and overwhelming. On top of dealing with the aftermath, you also have to find a reliable car body repair shop to fix the damages. In London, there are plenty of options available, but how do you know which one to choose? In this article, we'll provide some tips for finding the best car body repair services in London, as well as discuss the benefits of timely repairs and maintenance.
Why timely repairs are important
Before we dive into how to find the best car body repair services, let's first discuss why it's important to get your car fixed as soon as possible. First and foremost, timely repairs can help prevent further damage to your vehicle. If you ignore even minor damages, they can worsen over time and eventually lead to more expensive repairs down the line. Additionally, getting your car fixed can improve its overall appearance and resale value.
Tips for finding the best car body repair services in London
Look for recommendations: Start by asking friends and family members for recommendations. If they have had a good experience with a car body repair shop, they can provide valuable insight into their services and expertise.
Do your research: Once you have a list of potential repair shops, do some research to learn more about them. Check their website, read online reviews, and look for information about their qualifications and certifications.
Get a quote: Before committing to any repair shop, it's important to get a quote for the work that needs to be done. This will help you compare prices and ensure that you're getting a fair deal.
Consider the location: When looking for car body repair services, it's important to consider the location of the shop. Look for a shop that is conveniently located near your home or workplace, so you can easily drop off and pick up your car.
Check for warranties: Finally, make sure to ask about any warranties or guarantees offered by the repair shop. A reputable shop should stand behind their work and offer some form of warranty or guarantee for the repairs.
Finding the best car body repair services in London doesn't have to be difficult. By following these tips and doing your research, you can find a reliable and trustworthy repair shop that will get your car back on the road in no time. Don't let minor damages turn into major repairs – get your car fixed as soon as possible to keep it running smoothly and looking great.
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leatherrepairs · 4 months
Leather Repair Hackney
We offer Sofa repair and restoration in Hackney, UK. You can book your leather repair and restoration service with us. You can just visit our site leatherrepairslondon.co.uk and we have many years of experience. We use the best tools for your leather items to repair. You just email us at [email protected] to contact the best experts.
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angryschnauzer · 6 months
January 11th 2024
Yeah its been a while since i updated. I haven't had the energy to if i'm honest, but here we go.
Hubby had his brain surgery end of November '23. The tumour they took out was a nasty one, somewhere between the size of a golf ball and a kiwi fruit. The wound has healed well with little to no side affects apart from some double vision, but he was checked out for that and it is a common after affect of brain trauma and was remedied with an eyepatch for a few weeks.
We met with the Neuro Oncology team at Royal Marsden Hospital in London. They are one of the best (if not the best) cancer treatment centres in the whole country, and we worked through a treatment plan.
Just before Christmas hubby was also cleared to have shoulder reconstructive surgery (he broke his shoulder bone in the original seizures back at the end of October '23). There was a really small window of time between it being enough time after the brain surgery that he could go back under general anaesthetic, but also enough time to mostly heal before he started Radiotherapy and Chemo, so just 5 days before Christmas hubby was in and out of our local hospital in a single day to have that surgery.
Christmas was a quiet and subdued affair. I also herniated a disk in my back the day Hubby had surgery (i was clearing the deep freeze out ready for grocery delivery), so it meant both he and I were dosed up to our eyeballs on strong painkillers for most of the holiday, and Little Dude spent the majority of the break either playing video games or building his new lego sets.
Two days before Christmas i also had to have emergency dental work (i had been grinding my teeth and had previously cracked a tooth) and whilst i was in the dentists office some utter idiot crashed into my car. That was the last thing i needed but i simply handed it all over to my insurance company (who are aware of my husbands situation) and they arranged a hire vehicle and sorted repairs.
Onto the start of 2024. This is the first week of Radiotherapy and Chemo for Hubby. He is getting very tired and fatigued already from the Radiotherapy, but thankfully no nausea from the chemo as yet, but that could change over time. He is scheduled for a full schedule of 6 weeks of this dual treatment, where we are having to visit Royal Marsden every day Mon - Fri for the six weeks, and then he also takes the chemo 7 days a week for the six weeks.
He'll then have 4 to 6 weeks 'off' treatment for his body to relax and recuperate, but will have scans and MRI's during that time to gauge what further treatment will be, but its likely to be just chemo but a stronger dose, but no radiotherapy. The chemo is to be 3 weeks off one week on, so a 4 weekly cycle.
