#Canistel local economies.
farmerstrend · 8 months
Canistel (Egg Fruit) Farming: A Rare Highly Nutritious Fruit & Where To Purchase Seedlings
Canistel (Pouteria campechiana), commonly known as eggfruit, is a tropical fruit tree. Though the size and shape of this fruit can vary greatly from one tree to another, the most favorable trees produce large, sweet, yellow fruits with an oval shape. Having been most commonly compared to the texture of a hard-boiled egg (hence the common name), the roundish fruits are popular for their use in…
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Wookiepedia on Healing Plants
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Senoti The senoti was a species of tree native to the Outer Rim world New Canistel. The deep-rooted trees required an alkaline soil in which to grow, and produced a sap that was used for medicinal purposes. The trees were also found off New Canistel, with a small number growing wild on Endor. These were believed by Xenoarborists to be survivors from two Canistel AgriStar freighters that were lost in the Moddell sector. Endor's native Ewoks regarded the tree as holy due to its healing properties, and in 3 ABY, the Warrick family of Ewoks used senoti sap in a medicine administered to the shipwrecked youngling, Cindel Towani. Several senoti trees also grew in the Xenobotanical Garden of Garqi; however, these were burnt down during the first year of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The senoti was a species of tree.Mature senoti had brown, rough, gnarled bark, and could reach a girth several times that of an Ewok.The trees grew deep roots and required alkaline soil in order to thrive. Senoti seeds planted in acidic soil only grew into scrubby plants, if they survived at all. The senoti produced a watery sap, which had analgesic properties and could quell fevers. Kelari Lily The Kelari Lily was a rare Flower that could be used to treat battlefield injuries.Lorren Morrick sent a rebel patrol out to find Kelari Lilies because her medical supplies were running short.
Nysillin Nysillin, also known as sillum, or nysillim, was a healing herb grown as a common crop plant across the galaxy. On the planet Felucia, it was harvested by Casiss's farming village during the Clone Wars. Hondo Ohnaka's gang of pirates threatened the village into giving away a portion of the herbs, a portion they could not afford to give up, so Casiss hired a group of bounty hunters to fight them. They were soon joined by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who trained the Felucians to fight for themselves, prompting Ohnaka to give up.
Ice Mushrooms Ice mushrooms were found on various planets throughout the galaxy, including Neshtab. It appeared to have healing or analgesic properties, at least in Humans.  Greybush The Greybush was a ground hugging bush native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm. Redweed Redweed was a fern with a distinctive red coloration native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Lesset Plant Lesset plant was a broad-leafed red-veined plant native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm. It could often be found in the dense forests at the bottom of many valleys.
Ongmuel Plant The Ongmuel plant was a herbal plant with leaves that resembled dangling spiders native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of the Ongmuel plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Rinor Rinor was a herbal plant with blade-like leaves native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used Rinor leaves for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Barenth Healing Plant The Barenth healing plant was a endangered, natural, healing plant from Barenth. When a Ho'Din healer named Baji came to Barenth, he encountered them in an ancient laboratory. He observed them and tried to stay to continue observation and to eventually use them for healing purposes. Unfortunately, an earthquake struck and Baji was forced to leave. He grabbed some of them and left. Later, he came back only to find the sanctuary crushed. The plants were not destroyed, but badly contaminated. Baji had made a tough decision; he decided that for all his life, he would stay and help the remaining plants.
Savarium Herb The savorium herb was a kind of plant made by the Ithorian botanist Zorneth and another botanist, a Human named Klorr Vilia. When eaten, it would replace one's mind with nothing but peace and joy, and would give the consumer a new sense of submission and lack of inhibitions. Those under the influence of the herb were often referred to as Smilers due to the perpetual grins on their faces. It is said to be given the term "slave drug" considering slavers, pirates and other criminal personnel would have favored its mind-altering abilities.After Klorr had tried it, Zorneth wanted to mass-produce it so everyone would be happy. However, Vilia sacrificed himself to destroy all of the savorium herbs.There were rumors of savorium herb still existing, involving secret harvesting plantations in the galaxy, but it was unproved.
