#Can't wait to get back into gifmaking again. :)
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iero · 5 months ago
Breaking news: I have finally figured out how to change the Photoshop scratch disk location to my external hard drive. I can finally gif again! *Everyone disliked that*
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hils79 · 7 months ago
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 16
Can't believe I'm at the end already. I forget that althought kdrama episodes are long there's a lot less of them
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Of course he escaped. This dude really is like the terminator
Going under the cut because I don't want to spoil the ending
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Well in a twist of irony he got hit by a truck and knocked into the river, which is what he did to Im Sol before this drama even started. I'm assuming he's not coming back from this and the rest of the drama will be about Im Sol and Sunjae sorting out their relationship
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Oh. I thought that was going to take longer. There's still over an hour left to go on the episode!
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They are so damn cute I can't deal with it
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Poor Taesung. While Im Sol and Sunjae are snuggling and being adorable he's all beaten up and feels bad that someone died that he was chasing. He's a good boy. I want him to be happy.
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Sunjae: I want to buy cake for my perfect girlfriend but no one can so we're dating so I'll just buy cake for everyone. I'm so smart.
I love him
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I love that he's acting all cool but we all know what a nerd he is
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I don't care how sweet and handsome he is if someone started pokling me while I was trying to write that laptop would be coming down on his head
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Like that
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I was going to use my usual congrats on the sex gif but they are still fully clothed so I guess they just snuggled
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Yeah, I'm glad that they're all happy and in love now but I think they both have a ton of trauma that they probably need to work through at some point
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I love that even Im Sol joking about them being married made Sunjae's brain go offline
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Made his brain go offline and made him decide that actually, yes, he does want to marry her. LOL I can't wait to see how this conversation goes
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I love Taesung so much
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Aww they have to get drunk and bond in every timeline
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I know they're a band rather an an idol group but imagine being at a baby's birthday party and BTS or someone like that shows up to perform
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I love grandma so much
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Yeah, I'm, crying too
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He had his 5 minutes of being a cool celebrity and now he's back to being a dork again
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I'm really glad they haven't gone down the route of 'she has the man she loves and that's all she needs for her happy ending'. Look at her being awesome as a movie director. Love it!
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Heh that looks very similar to the software I used to when I tried to learn video editing. Ironically I decided it was too time consuming as a hobby so I decided to do gifmaking instead which is just as time consuming
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Aww yay! I really enjoyed this! I don't watch a whole lot of het romance dramas but I'm really glad I watched this one. I absolutely loved it!
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chronically-ghosted · 1 year ago
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So, it's October -- crazy, right? About three months ago, I got waaay too emotionally invested in Din Djarin and baby Grogu and the Razor Crest and, well, here we are. This blog served as a way to unleash the infectious brainrot of Pedro back into the ecosystem, hopefully finding another victim. What I got back, is community. I've been in fandom for over ten years and I can honestly say I've never seen a fandom that is so kind, so supportive, so eager to share and talk and engage with others.
So, in the three months since this blog was created, you lovely people continue to show up and everyday I am gobsmacked at the growth and support. I genuinely don't know how I would have survived these last few months had I not met some of you, so as the (shoddily made) gif says: thank you.
I've just now wrapped up my 100 Followers Event Challenge (y'all sent me so many fantastic prompts I had SO much fun!). If you're interested, they're on my masterlist or you can find them all here on this post. I'm taking an itty bitty break from writing for just a bit (might be getting a new job too) but when i come back, i can't wait to share what comes next for all our pedro blorbos!)
Now that I'm a bit more settled and have had the chance to meet some of these fantastic creators, I'd love to share them out with you:
My Favorite Places to Make PPCU Friends (Discord Servers):
Pedro Pascal Cinematic Universe (I got invited by @jupiter-soups)
Space Sisters - give @psychedelic-ink a shout if you'd like to join!
My Favorite Compilations for Fics:
Favourite Fanfic Stories (managed by @morallyinept)
Sanctuary Database (managed by @pascalsanctuary)
Spreadsheet Digest (managed by @wannab-urs)
(these folks are also some of the nicest people you'll ever meet so please do yourself a favor and go follow them)
My Favorite Creators:
@perotovar is a next level gifmaker
@trulybetty has some of the best designs i've ever seen
@daddy-dins-girl has some of the best pedro character alignment charts -- it makes me laugh every time!
@iamdesibell has my entire heart and soul with all her fanart
@saradika keeps us fed with gorgeous moodboards and dividers
Fandom lives and dies by its community so please reblog, tag, or comment if you like a piece of fanart, fanfic, or anything else someone has created that vibes with you! If you'd like to rec something or someone, please let me know -- as you can see, i love holding up other writers and creators and i always wanna hear about your fave!