The one thing we have discovered isn't done is prognosis's. When we first got to Royal Marsden we were shocked as they started talking about years, and explained that although it was a really nasty tumour, it was found very early and whilst it was still relatively small for its kind. They've discussed things like 'this years treatment plan then we'll look at next years', and also for a while Hubby was being considered for a clinical trial which candidates who have prognosis's of 12 months+ are only considered for. In the end he didn't meet the criteria (his cholesterol was too high). The Macmillian Nurses also have been talking to us about Mobility Car assistance schemes where you can get govt assistance financially and get an adapted vehicle on a 2 year rolling lease. All these timings are reassuring in one way, but worrying in another - we have no idea what the future holds and it really does cement in stone that our time is limited and could end any moment, and makes it very difficult to make any long term plans. You don't realise how much of your life is preplanned until you end up in this situation and aren't sure if you can book your kid onto the school residential trip in 5 months time.
Should anyone want the mundane daily day-to-day life updates you can follow me on my personal instagram @simone_with_an_e its generally a load of utter boring bollocks, but i try to keep it updated daily with updates when i can as its a lot easier to do 1 short paragraph than a big update.
For me my mental health is a little better now that i've had time to process Hubby's diagnosis and that he is getting treatment. There are still days or hours when i fall apart, and it could be something as simple as listening to a song on the radio as i drive back from dropping Little Dude at school and i realise the song would be lovely at his funeral. I end up having to pull over and have a cry whilst switching the radio off. I'm loosing weight and aging quickly, my hair is turning grey from stress and i realised i've aged about 15 years in the last 3 from stress. My appetite comes and goes, and things like red meat now turn my stomach and i can't digest it. But i also haven't drunk alcohol since the day before Hubby had his seizure back in October. I feel like i need to stay 'alert' in case i need to rush him to the hospital for something. I don't miss it as such, but I miss the ability to fully relax. Its hard to describe but i feel like at the moment i've lost myself and am just functioning to care for those around me, going through the motions as such.
Anyway, this has been a long update. I do still lurk here, you may see me pop up in notifications liking something, but at the moment i don't feel its right to start putting fandom stuff back on here yet. I do hope to get back to writing at some point. I miss it and the unfinished stories plague my mind as i have such lovely plans for story arc's and really want to finish them.
Take care all,
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lavender-romancer · 2 years
Tired of Me
Part Seven
Tommy Shelby x Reader
CW: angst, fluff
Neither of you are strong enough to talk about your problems, you coexist in a state of sleepless nights and last chances but can any of that change when you start visiting a therapist?
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previous chapter
Cold, just cold. You couldn't feel anything else other than the lack of duvet over your shoulders that was distracting you from your splitting headache. The doctors told you that you could go home this morning but you hadn't been able to sleep at all and your eyes were so tired that you considered staying another night. Ada had already said you could come to London but she didn't know if the long journey was a good idea so it looked like you were going back to Arrow House now that it had been repaired.
You'd been in hospital for just over a month with smoke inhalation poisoning, your breathing was still shaky but it had been getting better. Being under observation was one of the most boring things you'd gone through but it did keep you away from the house and having a conversation with Tommy that was too daunting to consider at this point. You weren't even speaking properly so trying to have some kind of difficult conversation was not on the cards for you right now.
"You need to rest, you're no longer under observation but you need to exist in the same way you have here," The doctor told you and you nodded, wanting to speak but the stress on your throat was intimidating you. "Have hot tea and gargle with salt and lemon in water to cleanse your throat. If you feel short of breath you may want to come back in as you might develop episodic dyspnea or continued shortness of breath."
"Y-yes," you paused and took a deep breath "Thank you." You smiled at her and held the coat Ada had brought for you close to your body.
A car was sent to pick you up and it felt like anxiety was coming up from your stomach through your throat and out with each breath. It was so consuming you felt overcome with anxiety every time you opened your eyes as the car moved round a bend or slowed down. You were going to The House, to Tommy's house, or maybe it was both of yours? Either way you knew you didn't want to be there but the journey to London would be too strenuous for you to deal with. The anxiety you were currently experiencing was so confusing because every bone in your body that you didn't want to remember existed told you to run into Tommy's arms, but your brain was screaming at you through the sickening anxiety you felt.