Viptiel Viptiel was a plant native to Nal Hutta. It was known for its therapeutic properties to the X'Ting for its hormone-balancing effects during that species' transition from one gender to the other; however, very few could afford it. Vippits also used viptiel as a medicinal supplement, especially during their mating periods. Twin-Scented Natterbloom The Twin-Scented Natterbloom was a rare medicinal herb native to the planet Talus. The plant exuded a pungent smell in its early growth, which changed during blooming season when the herb gave off a sweet citrus scent.The Drall hoped that the Natterbloom may prove to be a cure of an ancient Drall disease, the Balding Sickness. Some victims resisted bacta treatment, forcing the Drall to search for alternate solutions. With the help of the local Dearic Garden Club and a helpful spacer, the Drall ambassador to Talus Champhra Biahin was able to procure a sample of the Twin-Scented Natterbloom for further research.
Luna Weed Luna-weed was a plant native to Aduba-3. If chewed, it could produce delusional effects in the user. It gave rise to the phrase "chewing the luna-weed" when referring to someone who was acting crazy.
Guroot Guroot was a type of plant that could be grinded into powder and consumed. Many beings believed that consuming powdered guroot was good for one's health. Pommwomm Pommwomm plants were a hot-world shrub native to the Sif'kric system's inner planet. If they were properly processed within thirty hours of picking, they could be made into at least eight different medicinal substances, and at least sixteen different natural flavorings. Export of pommwomm plants made up about 20% of the Sif'kric economy.
Grey Gabaki A plant named for its drab color when dried, Grey Gabaki gives off a light and relaxing smoke when burned. It is commonly used in cantinas, but some merchants also burn it to make store fronts a more relaxing environment for customers.
Star Urchin Quill "Star urchin quills" was the name given by Ewok shamans to the venomous quills of the fftssfft, a species of semi-sapient plants also known as the "dandelion warriors." Despite their potentially lethal nature, those star-shaped quills could be used in traditional Ewok medicine.
Santherian TenHo Root Santherian tenho-root was a plant whose extract was also a potent drug. It was often used by abusers who desired a sense of escapism. When taking the drug, users often described it's effects as similar to that of watching a sunset.The extract was immensely effective on Falleen, who would experience intense psychotropic attacks after taking it.
Algarine Torve Weed Algarine torve weed was a kind of plant native to the Algaran system and could be used as a synthetic mood enhancer.
Relkass The Relkass sentinel plant was one of many cacti native to the planet of Relkass.The sentinel plant only bloomed during the planet's dry season. It also contained a chemical compound, which acted as a powerful narcotic. Even small amounts of the compound could drive a Draagax into a horrible madness.
Behot Behot was a species of herb that grew on the planet Mandalore. The herb was citrus-flavored and grew rapidly, making it the favored choice of ingredients for the Mandalorian beverage shig, a tisane brewed from a number of herbs. Behot was mildly antiseptic and stimulating, and capable of soothing an upset stomach. Shig brewed from behot possessed an amber color and the herb's citrus flavor. In 20 BBY, the Null-class ARC trooper Mereel used behot herbs in the shig he brewed for a pregnant Etain Tur-Mukan in order to help settle her stomach.bMereel's adopted father, Kal Skirata, also enjoyed a mug of behot-flavored shig when looking to calm his nerves. By the end of the Clone Wars, members of the anti-Imperial resistance on Toprawa had taken to growing behot locally on the Outer Rim world, using it to make their own shig. Resistance leader Degan Cor developed a fondness for shig brewed from behot, as did several of his rebel colleagues.
Kibo The Kibo was a rare, purple flowering plant native to Yavin 4. Its scent was strong and sweet and the seeds of the Kibo could restore sight.When Trioculus attacked Yavin 4 in 5 ABY, the fires he started brought the Kibo to the brink of extinction. Many years later, Galactic Alliance Chief of State Cal Omas kept a Kibo blossom in bronzium vase on his desk.
Bota Bota was a rare plant species native to very few planets in the galaxy such as Drongar. It was highly valued during the Clone Wars, as it had certain medicinal effects for each species and supposedly gave Jedi a stronger connection to the Force. It would become useless some time after it left the planet unless it was frozen in carbonite. 
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