My ask box is always open for requests, questions, comments, or if you wanna just bitch about how your stupid old car failed you again, I wanna hear about that too 🤍thank you all for accepting me and my silly little stories!
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sherrymagic · 11 months ago
#ep 3 made me start thinking of like 17 other pointless sets apart from my punk ploy series somebody pls talk me back to my senses
nonono no senses here only gifsets! i started watching this for punk ploy and prez ploy but i'm surprisingly enjoying it a lot, i can't wait to see all the ploys reunited and being friends 🥺
Sasaaaa 👀💐 you're not supposed to encourage me on this, i already am the slowest gifmaker on earth now i can't start spending my time on giffing a show only you, me and my other personalities are watching (screencapping right now like the hypocrite i am)
i am surprisingly enjoying it a lot too although i admit i only started to watch to support Mond and my girl Film but now here i am giggling at every MekPloy scene & begging the almighty lord of gayness to put Prez and Punk together in the same scene again you know? and i can't wait for the girls to get reunited either, i don't even care of the combined beauty possibly ending us all i need to see why Punk can't forgive Prez for the switch and how she actually will and then all of them being besties 🥺
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kit-teung · 2 years ago
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme ):)
template by @fiercynn, tagged by @hereforlou! this is exciting, thank you so much for tagging me <3
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
i'm (na)tasha, a freelance artist from eastern europe, i really love mountains, lemons, teal colour and when it's hot as hell outside. you might know me from c-drama/novel fandoms - that's what i mostly draw on my main blog (which i'm being weirdly secretive about, but if you want to know the url you can message me about it off anon)
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
episode 5 was trending on here and a mutual who abandoned tumblr almost completely suddenly came back to reblog like 15 rooftop kiss gifsets in a row, scream in tags and then disappear again which made me go huh. what's all this then. lemme check out the first episode. and then by the time episode 6 aired a few days later i'd been already all caught up (can't remember exactly but since i have a tendency towards binge-watching i have a suspicion i watched all five episodes nearly in one sitting). for some personal reasons i'd rather not get into i never got a chance to create anything back then when it was airing and after, and so here i am finally joining the fandom more than a year later!
favorite ship(s)
(apart from the obvious) 📢📢📢TONGYOD📢📢📢 !!! also i was never big on crossover ships but then our skyy 2 happened and altered my brain chemistry
favorite character(s)
sometimes it's pran, sometimes it's pat. i don't control the part of my brain that decides which one of them to hyperfixate on out of the blue
favorite episode(s)
(again, apart from the obvious) i really love episodes 2-4 where they get to reunite and just hang out with each other. i love you bus stop shenanigans. also episode 11 because i'm a sucker for beach episodes, especially when they are mellow and bittersweet
favorite scene(s)
episode 8 balcony scene my beloved. inkpa darkroom confession scene and the way love's voice was trembling as she was on the verge of crying. also that bit in episode 11 where pat wakes up alone, goes out and sees pran playing the guitar outside and pran turns to greet him and SMILES SO SO BIG ugh my heart is doing somersaults as i'm typing this
one thing you would change about the show if you could
put pat in crop tops. cmon
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
any of the artworks by @thatgothsamurai, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @shikanji, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @hereforlou, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @kornswasianguyswag, but especially this one
this fanvid, the best fanvid ever that i've accidentally stumbled upon when searching up "bad buddy same page" (i think i was looking for the mock trailer lol)
this fic by @oldlace
this fic by @aroceu
and a special shoutout to all the wonderful gifmakers and meta writers, you guys are the real mvps <3
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
well, i haven't drawn much bbs fanart yet, but from the ones i've done so far i especially love this inkpa
also pls look at this korn i drew in the bbs discord server
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a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
does same page count if it technically wasn't in the show ah no wait pat sang it in episode 12 damn it ok this one i guess
idk anything else you want us to know?
this show's name in my native language is a pun that i can't explain
unfortunately i don't really know anyone in this fandom yet (unless.. @aroceu have you done this thing?), so i'm not tagging anyone, but if you're reading this and you really want to do this, you can say i tagged you!