As the car pulled into the drive of Arrow House you felt like you were going to throw up as the pressure in your head built. But stepping out of the car was even worse, the house looked different not by much, but enough to make you nervous about what had changed. What had Ada told Tommy? How did he feel whilst writing the letter you had stored in your handbag at all times? Walking into the house you were insanely anxious but then you saw him, as beautiful as the day you got married. Your breath caught in your throat and you had to turn away and pretend to fix your hair because locking eyes with him was your worst nightmare right now.
When you turned around Tommy was still there and you realised you were going to have to, at the very least, walk past him. You approached him slowly so your knees didn't buckle with the intense strain your thoughts were putting on your body. As you walked down the corridor suddenly you were pulled to the side and into a room by Tommy.
You looked up with an angry expression and saw blue eyes staring back at you, attempting to get you to soften your expression. Tommy always knew how to look at you, how to get you to give in with a look and forgive him straight away and you hated it.
"How are you feeling? The hospital said you need lots of…" Tommy started to talk but you slowly walked out of the room holding your stomach with one hand and the other holding your bag. You couldn't talk with him right now or see his face because that would just let you admit to yourself how easily you would give in to him. As you stood near the main staircase you swore you could still smell the burning of wood and paint, touching the wall nearest to you, you remembered how it felt to have your lungs burn as you held onto that wall. You still held your hand firmly on your stomach to protect what you thought was there, you couldn't believe it was true. When you were at the hospital you considered asking about pregnancy but you weren't really ready to admit to yourself that you might be carrying Tommy's child. What kind of life would the child of a Shelby have? What kind of life would the mother of a Shelby have?
When you finally got upstairs you held a hand over your mouth as your eyes started to water seeing how different everything was. Your home was unrecognisable, the colour pallette was completely changed and you weren't ungrateful but it was such a shock that the home you loved was so changed. You had to remember to breathe before opening the door to your bedroom, you'd have to become comfortable in a space that wasn't yours and wasn't right and didn't have the memories of you and Tommy.
Tommy was in the courtyard, leaning on the wall with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he looked up at the sky and sighed. His wife didn't need him anymore, didn't want him anymore and he didn't know if the eventuality of separation could be changed. His skin felt hot and angry, it was like he couldn't even make his own body want to stay with him. You thought he had been with other women and betrayed you and Tommy couldn't work out if there was any way you would believe him if he told you the truth of the matter. Tommy couldn't stand the tension within his whole house, it made him want to run away on horseback and separate himself from all this fucking business. The stress that came along from all of it was impossible to bear. Thomas used to wake up feeling like the world was created for him, a feeling that he could have anything he wanted if he worked hard enough but now… nothing felt in reach, nothing felt important enough.
You sat on the four poster bed in the middle of the room and looked around, unable to picture the room without seeing that bomb and those photos that were in your bag that was at your feet. There was no way of getting back what was in that room, the photos or your wedding dress just to name a few but the room was nice. But it felt like a hotel, a place you could inhabit for a few days and then leave.
Walking back downstairs you headed towards your studio, just mentally praying your easel was still there. You were breathing, but it sounded loud and anxious in your head as you started to overthink your inward and outward breaths as if it wasn't something that came naturally to you.
Last week in hospital you wondered if death would feel like how the Catholic church would describe when you were younger, that life was eternal as long as you passed judgment. But life felt more than made for judgment mostly because of your selfish realisation that you would never pass God's judgment in your current state, you were needy, gluttonous and accepted men like Thomas into your life. How could a woman like you that enabled the behavior of such a man be accepted into the eternal bliss of the afterlife? Well fuck God, and fuck his judgement because you cheated death and you were damn sure you were going to carry on doing what was right for you.
Opening the door to your studio you suddenly felt sick because you could hear the words Tommy spoke to you when he first showed you this room
"This is going to be your favourite place in this whole house I already know it, I oversaw every little part of this room so it would be just perfect for you." Tommy smiled and you were practically jumping for joy
"What is it Tommy!" You exclaimed and he smiled at you
"It's a place just for you or sometimes us." He opened the door and you stepped inside seeing the muted orange and red tones of the furniture with a fireplace and a grand easel your grandfather had gifted you many years prior.
"Oh Tommy," you eyes filled with tears as you kissed him.
Now you only felt ill at the thought of all that talk, your special place was ruined and wrong. The furniture was a pale brown, the easel was gone, there was no fire burning that warmed up the whole room and the colours for everything was overshadowed with a cold blue. The blue that matched the rest of the house as if there was no part of this house that was made for you, it was a mental admission from Thomas that your own place wasn't yours anymore. He would never see that it meant that much to you, but you understand what it meant. The care he put into the first edition of this room was paled in comparison to this, it looked like an office that would never feel like home.
You walked around the room and saw a smallish door off to the back of the room, after opening the curtains wider it was clearer to you. Turning the key in the lock you pulled open the door and your eyes started to water, it was all your things. Your easel, your pallettes with the noticeable water colours Tommy had got you from France next to the oils from London. It smelt of burnt wood slightly but he had kept it, safely tucked away for you and fuck if it didn't make your heart beat a little faster.
"You thought I'd got rid of it didn't you," you jumped out of your skin and turned around to see Tommy at the door, you nodded and he sighed "I knew how much that easel meant to you and I hoped the other things would mean a lot to you still but I didn't want it to make the room smell like...all that so I had them put it all away."
You started to pull out your folded up easel bit it was heavy and made you have to catch your breath. Tommy was next to you in only a moment getting it out for you and unfolding all of it, remembering what level you liked the screws at and where exactly in the room you wanted it to be.
"I know it looks a bit different but the things I wanted in here to make it look like before weren't ready so I had them set up the studio with things from the other rooms so it still felt finished. I know you don't like blue but it was all I had." Tommy put his hands in his pockets and leant on the desk.
Your eyes were welling up even more now and you had to turn away from Tommy and lean on one of the armchairs for support as you held your stomach with your other hand. You wanted to sob at this extension of an olive branch he had given you but then the thoughts began to creep in, the thoughts you hadn't had for so long and they were so strong. Telling you how he was just trying to distract you from what he'd done, he doesn't love you, he gives you material things and other women his heart. You really believed that if you breathed him in it might kill you, but that didn't terrify you how it should because like so many stories of lovers, it would all end in tragedy.
"I-I can't talk." You muttered and Tommy nodded.
"Okay, my love, okay." He whispered and you shut your eyes tightly before gripping onto him tighter than before. You would do anything to not feel lonely and right now being close to Tommy made sense to you, it made you feel whole again.
"I was so worried about you," Tommy started his voice wavering like he was getting emotional too "When they told me what happened I couldn't believe you weren't hurt more than you are. I think I prayed to anyone who would listen that you would be alright before I told Ada to go and see you."
"It...was nice to see her." You replied with a smile and Tommy laughed in a hollow way.
"Yeah, she said you'd say that." Tommy smiled to himself.
"What do we d-do now?" You asked with a shaky breath.
"I'm going to do everything in my power to increase your chance of recovery so that we can talk about everything because you need your strength first and that's what's the most important. Michael is in charge for the next few weeks so you can have as little or as much of me as you want or need." Tommy pulled away and placed a hand on your cheek, brushing away a tear with his thumb before kissing your forehead.
"I-cant forgive you...yet." you said with a sad expression and Tommy nodded.
"I know that, but let's get you strong first before all that," He ran a hand through your hair and smiled "Fuck, I've missed this." You smiled slightly and looked down.
His voice soothed you like nothing else could and even though you knew it was the worst decision for your mental health, you couldn't fucking live without him. You missed his heart, you couldn't take the hatred anymore and you just needed him right now as you got stronger and decided what you were going to do.
next part
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@kathrinemelissa @wolfieellsworld @archivallyfound09 @hopefulinlove @globetrotter28 @buttercup32sstuff @teamfreeavacados @just-a-blackhole @sabbbyn @sillyfreakfanparty @lovelyreader22 @leaked-adrenaline @ghxst-heart @esposadomd
Peaky Blinders Taglist:
@queenofkings1212 @severewobblerlightdragon @cl5369 @fairypitou @stressedandbandobessed7771 @shadow-of-wonder @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns @curled-hair-red-lips @lucystivinsky1315
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lonelyhxert · 4 months
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Stats --
FULL NAME: Lukesh Rana NICKNAME: Luke ORIGINALLY FROM: Nellore, PA, India AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 27 – june 24th OCCUPATION: met agent GENDER & PRONOUNS: non-binary, they/them SEXUALITY: Bisexual, biromantic LANGUAGES: English, Telegu, French RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single FC: adarsh gourav
Biography --
Lukesh knows their parents never intended for them to have a name European sounding enough because they planned to travel to the United Kingdom. They’re certain their parents never planned to do so. Not even if the opportunity arose. It simply would hurt them too much to be pulled away from their home. To leave family behind. Why would they ever leave AP? What could drive a small family away like that? Well, mostly a whole lot of miscommunication and debt. Lukesh’s father’s brother moved to Manchester to work, the plan was to move his family there too at some point, but instead… he died. Lukesh’s father, as the oldest, then went to the UK to get the body back home. That part at least worked. The body went home. Lukesh’s father did not.