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seekforwarmth · 1 year ago
hi, lou! 💙
thank you for your great wishes. i really feel better now, don't worry! 🫂
i think i have watched two or three documentaries. can you recommend me your top 3 favorite? 😄
oh, i understand how you feel. i have been in a writing rut for few days. i think was a bit too harsh on myself, because i just want it to be perfect, you know? and i'm not really satisfied with what i have written til now. as you know, this is my first time participating in this kind of fests, so i was wondering... what does a "check-in" mean for the event? my work should be ready til the date of the check-in or...? 😞
it's so good to see louis again. i missed his pretty face so much. he looked so happy and smiley. can't wait to see more from him this year. 🐳
scotland and brazil sound amazing! one of my friends went to study in scotland and after she graduated from college, she decided to stay and work there instead of coming back to my hometown. i have always dreamed about traveling all over the world. the most recent destination i put on my wish list is madeira island. 🦋
my questions for the day: what inspired you to make gifs and gifsets? how did you learn to make them? 😇
take care,
- your secret valentine 🥹
hi, my love! 💖
i’m glad you’re better but just in case, pls know that you always come first.
mind you, i haven’t watched a lot, i have just started so i don’t have favourites yet. but i’ll mention the last ones i watched and maybe they seem of interest to you: “american nightmare”, “keep sweet”, and “escaping twin flames”. check out the warnings though, they deal with heavy topics.
i completely understand you bc it’s how i always feel when writing a fic, i want everything to be perfect, but we’re humans and we’re not perfect. the best thing we can do is just enjoy the process. i know you can’t tell me too much 🤭 but ask yourself what are you most excited to write abt and then write it (a first kiss? a conflict? the end?). it may help you to see with clarity where your story is going. like, i stopped working on my wip for several days bc i can’t seem to write any descriptions but yesterday i was like “what if i just write the dialogues and leave the rest for later?” and that’s what i did, so now i’m excited to keep working on the dialogues and i can add the descriptions later, or change them as the story goes idk. and maybe i’m just biased but to me you’re amazing, and i’m sure your story will be too bc you’re the one writing it. <3
as for the “check-in”, i think they just want to make sure that the person is working on the gift bc if i remember correctly, the creation period marks until february 13th which means you have until pretty much the very last minute to finish everything. i’m so nervous abt it bc it seems so close now but i’m sure we both can do it! 😁
seeing louis was everything i needed and more tbh! i feel that’s why i was extra motivated yesterday. just seeing him makes me extremely happy 🤧
madeira island sounds amazing! i just googled it and it looks like a great place to visit. i hope you get the chance to do it!
ooooof, i hope i don’t bore you with this lol. when i first joined the fandom, i met a person (i won’t name them out of respect bc it’s a unique name and maybe they don’t want ppl to know, they’re not in the fandom anymore) who knew how to make gifs and graphics. i felt like i wasn’t contributing to fandom anything bc the only thing i did was reblogging (which btw that’s already doing so much in this era where no one wants to reblog anything), so i asked this person if they could teach me how to make them. i started with graphics bc it was easier for me to work with pictures and stuff, and once i get the hang of it, i started with gifs. the first ones i made were of louis saying “soccer” for the usaians benefit 🤧 but anyway, even before starting making gifs, i was in a gc with a lot of gifmakers and they were very welcoming but i felt alien being the only one who didn’t know what they were talking abt when they were complaining abt frames, and quality, and colouring 🫠 i have to thank A LOT of ppl in the fandom who used to make tutorials, share their colouring tips, and just in general were very supportive. none of them is in the fandom anymore but you can still see their gifs around heheh. i know i’m not the fastest one making them, but i still feel proud of the quality and the colouring in my gifs <3
i have a question for you! if louis was an actor, what kind of movie would you like him to be in? 🤩
take care, my sweet!
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expensivemistake · 3 years ago
5, 10, 34, 37, 38 for giffing asks <3
(Giffing asks) <3
Ooh ooh ooh thank you so much!!!
5. What is your favorite movie/TV show to gif? Right now, definitely Umbrella Academy, although each season has a pretty distinct look which makes them pretty hard to combine into a gif. I also loved Glee, specifically doing songs that took place on a stage, because the colours already feel bright, interesting and enhanced by stage lighting.
10. What was the first gif you ever posted? I can't remember the first ever gif (singular) but I remember I started gifmaking in the glee fandom by doing a little set for each of my top five characters at the time. I've attempted to track down the early sets but I genuinely can't see them, even after going on blog archives, but here's a few from the first one that I found on google.
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As you can tell, they look like ass hahahaha.
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out. Oh god, the only gifset I remember taking forever was I'm Still Here, but I hated that one. I think maybe this Mash Up one. There were so many parts, and the layout was kinda tricky to make work. But also I thought it was pretty cool and unique and I was proud of it.
WAIT. Rose's Turn!!! If anyone can find my Rose's Turn set, I'll reblog it here. Because I was SO proud of that one, and it took a long, long time to get right, because it was my first blending experiment.
37. What sets, if any, do you have planned to make in the future?Oooh! Right now most of them are Umbrella Academy sets. I've still got five more to do for my TUA request meme, so I'm sort of planning for that. I really want to gif a specific bouncy castle scene, so I'll probably do that at some point. And I also want to do more music-based sets, probably based on different needle drops in that show. And at some point I'd like to do more Glee sets again, even just if I did a few songs/scenes and stuff. I also meant to do some Everything Everywhere All at Once stuff a while back, so that's absolutely on my list of things to make gifs of.