Eventually the whole family, Lukesh’s mother and their three older siblings, all uprooted and joined him in London. Lukesh was born a year later, and it wasn’t until they were thirteen when the debt left behind by the brother was completely paid off, with the whole family working whenever they could.
Lukesh didn’t know better. They went to school, and when they got home, they’d help their mother and father sow. Making dresses, selling dresses, repairing clothes, running errands. Sure, none of the few friends they’d made did any of that, but that didn’t mean there weren’t other kids in the UK who lived this kind of life.
When the debt was finally paid off, the whole house took a deep breath. Now life could truly begin.
But nobody knew what to do with this new found freedom. So it simply continued. The additional money was nice, it bought a better house, a new car, an education for the oldest two.
When it was Lukesh’s turn to want something, they didn’t know what would possibly make them more happy than better clothes. But their mother decided what, their father decided what they’d do with their life, and their siblings dictated who they saw and who they hung out with, what music went into their ears, what movies would be burned into their retina.
They became a police officer because it meant the same type of structure they’d been used to, other people telling them what to do, easy laws to follow, hierarchy. Certainly that would be a happy life.
The opportunity to do something more presented itself. And Lukesh found it was so easy to take it: to suddenly want something. And now that they could want everything, and they could have it, the sky was the limit. There were no limits. If you played your cards right and didn’t let anyone see the fruits of your labour, there were no limits.
Freedom was sudden and bright and hot, and Lukesh embraced it with both hands and let it set them ablaze.
Headcanons --
Lukesh loves stuff. It doesn't matter if they need it or not, they will like to have it.
They mostly spend money on experiences, so nobody knows how much they're spending.
Extremely blunt, gives unsolicited advice.
Wanted connections/plots --
friends from their youth
fellow MET officers
people who they hang out with, and who might question the amount of money they spend
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gracedenton · 2 years
KAIYA WAEREA Read Sick Writers - T-Shirt Campaign 2021
Referencing is a love language!
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Image Description: The front design is a center alighned reading list, reading:
"Sick Woman Theory by Johanna Hedva The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Heroines by Kate Zambreno When the Sick Rule the World by Dodie Bellamy Feminist, Queer, Crip by Alison Kafer How to be a Person in the Age of Autoimmunity by Carolyn Lazard Illness as Metaphor by Susan Sontag On Being Ill by Virginia Woolf The Body in Pain by Elaine Scarry The Rejected Body by Susan Wendell Exposure by Olivia Sudjic The Body Multiple by Annemarie Mol The Grand Unified Theory of Female Pain by Leslie Jamison I Choose Elena by Lucia Osborne-Crowley The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde Tender Points by Amy Berkowitz Sanatorium by Abi Palmer Notes Made While Falling by Jenn Ashworth The Undying by Anne Boyer Ill Feelings by Alice Hattrick Care Work by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha"
The back design reads "READ SICK WRITERS" across the sholder blades, with a colophon in smaller type on the bottom left of the tee. The typeface is a relaxed blackletter gothic caligraphy based on femenist ephemera. For more info in this check out Nat Pypers webiste.
The Tangerine is a warm red, and the Vintage White is a warm off-white.
Second Edition 2021 Reading list assembled by Kaiya Waerea Typeface Women's Car Repair Collective by Nat Pyper We Are Print Social donate to Black Minds Matter with every purchase Profit goes to Kaiya Waerea, a chronically ill writer & designer from Aotearoa living in London insta @kaiyawaerea | www.kaiyawaerea.com
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natalierobbinson50 · 5 days
Looking For A Car Body Shop In London? Visit Steel Horse Automotive!
Looking for a Car Body Shop in London? Visit Steel Horse Automotive! They are your trusted destination for top-notch car body repairs and maintenance services. Their skilled technicians are dedicated to restoring your vehicle to its pristine condition using the latest techniques and equipment. Visit their shop for all your car body shop needs.
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fastlane796 · 2 months
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Car body shop near me" is a search query used to find nearby automotive repair shops or garages that specialize in repairing and restoring the body of vehicles. These shops offer services like dent repairs, scratch removal, and bumper repairs
Click here : https://fastlanecarcare.co.uk/
Fast Lane Car Care
Fastlane are London’s Leading Specialists in automotive paint repair (SMART repair) technology and have over 20 years experience.
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thebedesrp · 8 months
21 July 1977 - London U.K. 
LN - Lily had been driving her ancient Ford Cortina for the last four years, and it was its way out. 
For the last few weeks the car had been giving her trouble, it would start hard and sound like the engine wasn’t getting enough power to maintain itself while running. 
She took it to the shop it had been going to for the last four years for its annual MOT inspection for repairs. They did a throttle body service and cleaned the heads and spark plugs, and assured her that should sort the problem with the car. 
On her drive home from work one afternoon the dashboard flickered and the car stalled, thankfully she was at a stop light and didn’t get into a crash. Her heart was beating fast as she switched on the hazard lights and turned the key off. She put the car in neutral, and was prepared to steer the car out of traffic. Other drivers went past, and some even flipped her off. 
Once the car was over to the side of the road, she tried again to turn the engine over and it did start. She drove the car back to her flat and parked it on the street where she could see it from her bedroom window. 
When she was in her flat, she called the shop again and made an appointment to bring the car back. They told her it most likely needed a new ignition switch, and it would cost £300 as it was a special order part for a car this old. She would need to dip into her savings as she needed her car, the city bus didn’t run until 5:30 and she needed to be to work at 5:00 am. 
Unfortunately she would need to continue driving this ancient sodding piece of rubbish a bit longer, she didn’t have enough money saved yet to put a down payment on the car she had wanted - a new silver Toyota Corolla. This ancient heap had to survive a few more months. 
The next morning she got up to drive the car to work, and she was scheduled to be in at 10 rather than at 5. It was a weekend shift and she was staying to close. 
On the drive in, the car appeared to be fine until she heard the engine loose power and the dashboard flickered. The car stalled again, right in front of where she worked as she went to turn the corner. 
All of her coworkers watched from behind the counter, her boss running outside to help. 
JB - Joseph had been at the auto shop, standing in his empty bay watching traffic. 
He watched the ancient Cortina turn the corner and appeared to die in traffic. The coffee mug he had been holding he set on his tool box and he ran outside, across two lanes of oncoming traffic. He stood in front of her car, looking at her with concern in his eyes. 
LN - Lily looked up in fright, her heart beating fast and tears streaming down her face as she thought she had just hit Joseph with her car. 
Not only was she concerned that she might have just seriously injured him, the thought in the back of her mind was that she was going to loose her driving license. 
She had been talking to him regularly now, and had been developing feelings for him that she had yet to even tell him about. 
JB - Joseph stood at the front of her car, walking around to the driver side. He seen the tears on her cheeks and he wanted to hold her tightly, in an attempt to comfort her. “I’m alright, you didn’t just hit me with your car. Put it in neutral, you steer and I’ll push the car into the car park.”
He looked at her boss, “I’ll sort the car and I’ll bring her over in a few minutes. I know she’s shaken up from this.” Her boss nodded and walked back inside the restaurant, the weekend queue was beginning to form. 
LN - Lily looked at Joseph, standing beside her car. She nodded and moved the gear shift into neutral and already had the hazard lights on. Her heart was still beating fast, and she was shaking like a leaf. She had truly thought she’d just hit him with her car when it stalled. 
JB - He walked to the rear of the car and placed his hands on the trunk lid, pushing the car while she steered. Other drivers waited for them to get the car out of traffic, though some had honked while others cursed at them. 
Joseph glared at one and shook his head, knowing enough to not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. He was more concerned with her safety than he was their rush to be nowhere on a Saturday morning. 