38. What are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet Ooh, I don't know. I'm not really looking forward to any specific media right now. I normally stay limited in my gifmaking and what I actually do, rather than just... a lot of media.
Thank you so much for these!!! This was fun to work out and answer!!! xx
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gunmetal-ring · 3 years ago
Oh and you know what, the way that the caryl spinoff happens is that right after commonwealth is overturned Carol and Daryl get a moment alone in one of their houses or rooms or something and Daryl says something with a wry smile about new Mexico half joking like he did in s10 finale but very clearly not expecting her to say yes.
And then Carol says "let's do it" without a hint of a smile or joke and he blinks in surprise and is very guarded and asks "that what you want?" and she smiles very small but still a smile and says "more than anything" and he searches her face and waits and then she breathes out shakily but looks him in the eyes and quietly says "because I love you too" and then his eyes get all glassy and so do hers and then a beat passes and they meet each other in the middle for a kiss and then Daryl actually smiles and so does she and then there's lots of montage-y shots (reminiscent of Maggie and Glenn in the prison tower that one time after he apologizes for the way he handled to Governor sexually assaulting her) so lots of kissing and some giggling and rolling around in bed and medium speed of stripping each other of their clothes and as she pulls off his shirt she brushes against a scar on his back and he holds her gaze and she has a soft look on her face and kisses him very softly as she runs her finger back over them deliberately and it's all very soft in the evening with lights on but they're dimmed so we can see the scene very well and our caryl gifmakers have something to work with and their score is playing in the background and the final shot of their sex scene is a profile shot, both of them without shirts, Carol sitting in his lap as he's sitting up, foreheads touching with eyes closed as they breathe each other's air and then after a moment a passionate kiss and fade out
And then an afterglow at night with only the moonlight but its still very easy to see where maybe she's laying on his bare chest with the sheet covering her bare chest bc women's nipples are FORBIDDEN and they're just quiet and then he breaks the silence and says "let's do it" and she lifts up her head and says "hmm?" And he says "new Mexico. Let's do it" and she chuckles and says "now?" And he says "no time like the present" and she props herself up on her elbow so that she can see him and he's serious and she waits a beat and then smiles and says "sounds good to me" and they kiss again and then it cuts to whatever other scene is super duper important to the rest of the show
And then they leave the house in the morning and shut the door and they squeeze hands and then break apart with a knowing smile and princess is just standing off to the side and they didn't notice her and she's like "aw damn I knew it I'm smart as hell" and they both freeze wide eyed and faces turn red and princess smirks and says "don't worry I'm real good at keeping secrets" and then later we see them saying their goodbyes and Carol and zeke have a nice closure scene where he gives her his blessing and daryls standing off to the side far enough away that he can't hear but they lock eyes and zeke nods and Daryl nods back and then Carol and Daryl hop on the bike and ride off and their series wrap is a shot of them on the road and she smiles and says "faster" and he glances back and smiles too and says "hold on tight" and she buries her face in his back and he speeds up and they're off
Alright this was basically a fanfic lol but whatever idc
Alright I'm doing a 11b caryl wishlist mostly to see how much my wishlist is ignored by tptb:
Carol and Leah meet. Idc how plot-holey it needs to be in order for this to work. It must happen.
Daryl needs to kill Leah/let her fuck off forever without a single ounce of guilt. Ideally she'd be fighting with/almost killing Carol and he's like. Leah is the new Richard. If Carol gets killed or bit or gets a fever or gets struck by lightning I will kill Leah without hesitation or an ounce of guilt
Carol needs to tearfully say "why did you do that, I'm not worth it, you killed her and you cared about her" a la the cave scene with Connie
Daryl needs to wave his hands around in frustration and snap "Don't you get it it's you it's always been you I'll never hate you bc I love you"
And Carol will be shocked silent and then something urgent will interrupt the scene and/or Daryl will stomp off in frustration while she watches in silent shock
Then and I can't believe I'm saying this but it would be so delicious if either they rarely get another moment alone together for the rest of 11b but they're always exchanging charged glances while the group is discussing how to take over commonwealth or whatever and 2 times the group disperses and they're left alone and Daryl gives her a chance to say something but it clearly always gets stuck in her throat and he stomps off with a disappointed shake of his head and then their last scene together alone in 11b he gives her 1 last chance to say it back and she chokes out tearfully "Daryl, I-" and her hands shake and she breaks off and can't continue and he says "I know you feel the same. But you gotta stop this shit." And she again says tearfully in a shaky voice "I'm trying" and he says "I know" and squeezes her hand before walking away
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