LN - She steered the car into the car park of the auto shop, still shaking like a leaf. When the car was in a parking space she switched the engine off and got out, closing the door after she locked it. 
JB - Joseph brushed his hands off on his trousers, walking to her and hugging her in an attempt to comfort her. “Love, you need to get rid of this death trap. I’ll fix it, just tell me what’s wrong with it.”
LN - She held Joseph tightly, resting her head against his chest. “Joseph, it needs an ignition switch. It’s £300, and hopefully the shop has it in stock though I doubt they do for a car this old.”
JB - He held her close and gently rubbed her back, “I’ll handle it. If this shop doesn’t have the part there are five other shops on this street that might.”
LN - She looked up into his eyes, “I’ll buy the part at least, it is my heap you’ll be fixing. Thank you, Joe.” She remembered that he was a mechanic, and was thankful that he wasn’t a creep and willing to help. She handed him her car key for the Cortina. 
JB - He looked at her car again while he held her, and seen the quarter panels had been screwed back on. The driver side door hung slightly off its hinges and he remembered seeing the massive rot hole when she opened the door to get out of the car. There was rust where it shouldn’t have been, and he would look at the car when he replaced the faulty ignition switch and wiring. 
He took her hand and led her across the street to where she worked, knowing she was going to be worried about the ancient heap. He knew she needed her car, and he didn’t feel right letting her continue to drive it without sorting the problem with the car. 
LN - She walked across the street with him, holding his hand. When they arrived at the shop she worked at, she hugged Joseph again before she walked inside. “Hopefully I’ll see you again, for a cup of car sludge.” 
JB - He hugged her close and smiled, “Of course. I’ll be over around 11 when I’m on break.”
LN - She felt better that Joseph would be working on her car, it had taken the shop a month to even see the car when the issue first started. She wasn’t willing to go another month with the car not being able to be driven. 
JB - At 11 Joseph walked across the street to the shop, and joined the long queue to wait his turn to order a cup of coffee. He listened to the other customers, and wanted to smack someone of them upside their heads when he heard how rude and entitled they spoke to the employees. 
LN - She stood at the counter, ringing up orders and brewing more coffee. When she noticed Joseph in the queue she smiled, she was happy there was one person who wasn’t an asshole in the queue. Some of them looked for problems that didn’t exist, just to be assholes. 
JB - Joseph walked to the counter, “I’ll just have coffee, and they do have your part across the street.” He took out his wallet to pay for the coffee. 
LN - Lily shook her head, taking out her credit card and paying for his coffee. “Thank you for fixing my car, Joe.”
JB - He took the cup of coffee, “It isn’t that complicated to fix, and I won’t have to take apart the entire steering column.” 
LN - She smiled at him, watching more people walk in through the door and join the queue. 
JB - He walked to the table to add cream and sugar to his coffee, continuing to observe the other people. He left the restaurant to walk back across the street to the car shop to pick up the part for her car and complete the repairs.
LN - Lily watched from the counter as he walked across the street, and continued to work while he was working on her car. 
JB - He took the car around the block before he returned the car to her, he wanted to be absolutely sure the car was sorted properly. He brought the car to the car park where she worked, and dropped off her key with Janet. The queue had begun to slow down, now there were only a few people there while the employees began to clean and restock near the end of shift. 
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lukehapper28 · 2 months
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Body repair near me" is a search query used to find nearby automotive repair shops or facilities that specialize in repairing and restoring a vehicle's body, including fixing dents, scratches, and paintwork.
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whiterose-motors · 9 months
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coolronyposts · 3 months
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Are you looking for the Best Vehicle Repairs in Ilford? Then contact VRS London Ltd. They offer a comprehensive range of services including MOTs, vehicle repairs, tyre fitting, tyre services, wheel alignment, body and trim repairs, warranty work, car diagnostics and servicing. Their team of experienced mechanics are fully equipped to handle any issue you may have, big or small, for all makes and models of cars.
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leatherrepairs · 4 months
Your automobile is more than just a plaything. We know you've worked hard to keep it in outstanding shape both inside and out to protect its high value. Thus, to maintain perfection, our top leather repair and cleaning experts at Leather Repairs London will give your leather the necessary attention and cleaning to keep it looking and feeling like new. Along with that, we offer on-site Colour Restoration Barnet using our best leather materials and results to ensure your complete pleasure.
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onlineproxychecker · 4 months
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Car scratch removal is the process of eliminating scratches or surface imperfections from a vehicle's paint or clear coat. This can involve buffing, polishing, and, in some cases, repainting the affected area.
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lindsaywesker · 8 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Not everyone you lose is a loss.
The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.
‘LOL’ used to mean ‘lots of love’ before the Internet.
You aren't rich until you have something that money can't buy.
On average, 12 new-borns will be given to the wrong parents daily.
In the eighth century, fishermen in Japan paid their taxes in seaweed.
Coca-Cola only sold 25 bottles in their first year but kept going.  (Never give up!)
Boredom is the single largest contributor to the use of drugs and alcohol among teens.
A ‘loophole’ originally meant a narrow slit through which a defender could shoot attackers.
British spies stopped using semen as invisible ink because it began to smell if it wasn’t fresh.
80% of people have at one time found themselves subconsciously singing a song they hate.
In the 1930s, there were plans to build an airport on top of Kings Cross station in London.
The number of heart attacks spike in Brazil on days their team is playing in the World Cup.
“The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.”  (George Carlin)
The Popemobile used by John Paul II on his visit to Ireland can be rented out for stag parties.
The movie ‘Paranormal Activity’ cost less than $15,000 to make but grossed over $193,000,000.
Until 1899, the list of official diseases of the Royal College Of Physicians included ‘nostalgia’.
Coin flips aren’t 50/50, there is a 51% chance you will end up with whatever side you started with.
Only 10% of British teenagers meet the recommended guidelines on sleep, exercise and screen time.
Cameroon is the only country named after a crustacean. It comes from the Portuguese for prawns.
In 1957, Eleanor Roosevelt did a music radio show, taking song requests from children with polio.
Some orchids have spring-loaded traps in their flowers that are activated by male insect’s genitals.
The US Patent Office insisted on proof that the Ouija board worked before granting the patent in 1891.
Some female frogs play dead to avoid mating with male frogs.  (Some women probably wish it were that easy!)
Psychology claims that if two past lovers can remain just friends, it’s either they are still in love, or never were!
The average Bentley driver owns eight cars.  The average Bugatti driver owns 84 cars, three jets and a yacht.
‘Corn sweat’ is the phenomenon whereby the corn fields in the American midwest make the air more humid.
American photographer Danielle Lessnau has created a body of work using a pin-hole camera installed in her vagina.
An unborn baby can taste what their mother is eating and can develop a preference for the foods that she eats.
A new analysis shows that cancers may have more to do with lifestyle, not genetics, in as many as 90% of cases.
Delete your browser cookies before you buy airline tickets.  Ticket prices go up when you visit travel sites multiple times.
During pregnancy if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.
According to a study, the two most common feelings that people tend to bring out in others are enthusiasm and boredom.
If we put a giant mirror ten light years away from Earth and looked at it through a telescope, theoretically we'd see 20 years into the past.
‘Frozen’ and other Disney animated films include a credit for Disney’s coffee guy.  He is credited with ‘caffeination’ and has his own IMDb page.
In a 1930s Mickey Mouse comic, Minnie cheated on Mickey with another mouse.  Mickey then tried to kill himself by jumping off a bridge.
Iceland's population is so small that an Icelandic company has created an anti-incest app to prevent Icelanders from dating their relatives.
The hottest temperature measured on Earth (56.7 degrees Celsius) was recorded in a place called Greenland Ranch in California, now known as Furnace Creek.
During the 1945 Hollywood strike, one tactic employed by protesters was to picket movie theatres and give away the ending to people before they could buy tickets to the film.
“Talent is what they say you have after the novel is published and favourably reviewed.  Beforehand, what you have is a tedious delusion, a hobby like knitting.”  (Marge Piercy)
Since odd numbers are harder for our brains to process, some people actually experience feelings of discomfort when the volume of the television, among other things, is set to an odd number.
You can be declared dead in 48 US states but still alive in New Jersey and New York.  These two states allow families to reject the diagnosis of brain death if it conflicts with their religious beliefs.
When asked why he wrote the theme tune from ‘Mission: Impossible’ in 5/4 time, the composer Lalo Schiffrin said: “The people in outer space have five legs and couldn’t dance to our music, so I wrote this for them.”
Okay, that’s enough information for one day.  Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday!  I love you all.
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